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Dorsal lips of Xenopus laevis may differentiate into pancreas after treatment with retinoic acid in vitro. The dorsal lip region is fated to be dorsal mesoderm and anterior endoderm. Dorsal lip cells isolated from stage 10 early gastrula differentiate into tissues such as notochord, muscle and pharynx. However, in the present study, dorsal lips treated with 10(-4) M retinoic acid for 3 h differentiated into pancreas-like structures accompanied by notochord and thick endodermal epithelium. Sections of the explants showed that some cells gathered and formed an acinus-like structure as observed under microscopes. In addition to the morphological changes, expressions of the pancreas-specific molecular markers, XIHbox8 and insulin, were induced in retinoic acid-treated dorsal lip explants. Therefore, it is suggested that retinoic acid may induce the dorsal lip cells to differentiate into a functional pancreas. However, continuous treatment with retinoic acid did not induce pancreas differentiation at any concentration. Dorsal lips treated with retinoic acid within 5 h after isolation differentiated into pancreas-like cells, while those treated after 15 h or more did not. The present study provided a suitable test system for analyzing pancreas differentiation in early vertebrate development.  相似文献   

Jaws are formed by cephalic neural crest (CNCCs) and mesodermal cells migrating to the first pharyngeal arch (PA1). A complex signaling network involving different PA1 components then establishes the jaw morphogenetic program. To gather insight on this developmental process, in this study, we analyze the teratogenic effects of brief (1–15 min) pulses of low doses of retinoic acid (RA: 0.25–2 µM) or RA agonists administered to early Xenopus laevis (X.l.) embryos. We show that these brief pulses of RA cause permanent craniofacial defects specifically when treatments are performed during a 6‐hr window (developmental stages NF15–NF23) that covers the period of CNCCs maintenance, migration, and specification. Earlier or later treatments have no effect. Similar treatments performed at slightly different developmental stages within this temporal window give rise to different spectra of malformations. The RA‐dependent teratogenic effects observed in Xenopus can be partially rescued by folinic acid. We provide evidence suggesting that in Xenopus, as in the mouse, RA causes craniofacial malformations by perturbing signaling to CNCCs. Differently from the mouse, where RA affects CNCCs only at the end of their migration, in Xenopus, RA has an effect on CNCCs during all the period ranging from their exit from the neural tube until their arrival in the PA1. Our findings provide a conceptual framework to understand the origin of individual facial features and the evolution of different craniofacial morphotypes. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 89:493–503, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

克隆了非洲爪蟾的Sox1基因并研究了它在非洲爪蟾早期发育过程中的时空表达图式,比较了Sox1—3基因在发育的脑和眼中的表达图式。序列比对分析显示Sox1—3蛋白在其HMG框结构域具有高度的保守性。通过RT-PCR方法分析了Sox1基因在爪蟾早期不同发育时段的表达情况,结果显示Sox1基因从未受精卵到尾芽期均有表达,但表达强度有所差异。原位杂交结果显示,在早期卵裂阶段和囊胚期,Sox1基因主要在动物极表达;从神经板期开始,Sox1基因主要在中枢神经系统和眼原基中表达。在蝌蚪期,Sox1与Sox2、Sox3在脑部和眼睛的表达区域有所不同。对于爪蟾Sox1基因时空表达图式的研究将有助于阐明SoxB1基因家族在脊椎动物神经系统发生过程中的作用。  相似文献   

Differentiation inside a developing embryo can be observed by a variety of optical methods but hardly so in opaque organisms. Embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis--a popular model system--belong to the latter category and, for this reason, are predominantly being investigated by means of physical sectioning. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive method independent of the optical opaqueness of the object. Starting out from clinical diagnostics, the technique has now developed into a branch of microscopy--MR microscopy--that provides spatial resolutions of tens of microns for small biological objects. Nondestructive three-dimensional images of various embryos have been obtained using this technique. They were, however, usually acquired by long scans of fixed embryos. Previously reported in vivo studies did not cover the very early embryonic stages, mainly for sensitivity reasons. Here, by applying high field MR microscopy to the X. laevis system, we achieved the temporal and spatial resolution required for observing subcellular dynamics during early cell divisions in vivo. We present image series of dividing cells and nuclei and of the whole embryonic development from the zygote onto the hatching of the tadpole. Additionally, biomechanical analyses from successive MR images are introduced. These results demonstrate that MR microscopy can provide unique contributions to investigations of differentiating cells and tissues in vivo.  相似文献   

When expressed in Xenopus oocytes KAAT1 increases tenfold the transport of l-leucine. Substitution of NaCl with 100 mm LiCl, RbCl or KCl allows a reduced but significant activation of l-leucine uptakes. Chloride-dependence is not strict since other pseudohalide anions such as thyocyanate are accepted. KAAT1 is highly sensitive to pH. It can transport l-leucine at pH 5.5 and 8, but the maximum uptake has been observed at pH 10, near to the physiological pH value, when amino and carboxylic groups are both deprotonated. The pH value mainly influences the V max in Na+ activation curves and l-leucine kinetics. The kinetic parameters are K mNa = 4.6 ± 2 mm, V maxNa = 14.8 ± 1.7 pmol/oocyte/5 min for pH 8.0 and K mNa = 2.8 ± 0.7 mm, V maxNa = 31.3 ± 1.9 pmol/oocyte/5 min for pH 10.0. The kinetic parameters of l-leucine uptake are: K m = 120.4 ± 24.2 μm, V max = 23.2 ± 1.4 pmol/oocyte/5 min at pH 8.0 and K m = 81.3 ± 24.2 μm, V max = 65.6 ± 3.9 pmol/oocyte/5 min at pH 10.0. On the basis of inhibition experiments, the structural features required for KAAT1 substrates are: (i) a carboxylic group, (ii) an unsubstituted α-amino group, (iii) the side chain is unnecessary, if present it should be uncharged regardless of length and ramification. Received: 27 April 1999/Revised: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

Xenopus gilli is a vulnerable anuran with a patchy distribution along the south-western coast of the Cape Province, South Africa. This species is sympatric with Xenopus laevis laevis , a widespread relative found over much of southern Africa. We examined the molecular phylogeography and population structure of the contact zone between these species to obtain information about historical biogeography and conservation management of this region. Analyses of the distribution, frequency, and cladistic and phenetic relationships among mitochondrial DNA haplotypes indicate that population subdivision is present in both taxa but that long-term isolation of sets of populations has occurred in X. gilli only. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity are also considerably higher within and among X. gilli ponds than X. l. laevis ponds in this region. We attribute the genetic segregation of X. gilli populations to ancient habitat fragmentation by ocean transgression into X. gilli habitat and to continued habitat alteration by human activity. The lower level of genetic diversity in X. l. laevis in this region is likely a result of a recent arrival of this taxon to the south-western Cape region relative to X. gilli . Population structure in X. l. laevis may be a result of isolation by distance. Clear evidence exists for at least two management units within X. gilli and strongly supports the establishment of protective measures east of False Bay in order to conserve a substantial portion of this species' extant genetic diversity.  相似文献   

For the clarification of larval-to-adult muscle conversion, the authors established primary culture methods for adult- and larval-type myoblasts in the frog, Xenopus laevis, and examined the hormonal response in each case. The cell types were enzymatically dissociated from adult frog leg and tadpole tail muscles, respectively. The cells became attached to culture plates, proliferated, and fused with each other to form multinucleated myotubes within one week. Five significant differences between the two cell types were noted. (1) Adult cells showed greater proliferation activity than larval cells, the former increasing 5.5-fold over 6 days while the latter increase only 2.5-fold. (2) Differentiation (fusion) of larval type myoblasts started earlier. Cell fusion began on day 2 or 3 in larval cells and on day 4 in adult cells. (3) The metamorphic hormone, triiodo-L-thyronine (T3) decreased larval cell numbers to 56% of that of control-cultures on day 7 but had no effect on adult cell number. DNA synthetic activity (3H-thymidine incorporation) in larval cells decreased under T3 (10(-8) M) to 45% of the control level on day 7. (4) Differentiation of adult myoblasts into myotubes was promoted by T3, whereas that of larval cells diminished by half. (5) Myotube death was induced by T3 specifically in larval but not in adult cultures. In addition to the myotube death, double staining with TUNEL (in situ DNA nick end labeling) and anti-desmin antibody indicated that T3 induces myoblast (desmin+ cell) death specifically in larval but not in adult cells. It is thus evident that the conversion of a larval-type myogenic system during metamorphosis becomes possible through nearly totally specific control of cell division, cell differentiation, and programmed cell death at a precursor cell level by T3.  相似文献   

In a previous report we documented an increased Na+-dependent transport of inorganic phosphate (P i ) in Xenopus laevis oocytes injected with mRNA isolated from rabbit duodenum (Yagci et al., Pfluegers Arch. 422:211–216, 1992; ref 24). In the present study we have used expression cloning in oocytes to search for the cDNA/mRNA involved in this effect. The identified cDNA (provisionally named PiUS; for P i -uptake stimulator) lead to a 3-4-fold stimulation of Na+-dependent P i -uptake (10ng cRNA injected, 3–5 days of expression). Na+-independent uptake of P i was also affected but transport of sulphate and l-arginine (in the presence or absence of sodium) remained unchanged. The apparent K m -values for the induced Na+-dependent uptake were 0.26 ± 0.04 mm for P i and 14.8 ± 3.0 mm for Na+. The 1796 bp cDNA codes for a protein of 425 amino acids. Hydropathy analysis suggests a lack of transmembrane segments. In vitro translation resulted in a protein of 60 kDa and provided no evidence of glycosylation. In Northern blots a mRNA of ∼2 kb was recognized in various tissues including different intestinal segments, kidney cortex, kidney medulla, liver and heart. Homology searches showed no similarity to proteins involved in membrane transport and its control. In conclusion, we have cloned from a rabbit small intestinal cDNA library a novel cDNA encoding a protein stimulating P i -uptake into Xenopus laevis oocytes, but which is not a P i -transporter itself. Received: 31 July 1996/Revised: 16 October 1996  相似文献   

Background information. The BOR (branchio‐oto‐renal) syndrome is a dominant disorder most commonly caused by mutations in the EYA1 (Eyes Absent 1) gene. Symptoms commonly include deafness and renal anomalies. Results. We have used the embryos of the frog Xenopus laevis as an animal model for early ear development to examine the effects of different EYA1 mutations. Four eya1 mRNAs encoding proteins correlated with congenital anomalies in human were injected into early stage embryos. We show that the expression of mutations associated with BOR, even in the presence of normal levels of endogenous eya1 mRNA, leads to morphologically abnormal ear development as measured by overall otic vesicle size, establishment of sensory tissue and otic innervation. The molecular consequences of mutant eya1 expression were assessed by QPCR (quantitative PCR) analysis and in situ hybridization. Embryos expressing mutant eya1 showed altered levels of multiple genes (six1, dach, neuroD, ngnr‐1 and nt3) important for normal ear development. Conclusions. These studies lend support to the hypothesis that dominant‐negative effects of EYA1 mutations may have a role in the pathogenesis of BOR.  相似文献   

When swollen, skate red blood cells increase permeability and allow efflux of a number of solutes, including taurine. Hypoosmosis-induced taurine permeability appears to involve the red cell anion exchanger. However, three isoforms have been cloned from these cells. Therefore, to determine the ability of the individual isoform skate anion exchanger 1 (skAE1) to mediate hypoosmosis-induced taurine permeability as well as associated regulatory events, skAE1 was expressed in Xenopus oocytes. This study focused on investigating the role of tyrosine kinases and lipid rafts in the regulation of the channel. The results showed that tyrosine kinase inhibitors and lipid raft-disrupting agents inhibited the volume-sensitive organic osmolyte channel while protein tyrosine phosphatase inhibitors activated the channel in oocytes expressing skAE1. To study the role of lipid rafts in the activation of the volume-sensitive organic osmolyte channel, the cellular localization of skAE1 was investigated. Also, the role of tyrosine kinases was investigated by examining the tyrosine phosphorylation state of skAE1. Hypoosmotic stress induced mobilization of skAE1 into light membranes and the cell surface as well as tyrosine phosphorylation of skAE1. These events are involved in the activation of the volume-sensitive organic osmolyte channel in Xenopus oocytes expressing skAE1.  相似文献   

The role of thyroid hormone in Xenopus metamorphosis is particularly well understood as it plays an essential role in that process. However, recent evidence suggests that thyroid hormone may play an earlier role in amphibian embryogenesis. We demonstrate that Xenopus thyroid hormone receptor beta (XTR beta) is expressed shortly after neural fold closure, and that its expression is localized to the developing retina. Retinoid X receptor gamma (RXR gamma), a potential dimerization partner for XTR beta, was also found to be expressed in the retina at early stages, and at later stages RXR gamma was also expressed in the liver diverticulum. Addition of either thyroid hormone or 9-cis retinoic acid, the ligands for XTR beta and RXR gamma, respectively, did not alter the expression of their receptors. However, the addition of thyroid hormone and 9-cis retinoic acid did alter rhodopsin mRNA expression. Addition of thyroid hormone generates a small expansion of the rhodopsin expression domain. When 9-cis retinoic acid or a combination of thyroid hormone and 9-cis retinoic acid was administered, there was a decrease in the expression domain of rhodopsin in the developing retina. These results provide evidence for an early role for XTR beta and RXR gamma in the developing Xenopus retina.  相似文献   

Replication initiation proceeds in a random fashion in early development of Xenopus laevis. The replication origins become fixed only at later stages of development after the mid-blastula transition. Specification of replication origins occurs at the same time with the specification of the DNA attachment to the nuclear matrix. Replication origins of many species coincide or are located in the vicinity of sites of DNA attachment to the nuclear matrix. The present work was dedicated to development of an experimental system where DNA loops were specifically attached to an artificial matrix and a study of an effect of this attachment on specificity of DNA replication initiation in extracts of Xenopus laevis oocytes. We have found that DNA attachment to the artificial matrix increases the efficacy of DNA replication as compared to the control, but does not affect the replication specificity. It is likely that the transition from non-specific to specific replication is determined by a combination of several factors, and specificity of DNA attachment to a matrix alone is not sufficient for specification of a replication origin.  相似文献   

Mr 25,000 protein (pp25), a substrate for protein Ser/Thr kinases, was recently shown to consist of a portion of the Xenopus laevis vitellogenin B1 protein. By Western blot analyses using antibodies against pp25, a minor protein band with Mr 43,000 (pp43) was detected in purified preparations of pp25. In this study, pp43 was highly purified through several column chromatography steps and its protein structure was analyzed. The amino acid sequence of the amino-terminal region of pp43 was the same as that of pp25. pp43 contained about two times more phosphates than pp25. These phosphates in pp43 were more resistant to acid phosphatase attack than those of pp25. pp43 was able to bind to pNiXa, a binding protein of pp25. Alpha-chymotryptic digestion generated a common fragment with molecular mass of 23,000 from both pp43 and pp25. These results suggest that pp43 may be a precursor of pp25 generated during processing of vitellogenin B1.  相似文献   

We employed whole‐mount in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry to study the spatial pattern of hsp30 gene expression in normal and heatshocked embryos during Xenopus laevis development. Our findings revealed that hsp30 mRNA accumulation was present constitutively only in the cement gland of early and midtailbud embryos, while hsp30 protein was detected until at least the early tadpole stage. Heat shock‐induced accumulation of hsp30 mRNA and protein was first observed in early and midtailbud embryos with preferential enrichment in the cement gland, somitic region, lens placode, and proctodeum. In contrast, cytoskeletal actin mRNA displayed a more generalized pattern of accumulation which did not change following heat shock. In heat shocked midtailbud embryos the enrichment of hsp30 mRNA in lens placode and somitic region was first detectable after 15 min of a 33°C heatshock. The lowest temperature capable of inducing this pattern was 30°C. Placement of embryos at 22°C following a 1‐h 33°C heat shock resulted in decreased hsp30 mRNA in all regions with time, although enhanced hsp30 mRNA accumulation still persisted in the cement gland after 11 h compared to control. In late tailbud embryos the basic midtailbud pattern of hsp30 mRNA accumulation was enhanced with additional localization to the spinal cord as well as enrichment across the embryo surface. These studies demonstrate that hsp30 gene expression can be detected constitutively in the cement gland of tailbud embryos and that heat shock results in a preferential accumulation of hsp30 mRNA and protein in certain tissues. Dev. Genet. 25:365–374, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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