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The authors studied the optic rotation dispersion of serum albumin in patients suffering from cholecystitis and acute appendicitis. Conforming changes in these forms of pathology characterized by despiralization processes were established. A method of purification of albumin from its modified forms, possibly causing the mentioned changes in the albumin structure is suggested.  相似文献   

The binding of n-butanol, benzyl alcohol, and trifluoroethanol to polyproline I (all peptide bonds in cis configuration) and II (all peptide bonds in trans configuration) has been demonstrated. It was found by infrared spectroscopy that hydrogen bonds are formed between the CO groups of the polymer and the OH groups of the alcohols. Their strength increases from n-butanol via benzyl alcohol to trifluoroethanol. The binding of benzyl alcohol could also be followed by optical rotatory dispersion due to the fact that the electronic transitions of the benzyl ring are rendered optically active by the binding to the polymer.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism, optical rotatory dispersion and absorption of rhodopsin, the visual pigment of bovine rod outer segment membranes, were studied in situ and in membranes solubilized with various detergents. The -helical content of the membrane protein is approximately 30%. The membrane protein possesses little -structure. Solubilization of the membrane by the detergents, Emulphogene BC-720 and cetyltrimethylammonium salts, results in loss of protein helical structure and perturbation of aromatic residues. These effects are not observed on digitonin solubilization.In regard to the structural stability of the membrane during bleaching, the following conclusions were reached: (1) Delocalized conformational changes of rhodopsin in situ involving secondary and/or tertiary structure are very unlikely. (2) Localized conformational changes of rhodopsin in situ involving secondary structure must be limited to the involvement of no more than three amino acid residues and localized conformational changes involving tertiary structure must be limited to very short segments of the protein chain containing, at the most, only a few aromatic residues. (3) Large changes in the interaction of lipid and protein moieties of the membrane are unlikely. (4) The detergents, Emulphogene, cetyltrimethylammonium salts, and digitonin, significantly decrease the conformational stability of rhodopsin as compared to the in situ conditions. The effect is smaller with digitonin.Evidence is presented against a proposed mechanism by which optical activity of the prosthetic group, retinal, is induced by resonance coupling of the transition dipoles of retinal and the lowest energy transitions of the aromatic groups of the apoprotein, opsin. A mechanism in which atropisomers of retinal are preferentially bound by opsin is consistent with the present results. The optical activity of the prosthetic group is markedly changed upon solubilization of the membrane by detergent. This change in optical activity is probably coupled to changes in conformation of the protein moiety induced by solubilization.This work is based in part upon a Ph.D. dissertation submitted by C.N.R. to The Ohio State University (1974). A preliminary report of this work was presented at the sixteenth annual meeting of the Biophysical Society, Toronto, Canada, February, 1972, Abstracts SaPM-H8 and SaPM-H9  相似文献   

When a limited region of the experimental electronic circular dichroism (ECD) spectrum is subjected to Kramers-Kronig (KK) transformation, the resulting optical rotatory dispersion (ORD) may or may not reproduce the experimentally measured ORD in the long-wavelength nonresonant region. If the KK transform of experimentally measured ECD in a limited wavelength region reproduces the experimentally measured ORD in the long-wavelength nonresonant region, then that observation indicates that the ORD in the long-wavelength nonresonant region should be satisfactorily predicted from the correspondingly limited number of electronic transitions in a reliable quantum mechanical calculation. On the other hand, if the KK transform of experimentally measured ECD in a limited region does not reproduce the experimentally measured ORD in the long-wavelength nonresonant region, then it should be possible to identify the ECD bands in the shorter wavelength region that are responsible for the differences between experimentally observed ORD and KK-transformed ECD. This approach helps to identify the role of ECD associated with higher energy-excited states in the nature of ORD in the long-wavelength nonresonant region. These concepts are demonstrated here by measuring the experimental ECD and ORD for dimethyl-L-tartrate in different solvents. While ECD spectra of dimethyl-L-tartrate in different solvents show little variation, ORD spectra in the long-wavelength nonresonant region show marked solvent dependence. These observations are explained using the difference between experimental ORD and KK-transformed ECD. Quantum mechanical predictions of ECD and ORD are also presented for isolated (R, R)-dimethyl tartrate at the B3LYP/aug-cc-pVDZ level.  相似文献   

The effect of salts on the coil-to-helix transition of poly-α-amino acids was investigated by optical rotatory dispersion and potentiometric titration techniques. Both charge-dependent and charge-independent contributions to the free energy were considered. The free energy of formation ΔF° of the uncharged α-helix from the uncharged random coil for poly-L -glutamic acid (PGA) decreases very rapidly in the limit of zero added salt concentration. This effect probably depends on the uncertainty affecting the choice of the extrapolation of the apparent pK for the random coil at low ionic strength. Above 0.1 M salt, where the free energy determination becomes meaningful, the anions and cations investigated do not affect the value of ΔF°, with the exception of Li+. Our data support the point of view that this cation binds to the peptide group. A class of salts produces an increase of the helical content of poly-L -ornithine (PO) both at low and high degree of ionization. This effect appears to be anion dependent. It is shown that (1) no change of ΔF° is involved; (2) recent theories of polyelectrolyte solutions cannot account for our results. We suggest that a true site binding of the anions to the charged amino groups occurs. The role of electrostatic binding in determining the conformational stability of proteins in the presence of some anions is stressed, and a general treatment for the electrostatic binding equilibria is outlined.  相似文献   

Poly-L -prolines I and II were differentiated by the characteristic bands in the far infrared region. Form I showed two broad bands at about 280 and 160 cm?1 and form II two bands at, 400 and 670 cm.?1. Furthermore, three broad bands at about 250, 200, and 100 cm.?1 were observed in the spectrum for form II. Infrared absorption bands of the pentamer, hexamer, and octamer of tert-amyloxycarbonyl-L -proline were almost similar to those of poly-L -proline II in the 1800–75 cm.?1 region. In the far-infrared region, especially, the absorption bands of these three oligopeptides were in good agreement with that of poly–L –proline II. Accordingly we concluded that the molecules of pentamer, hexamer, and octamer had a helical structure of a left-handed threefold screw axis. The tetrapeptide of tert-amyloxycarbonyl-L -proline might also have a left-handed helix, probably one turn, since the tetramer clearly showed an absorption band at about 400 cm.?-1 characteristic of poly–L –proline II.  相似文献   

E Sh Ismailov 《Biofizika》1976,21(5):940-942
No beta-structures of protein molecules were observed by IR-spectra of intact erythrocyte shadows. Ultra high frequency irradiation in the range of 1009 mHz intensity of 45 mW/cm3 results in small conformational reconstructions of molecules in the membrane, but it does not induce a notable transition of alpha-helix or coil into beta-structure. A decrease of the intensity of lipid band by 1740 cm-1 is shown up at the spectra. Deuterium exchange for 36--38 min shows that the transition of the band amide II near 1540 cm-1 into the band 1450 cm-1 proceeds faster under UHF irradiation than in the control. The effects observed are in a direct relation-ship with the intensity of UHF-field and disappear at the intensities of 5--8 mW/cm3 and lower.  相似文献   

Electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) experiments were performed on 14N (natural abundance) and 15N-enriched iron-sulfur Rieske protein in the ubiquinol-cytochrome c2 oxidoreductase from Rhodobactor capsulatus. The experiments proved that two distinct nitrogenous ligands, histidines, are undoubtedly ligated to the Rieske [2Fe-2S] center. The calculations of hyperfine tensors give values similar but not identical to those of the Rieske-type cluster in phthalate dioxygenase of Pseudomonas cepacia and suggest a slightly different geometry of the iron-sulfur cluster in the two proteins.  相似文献   

Absorption and fluorescence excitation spectra were measuredfor batch cultures of five species of marine phytoplankton grownunder high and low light. These spectra were examined for propertiescharacteristic of taxonomic position and of photoadaptive response.While regions of absorption and excitation of chlorophyll afluorescence diagnostic of pigment composition were identifiable,photoadaptive response had greater influence on spectral variability.Although reduced growth irradiance caused changes in both theabsorption and fluorescence excitation spectra, the fluorescenceexcitation spectrum appears to be more sensitive to alterationsin the ambient light field for growth than does the absorptionspectrum. For a single species. the fluorescence excitationspectrum for a sample grown at low irradiance showed greaterstructure than that for the sample grown at a high irradiance.Under low light conditions, the excitation of chlorophyll afluorescence by accessory pigments increased relative to theexcitation by chlorophyll a itself The highest fluorescenceyields occur in the blue-green region of the spectrum, correspondingto bands of peak absorption by the accessory pigments. Changesin absorption spectra are less marked, but two features recur.First. in the blue-green region of the spectrum from -500–560nm. absorption is enhanced in the low-light cells relative tothat of the high-light cells. Second, the ratio of absorptionat 435 nm to that at 676 nm was greater for the high-light cells.Correlating changes in pigment concentrations were observed.The influence of photoadaptation on the properties of fluorescenceexcitation spectra is as great or greater than the influenceof pigment complements characteristic of specific algal taxa.  相似文献   

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