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Previous research from 2001 to 2006 on an experimentally released elk (Cervus elaphus) population at Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP or Park) indicated that calf recruitment (i.e., calves reaching 1 yr of age per adult female elk) was low (0.306, total SE = 0.090) resulting in low or negative population growth (λ = 0.996, 95% CI = 0.945–1.047). Black bear (Ursus americanus) predation was the primary calf mortality factor. From 2006 to 2008, we trapped and relocated 49 bears (30 of which were radiocollared) from the primary calving areas in the Park and radiomonitored 67 (28 M:39 F) adult elk and 42 calves to compare vital rates and population growth with the earlier study. A model with annual calf recruitment rate correlating with the number of bears relocated each year was supported (ΔAICc = 0.000; β = 0.070, 95% CI = 0.028–0.112) and a model with annual calf recruitment differing from before to during bear relocation revealed an increase to 0.544 (total SE = 0.098; β = −1.092, 95% CI = −1.180 to −0.375). Using vital rates and estimates of process standard errors observed during our study, 25-yr simulations maintained a mean positive growth rate in 100% of the stochastic trials with λ averaging 1.118 (95% CI = 1.096–1.140), an increase compared with rates before bear relocation. A life table response experiment revealed that increases in population growth were mostly (67.1%) due to changes in calf recruitment. We speculate that behavioral adaptation of the elk since release also contributed to the observed increases in recruitment and population growth. Our results suggest that managers interested in elk reintroduction within bear range should consider bear relocation as a temporary means of increasing calf recruitment. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Question: Can a new cost‐distance model help us to evaluate the potential for accessibility bias in ecological observations? How much accessibility bias is present in the vegetation monitoring plots accumulated over the last three decades in Great Smoky Mountains National Park? Location: Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee, USA. Methods: Distance, slope, stream crossings, and vegetation density were incorporated into a least‐cost model of energetic expenditure for human access to locations. Results: Estimated round‐trip energy costs for the park ranged from 0 to 1.62 × 105 J kg?1. The estimated round‐trip energetic expenditure for the surveys ranged from 53 to 1.51 × 105 J kg?1. Their distribution was more accessible than the random expectation. Ten (17%) of the vegetation types in the park are significantly under‐sampled relative to their area, and 16 (29%) are over‐sampled. Plots in 18 of the 40 vegetation types exhibited a significant positive correlation with accessibility. Conclusions: The least‐cost model is an improvement over previous attempts to quantify accessibility. The bias in plot locations suggests using a least‐cost model to test for bias in cases in which human accessibility is confounded with other sources of ecosystem variation.  相似文献   

应用Granier热消散探针,长期监测华南地区荷木、大叶相思和柠檬桉林不同径级样树的树干液流,结合同步观测的气象数据,求算冠层气孔导度(gc),并分析其对环境因子的响应方式及敏感性.结果表明: 不同季节荷木林日间平均gc显著高于大叶相思和柠檬桉(P<0.05)(除3月外).在干季和湿季,gc与光合有效辐射(PAR)呈现对数正相关关系(P<0.001),湿季gc对PAR响应比干季更敏感.gc与水汽压亏缺(VPD)在干湿季均呈现对数负相关关系(P<0.001),同样在湿季表现出更高的敏感性.湿季gc与VPD的偏相关系数高于干季,VPD对气孔行为的调控作用在湿季更为明显.随着土壤含水量的降低,gc对VPD的敏感性下降,荷木和柠檬桉林下降的幅度大于大叶相思林,荷木和柠檬桉林下降的幅度相当.通过综合分析gc对环境因子(PAR和VPD)的敏感性及其对土壤含水量变化的响应规律,发现乡土树种荷木作为植被恢复树种比外来引种的大叶相思和柠檬桉更为适宜.  相似文献   

冠层气孔导度(gs)是衡量冠层-大气界面水汽通量的重要生物学常数,研究其特征及对环境因子的响应,能为开展森林冠层水汽交换过程的机理性研究提供理论依据.于2014年利用SF-L热扩散式探针测定了侧柏的树干液流密度(Js),同步监测光合有效辐射(PAR)、饱和水汽压差(VPD)、气温(T)等环境因子,计算侧柏的冠层气孔导度特征并分析其对各环境因子的响应.结果表明: 侧柏液流密度的日变化总体呈双峰曲线,生长季高于非生长季,且胸径越大液流密度越大;冠层气孔导度日变化与单位叶面积冠层蒸腾(EL)趋势相近,均呈双峰曲线,生长季的冠层气孔导度和蒸腾较非生长季略高.侧柏冠层气孔导度与空气温度呈抛物线关系,在10 ℃左右冠层气孔导度达到峰谷;光合有效辐射以400 μmol·m-2·s-1为界,小于该阈值两者呈正相关关系,大于该阈值则冠层气孔导度受其影响较小;与饱和水汽压差呈负对数函数关系,随饱和水汽压差增大而逐渐降低.较高的空气温度和光合有效辐射、较低的饱和水汽压差有利于侧柏形成较大的冠层气孔导度,进而促进冠层蒸腾.  相似文献   

Two newly discovered taxa of Cyanobacteria from the Great Smoky Mountain National Park (USA) are presented. The first is the newly described species Capsosira lowei (Capsosiraceae), differing from the only other previously described species C. brebissonii Kütz. ex Born. et Flah. in regard to cell size and filament morphology. In addition, C. brebissonii is described as an aquatic or subaerophytic taxon, while our isolate was obtained as a phycobiont from the lichen Hydrothyria venosa J. L. Russell. Capsosira is currently placed in the Capsosiraceae of the Stigonematales due to its ability to have division in two planes. However, molecular evidence gathered in this study indicates closest affinity with Aulosira and Nostoc commune Vaucher, both in the Nostocaceae, Nostocales. Rexia erecta was isolated from concurrently collected aerophytic, epilithic sites. The hormogonia production, near absence of heterocysts and division in two planes are all typical of the Stigonematales, but it fits none of the currently circumscribed families in that order. This genus in other ways appears morphologically similar to members of the Scytonemataceae and Microchaetaceae. Molecular evidence (nearly complete 16S rRNA sequence data and 16S–23S internal transcribed spacer ITS region) places Rexia in the Microchaetaceae. These taxa are both problematic as they indicate that cell division in two planes has likely arisen more than once in the Nostocales, and thus the Stigonematales as currently circumscribed is not a monophyletic group. The Nostocales and Stigonematales are, in our opinion, in need of revision at the family and order level of classification.  相似文献   

Ninety three bumble bees belonging to the genus Bombus, subgenus Pyrobombus (three Bombus vagans, seven Bombus bimaculatus, 17 B. sandersoni and 68 B. impatiens) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park were examined for microsporidia. Light microscopy of calcoflour and trichrome-stained smears, and PCR revealed infection with N. bombi in one specimen each of B. sandersoni and B. impatiens. Sizes and shapes of spores in both N. bombi isolates were similar to those described for European isolates of the microsporidium. A region of the rRNA gene from the B. impatiens isolate (1689 bp, accession GQ254295) aligned with homologous sequences from eight European isolates, with only three variable sites. Sequence variability of this region between novel isolates and the European ones was the same as among European isolates.  相似文献   

Introgressive hybridization of Senecio hercynicus and S. ovatus (Compositae, Senecioneae) was studied in a hybrid zone on the southern slopes of Mt Brocken (Harz Mountains, Germany). A total of 415 plants representing 10 stands along an altitudinal gradient were investigated using multivariate statistical analyses of morphological characters and molecular markers (random amplified polymorphic DNA[RAPD]). Both types of traits detected pure S. hercynicus stands on the summit plateau, pure S. ovatus stands at the lowest elevations, and hybrid swarms at intermediate elevations. While morphological and molecular patterns coincided, some individuals in hybrid stands combined morphological patterns typical of S. ovatus with RAPD patterns typical of S. hercynicus, and vice versa. In general, introgression was symmetrical within stands, though one stand combined S. ovatus characters with the glandular hair typical for S. hercynicus, and two stands combined a S. hercynicus typical RAPD genotype with morphological characters shifted towards S. ovatus. Because pure stands of S. hercynicus occurred only on the summit plateau of Mt Brocken, and markers typical for S. ovatus were detectable in stands up to 1040 m a.s.l., future fusion or assimilation of the rare form, S. hercynicus, by the more widespread S. ovatus appears possible at Mt Brocken.  相似文献   

European and Asian earthworm invasions are widespread in North America. European earthworms especially are well-known to cause dramatic changes in ecosystems in northern, formerly glaciated portions of the continent, but less is known about the impacts of earthworm invasions in unglaciated areas inhabited by indigenous earthworms. We monitored fluctuations in the spatial extent of an Amynthas agrestis (Megascolecidae) population in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in eastern Tennessee, USA. Two years of monthly growing-season observations revealed that the distribution of the earthworm population was dynamic, but overall distribution was closely linked to temperature and moisture with dramatic reductions of earthworm numbers associated with very dry conditions. In plots where A. agrestis were more often detected, we measured increased A-horizon soil aggregation and decreased thickness of the Oe/Oa-horizon. However, A. agrestis was not related to A-horizon microbial biomass, A-horizon C:N, Oi-horizon (litter) thickness, or mass of forest floor (O-horizon). Reductions in millipede species richness and density were associated with frequency of A. agrestis presence, possibly due to direct competition for food resources (Oe/Oa material). This evidence for potentially negative interactions between millipedes and A. agrestis suggests that expansion of the non-native earthworm into new habitats in the Park may alter soil physical properties and could pose a threat to native millipede diversity.  相似文献   

Four temperature treatments were studied in the climate controlled growth chambers of the Georgia Envirotron: 25/20, 30/25, 35/30, and 40/35 °C during 14/10 h light/dark cycle. For the first growth stage (V3-5), the highest net photosynthetic rate (P N) of sweet corn was found for the lowest temperature of 28–34 μmol m−2 s−1 while the P N for the highest temperature treatment was 50–60 % lower. We detected a gradual decline of about 1 P N unit per 1 °C increase in temperature. Maximum transpiration rate (E) fluctuated between 0.36 and 0.54 mm h−1 (≈5.0–6.5 mm d−1) for the high temperature treatment and the minimum E fluctuated between 0.25 and 0.36 mm h−1 (≈3.5–5.0 mm d−1) for the low temperature treatment. Cumulative CO2 fixation of the 40/35 °C treatment was 33.7 g m−2 d−1 and it increased by about 50 % as temperature declined. The corresponding water use efficiency (WUE) decreased from 14 to 5 g(CO2) kg−1(H2O) for the lowest and highest temperature treatments, respectively. Three main factors affected WUE, P N, and E of Zea: the high temperature which reduced P N, vapor pressure deficit (VPD) that was directly related to E but did not affect P N, and quasi stem conductance (QC) that was directly related to P N but did not affect E. As a result, WUE of the 25/20 °C temperature treatment was almost three times larger than that of 40/35 °C temperature treatment.  相似文献   

利用树木年代学方法,建立大兴安岭林区南、北部樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)年轮宽度年表,探讨樟子松径向生长对气候变化的响应差异。结果表明,南部(阿尔山、海拉尔)树轮宽度主要与当年4—9月的平均标准化降水蒸散指数SPEI(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index)极显著正相关(r=0.639,P0.01),而北部(漠河、塔河)树轮宽度主要与同时期的平均最低温极显著正相关(r=0.488,P0.01)。说明南部樟子松径向生长主要受当年4—9月的水分限制,北部主要受同期平均最低温调控。两个地区树木生长对降水的响应一致,对当年4—9月(6月除外)的温度响应相反。近几十年来随着温度显著升高(P0.01),南部树木生长对4—9月平均最高温的负响应不断增强,而北部树木对同时段平均最低温的正响应更加明显。同时,南部樟子松生长量快速下降(r=0.612,P0.001),而北部生长量显著增加(r=0.474,P0.001)。研究发现,高温加剧干旱胁迫是南部樟子松生长量下降的主要原因,而北部樟子松生长量增加是受到4—9月平均最低温和降水量的相互作用。如果持续变暖,未来樟子松分布区可能北移。  相似文献   

The individual plant of Chinese ivy can produce three types of branches (creepy, climbing, and reproductive) during its development, which adapt to different environmental factors. An eco-physiological model was constructed to simulate leaf net photosynthetic rate (P N) of Chinese ivy (Hedera nepalensis var. sinensis) in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest based on leaf physiological and mathematical analysis. The model integrated the rate-limiting biochemical process of photosynthesis and the processes of stomatal regulation. Influence of environmental factors (solar radiation, temperature, CO2 concentration, vapour pressure deficit, etc.) on P N was also considered in our model; its parameters were estimated for leaves on three types of branch in the whole growing season. The model was validated with field data. The model could simulate P N of leaf on three types of branches accurately. Influence of solar radiation on leaf P N of three types of branches in different seasons was analyzed through the model with numerical analysis.  相似文献   

Do free-ranging baboons avoid traveling towards the sun? Sun avoidance, in addition to resource and predator locations, may influence troop movement and non-random use of the home range. This paper investigates how sun avoidance, as measured by facial exposure to sunlight, influences directional choices. It hypothesizes that baboons should avoid the sun in the hot, dry season and show indifference to it in the cool, lush season. This paper also hypothesizes that baboons employ sun-avoidance behaviors more while they forage or travel to resting sites than when they travel to foraging sites or engage in active social behaviors; lastly this paper hypothesizes that sun altitude, temperature, humidity, and cloud cover influence sun-avoidance behavior. Using focal-animal techniques on 21 males from free-ranging baboon troops, I collected locational data, accurate to within 1.6 m, over 15 months. I calculated the difference between baboon bearings and the sun’s azimuth in angular degrees. Both linear and circular statistics indicate that baboons put significantly (P<0.01) more than 90° between their bearing and the sun’s azimuth under certain conditions. Contrary to hypotheses based on the detrimental effects of insolation, baboons in the cool, lush season avoid the sun, while baboons in the hot, dry season do not. In the lush season, the extent to which baboons avoid the sun does not depend on their other behaviors. Dry-season baboons demonstrate stronger sun avoidance while resting than when engaged in other behaviors. Finally, in the dry season, temperature drives sun avoidance; humidity drives it in the lush season.  相似文献   

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