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The detection and avoidance of parasitized conspecifics is proposed to have important consequences for the behavior of animals, especially as related to mate choice. A reduction in pain sensitivity (i.e. analgesia) is a major correlate of exposure to real or potential danger and threatening stimuli, facilitating the expression of various active (e.g. fleeing) and passive (e.g. immobilization) defense responses. The present study examined pain sensitivity (latency of a foot-lifting response to 50 ° C thermal surface) of female mice, Mus musculus, that were exposed to the urine and other odor secretions of male mice subclinically infected with the naturally occurring, enteric, sporozoan parasite, Eimeria vermiformis. A 30-min exposure to the odors of a parasitized male induced an analgesia in the female mice that was found to be mediated by the increased activity of endogenous opioid peptide systems. A brief 1-min exposure to the male odors induced a shorter duration and lower amplitude analgesia of a non-opioid (serotonergic) nature. Maximum analgesic responses were induced by the odors of pre-infective [5 days post-infection (PI)] and infective (day 10 PI) males, with significantly lower responses elicited by the odors of post-infective (day 17 PI) male mice. Exposure to the odors of unparasitized males had no significant effects on the pain sensitivity of female mice. These results indicate that female mice can distinguish between the odors of parasitized and non-parasitized male mice, and find the odors of parasitized males threatening and/or stressful. These odor-induced analgesic responses and their neurohormonal correlates may be part of an adaptive preparatory defense mechanism that facilitates the detection and avoidance of parasitized males by female mice and contributes to female mate choice.  相似文献   

Within short-terms after exposure to ionizing radiation, CBA and C57Bl/6 male mice were found not only to retain but also to enhance their attractiveness to chemosignals of intact males of the same genotype (syngenic). It was shown that the time period of higher attractiveness increased with the absorbed dose (from 1 to 6 Gy). Within several days after exposure to 6-Gy irradiation, male mice were temporarily unable to discriminate between chemosignals of syngenic and allogenic (alien genotype) individuals. Unlike male mice of the CBA strain, male mice of the C57Bl/6 strain displayed no changes after exposure to 1-Gy irradiation, but the effect of 2-6 Gy was more persistent. These phenomena can be explained by the lower olfactory reactivity combined with higher radiosensitivity of C57Bl/6 mice. Irradiated male mice temporarily lost their olfactory ability to discriminate the genotype of females' volatile secretions and to distinguish between females' and males' volatile secretions.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the properties of vaginal, facial, salivary, and urinary odors from female house mice to elicit ultrasonic vocalizations from male mice. Experiment 1 demonstrated that facial and salivary secretions from hypophysectomized females were significantly less effective in eliciting ultrasonic vocalizations from male mice than were these same secretions from either intact or ovariectomized females. Thus the hormonal control of chemosignals from these two sources paralleled earlier findings of pituitary rather than ovarian regulation of the urinary chemosignal that elicits ultrasounds. In contrast, ovariectomy and hypophysectomy seemed to have similar depressive effects upon the vaginal cue that elicits ultrasounds. Experiment 2 demonstrated that long-term ovariectomy (8 or 9 months) diminished the effectiveness of female saliva, but not urine, to elicit vocalizations. The apparent dissociation of the hormonal regulation of salivary, vaginal, and urinary chemosignals suggests that multiple chemosignals may possess the property of eliciting male vocalizations.  相似文献   

Although visually transmitted social signals are well documented in many diurnal iguanians, including collared lizards, secretory femoral glands also suggest a role of chemical signals in intraspecific communication. We conducted laboratory trials to test the extent to which male and female collared lizards responded by tongue‐flicking femoral gland secretions, neutral (water), and odoriferous (cologne) control substances, males distinguished self‐secretions from those produced by unfamiliar rival males, and females distinguish secretions from unfamiliar vs. familiar males. Both males and females spent similar amounts of time in four arena quadrants each with a Petri dish treated with one of the four test compounds. Males gave more tongue flicks/trial to secretions produced by unfamiliar rivals and cologne than they tongue‐flicked their own secretions and water. By contrast, the number of tongue flicks by females on control substances and familiar and unfamiliar males was similar. Results support the hypothesis that femoral gland secretions function in intrasexual signaling among male collared lizards, perhaps allowing them to distinguish unfamiliar rivals. Females tongue‐flicked secretions from familiar and unfamiliar males with similar frequency that was high relative to that of males, suggesting a possible role of secretions in assessment of males. Ours is the first evidence of a signaling role of femoral gland secretions in collared lizards and adds to a growing body of evidence that chemical signaling has evolved in diurnal lizards that also have highly developed visual‐based signaling.  相似文献   

The behavioural response to the sex pheromones in the externally voided urine of field voles (Microtus arvalis) and laboratory mice (CFLP, CBA strains) although specific for species showed no strain specificity. Bladder urine (free of accessory sex-gland secretions) and the preputial glands of CFLP and CBA mice contain sex attractants. Ether extracts made of blood of male CFLP mice attracted CFLP female mice.  相似文献   

We studied the contribution of the main olfactory system to mate recognition and sexual behavior in female mice. Female mice received an intranasal irrigation of either a zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) solution to destroy the main olfactory epithelium (MOE) or saline (SAL) to serve as control. ZnSO4-treated female mice were no longer able to reliably distinguish between volatile as well as nonvolatile odors from an intact versus a castrated male. Furthermore, sexual behavior in mating tests with a sexually experienced male was significantly reduced in ZnSO4-treated female mice. Vomeronasal function did not seem to be affected by ZnSO4 treatment: nasal application of male urine induced similar levels of Fos protein in the mitral and granule cells of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of ZnSO4 as well as SAL-treated female mice. Likewise, soybean agglutinin staining, which stains the axons of vomeronasal neurons projecting to the glomerular layer of the AOB was similar in ZnSO4-treated female mice compared to SAL-treated female mice. By contrast, a significant reduction of Fos in the main olfactory bulb was observed in ZnSO4-treated females in comparison to SAL-treated animals, confirming a substantial destruction of the MOE. These results show that the MOE is primarily involved in the detection and processing of odors that are used to localize and identify the sex and endocrine status of conspecifics. By contrast, both the main and accessory olfactory systems contribute to female sexual receptivity in female mice.  相似文献   

Lactate dehydrogenase C4 (LDHC4) is a key enzyme for sperm metabolism. It is distributed specifically in testis and is highly immunogenic. In this study, two DNA vaccines pVAX1-hLDHC and pVAX1-mLDHC were constructed by inserting coding sequences of human and mice LDHC4 into the eukaryotic ex-pression vector pVAX1. The production of LDHC4 specific antibodies was induced in the sera of vac-cinated mice and the reproductive tract secretions of vaccinated female mice through immunization by mucosal surface instillation. Furthermore, the antibody titer increased with the times of immunization. In the mating experiment, the number of newborns of the vaccinated mice reduced significantly and some immunized female mice even lost the ability to bear any offsprings, suggesting that the difference between the immunized and control mice was statistically significant. Sperm agglutination analysis indicated that both the antisera from immunized mice and the reproductive tract secretions of vacci-nated female mice could agglutinate normal sperms. Results of immunohistochemistry showed that the antibodies present in the sera of immunized mice and the reproductive tract secretions of vaccinated female mice could specifically react with LDHC4 antigen, which mainly locates in the cytoplasm, acrosome membrane externa and acrosome capsule of the sperm. Taken together, our results indicated that the constructed contraceptive DNA vaccines did yield immunocontraceptive effects on mice and this would enable clinical trials in near future.  相似文献   

Odor communication in Old World monkeys and apes is controversial, because most females have evolved visual and behavioral cues to signal fertility, e.g., sexual swellings. Female stump-tailed macaques (Macaca arctoides) do not have swellings, and mediation of chemical communication likely occurs because males engage in sexual behavior mostly throughout the periovulatory phase of the menstrual cycle. We tested whether vaginal secretions from different cycle phases, with saline solution as a control, promote changes in the frequency of male genital exploration, copulation, and coercive behavior toward females different from the donors, while female donors were apart from the group. Males explored more female genitals when exposed to follicular, periovulatory, and early luteal secretions in comparison to saline or menstrual or late luteal secretions. The increase in coercive behavior after exposure to follicular and periovulatory secretions most likely was a male response to the lack of cooperation of target females in engaging in copulation, as the latter were not receptive during the tests. The strength of male response to vaginal secretions varied significantly as a result of individual variability between donor females, yet the variability does not correlate either to dominance rank or to female age. Exploratory behavior of males correlates significantly with their social rank. Our results suggest that vaginal secretions are among the cues that male Macaca arctoides use to acknowledge the reproductive status of females in the absence of visual signals.  相似文献   

The rewarding value of female sexual stimuli develops across puberty, as sexually-naïve adult, but not prepubertal, male hamsters show a conditioned place preference (CPP) for both vaginal secretions and a receptive female. Similarly, only adults show an endogenous testosterone surge when they encounter vaginal secretions. Testosterone by itself can condition a place preference in male rodents. Therefore, Experiment 1 assessed whether the endogenous testosterone surge elicited by vaginal secretions is necessary to show a CPP. Both gonad-intact and gonadectomized, testosterone-treated adult males showed a CPP for vaginal secretions, indicating that the rewarding value of this social cue is independent of an endogenous testosterone surge. However, organizational effects of pubertal testosterone could be necessary for adolescent development of social reward, as pubertal testosterone organizes adult-typical expression of sexual behavior. To investigate this possibility, in Experiment 2, sexually-naïve prepubertal and adult male hamsters were gonadectomized and received testosterone-filled capsules four weeks later. Testing began after two weeks of testosterone replacement. Adult males showed a CPP for both vaginal secretions and a receptive female, whether or not they experienced pubertal testosterone. Thus, the acquisition of positive valence of sexual stimuli is not organized by pubertal testosterone. Taken together, the ability of female sexual stimuli to serve as an unconditioned reward to adult male hamsters is independent of the chemosensory-induced endogenous testosterone surge and also organizational effects of pubertal testosterone. Instead, sexual reward may be dependent either on activational effects of testosterone or gonadal hormone-independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

Male accessory gland secretions, which have a role to play in reproduction have been investigated. The number of cells that make up the gland, the quantity of secretions synthesized and the influence of these secretions on fecundity of the female have been studied in D. n. nasuta, D. n. albomicans and their F1 progeny. The results revealed that the hybrid males show a trend towards D. n. nasuta in the synthesis of male accessory gland proteins and the fecundity of the female is influenced more by its genetic constitution rather than the quantity of accessory gland secretions.  相似文献   

Mice can recognize one another by individually characteristic phenotypic body odours (odourtypes) that reflect their genetic constitution at the highly polymorphic major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of genes on chromosome 17. We have shown previously that MHC-determined odours are produced by fetuses: house mice, Mus domesticus, can be trained to discriminate between genetically identical pregnant females carrying 9-18-day-old fetuses of differing MHC type. Theoretically, it should be possible for a mouse to determine the MHC type of the sire based on the odourtype of the pregnant female. In the current study we investigated whether untrained male mice show spontaneous discrimination between such pregnant mice. In experiment 1, sexually inexperienced male mice spent more time near pregnant females that carried fetuses most genetically different from the males themselves. Experiment 2, designed to evaluate possible experiential effects on this preference, tested males that were cohabiting and had impregnated a female that was either genetically identical to the test male (excepting X and Y chromosomes) or differed from him only at the MHC. Males in the former case performed virtually identically to those tested in experiment 1. In contrast males in the latter group did not display this preference. These studies reveal that among untrained male mice, fetal MHC type influences choice behaviour presumably via fetal odourtypes expressed in maternal secretions/excretions and that previous housing and/or mating experience modulates male choice. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

An incomplete proviral genome of endogenous mammary tumour virus (MMTV) was found in DNA of several strains of mice. This MMTV-related sequence was assigned to the Y chromosome since it was clearly observed in male mice only. This MMTV provirus contained a sequence related to LTR (long terminal repeat), but not to gag-pol and env genes. NFS, NIH Swiss/S, STS/A, and DD/Tbr mice have this sequence but BALB/cHeA, SHN, SLN, C57BL/6NJcl, C3H/HeNJcl and CBA/JJcl mice are negative. In the strains containing this sequence, a DNA test for the sequence makes it possible to easily distinguish the DNAs of male or female mice.  相似文献   

The place of origin, sequence of appearance and the shape of various non-resinous secretions during the entire life cycle of both male and female lac insects, have been described here. Properties of the secretions found in the adult female are also given.
A total of 20 non-resinous secretions has been found in Kerria lacca . Fourteen of these secretions–dorsal relic, pencils, brachial mass, large anal hairs, short anal hairs, brachial core, major spiracular secretion, minor spiracular secretion, non-stalked girdle fibres, stalked girdle fibres, thin ventral patch, oral lobe secretion, brachial marginal secretion and cavaera secretion–are present both in male and female lac insects. Three secretions– opercular secretion, canella secretion and caudal filaments–occur only in the male while the remaining three–ventrolateral compact flat fibres, ventrolateral long coiled threads and perivaginal fine filaments–occur only in the female.
Two types of non-resinous secretions, 13 waxy and four non-waxy, occur in female K. lacca . The dorsal relic, pencils and their modifications (anal tubercular splint and anal tubercular shield), brachial mass, large anal hairs, short anal hairs, major spiracular secretion, minor spiracular secretion, non-stalked girdle fibres, thin ventral patch, oral lobe secretion, brachial marginal secretion, cavaera secretion and ventrolateral compact flat fibres are waxy in nature, whereas the brachial core, stalked girdle fibres, ventrolateral long coiled threads and perivaginal fine filaments are non-waxy.  相似文献   

2011年6~8月,在北京市野生动物救护中心露天笼舍内,采用瞬时扫描法对笼养条件下的4只大斑啄木鸟(Dendrocopos major)行为时间分配和活动节律进行了研究,利用单因素方差分析来说明不同性别大斑啄木鸟间行为时间分配差异以及研究对象在日间不同时间段行为节律差异.结果显示,笼养条件下大斑啄木鸟的各种行为活动具有一定的时间分配特点和日行为节律.大斑啄木鸟的行为主要表现为休息和飞行走动,占全部行为的36.24%和26.96%,其次为觅食行为,占17.69%.除觅食、理羽和其他行为外,雌雄间行为时间分配差异不显著(P>0.05).大斑啄木鸟昼间活动的高峰期出现在上午,中午有午休现象,日间行为节律明显.飞行走动、休息、理羽、跳跃行为的发生频次在雌雄间无显著差异(P>0.05),而雄性觅食的发生频次显著地大于雌性的(P<0.05).  相似文献   

Observations on three naturally-occurring courtships of Hepialus show that sexual behaviour in these moths is similar to that of butterflies, with the male pursuing the female in flight and mating with her after she alights. Although the female appears to solicit courtship by flying past a hovering male, and although the male becomes flaccid immediately after copulation, it is not true that the female flies directly at the male and knocks him out of the air, as is widely held by moth-collectors.  相似文献   

条背萤的闪光求偶行为   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水栖萤火虫条背萤Luciola substriata (Gorh.)发出单脉冲周期性特异闪光信号进行求偶。室外观测发现,在23℃、86% RH时,雄萤飞行求偶闪光信号脉冲闪光持续时间为0.52 s,间隔时间为0.28 s,闪光信号的最大亮度为0.6 lx; 雌萤求偶信号周期为 0.67 s,最大亮度为0.4 lx。雄萤发出求偶信号0.22 s后,雌萤发出两个连续的回应信号。第一个回应信号为0.49 s,第二个为0.41 s, 两个回应信号的间隔时间为0.11 s。雄萤发现雌萤回应信号后,降落至离雌萤5~10 cm处,继续发出闪光信号,但闪光脉冲频率减小,闪光脉冲时间为1.23 s,间隔时间为0.50 s。条背萤交配时呈“V”或“一”字形交配姿势。  相似文献   

It is clear that male hamsters discriminate between the odors of individual, conspecific females, as shown by using habituation-dishabituation methods. However, it is not clear from past research whether male hamsters are able to discriminate between the odors of estrous and non-estrous females. A series of habituation-dishabituation experiments was conducted to determine whether males discriminated between different estrous cycle states using two female secretions, those from flank-glands and vaginal secretions. We found that, when habituated to a female flank-gland secretion, males discriminated between this female and a second female on the test trial, whether both were in estrus, both were in diestrus, or one was in estrus and the other in diestrus. There was no difference, however, in the magnitude of their dishabituation response toward flank-gland odors of females in estrus and diestrus. These results suggest that males use flank-gland odors to gain information primarily about individuals. When tested with vaginal secretions in habituation-dishabituation tests, males only showed differences in investigation when the second female was in estrus, indicating that males use vaginal secretions to gain information primarily about reproductive state.  相似文献   

Male and female T. infestans were released on two consecutive nights in the salinas of Cordoba Province, Argentina, when air temperatures during the flying period averaged 28.5 degrees C. 136 males (43% of the total released) and 170 females (57%) flew on the first night, and 6 males (18%) and 7 females (27%) on the second. Of these, we recovered 23 males and 14 females within 100 m, and a further female within 200 m, all from the first night's release. The remainder appear to have flown more than 100 m and possibly more than 200 m. In support of this conclusion 4 male and 5 female bugs were recovered in an abandoned brick house 550 m from the release point. Since the proportion of bugs apparently flying more than 200 m is considerably greater than that deduced from previous experiments at lower temperatures (Lehane & Schofield, 1981) it is possible that temperature influences not only the proportion of bugs flying but also the distance flown. Flight appears to be affected by wind speed. On the first night, when there was negligible wind, 43% of male and 57% of female bugs flew. On the second night, with winds gusting at 4-5 m/s, only 18% of the male and 27% of the female bugs flew.  相似文献   

Effects of gene products on reproductive behavior which are relatively direct include those of the estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor. For example, work with estrogen receptor-deficient (ERKO) female mice has extended previous evidence contributing to the neurochemical analysis of lordosis behavior. On the other hand, sex differences in behavior present a classic example of indirect effects of genes on behavior. Work with ERKO male mice shows the necessity of ER gene expression for normal masculinization of the brain. In particular, behavioral assay results distinguish apparent motivational performance of ERKO males from male mating reflexes: the former is similar to that of wild-type males in important respects, while the latter are deficient in ERKO males. The present paper first reviews a small number of clear genetic contributions to reproductive behaviors, and then reports one experiment pertinent to the interpretation of the behavioral status of ERKO male mice.  相似文献   

Chemical analysis of hexane extracts of the oral secretions from male Caribbean fruit flies, Anastrepha suspensa, resulted in identification of pheromone components including: anastrephin, epianastrephin, suspensolide, beta-bisabolene, and alpha-farnesene in a ratio of 63:396:4:8:1. Extracts of the crop from male flies contained these same components. No pheromone was detected in the extracts of female oral secretions. Bioassay of the oral secretions indicated that females were attracted to oral secretions from males but not from females. The amounts of anastrephin and epianastrephin in male oral secretions changed with age and time of the day, and were correlated with the amounts of volatile pheromone components released by male flies. The amounts of suspensolide, beta-bisabolene, and alpha-farnesene in the crop tissue were greater than those in the crop liquid, while amounts of anastrephin and epianastrephin in the crop tissue and crop liquid changed during the day. Generally, the amounts of suspensolide and beta-bisabolene decreased, and the amounts of anastrephin and epianastrephin increased from 9 am to 6 pm in both crop tissue and crop liquid. The amounts of anastrephin and epianastrephin from crop tissue or crop liquid incubated with suspensolide were significantly higher than those of control. The data show that oral secretions deposited on leaves by males contained terpenoid pheromone components that attract females and that suspensolide was converted to anastrephin and epianastrephin by enzymatic degradation in the crop of male flies.  相似文献   

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