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Ectomycorrhizas, the dominating mycorrhizal symbiosis in boreal, temperate and some tropical forests, are formed by 5000-6000 species of the asco- and basidiomycetes. This high diversity of fungal partners allows optimal foraging and mobilisation of various nitrogen and phosphorus forms from organic soil layers. In this review, two approaches to study the functioning of this multitude of symbiotic associations are presented. On selected culture models, physiological and molecular investigations have shown that the supply of hexoses has a key function in controlling the plant-fungus interaction via partner-specific regulation of gene expression. Environmental factors which affect fungal carbon supply, such as increased nitrogen availability, also affect mycorrhiza formation. Based on such laboratory results, the adaptative capability of ectomycorrhizas to changing field conditions is discussed. The second approach consists of analysing the distribution of mycorrhizas in ecosystem compartments and to relate distribution patterns to variations of ecological factors. Recent advances in identification of fungal partners in ectomycorrhizas by analysing the internal transcribed spacer of ribosomal DNA are presented, which can help to resolve sampling problems in field studies. The limits of the laboratory and the field approaches are discussed. Despite some problems, this combined approach is the most promising. Direct investigation of gene expression, which has been introduced for soil bacteria, will be difficult in the case of mycorrhizal fungi which constitute organisms with functionally varying structures.  相似文献   

Activities of carboxylation enzymes were analyzed in the mycelium of the mycorrhizal fungus Amanita muscaria (L. ex Fr.) Hooker, in non-mycorrhizal short roots of Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) and in myconhizas of these two partners. While pyruvale carboxylase (PC, EC and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase activities (PEPCK.EC could be detected in the mycelium of A. muscaria , phosphoenolpyruvate carboxyknase (PEPC, EC was only active in root tissue. In A. muscaria , PC activity was generally low (around 10 nmol mg−tprotein min) but PEPCK activity was above 250 nmol mg−1 protein min−1. Mycorrhizal development on short roots decreased PEPC activity by more than 75%, although dilution by the fungal biomass in mycorrhizas was only 35%. This reduction in activity was paralleled by a decreased content of PEPC protein. By means of micro-analytical methods it was shown that PEPC activity was lowest in the central zones of the mycorrhizas, Whereas PEPC activity was highest in the corresponding central sections in non-mycorrhizal short roots. 14CO2 labelling, on the other hand, revealed that in vivo CO2 fixation was higher in mycorrhizas compared to non-mycorrhizal short roots. It is concluded that fungal carboxylases (probably PEPCK) are important for anaplerotic CO2 fixation during nitrogen assimilation in mycorrhizas of Norway spruce.  相似文献   

The effect of NO2 fumigation on root N uptake and metabolism was investigated in 3-month-old spruce (Picea abics L. Karst) seedlings. In a first experiment, the contribution of NO2 to the plant N budget was measured during a 48 h fumigation with 100mm3m?3 NO2. Plants were pre-treated with various nutrient solutions containing NO2 and NH4+, NO3? only or no nitrogen source for 1 week prior to the beginning of fumigation. Absence of NH4+ in the solution for 6d led to an increased capacity for NO3? uptake, whereas the absence of both ions caused a decrease in the plant N concentration, with no change in NO3? uptake. In fumigated plants, NO2 uptake accounted for 20–40% of NO3? uptake. Root NO3? uptake in plants supplied with NH4+plus NO3? solutions was decreased by NO2 fumigation, whereas it was not significantly altered in the other treatments. In a second experiment, spruce seedlings were grown on a solution containing both NO2 and NH4+ and were fumigated or not with 100mm3m?3 NO2 for 7 weeks. Fumigated plants accumulated less dry matter, especially in the roots. Fluxes of the two N species were estimated from their accumulations in shoots and roots, xylem exudate analysis and 15N labelling. Root NH4+ uptake was approximately three times higher than NO3? uptake. Nitrogen dioxide uptake represented 10–15% of the total N budget of the plants. In control plants, N assimilation occurred mainly in the roots and organic nitrogen was the main form of N transported to the shoot. Phloem transport of organic nitrogen accounted for 17% of its xylem transport. In fumigated plants, neither NO3? nor NH4+ accumulated in the shoot, showing that all the absorbed NO2 was assimilated. Root NO3? reduction was reduced whereas organic nitrogen transport in the phloem increased by a factor of 3 in NO2-fimugated as compared with control plants. The significance of the results for the regulation of whole-plant N utilization is discussed.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizae are formed by mutualistic interactions between fungi and the roots of woody plants. During symbiosis the two organisms exchange carbon and nutrients in a specific tissue that is formed at the contact between a compatible fungus and plant. There is considerable variation in the degree of host specificity among species and strains of ectomycorrhizal fungi. In this study, we have for the first time shown that this variation is associated with quantitative differences in gene expression, and with divergence in nucleotide sequences of symbiosis-regulated genes. Gene expression and sequence evolution were compared in different strains of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus; the strains included Nau, which is not compatible with birch and poplar, and the two compatible strains Maj and ATCC200175. On a genomic level, Nau and Maj were very similar. The sequence identity was 98.9% in the 16 loci analysed, and only three out of 1075 genes analysed by microarray-based hybridizations had signals indicating differences in gene copy numbers. In contrast, 66 out of the 1075 genes were differentially expressed in Maj compared to Nau after contact with birch roots. Thirty-seven of these symbiosis-regulated genes were also differentially expressed in the ATCC strain. Comparative analysis of DNA sequences of the symbiosis-regulated genes in different strains showed that two of them have evolved at an enhanced rate in Nau. The sequence divergence can be explained by a decreased selection pressure, which in turn is determined by lower functional constraints on these proteins in Nau as compared to the compatible strains.  相似文献   

Functional compartmentation of the extramatrical mycelium of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) fungi is considered important for the operation of ECM associations, although the molecular basis is poorly characterized. Global gene expression profiles of mycelium colonizing an ammonium sulphate ((NH4)2SO4) nutrient patch, rhizomorphs and ECM root tips of the Betula pendula-Paxillus involutus association were compared by cDNA microarray analysis. The expression profiles of rhizomorphs and nutrient patch mycelium were similar to each other but distinctly different from that of mycorrhizal tips. Statistical analyses revealed 337 of 1075 fungal genes differentially regulated among these three tissues. Clusters of genes exhibiting distinct expression patterns within specific tissues were identified. Genes implicated in the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase (GS/GOGAT) and urea cycles, and the provision of carbon skeletons for ammonium assimilation via beta-oxidation and the glyoxylate cycle, were highly expressed in rhizomorph and nutrient patch mycelium. Genes implicated in vesicular transport, cytoskeleton organization and morphogenesis and protein degradation were also differentially expressed. Differential expression of genes among the extramatrical mycelium and mycorrhizal tips indicates functional specialization of tissues forming ECM associations.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are small, secreted proteins that play important roles in the development of pathogenic and symbiotic fungi. Evolutionary mechanisms generating sequence and expression divergence among members in hydrophobin gene families are largely unknown. Seven hydrophobin (hyd) genes and one hyd pseudogene were isolated from strains of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus. Sequences were analysed using phylogenetic methods. Expression profiles were inferred from microarray experiments. The hyd genes included both young (recently diverged) and old duplicates. Some young hyd genes exhibited an initial phase of enhanced sequence evolution owing to relaxed or positive selection. There was no significant association between sequence divergence and variation in expression levels. However, three hyd genes displayed a shift in the expression levels or an altered tissue specificity following duplication. The Paxillus hyd genes evolve according to the so-called birth-and-death model in which some duplicates are maintained for a long time, whereas others are inactivated through mutations. The role of subfunctionalization and/or neofunctionalization for preserving the hyd duplicates in the genome is discussed.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activities of common spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii (Rupr) Rupr ex Kuzen) were analyzed on the basis of datasets obtained for 110- to 130-year-old forest stands in Middle Russia and East Siberia. Using a Li-Cor 6200 gas analyzer, photosynthesis was measured in parallel with transpiration, stomatal conductance, CO2 concentrations in ambient air and intercellular spaces, the photosynthetically active radiation, air temperature, and air humidity. The data were examined within the framework of a biochemical model of photosynthesis of Farquhar et al. [1] in combination with the stomatal conductance model proposed by Jarvis [2]. The species-specific differences in carbon assimilation rates were discovered, and dependences of photosynthesis on the needle age, light regime, and growth conditions were revealed. The model parameters obtained were used to simulate the photosynthetic rates in spruce and larch trees at various weather conditions.  相似文献   

白念珠菌是一种条件性致病菌,可在人体植入性器械表面形成生物被膜.与浮游和以个体形式存在的白念珠菌相比,生物被膜在结构及功能上有很大差异,这种差异本质上是由基因表达决定的.近年来,研究者们试图通过芯片和基因敲除等技术手段,探索与白念珠菌生物被膜形成及耐药相关的基因,揭示其分子机制,寻找药物作用的新靶点.  相似文献   

Cancer is a big problem in the developed world as well as in developing countries. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for approximately 3% of adult malignancies and 90–95% of neoplasms arising from the kidney. RCC is more common in men than in women (2:1), and it most often occurs in patients between the ages of 50–70 years. In all cancers the cancerous cells release particular kind of proteins (called tumour markers) and blood tests are used to detect the presence of these markers. These tumour markers nowadays are an area of interest for oncologists who search for a possible solution in the detection and treatment of RCC. Different kinds of biochemical and molecular markers such as ferritin, MN/CA9, apoptotic index, p53, IL-2, gamma-enolase, CD44, CD95, chromosome instability and loss of heterozygosity have been tested in RCC, but so far no marker fulfils one or the other criteria to be considered as an ideal marker for RCC. This review gives basic and updated information about the different kinds of biomarkers studied in RCC and about the role implementation of genomics and proteomics in RCC.  相似文献   

Cancer is a big problem in the developed world as well as in developing countries. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) accounts for approximately 3% of adult malignancies and 90-95% of neoplasms arising from the kidney. RCC is more common in men than in women (2:1), and it most often occurs in patients between the ages of 50-70 years. In all cancers the cancerous cells release particular kind of proteins (called tumour markers) and blood tests are used to detect the presence of these markers. These tumour markers nowadays are an area of interest for oncologists who search for a possible solution in the detection and treatment of RCC. Different kinds of biochemical and molecular markers such as ferritin, MN/CA9, apoptotic index, p53, IL-2, gamma-enolase, CD44, CD95, chromosome instability and loss of heterozygosity have been tested in RCC, but so far no marker fulfils one or the other criteria to be considered as an ideal marker for RCC. This review gives basic and updated information about the different kinds of biomarkers studied in RCC and about the role implementation of genomics and proteomics in RCC.  相似文献   

The biochemical characterization of sugar uptake in yeasts started five decades ago and led to the early production of abundant kinetic and mechanistic data. However, the first accurate overview of the underlying sugar transporter genes was obtained relatively late, due mainly to the genetic complexity of hexose uptake in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae . The genomic era generated in turn a massive amount of information, allowing the identification of a multitude of putative sugar transporter and sensor-encoding genes in yeast genomes, many of which are phylogenetically related. This review aims to briefly summarize our current knowledge on the biochemical and molecular features of the transporters of hexoses and pentoses in yeasts, when possible establishing links between previous kinetic studies and genomic data currently available. Emphasis is given to recent developments concerning the identification of d -xylose and l -arabinose transporter genes, which are thought to be key players in the optimization of S. cerevisiae strains for bioethanol production from lignocellulose hydrolysates.  相似文献   

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