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After its collapse in the late 1960s, 1991 was the first year of systematic herring investigations after the Norwegian Sea stock returned to the traditional summer-feeding areas. Of 11 prey groups three dominated the diet; Calanus finmarchicus, Parathemisto spp. and Sebastes spp. There was a high prevalence of Ichthyophonus sp. at stations in the central and western parts of the Norwegian Sea where the cpue was low. This suggests that infected individuals were unable to return from the feeding to the wintering area of the Norwegian fjords. Highest cpue were recorded between 68–73° N and 5–15° E. Age groups 2, 3 and 8 were most frequently caught and age group 8 (the 1983 year class) dominated the samples. Herring occurred in dense concentrations where C. finmarchicus dominated diet. 0-group fish dominated diet at stations along the coast from 66–73° N and out to c . 300 km off the coast. Mature herring overlapped in distribution with 0-group fish and Sebastes spp. contributed largely to herring diet in this area. The first rich year-class after the collapse, the 1983 year class, had a faster growth than rich year classes from past herring periods, but slower than poor ones.  相似文献   

Major temporal changes in the importance of euphausiids and Atlantic herring Clupea harengus in the diet of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua , 10–75 cm L F, occurred in shallow waters (<100 m depths) of the southern Gulf of St Lawrence between 1959 and 2000. Euphausiids represented 6–70% of prey mass for Atlantic cod 31–60 cm L F from 1959 to 1987 but only trace amounts were detected in stomachs collected from 1990 to 2000. Mysids and gammarid amphipods (for Atlantic cod ≤45 cm L F), and Atlantic herring (for Atlantic cod >45 cm L F) largely replaced euphausiids in the Atlantic cod diets from 1990 to 2000. This diet change suggested there has been a major perturbation of the food web of the southern Gulf of St Lawrence. The importance of fishes (mostly Atlantic herring) in the diet of Atlantic cod >45 cm L F increased significantly between the periods 1959–1980 and 1987–2000. Atlantic herring comprised 0–4% (mean 1.3%) of prey mass of Atlantic cod 46–60 cm L F from 1959 to 1980 and increased to 2–42% (mean 19.6%) of the diet from 1987 to 2000. Atlantic herring comprised 0–25% (mean 9.4%) of the prey mass of Atlantic cod 61–75 cm L F from 1959 to 1980 and increased to 42–81% (mean 54.2%) of prey mass from 1987 to 2000. This increased consumption of Atlantic herring was consistent with observed changes in abundance of Atlantic herring in the ecosystem between the late 1970s and 2000. The large changes in consumption of euphausiids and Atlantic herring represent highly significant changes and would need to be included in the development and interpretation of ecosystem-based management models for this ecosystem.  相似文献   

Run timings of four ubiquitous pelagic fishes in the Gulf of St Lawrence were compared for area and year effects. Run timing of alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson), smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was estimated at index rivers, and time of arrival of herring, Clupea harengus L., on spawning grounds was estimated from gillnet fisheries located around the Gulf, 1978–87. Time of pelagic fish migrations had strong species and area effects, but weak year effects. The species had their own unique migration times and durations, and could be divided into two groups: herring and smelt, which arrived in all areas of the Gulf at the same time; and alewife and salmon, which had significant area effects. Environmental data were not correlated with run timing. There was little annual variation in run timing among early-run species; only alewife had significant year effects. There was annual variation in the timing of late-run species, but it was not correlated with proximate environmental factors. Because run timing is an easily defined stock characteristic, observations over large areas and many years might be useful for understanding the impact of large-scale environmental changes on natural populations.  相似文献   

The effects of size-selective fishing mortality on the growth of Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhuu L.) in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence were investigated and compared between: (1) a period when fishing mortality was relatively high, growth was relatively rapid, and abundance low (1967–1972 year classes): and (2) a period when fishing mortality was lower, growth was slow, and density high (1977–1982 year classes). Cod first entered the fishery at age 3 during both periods. The 1967–1972 year classes (fast growing) were fully recruited to the fishery by age 5 or 6 and the fishery removed over twice as many fish from the lower than upper quartiles of length-at-age distributions for cod 4 to 10 years old (disproportionately high exploitation of slow-growing fish). In contrast. the 1977–1982 year classes (slow growing) did not fully recruit to the fishery until age 9 or 10 and the fishery removed four times as many fish from the upper than lower quartiles of the length-at-age distributions for 4- to 10-year-old cod (disproportionately high exploitation of fast-growing fish). The reduced mean lengths-at-age of the 1977–1982 year classes compared with the 1967–I972 year-classes is consistent with the different patterns of exploitation of fast- and slow-growing fish for the two periods.  相似文献   

Smith J. W. 1984. The abundance of Anisakis simplex L3 in the body-cavity and flesh of marine teleosts. International Journal for Parasitology14: 491–495. In experiments conducted at sea, whole (ungutted) fish of three species were stored on ice at 3–5 °C for periods from 0 to 72 h. Some Anisakis simplex L3 migrated from the body-cavity into the flesh in mackerel Scomber scombrus, but not in either blue whiting Micromesistius poutassou or whiting Merlangius merlangus. Earlier work has shown that larvae migrate into the flesh of herring Clupea harengus post mortem but not of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma. It seems, therefore, that larvae migrate post mortem into the flesh of ‘fatty’ species (e.g. herring, mackerel) but not of ‘non-fatty’ species (e.g. blue whiting, whiting, walleye pollock). No significant larval excapsulation occurred in isolated mackerel or whiting viscera. In vivo, most encapsulated L3 occur in the body-cavity of euphausiid-feeding fish (herring, mackerel, blue whiting, walleye pollock) but are more widely distributed throughout the tissues of piscivorous fish (whiting, cod). These observations are discussed in relation to the apparent importance of euphausiids as intermediate hosts of A. simplex.  相似文献   

The Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) has been extending its summer feeding distribution north and west, including around Iceland, since around 2006. The objective of this study is to quantify the weight gain and total food consumption of mackerel and to evaluate the food competition between mackerel and herring (Clupea harengus) feeding in the marine ecosystem around Iceland during the summers 2009–2011. Mackerel feeding in Icelandic waters gained around 43% on average in weight during these summers. Based on swept-area abundance estimates of mackerel from an international survey in 2011 and available estimates of food conversion efficiency in mackerel, the weight gain in Icelandic waters in 2011 corresponded to a total consumption of around 3.4 (2.4?4.5) million tonnes. Overall, 98% of 2314 mackerel, 91% of 398 Icelandic summer-spawning herring and 96% of 424 Norwegian spring-spawning herring stomachs, collected over the summers 2009?2011, contained food. The mean weight of the stomach content of mackerel was higher than for herring in all the years. While the stomach content weight of mackerel was generally highest in southeastern and southwestern areas, it was highest for herring in western, eastern and northern areas. Analysis of stomach contents showed that Copepoda were the most important food of mackerel in most areas, while Copepoda and Euphausiacea were the most important food items for herring. Fish prey contributed a higher proportion in stomachs of mackerel than herring, although relatively low for both species.  相似文献   

Diel feeding patterns of herring Clupea harengus and mackerel Scomber scombrus in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence were examined based on samples obtained by midwater trawling between 19 and 26 June 2001. Within 3 h time periods, stomach contents tended to be more similar between fish from the same tow than between fish from different tows. Thus, in contrast to previous diet studies, which have used individual fish stomachs as independent observations, tow was used as the experimental unit in statistical analyses in this study. Diel patterns in stomach fullness were identified using generalized additive models. Two peaks in stomach fullness occurred for herring, one in the morning and the other in the evening. Mackerel showed an increase in feeding intensity throughout the day with a peak in mid‐afternoon. The diel changes in stomach contents suggested rapid gastric evacuation rates for both species, especially for herring. The estimate of the instantaneous evacuation rate for herring was twice that for mackerel. Calanus copepods (mainly C. hyperboreus ), fishes (mainly capelin Mallotus villosus ) and euphausiids were the main prey found in the stomachs of both species. Calanus copepods dominated the diet of herring regardless of time period. They also dominated the diet of mackerel during the late afternoon, evening and night while fishes and euphausiids were dominant during the morning and early afternoon. These diel patterns emphasize the need for sampling throughout the day and night in order to estimate ration and diet composition for bioenergetic and ecosystem models.  相似文献   

A total of 9470 mackerel aged from 0 to 20 years was examined for a disease condition whose causative agent has not been identified but which resembles mycobacteriosis. The study area extended from off Portugal to the northern North Sea. Most mackerel over 2 years old snowed evidence of gross infection. Mean intensity increased with age, indicating a chronic disease of low pathogenicity. There is statistical evidence of an adverse effect on growth, and it is suggested that this may delay first spawning of some young mackerel for at least 1 year. Western stock mackerel appear to be more heavily infected than North Sea stock, and the lowest levels of infection were found off Portugal. The general level of infection decreased in the most recent year classes examined–those of 1982, 1983 and 1984.  相似文献   

Feeding habits and gill raker morphology were examined for the three major planktivorous pelagic fishes, Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus , Pacific round herring Etrumeus teres and Japanese jack mackerel Trachurus japonicus , off the northern and western coasts of Kyushu, in the north‐eastern part of the East China Sea in the summer months of 2001. Using fishes in the same size range (80–140 mm, standard length), the stomach contents of the three fish species were compared. The diet of the Japanese anchovy mainly consisted of Oncaeidae copepods, while the diets of the Pacific round herring and Japanese jack mackerel were dominated by calanoid copepods at all stations. Comparisons between prey size in the stomach, zooplankton size in the water and gill raker morphology suggested that the stomach contents of the three species were characterized mainly by the difference in the feeding behaviour between Japanese anchovy (filter‐feeding) and the other two species (particulate‐feeding), rather than by the difference in the morphology of feeding apparatus only. It was concluded that behavioural adaptations in the feeding of these pelagic fishes brought about trophic partitioning to some degree in this pelagic ecosystem in summer. Although the diets of these three species overlapped to some extent, there was still little likelihood of competition between the Japanese anchovy and the other two species. The potential for competition between the Pacific round herring and the Japanese jack mackerel is discussed.  相似文献   

A stereological method for estimating fish fecundity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the application and evaluation of a stereological method for counting fish oocytes. The method has been applied to herring, Clupea harengus L., Dover sole, Solea solea L., and mackerel, Scomber scombrus L., and compared with existing volumetric and/or automated particle counter methods. The stereological method has been shown to given similar results and to have a number of distinct advantages over the other methods.  相似文献   

Growth of young-of-the-year mackerel in the Bay of Biscay   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first growth season of young-of-the-year (0+ year) mackerel Scomber scombrus , sampled in the Bay of Biscay, was parameterized to determine growth patterns. Daily increments were identified on sagittae otoliths, for calculation of age and growth of 92 larvae and 54 juveniles over the range 3·6–215·0 mm standard length ( L S). A Gompertz curve was fitted to the length-at-age data. At the end of the first year of growth L S was 194·2 mm, with a maximum growth increment of c . 2 mm day−1, observed 62 days after hatching. Backcalculated growth increments for mackerel juveniles, during their larval stage, were higher than those observed for sampled larvae; only 10·9% of sampled larvae were estimated to survive. Growth for north-eastern Atlantic mackerel was slower than that published for north-western Atlantic mackerel. Backcalculated hatching dates for mackerel were consistent with the typical temporal distribution of mackerel spawning in the Bay of Biscay.  相似文献   

The meso-scale trophic dynamics of cod Gadus morhua were examined based upon tri-monthly stomach sample collections from a nearshore, localized ( c. 800 km2) region off Cape Cod, Massachusetts, U.S.A. The major objective for this work was to relate any changes in cod diet and amount of food eaten to seasonal variations in prey availability, water temperature and spawning at a spatial scale between broad-scale and laboratory studies. Results suggested that the type and amount of food eaten by cod was generally consistent throughout a year and repeatable across years. Cod feeding was marked by two periods of increased feeding, corresponding to the arrival of small pelagic fishes in the area. This pelagic migration and subsequent increased feeding by cod occurred during important periods in the life history of cod ( e.g . spawning and overwintering). Similar annual patterns in food consumption and diet composition were remarkably consistent over the 2·5 years of the project, suggesting important feeding periods for cod that correspond to environmental and biological events. The diet of cod was composed primarily of several species of forage fishes [ e.g. herrings (predominantly Atlantic herring Clupea harengus ), sand lance Ammodytes sp. and Atlantic mackerel Scomber scombrus ], ophiuroids, Cancer sp. crabs and other small crustaceans. It was inferred that cod exhibited a maintenance diet on local forage fishes and benthic macroinvertebrates, augmenting their diet by seasonally gorge feeding upon migrating pelagic species.  相似文献   

Chronic viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus (VHSV) infections were established in a laboratory stock of Pacific herring Clupea pallasii held in a large-volume tank supplied with pathogen-free seawater at temperatures ranging from 6.8 to 11.6 degrees C. The infections were characterized by viral persistence for extended periods and near-background levels of host mortality. Infectious virus was recovered from mortalities occurring up to 167 d post-exposure and was detected in normal-appearing herring for as long as 224 d following initial challenge. Geometric mean viral titers were generally as high as or higher in brain tissues than in pools of kidney and spleen tissues, with overall prevalence of infection being higher in the brain. Upon re-exposure to VHSV in a standard laboratory challenge, negligible mortality occurred among groups of herring that were either chronically infected or fully recovered, indicating that survival from chronic manifestations conferred protection against future disease. However, some survivors of chronic VHS infections were capable of replicating virus upon re-exposure. Demonstration of a chronic manifestation of VHSV infection among Pacific herring maintained at ambient seawater temperatures provides insights into the mechanisms by which the virus is maintained among populations of endemic hosts.  相似文献   

Variability of hydrographic conditions and primary and secondary productivity between cold and warm climatic regimes in the Bering Sea has been the subject of much study in recent years, while interannual variability within a single regime and across multiple trophic levels has been less well-documented. Measurements from an instrumented mooring on the southeastern shelf of the Bering Sea were analyzed for the spring-to-summer transitions within the cold regime years of 2009–2012 to investigate the interannual variability of hydrographic conditions, primary producer biomass, and acoustically-derived secondary producer and consumer abundance and community structure. Hydrographic conditions in 2012 were significantly different than in 2009, 2010, and 2011, driven largely by increased ice extent and thickness, later ice retreat, and earlier stratification of the water column. Primary producer biomass was more tightly coupled to hydrographic conditions in 2012 than in 2009 or 2011, and shallow and mid-column phytoplankton blooms tended to occur independent of one another. There was a high degree of variability in the relationships between different classes of secondary producers and hydrographic conditions, evidence of significant intra-consumer interactions, and trade-offs between different consumer size classes in each year. Phytoplankton blooms stimulated different populations of secondary producers in each year, and summer consumer populations appeared to determine dominant populations in the subsequent spring. Overall, primary producers and secondary producers were more tightly coupled to each other and to hydrographic conditions in the coldest year compared to the warmer years. The highly variable nature of the interactions between the atmospherically-driven hydrographic environment, primary and secondary producers, and within food webs underscores the need to revisit how climatic regimes within the Bering Sea are defined and predicted to function given changing climate scenarios.  相似文献   

Two distinct types of Renicola metacercariae were found in herring, Clupea harengus L., from Scottish waters, and one in anchovies, Engraulis encrasicholus (L.), from the central North Sea. Both constitute new host records. These parasites may prove to be of value as biological tags for herring and other clupeoid fish.  相似文献   

Otolith growth rates of the early life stages of herring Clupea harengus ( n = 472) and smelt Osmerus eperlanus ( n = 348) collected in the Vistula Lagoon (Baltic Sea) during 1997–1999 were analysed. The larvae and early juveniles were not only collected in the same geographical area they were also of the same size (range 15–43 mm standard length, L S), similar ages and were collected during the same seasons (May to July). Although the two clupeid species experienced very similar environmental conditions, there were significant discrepancies in the analysed relationships. The otolith growth of larval and juvenile smelt was very strongly related to somatic growth while temperature had a minor effect. In herring, the effect of somatic growth, although clearly visible and statistically highly significant, was of less importance than temperature. Furthermore, variation in the otolith size and L S relationship was affected by temperature and somatic growth in both species, but the variance of otolith size at L S was higher for herring than for smelt. Although growth backcalculation from otoliths can presently be recommended as an appropriate method for use with both smelt and herring (despite possibly lower precision and accuracy with the latter), other methods referring directly to short-term increment width changes ( e.g. marginal increment analysis) are recommended for smelt but not for herring.  相似文献   

Two hundred specimens of the cyprinid fish Puntius binotatus were collected over a period of 1 year, February 1976–January 1977, from an irrigation canal in Palau Pinang, Malaysia. Six species of parasites were recovered: Dactylogyrus sp., Rhabdochona penengensis Furtado, 1965; Proteocephalus sp., Bothriocephalus acheilognathi Yamaguti, 1934, Pallisentis gaboes MacCallum, 1918 and Lamproglena minula Capart, 1943. The prevalence and mean density of two ectoparasites ( Dactylogyrus sp. and L. minuta ) and an endoparasite (B. acheilognathi) were examined in relation to season and host size. Fish were found to be free of these parasites in many months of the year. Prevalence and mean density of Dactylogyrus sp. and L. minuta were found to be highest during the early part of wet season, whereas those of B. acheilognathi were found to be highest in the later part of wet season. Prevalence of L. minuta increased with increasing size offish, but mean density was least in the largest fish. Both prevalence and mean density of B. acheilognathi were highest in smaller fish, whereas that of Dactylogyrus sp. showed little variation in the three size–groups.  相似文献   

Mortality of 0+ Eurasian perch was measured directly from the decline in catch in a high-speed plankton sampler and described by a negative exponential model. A mean mortality of 0.063 day 1 (range=0.020–0.089) was calculated; for 0+ juveniles it was 0.021 day 1. Mean larval production was 0.85–1.30 mg dry weight m−2 day−1 in Loch Kinord and 0.08–0.12 in Loch Davan. Annual production of 0+ juveniles was 1.97–7.55 kg wet weight ha −1 at L. Kinord and 1.01 kg at L. Davan. The contribution of 0+ perch, including the egg stages, to total perch production was 88–96%. Availability of food items on transition to exogenous feeding and through the larval period did not limit survival. Cannibalism by adults accounted for most of larval mortality, and predation by pike and adult perch were responsible for the majority of juvenile losses. The population structure of adult perch, for 12 year classes, was stable at L. Kinord, while year classes at L. Davan exhibited fluctuations in abundance and in two sampling years were eliminated in the first summer. Survival in the eleutheroembryonic phase was variable at L. Davan and observed to be low compared with L. Kinord. It is suggested that this was a result of water turbulence on the exposed and shallow spawning areas at L. Davan.  相似文献   

Age-0 Pacific herring were surveyed in October of 4 years in a large northern Gulf of Alaska estuary, to determine the range of variations in length, weight and whole body energy content (WBEC). These parameters reflect their preparedness for surviving their first winter's fast. During the surveys there were distinct regional and interannual variations in all three parameters for individual groups of herring in Prince William Sound. Likewise, with each collection there was typically a large range of size and WBEC values. The average standard length was (±S.D.) 80±13 mm (range=40–118), the mean whole body wet weight was 5·7±3·0 g (range=0·7–29·2) and the average WBEC of all age-0 herring captured, regardless of year or site (n=1471), was 5·4± 1·0 kJ g−1 wet weight (range=2·4–9·4). The large range of WBEC and size indicates that age-0 herring at different capture sites were not all equally prepared for surviving their first winter.  相似文献   

Summary 1. The material for this study is drawn from two sources, (a) investigations of the fish fauna in the inner Oslofjord between 1897 and 1967, (b) fish landing statistics available since 1872 at the Oslo fish market.2. The investigations of the fish fauna reveal that 4 species of fish — 2 sharks and 2 arctic bullheads — have disappeared from the deep waters of the Oslofjord where they were known to exist in 1897. We assume that unfavourable conditions, great changes in temperature or lack of oxygen in the stagnant deep water to which these species belonged have been injurious to their propagation and survival.3. The annual fluctuations in the landed quantities of fish are great, but nevertheless there exists a marked decreasing trend since about 1930; total landings in recent years are less than 1/10 of what they were 30 or 40 years ago.4. The fluctuations in the landings of cod, herring and mackerel are studied in some detail. Three periods (of 20 to 22 years' duration) from 1872 to 1932 show increasing average landings of cod: 44, 57, and 74 tons respectively; in the period 1933 to 1955 landings decreased to an average of 16 tons per year. The effect of fluctuating year classes is discussed.5. The landings of herring and mackerel were very good between 1911 and 1919 or 1920 with a maximum of 1500 tons of herring and 800 tons of mackerel. In the following years there was a trend of decrease with a few years of moderately good landings. Mature mackerels are immigrating into the fjord for feeding and spawning, while mature herrings, to a major extent, are supposed to belong to a local stock. The highest landings of both species are due to extremely great catches of young fish, and the success of the fishery in any one year, therefore, dependent of a successful spawning and hatching one ort two years before.6. In conclusion, the attention is drawn to the fact that there are reasons to believe that the profuse growth of bacteria in the polluted waters seems to be injurious to the hatching of fish eggs and to the survival of fish larvae (Dannevig 1945,Oppenheimer 1955).
Veränderungen der Fischfauna und der Fischerei des Oslofjords seit der Jahrhundertwende
Kurzfassung Das Material zu dieser Untersuchung stammt aus zwei Quellen: (a) vier Untersuchungen über die Fischfauna des Oslofjords im Zeitraum zwischen 1897 und 1967, und (b) Statistiken für den Zeitraum von 1872 bis 1964 über die Fischmengen, die im inneren Oslofjord gefangen und an die Fischhalle in Oslo geliefert worden sind. Ein Vergleich der Resultate mit den vier Untersuchungen über die Fischfauna zeigt, daß vier Arten von Tiefwasserfischen aus dem inneren Oslofjord völlig verschwunden sind, nämlichEtmopterus spinax, Somniosus microcephalus, Artediellus uncinatus undIcelus bicornis, die beiden zuletzt genannten wahrscheinlich schon vor 1930. Eine Anzahl anderer Arten, die früher häufig waren, sind jetzt selten. Statistische Erhebungen über die im Oslofjord gefangenen Fische lassen erkennen, daß die Erträge seit den zwanziger und dreißiger Jahren stark zurückgegangen sind. Gleichzeitig hat die Zahl der Fischer abgenommen. Es wird die Schlußfolgerung gezogen, daß die Veränderungen des Oslofjords sich besonders in den letzten 30 Jahren für mehrere Fischarten als schädigend erwiesen haben. Diese Auffassung wird unterstützt durch die Untersuchungen vonDannevig (1945) undOppenheimer (1955), die gezeigt haben, daß die reiche Bakterienflora des Oslofjords für die Entwicklung der pelagischen Fischeier schädlich ist.

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