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Several linkage studies have predicted that human chromosome 20q is closely related to type 2 diabetes, but there is no clear evidence that certain variant(s) or gene(s) have strong effects on the disease within this region. To examine disease susceptibility variant in Japanese, verified SNPs from the databases, with a minor allele frequency larger than 0.15, were selected at 10-kb intervals across a 19.31-Mb region (20q11.21-13.13), which contained 291 genes, including hepatocyte nuclear factor 4α (HNF4α). As a result, a total of 1,147 SNPs were genotyped with TaqMan assay using 1,818 Japanese samples. By searching for HNF4α as a representative disease-susceptible gene, no variants of HNF4α were strongly associated with disease. To identify other genetic variant related with disease, we designed an extensive two-stage association study (725 first and 1,093 second test samples). Although SNP1146 (rs220076) was selected as a landmark within the 19.31 Mb region, the magnitude of the nominal P value (P = 0.0023) was rather weak. Subsequently, a haplotype-based association study showed that two common haplotypes were weakly associated with disease. All of these tests resulted in non-significance after adjusting for Bonferroni’s correction and the false discovery rate to control for the impact of multiple testing. Contrary to the initial expectations, we could not conclude that certain SNPs had a major effect on this promising locus within the framework presented here. As a way to extend our observations, we emphasize the importance of a subsequent association study including replication and/or meta-analysis in multiple populations.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type I is an autosomal recessive disease characterized by profound congenital hearing impairment and vestibular dysfunction followed by the onset of progressive pigmentary retinopathy in childhood or early adolescence. A locus (USH1C) for one form of this disease was previously assigned to the short arm of chromosome 11 through linkage studies in the Acadian population of southwestern Louisiana. Linkage analyses of a set of microsatellite markers in 27 Acadian families provide evidence that USH1C lies between D11S861 and D11S928. Three markers (D11S419, D11S921, and D11S899) that lie between the flanking markers show no recombination with USH1C, and all 54 chromosomes with the abnormal allele at the disease locus have identical alleles for D11S419 and D11S921. This haplotype was found on only 10 of 50 chromosomes with the normal allele at the disease locus, suggesting a strong founder effect. Of the 54 chromosomes with the abnormal allele, 12 had a divergent allele at D11S899. These results suggest that USH1C is in the 2-3-cM interval between D11S861 and D11S899.  相似文献   

Erbb is linked to the alpha-globin locus on mouse chromosome 11.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A fragment of the human gene for c-erb-B was used to map homologous sequences in mice. Analysis of somatic cell hybrids and recombinant inbred and congenic mouse strains indicated that this gene, designated Erbb, is closely linked to the gene for alpha-globin on mouse chromosome 11. Several genes controlling hematopoietic differentiation map to mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

Graves disease (GD) is a common autoimmune thyroid disorder that is inherited as a complex multigenic trait. By using a single microsatellite marker at each locus, we screened the type 1 diabetes loci IDDM4, IDDM5, IDDM6, IDDM8, and IDDM10 and the fucosyltransferase-2 locus for linkage in sib pairs with GD. This showed a two-point nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 1.57 (P=.06) at the IDDM6 marker D18S41, but NPL scores were <1.0 at the other five loci. Thus, the investigation of the IDDM6 locus was extended by genotyping 11 microsatellite markers spanning 48 cM across chromosome 18q12-q22 in 81 sib pairs affected with autoimmune thyroid disease (AITD). Multipoint analysis, designating all AITD sib pairs as affected, showed a peak NPL score of 3.46 (P=.0003), at the marker D18S487. Designation of only GD cases as affected (74 sib pairs) showed a peak NPL score of 3.09 (P=.001). Linkage to this region has been demonstrated in type 1 diabetes (IDDM6), rheumatoid arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus, which suggests that this locus may have a role in several forms of autoimmunity.  相似文献   

HLA antigens were determined in two infants with multiple congenital anomalies and in their healthy parents and one sibling. One infant had a deletion of a major portion of the long arm of chromosome 6. The other child had a translocation of a similar piece of chromosome 6 to the short arm of chromosome 3. The mother and the maternal grandmother showed this translocation in a balanced state. The HLA types of both children and their parents exclude the localization of the major histocompatibility locus from the deleted or translocated portion of the long arm of chromosome 6.  相似文献   

Linkage of both several chromosome 13 DNA markers and the locus for the red cell enzyme esterase D (ESD) to Wilson disease (WD), an autosomal recessive disorder affecting copper metabolism, was investigated in five Middle-Eastern kindreds. The single-copy probe 7D2, identifying the polymorphic region D13S10, was demonstrated to lie 7.5 centiMorgans (cM) from the locus, since a maximum lod score of 4.66 at a recombination frequency of .07 (7.5 cM) was found between the locus for WD (WND) and D13S10. Multipoint linkage analysis between several chromosome 13 markers and WND enables us to propose that the order of markers closely linked to WND is as follows: centromere-D13S10-ESD-WND.  相似文献   

Myopia is a common, complex trait with considerable economic and social impact and, in highly affected individuals, ocular morbidity. We performed a classic twin study of 506 unselected twin pairs and inferred the heritability of refractive error to be 0.89 (95% confidence interval 0.86-0.91). A genomewide scan of 221 dizygotic twin pairs, analyzed by use of optimal Haseman-Elston regression methods implemented by use of generalized linear modeling, showed significant linkage (LOD >3.2) to refractive error at four loci, with a maximum LOD score of 6.1 at 40 cM on chromome 11p13. Evidence of linkage at this locus, as well as at the other linkage peaks at chromosomes 3q26 (LOD 3.7), 8p23 (LOD 4.1), and 4q12 (LOD 3.3), remained the same or became stronger after model fit was checked and outliers were downweighted. Examination of potential candidate genes showed the PAX6 gene directly below the highest peak at the 11p13 locus. PAX6 is fundamental to identity and growth of the eye, but reported mutations usually result in catastrophic congenital phenotypes such as aniridia. Haplotype tagging of 17 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), which covered the PAX6 gene and had common minor allele frequencies, identified 5 SNPs that explained 0.999 of the haplotype diversity. Linkage and association analysis of the tagging SNPs showed strong evidence of linkage for all markers with a minimum chi 21 of 7.5 (P=.006) but no association. This suggests that PAX6 may play a role in myopia development, possibly because of genetic variation in an upstream promoter or regulator, although no definite association between PAX6 common variants and myopia was demonstrated in this study.  相似文献   

Malignant hyperthermia susceptibility is a lethal autosomal dominant disorder of skeletal muscle metabolism that is triggered by all potent inhalation anesthetic gases. Recent linkage studies suggest a genetic locus for this disorder on 19q13.1. We have previously reported three unrelated families diagnosed with MHS that are unlinked to markers surrounding this locus on 19q13.1. In this report we extend these observations and present linkage studies on 16 MHS families. Four families (25%) were found linked to the region 19q12-q13.2 (Zmax = 2.96 with the ryanodine receptor at theta = 0.0). Five families (31%) were found closely linked to the anonymous marker NME1 (previously designated NM23) on chromosome 17q11.2-q24 (Zmax = 3.26 at theta = 0.0). Two families (13%) were clearly unlinked to either of these chromosomal regions. In five additional families, data were insufficient to determine their linkage status (they were potentially linked to two or more sites). The results of our heterogeneity analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that MHS can be caused in humans by any one of at least three distinct genetic loci. Furthermore, we provide preliminary linkage data suggesting the localization of a gene in human MHS to 17q11.2-q24 (MHS2), with a gene frequency of this putative locus approximately equal to that of the MHS1 locus on 19q.  相似文献   

Bf allele frequencies in a material of 172 unrelated Norwegians are given. Bf/HLA linkage relations in 49 informative matings with 178 children, and Bf/HLA association data of a material of 212 Bf-HLA haplotypes are presented. Of 171 informative meioses, there were no Bf-HLA-B recombinations, while 3 out of 158 Bf-HLA-A informative meioses showed recombination. There is significant association between the BfF and the HLA-BW35 allele. It is concluded that the Bf locus is situated on the HLA-B side of HLA-A within the HLA region, in very close proximity to HLA-B.  相似文献   

Significant evidence of linkage to type 2 diabetes (T2D) has been shown in a relatively broad region on chromosome 20q, where the hepatocyte nuclear factor-4alpha (HNF4A) has been noted as a positional candidate. To systematically evaluate genetic susceptibility to T2D in the relevant region, we examined the disease association by using 1145 SNPs in two-step screening in the Japanese population. The marker screening enabled us to identify significant disease association in the lipopolysaccharide binding protein (LBP) but not in the HNF4A locus. In a 17.7-Mb interval screened, the strongest association was identified for a SNP, rs2232592, located in the intron of LBP, with an estimated odds ratio of 1.73 (95% CI 1.30-2.31) (P=0.0002) in the whole study panel involving 675 case and 474 control subjects. Our data suggest that the LBP gene may confer genetic susceptibility to T2D and this warrants further replication study.  相似文献   

Two novel analytic methods to evaluate the roles of the HLA alleles of the human major histocompatibility complex in disease predisposition have been formulated and applied to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). The HLA-DR antigens, as they are presently defined, are shown not to directly predispose individuals to IDDM. This result does not discount the possibility that subdivision of the DR antigens will yield the predisposing agents. In Caucasian populations, after consideration of the predisposing effect of the antigens DR3 and DR4, the protective effect of DR2 in predisposition is demonstrated. Additionally, DR1 and possibly DRw8 exhibit a higher than expected frequency in patients.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest that hereditary prostate cancer is a complex disease involving multiple susceptibility genes and variable phenotypic expression. While conducting a genomewide search on 162 North American families with > or =3 members affected with prostate cancer (PRCA), we found evidence for linkage to chromosome 20q13 with two-point parametric LOD scores >1 at multiple sites, with the highest two-point LOD score of 2.69 for marker D20S196. The maximum multipoint NPL score for the entire data set was 3.02 (P=.002) at D20S887. On the basis of findings from previous reports, families were stratified by the presence (n=116) or absence (n=46) of male-to-male transmission, average age of diagnosis (<66 years, n=73; > or =66 years, n=89), and number of affected individuals (<5, n=101; > or =5, n=61) for further analysis. The strongest evidence of linkage was evident with the pedigrees having <5 family members affected with prostate cancer (multipoint NPL 3.22, P=.00079), a later average age of diagnosis (multipoint NPL 3.40, P=.0006), and no male-to-male transmission (multipoint NPL 3.94, P=.00007). The group of patients having all three of these characteristics (n=19) had a multipoint NPL score of 3.69 (P=.0001). These results demonstrate evidence for a PRCA susceptibility locus in a subset of families that is distinct from the groups more likely to be linked to previously identified loci.  相似文献   

The existence of osteoarthritis susceptibility loci on chromosome 6 for individuals suffering from hip and knee osteoarthritis has been suggested. We determined whether radiographic hand osteoarthritis in a demographically homogeneous population of European origin can be linked to loci on chromosome 6p12.3-p12.1. Nine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 764 individuals (members of 189 nuclear and more complex two- or three-generation families). Radiographic hand osteoarthritis was characterized by two traits: (1) the total individual osteoarthritis score (PC1-OA) and (2) the osteophytes score (PC1-OS), obtained from the principal components analysis of sums of the Kellgren and Lawrence grade and of the osteophyte grades, respectively, for 14 joints on each hand. The contribution of genetic and environmental factors and of covariates such as age and body mass index to hand osteoarthritis was evaluated by variance components analysis. The association between the studied traits and selected DNA markers was evaluated by three types of transmission disequilibrium tests. The parent-offspring and sib-sib correlations were statistically significant for all studied traits. The additive genetic effects for PC1-OA and PC1-OS were estimated to be 43% and 37.9%, respectively. Transmission disequilibrium tests consistently revealed a statistically significant association (p values ranged from 0.017 to 0.030) between SNP rs1508632 and PC1-OS. In the tested cohort the putative genetic factors are influential enough to determine interindividual differences regarding the extent of hand osteoarthritis. SNP rs1508632 lies in immediate proximity to the TINAG gene, implicating it as a possible hand osteoarthritis susceptibility gene.  相似文献   

Lung cancer is a major cause of death in the United States and other countries. The risk of lung cancer is greatly increased by cigarette smoking and by certain occupational exposures, but familial factors also clearly play a major role. To identify susceptibility genes for familial lung cancer, we conducted a genomewide linkage analysis of 52 extended pedigrees ascertained through probands with lung cancer who had several first-degree relatives with the same disease. Multipoint linkage analysis, under a simple autosomal dominant model, of all 52 families with three or more individuals affected by lung, throat, or laryngeal cancer, yielded a maximum heterogeneity LOD score (HLOD) of 2.79 at 155 cM on chromosome 6q (marker D6S2436). A subset of 38 pedigrees with four or more affected individuals yielded a multipoint HLOD of 3.47 at 155 cM. Analysis of a further subset of 23 multigenerational pedigrees with five or more affected individuals yielded a multipoint HLOD score of 4.26 at the same position. The 14 families with only three affected relatives yielded negative LOD scores in this region. A predivided samples test for heterogeneity comparing the LOD scores from the 23 multigenerational families with those from the remaining families was significant (P=.007). The 1-HLOD multipoint support interval from the multigenerational families extends from C6S1848 at 146 cM to 164 cM near D6S1035, overlapping a genomic region that is deleted in sporadic lung cancers as well as numerous other cancer types. Parametric linkage and variance-components analysis that incorporated effects of age and personal smoking also supported linkage in this region, but with somewhat diminished support. These results localize a major susceptibility locus influencing lung cancer risk to 6q23-25.  相似文献   

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) is the most common inherited motor and sensory neuropathy. The neuronal form of this disorder is referred to as Charcot-Marie-Tooth type II disease (CMT2). CMT2 is usually inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with a variable age at onset of symptoms associated with progressive axonal neuropathy. In some families, the locus that predisposes to CMT2 has been demonstrated to map to the distal portion of the short arm of chromosome 1. Other families with CMT2 do not show linkage with 1p markers, suggesting genetic heterogeneity in CMT2. We investigated linkage in a single large kindred with autosomal dominant CMT2. The gene responsible for CMT2 in this kindred (CMT2B) was mapped to the interval between the microsatellite markers D3S1769 and D3S1744 in the 3q13-22 region. Study of additional CMT2 kindreds should serve to further refine the disease gene region and may ultimately lead to the identification of a gene defect that underlies the CMT2 phenotype.  相似文献   

Type I and type II keratins are major constituents of intermediate filaments that play a fundamental role in the cytoskeletal network. By using both somatic cell hybrids and conventional and interspecific linkage crosses, several genes encoding type I keratins, including the epidermal keratin K10, were shown to be closely linked to the homeobox-2 complex and the rex locus on mouse chromosome 11. The absence of crossovers between type I keratin-encoding genes and rex (N = 239), a locus affecting hair development, raises the possibility that mutations at rex and neighboring loci affecting skin and hair development involve type I keratin genes.  相似文献   

We report a genomewide linkage study of type 2 diabetes (T2D [MIM 125853]) in the Icelandic population. A list of type 2 diabetics was cross-matched with a computerized genealogical database clustering 763 type 2 diabetics into 227 families. The diabetic patients and their relatives were genotyped with 906 microsatellite markers. A nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis yielded linkage to 5q34-q35.2 (LOD = 2.90, P=1.29 x 10(-4)) in all diabetics. Since obesity, here defined as body mass index (BMI) > or =30 kg/m(2), is a key risk factor for the development of T2D, we studied the data either independently of BMI or by stratifying the patient group as obese (BMI > or =30) or nonobese (BMI <30). A nonparametric multipoint linkage analysis yielded linkage to 5q34-q35.2 (LOD = 3.64, P=2.12 x (10)-5) in the nonobese diabetics. No linkage was observed in this region for the obese diabetics. Linkage analysis conditioning on maternal transmission to the nonobese diabetics resulted in a LOD score of 3.48 (P=3.12 x 10(-5)) in the same region, whereas conditioning on paternal transmission led to a substantial drop in the LOD score. Finally, we observed potential interactions between the 5q locus and two T2D susceptibility loci, previously mapped in other populations.  相似文献   

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