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The HIV-1 p17 matrix protein is a multifunctional protein that interacts with other molecules including proteins and membranes. The dynamic structure between its folded and partially unfolded states can be critical for the recognition of interacting molecules. One of the most important roles of the p17 matrix protein is its localization to the plasma membrane with the Gag polyprotein. The myristyl group attached to the N-terminus on the p17 matrix protein functions as an anchor for binding to the plasma membrane. Biochemical studies revealed that two regions are important for its function: D14–L31 and V84–V88. Here, the dynamic structures of the p17 matrix protein were studied using NMR for relaxation and amide proton exchange experiments at the physiological pH of 7.0. The results revealed that the α12-loop, which includes the 14–31 region, was relatively flexible, and that helix 4, including the 84–88 region, was the most protected helix in this protein. However, the residues in the α34-loop near helix 4 had a low order parameter and high exchange rate of amide protons, indicating high flexibility. This region is probably flexible because this loop functions as a hinge for optimizing the interactions between helices 3 and 4. The C-terminal long region of K113-Y132 adopted a disordered structure. Furthermore, the C-terminal helix 5 appeared to be slightly destabilized due to the flexible C-terminal tail based on the order parameters. Thus, the dynamic structure of the p17 matrix protein may be related to its multiple functions.  相似文献   

The protein CA forms the mature capsid of human immunodeficiency virus. Hexamerization of the N-terminal domain and dimerization of the C-terminal domain, CAC, occur during capsid assembly, and both domains constitute potential targets for anti-HIV inhibitors. CAC homodimerization occurs mainly through its second helix, and is abolished when its sole tryptophan is mutated to alanine. Previous thermodynamic data obtained with the dimeric and monomeric forms of CAC indicate that the structure of the mutant resembles that of a monomeric intermediate found in the folding and association reactions of CAC. We have solved the three-dimensional structure in aqueous solution of the monomeric mutant. The structure is similar to that of the subunits in the dimeric, nonmutated CAC, except the segment corresponding to the second helix, which is highly dynamic. At the end of this region, the polypeptide chain is bent to bury several hydrophobic residues and, as a consequence, the last two helices are rotated 90 degrees when compared to their position in dimeric CAC. The previously obtained thermodynamic data are consistent with the determined structure of the monomeric mutant. This extraordinary ability of CAC to change its structure may contribute to the different modes of association of CA during HIV assembly, and should be taken into account in the design of new drugs against this virus.  相似文献   

A single multi-domain viral protein, termed Gag, is sufficient for assembly of retrovirus-like particles in mammalian cells. We have purified the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Gag protein (lacking myristate at its N terminus and the p6 domain at its C terminus) from bacteria. This protein is capable of assembly into virus-like particles in a defined in vitro system. We have reported that it is in monomer-dimer equilibrium in solution, and have described a mutant Gag protein that remains monomeric at high concentrations in solution. We report that the mutant protein retains several properties of wild-type Gag. This mutant enabled us to analyze solutions of monomeric protein. Hydrodynamic studies on the mutant protein showed that it is highly asymmetric, with a frictional ratio of 1.66. Small-angle neutron scattering (SANS) experiments confirmed its asymmetry and yielded an R(g) value of 34 A. Atomic-level structures of individual domains within Gag have previously been determined, but these domains are connected in Gag by flexible linkers. We constructed a series of models of the mutant Gag protein based on these domain structures, and tested each model computationally for its agreement with the experimental hydrodynamic and SANS data. The only models consistent with the data were those in which Gag was folded over, with its N-terminal matrix domain near its C-terminal nucleocapsid domain in three-dimensional space. Since Gag is a rod-shaped molecule in the assembled immature virion, these findings imply that Gag undergoes a major conformational change upon virus assembly.  相似文献   

A complete understanding of the thermodynamic determinants of binding between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides is crucial to the development of rational strategies for designing ligands for these important domains. Recently we engineered a single-chain chimeric protein by fusing the α-spectrin Src homology region 3 (SH3) domain to the decapeptide APSYSPPPPP (p41). This chimera mimics the structural and energetic features of the interaction between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides. Here we show that analysing the unfolding thermodynamics of single-point mutants of this chimeric fusion protein constitutes a very useful approach to deciphering the thermodynamics of SH3-ligand interactions. To this end, we investigated the contribution of each proline residue of the ligand sequence to the SH3-peptide interaction by producing six single Pro-Ala mutants of the chimeric protein and analysing their unfolding thermodynamics by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Structural analyses of the mutant chimeras by circular dichroism, fluorescence and NMR together with NMR-relaxation measurements indicate conformational flexibility at the binding interface, which is strongly affected by the different Pro-Ala mutations. An analysis of the DSC thermograms on the basis of a three-state unfolding model has allowed us to distinguish and separate the thermodynamic magnitudes of the interaction at the binding interface. The model assumes equilibrium between the “unbound” and “bound” states at the SH3-peptide binding interface. The resulting thermodynamic magnitudes classify the different proline residues according to their importance in the interaction as P2∼P7∼P10 > P9∼P6 > P8, which agrees well with Lim's model for the interaction between SH3 domains and proline-rich peptides. In addition, the thermodynamic signature of the interaction is the same as that usually found for this type of binding, with a strong enthalpy-entropy compensation for all the mutants. This compensation appears to derive from an increase in conformational flexibility concomitant to the weakening of the interactions at the binding interface. We conclude that our approach, based on DSC and site-directed mutagenesis analysis of chimeric fusion proteins, may serve as a suitable tool to analyse the energetics of weak biomolecular interactions such as those involving SH3 domains.  相似文献   

The smoothelin-like 1 protein (SMTNL1) is a modulator of smooth and skeletal muscle contractility and can bind to calmodulin and tropomyosin. Calmodulin is the major calcium sensor of eukaryotic cells and it can cycle between calcium-free (apo-CaM) and calcium-bound (Ca-CaM) forms. Bioinformatic screening of the SMTNL1 sequence predicted a second CaM-binding region (CBD1) that is located N-terminal to the previously defined apo-CaM-binding site (CBD2). Pull-down assays, surface plasmon resonance, isothermal calorimetry and NMR techniques were used to determine that CBD1 associated preferentially to Ca-CaM while CBD2 bound preferentially to apo-CaM. Mutation of hydrophobic residues abolished Ca-CaM-binding to CBD1 while acidic residues in CBD2 were necessary for apo-CaM-binding to CBD2. The dissociation constant (Kd) for Ca-CaM-binding to a CBD1 peptide was 26 ∗ 10− 6M while the value for binding to a longer protein construct was 0.5 ∗ 10− 6 M. The binding of SMTNL1 to both apo-CaM and Ca-CaM suggests that endogenous CaM is continuously associated with SMTNL1 to allow for quick response to changes in intracellular calcium levels. We also found that the intrinsically disordered N-terminus of SMTNL1 can reduce binding to apo-CaM and increase binding to Ca-CaM. This finding suggests that an additional CaM-binding region may exist and/or that intramolecular interactions between the N-terminus and the folded C-terminus reduce apo-CaM-binding to CBD2. Intriguingly, CBD1 is located close to the SMTNL1 phosphorylation site and tropomyosin-binding region. We discuss the possibility that all three signals are integrated at the region surrounding CBD1.  相似文献   

The pseudo-fourfold homotetrameric synapse formed by Cre protein and target DNA restricts site-specific recombination to sequences containing dyad-symmetric Cre-binding repeats. Mixtures of engineered altered-specificity Cre monomers can form heterotetramers that recombine nonidentical asymmetric sequences, allowing greater flexibility for target site selection in the genome of interest. However, the variety of tetramers allowed by random subunit association increases the chances of unintended reactivity at nontarget sites. This problem can be circumvented by specifying a unique spatial arrangement of heterotetramer subunits. By reconfiguring intersubunit protein-protein contacts, we directed the assembly of two different Cre monomers, each having a distinct DNA sequence specificity, in an alternating (ABAB) configuration. This designed heterotetramer preferentially recombined a particular pair of asymmetric Lox sites over other pairs, whereas a mixture of freely associating subunits showed little bias. Alone, the engineered monomers had reduced reactivity towards both dyad-symmetric and asymmetric sites. Specificity arose because the organization of Cre-binding repeats of the preferred substrate matched the programmed arrangement of the subunits in the heterotetrameric synapse. When this “spatial matching” principle is applied, Cre-mediated recombination can be directed to asymmetric DNA sequences with greater fidelity.  相似文献   

The influence of the histidine axial ligand to the PD1 chlorophyll of photosystem II on the redox potential and spectroscopic properties of the primary electron donor, P680, was investigated in mutant oxygen-evolving photosystem II (PSII) complexes purified from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. To achieve this aim, a mutagenesis system was developed in which the psbA1 and psbA2 genes encoding D1 were deleted from a His-tagged CP43 strain (to generate strain WT?) and mutations D1-H198A and D1-H198Q were introduced into the remaining psbA3 gene. The O2-evolving activity of His-tagged PSII isolated from WT? was found to be significantly higher than that measured from His-tagged PSII isolated from WT in which psbA1 is expected to be the dominantly expressed form. PSII purified from both the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutants exhibited oxygen-evolving activity as high as that from WT?. Surprisingly, a variety of kinetic and spectroscopic measurements revealed that the D1-H198A and D1-H198Q mutations had little effect on the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680, in contrast to the earlier results from the analysis of the equivalent mutants constructed in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 [B.A. Diner, E. Schlodder, P.J. Nixon, W.J. Coleman, F. Rappaport, J. Lavergne, W.F. Vermaas, D.A. Chisholm, Site-directed mutations at D1-His198 and D2-His197 of photosystem II in Synechocystis PCC 6803: sites of primary charge separation and cation and triplet stabilization, Biochemistry 40 (2001) 9265-9281]. We conclude that the nature of the axial ligand to PD1 is not an important determinant of the redox and spectroscopic properties of P680 in T. elongatus.  相似文献   

The epithelial and endothelial barriers of the human body are major obstacles for drug delivery to the systemic circulation and to organs with unique environment and homeostasis, like the central nervous system. Several transport routes exist in these barriers, which potentially can be exploited for enhancing drug permeability. Beside the transcellular pathways via transporters, adsorptive and receptor-mediated transcytosis, the paracellular flux for cells and molecules is very limited. While lipophilic molecules can diffuse across the cellular plasma membranes, the junctional complexes restrict or completely block the free passage of hydrophilic molecules through the paracellular clefts. Absorption or permeability enhancers developed in the last 40 years for modifying intercellular junctions and paracellular permeability have unspecific mode of action and the effective and toxic doses are very close. Recent advances in barrier research led to the discovery of an increasing number of integral membrane, adaptor, regulator and signalling proteins in tight and adherens junctions. New tight junction modulators are under development, which can directly target tight or adherens junction proteins, the signalling pathways regulating junctional function, or tight junction associated lipid raft microdomains. Modulators acting directly on tight junctions include peptides derived from zonula occludens toxin, or Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin, peptides selected by phage display that bind to integral membrane tight junction proteins, and lipid modulators. They can reversibly increase paracellular transport and drug delivery with less toxicity than previous absorption enhancers, and have a potential to be used as pharmaceutical excipients to improve drug delivery across epithelial barriers and the blood-brain barrier.  相似文献   

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