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采用关联指数(IC)和决定系数(CD)两种方法,度量混合线性模型遗传评估下猪群体间的遗传关联性。结果表明,加拿大安大略省的大约克夏猪、长白猪、杜洛克猪和汉普夏猪4个主要品种群体间具有良好的遗传联系。CD法既组合了数据结构和信息量,又考虑了预测误差方差和遗传变异性,是一个选择判断遗传评估精度的好方法。  相似文献   

赣中南花猪随机扩增多态DNA与群体遗传关系的研究   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13  
用RAPD技术检测了泰和冠朝猪、永丰藤田花猪、瑞金三花猪、兴国茶园猪、上犹花猪、万安花猪、乐安花猪等7个赣中南花猪地方类群基因组混合DNA的多态性,经80个随机引物扩增筛选,16个引物产生了共44个多态标记。遗传距离指数计算结果显示:泰和冠朝猪和瑞金三花猪亲缘关系最近,而兴国茶园猪与乐安花猪遗传距离最远。各类群的UPMGA和NJ聚类分析结果与采用生化、免疫和细胞遗传标记分析的结论不尽相同,在此基础上,结合现行分类方法,认为各受试猪群可暂时归并为赣中南花猪类型,但对泰和冠朝猪和万安花猪的品种归属性应作进一步分析。 Abstract: Random amplified polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs) were used to investigate bulked genomic DNA polymorphism of seven pig populations including Taihe Guanchao,Yongfeng Tengtian Spotted,Ruijin Spotted,Xingguo Chayuan,Shangyou Spotted,Wanan Spotted,and Lean Spotted pig.Eighty random primers were screened,of them,16 primers generated polymorphic markers with total number of 44.The genetic distance index matrix indicated that the genetic relationship between Taihe Gaunchao and Ruijin Spotted pig population was the closest,while that between Xingguo Chayuan and Laan Spotted pig population was the farthest.Our molecular phylogenetic trees constructed by UPMGA and NJ methods were in general consistent with that based on biochemical,immunogenetic and cellular genetic markers except for differences in some populations.It was inferred from this study that all pig populations examined could be temporary classified into one breed,however,the population genetic character of Taihe Guanchao and Wanan Spotted pig populations should be further evaluated.  相似文献   

群体遗传结构上的差异是遗传多样性的一种重要体现,对群体遗传结构的研究已有较久的历史,而其中的基因流研究近些年来越来越受到重视。它对群体遗传学、进化生物学、保护生物学、生态学有着极其重要的作用。虽然传统的群体遗传学能估测基因流大小,但它的精确性还有很大局限性。随着生物技术的进步,对基因流的研究逐渐向分子水平过渡,应用蛋白质电泳技术、分子标记技术(RAPD、RFLP、VNTR、ISSR、DNA测序等)方法对群体间基因流的流动水平进行了深入细致的研究。本文综述了群体遗传结构的几种模式:陆岛模式、海岛模式、阶石模式、距离隔离模式、层次模式,以及在群体遗传结构的几种模式基础上的基因流的研究方法、作用、地位和近些年来研究者的研究成果,并指出了这些方法的局限性。Abstract: The difference of population genetic structure is one of the important embodiments of genetic diversity. There is a long history of the study of population genetic structure, and the study of gene flow of population genetic structure is aroused more and more importance. It has an important effect on population genetics, evolution biology, conservation biology and ecology. Although the level of gene flow is estimated by traditional population genetics, there is a large restriction in its precision. With the development of biological technology, the methods of the research on gene flow reach the molecular level. Methods of protein electrophoresis and molecular markers (RAPD, RFLP, VNTR, ISSR and mitochondrial DNA) are used to research gene flow among populations. This paper introduces not only some models of population genetic structure: Continent-Island Model, Island Model, Stepping-Stone Model, Isolation-By-Distance Model and Hierarchical Model; but also the study methods, function and role of gene flow is based on models of population genetic structure, research achievements in recent years and the restriction of the methods.  相似文献   

猪重要胴体性状的遗传定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏玉虹  马宝钰  熊远著 《遗传》2004,26(2):163-166
为了寻找影响猪重要胴体性状主基因在染色体的位置,我们以大白猪和梅山猪为父母本建立了F2资源家系。随机选留81头F2代个体,经屠宰获得猪胴体性状数据。结合家系个体的48个微卫星标记基因型,用线性模型最小二乘法对各胴体性状进行数量性状基因座(QTL)的区间定位。定位结果表明位于猪染色体(SSC)4号的瘦肉率和瘦肉量QTL达到基因组极显著水平;SSC1、2和4上眼肌面积QTL达到染色体显著水平;位于SSC1和4上的眼肌高度QTL与眼肌面积QTL在同一染色体区域;而眼肌宽度QTL位于SSC6;位于SSC7同一标记区间的皮重、皮率、骨重和骨率QTL表现出很好的一致性,均达到染色体显著水平。SSC6和7的体长QTL达到染色体显著水平。 Abstract: To detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for body composition traits in pigs, a resource family with three-generation was developed by using Large White grand sires and Meishan grand dams. A total of 81 F2 progenies were phenotyped for body composition. All animals were genotyped for microsatellite markers. The main results are as follows:, the strongest linkages at genome-wise level of lean meat percentage and total meat content were detected on SSC1 and 4. QTLs for loin eye area were located on SSC1, 2 and 4, QTLs for loin eye height on SSC 1 and 4, and QTLs for loin eye width on SSC 6. The best positions estimated for QTLs of skin percentage and of skin weight were in the same marker interval. Two QTLs significant at genome-wise level or highly significant at chromosome-wide level for carcass length were located on SSC6 and 7.  相似文献   

畜禽遗传评定方法的研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
俞英  张沅 《遗传》2003,25(5):607-610
畜禽遗传评定是畜禽育种的重要内容。目前畜禽遗传评定方法中应用最广的是基于表型信息的BLUP动物模型。基因组学的发展和应用产生了大量分子遗传标记,结合分子遗传标记信息的遗传评定方法MBLUP随之产生。MBLUP将成为一种快速有效的畜禽遗传评定方法。本文主要介绍了畜禽遗传评定方法的研究进展和发展趋势。 Abstract:Genetic evaluation is one of the most important components in livestock breeding program.Best linear unbiased prediction (BLUP) Animal Model,which based on phenotypic information,has become the most widely accepted method for genetic evaluation of domestic livestock.Large numbers of molecular genetic markers have been discovered as the development and application of genomics.Some new methods (Marked Assisted BLUP,MBLUP) for genetic evaluation have being developed,which incorporating molecular genetic markers information into genetic evaluation.MBULP will be a rapid and efficient method for genetic evaluation of domestic livestock.The aim of the paper is to introduce the development and current situation of the methods for livestock genetic evaluation.  相似文献   

群体遗传不平衡条件下的结构基因遗传共适应特性   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
沈伟  耿社民  潘庆杰  李兰  秦国庆 《遗传》2003,25(3):295-298
本研究以柴达木山羊、柴达木绒山羊和辽宁绒山羊三个群体共147只山羊为材料,利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(PAGE)技术检测了5种血液蛋白质(酶)基因座的遗传多态性,并进行了结构基因遗传共适应的研究,结果发现:45个基因座组合中有10个基因座组合处于遗传不平衡状态,并且这些遗传不平衡皆单纯由遗传共适应差异造成;除辽宁绒山羊Tf-PA-3组合的遗传不平衡包含非等位基因间的遗传共适应差异外,其他基因座组合的遗传不平衡皆由等位基因间的共适应差异,即单基因座的遗传不平衡造成;LAP-EsD组合的共适应差异在群体间有遗传传递现象。 Abstract:With the technology of PAGE,the genetic polymorphism of blood protein and enzyme was investigated,and genetic co-adaptability among structural genes was studied in three goat populations(147 goats) including Chaidamu goat(CS),Chaidamu Cashmere goat(CRS) and Liaoning Cashmere goat(LRS) in Qinghai Province,China.The results were showed that the genetic disequilibrium of 10 locus combinations was found among 45 locus combinations in the three goat populations,and these genetic disequilibria were caused only by the difference of genetic co-adaptability among genes,because there didn′t exist the linkage disequilibrium among non-allelic genes.The genetic disequilibrium including the difference of genetic co-adaptability between non-allelic genes was only found at Tf-PA-3 locus combinations in LRS population,the other ones were all caused by the genetic disequilibrium at a single locus.The difference of genetic co-adaptability of LAP-EsD locus combinations could be messaged among different populations.  相似文献   

报道了AFLP标记在研究贵州小型香猪遗传多态性方面的应用和该品系猪个体基因组DNA的AFLP扩增结果,分析了贵州小型香猪的群体遗传结构.实验应用10条AFLP引物,用PstⅠ酶切,对17头猪基因组DNA进行AFLP反应,共获得116个AFLP标记,单引物获得的标记数在2~22间,贵州小型香猪群体相似系数AFLP研究结果为0.866(0.760~0.967),该研究为评价贵州小型香猪的遗传稳定性提供了相关的参数,准确评价尚待和其它品种猪对比研究后确定。 Abstract:We reported the application of AFIP markers to detect genetic polymorphic loci in Guizhou miniaturc pig and their amplified AFLP results.Their genetic construction Of the population was also analysed.TenAFLP primers were used,genomic DNAs from 17 pigs were restrictive by pst I,116 AFLP markers were obtained,the obtaining marker numbers of individual primer were between 2~22.The results indicate as the following:(1)AFLP marker is suitable for analysing genetic polymorphism in pig;(2)The similarty index of population in Guizhou miniaturc pigs was 0.866(0.760~0.967).The study provides a uscful parameter with appraise genetic stability of Guizhou miniature pigs.  相似文献   

植物无融合生殖的遗传机理和分子机理的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用植物无融合生殖固定杂种优势,已被认为是一条生产杂交种子的高效途径。近年来,由于RAPD、RFLP和差异显示等技术的应用,已使植物无融合生殖的研究面貌一新。特别是一系列与无融合生殖有关的特异DNA片段的发现,为深入了解其遗传机理和分子机理增加了大量新的知识,这些知识无疑为定位和克隆植物无融合生殖基因,进而利用遗传操作的手段来改变植物的生殖方式积累了必要的理论基础。本文对植物无融合生殖遗传机理和分子机理的研究进展作了综述。 Abstract:Apomixis allows the establishment of genetically stable seed propagating clones of crops,which can perpetuate themselves across countless sporophytic generations.This asexual mode of reproduction,which naturally occurs in some angiosperms,may prove to be an unrivalled tool to improve crop yields.The current state of knowledge on the molecular and genetic basis of apomixis is reviewed.  相似文献   

家族高发性2型糖尿病的遗传模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王劲松  周玲  成金罗  沈默宇 《遗传》2003,25(6):637-640
对1999~2000年门诊及住院的家族高发性2型糖尿病患者为先证者的136个大家系进行研究,以探讨该病的遗传模式。对家系人群采用Falconer 法估算遗传率,用Penrose法进行多基因分析,并用S.A.G.E-REGD软件拟合A型回归Logistic模型进行复合分离分析的方法,对家族高发性2型糖尿病家系进行研究。结果表明,136个大家系的2型糖尿病遗传率为94.07%±5.84%,提示在这些家系中可能有显性主基因存在。多基因分析研究表明,在该人群中,2型糖尿病因性别不同而存在两种遗传模式。复合分离分析拒绝单纯环境模型、非传递模型、共显性模型,接受隐性模型和显性模型,但隐性模型为最佳遗传模式。因此,2型糖尿病具有高度的遗传性和遗传异质性,总体表现为多因子遗传,在部分遗传背景较一致的家系人群中可能存在由主要基因决定的常染色体显性遗传。 Abstract:This study is to explore the genetic model of type 2 diabetes mellitus (type 2 DM) among the hereditary family.One hundred and thirty-six pedigrees of familial type 2 DM were studied.The heritability of type 2 DM was estimated according to Falconer's method and the multi-factorial inheritance analyzed according to Penrose's method.Complex segregation analysis was performed using S.A.G.E-REGD.The heritability of familial type 2 DM was 9407%±5.84%.Dominant major gene might influence the genesis of type 2 DM.Analysis of multi-factorial inheritance indicated that there be two genetic patterns respectively in male and female populations.By complex segregation analysis,environment,non-transmitted and co-dominant inheritance were rejected.Autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance and autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance was accepted but AR inheritance was the best pattern.This study suggested that type 2 DM had significant heritability and genetic heterogeneity,which appeared to be a disease of multi-factorial inheritance generally and autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance in part of pedigrees.  相似文献   

通用线性模型筛选家禽生化多态遗传标记的探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
本研究首次采用线性模型估计生化基因(表)型对产蛋量相关性状的效应,排除环境和遗传背景的差异,检测出效应显著的3种生化基因(表)型。Akp座位F型和Es-1座位AB型的开产蛋重显著降低, 效应的遗传本质有待于深入研究确认。 Tf位点对于36周龄体重的影响不属于基因多效或紧密连锁效应, 可能是距离较远基因连锁的结果,效应随基因间连锁与交换会在品系和世代间产生较大波动;或可能源于非控制误差。本研究还表明生化基因座位与数量性状基因位点(QTL)间的非紧密基因连锁可能大量存在, 但育种意义不大。 Abstract:The literature on associations between biochemical polymorphisms with a Mendelian basis and quantitative traitsis abundant,but it is often difficult to draw conclusions from results that vary in statistical significance and that are sometimes conflicting.Linear models were found capable in estimating associated effects of biochemical genes,precluding deviations due to environmental and population differences.Three biochemical gene- or phenotypes were detected to be significantly associated with laying-related traits.F of Akp locus and AB of Es-1 locus showed large associated effects on egg weight at onset of lay as the result of pleiotrophy or close linkage,or caused by heterogeneity,whereas association of BB at Tf locus with body weight at 36 weeks of age could be due to loose linkage or non-controlled errors which exhibited large variations between populations and possibly through generations Many biochemical loci were also revealed to be occasionally associated with laying-related traits,but few of them could be of breeding importance.  相似文献   

A new estimation procedure for mixed regression models is introduced. It is a development of Henderson's best linear unbiased prediction procedure which uses the joint distribution of the observed dependent random variables and the unknown realisations of the random components of the model. It is proposed to replace the likelihood of the observations given the random components by the asymptotic likelihood of the maximum likelihood estimators and the prior distribution of the random components by a restricted prior distribution which is consistent with the usual restrictions placed on the random components when they are considered conditionally fixed.  相似文献   

We examine the hypothesis of an increase of humus disintegration in central European forests by modeling data from the case study “Zierenberg”, which is carried out in Germany. We analyse a spatio‐temporal regression model, which was constructed after an exploratory data analysis. The data are unbalanced repeated measurements collected at several sites and soil depths between 1989 and 1995 with a huge amount of missing observations. Spatial dependencies are considered by coupling linear models for the distinct depths using autoregressive terms and adding random effects. Under the assumption of normality, we provide formulae for maximum likelihood estimation as well as test statistics. As a result of the data analysis, we find that some chemical substances might be influential in the process of humus disintegration.  相似文献   

Constraints arise naturally in many scientific experiments/studies such as in, epidemiology, biology, toxicology, etc. and often researchers ignore such information when analyzing their data and use standard methods such as the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Such methods may not only result in a loss of power and efficiency in costs of experimentation but also may result poor interpretation of the data. In this paper we discuss constrained statistical inference in the context of linear mixed effects models that arise naturally in many applications, such as in repeated measurements designs, familial studies and others. We introduce a novel methodology that is broadly applicable for a variety of constraints on the parameters. Since in many applications sample sizes are small and/or the data are not necessarily normally distributed and furthermore error variances need not be homoscedastic (i.e. heterogeneity in the data) we use an empirical best linear unbiased predictor (EBLUP) type residual based bootstrap methodology for deriving critical values of the proposed test. Our simulation studies suggest that the proposed procedure maintains the desired nominal Type I error while competing well with other tests in terms of power. We illustrate the proposed methodology by re-analyzing a clinical trial data on blood mercury level. The methodology introduced in this paper can be easily extended to other settings such as nonlinear and generalized regression models.  相似文献   

The analysis-of-variance tests for hypotheses on random effects in regular linear models are considered. Conditions are given for these tests to be uniformly most powerful unbiased or uniformly most powerful invariant unbiased. An example shows that the difference between these conditions can be serious.  相似文献   

正Dear Editor,Porcine circovirus type 3(PCV3)is a new-emerging circovirus belonging to the genus Circovirus in the family Circoviridae in which PCV type 1(PCV1)and PCV type 2(PCV2)were well documented(Palinski et al.2017).PCV1 is a cell culture-derived virus and is considered to be nonpathogenic for swine,whereas PCV2 is the primary etiological agent of porcine circovirus-associated diseases  相似文献   

The paper deals with the quadratic invariant estimators of the linear functions of variance components in mixed linear model. The estimator with locally minimal mean square error with respect to a parameter ? is derived. Under the condition of normality of the vector Y the theoretical values of MSE of several types of estimators are compared in two different mixed models; under a different types of distributions a simulation study is carried out for the behaviour of derived estimators.  相似文献   

Prediction in mixed linear models by Henderson 's (1972) BLUP (Best Linear Unbiased Prediction) requires knowledge of the underlying variance/covariance components to have the property ‘best’. In breeding value prediction these parameters are not known, generally. They have to be replaced by estimations and BLUP becomes estimated BLUP (EBLUP). The aim of this investigation was the evaluation of EBLUP with help of a designed simulation experiment. Criteria used for the evaluation were the mean squared error (MSE) and the (genetic) selection differential (GSD). Besides, an idea of the overestimation of the accuracy of EBLUP by the naive MSE approximation based on the MSE formulas of BLUP with variance component estimations instead of unknown parameters is given.  相似文献   

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