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The characteristics of extra- and intracellular responses of neurons in the AI region were studied in experiments with unanesthetized cats. It was established that auditory cortex neurons with similar best frequencies showed different forms of responses to tones of the corresponding frequency. About 40% of the auditory cortex neurons generated on responses to tone presentation. On — off and off responses were found in 27% of the neurons. Cortical neurons (27%) in which stimulation or inhibition of impulse discharge persisted throughout tone action were assigned to the tonic type group of cells. Approximately 6% of neurons in the AI region did not respond to a tone. During intracellular recording about 85% of the neurons responded to the turning on and/or off of a tone by generating an action potential followed by an IPSI. In 96% of the cortical neurons studied the IPSPs were a constant component of the intracellular responses to a tone. It is concluded that the inhibition of the impulse activity of the given neurons is of primarily a postsynaptic origin. Neurons showing one or another form of response differ from one another in the relative intensity and time characteristics of excitatory and inhibitory processes interacting on their postsynaptic membranes. In neurons of the phasic type inhibitory processes are dominant over excitatory, while excitatory processes are predominant in neurons of the tonic type.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 500–508, July–August, 1985.  相似文献   

The temporal pattern of amplitude modulations (AM) is often used to recognize acoustic objects. To identify objects reliably, intensity invariant representations have to be formed. We approached this problem within the auditory pathway of grasshoppers. We presented AM patterns modulated at different time scales and intensities. Metric space analysis of neuronal responses allowed us to determine how well, how invariantly, and at which time scales AM frequency is encoded. We find that in some neurons spike-count cues contribute substantially (20–60%) to the decoding of AM frequency at a single intensity. However, such cues are not robust when intensity varies. The general intensity invariance of the system is poor. However, there exists a range of AM frequencies around 83 Hz where intensity invariance of local interneurons is relatively high. In this range, natural communication signals exhibit much variation between species, suggesting an important behavioral role for this frequency band. We hypothesize, just as has been proposed for human speech, that the communication signals might have evolved to match the processing properties of the receivers. This contrasts with optimal coding theory, which postulates that neuronal systems are adapted to the statistics of the relevant signals.  相似文献   

Speech and other communication signals contain components of frequency and amplitude modulations (FM, AM) that often occur together. Auditory midbrain (or inferior colliculus, IC) is an important center for coding time-varying features of sounds. It remains unclear how IC neurons respond when FM and AM stimuli are both presented. Here we studied IC neurons in the urethane-anesthetized rats when animals were simultaneously stimulated with FM and AM tones. Of 122 units that were sensitive to the dual stimuli, the responses could be grossly divided into two types: one that resembled the respective responses to FM or AM stimuli presented separately ("simple" sensitivity, 45% of units), and another that appeared markedly different from their respective responses to FM or AM tones ("complex" sensitivity, 55%). These types of combinational sensitivities were further correlated with individual cell's frequency tuning pattern (response area) and with their common response pattern to FM and AM sounds. Results suggested that such combinational sensitivity could reflect local synaptic interactions on IC neurons and that the neural mechanisms could underlie more developed sensitivities to acoustic combinations found at the auditory cortex.  相似文献   

Interspecific territoriality is frequently reported between closely related species; however, few studies have demonstrated interspecific territoriality between distantly related species living in sympatry. We conducted playback experiments to investigate territorial behaviour in male and female White‐bellied Wrens (Uropsila leucogastra) in response to simulated conspecific and heterospecific intruders during the breeding and non‐breeding seasons. We explored whether heterospecific songs of the Happy Wren (Pheugopedius felix), a distantly related species and ecological competitor, elicited antagonistic responses from focal White‐bellied Wrens, and whether such responses differed between the sexes. We also examined whether male and female responses to conspecific and heterospecific rivals varied with season. We found that male White‐bellied Wrens always responded to conspecific song, and responded significantly more to heterospecific song compared to a control stimulus (Tropical Parula, Setophaga pitiayumi). In contrast, although female White‐bellied Wrens responded strongly to conspecific song, their response to heterospecific song did not differ significantly from the control stimulus. The proportion of males that responded to heterospecific songs and the proportion of females that responded to conspecific songs varied seasonally, showing significantly lower responses during the breeding season. The intense responses of male White‐bellied Wrens to playback of heterospecific songs suggest that they recognise ecological competitors based on their vocal signals. Furthermore, the decrease in agonistic interactions during the breeding season is in line with the hypothesis that aggressive behaviour may be detrimental to reproductive and parental activity, and the hypothesis that heterospecific animals pose less of a threat during the breeding season.  相似文献   

In experiments on immobilized cats, intra- and extracellular response in tonic type neurons to tones of differing frequencies and intensities were investigated, as well as the organizational pattern of receptive fields in these units. Tonic type neurons were encountered at different cortical layers, but mostly (93% of the total) were located at a depth of 1.0–2.2 mm. Minimum thresholds required for response in these neurons were on average 7.7 dB below that found in neurons generating a phasic reaction in response to a tone. "Tonic" differed from "phasic" neurons in their inferior frequency-discriminative ability, with a Q10 value averaging 4.1±0.4 as against 9.1±0.7 in phasic neurons. Size of receptive fields in tonic neurons (as revealed by occurrence of spike response in these units) was 3.5 times that observed in phasic cells. Length of action potentials in the majority (80%) of tonic neurons was about one and a half times to twice that found in phasic units. Tonic neurons also displayed a high degree of sensitivity to changes in the duration and intensity of acoustic stimulation.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 4, July–August, pp. 498–506, 1969.  相似文献   

The mormyrid fish Pollimyrus adspersus has auditory specializations for sound pressure detection and uses acoustic displays in its natural social behavior. In this paper it is shown that auditory neurons in the mesencephalon (torus semicircularis) are activated selectively by temporal features of complex sounds. Single neurons were recorded while presenting sounds to fish underwater. The stimuli were acoustic click trains, 400 ms in duration, and were synthesized with differing inter-click-intervals (ICIs). The natural sounds of this species are composed similarly and the range of ICIs synthesized overlapped with the natural range (5–40 ms). One-third of the neurons studied were strongly selective for a narrow range of ICIs, increasing spike rate by ten fold or more at the best ICI compared to the minimum response observed. The best ICI for interval selective neurons remained stable when the sound pressure of the stimulus was changed. Neurons that were selective gave phasic responses to tone bursts, and most had non-monotonic rate level functions. The origin of interval selectivity is discussed and a time-based computational mechanism is proposed. Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

The analysis of steadily recorded components of evoked potentials (EP) in different areas of cerebral cortex during tachistoscopic presentation of a homogeneous square, checker-board pattern and schematic drawings of human faces (face-pattern) of 6 degrees size was performed in children aged from 6,5 to 7 years. During contour detection, characterized by significant EP differences between responses to a checker-board pattern and a homogeneous square, the most pronounced changes were observed in the visual projection area of the cortex. Reaction to a complex visual stimulus, characterized by differences of EP to fase and checker-board patterns, had maximal manifestation in the temporo-parieto-occipital area. The changes observed during both operations were noted for EP components appearing up to 250 msec following stimulation. It is suggested that they are connected with the activity of cortical receptive fields. The data obtained are discussed on the basis of hypothesis of a difference between cortical mechanisms of single operations involved in visual perception.  相似文献   

尽管大脑听皮层神经元对声音空间信息的编码已有不少的研究报道,但其编码机制并不十分清楚,相关研究在大鼠的初级听皮层也未见详细的研究报道.用神经电生理学方法在大鼠初级听皮层考察了151个听神经元的听空间反应域,分析了神经元对来自不同空间方位声刺激反应的放电数和平均首次发放潜伏期的关系.结果表明,多数(52.32%)神经元对来自对侧听空间的声刺激反应较强,表现为对侧偏好型特征,其他神经元分别归类为同侧偏好型(18.54%)、中间偏好型(18.54%)、全向型(3.31%)和复杂型(7.28%).多数神经元偏好的听空间区域的几何中心位于记录部位对侧听空间的中部和上部.绝大多数初级听皮层神经元对来自偏好听空间的声刺激反应的放电数较多、反应潜伏期较短,对来自非偏好听空间的声刺激反应的放电数较少、反应潜伏期较长,放电数与平均首次发放潜伏期呈显著负相关.在对声音空间信息的编码中,大脑初级听皮层可能综合放电数和潜伏期的信息以实现对声源方位的编码.  相似文献   

Processing of complex signals in the hearing organ remains poorly understood. This paper aims to contribute to this topic by presenting investigations on the mechanical and neuronal response of the hearing organ of the tropical bushcricket species Mecopoda elongata to simple pure tone signals as well as to the conspecific song as a complex acoustic signal. The high-frequency hearing organ of bushcrickets, the crista acustica (CA), is tonotopically tuned to frequencies between about 4 and 70 kHz. Laser Doppler vibrometer measurements revealed a strong and dominant low-frequency-induced motion of the CA when stimulated with either pure tone or complex stimuli. Consequently, the high-frequency distal area of the CA is more strongly deflected by low-frequency-induced waves than by high-frequency-induced waves. This low-frequency dominance will have strong effects on the processing of complex signals. Therefore, we additionally studied the neuronal response of the CA to native and frequency-manipulated chirps. Again, we found a dominant influence of low-frequency components within the conspecific song, indicating that the mechanical vibration pattern highly determines the neuronal response of the sensory cells. Thus, we conclude that the encoding of communication signals is modulated by ear mechanics.  相似文献   

Characteristic frequencies of neurons in the cat auditory cortex (area AI) whose receptive fields are located in different parts of the basilar membrane of the cochlea were determined in cats anesthetized with pentobarbital. The higher the characteristic frequency of a neuron in area AI, the nearer its receptive field lies to the base of the cochlea. Receptive fields of neurons with a characteristic frequency higher than 4 kHz lie on the first 10 mm of the basilar membrane. Receptive fields of neurons with a characteristic frequency below 4 kHz lie on the remaining 11–12 mm of the membrane. The effect of electrical stimulation of the center of the receptive field of a neuron corresponds to its response to a tone of characteristic frequency. The more the frequency of the acting tone differs from the characteristic frequency, or the further the point of stimulation from the center of the receptive field of the neuron, the less likely is the neuron to respond with an action potential. Neurons with a low characteristic frequency have wider receptive fields than neurons with a high characteristic frequency. Receptive fields of neurons with close characteristic frequencies on the basilar membrane overlap considerably. It was shown by the method of paired stimulation that excitation evoked in neurons in area AI by the action of a tone of a particular frequency is followed by long-lasting inhibition. This inhibition lasts longest and is most effective if a tone of the characteristic frequency is used.  相似文献   

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