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Chastain CJ  Heck JW  Colquhoun TA  Voge DG  Gu XY 《Planta》2006,224(4):924-934
Pyruvate, orthophosphate dikinase (PPDK; E.C. is most well known as a photosynthetic enzyme in C4 plants. The enzyme is also ubiquitous in C3 plant tissues, although a precise non-photosynthetic C3 function(s) is yet to be validated, owing largely to its low abundance in most C3 organs. The single C3 organ type where PPDK is in high abundance, and, therefore, where its function is most amenable to elucidation, are the developing seeds of graminaceous cereals. In this report, we suggest a non-photosynthetic function for C3 PPDK by characterizing its abundance and posttranslational regulation in developing Oryza sativa (rice) seeds. Using primarily an immunoblot-based approach, we show that PPDK is a massively expressed protein during the early syncitial-endosperm/-cellularization stage of seed development. As seed development progresses from this early stage, the enzyme undergoes a rapid, posttranslational down-regulation in activity and amount via regulatory threonyl-phosphorylation (PPDK inactivation) and protein degradation. Immunoblot analysis of separated seed tissue fractions (pericarp, embryo + aleurone, seed embryo) revealed that regulatory phosphorylation of PPDK occurs in the non-green seed embryo and green outer pericarp layer, but not in the endosperm + aleurone layer. The modestly abundant pool of inactive PPDK (phosphorylated + dephosphorylated) that was found to persist in mature rice seeds was shown to remain largely unchanged (inactive) upon seed germination, suggesting that PPDK in rice seeds function in developmental rather than in post-developmental processes. These and related observations lead us to postulate a putative function for the enzyme that aligns its PEP to pyruvate-forming reaction with biosynthetic processes that are specific to early cereal seed development.  相似文献   

Seeds are the most important plant storage organ and play a central role in the life cycle of plants. Since little is known about the protein composition of rice (Oryza sativa) seeds, in this work we used proteomic methods to obtain a reference map of rice seed proteins and identify important molecules. Overall, 480 reproducible protein spots were detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis on pH 4–7 gels and 302 proteins were identified by MALDI-TOF MS and database searches. Together, these proteins represented 252 gene products and were classified into 12 functional categories, most of which were involved in metabolic pathways. Database searches combined with hydropathy plots and gene ontology analysis showed that most rice seed proteins were hydrophilic and were related to binding, catalytic, cellular or metabolic processes. These results expand our knowledge of the rice proteome and improve our understanding of the cellular biology of rice seeds.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of salinity tolerance in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The genetics of salinity tolerance in rice was investigated by a nine-parent complete diallel including reciprocals. Test materials involved susceptible (IR28, IR29, and MI-48), moderately tolerant (IR4595-4-1-13, IR9884-54-3-1E-P1, and IR10206-29-2-1), and tolerant (Nona Bokra, Pokkali, and SR26B) parents. Twoweek-old seedlings were grown in a salinized (EC = 12 dS/m) culture solution for 19 days under controlled conditions in the IRRI phytotron. Typical characteristics of salinity tolerance in rice were found to be Na+ exclusion and an increased absorption of K+ to maintain a good Na-K balance in the shoot. Genetic component analysis (GCA) revealed that a low Na-K ratio is governed by both additive and dominance gene effects. The trait exhibited overdominance, and two groups of genes were detected. Environmental effects were large, and the heritability of the trait was low. Our findings suggest that when breeding for salt tolerance, selection must be done in a later generation and under controlled conditions in order to minimize environmental effects. Modified bulk and single-seed descent would be the suitable breeding methods. Combining ability analysis revealed that both GCA and specific combining ability (SCA) effects were important in the genetics of salt tolerance. Moderately tolerant parents — e.g., IR4595-4-1-13 and IR9884-54-3-1E-P1 — were the best general combiners. Most of the best combinations had susceptible parents crossed either to moderate or tolerant parents. The presence of reciprocal effects among crosses necessitates the use of susceptible parents as males in hybridization programs. Large heterotic effects suggest the potential of hybrid rice for salt-affected lands.  相似文献   

Peptide:N-glycanase (PNGase; EC activity was detected in dormant rice seeds (Oryza sativa) and the imbibed rice grains. Time-course studies revealed that the enzyme activity remained almost constant until about 30 h after imbibition in both of endosperm- and embryo tissue-containing areas, and started to increase only in growing germ part, reached a peak at about 3-day stage, followed by a gradual decrease concomitant with a sharp increase in the coleoptile. The specific activity increased about 6-fold at about 3-day stage. PNGase was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity from the extracts of germinated rice seeds at 24 h, and the apparent molecular weight of the purified enzyme, estimated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), was about 80,000. The purified enzyme was designated PNGase Os to denote its origin. The N-terminal sequence of the 10 residues was determined to be SYNVASVAGL. The purified PNGase Os in SDS-PAGE appeared as a rather broad band, consistent with the presence of multiple glycoforms as indicated by chromatographic behavior on a Sephadex G-75 column. PNGase expressed in coleoptile under anoxia condition was also purified, and both of the purified enzymes were found to exhibit very similar, if not identical, electrophoretic mobility in SDS-PAGE. PNGase Os exhibited a broad pH-activity profile with an optimum of 4-5 and, interestingly, was significantly inactivated by K(+) and Na(+) at near the physiological concentration, 100 mM. These results are discussed in relation to other work.  相似文献   

Summary During imbibition of whole tea seeds (6 days) two purine alkaloids, caffeine and theobromine, did not decrease in the seed coats and there was no increase in the seeds. In parallel with and after the breaking of seed coats there was a gradual release of caffeine from coats of germinating seeds. By contrast, when the seed was freed from the outer seed coat and soaked, imbibition of the seed required only 2 days and simultaneously caffeine was released from the inner seed coat. In such seeds, but not in whole seeds, growth of embryonic tissues (roots and shoots) was inhibited after the breaking of the inner seed coats. Nevertheless, caffeine increased more in such roots of the seedlings of decoated seeds than in roots of normal seedlings.  相似文献   

Summary Previous studies indicated two types of phenotypic protein markers as two minor bands of SDS-PAGE for rice storage protein. A variant derived from a Pakistani variety, Dular, was found to show a mobility variant with Band 11, a relatively faster-moving band as compared to Band 10, while most of the other cultivated rices exhibited Band 10 at a molecular weight of around 100–110 K. Band 11 was also observed in several wild rice species. How this variant occurred is not known. Another marker is characterized by the presence of either Band 56 (slower-migrating band) or Band 57 (faster-migrating band) in most cultivars at a molecular weight of about 28–27 K. Most indica varieties developed in Taiwan have Band 57 and japonica varieties have Band 56. Genetic analysis of F1, F2 and F3 seeds from interstrain crosses indicated that Band 10 versus Band 11 and Band 56 versus Band 57 are due to codominant alleles at two loci. Tests of independent inheritance between these two loci (Band 10/11 versus Band 56/57) indicated that there is no linkage between them. Both of these two protein loci encode for endosperm proteins and mostly belong to the minor polypeptide subunits of the glutelin fraction of rice seed proteins. Studies on reciprocal crosses indicate dosage effects as exhibited in band patterns. Variations in band intensity were frequently observed when the maternal genotype was different.  相似文献   

The inheritance of phosphorous (P) — deficiency tolerance in rice was investigated by a sevenparent diallel. The parent materials involved were four P-efficient (IR20, IR54, IR28, and Mahsuri), one moderately P-efficient (TN1), and two P-inefficient (IR31406333-1 and IR34686-179-1-2-1), genotypes. Relative tilering ability (RTA) under P-deficient and P-supplemented soil conditions was the parameter used in determining the tolerance level of the different genotypes. Diallel graph analysis revealed that tolerant parents have an excess of recessive genes, while moderate and susceptible parents possess more dominant genes. Genetic-component analysis suggested that both additive and dominance gene effects are involved in the inheritance of P-deficiency tolerance in rice. The trait exhibited over doiminance as confirmed by the graphical analysis. Narrow-sense heritability of the trait was moderate (0.50) and environmental effects were low. Both the general combining ability (GCA) and the specific combining ability (SCA) were significant, but GCA was more prevalent than SCA. Tolerant parents exhibited a high GCA whereas susceptibles have a very poor GCA, suggesting that tolerant parents were mostly enriched in additive genes and susceptible parents in non-additive genes. Crosses involving two high general combiners showed low SCA effects whereas crosses between poor general combiners manifested highly-significant SCA values.  相似文献   

Summary Fifty-two introgression lines (BC2F8) from crosses between two Oryza sativa parents and five accessions of O. officinalis were analyzed for the introgression of O. officinalis chromosome segments. DNA from the parents and introgression lines was analyzed with 177 RFLP markers located at approximately 10-cM intervals over the rice chromosomes. Most probe/enzyme combinations detected RFLPs between the parents. Of the 174 informative markers, 28 identified putative O. officinalis introgressed chromosome segments in 1 or more of the introgression lines. Introgressed segments were found on 11 of the 12 rice chromosomes. In most cases of introgression, O. sativa RFLP alleles were replaced by O. officinalis alleles. Introgressed segments were very small in size and similar in plants derived from early and later generations. Some nonconventional recombination mechanism may be involved in the transfer of such small chromosomal segments from O. officinalis chromosomes to those of O. sativa. Some of the introgressed segments show association with genes for brown planthopper (BPH) resistance in some introgressed lines, but not in others. Thus, none of the RFLP markers could be unambiguously associated with BPH resistance.  相似文献   

Summary From a large number of rice varieties tested, no variety was identified as resistant to tungro bacilliform virus (RTBV). Only in Utri Merah was the RTBV multiplication restrictive, whereas other varieties such as Kataribhog and Pankhari 203 were identified as tolerant. These varieties were crossed with a susceptible variety. TN1, to study the inheritance of restrictive multiplication and tolerance to RTBV. After 3 weeks of inoculation with RTBV, F1; F2, and F3 progenies were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The RTBV concentration in all F1 populations was intermediate between parents. The frequency distribution of F2 seedlings with various levels of RTBV concentration indicated that the RTBV tolerance is controlled by multiple genes. The RTBV concentrations in F1 and F2 progenies from the Utri Merah x TN1 cross revealed that restrictive multiplication of RTBV in Utri Merah is a polygenic character. The continuous variation observed in F2 populations from crosses between tolerant varieties and Utri merah indicated no allelic relationships between tolerant and restrictive multiplication traits.Part of PhD thesis submitted by senior author to University of Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi  相似文献   

Oxygen stress and adaptation of a semi-aquatic plant: rice ( Oryza sativa)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
One of the major abiotic stresses that affects plant growth and development is anoxia or hypoxia. Rice is a semi-aquatic plant bestowed with the capability of overcoming oxygen limitation for a considerable period of time. For instance, it can withstand submergence stress either by inherent metabolic adaptations (resistant type), or by keeping its leaves above the water surface by continuously elongating the stem (avoiding type). In the former case, an interplay of several metabolic pathways engaged in anaerobic fermentation keeps the submerged plant alive for a certain period of time. In the latter type, also known as deepwater rice, continuous stem elongation brought about by a series of reactions in planta enables the shoot to remain above the water surface and thus maintain respiration and photosynthesis. However, the earliest event, i.e., sensing the oxygen level that brings about all the changes, has not been clearly understood. This paper intends to evaluate the metabolic adaptations of rice plants to oxygen constraints. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Inheritance of gel consistency in rice was studied in crossés involving highamylose, low-gelatinizalion temperature parents with hard, medium, and soft gel consistency. The results of single-grain analysis of parents, F1, F2, B1F1, B2F2, and their reciprocal crosses from a single-season harvest showed that the differences between hard and soft, hard and medium, and medium and soft gel consistency are under monogenic control and that modifiers affect the expression of the trait. Multiple alleles at the same locus, hereby designated asgec a for medium gel consistency andgec b for soft gel consistency, were recessive to the wild type allele for hard gel consistency andgec a was dominant overgec b. The results indicate that selection for desired gel consistency can effectively be done in early segregating generations.  相似文献   

A simple mechanical method has been developed which allows the routine isolation of unfertilized and fertilized egg cells from ovules of Japonica and Indica rice varieties. In the experiments described, the majority of the egg cells and zygotes survived the isolation procedure when the donor plants were in a vigorous state. About 40% of the surviving zygotes underwent sustained development when cultured in Millicell inserts with a non-morphogenic rice feeder-cell culture. Nearly all zygote-derived callus cultures regenerated multiple shoots, which could be subsequently rooted with high efficiency. Zygote-derived plantlets matured to fertile plants when transplanted to soil. So far, about 80 independent plants each from the Japonica variety 'Taipei309' and the Indica variety 'IR58' have been regenerated. The potential of this single-cell regeneration system for marker gene-free transformation is discussed. Received: 26 November 1998 / Revision received: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 21 March 1999  相似文献   

Glutaredoxin (Grx) is a 12-kDa thioltransferase that reduces disulfide bonds of other proteins and maintains the redox potential of cells. In addition to its oxidoreductase activity, we report here that a rice Grx (OsGrx) can also function as a GSH-dependent peroxidase. Because of this antioxidant activity, OsGrx protects glutamine synthetase from oxidative damage. Individually replacing the conserved Cys residues in OsGrx with Ser shows that Cys(23), but not Cys(26), is essential for the thioltransferase and GSH-dependent peroxidase activities. Kinetic characterization of OsGrx reveals that the maximal catalytic efficiency (V(max)/K(m)) is obtained with cumene hydroperoxide rather than H(2)O(2) or t-butyl hydroperoxide.  相似文献   

Proteomic analysis of rice seedlings during cold stress   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hashimoto M  Komatsu S 《Proteomics》2007,7(8):1293-1302
Low temperature is one of the important environmental changes that affect plant growth and agricultural production. To investigate the responses of rice to cold stress, changes in protein expression were analyzed using a proteomic approach. Two-week-old rice seedlings were exposed to 5 degrees C for 48 h, then total crude proteins were extracted from leaf blades, leaf sheaths and roots, separated by 2-DE and stained with CBB. Of the 250-400 protein spots from each organ, 39 proteins changed in abundance after cold stress, with 19 proteins increasing, and 20 proteins decreasing. In leaf blades, it was difficult to detect the changes in stress-responsive proteins due to the presence of an abundant protein, ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase large subunit (RuBisCO LSU), which accounted for about 50% of the total proteins. To overcome this problem, an antibody-affinity column was prepared to trap RuBisCO LSU, and the remaining proteins in the flow through from the column were subsequently separated using 2-DE. As a result, slight changes in stress responsive proteins were clearly displayed, and four proteins were newly detected after cold stress. From identified proteins, it was concluded that proteins related to energy metabolism were up-regulated, and defense-related proteins were down-regulated in leaf blades, by cold stress. These results suggest that energy production is activated in the chilling environment; furthermore, stress-related proteins are rapidly up-regulated, while defense-related proteins disappear, under long-term cold stress.  相似文献   

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