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Sexual selection,sexual dimorphism and plant phylogeny   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Darwin examined sexual dimorphism in animals, arguing that sexual selection was important in the evolution of such dimorphism. Sexual dimorphism in plants may have parallel causes and costs.The processes that contribute to sexual dimorphism may also lead to speciation and morphological differences among related species, as argued originally by Darwin. Where sexes are separate and dimorphism is well-developed, males of related animal species (both vertebrate and invertebrate) are often strikingly different from each other, while females may be virtually indistinguishable. A similar pattern may exist in plants: it is frequently the males (of dioecious taxa) or the male portions of the flower (in co-sexual flowers) that apparently have diversified. I suggest that the similarity of pattern may be accounted for by a similarity of process.In addition, sexual selection may have contributed to certain evolutionary trends within the angiosperms and, indeed, to angiosperm radiation.  相似文献   

The relationship between fertility selection as measured by the correlation in progeny number between parents and offspring, and selection at individual loci is investigated in humans. Estimates for the magnitude of fertility selection (0.1) and the rate of gene substitution (0.5 gene substitutions per generation per genome) are used in various mathematical models for selection. It is found that the observed magnitude of fertility selection cannot be explained by non‐epistatic directional selection at individual loci. A symmetric quantitative directional selection model is consistent with the observed data. But it is possible that fertility selection does not have a genetic basis.  相似文献   

Much of the recent progress in understanding angiosperm phylogeny has been achieved using multi-gene or plastid genome datasets. However, it is largely unclear what size of dataset is required to achieve suffi-cient resolution. The ycf2 gene is the largest plastid gene in angiosperms and it was used as part of multigene datasets in several earlier investigations into angiosperm relationships. In this study, we show that the ycf2 gene alone can provide a generally well-supported phylogeny that is consistent with those inferred from the most comprehensive multigene or plastid genome datasets. The phylogenetic signal of the ycf2 gene is likely de-rived from the combination of its long sequence length and low rate of nucleotide substitution. The ycf2 gene may provide a low-cost alternative to comprehensive multigene or genome datasets for investigating angiosperm relationships.  相似文献   

王玉国 《广西植物》2010,30(6):753-759
引物选择、设计与应用策略是植物分子系统发育与进化研究的关键环节。本文综述了基因选择的原则、引物设计的技巧以及如何有效地利用所涉及的片段获取相应的PCR片段的方法。  相似文献   

The interactions between many species are structured in a geographic mosaic of populations among which selection is divergent. Here we tested the hypothesis that such a geographic selection mosaic arises for common crossbills (Loxia curvirostra) feeding on seeds in the cones of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) because of geographic variation in the occurrence of European red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris). On the Iberian Peninsula, Sciurus exerted directional selection favouring larger cones with larger scales, which has caused cones there to be larger than in the Balearic Islands where Sciurus are absent. Moreover, cones on the Iberian Peninsula are so large that they are apparently little used by the relatively small-billed crossbills on the Peninsula; selection by Sciurus seems to have made the cones so difficult to feed on that crossbills rely mostly on the seeds of other conifers. Where crossbills are present but Sciurus are absent (Mallorca Island), cones were smaller as a result of relaxation of selection by Sciurus. However, cones on Mallorca had proportionally thicker scales in comparison to where both Sciurus and crossbills are absent (Ibiza Island), presumably as an adaptation against crossbill predation. Here crossbills specialize on Aleppo pine, have relatively large bills and have apparently coevolved in an arms race with Aleppo pine. These results suggest that Sciurus has influenced both the geographic selection mosaics for crossbills and conifers and the adaptive radiation of crossbills in Eurasia much like Tamiasciurus has done in the North America.  相似文献   

The correlation of biosynthetic steps leading to the primary precursors of the shikimate pathway with the distribution of derived alkaloids on dahlgren's system of classification of angiosperm orders suggests that evolution paralleled gradual blocking of these steps. Phenylalanine-derived alkaloids, with the centre of radiation situated in the magnoliales, are of widespread occurrence in angiosperms, an indication of the antiquity of the character. Anthranilic acid-derived alkaloids, with the centre of radiotion in the rutales, are less widespread. Orders in which such alkaloids co-occur with the former biogenetic group are considered to be of more recent origin. Finally, mevalonate-derived iridoid alkaloids, with the centre of radiation in the gentianales, are even less widespread. Orders in which such alkaloids co-occur with the former biogenetic groups should thus be of still more recent origin. These concepts are summarized bg a phylogenetic tree, which illustrates the divergence of three major groups of angiosperm superorders.  相似文献   

Differential selection of genes of cucumber mosaic virus subgroups   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has an extremely broad plant-host range, a large number of vector species, and a wide geographical distribution. CMV is, therefore, a model by which to understand plant virus adaptation. The selective constraints exerted on the five proteins expressed from the CMV genome were evaluated by application of newly developed maximum-likelihood algorithms to analyze sequences available in data banks. The ratio between nonsynonymous and synonymous substitution rates (omega) was used to detect positive selection on particular codon sites. Amino acid sequences were conserved with omega ranging from 0.07 to 0.60 in different proteins. However, a small proportion of amino acids in proteins 1a, 2a, and 3b, the coat protein (CP), were positively selected (omega > 1). Moreover, the evolution of the CP in the three subgroups of CMV strains revealed different selection profiles along the sequence and significantly different speed of evolution at many positions. Constraints exerted by aphid transmission, rather than plant adaptation, seemed to be responsible for these patterns of evolution in the CP.  相似文献   

Mosaic evolution of ruminant stomach lysozyme genes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The genomes of ruminant artiodactyls, such as cow and sheep, have approximately 10 lysozyme genes, 4 of which are expressed in the stomach. Most of the duplications of the lysozyme genes occurred 40-50 million years ago, before the divergence of cow and sheep. Despite this, the coding regions of stomach lysozyme genes within a species (e.g., cow, sheep, or deer) are more similar to each other than to lysozyme genes in other ruminants. This observation suggests that the coding regions of the stomach lysozyme genes have evolved in a concerted fashion. Our previous characterization of 3 cow stomach lysozyme genes suggested that it was only the coding exons that had participated in concerted evolution. To determine whether the introns and flanking regions of ruminant stomach lysozyme genes are evolving in a concerted or a divergent fashion, we have isolated and characterized 2 sheep stomach lysozyme genes. Comparison of the sequences of the sheep and cow stomach lysozyme genes clearly shows that the introns and flanking regions have evolved, like the 3' untranslated region of the mRNAs, in a divergent manner. Thus, if the four coding exons are evolving by concerted evolution, then a mosaic pattern of concerted and divergent evolution is occurring in these genes. The independent concerted evolution of coding exons of the ruminant stomach lysozyme gene may have assisted in the accelerated adaptive evolution of the lysozyme to new function in the early ruminant.  相似文献   

Repeated patterns among biological communities suggest similar evolutionary and ecological forces are acting on the communities. Conversely, the lack of such patterns suggests that similar forces are absent or additional ones are present. Coevolution between a seed predator, the red crossbill (Loxia curvirostra complex), and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. latifolia) exemplifies the ecological and evolutionary predictions for coevolving systems. In the absence of another seed predator and preemptive competitor (pine squirrels Tamiasciurus hudsonicus), natural selection by crossbills results in the evolution of larger cones with thicker distal scales, while relaxation of selection by squirrels results in the evolution of cones with more seeds and a greater ratio of seed mass to cone mass. However, in one range, the Little Rocky Mountains, distal scale thickness has diverged as expected but cone size has not. In these mountains seed predation by lodgepole pine cone borer moths (Eucosma recissoriana) was about 10 times greater than in other ranges lacking squirrels. We quantified moth predation and cone traits and found that moths select for smaller cones with fewer seeds. Thus, selection by moths in the Little Rocky Mountains counters both selection by crossbills for large cone size and relaxation of selection by squirrels favoring more seeds per cone and accounts for the relatively small and few-seeded cones in these mountains. It is also apparent that selection by crossbills changes seed defenses in a manner that favors seed predation by moths, whereas selection by squirrels likely reduces such predation. These results demonstrate the importance of considering the evolutionary consequences of community context in locally evolved (coevolved) traits and interactions.  相似文献   

Many obligately intracellular symbionts exhibit a characteristic set of genetic changes that include an increase in substitution rates, loss of many genes, and apparent destabilization of many proteins and structural RNAs. Authors have suggested that these changes are due to increased mutation rates, or, more commonly, decreased effective population size due to population bottlenecks at the symbiont or, perhaps, host level. I propose that the increase in substitution rates and accumulation of deleterious mutations is a consequence of the population structure imposed on the endosymbionts by strict host association, loss of horizontal transmission and potentially conflicting levels of selection. I analyze a population genetic model of endosymbiont evolution, and demonstrate that substitution rates will increase, and the effect of those substitutions on endosymbiont fitness will become more deleterious as horizontal transmission among hosts decreases. Additionally, I find that there is a critical level of horizontal transmission below which natural selection cannot effectively purge deleterious mutations, leading to an expected loss of fitness over time. This critical level varies across loci with the degree of correlation between host and endosymbiont fitness, and may help explain differential retention and loss of certain genes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequences of 849 base pairs are reported from eight species of Australian bowerbirds. These sequences are used with three from the literature (Edwards et al., 1991) to investigate bowerbird phylogeny using maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood methods. With respect to the three outgroup species, bowerbirds are shown to be monophyletic with high confidence using the bootstrap. The monogamous Ailuroedus crassirostris (which does not clear display courts) is indicated as the sister group to other bowerbirds. The maypole-builders (Amblyornis macgregoriae and Prionodura newtoniana) are significantly supported as a clade indicating a common origin for maypole type bowers, despite large differences in the design of these species' bowers. The avenue-builders (Sericulus chrysocephalus, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, Chlamydera maculata and C. nuchalis) are also monophyletic. The pattern of divergence in avenue builders accords with the predictions of Gilliard's (1956, 1963) “transferral effect”. The transference hypothesis is not supported by evidence suggesting that the dull plumage of Scenopoeetes is an ancestral condition in bowerbirds. The use of sticks to build bowers could have had a single evolutionary origin and been secondarily lost in Scenopoeetes, or evolved independently in the avenue and maypole builders.  相似文献   

Variability selection (abbreviated as VS) is a process considered to link adaptive change to large degrees of environment variability. Its application to hominid evolution is based, in part, on the pronounced rise in environmental remodeling that took place over the past several million years. The VS hypothesis differs from prior views of hominid evolution, which stress the consistent selective effects associated with specific habitats or directional trends (e.g., woodland, savanna expansion, cooling). According to the VS hypothesis, wide fluctuations over time created a growing disparity in adaptive conditions. Inconsistency in selection eventually caused habitat-specific adaptations to be replaced by structures and behaviors responsive to complex environmental change. Key hominid adaptations, in fact, emerged during times of heightened variability. Early bipedality, encephalized brains, and complex human sociality appear to signify a sequence of VS adaptations—i.e., a ratcheting up of versatility and responsiveness to novel environments experienced over the past 6 million years. The adaptive results of VS cannot be extrapolated from selection within a single environmental shift or relatively stable habitat. If some complex traits indeed require disparities in adaptive setting (and relative fitness) in order to evolve, the VS idea counters the prevailing view that adaptive change necessitates long-term, directional consistency in selection. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In most species with internal fertilization, male genitalia evolve faster than other morphological structures. This holds true for genital titillators, which are used exclusively during mating in several bushcricket subfamilies. Several theories have been proposed for the sexual selection forces driving the evolution of internal genitalia, especially sperm competition, sexually antagonistic coevolution (SAC), and cryptic female choice (CFC). However, it is unclear whether the evolution of genitalia can be described with a single hypothesis or a combination of them. The study of species‐specific genitalia action could contribute to the controversial debate about the underlying selective evolutionary forces. We studied female mating behaviors in response to experimentally modified titillators in a phylogenetically nested set of four bushcricket species: Roeseliana roeselii, Pholidoptera littoralis littoralis, Tettigonia viridissima (of the subfamily Tettigoniinae), and Letana inflata (Phaneropterinae). Bushcricket titillators have several potential functions; they stimulate females and suppress female resistance, ensure proper ampulla or spermatophore attachment, and facilitate male fixation. In R. roeselii, titillators stimulate females to accept copulations, supporting sexual selection by CFC. Conversely, titillator modification had no observable effect on the female's behavior in T. viridissima. The titillators of Ph. l. littoralis mechanically support the mating position and the spermatophore transfer, pointing to sexual selection by SAC. Mixed support was found in L. inflata, where manipulation resulted in increased female resistance (evidence for CFC) and mating failures by reduced spermatophore transfer success (evidence for SAC). Sexual selection is highly species‐specific with a mosaic support for either cryptic female choice or sexually antagonistic coevolution or a combination of both in the four species.  相似文献   

Genetic variation in plants is known to influence arthropod assemblages and species interactions. However, these influences may be contingent upon local environmental conditions. Here, we examine how plant genotype-based trophic interactions and patterns of natural selection change across environments. Studying the cottonwood tree, Populus angustifolia, the galling aphid, Pemphigus betae and its avian predators, we used three common gardens across an environmental gradient to examine the effects of plant genotype on gall abundance, gall size, aphid fecundity and predation rate on galls. Three patterns emerged: (i) plant genotype explained variation in gall abundance and predation, (ii) G×E explained variation in aphid fecundity, and environment explained variation in gall abundance and gall size, (iii) natural selection on gall size changed from directional to stabilizing across environments.  相似文献   

Banana mosaic disease (BMD) caused by Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) has become an important threat to the banana industry. We collected and characterized 10 CMV isolates associated with BMD in Taiwan and compared their biological characteristics and coat protein sequences. The isolates fell into four pathotypes on the basis of the symptoms they induce on banana, Nicotiana glutinosa and Vigna unguiculata (cowpea). Double-stranded RNA analysis revealed that the different pathotypes are not related to the presence of CMV satellite RNA. Phylogenetic analysis of worldwide CMV coat protein sequences revealed that among the currently known CMV subgroups IA, IB and II, subgroup IB is phylogenetically unresolved. Our CMV isolates form a new subgroup, IT, within subgroup I. In addition, we resolved another new CMV subgroup, IS, within subgroup I. The analysis also revealed that isolates within different subgroups can infect the banana.  相似文献   

翅果能够依靠风力进行传播, 可能是被子植物快速散布和物种分化的一个重要因素。狭义的翅果是指果皮延伸成翅且不开裂的干果; 广义的翅果则包括果皮、花被片或苞片形成果翅的所有果实。根据果翅形态及其生长方式的不同, 广义的翅果可分为单侧翅果、周位翅果(圆翅果与蝶翅果)、棱翅果、披针翅果、翼状萼翅果、叶状苞翅果6种类型, 其空中运动方式有自旋式(单侧翅果、翼状萼翅果)、波浪式(周位翅果、叶状苞翅果)、翻滚自旋式(周位翅果)、直升机式(披针翅果、翼状萼翅果)和滚筒式(棱翅果)。棱翅果与圆翅果在被子植物基部类群樟目就有发生, 并同时出现在单子叶植物和双子叶植物中, 可能是最早出现的翅果类型。翅果的演化过程呈现出果翅数量增加、果翅偏向单侧和果翅负荷(果实质量与果翅面积之比)降低的趋势, 以利于适应较小的风并增加传播距离。果翅除了促进果实与种子的风力传播外, 还具有物理防御、调节种子萌发和促进二次传播等作用。泛热带分布的金虎尾科有着极其丰富的翅果类型, 与其多次跨洋长距离扩散密切相关, 可以作为研究翅果适应与演化的一个模式类群。结合生态和演化-发育生物学方法, 研究不同类型翅果在适应风力传播方面的差异、萼片或苞片发育成翅的分子与遗传机制、翅果不同类型的演化历史及其对被子植物物种多样性的影响等是今后值得探讨的重要问题。  相似文献   

Recent research demonstrates how the occurrence of a preemptive competitor (Tamiasciurus) gives rise to a geographic mosaic of coevolution for crossbills (Loxia) and conifers. We extend these studies by examining ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), which produces more variable annual seed crops than the conifers in previous studies and often cooccurs with tree squirrels in the genus Sciurus that are less specialized than Tamiasciurus on conifer seed. We found no evidence of seed defenses evolving in response to selection exerted by S. aberti, which was apparently overwhelmed by selection resulting from inner bark feeding that caused many developing cones to be destroyed. In the absence of S. aberti, defenses directed at crossbills increased, favoring larger-billed crossbills and causing stronger reciprocal selection between crossbills and ponderosa pine. However, crossbill nomadism in response to cone crop fluctuations prevents localized reciprocal adaptation by crossbills. In contrast, evolution in response to S. griseus has incidentally defended cones against crossbills, limiting the geographic range of the interaction between crossbills and ponderosa pine. Our results suggest that annual resource variation does not prevent competitors from shaping selection mosaics, although such fluctuations likely prevent fine-scale geographic differentiation in predators that are nomadic in response to resource variability.  相似文献   

The weak selection approximation of population genetics has made possible the analysis of social evolution under a considerable variety of biological scenarios. Despite its extensive usage, the accuracy of weak selection in predicting the emergence of altruism under limited dispersal when selection intensity increases remains unclear. Here, we derive the condition for the spread of an altruistic mutant in the infinite island model of dispersal under a Moran reproductive process and arbitrary strength of selection. The simplicity of the model allows us to compare weak and strong selection regimes analytically. Our results demonstrate that the weak selection approximation is robust to moderate increases in selection intensity and therefore provides a good approximation to understand the invasion of altruism in spatially structured population. In particular, we find that the weak selection approximation is excellent even if selection is very strong, when either migration is much stronger than selection or when patches are large. Importantly, we emphasize that the weak selection approximation provides the ideal condition for the invasion of altruism, and increasing selection intensity will impede the emergence of altruism. We discuss that this should also hold for more complicated life cycles and for culturally transmitted altruism. Using the weak selection approximation is therefore unlikely to miss out on any demographic scenario that lead to the evolution of altruism under limited dispersal.  相似文献   

Among apolipoproteins, apolipoprotein E (Apo E) plays a pivotal role in lipid transport and is proposed to be involved in neural repair. Because of a long divergence history of apolipoproteins, it is unclear how Apo E evolved in time. To investigate relationships among Apo E proteins, we used the information from molecular data and analysed the phylogeny of Apo E proteins from various species. Several phylogenetic trees were generated by using both character-based and distance-based phylogenetic methods. Apo E sequences of fish and frog were found to be less related to the Apo E sequences of other species. The most likely ancestor of Apo E among 18 organisms was estimated to be the Apo E of frog. Members of the groups formed by the Apo E proteins of various species shared similar feeding habits and diet. It may be suggested that Apo E evolution and very likely the evolution of other apolipoproteins are influenced by the organism's feeding environment and diet.  相似文献   

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