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Bartonella are facultative intracellular Gram‐negative bacteria, transmitted mainly by hematophagous arthropods, and the rodents act as a natural reservoir. Different species of Bartonella associated with rodents have been implicated as causing human disease. Studies from Argentina are scarce and no Bartonella from fleas have been reported previously. The present study investigated the presence of Bartonella spp. in fleas associated with sigmodontine rodents in four localities of the Santa Cruz Province, Argentina. In total, 51 fleas (four species) were analysed of which 41.2% were found to be positive for the gltA gene fragment via a nested polymerase chain reaction. All positive fleas were of the species Neotyphloceras crackensis from three different localities. Eight of the 21 amplified samples were sequenced, and the presence of three different genotypes was detected with an identity of 95.5–98.8% amongst themselves. Bartonella genotypes from American rodents and rodent fleas were recovered in a monophyletic group. Similarly, most of the Peruvian and all Argentinean variants constitute a natural group sister of the American remainder. The importance of the Bartonella spp. with respect to public health is unknown, although future studies could provide evidence of the possible involvement of N. crackensis in the Bartonella transmission cycles.  相似文献   

A total of 559 fleas representing four species (Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis, Ctenocephalides canis and Spilopsyllus cuniculi) collected on carnivores (five Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus, six European wildcat Felis silvestris, 10 common genet Genetta genetta, three Eurasian badger Meles meles, 22 red fox Vulpes vulpes, 87 dogs and 23 cats) in Andalusia, southern Spain, were distributed in 156 pools of monospecific flea from each carnivore, and tested for Bartonella infection in an assay based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the 16 S–23 S rRNA intergenic spacer region. Twenty‐one samples (13.5%) were positive and the sequence data showed the presence of four different Bartonella species. Bartonella henselae was detected in nine pools of Ctenocephalides felis from cats and dogs and in three pools of Ctenocephalides canis from cats; Bartonella clarridgeiae in Ctenocephalides felis from a cat, and Bartonella alsatica in Spilopsyllus cuniculi from a wildcat. DNA of Bartonella sp., closely related to Bartonella rochalimae, was found in seven pools of Pulex irritans from foxes. This is the first detection of B. alsatica and Bartonella sp. in the Iberian Peninsula. All of these Bartonella species have been implicated as agents of human diseases. The present survey confirms that carnivores are major reservoirs for Bartonella spp.  相似文献   

Abstract Ectoparasites can cause important skin disorders in animals and can also transmit pathogens. The Iberian lynx Lynx pardinus has been stated to be the most endangered felid in the world and such vector‐borne pathogens may threaten its survival. We surveyed 98 wild carnivores (26 Iberian lynxes, 34 red foxes Vulpes vulpes, 24 Egyptian mongooses Herpestes ichneumon, 11 common genets Genetta genetta, two Eurasian badgers Meles meles, one polecat Mustela putorius) and 75 domestic but free‐ranging carnivores (46 cats Felis catus, 29 dogs Canis familiaris) from June 2004 to June 2006 in the two areas where the last lynx metapopulations survive: Sierra Morena and Doñana (Andalusia, southern Spain). A total of 65% of lynxes were parasitized (50% by ticks, 19% by fleas, 4% by lice, 31% by hippoboscid flies), as were 75% of foxes (58%, 60%, 0%, 19%), 71% of mongooses (50%, 4%, 46%, 0%), 54% of genets (18%, 36%, 0%, 0%), 30% of cats (22%, 14%, 0%, 2%), and 7% of dogs (surveyed only for ticks). Both badgers presented ticks, fleas and lice. Five species of ixodid ticks (Rhipicephalus pusillus Gil Collado, Rhipicephalus turanicus Pomerantzev and Matikashvili, Ixodes ricinus (Linnaeus), Ixodes hexagonus Leach and Ixodes ventalloi Gil Collado; and Hyalomma sp.), four species of fleas (Ctenocephalides canis Curtis, Pulex irritans Linnaeus, Spilopsyllus cuniculi (Dale), Xenopsylla cunicularis Smit), three species of chewing lice (Felicola (Felicola) inequalis (Piaget), Trichodectes (Trichodectes) melis (Fabricius), and Felicola (Lorisicola) isidoroi Pérez and Palma), and one species of hippoboscid fly (Hippobosca longipennis (Fabricius)) were found. We did not detect any cases of mange. Hippobosca longipennis is a new record for Spanish wildlife, and all the flea species are new records for the Iberian lynx. Fleas were more frequent on lynxes and foxes in winter than in spring. Rhipicephalus spp. were more frequent on cats in spring than in any other season. These and other epidemiological findings are discussed with respect to the conservation of the Iberian lynx.  相似文献   

Wild passerine birds (Passeriformes) from the northeastern part of the Czech Republic were examined for ectoparasites during the pre-breeding period in 2007. Two species of fleas of the genera Ceratophyllus and Dasypsyllus (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), and 23 species of chewing lice belonging to the genera Ricinus, Myrsidea, Menacanthus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), Brueelia, Penenirmus, and Philopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) were found on 108 birds of 16 species. Distribution of insect ectoparasites found on wild birds during pre-breeding was compared with previous data from the post-breeding period. There was no difference in total prevalence of chewing lice in pre-breeding and post-breeding periods. Higher prevalence of fleas and slightly higher mean intensity of chewing lice were found on birds during the pre-breeding period. There was a significant difference in total prevalence but equal mean intensity of chewing lice on resident and migrating birds.  相似文献   

Abstract. Cat fleas, Ctenocephalides felis, were released onto calves as unusual hosts, and sampled at intervals for histological examination. Egg output from fleas on age-matched male and female calves was monitored. Using indicators of reproductive maturation and regression together with egg output data, the reproductive success and fertility of cat fleas on male and female calves were estimated. Comparisons were made with fleas taken from cats. The mean egg output of fleas on the bull calf was highly significantly different from that on the age-matched female calf: 28.14 ± 2.96 (SE) eggs/h compared with 16.21 ± 1.96 (SE) eggs/h. A higher proportion of sampled fleas (83.0%) was reproductively mature on the feline hosts compared with the calves (45.4-62.5%). Blue bodies resulting from oocyte resorption were present in the ovarioles of 10.4-19.0% of fleas sampled from the calves. No blue bodies were present in fleas removed from cats. Eggs laid by fleas on calves were viable and larvae were reared to adulthood. The mean percentage hatching success on the age-matched male and female calves was 46.7% and 51.7%. This represents a reduction in viability of 28-33% compared with eggs laid by fleas on cats. Factors which may account for reduced reproductive maturation of fleas on calves, including protein content of the host's blood, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. The seasonal and spatial variation of the adult flea fauna (Siphonaptera) was examined in connection with live-trapping studies of the Siberian flying squirrel ( Pteromys volans ) in three study areas in southern Finland between 1997 and 2005.
2. The numerically dominant flea species of the Siberian flying squirrel were Tarsopsylla octodecimdentata octodecimdentata and Ceratophyllus (Monopsyllus) indages indages (Ceratophyllidae); the latter being a host specialist of the Siberian flying squirrel. Tarsopsylla octodecimdentata , which also commonly occurs on the red squirrel ( Sciurus vulgaris ), infected a large proportion of the host population throughout the winter, whereas C. indages occurred predominantly during the summer and autumn, being practically the only flea species in nests during the flying squirrels' breeding season and on juveniles still inhabiting their natal nest.
3. The use of nest boxes by flying squirrels did not have any positive effects on flea populations, but it may have had a negative impact on T.   octodecimdentata .
4. The potentially vulnerable C.   i.   indages is a predictable, widespread component in the flea fauna of the Siberian flying squirrel at various spatial scales, and it is likely to occur in most of the permanent flying squirrel populations in Finland.  相似文献   

Although habitat management practices focussed on the enhancement of hunting and protection of threatened species are common, the scientific validation of such practices is scarce. The wild European rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus L., a hunted and threatened species in its native range, is at the same time a key species for the preservation of threatened Mediterranean predators. Cereal sowing is one of the most common practices to augment the food supply of rabbits, and it is used not only by hunters but also by conservationists. At present, limited scientific information is available regarding the effectiveness of cereal sowing. To evaluate its effectiveness, we analysed data on sowing trials conducted in 125 plots, located in 14 private estates throughout central Spain, most of them with low density populations. Brush was cleared from 44 of these plots prior to sowing. Our results indicated that rabbits preferentially selected sown areas over control (unsown) areas. This selection increased in plots that represented suitable habitats for rabbits, such as pasturelands, as well as when thicket islands and natural or artificial shelters were available within the sown plots. Local enhancement of rabbit populations was also observed. These positive results were also obtained regardless of the initial habitat conditions, not only in the treatment plots but also in the surrounding area. Our recommendations can be broadly applied for managing rabbit-dependent threatened species.  相似文献   

Serum samples from 210 wild ruminants collected between 2006 and 2007 in southern Spain were tested for antibodies against bluetongue virus (BTV) by means of a competitive ELISA assay. Eighty-seven of the 210 wild ruminants analysed (41%) showed antibodies against BTV. Statistically significant differences were found in the seroprevalence among species: 66% (65 of 98) for red deer (Cervus elaphus), 50% (ten of 20) for fallow deer (Dama dama), 33% (three of nine) for mouflon (Ovis aries musimon) and 11% (nine of 83) for Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica). Overall, the sites where seropositive wild ruminants were found coincide with the areas where BTV had been detected in livestock, but in eastern Sierra Morena, the virus circulated in wild ruminants, although it had not been detected in domestic ruminants in the same areas. Wild ruminants over 1-year of age (sub-adults and adults) had significantly higher seroprevalences than juvenile animals. Statistically significant differences were also observed between BTV seroprevalence and management (free-ranging vs. captivity) with higher prevalence in free-ranging animals. The high seroprevalences obtained suggest that BTV is widespread in wild ruminants in southern Spain. This factor could have an important influence on the evolution of the infection in domestic livestock and indicates the need to include wild ruminant species in BTV surveillance or control programs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

【目的】分析云南省玉龙鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度的影响因素。【方法】选取云南省玉龙鼠疫疫源地3个海拔区域,按4个季节进行野外捕鼠,捕获的鼠形动物用梳检法收集体表寄生蚤并在显微镜下分类鉴定。通过实际测量和实地观察相结合的方式收集潜在影响鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度的因素包括鼠形动物特征变量指标(如种类、年龄、性别、体长、体重)、环境和气象因子(如海拔、季节)等数据。采用EpiData 3.02软件建立数据库,在R软件下使用跨栏负二项分布回归分析鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度的影响因素。【结果】从捕获的884只鼠形动物中检获寄生蚤9种484头,以特新蚤指名亚种、方叶栉眼蚤、无值大锥蚤、云南栉眼蚤为主(86.16%)。回归分析显示: 2 700-3 000 m和3 000 m以上海拔鼠形动物染蚤概率较2 400-2 700 m分别增加1.27和3.72倍;湿度高于70%时,鼠形动物染蚤概率较湿度≤70%时减少41%;与齐氏姬鼠的染蚤概率相比,中华姬鼠的染蚤概率降低50%,大绒鼠的染蚤概率增加79%;体长超过104 mm的鼠形动物染蚤概率较体长≤104 mm的鼠形动物染蚤概率增加76%;气温高于15℃时,鼠形动物染蚤数量较温度≤15℃时降低67%;成年鼠形动物的染蚤数量较未成年鼠形动物的染蚤数量增加2.25倍;与春季相比,夏季的染蚤数量增加2.00倍,秋季的染蚤概率减少48%,冬季的染蚤概率和染蚤数量分别增加1.44和1.06倍。【结论】玉龙鼠疫疫源地野外鼠形动物寄生蚤以特新蚤指名亚种、方叶栉眼蚤、无值大锥蚤、云南栉眼蚤为优势蚤种。鼠形动物寄生蚤丰盛度与海拔、季节、气温、湿度等环境气象因子及鼠形动物种类、体长、年龄等鼠形动物特征变量密切相关。  相似文献   

Effectiveness of traditional wild rabbit restocking in Spain   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Since myxomatosis, around half a million rabbits are restocked annually in France and the Iberian Peninsula. The effectiveness of this approach to restoration is still unknown. In this study, the efficacy of traditional restocking was evaluated by marking rabbits with radiocollars and reproducing the methodology usually employed in Spain. The estimated mean survival rate for the first 10 days after release was very low (<3%). Most of the tagged rabbits were dead within three months. Causes of mortality included injuries, disease, and predation (especially by red foxes, Vulpes vulpes ). The deaths were mainly within the first week after release, a period that could be considered critical for the establishment of the animals. Male rabbits were more affected by diseases, whereas females were preyed upon more often. For both sexes, average dispersal distance was low (435 m from the release place). We suggest that survival of introduced rabbits could be increased (21%) by disturbing carnivores within the restocking area. A short period in captivity prior to release (2–3 weeks) increased rabbit survival rates (40%), by allowing us to remove diseased animals (mainly affected by myxomatosis). Assuming the existence of a 'predator pit' in some populations of rabbits, the traditional rabbit restocking is not an effective method of increasing the most important prey for the vertebrate ecosystem in the Iberian Peninsula, although some improvements could be made.  相似文献   

Bubonic plague (Yersinia pestis) is a deadly zoonosis with black‐tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) as a reservoir host in the United States. Systemic insecticides are a promising means of controlling the vectors, Oropsylla spp. fleas, infesting these prairie dogs, subsequently disrupting the Y. pestis cycle. The objective of this study was to conduct a field trial evaluating the efficacy of a grain rodent bait containing fipronil (0.005%) against fleas infesting prairie dogs. The study was performed in Larimer County, CO, where bait was applied to a treatment area containing a dense prairie dog population, three times over a three‐week period. Prairie dogs were captured and combed for fleas during four study periods (pre‐, mid‐, 1st post‐, and 2nd post‐treatment). Results indicated the use of bait containing fipronil significantly reduced flea burden. The bait containing fipronil was determined to reduce the mean number of fleas per prairie dog >95% for a minimum of 52 days post‐initial treatment application and 31 days post‐final treatment application. These results suggest the potential for this form of treatment to reduce flea population density on prairie dogs, and subsequently plague transmission, among mammalian hosts across the United States and beyond.  相似文献   

Three new species of fleas belonging to the genus Macrostylophora (Siphonaptera, Ceratophyllidae) are described from the three‐striped ground squirrel, Lariscus insignis, from Tjibodas, West Java (Jawa Barat), Indonesia at an elevation of 1500 m. Macrostylophora larisci sp. n. is described from three male specimens, Macrostylophora debilitata sp. n. is described from one male and Macrostylophora wilsoni sp. n. is described from one female. Non‐genital morphological characters of the female specimen, including ctenidial spine shapes and lengths, show that it is not the corresponding female for either M. larisci sp. n. or M. debilitata sp. n. It is unusual for three different species of congeneric fleas to parasitize the same host species in the same geographical location. These three new species represent the first known records of Macrostylophora from Java and they could be enzootic vectors between rodents of flea‐borne zoonotic pathogens such as Rickettsia typhi and Yersinia pestis, both of which are established on Java. A list is provided of the 43 known species and 12 subspecies of Macrostylophora together with their known geographical distributions and hosts. A map depicting the distributions of known Indonesian (and Bornean) species of Macrostylophora is also included.  相似文献   

近30年来,羌塘高原野牦牛(Bos mutus) 种群数量虽缓慢恢复,但仍为野生有蹄类中仅有的易危物种。由于其对人为活动规避明显且具有极强的攻击性,野牦牛栖息地分布和质量数据仍很匮乏。把野外调查与最大熵(Maxent)、土地利用模拟模型(FLUS)、InVEST三种模型相结合,系统分析羌塘高原野牦牛栖息地分布及其影响因素,并通过未来气候、未来土地覆被和未来食物情景构建2050年不同温室气体排放浓度(RCPs)情景下羌塘高原生境状况,预测栖息地变化状况,以期为青藏高原生物多样性维护提供数据支撑。结果发现:2020年前后野牦牛栖息地总面积为25.1万km2,集中分布在那曲市北部,阿里地区分布零散。栖息地以草原和荒漠为主,部分位于冰川区,野牦牛对气候条件反应敏感,偏好生活在暖季降雨量约在200mm,冷季降雨量约10mm,年最低温度-30℃的区域,坡度耐受性高。约92%的野牦牛栖息地位于羌塘国家自然保护区内,仅有南部约1.2万km2栖息地与人类活动交叠明显。2050年前后羌塘高原暖湿化明显,草原面积增加,野牦牛栖息地将向西北部无人区扩张,目前栖息地分布较零散的阿里地区也将出现大面积高质量栖息地,三种RCPs情境下栖息地面积分别为28.2万km2(RCP2.6)、28.4万km2(RCP4.5)和28.0万km2(RCP8.5),新增栖息地以极重要栖息地为主,边界与羌塘自然保护区范围更加吻合,自然保护地体系建设将有力支撑野牦牛的保护。  相似文献   

The efficacy of rodent bait containing the insecticide imidacloprid was evaluated for controlling fleas on the California ground squirrel, Spermophilus beecheyi. The bait was designed to deliver an oral dose of insecticide resulting in flea mortality when obtaining a blood meal. During the five‐week trial, performed at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Santa Barbara County, CA, a spot‐baiting technique was used to apply bait to ground squirrel burrows. Bait was applied six times throughout the trial. Results indicated that the use of a host‐targeted bait was effective in significantly reducing the flea burden on S. beecheyi. Efficacy at reducing flea abundance was near 100% at both day 15 and day 29 of the trial. Use of the bait also reduced the prevalence of flea‐infested S. beecheyi. Our results indicate that the use of rodent bait containing insecticide could provide an effective, economical method of controlling the fleas of S. beecheyi, the primary vectors of human plague in California.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the quantitative genetics of traits in wild animal populations have created new interest in whether natural selection, and genetic response to it, can be detected within long-term ecological studies. However, such studies have re-emphasized the fact that ecological heterogeneity can confound our ability to infer selection on genetic variation and detect a population''s response to selection by conventional quantitative genetics approaches. Here, I highlight three manifestations of this issue: counter gradient variation, environmentally induced covariance between traits and the correlated effects of a fluctuating environment. These effects are symptomatic of the oversimplifications and strong assumptions of the breeder''s equation when it is applied to natural populations. In addition, methods to assay genetic change in quantitative traits have overestimated the precision with which change can be measured. In the future, a more conservative approach to inferring quantitative genetic response to selection, or genomic approaches allowing the estimation of selection intensity and responses to selection at known quantitative trait loci, will provide a more precise view of evolution in ecological time.  相似文献   

The role of red fox as host for a wide range of parasites, particularly fleas and other arthropods causing vector-borne diseases, in combination with its capability to adapt to anthropized environments, makes this wild canid an epidemiologically remarkable species at the wildlife–domestic–human interface, especially in the present time of rise of emerging and re-emerging diseases. This study evaluated the prevalence and parasite intensity of fleas in 88 foxes from Murcia Region (Southeastern Spain) and determined the geographic distribution of areas with the highest potential risk of flea presence. Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis, Spilopsyllus cuniculi and Nosopsyllus fasciatus were identified. The overall prevalence was 76.13%. This is the first time that N. fasciatus has been reported in foxes from Murcia Region. The predictive model established a certain pattern to determine the areas with the highest risk of acquiring fleas. Positive correlation of daily potential evapotranspiration (ET0) in winter and the opposite effect occurring for ET0 in summer were obtained, as well as positive correlations for mean daily temperature (Tmean) in summer and mean precipitation (Pmean) in winter and summer. The model was also found positively correlated in the forest habitat ecotone areas and the anthropized areas.  相似文献   

Summary Various environmental factors were investigated to analyse those involved in successful overwintering and possibly overwintering site selection for Tachyporus hypnorum and Demetrias atricapillus, both important coleopteran predators of cereal aphids. The results of the study indicated food supply to be important for both predator species during the winter period, although the role of biotic factors in site selection in the autumn could not be clearly demonstrated. The winter distribution of the two species could, however, be explained well in terms of abiotic factors. It is suggested that these and other similar predator species have well-defined overwintering requirements and that these can be exploited in the management of field boundary habitats.  相似文献   

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