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Locomotion in Caenorhabditis elegans requires force transmission through a network of proteins linking the skeletal muscle, via an intervening basal lamina and epidermis (hypodermis), to the cuticle. Mutations in mua-6 result in hypodermal rupture, muscle detachment from the bodywall, and progressive paralysis. It is shown that mua-6 encodes the cytoplasmic intermediate filament (cIF) A2 protein and that a MUA-6/IFA-2::GFP fusion protein that rescues the presumptive mua-6 null allele localizes to hypodermal hemidesmosomes. This result is consistent with what is known about the function of cIFs in vertebrates. Although MUA-6/IFA-2 is expressed embryonically, and plays an essential postembryonic role in tissue integrity, it is not required for embryonic development of muscle-cuticle linkages nor for the localization of other cIFs or hemidesmosome-associated proteins in the embryo. Finally, the molecular lesion in the mua-6(rh85) allele suggests that the head domain of the MUA-6/IFA-2 is dispensable for its function.  相似文献   

The establishment of anterior-posterior polarity in the Caenorhabditis elegans embryo requires the activity of the maternally expressed par genes. We report the identification and analysis of a new par gene, par-5. We show that par-5 is required for asynchrony and asymmetry in the first embryonic cell divisions, normal pseudocleavage, normal cleavage spindle orientation at the two-cell stage, and localization of P granules and MEX-5 during the first and subsequent cell cycles. Furthermore, par-5 activity is required in the first cell cycle for the asymmetric cortical localization of PAR-1 and PAR-2 to the posterior, and PAR-3, PAR-6, and PKC-3 to the anterior. When PAR-5 is reduced by mutation or by RNA interference, these proteins spread around the cortex of the one-cell embryo and partially overlap. We have shown by sequence analysis of par-5 mutants and by RNA interference that the par-5 gene is the same as the ftt-1 gene, and encodes a 14-3-3 protein. The PAR-5 14-3-3 protein is present in gonads, oocytes, and early embryos, but is not asymmetrically distributed. Our analysis indicates that the par-5 14-3-3 gene plays a crucial role in the early events leading to polarization of the C. elegans zygote.  相似文献   

Tat-mediated protein delivery in living Caenorhabditis elegans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Tat protein from HIV-1 fused with heterologous proteins traverses biological membranes in a transcellular process called: protein transduction. This has already been successfully exploited in various biological models, but never in the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans. TAT-eGFP or GST-eGFP proteins were fed to C. elegans worms, which resulted in the specific localization of Tat-eGFP to epithelial intestinal cells. This system represents an efficient tool for transcellular transduction in C. elegans intestinal cells. Indeed, this approach avoids the use of tedious purification steps to purify the TAT fusion proteins and allows for rapid analyses of the transduced proteins. In addition, it may represent an efficient tool to functionally analyze the mechanisms of protein transduction as well as to complement RNAi/KO in the epithelial intestinal system. To sum up, the advantage of this technology is to combine the potential of bacterial expression system and the Tat-mediated transduction technique in living worm.  相似文献   

Fertilization, the union of sperm and egg to form a new organism, is a critical process that bridges generations. Although the cytological and physiological aspects of fertilization are relatively well understood, little is known about the molecular interactions that occur between gametes. C. elegans has emerged as a powerful system for the identification of genes that are necessary for fertilization. C. elegans spe-42 mutants are sterile, producing cytologically normal spermatozoa that fail to fertilize oocytes. Indeed, male mating behavior, sperm transfer to hermaphrodites, sperm migration to the spermatheca, which is the site of fertilization and sperm competition are normal in spe-42 mutants. spe-42 mutant sperm make direct contact with oocytes in the spermatheca, suggesting that SPE-42 plays a role during sperm-egg interactions just prior to fertilization. No other obvious defects were observed in spe-42 mutant worms. Cloning and sequence analysis revealed that SPE-42 is a novel predicted 7-pass integral membrane protein with homologs in many metazoan species, suggesting that its mechanism of action could be conserved.  相似文献   

The Puf family of RNA-binding proteins directs cell fates by regulating gene expression at the level of translation and RNA stability. Here, we report that the Caenorhabditis elegans pumilio homolog, puf-9, controls the differentiation of epidermal stem cells at the larval-to-adult transition. Genetic analysis reveals that loss-of-function mutations in puf-9 enhance the lethality and heterochronic phenotypes caused by mutations in the let-7 microRNA (miRNA), while suppressing the heterochronic phenotypes of lin-41, a let-7 target and homolog of Drosophila Brat. puf-9 interacts with another known temporal regulator hbl-1, the Caenorhabditis elegans ortholog of hunchback. We present evidence demonstrating that puf-9 is required for the 3'UTR-mediated regulation of hbl-1, in both the hypodermis and the ventral nerve cord. Finally, we show that this regulation is dependent on a region of the hbl-1 3'UTR that contains putative Puf family binding sites as well as binding sites for the let-7 miRNA family, suggesting that puf-9 and let-7 may mediate hypodermal seam cell differentiation by regulating common targets.  相似文献   

In screens for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants defective in vulval morphogenesis, we isolated multiple mutants in which the uterus and the vulva fail to make a functional connection, resulting in an egg-laying defective phenotype. Two of these connection of gonad defective (Cog) mutants carry alleles of the egl-26 gene. We demonstrate that vulval lineages in egl-26 mutant animals are normal, but one vulval cell, vulF, adopts an abnormal morphology. This results in formation of an abnormally thick layer of vulval tissue at the apex of the vulva and a physical blockage of the exit to the vulva from the uterus. egl-26 was cloned and is predicted to encode a novel protein. Mosaic analysis indicates that egl-26 activity is required in the primary vulval lineage for vulF morphogenesis. Expression of a functional translational fusion of EGL-26 to GFP was observed within the primary vulval lineage only in vulE, which neighbors vulF. EGL-26 is localized at the apical edge of the vulE cell. It is thus possible that vulE acts to instruct morphological changes in the neighboring cell, vulF, in an interaction mediated by EGL-26.  相似文献   

Tissue functions and mechanical coupling of cells must be integrated throughout development. A striking example of this coupling is the interactions of body wall muscle and hypodermal cells in Caenorhabditis elegans. These tissues are intimately associated in development and their interactions generate structures that provide a continuous mechanical link to transmit muscle forces across the hypodermis to the cuticle. Previously, we established that mup-4 is essential in embryonic epithelial (hypodermal) morphogenesis and maintenance of muscle position. Here, we report that mup-4 encodes a novel transmembrane protein that is required for attachments between the apical epithelial surface and the cuticular matrix. Its extracellular domain includes epidermal growth factor-like repeats, a von Willebrand factor A domain, and two sea urchin enterokinase modules. Its intracellular domain is homologous to filaggrin, an intermediate filament (IF)-associated protein that regulates IF compaction and that has not previously been reported as part of a junctional complex. MUP-4 colocalizes with epithelial hemidesmosomes overlying body wall muscles, beginning at the time of embryonic cuticle maturation, as well as with other sites of mechanical coupling. These findings support that MUP-4 is a junctional protein that functions in IF tethering, cell-matrix adherence, and mechanical coupling of tissues.  相似文献   

The lamins of the tunicate Ciona intestinalis and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans show unusual sequence features when compared to the more than 35 metazoan lamin sequences currently known. We therefore analyzed the in vitro assembly of these two lamins by electron microscopy using chicken lamin B2 as a control. While lamin dimers usually appear as a rod carrying two globules at one end, these globules are absent from Ciona lamin, which lacks the central 105-residue region of the tail domain. The deletion of 14 residues or two heptads from the coiled coil rod domain of the single C.elegans lamin results in a 1.5-nm shortening of the dimer rod. Similarly, the paracrystals assembled from the C.elegans lamin exhibit a 3.1-nm reduction of the true axial repeat compared to that of chicken lamin B2 paracrystals. We speculate that the banding pattern in the C.elegans lamin paracrystals arises from a relative stagger between dimers and/or a positioning of the globular tail domain relative to the central rod that is distinct from that observed in chicken lamin B2 paracrystals. Here we show that a nuclear lamin can assemble in vitro into 10-nm intermediate filaments (IFs). C.elegans lamin in low ionic strength Tris-buffers at a pH of 7.2-7.4 provides a stable population of lamin IFs. Some implications of this filament formation are discussed.  相似文献   

The cuticle of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is a collagenous extracellular matrix which forms the exoskeleton and defines the shape of the worm. We have characterized the C. elegans gene M142.2, and we show that this is a developmentally regulated gene important for cuticle structure. Transgenic worms expressing M142.2 promoter fused to green fluorescent protein showed that M142.2 is expressed in late embryos and L2d predauers, in the hypodermal cells which synthesize the cuticle. The same temporal pattern was seen by RT-PCR using RNA purified from specific developmental stages. A recombinant fragment of M142.2 was expressed in Escherichia coli and used to raise an antiserum. Immunohistochemistry using the antiserum localized M142.2 to the periphery of the alae of L1 and dauers, forming two longitudinal ribbons over the hypodermal cells. Loss-of-function of M142.2 by RNAi resulted in a novel phenotype: dumpy dauers which lacked alae. M142.2 therefore plays a major role in the assembly of the alae and the morphology of the dauer cuticle; because of its similarity to the other cut genes of the cuticle, we have named the gene cut-6.  相似文献   

Genome duplication is tightly controlled in multicellular organisms to ensure the genome stability. Studies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus show that minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins are essential for genome duplication. However, the development role of MCM proteins in multicellular organisms is not well known. MCM5 encodes a member of the MCM2-7 protein family involved in the initiation of DNA replication. The sequences of all Mcm5 homologues from yeast to human are highly conserved and suggest that their functions are also conserved. Here, we isolated the first mutant allele of mcm-5 (fw7) in Caenorhabditis elegans. Homozygous mcm-5 (fw7) mutants from heterozygous parents exhibited variable larval lethality and adult sterility. The postembryonically born neuron number was decreased and also showed aberrant axon morphology. Our study revealed that the losses of neurons in mcm-5 (fw7) mutants were caused by cell cycle defects not by programmed cell death. The examination showed that mcm-5 was widely used for postembryonic development in multiple cells such as seam cells, gonad and intestinal cells. Knockdown of mcm-5 by RNAi caused 98.1% embryonic arrest, suggesting that mcm-5 was also required for embryonic development. After RNAi treatment of the other MCM2-7 family members, we found that they all exhibited similar phenotypes as mcm-5, suggesting that the MCM2-7 family in C. elegans might function associated with cell division as its homologues in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Netrin is an evolutionarily conserved axon guidance molecule that has both axonal attraction and repulsion activities. In Caenorhabditis elegans, Netrin/UNC-6 is secreted by ventral cells, attracting some axons ventrally and repelling some axons, which extend dorsally. One axon guided by UNC-6 is that of the HSN neuron. The axon guidance process for HSN neurons is complex, consisting of ventral growth, dorsal growth, branching, second ventral growth, fasciculation with ventral nerve cords, and then anterior growth. The vulval precursor cells (VPC) and the PVP and PVQ neurons are required for the HSN axon guidance; however, the molecular mechanisms involved are completely unknown. In this study, we found that the VPC strongly expressed UNC-6 during HSN axon growth. Silencing of UNC-6 expression in only the VPC, using a novel tissue-specific RNAi technique, resulted in abnormal HSN axon guidance. The expression of Netrin/UNC-6 by only the VPC in unc-6 null mutants partially rescued the HSN ventral axon guidance. Furthermore, the expression of Netrin/UNC-6 by the VPC and the ventral nerve cord (VNC) in unc-6 null mutants restored the complex HSN axon guidance. These results suggest that UNC-6 expressed by the VPC and the VNC cooperatively regulates the complex HSN axon guidance.  相似文献   

Ko KM  Lee W  Yu JR  Ahnn J 《FEBS letters》2007,581(28):5445-5453
Inorganic pyrophosphatase (PPase) catalyzes the hydrolysis of inorganic pyrophosphate (PPi) into phosphate (Pi), which provides a thermodynamic driving force for important biosynthetic reactions. The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans gene C47E12.4 encodes a PPase (PYP-1) which shows 54% amino acid identity with human PPase. PYP-1 exhibits specific enzyme activity and is mainly expressed in the intestinal and nervous system. A null mutant of pyp-1 reveals a developmental arrest at early larval stages and exhibits gross defects in intestinal morphology and function. The larval arrest phenotype was successfully rescued by reintroduction of the pyp-1 gene, suggesting that PYP-1 is required for larval development and intestinal function in C. elegans.  相似文献   

EXT gene family members including EXT1, EXT2, and EXTL2 are glycosyltransferases required for heparan sulfate biosynthesis. To examine the biological functions of rib-2, a member of the Caenorhabditis elegans EXT gene family, we generated a mutant worm lacking the rib-2 gene using the UV-TMP method followed by sib-selection. Inactivation of rib-2 alleles induced developmental abnormalities in F2 and F3 homozygous worms, while F1 heterozygotes showed a normal morphology. The F2 homozygous progeny generated from the F1 heterozygous hermaphrodites somehow developed to adult stage but exhibited abnormal characteristics such as developmental delay and egg-laying defects. The F3 homozygous progeny from the F2 homozygous hermaphrodites showed early developmental defects and most of the F3 worms stopped developing during the gastrulation stage. Whole-mount staining analysis for heparan sulfate using Toluidine blue (pH 2.5) revealed a defect of heparan sulfate biosynthesis in the F2 homozygotes. The analysis using fluorometric post-column high-performance liquid chromatography also uncovered reduced production of heparan sulfate in the rib-2 mutant. These results indicate that rib-2 is essential for embryonic development and heparan sulfate biosynthesis in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Nucleoporins are components of the nuclear pore, which is required for nucleo-cytoplasmic transport. We report a role for a subclass of nucleoporins in orienting the mitotic spindle in C. elegans embryos. RNAi-mediated depletion of any of five putative nucleoporins npp-1, npp-3, npp-4, npp-11, and npp-13 leads to indistinguishable spindle orientation defects. Transgenic worms expressing NPP-1::GFP or NPP-11::GFP show GFP localization at the nuclear envelope, consistent with their predicted function. NPP-1 interacts with the other nucleoporins in yeast two-hybrid assays, suggesting that the proteins affect spindle orientation by a common process. The failed orientation phenotype of npp-1(RNAi) is at least partially epistatic to the ectopic spindle rotation in the AB blastomere of par-3 mutant embryos. This suggests that NPP-1 contributes to the mechanics of spindle orientation. However, NPP-1 is also required for PAR-6 asymmetry at the two-cell stage, indicating that nucleoporins may be required to define cortical domains in the germ line blastomere P1. Nuclear envelope structure is abnormal in npp-1(RNAi) embryos, but the envelope maintains its integrity, and most nuclear proteins we assayed accumulate normally. These findings raise the possibility that these nucleoporins may have direct roles in orienting the mitotic spindle and the maintenance of cell polarity.  相似文献   

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