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We investigated the costs of mating with multiple males in terms of feeding time, traveling distances, sexual proceptivity, and male aggression, for wild female (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island, Japan. We analyzed all-day focal sampling data from 7 females during the mating season (Sept.-Nov. 1996). On days when estrous females copulated with multiple males, they decreased their feeding time to half that of anestrous days, traveled longer distances, showed more proceptive sexual behaviors and received more aggression from subordinate males than on days when they copulated with only the 1st-ranking male. On days when females copulated with only the 1st-ranking male, they showed no difference in feeding time with that of anestrous days, and expended less effort than the above mating pattern because of short traveling distances, diminished sexual proceptivity and a lower frequency of aggression received. The results suggest that the costs of estrous vary according to female sexual proceptivity and the number and social status of mating partners. Female Japanese macaques exhibit a mixed mating strategy over prolonged estrous periods, which may provide females with opportunities to maximize the benefits of copulating with multiple males and to minimize the costs of estrus by mating with only the 1st-ranking male. During an estrous cycle, females may be adjusting efforts for reproduction and survival; i.e., mating vs. feeding.  相似文献   

Considerable evidence suggests that the steroid hormone testosterone mediates major life-history trade-offs in vertebrates, promoting mating effort at the expense of parenting effort or survival. Observations from a range of wild primates support the “Challenge Hypothesis,” which posits that variation in male testosterone is more closely associated with aggressive mating competition than with reproductive physiology. In both seasonally and non-seasonally breeding species, males increase testosterone production primarily when competing for fecund females. In species where males compete to maintain long-term access to females, testosterone increases when males are threatened with losing access to females, rather than during mating periods. And when male status is linked to mating success, and dependent on aggression, high-ranking males normally maintain higher testosterone levels than subordinates, particularly when dominance hierarchies are unstable. Trade-offs between parenting effort and mating effort appear to be weak in most primates, because direct investment in the form of infant transport and provisioning is rare. Instead, infant protection is the primary form of paternal investment in the order. Testosterone does not inhibit this form of investment, which relies on male aggression. Testosterone has a wide range of effects in primates that plausibly function to support male competitive behavior. These include psychological effects related to dominance striving, analgesic effects, and effects on the development and maintenance of the armaments and adornments that males employ in mating competition.  相似文献   

Research on male animals suggests that the hormone testosterone plays a central role in mediating the trade-off between mating effort and parental effort. However, the direct links between testosterone, intrasexual aggression and parental care are remarkably mixed across species. Previous attempts to reconcile these patterns suggest that selection favors behavioral insensitivity to testosterone when paternal care is essential to reproductive success and when breeding seasons are especially short. Females also secrete testosterone, though the degree to which similar testosterone-mediated trade-offs occur in females is much less clear. Here, I ask whether testosterone mediates trade-offs between aggression and incubation in females, and whether patterns of female sensitivity to testosterone relate to female life history, as is often the case in males. I experimentally elevated testosterone in free-living, incubating female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), a songbird with a short breeding season during which female incubation and intrasexual aggression are both essential to female reproductive success. Testosterone-treated females showed significantly elevated aggression, reduced incubation temperatures, and reduced hatching success, relative to controls. Thus, prolonged testosterone elevation during incubation was detrimental to reproductive success, but females nonetheless showed behavioral sensitivity to testosterone. These findings suggest that the relative importance of both mating effort and parental effort may be central to understanding patterns of behavioral sensitivity in both sexes.  相似文献   

The association between social rank, mating effort, and reproductive success of male Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) has been evaluated by longterm behavioral observations and subsequent paternity determination via oligonucleotide DNA fingerprinting in a large semifreeranging group. All offspring born between 1985 and 1988 that survived to at least 1 year of age (n=75) were available for paternity testing. The exclusion of all but one of the potential fathers from paternity was possible in 70 cases (93%). Mating activities were recorded using ad lib. and focal female sampling techniques. The analysis of male mating effort was restricted to the most likely days of conception. Male rank correlated significantly with male mating success in all four breeding seasons and with male reproductive success in three of the four seasons. Mating success and reproductive success also showed a significant correlation, with the exception of one breeding season, in which the proportion of males per fertilizable female was especially high. Poor mating success was almost always associated with poor reproductive success, while good mating success was less predictive for a male's actual reproductive success. This was apparently a consequence of sperm competition, resulting from the promiscuous mating system. Male mating success is not necessarily an unreliable indicator for reproductive success, provided that sufficient sample sizes are available and that conception periods can be determined. Sperm competition and other factors may weaken the association, however.  相似文献   

The Challenge Hypothesis proposes that testosterone mediates aggression during periods of heightened conflict between males, especially episodes that have important fitness consequences. Considerable evidence from seasonally breeding species provides support for this hypothesis, but few data exist in animals that mate year-round. We tested predictions generated by the Challenge Hypothesis in chimpanzees, a non-seasonally breeding primate, through a study of individuals living in an exceptionally large community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda. Results indicated that dominance rank had no influence on testosterone levels. Instead of rank influencing testosterone production, additional analyses revealed an important role for reproductive competition. Male chimpanzees displayed more aggression when they were in the same party as parous estrous females than when reproductively active females were unavailable. Male chimpanzees competed more intensely for mating opportunities with parous females than with nulliparas, and as a consequence, males displayed more aggression around the former than the latter. When males accompanied parous estrous females, their urinary testosterone concentrations were significantly higher than baseline concentrations. In contrast, urinary testosterone concentrations did not exceed baseline when males associated with nulliparous estrous females. These differences in testosterone levels could not be attributed to mating per se because males copulated equally often with parous and nulliparous females. Furthermore, variation in testosterone concentrations were not due to males gathering together in large parties, as their levels in these situations did not exceed baseline. Taken together, these findings, derived from a relatively large sample of males and estrous females, replicate those from a prior study and furnish additional support for the Challenge Hypothesis. Our results suggest that the Challenge Hypothesis is likely to be broadly applicable to chimpanzees and increase our understanding of the physiological costs to males who compete for estrous females.  相似文献   

Mating strategies are sets of decisions aimed at maximizing reproductive success. For male animals, the fundamental problem that these strategies address is attaining mating access to females in a manner that maximizes their chances of achieving paternity. For chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes), despite substantial interest in mating strategies, very little attention has been paid to the most fundamental problem that mating strategies need to solve: finding mates. Only a single model, Dunbar's general model of male mating strategies, exists to explain mate‐searching behaviour in chimpanzees. Under this model, males in most populations are regarded as pursuing a ‘roving’ strategy: searching for and sequestering fertile females who are essentially passive with respect to mate searching. The roving mating strategy is an assumption deeply embedded in the way chimpanzee behaviour is considered; it is implicit in the conventional model for chimpanzee social structure, which posits that male ranging functions both to monitor female reproductive state and to ward these females from other groups of males through collective territoriality: essentially, ranging as mating effort. This perspective is, however, increasingly at odds with observations of chimpanzee behaviour. Herein, I review the logic and evidence for the roving‐male mating strategy and propose a novel alternative, a theoretical framework in which roving is a strategy pursued by female chimpanzees in order to engage successfully in promiscuous mating. Males, unable to thwart this female strategy, instead maximise the number of reproductive opportunities encountered by focusing their behaviour on countering threats to health, fertility and reproductive career. Their prolonged grooming bouts are seen, in consequence, as functioning to mitigate the negative impacts of socially induced physiological stress. In this new framework, the roving‐male strategy becomes, at best, a ‘best of a bad job’ alternative for low‐ranking males when faced with high levels of competition for mating access. Male chimpanzees do not search for mates, but for one another, for food, and, at times, for rivals in other communities. To the extent that female promiscuity functions to counter infanticide risk, mate searching by female chimpanzees—and any associated costs—can be seen as an unavoidable consequence of male sexual coercion. This novel framework is a better fit to the available data than is the conventional account. This review highlights the desperate need for additional work in an area of chimpanzee biology that has been somewhat neglected, perhaps in part because assumptions of roving males have remained unquestioned for too long. It also highlights the need, across taxa, to revisit and revise theory, and to test old assumptions, when faced with contrary data.  相似文献   

Adult male chimpanzees inherit maternal ranging patterns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Space use often correlates with reproductive success [1, 2]. Individual site fidelity is ubiquitous across a variety of taxa, including birds, mammals, insects, and reptiles [3-9]. Individuals can benefit from using the same area because doing so affords access to known resources, including food and/or breeding sites. The majority of studies on site fidelity have focused upon strictly territorial species in which individuals range in well-defined, exclusive areas (e.g., [4, 9]). By comparison, the transient groups that define fission-fusion species allow for considerable flexibility in individual space use. Although there is evidence that individual space use can influence reproductive success [2], relatively little is known about individual ranging patterns in fission-fusion species. Here, we investigate three potential correlates of male site fidelity (age, habitat quality, and maternal space use) in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes). We found that when alone, each male preferentially concentrated his space use near the area where his mother ranged when he was dependent. We suggest that solitary ranging allows males to avoid direct competition with conspecifics and that foraging in familiar areas maximizes foraging efficiency. These results highlight the importance of male foraging strategies in a species in which male ranging is typically explained in terms of mating access to females.  相似文献   

Sexually dimorphic traits can evolve through male–male competition or female choice. Squirrel monkeys (genus Saimiri) live in large multimale, multifemale groups and are seasonal breeders with concealed ovulation. In several species of the genus, females are dominant to males. Males show weight gain preceding and during the mating season, which produces a “fattened” appearance in the upper arms, shoulders, and torso. Although much is known about the physiology of fattening, the evolutionary function(s) of this sexually dimorphic trait, including possible benefits and costs, remain(s) unknown. This unusual reproductive physiology of males is suggestive of sexual selection. Here I present data on wild Saimiri sciureus studied in Brazil to describe male reproductive investment in the species and to examine the hypothesis that male fattening is a product of sexual selection. I observed at least nine adult males via focal animal sampling and ad libitum observations during four mating seasons and during an additional 10 nonbreeding season months for comparison. Compared to less robust males, fatter males spent significantly more time near females and less time alone. These males also spent more time engaged in sociosexual activities and less time feeding/foraging, suggesting a trade-off between maintenance and reproductive behaviors. The 2-mo mating season accounted for 62% of all male–male agonism observed over one 12-mo period. These results are suggestive of malemale competition for females. However, males did not coerce females to mate and females often rejected males; this pattern suggests female choice. It is possible that male fattening in Saimiri is a product of both intra- and intersexual selection. Males experience intense reproductive costs related to agonism with other males, and related to time and energy invested in the pursuit of females. Although fattening may mitigate some of these costs by aiding in male–male competition and in female preference, this phenomenon is likely not without physiological costs to adult males.  相似文献   

A trade-off relationship between mating and feeding effort is important when considering reproductive strategies of long-lived species. I compared the influence of male sexual activities, female mate-choice behaviors and the daily activity budget on male mating success among males in a group of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata yakui) on Yakushima Island. The 1st-ranking male, which had immigrated into the troop at this rank, more frequently approached peri-ovulatory females, spent more time grooming peri-ovulatory females and in mounting series and spent less time feeding than subordinate males did. The 1st-ranking male attained the highest mating success as a result of his high expenditure of time and energy in sexual behaviors directed toward peri-ovulatory females. Mating success of subordinate males did not relate to the amount of sexual effort, but instead to the frequency of female approaches, female rush toward males and the number of peri-ovulatory females within the group. The pattern of intermale competition shifted from nearly contest competition to scramble competition as the number of peri-ovulatory females in the group increased. Feeding time of subordinate males did not vary between the days when they copulated and the days when they did not. The findings demonstrate that mate guarding in the 1st-ranking male is a high-cost mating tactic, while opportunistic mating in subordinate males is a low-cost mating tactic. The differences in male mating tactics are probably related to male life history and to the formation of groups with a high socionomic sex ratio.  相似文献   

In this paper I examine behavioral strategies used by male and female tamarins to increase individual reproductive opportunities while continuing to maintain a high level of group cohesion and social cooperation. Tamarins of the genus Saguinus are characterized by social groups generally composed of more than one adult of each sex, but a breeding system in which only a single female in each group gives birth. The breeding sovereignty of a single dominant female limits the reproductive opportunities of subordinate females as well as the reproductive opportunities of resident adult males.1-3 Despite extreme variability in year-to-year reproductive success among members of the same social group, field studies indicate that within-group intrasexual aggression and fighting are rare, and that both breeding and nonbreeding individuals expend time and energy cooperatively caring for young, defending productive feeding sites, and assisting in food harvesting activities.4-11 In fact, Caine12 has argued that “co-operation, tolerance, and flexibility” are the primary themes of tamarin social interactions (p. 218). A major question that remains unanswered, however, is how such high levels of cooperation could have evolved in a social system characterized by emigration of both adult males and females from the natal group, polyandrous mating, and intense reproductive competition.  相似文献   

Models of primate sociality focus on the costs and benefits of group living and how factors such as rank, feeding competition, alliance formation, and cooperative behavior shape within‐group social relationships. We conducted a series of controlled field experiments designed to investigate how resource distribution (one or three of four reward platforms) and amount of food on a reward platform affected foraging strategies and individual feeding success in four groups of wild common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) living in the Caatinga of northeastern Brazil. At our field site, common marmoset groups are characterized by a single breeding female who can produce twin litters twice per year, strong social cohesion, and cooperative infant care provided principally by several adult male helpers. We found that except for the dominant breeding female, rank (based on aggression) was not a strong predictor of feeding success. Although the breeding female in each group occupied the highest rank position and obtained the greatest daily feeding success, all other group members, including adults and juveniles experienced relatively equal feeding success across most experimental conditions. This was accomplished using a balance of behavioral strategies related to contest competition, scramble competition (associated with a finder's advantage), and social tolerance (sharing the same feeding platform). Based on these results, the social structure of common marmosets is best described as “single female dominance,” with the breeding female maximizing food intake needed to offset the energetic costs associated with reproductive twinning and the ability to produce two litters per year. Cooperative infant caregiving, in which the number of helpers is positively correlated with offspring survivorship, requires a set of behavioral strategies that serve to reduce contest competition and promote prosocial behaviors at feeding sites.  相似文献   

For dominant individuals in cooperatively breeding species, the presence of subordinates is associated with both benefits (i.e. increased reproductive output and other group-living benefits) and costs (i.e. intrasexual competition on reproduction). The biological market theory predicts that dominant individuals are tolerant to same-sex group members when there are only a few subordinates, so as to maximize their own reproductive success. We investigated factors affecting aggression by dominant males and submission by subordinate males for a cooperatively breeding mammal, meerkats, Suricata suricatta. In this species, reproductive conflict occurs between the dominant male and the non-offspring males. As predicted, the number of subordinates in a group was positively associated with the aggression frequency by the dominant male and with the submission frequency by the subordinate males. Relative to the aggression frequency against male offspring, the frequency of aggression against non-offspring males was comparable in small groups, but was higher in large groups. These results indicate that reproductive conflict is present between the dominant male and the non-offspring males but is moderated in groups with small numbers of subordinates. This study provides an empirical data agreeing with the biological market theory in the context of intrasexual competition in cooperatively breeding species.  相似文献   

Male–male competition for access to receptive females can take the form of nonrecurring fights and/or a sustained contest over mating opportunities. Male physical condition has been linked to dominance rank and reproductive success in species characterized by intrasexual fights for dominance and access to females. In group-living species characterized by endurance rivalry, however, factors contributing to male reproductive success are less well understood. In such species, particularly seasonally breeding ones with low sexual dimorphism and seniority-based rank, age and social factors other than rank may prove important. In the absence of genetic data, male mate guarding or consortship can serve as an indicator of male reproductive success. To evaluate the contribution of age and intragroup sociality to male consortship rate, I collected behavioral data during one nonmating and one mating season in two social groups of free-ranging rhesus macaques that experience no predation or food scarcity. Higher-ranking males, younger males, or males that exhibited lower rate of intrasexual aggression had higher consortship rates. Male–female dyads that groomed outside consortship did not form consortships as often as dyads that did not engage in nonconsort grooming. This is the first study to identify the significance of male–male aggression and male–female affiliation to male consortship rate in a species characterized by endurance rivalry, high male rank stability, and strong female mate choice. Social behaviors and male age may be particularly important in determining male reproductive success in populations experiencing high food availability and a lack of predation, which are typical of an increasing number of vertebrates in areas densely populated by humans.  相似文献   

We investigated the mating system of shy albatrosses Thalassarche cauta by combining behavioural observations during the pre-laying period with genetic paternity analysis. Genetic data on the mating systems of several procellariiform seabirds have recently become available, but data on the reproductive behaviour of these species are rarely obtained. Our main aims were to describe the copulatory behaviour of this species and identify how males achieve within-pair and extra-pair paternity (EPP). Most copulations occurred on the nest, were unforced and were within-pair. Females controlled the success of copulations and were observed soliciting extra-pair matings. Within-pair and extra-pair copulations were behaviourally similar. A low frequency (7–10%, n =29 chicks) of EPP was detected despite male use of frequent copulation as a paternity guard. The pre-laying foraging exodus of female shy albatrosses differed from that in other albatrosses: it was relatively short in length, lasting c . 2 days, and within-pair copulations occurred after the female's return 2 days before laying. This may reflect the close proximity of feeding grounds to the breeding colony.  相似文献   

The expected strong directional selection for traits that increase a male's mating ability conflicts with the frequent observation that within species, males may show extreme variation in sexual traits. These male reproductive polymorphisms are usually attributed to direct male–male competition. It is currently unclear, however, how directional selection for sexually selected traits may convert into disruptive selection, and if female preference for elaborate traits may be an alternative mechanism driving the evolution of male polymorphism. Here, we explore this mechanism using the polyandric dwarf spider Oedothorax gibbosus as a model. We first show that males characterized by conspicuous cephalic structures serving as a nuptial feeding device (“gibbosus males”) significantly outperform other males in siring offspring of previously fertilized females. However, significant costs in terms of development time of gibbosus males open a mating niche for an alternative male type lacking expensive secondary sexual traits. These “tuberosus males” obtain virtually all fertilizations early in the breeding season. Individual‐based simulations demonstrate a hitherto unknown general principle, by which males selected for high investment to attract females suffer constrained mating opportunities. This creates a vacant mating niche of unmated females for noninvesting males and, consequently, disruptive selection on male secondary sexual traits.  相似文献   

Modern sexual selection theory indicates that reproductive costs rather than the operational sex ratio predict the intensity of sexual selection. We investigated sexual selection in the polygynandrous common lizard Lacerta vivipara . This species shows male aggression, causing high mating costs for females when adult sex ratios (ASR) are male-biased. We manipulated ASR in 12 experimental populations and quantified the intensity of sexual selection based on the relationship between reproductive success and body size. In sharp contrast to classical sexual selection theory predictions, positive directional sexual selection on male size was stronger and positive directional selection on female size weaker in female-biased populations than in male-biased populations. Thus, consistent with modern theory, directional sexual selection on male size was weaker in populations with higher female mating costs. This suggests that the costs of breeding, but not the operational sex ratio, correctly predicted the strength of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Observations were made on greater kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Data on movement patterns, courtship, dominance interactions and proportion of time spent in various activities by males during the breeding season are presented. Comparative data on the apportionment of time by red deer (Cervus elaphus) setages were obtained on the Isle of Rhum, Scotland. While spatial components of male reproductive behaviour were similar in the two species, time-investments differed markedly. Kudu bulls showed little change in time spent feeding and moving during the breeding season, did not herd females and tolerated the presence of younger males. In contrast, red deer stags almost ceased feeding and greatly increased their time spent moving and in sexual or dominance-related activities. Thus the spatial and temporal components of male mating strategies can vary independently and require separate evolutionary explanaions. Comparative data for other ungulates are sparse, but suggest that time-investments are influenced by the duration of the breeding season and the breeding sex ratio. However, kudu bulls incur high mortality costs despite their low time-investments in reproductive activities.  相似文献   

The necessity for parental care is a driving force for determining mating systems and social organization. The European ground squirrel, Spermophilus citellus, is a polygynous, gregarious species in which male parental behaviour would not be expected. We had observed males digging in litter burrows that were later occupied by females and their offspring. Males never stayed overnight within these burrows. To determine whether this was some kind of paternal effort we tested the following hypotheses: (1) that male burrowing behaviour was directed towards the male's own offspring or towards the pregnant or lactating mother of the male's offspring; (2) that this behaviour had costs in terms of condition, decreased survival or fecundity; and (3) that it benefited offspring condition or survival. All three assumptions were met. Males worked on the litter burrow of their copulatory partners. Thus, this behaviour was directed towards the male's potential offspring. Male burrowing costs were seen in decreased foraging time and increased body mass loss. Offspring benefits were evident in increased mass at natal emergence. We conclude that male digging at litter burrows can be considered as paternal effort. Lastly, we considered the effects of polygyny on this male parental effort by comparing mating effort, mating success and paternal effort. High mating success was associated with high mating effort and low paternal effort. Moderate to low mating success was associated with lower mating effort and higher paternal effort, indicating a trade-off between the two.  相似文献   

We examined the aggressive costs and reproductive benefits of territorial defense and its alternatives in a population of the Comanche Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon elegans). The breeding system was characterized by three different male mating tactics: territorial defense, satellite positioning, and sneak spawning. The mating tactic adopted by males reflected the males' sizes. Territorial residents were the largest, satellites were medium-sized, and sneakers were the smallest adult males observed. Consistent with the hypothesis that primary mating tactics are relatively high-cost, high-benefit strategies, we found that territorial males engaged in a number of aggressive encounters but had higher reproductive successes than any other males. However, our observations did not support the premise that conditionally breeding males engage in relatively low-benefit, low-cost tactics. Medium satellites and small sneakers acquired fewer spawns than did territorial males, but both satellites and sneakers were involved in as much aggression as territorials. That is, the data supported the prediction that satellite or sneaker males with the inability to compete for territories would attempt to accrue some reproductive opportunities in the presence of territorial males despite the high costs of spending time on the breeding grounds. Adopting conditional tactics appeared to allow satellites and sneakers to make the best of a bad situation. During a subsequent breeding season, large males were absent from the population, and medium-sized males established territories. The aggressive behavior exhibited by medium residents was similar to the previous year, but these males did not acquire higher reproductive successes than medium satellites had. The implications of switching tactics and the influence of operational sex ratios on the costs and benefits of the male tactics are briefly addressed. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Female–female competition over mates is often considered of minor importance, particularly in polygynous species. In red deer (Cervus elaphus), female–female aggression within harems during the breeding season has not been studied to date. Herein, we examined if oestrous female red deer in harems show elevated aggression rates, compared to when they are in harems but not in oestrous, and also when they are in foraging groups outside of the breeding season. Any increased levels of aggression involving oestrous females, could indicate the potential for female–female competition for mates in this species. We found that aggressive interactions among female red deer were clearly evident. The most common forms of aggression were displacements, nose threats and kicking. Biting and ear threats occurred less frequently, and chases were rare. There were no differences in the proportion of the different aggression types in the three social contexts. More importantly, we found that the highest overall rates of aggression were for oestrous females in harems, and for females in foraging groups. The lowest rates of aggression were found in harems (when the focal female was not in oestrous). If high rates of aggression also occur when several females are simultaneously in oestrous within single harems, then it is possible that this aggression could affect either mate choice or mating order. These results suggest that female–female competition over mates could play a role in the mating behaviour of red deer.  相似文献   

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