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The antischistosomal agent, hycanthone methanesulfonate (HMS), was employed to illustrate the utility of carrying out several mutagenicity tests in a single concurrent animal experiment. Several commonly used procedures that were successfully integrated into a multiple testing protocol included (1) metaphase analysis in bone marrow, (2) micronucleus test in bone marrow, (3) analysis of the urine for mutagenic constituents, and (4) the host-mediated assay using Salmonella typhimurium. In addition to these animal studies, in vitro mutagenicity testing with and without activation was carried out using S. typhimurium. HMS produced positive, dose--response effects in in vitro tests, metaphase analysis, micronucleus test, and urine analysis, but not in the host-mediated assay. The results of these integrated techniques suggest that such a protocol may be a benefit to those concerned with mutagenicity testing of chemicals.  相似文献   

Mutagenicities of AF-2, MNNG, 4NQO, aflatoxin B1, benzo[a]pyrene P-1 with or without metabolic activation, were inactivated by treatment with human saliva to a great extent in the Ames test with salmonella typhimurium test strains TA98 and TA100. Mutagenic activities of quercetin, pyrolsates of beef, salmon and sodium glutamate, and condensate of cigarette smoke were also decreased to some extent by saliva treatment, but no significant effect was found on the activity of MMS and pyrolysate of polypeptone. These effects showed individual variations.The inhibition of AF-2 mutagenicity by saliva varied with temperature in TA100 but not in TA98 cultures. Boiled saliva inactivated AF-2 mutagenicity in TA98 to some extent but not in TA100 cultures. Inactivation of AF-2 mutagenicity by saliva treatment was completed within 30 sec.Complex mechanisms may be involed in the inactivation of mutagenicity of carcinogens by saliva, including biochemical reactions with enzymes, vitamins, etc. and/or adsorption with high molecular weight substances in saliva such as proteins, bacterial cells, mucous materials, etc.  相似文献   

Summary The review discusses the variety of methods for activation of indirect mutagens/carcinogens and testing them in cell cultures, especially in mammalian cell cultures.After the necessity for including metabolizing components in mutagenicity tests has been pointed out, the enzymes that transform foreign compounds metabolically, and the factors influencing them, are described. In the main section the various methods of activating indirect mutagens/carcinogens are presented. The methods of including in vivo metabolism in mutagenicity tests are: Analysis of cells from organisms contaminated with a chemical (III.1.a); body fluid-mediated mutagenesis (III.1.b); host-mediated assay (III.1.c).The following activation systems are suitable for including in vitro metabolism of test compounds in mutagenicity tests: Liver and lung perfusion (III.2.a.); organ slices and homogenates (III.2.a.); subcellular fractions (III.2.a.); cultivated cells (cell-mediated mutagenesis) (III.2.b); nonenzymatic activation systems (III.2.c).Finally the main factors that influence the metabolism of test substances are summarized. Two figures illustrate the mutagenicity tests with regard to the metabolism of mammalian livers and the methods of performing mutagenicity tests in man.  相似文献   

The antischistosomal agent, hycanthone methanesulfonate (HMS), was employed to illustrate the utility of carrying out several mutagenicity tests in a single concurrent animal experiment. Several commonly used procedures that were successfully integrated into a multiple testing protocol included (1) metaphase analysis in bone marrow, (2) micronucleus test in bone marrow, (3) analysis of the urine for mutagenic constituents, and (4) the host-mediated assay using Salmonella typhimurium. In addition to these animal studies, in vitro mutagenicity testing with and without activation was carried out using S. typhimurium.HMS produced positive, dose—response effects in in vitro tests, metaphase analysis, micronucleus test, and urine analysis, but not in the host-mediated assay. The results of these integrated techniques suggest that such a protocol may be a benefit to those concerned with mutagenicity testing of chemicals.  相似文献   

Female BALB/c mice were fed a low fat diet (1% safflower oil, by weight) or one supplemented with 25% (by weight) of beef fat or olive oil. The abilities of these diets to modify the in vitro and in vivo hepatic conversion of the dietary carcinogens aflatoxin B1, 2-amino-3, 4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (MeIQ) and 3-amino-1-methyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-2) to bacterial mutagens was evaluated. Dietary olive oil appeared to increase the metabolism of both MeIQ and Trp-P-2 to bacterial mutagens in vivo using the intrasanguineous host-mediated assay. Feeding mice either of the high-fat diets increased hepatic conversion of these two compounds to bacterial mutagens in vitro. Dietary fat had no effect on the metabolism of aflatoxin B1. Subsequent experiments suggested that the in vivo effects of dietary olive oil on MeIQ and Trp-P-2 mutagenesis were due to the induction of hepatic enzyme activities rather than to increased rates of uptake of the carcinogen from the gut-lumen.  相似文献   

OPP: This paper provides the rationale and support for the decisions the OPP will make in requiring and reviewing mutagenicity information. The regulatory requirement for mutagenicity testing to support a pesticide registration is found in the 40 CFR Part 158. The guidance as to the specific mutagenicity testing to be performed is found in the OPP's Pesticide Assessment Guidelines, Subdivision F, Hazard Evaluation: Human and Domestic Animals (referred to as the Subdivision F guideline). A revised Subdivision F guideline has been presented that becomes the current guidance for submitters of mutagenicity data to the OPP. The decision to revise the guideline was the result of close examination of the version published in 1982 and the desire to update the guidance based on developments since then and current state-of-the-science. After undergoing Agency and public scrutiny, the revised guideline is to be published in 1991. The revised guideline consists of an initial battery of tests (the Salmonella assay, an in vitro mammalian gene mutation assay and an in vivo cytogenetics assay which may be either a bone marrow assay for chromosomal aberrations or for micronuclei formation) that should provide an adequate initial assessment of the potential mutagenicity of a chemical. Follow-up testing to clarify results from the initial testing may be necessary. After this information as well as all other relevant information is obtained, a weight-of-evidence decision will be made about the possible mutagenicity concern a chemical may present. Testing to pursue qualitative and/or quantitative evidence for assessing heritable risk in relation to human beings will then be considered if a mutagenicity concern exists. This testing may range from tests for evidence of gonadal exposure to dominant lethal testing to quantitative tests such as the specific locus and heritable translocation assays. The mutagenicity assessment will be performed in accordance with the Agency's Mutagenicity Risk Assessment Guidelines. The mutagenicity data would also be used in the weight-of-evidence consideration for the potential carcinogenicity of a chemical in accordance with the Agency's Carcinogen Risk Assessment Guidelines. In instances where there are triggers for carcinogenicity testing, mutagenicity data may be used as one of the triggers after a consideration of available information. It is felt that the revised Subdivision F guideline will provide appropriate, and more specific, guidance concerning the OPP approach to mutagenicity testing for the registration of a pesticide. It also provides a clearer understanding of how the OPP will proceed with its evaluation and decision making concerning the potential heritable effects of a test chemical.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A brief account is given of the history of the legislative acts that give responsibility to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for ensuring the safety of foods, drugs, and cosmetics. Within the present legislative framework the FDA has the authority to impose regulations which are designed to ensure the safety of all foods, drugs, and cosmetics. The existing legislative authority is adequate for this purpose; however, the difficulty lies instead with technology and the inadequacy of scientific perspective in the emerging area of mutagenicity testing. Earlier efforts in development of mutagenicity screening systems culminated only a few years ago in the proposal to use the host-mediated assay, somatic cell cytogenetics, and dominant lethal tests collectively. Subsequent research efforts indicated that there were serious practical and scientific deficiencies in using this approach. More recently a new proposal, the tier system, has been suggested as an alternative measure. The proposed tier system at FDA consists of three testing levels of increasing complexity. The first tier is an initial screening effort using techniques having maximum sensitivity that are also useful for large-scale, rapid testing. The second tier is designed to identify and confirm that the presumptive mutagens detected in the first tier are truly mutagenic for higher organisms, most especially, for mammals. The third tier would be devoted to explicit genetic tests in mammals designed to ascertain the imposed risk to man by the introduction of a mutagen in our environment. The FDA is currently involved in a number of research activities in the area of mutagenicity safety screening which will explore the adequacies and possible deficiencies of the tier system approach. These efforts are described for our in-house activities, our contract activities, and our cooperative and collaborative activities with other government agencies and institutions.  相似文献   

Induction of mutations by X-rays in Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells in which sister-strand recombination appears to be excluded is offered as evidence against a requirement for recombination radiation-induced mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Somatic eye-colour mutations in an unstable genetic system, caused by a transposable element in the white locus of the X-chromosome in Drosophila melanogaster, is suggested as an assay system for mutagenicity testing. The system is evaluated by comparison with a corresponding system in a stable X-chromosome. Its sensitivity is confirmed with X-ray and EMS treatment, and it is found to be confined to the specific segment of the X-chromosome where the transposable element is localized.  相似文献   

Cancer is a dread disease worldwide. Mortality of individuals suffering from cancer is high, despite the current improved methods of precocious detection, surgery and therapy. Prevention of cancer is the recognized goal of many activities in cancer research. This aim was recognized early to involve the bioassay of environmental chemicals or mixtures. The first such study involved application of coal tar to the ear of rabbits, and later on to the skin of mice. Subsequently, laboratory rats were introduced, and hamsters were utilized as a substitute for the unwieldy tests in rabbits. Investigators also became concerned with the mechanisms of carcinogenesis, and more definitive approaches to carcinogen bioassay in laboratory animals, as possible indicators of cancer risk in humans. These tests were expensive and lengthy, and did not serve the important purpose of accurately measuring risk of cancer to humans. Once it was realized that DNA and the genetic apparatus might be a key target, rapid bioassays in bacterial and mammalian cell systems were introduced successfully. Thus, batteries of tests are now available to detect effectively human cancer risks, and provide novel approaches to determine the underlying mechanisms, as a sound basis for cancer prevention.  相似文献   

In 1969, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) initiated the Monographs Programme to evaluate the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans. Results from short-term mutagenicity tests were first included in the IARC Monographs in the mid-1970s based on the observation that most carcinogens are also mutagens, although not all mutagens are carcinogens. Experimental evidence at that time showed a strong correlation between mutagenicity and carcinogenicity and indicated that short-term mutagenicity tests are useful for predicting carcinogenicity. Although the strength of these correlations has diminished over the past 20 years with the identification of putative nongenotoxic carcinogens, such tests provide vital information for identifying potential human carcinogens and understanding mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The short-term test results for agents compiled in the EPA/IARC Genetic Activity Profile (GAP) database over nearly 15 years are summarized and reviewed here with regard to their IARC carcinogenicity classifications. The evidence of mutagenicity or nonmutagenicity based on a 'defining set' of test results from three genetic endpoints (gene mutation, chromosomal aberrations, and aneuploidy) is examined. Recommendations are made for assessing chemicals based on the strength of evidence from short-term tests, and the implications of this approach in identifying mutational mechanisms of carcinogenesis are discussed. The role of short-term test data in influencing the overall classification of specific compounds in recent Monograph volumes is discussed, particularly with reference to studies in human populations. Ethylene oxide is cited as an example.  相似文献   

Sixteen carcinogens were evaluated in rats for their ability to induce micronuclei. The direct acting agent, ethyl methanesulfonate and the procarcinogens/promutagens, cyclophosphamide and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, induced dose-related increases in micronucleated polychromatophilic erythrocytes. Aflatoxin B1 also significantly increased the number of micronucleated polychromatophillic erythrocytes for 2 doses although no dose-response could be detected. Dimethylnitrosamine produced variable results. The remaining 11 compounds, 2-acetylaminofluorene, 4-aminobiphenyl, benzidine, diethylnitrosamine, dimethylbenzanthracene, 1,2-dimethylhydrazine, ethionine, ethyl carbamate, hexametapol, metronidazole, and beta-naphthylamine, failed to induce significantly increased numbers of micronuclei. The large number of false negative results obtained in the present investigations using the micronucleus test suggests that in vivo cytogenetic assays utilizing bone marrow may also lack the sensitivity needed to detect clastogenic effects of procarcinogens/promutagens which require tissue specific metabolic activation.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid plate test is described for screening substances that induce colicine E2. By using chemicals activated with microsomal enzymes and a permeable (rfa) tester bacterium that is also deficient in DNA repair (uvrB), the range of inducing substances that can be detected has been extended. The possible correlation between colicine-inducing substances and carcinogens is discussed.  相似文献   

The bacterial mutagenicities of a wide variety of complex heteroaromatic amine mutagens and carcinogens present in cooked foods are approximately related to the stabilities of the corresponding nitrenium ions through equations of the kind: log(m) = a delta delta H + b. The stabilities of the nitrenium ions (delta delta H) were computed using the semiempirical AM1 molecular orbital procedure. Parallel calculations of the energies, charge distributions and geometries of simple model compounds provides a qualitative framework within which the stabilities of the nitrenium ions derived from the food carcinogens can be easily understood.  相似文献   

Liver post-mitochondrial supernatants derived from 10 individuals were used as the source of metabolic activation for carcinogens in the Ames quantitative mutagenicity test using Salmonella typhimurium TA 100. The liver samples were obtained from brain-dead donors and autopsy cases. The ability of human enzymes to activate aromatic amines ranged from the undetectable to highly active for 2-acetylaminofluorene. None of the samples exhibited any ability to activate benzidine. A generally low activity was observed in the capability of human enzymes to activate the polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, 3-methylcholanthrene and benzo(a)pyrene. Most samples were positive for activating 4-nitrobiphenyl. However, the highest mutagenic activity in the presence of human enzymes was consistently observed for aflatoxin B1 and sterigmatocystin. These results indicated that (a) human enzyme systems, like rodent systems, are more effective in inducing mutagenic activity from mycotoxins than aromatic amines and polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons, and (b) samples derived from different individuals exhibited considerable variation in the ability to activate carcinogens belonging to a same class of compound.  相似文献   

Effects of diacylmethanes on the mutagenicity of 2-naphthohydroxamic acid, methylnitrosourea, benzo[a]pyrene and aflatoxin B1 in S. typhimurium and the tRNA binding by benzo[a]pyrene and aflatoxin B1 were investigated. Acetylacetone, benzoylacetone and dibenzoylmethane inhibited the mutagenicity of 2-naphthohydroxamic acid, and dibenzoylmethane and 1,3-indandione inhibited that of methylnitrosourea, benzo[a]pyrene and aflatoxin B1. The binding to tRNA of benzo[a]pyrene and aflatoxin B1 was inhibited by benzoylacetone and dibenzoylmethane, and dibenzoylmethane, 1,3-indandione and 1,1,1-trifluoroacetylacetone, respectively. The inhibition of methylnitrosourea mutagenicity was observed when the bacteria were exposed concomitantly to the inhibitors and the mutagen, but not when they were exposed to the inhibitors 1 h after exposure to the mutagen. These results demonstrate that active methylene compounds can inhibit mutagenicity and nucleic acid-binding of chemical carcinogens presumably by trapping carcinogenic electrophiles, and they are potential anti-carcinogenic agents during the initiation stage.  相似文献   

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