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The effects of thermoperiods on diapause induction under continuous darkness (DD), continuous light (LL), and an L12:D12 photoperiod were investigated in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi Baly (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), a short‐day species. Diapause could be induced by thermoperiod under both LL and DD; however, in the range of 24–30 °C, lower incidences of diapause were observed under LL than under DD. The critical cryophase was found to be dependent on the mean temperature of the thermoperiod applied. Although the thermoperiodic response pattern was similar under LL and DD, the incidence of diapause was higher under LL when the duration of the cryophase did not exceed 12 h. In contrast, when the duration of the cryophase was longer than 12 h, the incidence of diapause under LL was lower or equal to that under DD. When a thermoperiod of 24 °C (cryophase) and 28 °C (thermophase) was applied, the incidence of diapause was higher under LL than under DD, regardless of the duration of the cryophase. Thermoperiodic responses under a photoperiod of L12:D12 and under DD further revealed that induction of diapause was strongly influenced by the photophase temperature. Moreover, the incidence of diapause was lower when the thermophase coincided with the photophase than when the cryophase coincided with the photophase.  相似文献   

When non-diapause and diapause pupae of Deliaantiqua were exposed to various thermoperiods where thermophase (T) was 25 °C and the cryophase (C) was 15 or 20 °C (TC15 or TC20) in constant darkness (DD), the majority of both types of flies emerged before the rise in temperature. Eclosion time was delayed at the lower cryophase temperature. Moreover, there was a significant difference in the time of adult eclosion between non-diapause and diapause pupae; diapause pupae eclosed earlier than non-diapause pupae. When the two types of pupae were transferred to a constant low temperature (15 or 20 °C) after having experienced TC15 or TC20 12:12 h, they showed circadian rhythmicity in eclosion. The free-running period (τ) of the eclosion rhythm changed after transfer to constant low temperatures in both non-diapause and diapause pupae, suggesting that this change represents a transient cycle until the temperature-sensitive oscillator is coupled again to the temperature-insensitive pacemaker. However, diapause pupae tended to show a shorter τ than non-diapause pupae. This observation suggests that the difference in adult eclosion time under thermoperiodic conditions between non-diapause and diapause pupae is related to their different τ s.  相似文献   

The effect of four constant temperatures (21, 26, 31 and 36°C) on biological (survival and duration of developmental stages, fecundity and longevity of females and sex ratio) and demographic parameters (R0, G, rm and ) of Tetranychus evansi was studied in the laboratory under controlled conditions: 75 ± 10% RH and 12L : 12D. The lower thermal threshold was 10.3°C. The shortest developmental time (6.3 days) was obtained at 36°C. Maximum fecundity was recorded at 31°C with 123.3 eggs per female. The highest intrinsic rate of increase (rm) (0.355) was obtained at 31°C. The optimal temperature for population growth seems to be 34°C. © Rapid Science Ltd. 1998  相似文献   

In strawberry greenhouses in La Plata (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Tetranychus urticae is a major pest and Neoseiulus californicus is its most important established phytoseiid predator. The purpose of this study was to determine the spatial distribution and coincidence of N. californicus and T. urticae on strawberry. T. urticae populations exhibited density variations that were followed, with some temporal delay, by those of the predator. In general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. The index of dispersion (I) of T. urticae had values significantly greater than 1 in 100% of the sampling dates. The percentage of infested leaflets increased with prey density in a curvilinear way, ranging from 80 to 100% when density was higher than 100 individuals/leaflet. N. californicus had values of I higher than unity in 86.7% (G1) and 53.8% (G2) of the cases. TaylorÕs b and IwaoÕs values were greater than 1 for both populations, this indicating aggregation. IwaoÕs results showed larger aggregation units of T. urticae (=53.24) than of N. californicus (=3.61), probably due to its higher fecundity and oviposition behaviour of laying eggs in clumps. Both populations were overdispersed, although in general terms, N. californicus exhibited lower aggregation than T. urticae. This would create refuges for the prey, thus increasing the persistence of the system. Index of coincidence of predator (Ic) was high most of the time even at low densities of both populations, decreased abruptly at the end of an interaction cycle and was similar at greenhouse and plant spatial scales. The high spatial coincidence of N. californicus with T. urticae suggests an important dispersal capacity of the predator and a high ability to detect leaflets with prey. The refuge index for the prey decreased with predator density and was higher at greenhouse scale than at plant scale, both at similar predator densities. At greenhouse scale and despite high predator density, the prey had a 10%-refuge, which would lead to the system persistence. Results of the present study suggest that N. californicus is a promising established natural enemy for controlling T. urticae on strawberry.  相似文献   

Abstract Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a common pest infesting cowpea seeds ( Vigna unguiculata Walp) in Africa. In the Sahelian zone, the adults are in reproductive diapause during the dry season. Diapause induction depends on the climatic conditions during embryonic and post-embryonic development. A strain of B. atrolineatus originating from the Niamey (13oN) was reared in different thermoperiodic and photoperiodic conditions. In the thermoperiodic regime 40:25oC, in continuous darkness, induction of diapause was dependent on the duration of the thermophase. Photoperiod could also influence diapause induction but the response depended on the temperature. When the beetles were reared in conditions of LD 12:12 h, 40:25oC, for seven generations, the proportion of diapausing adults decreased and their sensitivity to photoperiod increased. In LD 14:10 h, 40:25CC, the proportion of diapausing adults remained high regardless of the photoperiod. In these conditions, the first emerging adults were sexually active and were used for selection of a strain with a low incidence of diapause. After twelve generations, the proportion of diapausing beetles was lower than 5%. The responses of this selected strain to photo- and thermoperiods were reduced. The sensitivity of B. atrolineatus to photoperiod and thermoperiod could be controlled by genetic systems as observed in other insect species.  相似文献   

Abstract. Bruchidius atrolineatus (Pic) is a tropical bruchid developing in Vigna unguiculata (Walp) pods. Adults are in reproductive diapause during the dry season. In conditions of 40:25C or 35:25C, diapause is induced when larvae develop in thermophases longer than 14 h, in thermophases shorter than 10 h and in continuous darkness. Thermophases of 12 h cause a reduction of the proportion of diapausing beetles. This proportion also depends on the thermoperiod temperatures. Development at low temperatures (23: 16C, 12: 12 h) induces a high percentage of diapausing beetles. However, at low temperatures, the developmental times of the beetles are long and show important interindividual variability. When larvae develop in decreasing temperatures, small changes in thermoperiod temperatures (35:25C to 3O:2OC) have a strong effect on diapause induction. When larvae develop at low temperatures (25:15C) and then at high temperatures (40:25C), the proportion of diapausing beetles depends on the duration of development at low temperatures. Whatever the developmental conditions, both sexually active and diapausing beetles always emerge from the seeds. This interindividual variability is important in this species which has a wide geographical distribution in Africa.  相似文献   

Daily light and temperature cycles entrain adult eclosion rhythms in many insect species, but little is known about their interaction. We studied this problem in the onion fly, Delia antiqua. Pupae were subjected to various combinations of a photoperiod of 12L:12D and thermoperiods. The thermoperiods consisted of 12 h warm phase (W) and 12 h cool phase (C), giving a mean temperature of 25 °C with different temperature steps of 8, 4 and 1 °C. As the phase relation of the two Zeitgebers was varied, the phase of eclosion rhythm was shifted, depending on the phase angle with the light cycle and the amplitude of the temperature cycle. When the temperature step in the thermoperiod was 8 °C (WC 29:21 °C), the eclosion rhythm was entrained mainly to thermoperiod rather than photoperiod. In the regime with a 4 °C temperature step (WC 27:23 °C), both thermoperiod and photoperiod affected eclosion rhythm, and a phase jump of the eclosion rhythm occurred when the warm phase of thermoperiod was delayed 15-18 h from light-on. In regimes with a 1 °C temperature step (WC 25.5:24.5 °C), the eclosion rhythm was completely entrained to photoperiod. The observed interacting effect of light and temperature cycle on the eclosion rhythm in D. antiqua can be explained by the two-oscillator model proposed by Pittendrigh and Bruce (1959).  相似文献   

The effect of post-treatment temperature on the toxicity of cyhexatin to cyhexatin-susceptible (S) and resistant (R) strains ofTetranychus urticae Koch was investigated. Females and developmental stages of both strains showed a positive temperature-toxicity coefficient with wettable powder (WP) and emulsifiable concentrate (EC) formulations of cyhexatin. Females of the S strain were 3.0× and 2.9× less susceptible at 15°C than at 28°C with the EC and WP formulations respectively, while females of the R strain were 5.2× and 23.6× less susceptible at 15°C with these formulations.  相似文献   

The insect moulting hormones, viz. the ecdysteroids, regulate gene expression during development by binding to an intracellular protein, the ecdysteroid receptor (EcR). In the insect Rhodnius prolixus, circulating levels of ecdysteroids exhibit a robust circadian rhythm. This paper demonstrates associated circadian rhythms in the abundance and distribution of EcR in several major target tissues of ecdysteroids, but not in others. Quantitative analysis of immunofluorescence images obtained by confocal laser-scanning microscopy following the use of anti-EcR has revealed a marked daily rhythm in the nuclear abundance of EcR in cells of the abdominal epidermis, brain, fat body, oenocytes and rectal epithelium of Rhodnius. This EcR rhythm is synchronous with the rhythm of circulating hormone levels. It free-runs in continuous darkness for several cycles, showing that EcR nuclear abundance is under circadian control. Circadian control of a nuclear receptor has not been shown previously in any animal. We infer that the above cell types detect and respond to the temporal signals in the rhythmic ecdysteroid titre. In several cell types, the rhythm in cytoplasmic EcR peaks several hours prior to the EcR peak in the nucleus each day, thereby implying a daily migration of EcR from the cytoplasm to the nucleus. This finding shows that EcR is not a constitutive nuclear receptor, as has previously been assumed. In the brain, rhythmic nuclear EcR has been found in peptidergic neurosecretory cells, indicating a potential pathway for feedback regulation of the neuroendocrine system by ecdysteroids, and also in regions containing circadian clock neurons, suggesting that the circadian timing system in the brain is also sensitive to rhythmic ecdysteroid signals. This work was supported by a Discovery Grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relationships between plant water status and leaf temperature, and between leaf temperature and spider mite (Acari: Tetranychidae) and predatory mite (Acari: Phytoseiidae) populations in eight vineyards in California in 2006 and 2007. Temperature of south-facing leaves increased significantly by 0.8°C for every 1.0°C increase in ambient air temperature, and by 5.3°C for every one MPa drop in leaf water potential. Peak population densities of Pacific spider mite, Tetranychus pacificus McGregor, increased significantly with increasing frequency of leaf temperatures above 31°C. In contrast, peak population densities of Willamette spider mite, Eotetranychus willamettei (McGregor), showed no relationship with the frequency of leaf temperatures above 31°C. This differential relationship between the two mite species and high leaf temperatures is consistent with their upper thresholds for development, which are 40°C for T. pacificus and 31°C for E. willamettei, as identified in a previous study. Predatory mite population densities showed no relationship with peak population densities of either spider mite species during the analysis period, but decreased with the frequency of leaf temperatures above 31°C. In addition, predatory mite population densities were significantly higher on south-facing than interior leaves after adjusting for the effect of leaf temperature. These results help to explain why outbreaks of T. pacificus occur in warmer or water-stressed vineyards, whereas E. willamettei develops higher populations in cooler or well-irrigated vineyards. In addition, these results suggest that regulated deficit irrigation should be implemented with caution, especially in those vineyards with a high risk of T. pacificus outbreaks.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of the timing, intensity (II) and period (IT) of night-interrupting light on diapause induction of the Kanzawa spider mite (Tetranychus kanzawai) were investigated in a series of laboratory experiments. During a light and dark period of 8 and 16 h d−1, respectively, a single 1-h night-interrupting light was applied at early (E), middle (M), and late (L) parts of the dark period: i.e., at 3, 7.5, and 12 h after the start of the dark period, respectively. No interrupting light was applied in the control treatment. The incidence of diapause was significantly lower in the M treatment (63%) compared to the control treatment (100%). In the E and L treatments, more than 90% of females entered diapause, which was comparable to the control treatment. Since the longest consecutive dark period during the E and L treatments was longer than the critical dark period (CDP) of 10.5-11 h d−1, during which 50% of females entered diapause, the night-interrupting light probably failed to prevent diapause induction. However, in the M treatment, the longest consecutive dark period was shorter than the CDP; therefore, the night-interrupting light inhibited diapause induction. Moreover, the inhibitory effects of night-interrupting light in the M treatment increased as II and IT increased. The dose of night-interrupting light (II × IT) was significantly negatively related to the incidence of diapause. The median effective dose for 50% disturbance of diapause induction was 2.5 kJ m−2 at wavelengths between 350 and 1050 nm. Our results suggest that the longest consecutive dark period and the dose of night-interrupting light should both be considered when a lighting-based physical control is applied to inhibit diapause induction and consequent overwintering of T. kanzawai in commercial agricultural fields.  相似文献   

Locomotor activity rhythm was examined at various temperatures under a 16 h light : 8 h dark photoperiod (LD 16:8) or LD 12:12 using adults of the burying beetle Nicrophorus quadripunctatus. At 20°C, the locomotor activity of the beetles showed a bimodal daily pattern with two peaks around lights on and lights off under both photoperiods. This bimodal activity rhythm persisted under constant darkness; therefore, the activity of adult N. quadripunctatus is controlled by a circadian clock. Adults showed a bimodal activity pattern for temperatures ranging from 15 to 25°C. The evening peak of the daily activity was earlier at lower temperatures. These findings suggest that in the field, N. quadripunctatus shows crepuscular activity, and is active earlier in the afternoon in cooler seasons. In this species, therefore, temperature appears to play an important role in the determination of daily activity patterns.  相似文献   

温周期对不同地理种群棉铃虫幼虫发育及蛹滞育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈元生  陈超  涂小云  匡先钜  薛芳森 《昆虫学报》2011,54(11):1288-1296
为了探明不同地理种群棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner)对温周期的反应,本研究系统调查了棉铃虫广东广州种群(23.08°N,113.14°E)、江西水修种群(29.04°N,115.82°E)、山东泰安种群(36.15°N,116.59°E)和辽宁喀佐种群(41.34°N,120.27°E...  相似文献   

Petrobia harti (Ewing) displays a facultative summer diapause in the egg stage. An adult female will lay only either diapause or non-diapause eggs throughout her life. In the laboratory, diapause eggs are laid by females which develop on detachedOxalis articulata leaves under long-day photoperiods and a relatively low temperature of 19±1°C.Diapause occurs in a stage of advanced embryonic development, in which the embryo appears U-shaped when observed from the egg's ventral side. Embryonic development ceased at this stage, and no further growth occurred when the eggs were kept under a relative humidity of about 70% in various photoperiod and temperature conditions. However, when the eggs were hydrated by placing them on wet cotton wool, development in some embryos (apparently in those which had completed their diapause development) proceeded beyond the U-stage at a rate similar to that in non-diapause embryos and the eggs hatched.Under LD 168 and 19±1°C or 26±1°C, the later from oviposition the period of egg hydration started, the higher the percentage of diapause termination. Under LD 168 and 26±1°C, diapause termination occurred mostly during the first week of hydration, while at 19±1°C mostly during the second and third week.At 26±1°C, in eggs hydrated 15 days but not 30 days from oviposition, the percentage of diapause termination was higher under a long-day than under a short-day photoperiod.Under LD 168, when the eggs were hydrated continuously from oviposition or starting 15, 30 and 45 days from it, the percentage of diapause termination was higher at 26±1°C than at 19±1°C.The percentage of diapause-laying adult females and the intensity of egg diapause were higher when the pre-imaginal mites grew at LD 1212 and 19±1°C, than when they grew at LD 168 and 26±1°C. This maternal effect on egg diapause intensity was expressed when the eggs were maintained at LD 1212 and 19±1°C but not at LD 168 and 26±1°C.  相似文献   

Abstract. The effects of thermoperiods on diapause induction in continuous darkness or under a 12 : 12 h LD photoperiod were investigated in the cabbage beetle, Colaphellus bowringi Baly, a typical short‐day species. The diapause response curves both at different constant temperatures and at the thermocycle of format CT x: (24 ? x) h (16 : 28 °C) under continuously dark rearing conditions showed that the incidence of diapause depended mainly on whether or not the mean temperature was ≤20 °C or >20 °C. If the mean temperature was ≤20 °C, all individuals entered diapause; if >20 °C, the incidence of diapause declined gradually with increasing mean temperatures. The thermocycle (CT 12 : 12 h) with a series of different cryophases (8–22 °C) and thermophases (24–32 °C) under continuous darkness demonstrated a cryophase response threshold temperature of approximately 19 °C and a thermophase response threshold temperature of approximately 31 °C. Thermoperiodic amplitude (temperature difference between cryophase and thermophase) was shown to have a significant influence on diapause induction at the mean temperatures of 22, 23 and 24 °C, but not at ≥25 °C. Thermoperiodic responses under LD 12 : 12 h clearly showed that the incidence of diapause was influenced strongly by the photophase temperature. The thermoperiod under LD 12 : 12 h induced a much lower incidence of diapause than the thermoperiod with the same temperature in continuous darkness. The ecological significance of thermoperiodic induction of diapause in this species is discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Mononychellus is represented by 28 herbivorous mites. Some of them are notorious pests of cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), a primary food crop in the tropics. With the exception of Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar), their geographic distribution is not widely known. This article therefore reports observational and specimen-based occurrence data of Mononychellus species associated with cassava. The dataset consists of 1,513 distribution records documented by the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT) between 1975 and 2012. The specimens are held at CIAT’s Arthropod Reference Collection (CIATARC). Most of the records are from the genus’ native range in South America and were documented between 1980 and 2000. Approximately 61% of the records belong to M. tanajoa, 25% to M. caribbeanae (McGregor), 10% to M. mcgregori (Flechtmann and Baker) and 2% to M. planki (McGregor). The complete dataset is available in Darwin Core Archive format via the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF).  相似文献   

The influence of extracellular pH on the circadian sporulation rhythm of Neurospora crassa has been investigated for the mutants chol-1 and cel. Both mutants have a defect in the lipid synthesis pathway and require either choline or palmitate, respectively, as supplements for normal growth. The chol-1 and cel mutants also show an impaired temperature-compensation when growing on minimal medium. We investigated the possible correlation between loss of temperature- and pH-compensation in cel and chol-1 similar to the correlation found earlier for the frq7 mutant. Our results show that the cel and the chol-1 mutants, although defective in temperature-compensation have an intact pH-compensation of their circadian rhythms. At present, the products of the frq-locus are the only components of the clock that affect the sporulation rhythm of Neurospora both through pH- and temperature-compensation.  相似文献   

The influence of extracellular pH on the circadian sporulation rhythm of Neurospora crassa has been investigated for the mutants chol-1 and cel. Both mutants have a defect in the lipid synthesis pathway and require either choline or palmitate, respectively, as supplements for normal growth. The chol-1 and cel mutants also show an impaired temperature-compensation when growing on minimal medium. We investigated the possible correlation between loss of temperature- and pH-compensation in cel and chol-1 similar to the correlation found earlier for the frq7 mutant. Our results show that the cel and the chol-1 mutants, although defective in temperature-compensation have an intact pH-compensation of their circadian rhythms. At present, the products of the frq-locus are the only components of the clock that affect the sporulation rhythm of Neurospora both through pH- and temperature-compensation.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effects of a chronic administration of diazepam, a benzodiazepine widely used as an anxiolytic, on locomotor activity and body core temperature rhythms in male Wistar rats housed under 12:12 light:dark (LD) cycle conditions. Diazepam was administered subcutaneously for 3 wks in a dosage of 3 mg/kg body weight/day, 1 h before the onset of darkness. Diazepam increased the level of locomotor activity from the first day until the end of treatment, and also increased the amplitude of the activity circadian rhythm, but only on the third wk of treatment. Diazepam exerted no effects on the length of the period and did not affect the phase of the locomotor activity rhythm. The body temperature rhythm of rats was affected neither by short-term (a single injection) nor by long-term (every day for 3 wks) diazepam treatment. Diazepam lacked effect on body core temperature even on the first day of administration, thereby ruling out the possibility of drug tolerance development. The fact that diazepam affects locomotor activity, but not core body temperature, suggests that different mechanisms mediate the actions of diazepam on locomotor activity and on core body temperature.  相似文献   

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