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The discovery of three Rad51 paralogs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Rad55, Rad57, and Dmc1), four in Schizosaccharomyces pombe (Rhp55, Rhp57, Rlp 1, and Dmc 1), and six in human (Rad51 B, Rad51 C, Rad51 D, Xrcc2, Xrcc3, and Dmcl) indicate the functional diversity and specialization of RecA-like proteins in the line from the lower to higher organisms. This paper reports characterization of a number of mitotic and meiotic phenotypes of the cells mutant in rlpl gene, encoding a paralog of Rad5 1, in fission yeasts. No evident role of Rlp I protein in the repair of spontaneous lesions emerging during mating type switching was found. Rlpl does not interact physically with Dmcl. An elevated expression of rhp51 has a dominant negative effect on the cell survivability of rlpl mutant exposed to a DNA-damaging agent. We assume that Rlp 1 acts at the stages of recombination connected with disassembling of the nucleoprotein filament formed by Rhp51 protein.  相似文献   

A new DNA repair gene from fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe rlp1+ (RecA-like protein) has been identified. Rlp1 shows homology to RecA-like proteins, and is the third S. pombe Rad51 paralog besides Rhp55 and Rhp57. The new gene encodes a 363 aa protein with predicted Mr of 41,700 and has NTP-binding motif. The rlp1Delta mutant is sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), ionizing radiation (IR), and camptothecin (CPT), although to a lesser extent than the deletion mutants of rhp55+ and rhp51+ genes. In contrast to other recombinational repair mutants, the rlp1Delta mutant does not exhibit sensitivity to UV light and mitomycin C (MMC). Mitotic recombination is moderately reduced in rlp1 mutant. Epistatic analysis of MMS and IR-sensitivity of rlp1Delta mutant indicates that rlp1+ acts in the recombinational pathway of double-strand break (DSB) repair together with rhp51+, rhp55+, and rad22+ genes. Yeast two-hybrid analysis suggests that Rlp1 may interact with Rhp57 protein. We propose that Rlp1 have an accessory role in repair of a subset of DNA damage induced by MMS and IR, and is required for the full extent of DNA recombination and cell survival under condition of a replication fork collapse.  相似文献   

Domain mapping of the Rad51 paralog protein complexes   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
The five human Rad51 paralogs are suggested to play an important role in the maintenance of genome stability through their function in DNA double-strand break repair. These proteins have been found to form two distinct complexes in vivo, Rad51B–Rad51C–Rad51D–Xrcc2 (BCDX2) and Rad51C–Xrcc3 (CX3). Based on the recent Pyrococcus furiosus Rad51 structure, we have used homology modeling to design deletion mutants of the Rad51 paralogs. The models of the human Rad51B, Rad51C, Xrcc3 and murine Rad51D (mRad51D) proteins reveal distinct N-terminal and C-terminal domains connected by a linker region. Using yeast two-hybrid and co-immunoprecipitation techniques, we have demonstrated that a fragment of Rad51B containing amino acid residues 1–75 interacts with the C-terminus and linker of Rad51C, residues 79–376, and this region of Rad51C also interacts with mRad51D and Xrcc3. We have also determined that the N-terminal domain of mRad51D, residues 4–77, binds to Xrcc2 while the C-terminal domain of mRad51D, residues 77–328, binds Rad51C. By this, we have identified the binding domains of the BCDX2 and CX3 complexes to further characterize the interaction of these proteins and propose a scheme for the three-dimensional architecture of the BCDX2 and CX3 paralog complexes.  相似文献   

Rad51 is crucial not only in homologous recombination and recombinational repair but also in normal cellular growth. To address the role of Rad51 in normal cell growth we investigated morphological changes of cells after overexpression of wild-type and a dominant negative form of Rad51 in fission yeast. Rhp51, a Rad51 homolog in Schizosaccharomyces pombe, has a highly conserved ATP-binding motif. Rhp51 K155A, which has a single substitution in this motif, failed to rescue hypersensitivity of a rhp51Δ mutant to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS) and UV, whereas it binds normally to Rhp51 and Rad22, a Rad52 homolog. Two distinct cellular phenotypes were observed when Rhp51 or Rhp51 K155A was overexpressed in normal cells. Overexpression of Rhp51 caused lethality in the absence of DNA-damaging agents, with acquisition of a cell cycle mutant phenotype and accumulation of a 1C DNA population. On the other hand, overexpression of Rhp51 K155A led to a delay in G2 with decondensed nuclei, which resembled the phenotype of rhp51Δ. The latter also exhibited MMS and UV sensitivity, indicating that Rhp51 K155A has a dominant negative effect. These results suggest an association between DNA replication and Rad51 function.  相似文献   


Yeast Rad52 DNA-repair mutants exhibit pronounced radiation sensitivity and a defect in homologous re combination (HR), whereas vertebrate cells lacking Rad52 exhibit a nearly normal phenotype. Bio chemical studies show that both yeast Rad52 and Rad55-57 (Rad51 paralogs) stimulate DNA-strand exchange mediated by Rad51. These findings raise the possibility that Rad51 paralogs may compensate for lack of Rad52 in vertebrate cells, explaining the absence of prominent phenotypes for Rad52-deficient cells. To test this hypothesis, using chicken DT40 cells, we generated conditional mutants deficient in both RAD52 and XRCC3, which is one of the five vertebrate RAD51 paralogs. Surprisingly, the rad52 xrcc3 double-mutant cells were non-viable and exhibited extensive chromosomal breaks, whereas rad52 and xrcc3 single mutants grew well. Our data reveal an overlapping (but non-reciprocal) role for Rad52 and XRCC3 in repairing DNA double-strand breaks. The present study shows that Rad52 can play an important role in HR repair by partially substituting for a Rad51 paralog.  相似文献   

The fission yeast cells that contained the cloned glutathione synthetase (GS) gene showed 1.4-fold higher glutathione (GSH) content and 1.9-fold higher GS activity than the cells without the cloned GS gene. Interestingly, gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase activity increased 2.1-fold in the S. pombe cells that contained the cloned GS gene. The S. pombe cells that harbored the multicopy-number plasmid pRGS49 (containing the cloned GS gene) showed a higher level of survival on solid media with cadmium chloride (1 mM) or mercuric chloride (10 microM) than the cells that harbored the YEp357R vector. The 506 bp upstream sequence from the translational initiation point and N-terminal 8 amino acid-coding region were fused into the promoterless beta-galactosidase gene of the shuttle vector YEp367R to generate the fusion plasmid pUGS39. Synthesis of beta-galactosidase from the fusion plasmid pUGS39 was significantly enhanced by cadmium chloride and NO-generating S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) and sodium nitroprusside (SN). It was also induced by L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine, a specific inhibitor of gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (GCS). We also found that the expression of the S. pombe GS gene is regulated by the Atf1-Spc1-Wis1 signal pathway.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA encoding a second thioredoxin (TRX2) was isolated from the chromosomal DNA of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The cloned sequence contains 1823 bp and encodes a protein of 121 amino acids. It has extra N-terminal 17 amino acid residues compared to previously identified thioredoxin (TRX1), which are positively charged and hydrophobic amino acids. The additional N-terminal region contains a plausible prepeptidase cleavage site, indicating that the TRX2 protein exists in mitochondria. The cloned TRX2 gene produced functional TRX estimated with insulin reduction assay. The upstream region of the TRX2 gene was fused into the promoterless beta-galactosidase gene of the shuttle vector YEp357R. The 782 bp sequence in the region further upstream of the TRX2 gene was found to be inhibitory in its expression. Synthesis of beta-galactosidase from the fusion plasmid pYFX135-HRL was enhanced by the addition of aluminum chloride and ferrous chloride, indicating that the TRX2 protein is involved in stress response.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are essential for regulation of cellular respiration, energy production, small molecule metabolism, anti-oxidation and cell ageing, among other things. While the mitochondrial genome contains a small number of protein-coding genes, the great majority of mitochondrial proteins are encoded by chromosomal genes. In the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe, 770 proteins encoded by chromosomal genes are located in mitochondria. Of these, 195 proteins, many of which are implicated in translation and transport, are absolutely essential for viability. We isolated and characterized eight temperature-sensitive (ts) strains with mutations in essential mitochondrial proteins. Interestingly, they are also sensitive to limited nutrition (glucose and/or nitrogen), producing low-glucose-sensitive and ‘super-housekeeping'' phenotypes. They fail to produce colonies under low-glucose conditions at the permissive temperature or lose cell viability under nitrogen starvation at the restrictive temperature. The majority of these ts mitochondrial mutations may cause defects of gene expression in the mitochondrial genome. mrp4 and mrp17 are defective in mitochondrial ribosomal proteins. ppr3 is defective in rRNA expression, and trz2 and vrs2 are defective in tRNA maturation. This study promises potentially large dividends because mitochondrial quiescent functions are vital for human brain and muscle, and also for longevity.  相似文献   

Rad51 is the key protein in homologous recombination that plays important roles during DNA replication and repair. Auxiliary factors regulate Rad51 activity to facilitate productive recombination, and prevent inappropriate, untimely or excessive events, which could lead to genome instability. Previous genetic analyses identified a function for Rrp1 (a member of the Rad5/16-like group of SWI2/SNF2 translocases) in modulating Rad51 function, shared with the Rad51 mediator Swi5-Sfr1 and the Srs2 anti-recombinase. Here, we show that Rrp1 overproduction alleviates the toxicity associated with excessive Rad51 levels in a manner dependent on Rrp1 ATPase domain. Purified Rrp1 binds to DNA and has a DNA-dependent ATPase activity. Importantly, Rrp1 directly interacts with Rad51 and removes it from double-stranded DNA, confirming that Rrp1 is a translocase capable of modulating Rad51 function. Rrp1 affects Rad51 binding at centromeres. Additionally, we demonstrate in vivo and in vitro that Rrp1 possesses E3 ubiquitin ligase activity with Rad51 as a substrate, suggesting that Rrp1 regulates Rad51 in a multi-tiered fashion.  相似文献   

The Rad51 protein from the methylotrophic yeast Pichia angusta (Rad51(Pa)) of the taxonomic complex Hansenula polymorpha is a homolog of the RecA-RadA-Rad51 protein superfamily, which promotes homologous recombination and recombination repair in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. We cloned the RAD51 gene from the cDNA library of the thermotolerant P. angusta strain BKM Y1397. Induction of this gene in a rad51-deficient Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain partially complemented the survival rate after ionizing radiation. Purified Rad51(Pa) protein exhibited properties typical of the superfamily, including the stoichiometry of binding to single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) (one protomer of Rad51(Pa) per 3 nucleotides) and DNA specificity for ssDNA-dependent ATP hydrolysis [poly(dC) > poly(dT) > phiX174 ssDNA > poly(dA) > double-stranded M13 DNA]. An inefficient ATPase and very low cooperativity for ATP interaction position Rad51(Pa) closer to Rad51 than to RecA. Judging by thermoinactivation, Rad51(Pa) alone was 20-fold more thermostable at 37 degrees C than its S. cerevisiae homolog (Rad51(Sc)). Moreover, it maintained ssDNA-dependent ATPase and DNA transferase activities up to 52 to 54 degrees C, whereas Rad51(Sc) was completely inactive at 47 degrees C. A quick nucleation and an efficient final-product formation in the strand exchange reaction promoted by Rad51(Pa) occurred only at temperatures above 42 degrees C. These reaction characteristics suggest that Rad51(Pa) is dependent on high temperatures for activity.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of fission yeast suggests a role for the spHop2–Mnd1 proteins in the Rad51 and Dmc1-dependent meiotic recombination pathways. In order to gain biochemical insights into this process, we purified Schizosaccharomyces pombe Hop2-Mnd1 to homogeneity. spHop2 and spMnd1 interact by co-immunoprecipitation and two-hybrid analysis. Electron microscopy reveals that S. pombe Hop2–Mnd1 binds single-strand DNA ends of 3′-tailed DNA. Interestingly, spHop2-Mnd1 promotes the renaturation of complementary single-strand DNA and catalyses strand exchange reactions with short oligonucleotides. Importantly, we show that spHop2-Mnd1 stimulates spDmc1-dependent strand exchange and strand invasion. Ca2+ alleviate the requirement for the order of addition of the proteins on DNA. We also demonstrate that while spHop2-Mnd1 affects spDmc1 specifically, mHop2 or mHop2-Mnd1 stimulates both the hRad51 and hDmc1 recombinases in strand exchange assays. Thus, our results suggest a crucial role for S. pombe and mouse Hop2-Mnd1 in homologous pairing and strand exchange and reveal evolutionary divergence in their specificity for the Dmc1 and Rad51 recombinases.  相似文献   

Yeast Rad51 promotes homologous pairing and strand exchange in vitro, but this activity is inefficient in the absence of the accessory proteins, RPA, Rad52, Rad54 and the Rad55-Rad57 heterodimer. A class of rad51 alleles was isolated that suppresses the requirement for RAD55 and RAD57 in DNA repair, but not the other accessory factors. Five of the six mutations isolated map to the region of Rad51 that by modeling with RecA corresponds to one of the DNA-binding sites. The other mutation is in the N-terminus of Rad51 in a domain implicated in protein-protein interactions and DNA binding. The Rad51-I345T mutant protein shows increased binding to single- and double-stranded DNA, and is proficient in displacement of replication protein A (RPA) from single-stranded DNA, suggesting that the normal function of Rad55-Rad57 is promotion and stabilization of Rad51-ssDNA complexes.  相似文献   

BRCA2 is a tumor suppressor gene that is linked to hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. Although the Brca2 protein participates in homologous DNA recombination (HR), its precise role remains unclear. From chicken DT40 cells, we generated BRCA2 gene-deficient cells which harbor a truncation at the 3' end of the BRC3 repeat (brca2tr). Comparison of the characteristics of brca2tr cells with those of other HR-deficient DT40 clones revealed marked similarities with rad51 paralog mutants (rad51b, rad51c, rad51d, xrcc2, or xrcc3 cells). The phenotypic similarities include a shift from HR-mediated diversification to single-nucleotide substitutions in the immunoglobulin variable gene segment and the partial reversion of this shift by overexpression of Rad51. Although recent evidence supports at least Xrcc3 and Rad51C playing a role late in HR, our data suggest that Brca2 and the Rad51 paralogs may also contribute to HR at the same early step, with their loss resulting in the stimulation of an alternative, error-prone repair pathway.  相似文献   

Metazoan Rad51 plays a central role in homologous DNA recombination, and its activity is controlled by a number of Rad51 cofactors. These include five Rad51 paralogs, Rad51B, Rad51C, Rad51D, XRCC2 and XRCC3. We previously hypothesized that all five paralogs participate collaboratively in repair. However, this idea was challenged by the biochemical identification of two independent complexes composed of either Rad51B/C/D/XRCC2 or Rad51C/XRCC3. To investigate if this biochemical finding is matched by genetic interactions, we made double mutants in either the same complex (rad51b/rad51d) or in both complexes (xrcc3/rad51d). In agreement with the biochemical findings the double deletion involving both complexes had an additive effect on the sensitivity to camptothecin and cisplatin. The double deletion of genes in the same complex, on the other hand, did not further increase the sensitivity to these agents. Conversely, all mutants tested displayed comparatively mild sensitivity to γ-irradiation and attenuated γ-irradiation-induced Rad51 foci formation. Thus, in accord with our previous conclusion, all paralogs appear to collaboratively facilitate Rad51 action. In conclusion, our detailed genetic study reveals a complex interplay between the five Rad51 paralogs and suggests that some of the Rad51 paralogs can separately operate in later step of homologous recombination.  相似文献   

One of the earliest events in the signal transduction cascade that initiates a DNA damage checkpoint is the phosphorylation on serine 139 of histone H2AX (gammaH2AX) at DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). However, the role of gammaH2AX in DNA repair is poorly understood. To address this question, we generated chicken DT40 cells carrying a serine to alanine mutation at position 139 of H2AX (H2AX(-/S139A)) and examined their DNA repair capacity. H2AX(-/S139A) cells exhibited defective homologous recombinational repair (HR) as manifested by delayed Rad51 focus formation following ionizing radiation (IR) and hypersensitivity to the topoisomerase I inhibitor, camptothecin (CPT), which causes DSBs at replication blockage. Deletion of the Rad51 paralog gene, XRCC3, also delays Rad51 focus formation. To test the interaction of Xrcc3 and gammaH2AX, we disrupted XRCC3 in H2AX(-/S139A) cells. XRCC3(-/-)/H2AX(-/S139A) mutants were not viable, although this synthetic lethality was reversed by inserting a transgene that conditionally expresses wild-type H2AX. Upon repression of the wild-type H2AX transgene, XRCC3(-/-)/H2AX(-/S139A) cells failed to form Rad51 foci and exhibited markedly increased levels of chromosomal aberrations after CPT treatment. These results indicate that H2AX and XRCC3 act in separate arms of a branched pathway to facilitate Rad51 assembly.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell polarity in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe is apparent in the restriction of extensile growth to the two ends of a cylindrically shaped cell, and in a specific transition - termed 'new-end take-off' (NETO) - between monopolar and bipolar growth mid-way through the cell cycle [1]. Several genes have been identified that affect one or more aspects of cell polarity (reviewed in [2] [3]), and the molecular pathways regulating cell polarity in fission yeast appear to be conserved among eukaryotes [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9], but it is less clear how the proteins involved organize polarity at the level of the entire cell. Here, we describe novel cytological markers of cell polarity in fission yeast and their unusual localization in the monopolar growth mutant orb2-34, which carries a non-lethal mutation in the essential gene shk1(+)/pak1(+)/orb2(+), which encodes a p21-activated kinase (PAK) family member [8] [9] [10] [11] [12]. Our results suggest that, in contrast to other monopolar-growing mutants, the monopolar phenotype of the orb2-34 mutant might not be due to a defect in activating end growth per se, but rather reflects a failure of one of the cell ends to maintain the molecular properties that identify an end. Thus, one role of the Shk1/Pak1 kinase in vivo might be to contribute to how a cell recognizes its ends as sites for growth.  相似文献   

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