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通过对布朗葡萄藻分别在Chu13、Chu13×2和BG-11培养基中培养结果的比较,发现在气升式光照生物反应器中Chu13培养基最有利于布朗葡萄藻的生长和烃的合成,培养15d后,其生物量和粗烃质量分数分别为1.82g/L和58.7%;棕榈酸、油酸和亚麻酸是布朗葡萄藻的主要脂肪酸组成,Chu13培养获得的藻体不饱和脂肪酸比例最高。Chu13培养基中布朗葡萄藻代谢规律的研究表明:粗烃含量随着生物量的增加而逐渐增大,15d后粗烃产量达到最大值1.07g/L,不同生长周期烃的组成保持一致,布朗葡萄藻的烃主要由C33H56和C34H58组成;在布朗葡萄藻生长周期中,不饱和脂肪酸的比例显著上升,培养15d达到64%以上。  相似文献   

不同氮源对布朗葡萄藻生长、总脂和总烃含量的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以能源微藻布朗葡萄藻Botryococcus braunii 764和Botryococcus braunii 765为实验材料,采用实验室一次性培养的方法,研究了不同氮源及浓度对其生长、总脂和总烃含量的影响.结果表明,B. braunii 764和B. braunii 765的最适氮源均为硝态氮,且均能够利用硝态氮、亚硝态氮、铵态氮和尿素进行生长,但是不同氮源及其浓度对这两株藻的生长、总脂和总烃含量的影响不同.B. braunii 764生长速度较B. braunii 765缓慢,但是B. braunii 764的总脂和总烃含量均高于B. braunii 765,最高分别达27.61%和34.21%.以硝态氮为氮源时,B. braunii 764的细胞OD值、生物量、总脂和总烃含量分别为1.38、1.81 g/L、27.61%和34.21%,均显著高于其它试验组,而以尿素为氮源时,B. braunii 765的最大OD值为1.87,以硝态氮为氮源时,其生物量(2.15 g/L)和总烃含量(27.89%)最高,而铵态氮对二者生长的促进作用以及总脂和总烃含量的影响不明显.综合考虑,硝态氮是两株葡萄藻较为理想的氮源,而B. braunii 764可以作为一种较有潜力的能源微藻进行开发利用.  相似文献   

采用批次培养方法,在光照强度60、110mol/m2s下分别设置了7个不同的氮、磷浓度(N:0-3500g/L,P:15-775g/L),研究两株布朗葡萄藻(Botryococcus braunii)对氮、磷胁迫的敏感性差异,筛选高营养利用效率的优良藻株。结果表明:两株藻对氮磷营养胁迫的耐受性存在差异,B.braunii764株对氮胁迫具有较高耐受性,而B.braunii765株对磷胁迫具有较高耐受性。光照强度110mol/m2s,不同氮浓度下B.braunii764株其平均生长速率均显著高于其他各处理组;不同磷浓度下B.braunii765株其平均生长速率显著高于B.braunii764株。在试验设定的光照强度条件下,适当增加光照强度能够显著降低氮胁迫对布朗葡萄藻生长的抑制效应。在光照强度110mol/m2s下,氮浓度3500g/L时两株布朗葡萄藻平均生长速率与在正常Chu-10培养基条件下无显著差异。磷浓度775g/L时两株布朗葡萄藻的平均生长速率均显著低于正常Chu-10培养基条件,增加光照强度对磷胁迫下藻细胞的生长无显著作用。两株布朗葡萄藻在第2天时磷吸收与初始磷浓度呈正相关关系,氮吸收在3500g/L时出现饱和现象。布朗葡萄藻的生长更容易受到培养基中磷营养胁迫的影响。    相似文献   

以经过二次过滤的富营养化鱼塘养殖污水为培养液,添加外源的碳、氮、磷元索,研究了污水中不同的外源无机碳、总氮和总磷浓度对布朗葡萄藻(Botryococcus braunii)生物量、总脂和总烃含量的影响.结果表明:(1)以NaHCO3作为碳源,布朗葡萄藻的生物量和总脂含量在外源无机碳浓度为5~10 mg/L时最高,总烃含量在外源无机碳浓度为15mg/L时最高.(2)以KNO3作为氮源,布朗葡萄藻的生物量在总氮浓度为15mg/L时最高,总脂含量在总氮浓度为2mg/L时最高,总烃含量在总氮浓度为20mg/L时最高.(3)以KH2 PO4作为磷源,布朗葡萄藻生物量在总磷浓度为2mg/L时最高,总脂含量和总烃含量在总磷浓度为1.5 mng/L时最高.  相似文献   

共培养对布朗葡萄藻764、765株生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以布朗葡萄藻(Botryococcus braunii )764 株(B764 )和765 株(B765 )为实验材料,研究了株间共培养(接种比例为纯B764 、1 :9 、3 :7 、5 :5 、7 :3 、9 :1 、纯B765 )对藻细胞生物量、总烃含量、总脂肪酸含量的影响,以及添加另一株的藻滤液对其生长的影响.结果表明:两株布朗葡萄藻的混合培养能够增加藻细胞群体的生物量,且布朗葡萄藻764 株占主体,同时存在一定量765 的混合培养群体生物量明显高于纯培养的布朗葡萄藻(P<0.05);布朗葡萄藻株间共培养可以发生互利促进效应, 低浓度的布朗葡萄藻765 藻滤液对布朗葡萄藻764 的生长具有显著促进作用(P<0.05).布朗葡萄藻能够向胞外培养液中释放化感物质,藻滤液中的低浓度的化感物质可以对受体微藻产生一定促进作用.  相似文献   

一株高产木聚糖酶的枝链霉菌的分离鉴定及产酶   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对1株高产木聚糖酶的链霉菌进行了鉴定并研究其木聚糖酶的生产过程及水解产物特点。分离得到1株产木聚糖酶的链霉菌Streptomyces sp.L2001,从形态学特征、培养特征和生理生化特征等方面对该菌株进行了鉴定。PCR扩增得到16S rDNA序列全长为1429bp,分析结果表明,菌株与Streptomyces rameus NBRC3782同源性达99.16%。结合传统生理生化实验结果鉴定为枝链霉菌。菌株液体发酵6d能产生842.0U/mL木聚糖酶活力。经HPLC分析酶解产物,结果显示木二糖、木三糖及木四糖含量之和高达93.5%,该酶适用于工业化生产低聚木糖。  相似文献   

一株芽孢杆菌的分离和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所鸡舍附近土壤中分离到一株芽孢杆菌P-25,并进行了分子鉴定。通过形态鉴定、革兰氏染色、生理生化测定、16SrRNA序列分析和系统发育树构建,确定该菌株为蜡状芽孢杆菌(Bacillus cereus),其16SrRNAGenBank登录号为GU271135。  相似文献   

β-甘露聚糖酶是一类能够水解甘露聚糖、葡甘露聚糖、半乳甘露聚糖的半纤维素酶类,广泛存在于动植物和微生物中,此酶在食品、医药、饲料、造纸、石油等方面已得到广泛应用;近年来,其作为食品和饲料添加剂方面倍受关注。对采自土壤和树皮的样品通过富集培养、平板初筛和摇瓶复筛,得到1株具产β-甘露聚糖酶能力的曲霉属菌株LQ21,结合形态特征、培养特征及18S rRNA基因序列分析,将该菌株鉴定为Aspergillussp.真菌。考察了培养时间、起始pH、培养温度、碳源和氮源对该菌株产酶的影响。初步确定了其最适产酶培养基组成:魔芋粉0.5%,蛋白胨1%,NaNO30.2%,K2HPO40.1%,KCl 0.05%,MgSO4.7H2O 0.05%,FeSO4.7H2O 0.001%;最适培养条件:初始pH4.5,温度35℃,转速200 r/min,培养60 h发酵液上清中酶活达到最高。  相似文献   

一株产蛋白酶嗜碱菌株的分离、鉴定及酶学特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
【目的】筛选产蛋白酶嗜碱菌并对其进行鉴定和特性分析。【方法】利用碱性脱脂牛奶培养基分离纯化产蛋白酶嗜碱菌,通过形态特征、生理生化、16S rRNA基因序列分析以及DNA-DNA杂交实验确定菌株的分类地位,利用酪蛋白水解法分析所产蛋白酶的pH和温度作用范围、稳定性和耐氧化剂能力。【结果】从我国西藏盐碱湖样品中分离到一株产碱性蛋白酶的菌株ZL223,该菌株为革兰氏阳性菌,最适生长温度为37℃,最适生长pH9.0,16S rRNA基因序列分析显示,菌株ZL223与假强芽孢杆菌Bacillus pseudo firmus OF4亲缘关系最近,16S rRNA基因序列相似性为98.6%,DNA-DNA杂交结果显示与B.pseudofirmus OF4同源性为86%。菌株ZL223产生的蛋白酶作用的最适pH为12.0,最适温度为40℃。【结论】结合生理生化指标测定的结果,鉴定菌株为假强芽孢杆菌ZL223(B.pseudofirmus ZL223)。该菌株产生的碱性蛋白酶具有较高的pH适应性,值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

一株纤维素降解细菌的筛选、鉴定及产酶条件分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的筛选高活性的纤维素降解细菌,并进行初步鉴定和产纤维素酶条件分析。方法采集吉首旗帜山松树林的土壤样品,通过富集培养和刚果红平板染色法筛选分离纤维素降解细菌;通过形态观察、生理生化特性检测和基于16S rRNA基因序列的系统发育分析对分离的菌株进行初步鉴定。利用单因素实验对产纤维素酶条件进行优化。结果分离获得1株高活性纤维素降解细菌JDM11,初步鉴定其为Bacillus velezensis;菌株JMD11产纤维素酶最佳培养温度、最适初始pH和培养时间分别为28℃、7.0~7.5和32h,在该条件下其滤纸酶(FPase)和羧甲基纤维素酶(CMCase)活力分别为260.32U/ml和651.75U/ml。结论菌株JDM11是1株高活性纤维素降解的Bacillus velezensis。  相似文献   

A strain Botryococcus braunii Kütz. that produces high levels of branched hydrocarbons (botryococcenes) was grown under different environmental conditions to investigate the relationship between growth and hydrocarbon production. Carbon dioxide concentration had the most significant influence on growth; 0.3% CO2-enriched cultures demonstrated a minimum mass doubling time of ca. 40 h, compared to ca. 6 days for ambient air cultures grown on the same buffered growth medium. The botryococcene fraction, which consisted of 10 identified compounds (CnH2n-10; n = 30–34), usually constituted ca. 25–40% of the culture dry weight under various growth regimes, including nitrogen- and/or phosphate-deficiencies. CO2 enrichment initially favored the production of the lower botryococcenes (C30–C32), whereas relatively slow-growing ambient air cultures accumulated C33 and C34 compounds. Colony color changed in response to different light intensities. High light increased the carotenoid/chlorophyll ratio, which resulted in orange colonies. Cultures exposed to low light intensity appeared green. This change in coloration was reversible over a period of a few days, and at no time were the linear hydrocarbons characteristic of the other form of the alga detected. Ostensible colony color is not, therefore, a reliable indicator of qualitative hydrocarbon content. Sequential solvent extraction experiments indicated that up to ca. 7% of the botryococcene fraction was intracellular and that the remainder was located within the colonial matrix. The internal (cellular) pool principally consisted of C30–C32 botryococcenes, whereas the external (colonial matrix) pool contained >99% of the C33 and C34 compounds, in addition to large amounts of the lower botryococcenes. These results, taken in conjunction with other data, are compatible with the hypothesis that the C30 botryococcene is the precursor, presumably via methylation, of the higher botryococcenes.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic placement of four isolates of Botryococcus braunii Kützing and of Botryococcus sudeticus Lemmermann isolate UTEX 2629 was investigated using sequences of the nuclear small subunit (18S) rRNA gene. The B. braunii isolates represent the A (two isolates), B, and L chemical races. One isolate of B. braunii (CCAP 807/1; A race) has a group I intron at Escherichia coli position 1046 and isolate UTEX 2629 has group I introns at E. coli positions 516 and 1512. The rRNA sequences were aligned with 53 previously reported rRNA sequences from members of the Chlorophyta, including one reported for B. braunii (Berkeley strain). Phylogenetic trees were constructed using distance, weighted maximum parsimony, and maximum likelihood, and their reliability was estimated using bootstrap analysis for distance and parsimony and Bayesian inference for likelihood. All methods showed, with high bootstrap or credibility support, that the four isolates of B. braunii form a monophyletic group whose closest relatives are in the genus Choricystis in the Trebouxiophyceae, whereas the previously reported B. braunii sequence is from a member of the Chlamydomonadales in the Chlorophyceae and isolate UTEX 2629 is a member of the Sphaeropleales in the Chlorophyceae. Polyphyly of these sequences was confirmed by Kishino‐Hasegawa tests on artificial trees in which sequences were moved to a single lineage.  相似文献   

We report the genome size and the GC content, and perform a phylogenetic analysis on Botryococcus braunii Kütz., a green, colony‐forming, hydrocarbon‐rich alga that is an attractive source for biopetroleum. While the chemistry of the hydrocarbons produced by the B race of B. braunii has been studied for many years, there is a deficiency of information concerning the molecular biology of this alga. In addition, there has been some discrepancy as to the phylogenetic placement of the Berkeley (or Showa) strain of the B race. To clarify its classification, we isolated the Berkeley strain nuclear SSU (18S) rRNA gene and β‐actin cDNA and used these sequences for phylogenetic analysis to determine that the Berkeley strain belongs to the Trebouxiophyceae class. This finding is in agreement with other B races of B. braunii, indicating the Berkeley strain is a true B race of B. braunii. To better understand molecular aspects of B. braunii, we obtained the Berkeley strain genome size as a first step in genome sequencing. Using flow cytometry, we determined the B. braunii Berkeley genome size to be 166.2 ± 2.2 Mb. We also estimated the GC content of the Berkeley strain as 54.4 ± 1.2% for expressed gene sequences.  相似文献   

Batch cultures of the hydrocarbon-rich alga Botryococcus braunii, Kütz. (axenic strains, non-axenic strains, associations with selected microorganisms) were examined with regard to total biomass and hydrocarbons at the onset of the stationary phase. Pronounced variations, related to the origin of the strains and to growth conditions, were observed with axenic cultures. It also appeared that the presence of microorganisms is not essential for high hydrocarbon production. Nevertheless, numerous bacteria were shown to exert considerable influence, antagonistic or beneficial, on B. braunii growth yield and hydrocarbon production. Such effects were strongly dependent on the species involved and on culture conditions. The presence of various microorganisms can influence not only the quantity of hydrocarbons produced, but also their level in the algal biomass and their relative abundance. However, their chemical structure is not affected. Intricate relationships were observed in B. braunii-bacteria systems and numerous factors (including, in some cultures, large positive effects due to bacterially produced CO2) were implicated. Accordingly, specific associations should provide appropriate conditions for renewable hydrocarbon production via B. braunii large scale cultures.  相似文献   

一株产类胡萝卜素细菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从武汉东湖发生水华的水样中分离到一株产橙黄色色素的菌株OB 2 ,经可见光光谱扫描分析 ,证明该菌株所产色素为类胡萝卜素。为了确定OB 2的分类学地位 ,PCR扩增后测定其 16SrRNA基因序列 ,在GenBank中进行同源性比较 ,并与一些相关细菌构建系统发育树。综合分析后将菌株OB 2鉴定为Microbacteriumkitamiense。  相似文献   

Different samples of Botryococcus braunii Kütz., freshly collected from nature or laboratory-grown from culture collection strains, were studied by electron microscopy and their hydrocarbon content analyzed. Although the general internal structure of the cells was rather constant, the organization of the outer walls forming the hydrocarbon-rich matrix of the colonies differed greatly from one sample to another. In the majority of cultivated strains, the colonies were rather small, the different successive external walls remained distinct and all strains contained dienic or trienic hydrocarbons. In contrast, most of the collected samples possessed large colonies with a rather compact matrix formed by the hydrocarbon-rich part of the successive closely appressed external wall layers. These samples contained polyunsaturated hydrocarbons, i.e. botryococcenes. Well defined cell caps which sheared off the cells were observed only in those strains with a compact matrix. The Austin strain and some collected samples, however, were intermediate with rather small colonies, dense matrix, definite cell caps and dienic hydrocarbons. Thus, the hydrocarbon composition did not correlate directly with the variations in wall structure; however, the occurence of dienic and botryococcene-like hydrocarbons together in one strain was never observed, although analyzed at various stages of growth. Thus, the existence of distinct strains of Botryococcus braunii, some synthesizing dienes, others botryococcenes, appears highly probable.  相似文献   

New strains of the hydrocarbon rich alga Botryococcus braunii Kützing were isolated from water samples collected in three tropical freshwater lakes. These strains synthesize lycopadiene, a tetraterpenoid metabolite, as their sole hydrocarbon. The morphological and ultrastructural characteristics of these algae are similar to those reported for previously described strains which produce either alkadienes or botryococcenes. The pyriform shaped cells are embedded in a colonial matrix formed by layers of closely appressed external walls: this dense matrix is impregnated by the hydrocarbon and some other lipids. We believe the new strains synthesizing lycopadiene form a third chemical race in B. braunii, besides the alkadiene and botryococcene races, rather than a different species. Like the other two types of hydrocarbons, lycopadiene was produced primarily during the exponential and linear growth phases. The major fatty acid in the three races was oleic acid. This fatty acid was predominant in the alkadiene race; palmitic and octacosenoic acid also were present in appreciable amounts in the three races. Cholest-5-en-3β-ol, 24-methylcholest-5-en-3β-ol and 24-ethylcho-lest-5-en-3β-ol occurred in the three races; three unidentified sterols also were detected in the lycopadiene race. Moreover, the presence of very long chain alkenyl-phenols in the lipids of algae of the alkadiene race was not observed in the botryococcene and lycopadiene races. Of the polysaccharides released in the medium, galactose appeared as a primary component: it predominated in the botryococcene race. The other major constituents were fucose for the alkadiene race and glucose and fucose for the lycopadiene race. Although morphologically similar, some important chemical differences exist among algae classified as B. braunii.  相似文献   

牛蛙无乳链球菌病病原的分离鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
{{@ convertAbstractHtml(article.abstractinfoCn, "cn")}}    相似文献   

杂交鲇恶臭假单胞菌的分离鉴定及其病理损伤研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为确定一起杂交鲇皮肤溃疡症的病原,实验从病鱼体内分离到几株优势菌(DYJ140914-DYJ140917),根据4株分离菌的形态、生理生化特性,结合16S rRNA和gyrB基因序列测定(GenBank登录号分别为KP693689和KP693690)与系统发育分析,将其鉴定为恶臭假单胞菌(Pseudomonas putida)。在此基础上以腹腔注射的方式进行人工感染试验,证实其为杂交鲇溃疡症的病原菌。病鱼组织器官具有典型的病理变化,其主要靶器官为肝脏、皮肤肌肉以及肾间质,分别引起多灶性坏死性肝炎、坏死性肌炎及坏死性间质性肾炎。此外,还可引起心外膜、心内膜炎及坏死性脾炎。药敏结果显示该菌对强力霉素、诺氟沙星和左氧氟沙星等药物敏感;对青霉素、氟苯尼考、磺胺甲基异恶唑、头孢西丁、阿奇霉素等药物耐药。  相似文献   

高溶纤酶活性枯草芽孢杆菌的分离筛选与鉴定   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从多个枯草样品中分离纯化得到 2 0株芽孢杆菌 ,并进行了鉴定。通过对固体发酵所产生的溶纤酶的研究 ,发现均能不同程度地产生溶纤酶 ,其中菌株FM-S1、FM-S2、FM-S8、FM-S6、FM-S11产生的溶纤酶活性均高于日本的纳豆杆菌。同时对筛选的菌株的形态和菌落形态、生理生化特性进行鉴定 ,确认所筛选到产酶菌株均属于枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillussubtilis。另外 ,对FM S2作固体发酵确定在熟大豆上枯草杆菌溶纤酶生物合成的模式为同步合成型。  相似文献   

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