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An Arthrobacter nicotianae strain has been found to produce an inducible acyl coenzyme A (CoA) oxidase. Nine times more butyryl-CoA oxidase activity, compared to palmitoyl-CoA oxidase, was found in the cell extract. The addition of flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) caused an increase in acyl-CoA oxidase activity and thermal stability. The purified enzyme exhibited a relative molecular mass of 50 000 on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and 100 000 under non-denaturing conditions. Acyl-CoA oxidase from Arthrobacter nicotianae is highly specific towards short-chain fatty acids. The fastest O2 uptake was observed with butyryl-CoA as substrate. The enzyme is inhibited by silver and mercury salts.To Professor Dr. Helmut Simon for his 65th birthday Correspondence to: H. Sztajer  相似文献   

The peroxisomal protein acyl-CoA oxidase (Pox1p) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae lacks either of the two well characterized peroxisomal targeting sequences known as PTS1 and PTS2. Here we demonstrate that peroxisomal import of Pox1p is nevertheless dependent on binding to Pex5p, the PTS1 import receptor. The interaction between Pex5p and Pox1p, however, involves novel contact sites in both proteins. The interaction region in Pex5p is located in a defined area of the amino-terminal part of the protein outside of the tetratricopeptide repeat domain involved in PTS1 recognition; the interaction site in Pox1p is located internally and not at the carboxyl terminus where a PTS1 is normally found. By making use of pex5 mutants that are either specifically disturbed in binding of PTS1 proteins or in binding of Pox1p, we demonstrate the existence of two independent, Pex5p-mediated import pathways into peroxisomes in yeast as follows: a classical PTS1 pathway and a novel, non-PTS1 pathway for Pox1p.  相似文献   

Mammalian liver peroxisomes are capable of beta-oxidizing a variety of substrates including very long chain fatty acids and the side chains of the bile acid intermediates di- and trihydroxycoprostanic acid. The first enzyme of peroxisomal beta-oxidation is acyl-CoA oxidase. It remains unknown whether peroxisomes possess one or several acyl-CoA oxidases. Peroxisomal oxidases from rat liver were partially purified by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation and heat treatment, and the preparation was subjected to chromatofocusing, chromatography on hydroxylapatite and dye affinity matrices, and gel filtration. The column eluates were assayed for palmitoyl-CoA and trihydroxycoprostanoyl-CoA oxidase activities and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The results revealed the presence of three acyl-CoA oxidases: 1) a fatty acyl-CoA oxidase with a pI of 8.3 and an apparent molecular mass of 145 kDa. The enzyme consisted mainly of 52- and 22.5-kDa subunits and could be induced by clofibrate treatment; 2) a noninducible fatty acyl-CoA oxidase with a pI of 7.1 and an apparent molecular mass of 427 kDa. It consisted mainly, if not exclusively, of one polypeptide component of 71 kDa; and 3) a noninducile trihydroxycoprostanoyl-CoA oxidase with a pI of 7.1 and an apparent molecular mass of 139 kDa. It consisted mainly, if not exclusively, of one polypeptide component of 69 kDa. Our findings are probably related to the recent discovery of two species of acyl-CoA oxidase mRNA in rat liver (Miyazawa, S., Hayashi, H., Hijikata, M., Ishii, N., Furata, S., Kagamiyama, H., Osumi, T., and Hashimoto, T. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 8131-8137) and they probably also explain why in human peroxisomal beta-oxidation defects an accumulation of very long chain fatty acids is not always accompanied by an excretion of bile acid intermediates and vice versa.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of suramin on the import of [35S]acyl-CoA oxidase into purified rat liver peroxisomes was investigated in vitro. The import of acyl-CoA oxidase was inhibited completely by 10 microM suramin, whilst the latency of catalase remained unchanged. The important value decreased 60% by pretreatment of peroxisomes with 10 microM suramin, but it did not decrease by pretreatment of translation products. Polysulfonate compounds which have two clusters of negative charges, such as Cibacron blue F3GA and Trypan blue, as well as suramin, inhibited the import, whilst mono- and disulfonate compounds did not.  相似文献   

We investigated the localization of urate oxidase, peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, and catalase in bovine kidney by immunoblot analysis and protein A-gold immunocytochemistry, using the respective polyclonal monospecific antibodies raised against the enzymes purified from rat liver. By immunoblot analysis, these three proteins were detected in bovine kidney and bovine liver homogenates. Subcellular localization of these three enzymes in kidney was ascertained by protein A-gold immunocytochemical staining of Lowicryl K4M-embedded tissue. Peroxisomes in bovine kidney cortical epithelium possessed crystalloid cores or nucleoids, which were found to be the exclusive sites of urate oxidase localization. The limiting membrane, the marginal plate, and the matrix of renal peroxisomes were negative for urate oxidase staining. In contrast, catalase and fatty acyl-CoA oxidase were found in the peroxisome matrix. These results demonstrate that, unlike rat kidney peroxisomes which lack urate oxidase, peroxisomes of bovine kidney contain this enzyme as well as peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase.  相似文献   

Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) is a mitochondrial enzyme involved in the β-oxidation of fatty acids. Genetic defect of SCAD was documented to cause clinical symptoms such as progressive psychomotor retardation, muscle hypotonia, and myopathy in early reports. However, clinical significance of SCAD deficiency (SCADD) has been getting ambiguous, for some variants in the ACADS gene, which encodes the SCAD protein, has turned out to be widely prevailed among general populations. Accordingly, the pathophysiology of SCADD has not been clarified thus far. The present report focuses on two suspected cases of SCADD detected through the screening of newborns by tandem mass spectrometry. In both subjects, compound heterozygous mutations in ACADS were detected. The mutated genes were expressed in a transient gene expression system, and the enzymatic activities of the obtained mutant SCAD proteins were measured. The activities of the mutant SCAD proteins were significantly lower than that of the wild-type enzyme, confirming the mechanism underlying the diagnosis of SCADD in both subjects. Moreover, the mutant SCAD proteins gave rise to mitochondrial fragmentation and autophagy, both of which were proportional to the decrease in SCAD activities. The association of autophagy with programed cell death suggests that the mutant SCAD proteins are toxic to mitochondria and to the cells in which they are expressed. The expression of recombinant ACADS-encoded mutant proteins offers a technique to evaluate both the nature of the defective SCAD proteins and their toxicity. Moreover, our results provide insight into possible molecular pathophysiology of SCADD.  相似文献   

Total polysomal RNA of rat liver was translated in vitro in a rabbit reticulocyte lysate system. The translation products were mixed with a postnuclear supernatant fraction of rat liver and incubated post-translationally at 26 degrees C for 15-60 min. The import assay mixture was separated into a particulate fraction and supernatant by centrifugation, both of which were analyzed by immunoprecipitation with a goat antibody against rat liver peroxisomal proteins, sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and fluorography. One peroxisomal translation product (Mr 72,000) appeared in the particulate fraction, was partly proteinase K-resistant, and addition of detergents prior to proteolysis abolished this resistance. In isopycnic centrifugation of the uptake assay mixture, the protease-resistant 35S-polypeptide of Mr 72,000 cosedimented with the peroxisomes. This translation product was identified immunochemically as fatty acyl-CoA oxidase; both before and after import it was indistinguishable in size from subunit A of the purified enzyme by prolonged sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. When the cell-free translation products were incubated with highly purified peroxisomes, 35S-catalase entered peroxisomes (by the criterion of protease resistance), and its entry was stimulated by the addition of a high speed supernatant (cytosolic) fraction of rat liver. These results demonstrate the post-translational import into peroxisomes in vitro of at least two cell-free translation products.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1987,105(6):2915-2922
An efficient system for the import of newly synthesized proteins into highly purified rat liver peroxisomes was reconstituted in vitro. 35S- Labeled acyl-CoA oxidase (AOx) was incorporated into peroxisomes in a proteinase K-resistant fashion. This import was specific (did not occur with mitochondria) and was dependent on temperature, time, and peroxisome concentration. Under optimal conditions approximately 30% of [35S]AOx became proteinase resistant. The import of AOx into peroxisomes could be dissociated into two steps: (a) binding occurred at 0 degrees C in the absence of ATP; (b) translocation occurred only at 26 degrees C and required the hydrolysis of ATP. GTP would not substitute for ATP and translocation was not inhibited by carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone, valinomycin, or other ionophores.  相似文献   

Forest and other upland soils are important sinks for atmospheric CH(4), consuming 20 to 60 Tg of CH(4) per year. Consumption of atmospheric CH(4) by soil is a microbiological process. However, little is known about the methanotrophic bacterial community in forest soils. We measured vertical profiles of atmospheric CH(4) oxidation rates in a German forest soil and characterized the methanotrophic populations by PCR and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) with primer sets targeting the pmoA gene, coding for the alpha subunit of the particulate methane monooxygenase, and the small-subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) of all life. The forest soil was a sink for atmospheric CH(4) in situ and in vitro at all times. In winter, atmospheric CH(4) was oxidized in a well-defined subsurface soil layer (6 to 14 cm deep), whereas in summer, the complete soil core was active (0 cm to 26 cm deep). The content of total extractable DNA was about 10-fold higher in summer than in winter. It decreased with soil depth (0 to 28 cm deep) from about 40 to 1 microg DNA per g (dry weight) of soil. The PCR product concentration of SSU rDNA of all life was constant both in winter and in summer. However, the PCR product concentration of pmoA changed with depth and season. pmoA was detected only in soil layers with active CH(4) oxidation, i.e., 6 to 16 cm deep in winter and throughout the soil core in summer. The same methanotrophic populations were present in winter and summer. Layers with high CH(4) consumption rates also exhibited more bands of pmoA in DGGE, indicating that high CH(4) oxidation activity was positively correlated with the number of methanotrophic populations present. The pmoA sequences derived from excised DGGE bands were only distantly related to those of known methanotrophs, indicating the existence of unknown methanotrophs involved in atmospheric CH(4) consumption.  相似文献   

A rapid and reliable method was developed to quantify brain concentrations of coenzyme A (CoA) and short-chain acyl-CoAs having chain length 4 carbon atoms. The method employs tissue extraction and isolation using an oligonucleotide purification cartridge and quantifies concentrations by peak area analysis following high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In adult anesthetized rats subjected to 4-s high-energy microwave irradiation to stop brain metabolism, the brain concentrations of CoA, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA), acetyl-CoA, and butyryl-CoA equaled 68.7 ± 18.5, 2.7 ± 1.5, 7.6 ± 2.3, and 30.6 ± 15.9 nmol·g–1, respectively. After 5 min of complete ischemia, the brain concentrations of CoA and HMG-CoA increased 2- and 12-fold compared to controls, whereas acetyl-CoA and butyryl-CoA concentrations did not change. Markedly elevated levels of CoA and HMG-CoA following cerebral ischemia may reflect disturbed energy metabolism and altered formation of cholesterol and isoprenoids.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding a novel isoform of acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS6) was isolated from embryos of oilseed rape. Homology searches show it is most closely related to ACS4 from rat and human brain rather than the other oilseed rape ACSs. The ACS6 is strongly expressed in embryos and flowers, tissues of Brassica napus that synthesize lipids at high rates. The activity of recombinantly expressed ACS6 was recovered in the insoluble fraction (214000×g, 1 h pellet). CHAPS-solubilized recombinant ACS6 protein preferred utilising long-chain fatty acids that contained a cis-9 double bond, i.e. palmitoleic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids. Western blot analysis showed that the ACS6 protein is membrane-bound.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of acyl-CoA hydrolase was studied in rat brown adipose tissue, with special emphasis on possible peroxisomal localization. Subcellular fractionation by sucrose-density-gradient centrifugation, followed by measurement of short-chain (propionyl-CoA) acyl-CoA hydrolase in the presence of NADH, resulted in two peaks of activity in the gradient: one peak corresponded to the distribution of cytochrome oxidase (mitochondrial marker enzyme), and another peak of activity coincided with the peroxisomal marker enzyme catalase. The distribution of the NADH-inhibited short-chain hydrolase activity fully resembled that of cytochrome oxidase. The substrate-specificity curve of the peroxisomal acyl-CoA hydrolase activity indicated the presence of a single enzyme exhibiting a broad substrate specificity, with maximal activity towards fatty acids with chain lengths of 3-12 carbon atoms. The mitochondrial acyl-CoA hydrolase substrate specificity, in contrast, indicated the presence of at least two acyl-CoA hydrolases (of short- and medium-chain-length specificity). The peroxisomal acyl-CoA hydrolase activity was inhibited by CoA at low (microM) concentrations and by ATP at high concentrations (greater than 0.8 mM). In contrast with the mitochondrial short-chain hydrolase, the peroxisomal acyl-CoA hydrolase activity was not inhibited by NADH.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA oxidase (ACOX) plays an important role in fatty acid degradation. The enzyme catalyzes the first reaction in peroxisomal fatty acid β-oxidation by reducing acyl-CoA to 2-trans-enoyl-CoA. The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is able to utilize fatty acids, fats, and oil as carbon sources to produce valuable bioproducts. We determined the crystal structure of ACOX1 from Y. lipolytica (YlACOX1) at a resolution of 2.5 Å. YlACOX1 forms a homodimer, and the monomeric structure is composed of four domains, the Nα, Nβ, Cα1, and Cα2. The FAD cofactor is bound at the dimerization interface between the Nβ- and Cα1-domains. The substrate-binding tunnel formed by the interface between the Nα-, Nβ-, and Cα1-domains is located proximal to FAD. Amino acid and structural comparisons of YlACOX1 with other ACOXs show that the substrate-binding pocket of YlACOX1 is much smaller than that of the medium- or long-chain ACOXs but is rather similar to that of the short-chain ACOXs. Moreover, the hydrophilicity of residues constituting the end region of the substrate-binding pocket in YlACOX1 is quite similar to those in the short-chain ACOXs but different from those of the medium- or long-chain ACOXs. These observations provide structural insights how YlACOX1 prefers short-chain dicarboxylyl-CoAs as a substrate.  相似文献   

Brown adipose tissue is a highly specialized organ that uses mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation to fuel non-shivering thermogenesis. In mice, mutations in the acyl-CoA dehydrogenase family of fatty acid oxidation genes are associated with sensitivity to cold. Brown adipose tissue function has not previously been characterized in these knockout strains. Short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (SCAD) deficient mice were found to have increased brown adipose tissue mass as well as modest cardiac hypertrophy. Uncoupling protein-1 was reduced by 70% in brown adipose tissue and this was not due to a change in mitochondrial number, nor was it due to decreased signal transduction through protein kinase A which is known to be a major regulator of uncoupling protein-1 expression. PKA activity and in vitro lipolysis were normal in brown adipose tissue, although in white adipose tissue a modest increase in basal lipolysis was seen in SCAD−/− mice. Finally, an in vivo norepinephrine challenge of brown adipose tissue thermogenesis revealed normal heat production in SCAD−/− mice. These results suggest that reduced brown adipose tissue function is not the major factor causing cold sensitivity in acyl-CoA dehydrogenase knockout strains. We speculate that other mechanisms such as shivering capacity, cardiac function, and reduced hepatic glycogen stores are involved.  相似文献   

Protein ubiquitination regulates diverse cellular processes in eukaryotic organisms,from growth and development to stress response.Proteins subjected to ubiquitination can be found in virtually all subcellular locations and organelles,including peroxisomes,singlemembrane and highly dynamic organelles ubiquitous in eukaryotes.Peroxisomes contain metabolic functions essential to plants and animals such as lipid catabolism,detoxification of reactive oxygen species(ROS),biosynthesis of vital hormone...  相似文献   

Sulfite oxidation in plant peroxisomes   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
For a long time, occurrence and nature of sulfite oxidase activity in higher plants were controversially discussed. During primary sulfate assimilation in the chloroplast, sulfate is reduced via sulfite to organic sulfide, which is essential for cysteine biosynthesis. However, it has also been reported that sulfite can be oxidized back to sulfate, e.g. when plants were subjected to SO2 gas. Recently, work from our laboratory has identified the sulfite oxidase as the fourth member of molybdenum-enzymes in plants. Here we discuss how nature separates the two counteracting pathways – sulfate assimilation and sulfite detoxification – into two different cell organelles and we will also discuss how these two processes are coregulated.  相似文献   

Acyl-CoA oxidase 1 (ACOX1) deficiency is a rare and severe peroxisomal leukodystrophy associated with a very long-chain fatty acid (VLCFA) β–oxidation defect. This neurodegenerative disease lacks relevant cell models to further decipher the pathomechanisms in order to identify novel therapeutic targets. Since peroxisomal defects in microglia appear to be a key component of peroxisomal leukodystrophies, we targeted the Acox1 gene in the murine microglial BV-2 cell line. Using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, we generated an Acox1-deficient cell line and validated the allelic mutations, which lead to the absence of ACOX1 protein and enzymatic activity. The activity of catalase, the enzyme degrading H2O2, was increased, likely in response to the alteration of redox homeostasis. The mutant cell line grew more slowly than control cells without obvious morphological changes. However, ultrastructural analysis revealed an increased number of peroxisomes and mitochondria associated with size reduction of mitochondria. Changes in the distribution of lipid droplets containing neutral lipids have been observed in mutant cells; lipid analysis revealed the accumulation of saturated and monounsaturated VLCFA. Besides, expression levels of genes encoding interleukin-1 beta and 6 (IL-1β and IL-6), as well as triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2 (Trem2) were found modified in the mutant cells suggesting modification of microglial polarization and phagocytosis ability. In summary, this Acox1-deficient cell line presents the main biochemical characteristics of the human disease and will serve as a promising model to further investigate the consequences of a specific microglial peroxisomal β–oxidation defect on oxidative stress, inflammation and cellular functions.  相似文献   

A sensitive spectrophotometric assay for peroxisomal acyl-CoA oxidase.   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
A simple spectrophotometric assay was developed for peroxisomal fatty acyl-CoA oxidase activity. The assay, based on the H2O2-dependent oxidation of leuco-dichlorofluorescein catalysed by exogenous peroxidase, is more sensitive than methods previously described. By using mouse liver samples, cofactor requirements were assessed and a linear relationship was demonstrated between dye oxidation and enzyme concentration. By using this assay on subcellular fractions, palmitoyl-CoA oxidase activity was localized for the first time in microperoxisomes of rat intestine. The assay was also adapted to measure D-amino acid oxidase activity, demonstrating the versatility of this method for measuring activity of other H2O2-producing oxidases.  相似文献   

A novel pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) short-chain acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) oxidase (ACOX) was purified to homogeneity by hydrophobic-interaction, hydroxyapatite, affinity, and anion-exchange chromatography. The purified enzyme is a tetrameric protein, consisting of apparently identical 47-kD subunits. The protein structure of this oxidase differs from other plant and mammalian ACOXs, but is similar to the protein structure of mammalian mitochondrial acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (ACDH) and the recently identified plant mitochondrial ACDH. Subcellular organelle separation by sucrose density gradient centrifugation revealed that the enzyme is localized in glyoxysomes, whereas no immunoreactive bands of similar molecular weight were detected in mitochondrial fractions. The enzyme selectively catalyzes the oxidation of CoA esters of fatty acids with 4 to 10 carbon atoms, and exhibits the highest activity on C-6 fatty acids. Apparently, the enzyme has no activity on CoA esters of branched-chain or dicarboxylic fatty acids. The enzyme is slightly inhibited by high concentrations of substrate and it is not inhibited by Triton X-100 at concentrations up to 0.5% (v/v). The characteristics of this novel ACOX enzyme are discussed in relation to other ACOXs and ACDHs.  相似文献   

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