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It has recently been unveiled that a wide variety of microbial eukaryotes (protists) occur in chemosynthetic ecosystems, such as hydrothermal vents and methane seeps. However, there is little knowledge regarding protists associated with endemic animals inhabiting these environments. In the present study, utilizing PCR techniques, we detected fragments of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (SSU rRNA gene) from a particular protist from gill tissues of a significant fraction of the vesicomyid clams Calyptogena soyoae and C. okutanii complex and of the mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons and B. japonicus, all of which harbor chemosynthetic endosymbiont bacteria and dominate methane seeps in Sagami Bay, Japan. Based on the phylogeny of SSU rRNA gene, the organism in question was shown to belong to Alveolata. It is noteworthy that this protist did not affiliate with any known alveolate group, although being deeply branched within the lineage of Syndiniales, for which the monophyly was constantly recovered, but not robustly supported. In addition, the protist detected using PCR followed by sequencing was localized within gill epithelial cells of B. platifrons with whole‐mount fluorescence in situ hybridization. This protist may be an endoparasite or an endocommensal of Calyptogena spp. and Bathymodiolus spp., and possibly have physiological and ecological impacts on these bivalves.  相似文献   

The abundance of Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenburg) Simonsen and Gloeocystis planctonica (West & G.S.West) Lemmermann was assessed during the summers of 2005 and 2010 in the eutrophic Fox River, Wisconsin, USA. In both years, a mid‐summer bloom of G. planctonica was followed by the rapid growth of A. granulata. Laboratory experiments in which A. granulata was grown in cell‐free filtrate of a G. planctonica culture revealed that the growth of A. granulata was stimulated in the G. planctonica‐treated medium relative to controls. This effect was detected when dormant A. granulata cells were used as the source culture for the experiment but not when actively growing cells were used. Dormant A. granulata also grew more rapidly in river water collected after the 2010 G. planctonica bloom relative to river water collected before the bloom. These results suggest that the summer bloom of A. granulata in the river was stimulated by G. planctonica. This relationship can be described as stimulated rejuvenation, an interaction where the transition of an algal resting stage into active growth is triggered by exposure to another species.  相似文献   

The taxonomic history of the diatom genus Amphora is one of a broad early morphological concept resulting in the inclusion of a diversity of taxa, followed by an extended period of revision and refinement. The introduction of molecular systematics has increased the pace of revision and has largely resolved the relationships between the major lineages, indicating homoplasy in the evolution of amphoroid symmetry. Within the two largest monophyletic lineages, the genus Halamphora and the now taxonomically refined genus Amphora, the intrageneric morphological and ecological relationships have yet to be explored within a phylogenetic framework. Critical among this is whether the range of morphological features exhibited within these diverse genera are reflective of evolutionary groupings or, as with many previously studied amphoroid features, are nonhomologous when examined phylogenetically. Presented here is a four‐marker molecular phylogeny that includes 31 taxa from the genus Amphora and 77 taxa from the genus Halamphora collected from fresh, brackish, and salt waters from coastal and inland habitats of the United States and Japan. These phylogenies illustrate complex patterns in the evolution of frustule morphology and ecology within the genera and the implications of this on the taxonomy, classification, and organization of the genera are discussed.  相似文献   

Caretta caretta (loggerhead sea turtle) nesting activity was recorded daily during three seasons prior to and two seasons immediately following a beach nourishment (replenishment) project in Palm Beach County, Florida. Surveys were done at the nourished beach (Jupiter/Carlin) and at two natural beaches (Juno and Tequesta). The size of the nourishment effect on nesting activity was estimated using Before‐After‐Control‐Impact Paired Series (BACIPS) models. Nesting declined by 4.4 to 5.4 nests km ? 1 day ? 1 on the nourished beach compared to the two natural beaches in the first season after nourishment. At the same time, false crawls (FC, non‐nesting crawls) increased by 5.0 to 5.6 FC km ? 1 day ? 1 on the nourished beach. In the second season following nourishment, nesting was reduced by 0.5 to 1.6 nests km ? 1 day ? 1 on the nourished beach compared to the two natural beaches. The increase in false crawl frequency in the second season following nourishment was 0.7 to 0.9 FC km ? 1 day ? 1.These results suggest that beach nourishment significantly decreased loggerhead sea turtle nesting during the first season following the project. However, the size of the effect, in terms of nesting frequency and false crawl frequency, was much reduced by the second season following nourishment.  相似文献   

We describe a new genus and species of the diatom family Stephanodiscaceae with light and scanning electron microscopy from Libo Small Hole, Libo County, Guizhou Province, China. Edtheriotia guizhoiana gen. & sp. nov. has striae across the valve face of varying lengths, and are composed of fine striae towards the margin and onto the mantle. Many round to stellate siliceous nodules cover the exterior of the valve. External fultoportulae opening are short tubes; the opening of the rimportula lacks a tube. Internally a hyaline rim is positioned near the margin. Marginal fultoportulae possess two arcuate opercles. Areolae have domed cribra on the valve face. Those near the margin do not open to the interior. One to three sessile to slightly‐raised rimportulae are placed on the valve face towards the margin; they do not terminate shortened striae towards the center of the valve. This suite of features distinguishes this group from other known genera in the Stephanodicaeae. Cyclotella shanxiensis is transferred to Edtheriotia, making the new combination E. shanxiensis (Xie & Qi) Kociolek et al. comb. nov. It differs from E. guizhoiana by the presence of open pores near the margin of the valve. Features of the new genus are compared and contrasted with others in the Family Stephanodiscaceae. The two species of the genus, unlike most in the family, are known only from rivers and ponds from China and Japan.  相似文献   

The paraphyletic diatom genus Nitzschia comprises over 1000 morphologically distinct pennate taxa, known from the benthos and plankton of freshwater, brackish, and marine environments. The principal diagnostic characters for delimitation of Nitzschia species include valve shape, the position and structure of the raphe, presence/absence and shape of the proximal raphe endings and terminal raphe fissures, areola structure, and specific morphometric features such as cell size, and stria and fibula density. In this study, we isolated 12 diatom strains into culture from samples collected at the surface or greater depths of the southeastern Adriatic Sea. Morphological analyses included LM, SEM, and TEM observations, which, along with specific morphometric features, allowed us to distinguish three new Nitzschia species. These findings were congruent with the results of phylogenetic analyses performed on nuclear‐encoded SSU (18S) rDNA and chloroplast‐encoded rbcL and psbC genes. One of the new species (Nitzschia dalmatica sp. nov.) formed a lineage within a clade of Bacillariaceae containing members of the Nitzschia sect. Dubiae, which was sister to Psammodictyon. A second lineage was part of a novel clade that is significantly distinct from other Nitzschia species sequenced so far and includes Nitzschia adhaerens sp. nov. and N. cf. adhaerens. A further new species was found, Nitzschia inordinata sp. nov., which appeared as the sister group to the N. adhaerens clade and the conopeoid Nitzschia species in our phylogenetic trees. Our findings contribute to the overall diversity of genus Nitzschia, especially in identifying some deep branches within the Bacillariaceae, and highlight under‐scoring of this genus in marine plankton.  相似文献   

Analyses of the mitochondrial cox1, the nuclear‐encoded large subunit (LSU), and the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) RNA coding region of Pseudo‐nitzschia revealed that the P. pseudodelicatissima complex can be phylogenetically grouped into three distinct clades (Groups I–III), while the P. delicatissima complex forms another distinct clade (Group IV) in both the LSU and ITS2 phylogenetic trees. It was elucidated that comprehensive taxon sampling (sampling of sequences), selection of appropriate target genes and outgroup, and alignment strategies influenced the phylogenetic accuracy. Based on the genetic divergence, ITS2 resulted in the most resolved trees, followed by cox1 and LSU. The morphological characters available for Pseudo‐nitzschia, although limited in number, were overall in agreement with the phylogenies when mapped onto the ITS2 tree. Information on the presence/absence of a central nodule, number of rows of poroids in each stria, and of sectors dividing the poroids mapped onto the ITS2 tree revealed the evolution of the recently diverged species. The morphologically based species complexes showed evolutionary relevance in agreement with molecular phylogeny inferred from ITS2 sequence–structure data. The data set of the hypervariable region of ITS2 improved the phylogenetic inference compared to the cox1 and LSU data sets. The taxonomic status of P. cuspidata and P. pseudodelicatissima requires further elucidation.  相似文献   

The oxytrichid ciliate Rubrioxytricha guamensis nov. spec. isolated from water samples collected from a small freshwater pond near the Hagåtña River in Hagåtña, Guam (United States territory), Micronesia, was investigated, using live observation and protargol impregnation. The morphology, ontogenesis, and molecular phylogeny inferred from the small‐subunit rRNA gene sequences were studied. The new species is mainly characterized by a cell size of about 100 × 35 μm in vivo, two elongate ellipsoidal macronuclear nodules and two micronuclei, a single contractile vacuole, a colorless cytoplasm, yellowish cortical granules, arranged in short rows and in small groups, an adoral zone occupying about 34% of body length and comprising 27 membranelles on average, about 27 cirri each in the right and left marginal rows, 18 frontoventral transverse cirri, four dorsal kineties including one dorsomarginal row, and one or two caudal cirri at the posterior end of dorsal kinety 3. The ontogenesis of the new species is similar to that of Rubrioxytricha indica Naqvi et al., 2006. Phylogenetic analyses based on SSU rRNA gene sequences consistently place the new species within the family Oxytrichidae Ehrenberg, 1838, where it clustered with other Rubrioxytricha species, viz., R. tsinlingensis, R. ferruginea, and R. haematoplasma.  相似文献   

Historically, species in Volvocales were classified based primarily on morphology. Although the taxonomy of Chlamydomonas has been re‐examined using a polyphasic approach including molecular phylogeny, that of Chlorococcum (Cc.), the largest coccoid genus in Volvocales, has yet to be reexamined. Six species thought to be synonymous with the oil‐producing alga Ccoleofaciens were previously not confirmed by molecular phylogeny. In this study, seven authentic strains of Cc. oleofaciens and its putative synonyms, along with 11 relatives, were examined based on the phylogeny of the 18S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, comparisons of secondary structures of internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) and ITS2 rDNA, and morphological observations by light microscopy. Seven 18S rRNA types were recognized among these strains and three were distantly related to Cc. oleofaciens. Comparisons of ITS rDNA structures suggested possible separation of the remaining four types into different species. Shapes of vegetative cells, thickness of the cell walls in old cultures, the size of cells in old cultures, and stigma morphology of zoospores also supported the 18S rRNA grouping. Based on these results, the 18 strains examined were reclassified into seven species. Among the putative synonyms, synonymy of Cc. oleofaciens, Cc. croceum, and Cc. granulosum was confirmed, and Cc. microstigmatum, Cc. rugosum, Cc. aquaticum, and Cc. nivale were distinguished from Cc. oleofaciens. Furthermore, another related strain is described as a new species, Macrochloris rubrioleum sp. nov.  相似文献   

This study investigates the morphology and molecular characteristics of three new cyrtophorid ciliates isolated from China seas: Chlamydodon salinus n. sp., Chlamydodon caudatus n. sp., and Chlamydodon paramnemosyne n. sp. Of these, C. salinus n. sp. differs from its congeners through a combination of body size, a cross‐striated band that is not continuous, the presence of 30–34 somatic kineties, 11–15 nematodesmal rods, and 13 contractile vacuoles. Chlamydodon caudatus n. sp., meanwhile, is characterized by having a conspicuous tail, a continuous cross‐striated band, 34–40 somatic kineties, about 15 contractile vacuoles, and 20–24 nematodesmal rods. Compared with other Chlamydodon species, the third new one, C. paramnemosyne n. sp., could be identified by its continuous cross‐striated band, 16–18 somatic kineties, 5 contractile vacuoles, and 9–12 nematodesmal rods. Based on the sequence of the small subunit (SSU) rRNA gene, the phylogeny of these three new species was analyzed, indicating that they all clustered with other congeners to form a monophyletic assemblage. Based on previous studies and the present work, a brief revision of the genus Chlamydodon is supplied, and a key to aid the identification of Chlamydodon species is given.  相似文献   

Ulva Linnaeus (Ulvophyceae, Ulvales) is a genus of green algae widespread in different aquatic environments. Members of this genus show a very simple morphology and a certain degree of phenotypic plasticity, heavily influenced by environmental conditions, making difficult the delineation of species by morphological features alone. Most studies dealing with Ulva biodiversity in Mediterranean waters have been based only on morphological characters and a modern taxonomic revision of this genus in the Mediterranean is not available. We report here the results of an investigation on the diversity of Ulva in the North Adriatic Sea based on molecular analyses. Collections from three areas, two of which subject to intense shipping traffic, were examined, as well as historical collections of Ulva stored in the Herbarium Patavinum of the University of Padova, Italy. Molecular analyses based on partial sequences of the rbcL and tufA genes revealed the presence of six different species, often with overlapping morphologies: U. californica Wille, U. flexuosa Wulfen, U. rigida C. Agardh, U. compressa Linnaeus, U. pertusa Kjellman, and one probable new taxon. U. californica is a new record for the Mediterranean and U. pertusa is a new record for the Adriatic. Partial sequences obtained from historical collections show that most of the old specimens are referable to U. rigida. No specimens referable to the two alien species were found among the old herbarium specimens. The results indicate that the number of introduced seaweed species and their impact on Mediterranean communities have been underestimated, due to the difficulties in species identification of morphologically simple taxa as Ulva.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies corroborate a correlation between pesticide use and Parkinson's disease (PD). Thiocarbamate and dithiocarbamate pesticides are widely used and produce neurotoxicity in the peripheral nervous system. Recent evidence from rodent studies suggests that these compounds also cause dopaminergic (DAergic) dysfunction and altered protein processing, two hallmarks of PD. However, DAergic neurotoxicity has yet to be documented. We assessed DAergic dysfunction in Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) to investigate the ability of thiocarbamate pesticides to induce DAergic neurodegeneration. Acute treatment with either S‐ethyl N,N‐dipropylthiocarbamate (EPTC), molinate, or a common reactive intermediate of dithiocarbamate and thiocarbamate metabolism, S‐methyl‐N,N‐diethylthiocarbamate (MeDETC), to gradual loss of DAergic cell morphology and structure over the course of 6 days in worms expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) under a DAergic cell specific promoter. HPLC analysis revealed decreased DA content in the worms immediately following exposure to MeDETC, EPTC, and molinate. In addition, worms treated with the three test compounds showed a drastic loss of DAergic‐dependent behavior over a time course similar to changes in DAergic cell morphology. Alterations in the DAergic system were specific, as loss of cell structure and neurotransmitter content was not observed in cholinergic, glutamatergic, or GABAergic systems. Overall, our data suggest that thiocarbamate pesticides promote neurodegeneration and DAergic cell dysfunction in C. elegans, and may be an environmental risk factor for PD.  相似文献   

Although tropical forests have been rapidly converted into human‐modified landscapes, tree species response to forest edges remains poorly examined. In this study, we addressed four pioneer tree species to document demographic shifts experienced by this key ecological group and make inferences about pioneer response to forest edges. All individuals with dbh ≥ 1 cm of two short‐lived (Bellucia grossularioides and Cecropia sciadophylla) and two long‐lived species (Goupia glabra and Laetia procera) were sampled in 20 1‐ha forest edge plots and 20 1‐ha forest interior plots in Oiapoque and Manaus, Northeast and Central Amazon, respectively. As expected, pioneer stem density with dbh ≥ 1 cm increased by around 10–17‐fold along forest edges regardless of species, lifespan, and study site. Edge populations of long‐lived pioneers presented 84–94 percent of their individuals in sapling/subadult size classes, whereas edge populations of short‐lived pioneers showed 56–97 percent of their individuals in adult size classes. These demographic biases were associated with negative and positive net adult recruitment of long‐ and short‐lived pioneers, respectively. Our population‐level analyses support three general statements: (1) native pioneer tree species proliferate along forest edges (i.e., increased density), at least in terms of non‐reproductive individuals; (2) pioneer response to edge establishment is not homogeneous as species differ in terms of demographic structure and net adult recruitment; and (3) some pioneer species, particularly long‐lived ones, may experience population decline due to adult sensitivity to edge‐affected habitats.  相似文献   

The globally distributed avian family Motacillidae consists of five to seven genera (Anthus, Dendronanthus, Tmetothylacus, Macronyx and Motacilla, and depending on the taxonomy followed, Amaurocichla and Madanga) and 66–68 recognized species, of which 32 species in four genera occur in sub‐Saharan Africa. The taxonomy of the Motacillidae has been contentious, with variable numbers of genera, species and subspecies proposed and some studies suggesting greater taxonomic diversity than currently recognized (five genera and 67 species). Using one nuclear (Mb) and two mitochondrial (cyt b and CO1) gene regions amplified from DNA extracted from contemporary and museum specimens, we investigated the taxonomic status of 56 of the currently recognized motacillid species and present the most taxonomically complete and expanded phylogeny of this family to date. Our results suggest that the family comprises six clades broadly reflecting continental distributions: sub‐Saharan Africa (two clades), the New World (one clade), Palaearctic (one clade), a widespread large‐bodied Anthus clade, and a sixth widespread genus, Motacilla. Within the Afrotropical region, our phylogeny further supports recognition of Wood Pipit Anthus nyassae as a valid species, and the treatment of Long‐tailed Pipit Anthus longicaudatus and Kimberley Pipit Anthus pseudosimilis as junior subjective synonyms of Buffy Pipit Anthus vaalensis and African Pipit Anthus cinnamomeus, respectively. As the disjunct populations of Long‐billed Pipit Anthus similis in southern and East Africa are genetically distinct and geographically separated, we propose a specific status for the southern African population under the earliest available name, Nicholson's Pipit Anthus nicholsoni. Further, as our analyses indicate that Yellow‐breasted Pipit Anthus chloris and Golden Pipit Tmetothylacus tenellus are both nested within the Macronyx longclaws, we propose transferring these species to the latter genus.  相似文献   

Metopid armophoreans are ciliates commonly found in anaerobic environments worldwide; however, very little is known of their fine structure. In this study, the metopid Parametopidium circumlabens (Biggar and Wenrich 1932) Aescht, 1980, a common endocommensal of sea urchins, is investigated for the first time with emphasis on transmission electron microscopy, revealing several previously unknown elements of its morphology. Somatic dikinetids of P. circumlabens have a typical ribbon of transverse microtubules, an isolated microtubule near triplets 4 and 5 of the anterior kinetosome, plus two other microtubules between anterior and posterior kinetosomes, a short kinetodesmal striated fiber and long postciliary microtubules. In the dikinetids of the perizonal stripe, the kinetodesmal fiber is very pronounced, and there is a conspicuous microfibrillar network system associated with the kinetosomes. A new structure, shaped as a dense, roughly cylindrical mass surrounded by microtubules, is found associated with the posterior kinetosome of perizonal dikinetids. The paroral membrane is diplostichomonad and the adoral membranelles are of the “paramembranelle” type. Bayesian inference and maximum‐likelihood analysis of the 18S‐rDNA gene unambiguously placed P. circumlabens as sister group of the cluster formed by ((Atopospira galeata, Atopospira violacea) Metopus laminarius) + Clevelandellida, corroborating its classification within the Metopida.  相似文献   

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