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Water samples were collected from 71 public drinking-water supply wells in the Tucson, Ariz., basin. Virus decay rates in the water samples were determined with MS-2 coliphage as a model virus. The correlations between the virus decay rates and the sample locations were shown by fitting a spherical model to the experimental semivariogram. Kriging, a geostatistical technique, was used to calculate virus decay rates at unsampled locations by using the known values at nearby wells. Based on the regional characteristics of groundwater flow and the kriged estimates of virus decay rates, a contour map of the area was constructed. The map shows the variation in separation distances that would have to be maintained between wells and sources of contamination to afford similar degrees of protection from viral contamination of the drinking water in wells throughout the basin.  相似文献   

Water samples were collected from 71 public drinking-water supply wells in the Tucson, Ariz., basin. Virus decay rates in the water samples were determined with MS-2 coliphage as a model virus. The correlations between the virus decay rates and the sample locations were shown by fitting a spherical model to the experimental semivariogram. Kriging, a geostatistical technique, was used to calculate virus decay rates at unsampled locations by using the known values at nearby wells. Based on the regional characteristics of groundwater flow and the kriged estimates of virus decay rates, a contour map of the area was constructed. The map shows the variation in separation distances that would have to be maintained between wells and sources of contamination to afford similar degrees of protection from viral contamination of the drinking water in wells throughout the basin.  相似文献   

A national HIV/AIDS and malaria parasitological survey was carried out in Tanzania in 2007-2008. In this study the parasitological data were analyzed: i) to identify climatic/environmental, socio-economic and interventions factors associated with child malaria risk and ii) to produce a contemporary, high spatial resolution parasitaemia risk map of the country. Bayesian geostatistical models were fitted to assess the association between parasitaemia risk and its determinants. bayesian kriging was employed to predict malaria risk at unsampled locations across Tanzania and to obtain the uncertainty associated with the predictions. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation methods were employed for model fit and prediction. Parasitaemia risk estimates were linked to population data and the number of infected children at province level was calculated. Model validation indicated a high predictive ability of the geostatistical model, with 60.00% of the test locations within the 95% credible interval. The results indicate that older children are significantly more likely to test positive for malaria compared with younger children and living in urban areas and better-off households reduces the risk of infection. However, none of the environmental and climatic proxies or the intervention measures were significantly associated with the risk of parasitaemia. Low levels of malaria prevalence were estimated for Zanzibar island. The population-adjusted prevalence ranges from 0.29% in Kaskazini province (Zanzibar island) to 18.65% in Mtwara region. The pattern of predicted malaria risk is similar with the previous maps based on historical data, although the estimates are lower. The predicted maps could be used by decision-makers to allocate resources and target interventions in the regions with highest burden of malaria in order to reduce the disease transmission in the country.  相似文献   


A groundwater field is a complex and open system. Groundwater simulation and prediction often deviated from true values, which is attributed to the uncertainty of groundwater modeling. The conceptual model (model struture) is one of the main sources of groundwater modeling uncertianty. In this study, the mean Euclidean distance (MED) between model simulations and observations is proposed to assess the integrated likelihood value of a conceptual model in Bayesian model averaging (BMA). Moreover, this proposed BMA method is compared with the traditional generalized likelihood uncertainty estimation (GLUE) BMA method by a synthetical groundwater model, and the characteristics of these two BMA methods are summarized.  相似文献   

泾河流域上游是黄土高原的重要水源地和退耕还林工程区,在较大空间尺度上定量评价区内森林覆盖增加的水文影响对科学指导林业生态环境建设、保障区域水安全和可持续发展均有重要意义。为了在尽量排除地形、土壤、气候等作用的基础上定量评价森林的影响,将泾河上游划分为土石山区和黄土区,分别制定了多种森林恢复情景,利用分布式流域生态水文模型(SWIM)模拟评价了森林覆盖率及其空间分布变化对流域年蒸散量、年产流量、年地下水补给量、年土壤深层渗漏量及日径流洪峰的影响。土石山区模拟结果表明,增加森林覆盖将增加流域蒸散和减少流域产流,如现有森林覆盖(占全流域面积比例为13.8%)情景与现有森林变为草地(占全流域面积比例为0)情景相比时,流域年蒸散量从445.4 mm变为427.7 mm(减少了17.4 mm和4%);年产流量从42.4 mm变为53.5 mm(增加了11.1 mm和26.3%),年地下水补给量从61.6 mm变为76.9 mm(增加了15.3 mm和24.8%),年深层渗漏量从72.9 mm变为88.3 mm(增加了17.7 mm和24.3%);平均森林覆盖率每增加10%,导致流域年蒸散量增加12.8 mm,年产流量减少8.0 mm,年地下水补给量减少11.1 mm。在比较干旱和土层深厚的黄土区,增加森林覆盖将同样增大流域蒸散和减少流域产流,但变化幅度明显小于降水相对丰富和土层浅薄的土石山区,平均森林面积增加10%导致流域年蒸散量增加9.0 mm,年产流量减少4.5 mm,年地下水补给量减少8.8 mm;此外,在较缓坡面造林的水文影响大于较陡坡面造林。从森林水文影响的年内变化来看时,森林覆盖率升高的水文影响在土石山区和黄土区也有差别,如土石山区5—7月份的蒸散显著增加,5—10月份的深层渗漏均有减少;而黄土区是蒸散量在5—10月均有增加,深层渗漏在7—10月份显著减少。另外,土石山区森林覆盖率增加对日径流峰值的影响不显著,而黄土区则能明显削弱,这可能主要是因土石山区的高石砾含量土壤的渗透性能明显高于黄土区的黄土,而黄土区的森林能够明显改善土壤入渗性能和减少地面径流形成。  相似文献   

Humans have exerted large‐scale changes on the terrestrial biosphere, primarily through agriculture; however, the impacts of such changes on the hydrologic cycle are poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that the conversion of natural rangeland ecosystems to agricultural ecosystems impacts the subsurface portion of the hydrologic cycle by changing groundwater recharge and flushing salts to underlying aquifers. The hypothesis was examined through point and areal studies investigating the effects of land use/land cover (LU/LC) changes on groundwater recharge and solute transport in the Amargosa Desert (AD) in Nevada and in the High Plains (HP) in Texas, US. Studies use the fact that matric (pore‐water‐pressure) potential and environmental‐tracer profiles in thick unsaturated zones archive past changes in recharging fluxes. Results show that recharge is related to LU/LC as follows: discharge through evapotranspiration (i.e., no recharge; upward fluxes <0.1 mm yr?1) in natural rangeland ecosystems (low matric potentials; high chloride and nitrate concentrations); moderate‐to‐high recharge in irrigated agricultural ecosystems (high matric potentials; low‐to‐moderate chloride and nitrate concentrations) (AD recharge: ~130–640 mm yr?1); and moderate recharge in nonirrigated (dryland) agricultural ecosystems (high matric potentials; low chloride and nitrate concentrations, and increasing groundwater levels) (HP recharge: ~9–32 mm yr?1). Replacement of rangeland with agriculture changed flow directions from upward (discharge) to downward (recharge). Recent replacement of rangeland with irrigated ecosystems was documented through downward displacement of chloride and nitrate fronts. Thick unsaturated zones contain a reservoir of salts that are readily mobilized under increased recharge related to LU/LC changes, potentially degrading groundwater quality. Sustainable land use requires quantitative knowledge of the linkages between ecosystem change, recharge, and groundwater quality.  相似文献   

Brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) is a sentinel fish species which requires clean, cold water habitats. As such, many jurisdictions in the United States where brook charr are present use this species as an indicator of ecosystem health. In Michigan, groundwater-dominated streams are currently being impacted by increased groundwater withdrawal and land use/land cover changes which alter stream temperatures and their flow, and thus have the potential to significantly influence brook charr production and behavior. We quantified the influence of groundwater withdrawal and land use alteration on thermal habitat availability for brook charr using a groundwater modeling tool that estimated changes in baseflow to a stream segment based on changes to the groundwater system due to groundwater withdrawal and changes in rates of recharge related to landscape changes within a watershed. Projected stream temperature changes were calculated using a stream temperature modeling tool and compared to the range of temperature preferenda for brook charr in order to evaluate the potential impact of policy decisions regarding water extraction and land use/cover changes. The models predicted relatively small changes in both stream baseflow and consequently, stream temperature, with increased groundwater withdrawal rates. Land use/land cover alterations which we analyzed were shown to either mitigate or enhance the loss of brook charr thermal habitat as a result of groundwater withdrawal, depending on its relationship to recharge dynamics. This study emphasizes the importance of collaboration between water, land, and fisheries managers to ensure brook charr population viability, productivity, and sustainability in the face of environmental change, increasing water use and development in the watershed.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the influence of infiltration rate on poliovirus removal during groundwater recharge with tertiary-treated wastewater effluents. Experiments were conducted at a uniquely designed, field-situated test recharge basin facility through which some 62,000 m3 of sewage had been previously applied. Recharge at high infiltration rates (75 to 100 cm/h) resulted in the movement of considerable numbers of seeded poliovirus to the groundwater. Moderately reduced infiltration rates (6 cm/h) affected significantly improved virus removal. Very low infiltration rates (0.5 to 1.0 cm/h), achieved by partial clogging of the test basin, yielded the greatest virus removal efficiencies.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the influence of infiltration rate on poliovirus removal during groundwater recharge with tertiary-treated wastewater effluents. Experiments were conducted at a uniquely designed, field-situated test recharge basin facility through which some 62,000 m3 of sewage had been previously applied. Recharge at high infiltration rates (75 to 100 cm/h) resulted in the movement of considerable numbers of seeded poliovirus to the groundwater. Moderately reduced infiltration rates (6 cm/h) affected significantly improved virus removal. Very low infiltration rates (0.5 to 1.0 cm/h), achieved by partial clogging of the test basin, yielded the greatest virus removal efficiencies.  相似文献   

Groundwaters are increasingly viewed as resource-limited ecosystems in which fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from surface water are efficiently mineralized by a consortium of microorganisms which are grazed by invertebrates. We tested for the effect of groundwater recharge on resource supply and trophic interactions by measuring physico-chemistry, microbial activity and biomass, structure of bacterial communities and invertebrate density at three sites intensively recharged with surface water. Comparison of measurements made in recharge and control well clusters at each site showed that groundwater recharge significantly increased fluxes of DOC and phosphate, elevated groundwater temperature, and diminished dissolved oxygen (DO). Microbial biomass and activity were significantly higher in recharge well clusters but stimulation of autochthonous microorganisms was not associated with a major shift in bacterial community structure. Invertebrate assemblages were not significantly more abundant in recharge well clusters and did not show any relationship with microbial biomass and activity. Microbial communities were bottom-up regulated by DOC and nutrient fluxes but trophic interactions between microorganisms and invertebrates were apparently limited by environmental stresses, particularly DO depletion and groundwater warming. Hydrological connectivity is a key factor regulating the function of DOC-based groundwater food webs as it influences both resource availability for microorganisms and environmental stresses which affect energy transfer to invertebrates and top-down control on microorganisms.  相似文献   

The exact area calculation of irregularly distributed data is in the focus of all territorial geochemical balancing methods or definition of protection zones. Especially in the deep-sea environment the interpolation of measurements into surfaces represents an important gain of information, because of cost- and time-intensive data acquisition. The geostatistical interpolation method indicator kriging therefore is applied for an accurate mapping of the spatial distribution of benthic communities following a categorical classification scheme at the deep-sea submarine Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano. Georeferenced video mosaics were obtained during several dives by the Remotely Operated Vehicle Victor6000 in a water depth of 1260 m. Mud volcanoes are considered as significant source locations for methane indicated by unique chemoautotrophic communities as Beggiatoa mats and pogonophoran tube worms. For the detection and quantification of their spatial distribution 2840 georeferenced video mosaics were analysed by visual inspection. Polygons, digitised on the georeferenced images within a GIS, build the data basis for geostatistically interpolated mono-parametric surface maps. Indicator kriging is applied to the centroids of the polygons calculating surface maps. The quality assessment of the surface maps is conducted by leave-one-out cross-validation evaluating the fit of the indicator kriging variograms by using statistical mean values. Furthermore, the estimate was evaluated by a validation dataset of the visual inspection of 530 video mosaics not included within the interpolation, thus, proving the interpolated surfaces independently. With regard to both validating mechanisms, we attained satisfying results and we provided each category applied for the identification of biogeochemical habitats with a percentage probability value of occurrence.  相似文献   

Decreases in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved oxygen (DO) with increasing depth below the groundwater table are often considered as evidence for aerobic respiration; however, they may reflect mixing of infiltrating water and groundwater. We found that groundwater DOC concentration was on average 0.3 mg C l?1 higher and DO concentration 1.5 mg O2 l?1 lower at recharge sites replenished with stormwater than at reference sites fed by direct infiltration of rain water from the land surface. Groundwater DOC increased and DO decreased with increasing vadose zone thickness (VZT) at both recharge and reference sites. There was no significant interaction between the effects of stormwater infiltration and VZT. Vertical changes in DOC and DO below the groundwater table at recharge sites could account for by simple mixing of infiltrating stormwater and groundwater. Moreover, aquifer sediment respiration (SR) was not significantly higher at recharge sites than at reference sites. However, slow filtration column experiments showed that SR increased significantly with an increasing supply of easily biodegradable DOC. We conclude that the observed reduction in DOC below the groundwater table at recharge sites was essentially due to water mixing rather than biological uptake because of the low biodegradability of the DOC and the short transit time of stormwater in the upper layers of groundwater. Our results highlight the need to distinguish between the effect of hydrological and biological processes on DOC and DO patterns below the groundwater before conclusions are made on the efficiency of groundwater in degrading surface-derived DOC.  相似文献   

The sources of water and corresponding delivery mechanisms to groundwater-fed fens are not well understood due to the multi-scale geo-morphologic variability of the glacial landscape in which they occur. This lack of understanding limits the ability to effectively conserve these systems and the ecosystem services they provide, including biodiversity and water provisioning. While fens tend to occur in clusters around regional groundwater mounds, Ives Road Fen in southern Michigan is an example of a geographically-isolated fen. In this paper, we apply a multi-scale groundwater modeling approach to understand the groundwater sources for Ives Road fen. We apply Transition Probability geo-statistics on more than 3000 well logs from a state-wide water well database to characterize the complex geology using conditional simulations. We subsequently implement a 3-dimensional reverse particle tracking to delineate groundwater contribution areas to the fen. The fen receives water from multiple sources: local recharge, regional recharge from an extensive till plain, a regional groundwater mound, and a nearby pond. The regional sources deliver water through a tortuous, 3-dimensional “pipeline” consisting of a confined aquifer lying beneath an extensive clay layer. Water in this pipeline reaches the fen by upwelling through openings in the clay layer. The pipeline connects the geographically-isolated fen to the same regional mound that provides water to other fen clusters in southern Michigan. The major implication of these findings is that fen conservation efforts must be expanded from focusing on individual fens and their immediate surroundings, to studying the much larger and inter-connected hydrologic network that sustains multiple fens.  相似文献   

Stormwater bioretention basin recharge has the potential to raise the watertable and adversely impact subsurface infrastructure, undermining the benefits of naturalizing the urban water cycle. This research examined how groundwater mounding responded to three spatial arrangements of bioretention basins, from separated units to clustered units to single units, and changes in hydraulic conductivity, storm intensity, and antecedent recharge, for 28 sub-watersheds in an 8-ha Syracuse, New York, sewershed with 43% impervious cover. Bioretention basin volumetric capacities were designed for a 24-h duration 2-yr return interval rainfall event. MODFLOW simulations with hydraulic conductivity at 1 cm h?1 predicted an increase in median groundwater mounding from 0.28 m to 0.72 m when separation distances were reduced from equally distributed to single units. In sag points, however mounding exceeded 1 m. By setting hydraulic conductivity to 0.01 cm h?1, a worst case scenario, median mounding was greater than 1 m for all spatial designs, in all locations. Groundwater mound overlap was identified for spatial arrangements where intersecting streets created superposition, and greater mounding was observed at corner-situated bioretention basins. After 30 years of recharge, the steady state watertable had risen by 1.1 m, and subsequent storm event mounding could interfere with subsurface infrastructure in approximately 20% of the watershed, localized in the floodplain. This study recommends an expanded investigation of long-term watertable adjustment, possibly followed by removal of some floodplain infrastructure or designs to enhance watertable tolerance.  相似文献   

基于ArcView-WOE的下辽河平原地下水生态系统健康评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙才志  杨磊 《生态学报》2012,32(4):1016-1027
地下水生态系统是生态系统的重要类型,随着社会经济的发展,地下水资源与环境压力日益增大,地下水生态系统健康问题已经成为人类重点关注的环境问题之一。以ArcView为平台,以下辽河平原硝酸盐氮浓度为响应因子,并从地下水系统结构特征、区域自然条件、外界压力、资源与保护和生态环境5个方面建立证据因子的图层数据库,利用证据权重法(WOE)对下辽河平原地下水生态系统健康进行评价,得到硝酸盐氮后验概率分布图。结果表明:下辽河平原的西北、东北部、东南部及抚顺和辽阳地区地下水生态系统健康处于相对高和较高概率区,东部山前冲洪积平原及下辽河平原的周边地区处于中等概率区,下辽河平原的中部平原、南部滨海平原地区处于相对低和较低概率区。将地下水水质监测点硝酸盐氮含量与后验概率分布图进行对比分析,发现二者对应性较好,这说明WOE可以用于地下水生态系统健康评价,其概率表现形式能够有效的弥补传统生态系统健康评价结果是一个具体值(或等级)而无法反映生态系统健康不确定性的不足。  相似文献   

地下水数值模拟技术可以定性、定量描述地下水系统中大量的不确定性和模糊因素。由于不合理的开发利用水资源,拓城县土壤和地表水受到污染严重。以拓城县作为研究区,通过探讨研究区的水文地质概念模型、地下水流运动的数学模型,求解该模型,确定研究方法。同时,结合地下水各类监测因子,对研究区的污染场场地地下水进行模拟评价,包括了参数率定和模型预测两部分,从而确定最合理的地下水开采方案。  相似文献   

Because bottom substrate composition is an important control on the temporal and spatial location of the aquatic community, accurate maps of benthic habitats of inland lakes and reservoirs provide valuable information to managers, recreational users, and scientists. Therefore, we collected vertical, split-beam sonar data (roughness [E1], hardness [E2], and bathymetry) and sediment samples to make such maps. Statistical calibration between sonar parameters and sediment classes was problematic because the E1:E2 ratios for soft (muck and clay) sediments overlapped a lower and narrower range for hard (gravel) substrates. Thus, we used indicator kriging (IK) to map the probability that unsampled locations did not contain coarse sediments. To overcome the calibration issue we tested proxies for the natural processes and anthropogenic history of the reservoir as potential predictive variables. Of these, a geologic map proved to be the most useful. The central alluvial valley and mudflats contained mainly muck and organic-rich clays. The surrounding glacial till and shale bedrock uplands contained mainly poorly sorted gravels. Anomalies in the sonar data suggested that the organic-rich sediments also contained trapped gases, presenting additional interpretive issues for the mapping. We extended the capability of inexpensive split-beam sonar units through the incorporation of historic geologic maps and other records as well as validation with dredge samples. Through the integration of information from multiple data sets, were able to objectively identify bottom substrate and provide reservoir users with an accurate map of available benthic habitat.  相似文献   

Ingrid Parmentier  Ryan J. Harrigan  Wolfgang Buermann  Edward T. A. Mitchard  Sassan Saatchi  Yadvinder Malhi  Frans Bongers  William D. Hawthorne  Miguel E. Leal  Simon L. Lewis  Louis Nusbaumer  Douglas Sheil  Marc S. M. Sosef  Kofi Affum‐Baffoe  Adama Bakayoko  George B. Chuyong  Cyrille Chatelain  James A. Comiskey  Gilles Dauby  Jean‐Louis Doucet  Sophie Fauset  Laurent Gautier  Jean‐François Gillet  David Kenfack  François N. Kouamé  Edouard K. Kouassi  Lazare A. Kouka  Marc P. E. Parren  Kelvin S.‐H. Peh  Jan M. Reitsma  Bruno Senterre  Bonaventure Sonké  Terry C. H. Sunderland  Mike D. Swaine  Mbatchou G. P. Tchouto  Duncan Thomas  Johan L. C. H. Van Valkenburg  Olivier J. Hardy 《Journal of Biogeography》2011,38(6):1164-1176
Aim Our aim was to evaluate the extent to which we can predict and map tree alpha diversity across broad spatial scales either by using climate and remote sensing data or by exploiting spatial autocorrelation patterns. Location Tropical rain forest, West Africa and Atlantic Central Africa. Methods Alpha diversity estimates were compiled for trees with diameter at breast height ≥ 10 cm in 573 inventory plots. Linear regression (ordinary least squares, OLS) and random forest (RF) statistical techniques were used to project alpha diversity estimates at unsampled locations using climate data and remote sensing data [Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), Quick Scatterometer (QSCAT), tree cover, elevation]. The prediction reliabilities of OLS and RF models were evaluated using a novel approach and compared to that of a kriging model based on geographic location alone. Results The predictive power of the kriging model was comparable to that of OLS and RF models based on climatic and remote sensing data. The three models provided congruent predictions of alpha diversity in well‐sampled areas but not in poorly inventoried locations. The reliability of the predictions of all three models declined markedly with distance from points with inventory data, becoming very low at distances > 50 km. According to inventory data, Atlantic Central African forests display a higher mean alpha diversity than do West African forests. Main conclusions The lower tree alpha diversity in West Africa than in Atlantic Central Africa may reflect a richer regional species pool in the latter. Our results emphasize and illustrate the need to test model predictions in a spatially explicit manner. Good OLS or RF model predictions from inventory data at short distance largely result from the strong spatial autocorrelation displayed by both the alpha diversity and the predictive variables rather than necessarily from causal relationships. Our results suggest that alpha diversity is driven by history rather than by the contemporary environment. Given the low predictive power of models, we call for a major effort to broaden the geographical extent and intensity of forest assessments to expand our knowledge of African rain forest diversity.  相似文献   

Ober U  Erbe M  Long N  Porcu E  Schlather M  Simianer H 《Genetics》2011,188(3):695-708
Genomic data provide a valuable source of information for modeling covariance structures, allowing a more accurate prediction of total genetic values (GVs). We apply the kriging concept, originally developed in the geostatistical context for predictions in the low-dimensional space, to the high-dimensional space spanned by genomic single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) vectors and study its properties in different gene-action scenarios. Two different kriging methods ["universal kriging" (UK) and "simple kriging" (SK)] are presented. As a novelty, we suggest use of the family of Matérn covariance functions to model the covariance structure of SNP vectors. A genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) is applied as a reference method. The three approaches are compared in a whole-genome simulation study considering additive, additive-dominance, and epistatic gene-action models. Predictive performance is measured in terms of correlation between true and predicted GVs and average true GVs of the individuals ranked best by prediction. We show that UK outperforms GBLUP in the presence of dominance and epistatic effects. In a limiting case, it is shown that the genomic covariance structure proposed by VanRaden (2008) can be considered as a covariance function with corresponding quadratic variogram. We also prove theoretically that if a specific linear relationship exists between covariance matrices for two linear mixed models, the GVs resulting from BLUP are linked by a scaling factor. Finally, the relation of kriging to other models is discussed and further options for modeling the covariance structure, which might be more appropriate in the genomic context, are suggested.  相似文献   

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