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Brains, hearts and livers from newborn and adult rats were assayed for monoamine oxidase activity using gel electrophoretic techniques. The results suggest that each of the tissues possesses multiple forms (isoenzymes) of monoamine oxidase and that these forms are different for the various tissues. Further, the forms of monoamine oxidase in the neonatal tissues differ from those in the corresponding adult tissue. These different forms of monoamine oxidase have different substrate specificities. Using 5-hydroxy[14C]tryptamine as substrate, we have demonstrated that the monoamine oxidase patterns appearing on the gel do indeed possess monoamine oxidase activity.  相似文献   

Abstract— MAO of human brain and liver mitochondria was solubilized by a procedure that preserved the substrate and inhibitor selectivities of the original mitochondrial preparation. Techniques that are designed to separate proteins on the basis of molecular size or net surface charge did not yield a physical separation of enzymically active A and B forms, even in the presence of ionic detergents or with limited proteolysis. However, sulfhydryl inhibitors, inorganic salts, ionic detergents, heat treatment, and sonication all tended to cause selective inactivation of serotonin-metabolizing activity in solubilized preparations. Experiments with selectively inhibited (membrane-bound or solubilized) MAO supported the concept of at least two independent kinds of substrate binding site, only one of which metabolizes serotonin (A type) and another (B type) which has a very strong affinity for β-phenethylamine. l -Norepinephrine, tryptamine, dopamine, and tyramine could be classified as common substrates. The lowest Km values were found for tryptamine at A sites and for β-phenethylamine at B sites. Results of this study suggest that the different MAO sites could be part of the same large molecular complex, which may normally be embedded in the outer mitochondrial membrane so that A sites are more dependent on their lipid environment within this membrane.  相似文献   

Abstract— Microtubular protein was isolated from rat forebrain by biochemical purification (ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by DEAE cellulose chromatography) or by two cycles of aggregation-disaggregation. The protein subunit structure was examined on two-dimensional electrophoretograms: first dimension, urea isoelectric focusing gel; second dimension, sodium dodecyl sulfate exponential acrylamide slab gel. Two forms of α tubulin were separated in the second dimension on the basis of different rates of migration (α and α2). Each of these species was further separated into at least three forms with different isoelectric points. β Tubulin was separated into a minor species (BI) and a major species β2). Multiple subunits were observed using protein from either purification method and in a two-dimensional electrophoretogram of total supernatant proteins from rat brain. Separation and visualization of multiple forms of α and β tubulin is consistent with reports that provide evidence for post-translational modification of these proteins.  相似文献   

Abstract— A study of the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO) was carried out in the monkey brain. From the monkey brain mitochondrial fraction a lysolecithin-soluble form of the enzyme (MAOs and an insoluble form (MAOp) were isolated. The latter required freezing, thawing and sonication for solubilization. Both these forms of MAO had identical electrophoretic mobilities, a pH optimum of 7 and comparable thermal stabilities. The enzyme which could not be solubilized and which remained membrane-bound also gave the same pH optimum of 7 and a similar thermal stability profile. Both MAOs and MAOp had comparable K m values of 2.2 × 10−5 m and 5.0 ×105- m respectively when using tyramine as substrate and 7.4 ×−5 M and 7.7 × 10−5 m respectively with benzylamine as substrate. The K m values of the membrane-bound enzyme were 1.0 × 10"5m with tyramine as substrate 2.5 × m with benzylarnine as substrate. The MAO inhibitors, tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid and iproniazid inhibited both MAOs and MAOp to approximately the same extent. The extent of inhibition of the membrane-bound enzyme however, was relatively different with all three inhibitors. Immunodiffu-sion techniques using anti-MAOp indicated the immunological identity among MAOp, MAOs and the mitochondrial fraction. Substrate specificity and substrate competition experiments as well as the use of the selective inhibitor pargyline indicated the presence of both the 'A' and 'B' type of activity in the MAO isolated from monkey brain.  相似文献   


Abstract— Six endogenous substrates of monoamine oxidase (EC (serotonin, l -norepinephrine, dopamine, tyramine, tryptamine and β -phenethylamine) were used separately and in pairs with human brain mitochondrial extracts. Apparent K 1 values were obtained from experiments in which only 1 of 2 substrates was isotopically labelled, and these values were compared with experimental K m values. β -Phenethylamine appears to be metabolized at enzyme active sites independent from those which bind serotonin. The substrate l -norepinephrine competes with serotonin for an enzyme site, but also may be catalysed at an additional site which is independent of serotonin binding. Experiments in which [14C]tryptamine was combined with [3E]serotonin indicated that tryptamine is a much more potent inhibitor of serotonin oxidation than was predicted from K m values. It is suggested that the competition among substrates of MA0 which is observed in uitro may have relevance to in uiuo mechanisms for control of biogenic amine concentrations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Monoamine oxidase was purified approximately 40-fold from beef brain mitochondria. The purification procedure involved extraction with a non-ionic detergent (Nonion NS-210) after heat treatment, ammonium sulphate fractionation, chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose and Sepharose 6B, and a continuous flow electrophoresis. A major component (enzyme 1) with a higher specific activity and a minor component (enzyme 2) with a lower specific activity were separated. Properties of both enzymes towards kynuramine including pH-optimum and Km values were similar, but the enzyme 1 had the higher specific activity towards tyramine whereas that of enzyme 2 was towards normetane-phrine. Fluorescence spectra indicated that the enzyme 1 is a flavoprotein. Copper was not detected, and copper chelating agents did not inhibit the enzyme. p -Chloromercuribenzoate and JV-ethylmaleimide inhibited the enzyme, indicating the presence of the essential SH-groups.  相似文献   

—Pig brain glutaminase (EC L-glutamine amidohydrolase) has been purified about 5000-fold from acetone powder. Glutaminase exists in different molecular forms, dependent on the ionic composition of the buffer. The three main forms are similar to those of kidney glutaminase and therefore called the tris-HCl enzyme, the phosphate enzyme, and the phosphate-borate enzyme. The sedimentation coefficients, as estimated by sucrose gradient technique, are 7·3, 8·7, and 53, respectively. Glutaminase has a pH optimum of about 9, but the pH curves of the tris-HCl enzyme and the phosphate-borate enzyme have different shapes. The apparent pK1 of the tris-HCl enzyme-substrate complex is similar to pK2 of inorganic phosphate, the apparent pK2 of both the tris-HCl and the phosphateborate enzyme complexes is similar to pK2 of glutamine. By use of the electron microscope we were able to see the phosphate-borate enzyme.  相似文献   

Bovine brain cathepsin D was purified 1774-fold with a 19% recovery by affinity chromatography on immobilized pepstatin. Approximately 2 mg of enzyme protein were isolated from 150 g (wet weight) of bovine brain. The enzyme eluted from gel filtration as a single peak with a molecular weight of 40,000–42,000. On polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, the predominant band migrated with a molecular weight of 48,000: however, less distinct bands were also present in the molecular weight ranges of 31,000 and 13,000. The isolated enzyme had isoelectric points over a range of pH 5–7 with 3 major peaks occurring at pH 5.6, 6.1, and 6.6. The amino acid composition of brain cathepsin D showed substantial differences from that reported for cathepsin D isolated from bovine spleen. Amino-terminal sequence analysis revealed an Asp-Val-lle sequence by Edman degradation. With hemoglobin as the substrate the enzyme had an apparent K, of 60mM.  相似文献   

—Monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in the nuclei and tracts of the medulla and pons of the rat from birth to 90 days is reported. Prominent MAO activity was present in the locus coeruleus and nucleus ambiguus at birth. At 5 days a weak reaction localized mainly within the neuropil and glia cells was detected in several other nuclei. By 10 days all nuclei were identified with MAO activity varying from weak to intense, the activity showing further increases at 15 and 20 days. Staining in nerve fibres was negligible at 5 days but increased rapidly to 15 days in some tracts when the characteristic beading pattern was distinct. At 30 days differentiation in intensity of MAO activity between the nuclei diminished and no increase was apparent after 55 days. The results are compared with the distribution of brain stem acetylcholinesterase during maturation and also with regions specific in catecholamine or serotonin content in the adult rat brain stem. This and an earlier study on the cerebrum suggest that MAO is another component of the brain that falls into the caudal-rostral concept of biochemical maturation and that it fits into a group of enzymes exhibiting a similar pattern of increase in activity during development.  相似文献   

Abstract— The role of glucocorticoids in the regulation of the enzymes monoamine oxidase (MAO) and catechol- O -methyltransferase (COMT) in brain regions has been studied. Glucocorticoids were blocked by Metopirone. The activities of MAO and COMT were determined in the hypophysis, hypothalamus, pineal gland and in the rest of brain. All the cerebral tissues except the pineal gland demonstrated highest MAO activity 8 h after Metopirone administration, when glucocorticoids were at the lowest level. Prolonged treatment for 10 days significantly augmented MAO activity in brain, hypophysis and hypothalamus, and COMT in the hypophysis increased by 56 per cent. The COMT activity in the rest of the brain did not change significantly with either short or prolonged administration. Complete ablation of the adrenal cortex resulted in a 167 per cent rise in MAO activity of the hypophysis. Metopirone and hydrocortisone inhibit MAO and COMT in vitro. The results suggest that glucocorticoids in the circulation of normal animals inhibit the activities of MAO and COMT. The inhibition or ablation of these hormones removes this rate-limiting control of catecholamine degradation resulting in higher activities of MAO and COMT. Metopirone, an inhibitor of MAO and COMT in vitro , acts in the opposite direction in vivo due to its inhibitory effects on corticoid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Abstract— Myelin has an unusual lipid composition, being particularly rich in sulfatide. This lipid is synthesized by the transfer of sulfate from phosphoadenosine phosphosulfate to galactocerebroside, catalyzed by galactocerebroside sulfotransferase. This paper describes a sensitive assay for the sulfotransferase (capable of measuring activity in as little as 10 μg of extracted rat brain protein) so that this enzyme can be readily investigated in isolated cells, or the small amounts of tissue available in developing animals. Both manganase (20 m m ) and thiol reagents were required for optimal activity. This assay was used to monitor the purification of the sulfotransferase from rat brain. Extraction of the enzyme from crude homogenates required the nonionic detergent, Triton X-100, at pH 7–7.5. Removal of Triton X-100 from the extracted enzyme resulted in a soluble but less active enzyme, the activity of which could then be restored with detergents. Stability of the detergent-extracted enzyme was investigated, and even at —40°C there was a 20% loss of activity over 10 days. By standard procedures 500-fold purification of the enzyme has been achieved.  相似文献   

Abstract— The possible existence of type C MAO, distinct from type A and type B, in circumventricular structures of rat brain was examined by histological studies on the inhibitory effects of clorgyline. a preferential type A MAO inhibitor and deprenyl, a preferential type B inhibitor, on enzyme. Brain slices were preincubated with the inhibitors and then incubated with 5-HT, the substrate for type A MAO, and stained for MAO activity. Deposits of the product formazan were detected in circumventricular structures of slices of brain preincubated with clorgyline and deprenyl at concentrations of 10-7–10-4m at room temperature for 5 min. When the slices were preincubated with either of these inhibitors at room temperature for 60 min, strong activity was observed in this region, whereas when they were preincubated with either 10-5m -clorgyline or 10-5m -deprenyl for 20 and 30 min at 37°C, no MAO activity was seen in any region of the brain. Thus, at the higher preincubation temperature, lower concentrations of each inhibitor and a shorter preincubation period were required for inhibition of the enzyme. Preincubation for 60 min at 37°C with a combination of 10-7m -clorgyline and 10-8m -deprenyl did not inhibit the enzyme in the circumventricular region completely, but at the same temperature, concentrations of 10-7m of both inhibitors inhibited the enzyme completely in 10min, Thus the effects of the inhibitors are synergistic. These results indicate that the inhibitory effects of the two inhibitors on the enzyme in circumventricular structures of the brain is time- and temperature-dependent. Moreover, the activity seems to be sensitive to deprenyl even when 5-HT is used as substrate. The results do not support the idea of the existence of type C MAO, distinct from type A and type B MAO.  相似文献   

Abstract— The uronic acid-containing glycosaminoglycans present in the brains of rat, monkey, chicken, sheep and rabbit were isolated into various fractions by combining the cetyl pyridinium procedure and DEAE-Sephadex column chromatography. The analyses of the fractions show that hyaluronic acid, chondroitin-4-sulphate, chondroitin-6-sulphate, heparan sulphate and a testicular hyaluronidase-resistant galactosamine-containing GAG are present in the brain of all the species studied. Hyaluronic acid is the major GAG (33–41 per cent). Chondroitin-4-sulphate (19–35 per cent), and heparan sulphate (11–19 per cent), are the next prominent GAGs, in all the species except chicken. The results indicate the similarity in the pattern of GAGs in the brain of all the species.  相似文献   

[14C]5,6-Dihydroxytryptamine ([14C] 5,6-DHT) and [14C]5,7-dihydroxytryptamine ([14C]5,7-DHT) were deaminated to toluene-isoamylalcohol extractable products when incubated with homogenates of rat hypothalamus or pons-medulla oblongata. [14C]5,6-Dihydroxyindole acetic acid ([14C]5.6-DHIAA) and [14C]5,7-dihydroxyindole acetic acid ([14C]5,7-DHIAA) were detected as MAO metabolites by TLC besides non-identified components. The conversion of [14C]5,6-DHT and [14C]5,7-DHT obeyed, at least initially, Michaelis-Menten kinetics (Km 5,7-DHT: 0.5 × 10?3M; Km 5,6-DHT: 1.25 × 10?3M). Inhibition of the reaction by the MAO A inhibitor, clorgyline, resulted in a typical double sigmoidal inhibition curve indicating that both amines are metabolized by both types of MAO (A and B). In deprenyl inhibition studies, however, 5,7- and 5,6-DHT seemed to be preferred substrates of MAO A. Incubation of rat brain homogenates with [14C]5,6-DHT and [14C]5,7-DHT or with the MAO metabolites [14C]5,6-DHIAA and [14C]5,7-DHIAA caused a time-dependent break-down of the dihydroxylated indole compounds with subsequent binding of radioactivity to perchloric acid insoluble tissue components. 5,6-DHT inactivated MAO in rat brain homogenates parallel to its decomposition and extensive protein binding. The inactivation of MAO by 5,6-DHT and the extensive binding of radioactivity to protein were antagonized by dithiothreitol (DTT), glutathione (GSH) and L-ascorbic acid. Reduction of [O2] in the incubation medium slightly attenuated the inactivation of MAO by 5,6-DHT. Catalase or superoxide dismutase failed to prevent MAO from being inactivated by 5,6-DHT. The results suggest that oxidation products of 5,6-DHT, e.g. its corresponding o-quinone, are involved in the inactivation of MAO in vitro and mainly responsible for the binding of radioactivity to brain proteins in vitro. Similar mechanisms may also be operative in the in vivo neurotoxicity of 5,6-DHT. The lack of inactivation of MAO by 5,7-DHT in vitro correlated with a low degree of radioactivity binding (from [14C]5,7-DHT) to homogenate protein pellets; the binding to proteins was barely influenced by GSH, cysteine, DTT and l -ascorbic acid. These latter findings do not provide a plausible explanation for the mechanism(s) involved in the well known in vivo neurotoxicity of 5,7-DHT.  相似文献   

Abstract— Administration of oestrogen (oestradiol-17β or oestradiol-17β-benzoate) to ovariectomized (OVX) rats for 1–4 weeks results in an approx 30% decrease in the activity of monoamine oxidase (MAO) in the basomedial-hypothalamus (BM-Hyp) and corticomedial-amygdala (CM-Amy) but not in cerebral cortex. Further investigation shows that (1) decreased MAO activity in the BM-Hyp and CM-Amy occurs only in Type A MAO (serotonin as substrate) and does not occur in Type B MAO (phenylethylamine as substrate); (2) decreased MAO activity does not occur when a single large dose of oestrogen is given i. v. or when homogenates from oestrogen treated rats are mixed with homogenates from OVX rats suggesting that direct enzyme inhibition is not responsible for the change in activity; (3) oestrogen administration to OVX rats increases the rate constant of degradation for MAO in BM-Hyp and CM-Amy but not in cerebral cortex as determined in turnover studies using pargyline, an irreversible inhibitor of MAO. The increased rate of degradation results in shorter half lives ( t 1/2) for MAO in the BM-Hyp and CM-Amy of oestrogen treated rats. In OVX rats the t 1/2 is 9.8 days in BM-Hyp and 12.7 days in CM-Amy. Oestrogen administration results in a t 1/2 of 7.6 days in BM-Hyp and 7.8 days in CM-Amy. The possible relationship between oestrogen dependent decreased MAO activity and estrogen dependent lordosis behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of the presence of large amounts of 5-HT and of its precursor 5-HTP in brain on cerebral utilization of glucose were studied. [U-14C]Glucose was injected to fed rats that had previously been treated with L-5-HTP, L-5-HTP and an inhibitor—N-[β-(2-chlorophenoxy)-ethyl]-cyclopropylamine hydrochloride (Lilly-51641)-of MAO, or Lilly-51641 alone. Such treatment increased the concentrations of 5-HTP and 5-HT in the brain. After treatment with 5-HTP and Lilly-51641, and to a lesser extent with Lilly-51641 alone, the concentration of glucose in plasma was increased. However, the uptake of glucose by the brain did not appear to be proportionately increased, and this suggested an impairment in this mechanism. After the administration of Lilly-51641 alone and more especially of Lilly-51641 plus 5-HTP, the concentration of glucose in the brain was increased. This increase was thought to be due to an impairment of glucose utilization, because the flux of 14C from glucose to amino acids in the brain was reduced. The concentrations of most major amino acids in the brain were not greatly affected by these treatments. GABA and alanine concentrations in the brain were modestly increased after treatment with 5-HTP alone or in combination with Lilly-51641. The present results suggest that the metabolism of glucose to amino acids in the brain is altered when the concentration of 5-HTP, or more especially that of 5-HT, in the brain is increased.  相似文献   

Abstract— By chromatography on borate-coated silicic acid, glucocerebrosides, galactocerebrosides, sulfatides and sphingomyelins from brain tissue could be efficiently separated. Adult rat brain was found to contain 54.1 ± 1.5 nmol of glucocerebrosides per gram fresh weight. Ninety percent of the glucocere-broside fatty acids were palmitate, stearate and oleate; fatty acids with chain lengths above C20 were virtually absent. No hydroxy fatty acids were found. The long chain bases of adult rat brain glucocerebrosides consisted of 74.6% C18-sphingosine, 24.4% C18-sphinganine and 1.1% C20-sphingosine. These results are compared to those obtained from glucocerebrosides from immature rat brains (Abe & Norton , 1974) and discussed in respect to changes occurring during brain development.  相似文献   

Abstract— The activity of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase of rat cerebral homogenates increased several-fold between 1 and 60 days of age. Enzyme activity in the cerebellum, on the other hand, did not increase during this period. A kinetic analysis of the phosphodiesterase activity revealed evidence for multiple forms of the enzyme and indicated that the postnatal increase in phosphodiesterase activity of rat cerebrum was due almost exclusively to the high Km enzyme. In cerebellum, the ratio of the high and low Km enzyme remained fairly constant during ontogenetic development. Physical separation of the phosphodiesterases contained in 100,000 g soluble supernatant fractions of sonicated brain homogenates by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis confirmed the presence of multiple enzyme forms. In adult rats we found six distinct peaks of phosphodiesterase activity (designated I to VI according to the order in which they were eluted from the column) in cerebellum and 4 forms of the enzyme (Peaks I through IV) in cerebrum. Brains of newborn rats had a different pattern and ratio of phosphodiesterase activities. For example, Peak I phosphodiesterase was undetectable in cerebrum or cerebellum of newborn rats. Moreover, in the cerebellum of newborn rats Peak II was the dominant peak whereas in the cerebellum of adult rats Peak III was the largest peak. A comparison of the multiple forms of phosphodiesterase from the cerebrum of newborn and adult animals suggested that the postnatal increase in phosphodiesterase activity previously seen in crude homogenates was due largely to an increase in a high K, Peak II phosphodiesterase. The ratios of activities of the other peaks and their sensitivities to an activator of phosphodiesterase were similar in newborn and adult rats. An endogenous heat-stable activator of phosphodiesterase was found in cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem. In newborn rats, the cerebellum contained several-fold less activity of this activator than did cerebrum or brain stem. However, the activity of this activator increased with age in the cerebellum and would appear to have decreased postnatally in cerebrum and brain stem. These results suggest that some multiple forms of phosphodiesterase can develop independently and that changes in activities of these phosphodiesterases may occur by increases in the quantity of enzyme or by changes in the quantity of an endogenous activator of phosphodiesterase.  相似文献   

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