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We simultaneously recorded flight muscle activity and wing kinematics in tethered, flying locusts to determine the relationship between asymmetric depressor muscle activation and the kinematics of the stroke reversal at the onset of wing depression during attempted intentional steering manoeuvres. High-frequency, pulsed sounds produced bilateral asymmetries in forewing direct depressor muscles (M97, 98, 99) that were positively correlated with asymmetric forewing depression and asymmetries in stroke reversal timing. Bilateral asymmetries in hindwing depressor muscles (M127 and M128 but not M129) were positively correlated with asymmetric hindwing depression and asymmetries in the timing of the hindwing stroke reversal; M129 was negatively correlated with these shifts. Hindwing depressor asymmetries and wing kinematic changes were smaller and shifted in opposite direction than corresponding measurements of the forewings. These findings suggest that intentional steering manoeuvres employ bulk shifts in depressor muscle timing that affect the timing of the stroke reversals thereby establishing asymmetric wing depression. Finally, we found indications that locusts may actively control the timing of forewing rotation and speculate this may be a mechanism for generating steering torques. These effects would act in concert with forces generated by asymmetric wing depression and angle of attack to establish rapid changes in direction.Abbreviations ASR acoustic startle response - dB SPL decibel sound pressure level (re: 20 Pa RMS) - EMG electromyogram - FWA forewing asymmetry - HWA hindwing asymmetry  相似文献   

A device has been constructed allowing the simultaneous transmission of two separate electrical signals in unrestrained small animals. We employed this device to investigate the motor output in free-flying locusts. The activation pattern of several combinations of different muscles was recorded, including bilateral symmetric muscles and pairs of antagonists. Particular attention was paid to the recruitment of a specific set of flight muscles in both winged segments during rolling manoeuvres. The relationship of the muscle activation with wing movement was analysed in combination with a high-speed video-monitoring. The muscles are activated in advance of the relevant stroke directions, in opposition to previous studies of tethered flying locusts. During turning manoeuvres a statistically significant difference in timing of the bilateral symmetric muscles is not apparent; this contrasts with the distinct difference revealed for the bilateral wing movement. It is discussed that rolling might rely on the fine tuned interaction of several major flight muscles or on the precise activation of a specific wing hinge muscle. Correspondence with investigations of bird flight is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between body temperature (Tb) of free flying pigeons and ambient water vapor pressure and temperature. Core or near core Tb of pigeons were measured using thermistors inserted into the cloaca and connected to small transmitters mounted on the tail feathers of free flying tippler pigeons (Columba livia). Wet and dry bulb temperatures were measured using modified transmitters mounted onto free-flying pigeons. These allowed calculation of relative humidity and hence water vapor pressure at flight altitudes. Mean Tb during flight was 42.0 ± 1.3 °C (n = 16). Paired comparisons of a subset of this data indicated that average in-flight Tb increased significantly by 1.2 ± 0.7 °C (n = 7) over that of birds at rest (t = −4.22, P < 0.05, n = 7) within the first 15 min of takeoff. In addition, there was a small but significant increase in Tb with increasing ambient air (Ta) when individuals on replicate flights (n = 35) were considered. Inclusion of water vapor pressure into the regression model did not improve the correlation between body temperature and ambient conditions. Flight Tb also increased a small (0.5 °C) but significant amount (t = 2.827, P < 0.05, n = 8) from the beginning to the end of a flight. The small response of Tb to changing flight conditions presumably reflects the efficiency of convection as a heat loss mechanism during sustained regular flight. The increase in Tb on landing that occurred in some birds was a probable consequence of a sudden reduction in convective heat loss. Accepted: 2 February 1999  相似文献   

We used tritium-labeled water to measure total body water, water influx (which approximated oxidative water production) and water efflux in free-flying tippler pigeons (Columba livia) during flights that lasted on average 4.2 h. At experimental air temperatures ranging from 18 to 27 °C, mean water efflux by evaporation and excretion [6.3 ± 1.3 (SD) ml · h−1, n = 14] exceeded water influx from oxidative water and inspired air (1.4 ± 0.7 ml · h−1, n = 14), and the birds dehydrated at 4.9 ± 0.9 ml · h−1. This was not significantly different from gravimetrically measured mass loss of 6.2 ± 2.1 g · h−1 (t = 1.902, n = 14, P>0.05). This flight-induced dehydration resulted in an increase in plasma osmolality of 4.3 ± 3.0 mosmol · kg−1 · h−1 during flights of 3–4 h. At 27 °C, the increase in plasma osmolality above pre-flight levels (ΔP osm = 7.6±4.29 mosmol · kg−1 · h−1, n = 6) was significantly higher than that at 18 °C (ΔP osm = 0.83±2.23 mosmol · kg−1 · h−1, (t = 3.43, n = 6, P < 0.05). Post-flight haematocrit values were on average 1.1% lower than pre-flight levels, suggesting plasma expansion. Water efflux values during free flight were within 9% of those in the one published field study (Gessaman et al. 1991), and within the range of values for net water loss determined from mass balance during wind tunnel experiments (Biesel and Nachtigall 1987). Our net water loss rates were substantially higher than those estimated by a simulation model (Carmi et al. 1992) suggesting some re-evaluation of the model assumptions is required. Accepted: 8 April 1997  相似文献   

Locusts (Locusta migratoria) were stimulated with pulses of pure tones of frequencies between 5 kHz and 25 kHz. Interneurons responding to these stimuli (auditory interneurons) were recorded intracellularly and identified by dye injection. Their output functions were investigated by injection of depolarizing current during simultaneous registration of components of flight steering behavior of the animals, i.e. movements of the head and the abdomen and flight activity. Three different types of effects were found, corresponding to 3 functional classes of interneurons:
(1)  Auditory interneurons in the metathoracic ganglion can activate (Fig. 1) or inhibit (Fig. 2) the flight oscillator when depolarized.
(2)  Resting tethered locusts can perform lateral bending of the abdomen and, less prominent, head turns towards the sound source at frequencies between 5 and 15 kHz and at high intensities (70 dB and up, Fig. 3). Auditory interneurons were found which are sensitive to sound pulses with frequencies of 5 kHz to 15 kHz and some of them are directional (Fig. 4). Injection of depolarizing current into these cells causes movements of head and abdomen to the same side (Figs. 6, 7).
(3)  A third population of metathoracic and abdominal interneurons is also excited by pure tone pulses (Figs. 9, 11, 12). Current injected into these cells, and into a descending auditory interneuron (Fig. 8) results in spike activity, driving the head and the abdomen in opposite directions. These movements are components of the characteristic steering behavior seen in the negatively phonotactic response to pulsed ultrasound of intact tethered animals, which is thought to be involved in bat avoidance (Robert 1989).
The frequency responses of the interneurons and their output effects are discussed in the context of two basically different behaviors: a positive phonotaxis, which might be used during intraspecific communication, and an avoidance steering behavior to escape hunting bats.  相似文献   

Gliding behaviour elicited by lateral looming stimuli in flying locusts   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
We challenged tethered, flying locusts with visual stimuli looming from the side towards one eye in a way that mimics the approach of a predatory bird. Locusts respond to the lateral approach of a looming object with steering movements and a stereotyped, rapid behaviour in which the wingbeat pattern ceases and the wings are swept into a gliding posture. This gliding behaviour may cause the locust to dive. The gliding posture is maintained for 200 ms or more after which flight is resumed with an increased wingbeat frequency or else the wings are folded. A glide begins with a strong burst of activity in the mesothoracic second tergosternal motor neuron (no. 84) on both sides of the locust. Recordings of descending contralateral movement detector (DCMD) activity in a flying locust show that it responds to small (80-mm diameter) looming stimuli during tethered flight, with a prolonged burst of spikes that tracks stimulus approach and reaches peak instantaneous frequencies as, or after, stimulus motion ceases. There is a close match between the visual stimuli that elicit a gliding behaviour and those that are effective at exciting the DCMD neuron. Wing elevation into the gliding posture occurs during a maintained burst of high frequency DCMD spikes.  相似文献   

Based on previous studies of odor-modulated flight where track parameter data was lumped and averaged, the speed and orientation of the moths' movement along their flight tracks have been said to be controlled to maintain certain “preferred” values. The results from our fine-scaled analysis of this behavior show that none of the track parameters typically measured are held constant. The moths' speed along the flight track is modulated substantially and predictably: fastest along the straight legs and slowest around the turns. In addition, about half of the individuals studied progressively reduced the peak speed along the straight legs as they approached the pheromone source. While most of the track legs between the turns were directed upwind, their orientations were widely distributed, indicating no preferred direction. Small fluctuations of orientation along some straight legs suggest corrective maneuvers to stabilize flight direction about an internal set point. The visual inputs hypothesized to control steering and speed, transverse and longitudinal image flow, changed continuously during upwind flight in pheromone, but no regular relationship between them was observed. We found that the orientation of the longitudinal body axis and the direction of thrust (course angle) were only rarely coincident during upwind flight to the odor source, suggesting that moths receive sensory input which differs quantitatively from that calculated by conventional methods. Our results strongly suggest that the long-accepted hypothetical mechanisms of control for this behavior do not operate in the manner in which they have been proposed. Accepted: 11 July 1997  相似文献   

Maturation of the flight system of Locusta migratoria occurs during the first two weeks following imaginal ecdysis. One aspect of maturation is an increase in the wingbeat frequency from about 13 Hz to about 23 Hz. We investigated physiological and anatomical mechanisms that may contribute to this process. The difference between the frequencies of the central flight rhythms of immature and mature deafferented preparations was not as great as that between the wingbeat frequencies of immature and mature intact animals. Results from static and dynamic wing elevation showed that the intensity of the forewing stretch receptor response to a given stimulus increased during maturation. The diameter of the main stretch receptor axon was larger and the conduction velocity of signals conveyed along the forewing stretch receptor and the dorsal longitudinal motoneuron was faster in mature than in immature animals. We conclude that during maturation of the flight system the forewing stretch receptor responds to wing elevation with a higher frequency signal that reaches the central circuitry faster. These findings are discussed in the context of a model that describes the influence of stretch receptor input on wingbeat frequency along with other potential mechanisms involved in flight maturation.Abbreviations fDLMn forewing dorsal longitudinal motoneuron - fSR forewing stretch receptor - SR stretch receptor  相似文献   

Flight muscle breakdown has been reported for many orders of insects, but the basis of this breakdown in insects with lifelong dependence on flight is less clear. Lepidopterans show such muscle changes across their lifespans, yet how this change affects the ability of these insects to complete their life cycles is not well documented. We investigated the changes in muscle function and ultrastructure of unfed aging adult hawk moths (Manduca sexta). Flight duration was examined in young, middle-aged, and advanced-aged unfed moths. After measurement of flight duration, the main flight muscle (dorsolongitudinal muscle) was collected and histologically prepared for transmission electron microscopy to compare several measurements of muscle ultrastructure among moths of different ages. Muscle function assays revealed significant positive correlations between muscle ultrastructure and flight distance that were greatest in middle-aged moths and least in young moths. In addition, changes in flight muscle ultrastructure were detected across treatment groups. The number of mitochondria in muscle cells peaked in middle-aged moths. Many wild M. sexta do not feed as adults; thus, understanding the changes in flight capacity and muscle ultrastructure in unfed moths provides a more complete understanding of the ecophysiology and resource allocation strategies of this species.  相似文献   

1.  Locusts (Locusta migratoria) flying under open-loop conditions respond to simulated course deviations (movements of an artificial horizon around the roll axis) with compensatory head movements and with steering reactions of wing muscles (Figs. 3, 4). Steering was quantified as shifts of the relative latency between spikes in the left and right M97 (first basalar muscle). For practical reasons these shifts are a more useful measure than corrective torque itself, to which they are linearly proportional over much of the range (Fig. 2).
2.  Steering in M97 is elicited visually (horizon movement) and by proprioceptive input reporting head movements (neck reflexes). Compensatory head movements reduce the strength of steering because the reduction in visual information signalling deviations is only partially balanced by proprioceptive input from the neck (Fig. 4C).
3.  Under closed-loop conditions, flying locusts stabilize the position of an artificial horizon against a constant bias (Figs. 5–7), the horizon oscillating slightly along the normal orientation. Head movements do not follow the horizon movements as closely as under open-loop conditions, but on average head movements are compensatory, i.e. the mean mismatch between head and horizon is less than the mean mismatch between body and horizon.
4.  The horizon position is stabilized when the head is free to move, but also when the head is immobilized. In the latter case the oscillations along the straight flight path are more pronounced (Fig. 7), indicating that the reduction of steering by compensatory head movements (as seen under open-loop conditions, Fig. 4C) reduces overshoot.
5.  The control and the significance of (compensatory) head movements for course control are discussed.

Locusts respond to the images of approaching (looming) objects with responses that include gliding while in flight and jumping while standing. For both of these responses there is good evidence that the DCMD neuron (descending contralateral movement detector), which carries spike trains from the brain to the thoracic ganglia, is involved. Sudden glides during flight, which cause a rapid loss of height, are last-chance manoeuvres without prior preparation. Jumps from standing require preparation over several tens of milliseconds because of the need to store muscle-derived energy in a catapult-like mechanism. Locusts’ DCMD neurons respond selectively to looming stimuli, and make connections with some motor neurons and interneurons known to be involved in flying and jumping. For glides, a burst of high-frequency DCMD spikes is a key trigger. For jumping, a similar burst can influence timing, but neither the DCMD nor any other single interneuron has been shown to be essential for triggering any stage in preparation or take-off. Responses by the DCMD to looming stimuli can alter in different behavioural contexts: in a flying locust, arousal ensures a high level of both DCMD responsiveness and glide occurrence; and there are significant differences in DCMD activity between locusts in the gregarious and the solitarious phase.  相似文献   

Resting insects are extremely tolerant of hypoxia. However, oxygen requirements increase dramatically during flight. Does the critical atmospheric P (O)(2) (P(c)) increase strongly during flight, or does increased tracheal conductance allow even flying insects to possess large safety margins for oxygen delivery? We tested the effect of P(O)(2) on resting and flying CO(2) emission, as well as on flight behavior and vertical force production in flying locusts, Schistocerca americana. The P(c) for CO(2) emission of resting animals was less than 1 kPa, similar to prior studies. The P(c) for flight bout duration was between 10 and 21 kPa, the P(c) for vertical force production was between 3 and 5 kPa, and the P(c) for CO(2) emission was between 10 and 21 kPa. Our study suggests that the P(c) for steady-state oxygen consumption is between 10 and 21 kPa (much higher than for resting animals), and that tracheal oxygen stores allowed brief flights in 5 and 10 kPa P(O)(2) atmospheres to occur. Thus, P(c) values strongly increased during flight, consistent with the hypothesis that the excess oxygen delivery capacity observed in resting insects is substantially reduced during flight.  相似文献   

The sense of smell plays an important role in guiding the behaviour of many animals including insects. The attractiveness of a volatile is not only dependent on the nature of the chemical, but might change with the physiological status (e.g., age/hormone or mating status) or environmental conditions (e.g., photoperiod or temperature) of the individual. Here we summarize our studies focused on the plasticity of olfactory-guided behaviour and its neurobiological basis linked with the physiological status in Lepidoptera and migratory locusts. In moths and locusts, age and juvenile hormone changed the behavioural responses to pheromones. In moths, mating had an effect on pheromone responses in males and plant odour responses in females. In all cases of behavioural plasticity studied, we found changes in the sensitivity of olfactory interneurons in the antennal lobe, whereas the peripheral system does not seem to show any plasticity in that context. Changes in the central nervous system were slow under the influence of juvenile hormone (days) or fast after mating (minutes). The olfactory system seems thus to adapt to the physiological or environmental situation of an animal to avoid a waste of energy. We discuss possible mechanisms underlying the observed plasticity.  相似文献   

Summary In Locusta migratoria, the major pathway from descending deviation detectors (DDNs; preceding paper, Hensler 1992) to wing motoneurons involves a population of thoracic interneurons (TINs). Nine TINs are characterized which receive input from cervical proprioreceptors. Responses to the combination of exteroreceptive input (signalling course deviation) and proprioreceptive input (monitoring movement and position of the head) are described and compared to those of DDNs to the same stimuli.Abbreviations AP action potential - DDN descending deviation detector neuron - TCG tritocerebral giant neuron - TIN thoracic interneuron  相似文献   

Summary Descending deviation detector neurons (DDNs) of Locusta migratoria are characterized physiologically by their responses to light on/off stimuli, simulated course deviation (rotation of an artificial horizon), passive rotation of the head, frontal wind, and flight activity. The investigation emphasises on the co-processing of exteroceptive input signalling course deviation (mainly movement of the retinal image, but also wind), and proprioceptive input signalling head movement and position. Stimuli were presented in combinations as expected during natural behavior. Eight DDNs are described for the first time, and 3 previously described DDNs are characterized further. Responses to horizon rotation and imposed head movements are assigned to one of 4 response types: (1) the horizon-only type codes retinal slip and/or the position of the horizon in the visual field but ignores cervical proprioception; (2) the head-only type ignores visually simulated course deviation but codes for movement or position of the head; (3) in the compensating type, head rolling causes visual input and cervical proprioceptive input of opposite signs, so that head movements themselves are ignored, whereas course deviations are recognized; (4) in the amplifying type, head rolling causes visual input and cervical proprioceptive input of the same sign, i.e. one input amplifies the other. This classification does not take the various responses to wind into account. In several DDNs, responses to phasic and tonic stimuli of the same modality, and/or responses to deviations about different axes could be assigned to different response types. Activity in DDNs has been shown previously to result in steering responses of wings, legs, abdomen and/or the head. It is proposed that different kinds of flight steering (e.g. corrective course control, intentional steering, orientation towards or away from a target) may be controlled by selective enhancement or suppression of responses or motor effects of DDN-subpopulations.Abbreviations AP action potential - DDN descending deviation detector neuron - DNI, DNC, DNM descending deviation detector neurons receiving major input from the ipsilateral, contralateral, and median ocellus respectively - PDDSMD protocerebral, descending direction-selective motion-detecting neuron - PI(2)5 descending deviation detector neuron with the cell body in the pars intercerebralis medialis - TCG tritocerebral commissure giant neuron  相似文献   

During tethered flight in Drosophila melanogaster, spike activity of the second basalar flight-control muscle (M.b2) is correlated with an increase in both the ipsilateral wing beat amplitude and the ipsilateral flight force. The frequency of muscle spikes within a burst is about 100 Hz, or 1 spike for every two wing beat cycles. When M.b2 is active, its spikes tend to occur within a comparatively narrow phase band of the wing beat cycle. To understand the functional role of this phase-lock of firing in the control of flight forces, we stimulated M.b2 in selected phases of the wing beat cycle and recorded the effect on the ipsilateral wing beat amplitude. Varying the phase timing of the stimulus had a significant effect on the wing beat amplitude. A maximum increase of wing beat amplitude was obtained by stimulating M.b2 at the beginning of the upstroke or about 1 ms prior to the narrow phase band in which the muscle spikes typically occur during flight. Assuming a delay of 1 ms between the stimulation of the motor nerve and muscle activation, these results indicate that M.b2 is activated at an instant of the stroke cycle that produces the greatest effect on wing beat amplitude.  相似文献   

The contribution of head movement to the control of roll responses in flying locusts (Locusta migratoria) has been examined (i) on a flight balance, recording the angles through which the locust turns when following an artificial horizon; (ii) by recording activity in a pair of flight muscles in restrained conditions; and (iii) by observations on free flying locusts. Responses were compared when the head was free to turn about the thorax, as normal, and when the head was waxed to the thorax, blocking any relative motion between the two (head-fixed). These experiments suggest that the major signal generating corrective roll manoeuvres is the visual error between the angle of the head and the horizon, rather than a signal that includes a measure of the head-thorax angle.
1.  On the flight balance in the head-free condition the roll angle of the thorax was consistently less than in the head-fixed state, and followed the stimulus with longer response lags. Furthermore, the difference between the angle of the thorax assumed during head-free and head-fixed rolls was close to the angle of the head relative to the thorax during head-free responses.
2.  Records of activity of the forewing first basalar muscles (M97) were made during rotation of the horizon about immobilized animals. When the head could follow the horizon, the relative latency between activity in the left and right basalar muscles decreased as the head position turned to approach the displaced horizon. When head-fixed, the relative latency was directly proportional to horizon angle.
3.  The relative latency between left and right M97 flight muscles correlates better with the visual error signal than with the horizon position signal, lagging by approximately 40 ms.
4.  In the open air, head-fixed locusts appear able to fly as well as head-free locusts.
These data suggest that the reduction in visual inputs caused by compensatory motion of the head during roll manoeuvres is not functionally replaced by inputs from cervical proprioceptors. Some reasons why the locust may nevertheless allow head movement relative to the thorax during flight are discussed.  相似文献   

Coordinated group motion has been studied extensively both in real systems (flocks, swarms and schools) and in simulations (self-propelled particle (SPP) models using attraction and repulsion rules). Rarely are attraction and repulsion rules manipulated, and the resulting emergent behaviours of real and simulation systems are compared. We compare swarms of sensory-deprived whirligig beetles with matching simulation models. Whirligigs live at the water''s surface and coordinate their grouping using their eyes and antennae. We filmed groups of beetles in which antennae or eyes had been unilaterally obstructed and measured individual and group behaviours. We then developed and compared eight SPP simulation models. Eye-less beetles formed larger diameter resting groups than antenna-less or control groups. Antenna-less groups collided more often with each other during evasive group movements than did eye-less or control groups. Simulations of antenna-less individuals produced no difference from a control (or a slight decrease) in group diameter. Simulations of eye-less individuals produced an increase in group diameter. Our study is important in (i) differentiating between group attraction and repulsion rules, (ii) directly comparing emergent properties of real and simulated groups, and (iii) exploring a new sensory modality (surface wave detection) to coordinate group movement.  相似文献   

Summary Air speeds and wing kinematics were determined for the Neotropical moth Urania fulgens in natural migratory flight over Lake Gatun, Republic of Panama. Morphological parameters are presented for the same insects filmed in free flight. A quasi-steady aerodynamic analysis was used to show that unsteady mechanisms of lift generation are probably not necessary to produce the forces necessary for fast forward flight. Mechanical power requirements of forward flight were estimated from the biomechanical and morphological data. Over an airspeed range of 1.5 to 4.5 m/s, the mechanical power required to fly is predicted to increase dramatically with forward speed. A comparison of estimated metabolic rates with endogenous lipid reserves suggests that U. fulgens feeds extensively on flower nectar during migration from Central into South America.  相似文献   

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