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Understanding general selectivity trends across the kinome has implications ranging from target selection, compound prioritization, toxicity and patient tailoring. Several recent publications have described the characterization of kinase inhibitors via large assay panels, offering a range of generalizations that influenced kinase inhibitor research trends. Since a subset of profiled inhibitors overlap across reports, we evaluated the concordance of activity results for the same compound–kinase pairs across four data sources generated from different kinase biochemical assay technologies. Overall, 77% of all results are within 3 fold or qualitatively in agreement across sources. However, the agreement for active compounds is only 37%, indicating that different profiling panels are in better agreement to determine a compound's lack of activity rather than degree of activity. Low concordance is also found when comparing the promiscuity of kinase targets evaluated from different sources, and the pharmacological similarity of kinases. In contrast, the overall promiscuity of kinase inhibitors was consistent across sources. We highlight the difficulty of drawing general conclusions from such data by showing that no significant selectivity difference distinguishes type I vs. type II inhibitors, and limited kinase space similarity that is consistent across different sources. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Inhibitors of Protein Kinases (2012).  相似文献   

The arylamine N-acetyltransferases (NAT; EC are xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XME) that catalyze the transfer of an acetyl group from acetylCoA (Ac-CoA) to arylamine, hydrazines and their N-hydroxylated metabolites. Eukaryotes may have up to three NAT isoforms, but Mesorhizobium loti is the only prokaryote with two functional NAT isoforms (MLNAT1 and MLNAT2). The three-dimensional structure of MLNAT1 has been determined (Holton, S.J., Dairou, J., Sandy, J., Rodrigues-Lima, F., Dupret, J.M., Noble, M.E.M. and Sim, E. (2005) Structure of Mesorhizobium loti arylamine N-acetyltransferase 1. Acta Cryst, F61, 14-16). No MLNAT2 crystals have yet been produced, despite the production of sufficient quantities of pure protein. Using purified recombinant MLNAT1 and MLNAT2, we showed here that MLNAT1 was intrinsically more stable than MLNAT2. To test whether different structural features could explain these differences in intrinsic stability, we constructed a high-quality homology model for MLNAT2 based on far UV-CD data. Despite low levels of sequence identity with other prokaryotic NAT enzymes ( approximately 28% identity), this model suggests that MLNAT2 adopts the characteristic three-domain NAT fold. More importantly, molecular dynamics simulations on the structures of MLNAT1 and MLNAT2 suggested that MLNAT2 was less stable than MLNAT1 due to differences in amino-acid sequence/structure features in the alpha/beta lid domain.  相似文献   

Mutations in the polymerase basic 2 (PB2) gene of avian influenza viruses are important signatures for their adaptation to mammalian hosts. Various adaptive mutations have been identified around the 627 and nuclear localization sequence (NLS) domains of PB2 protein, and these mutations contribute to the replicative ability of avian influenza viruses. However, few studies have focused on adaptive mutations in other regions of PB2. In this study, we investigated the functional roles of the D253N mutation in PB2 in an H9N2 virus. This mutation was found to affect an amino acid residue in the middle domain of the PB2 protein. The virus with the D253N mutation showed higher polymerase activity and transiently increased viral replication in human cells. However, the mutant did not show significant differences in viral replication in the respiratory tract of mice upon infection. Our results supported that the D253N mutation in the middle domain of PB2, similar to mutations at the 627 and NLS domains, specifically contributed to the replication of avian influenza viruses in human cells.  相似文献   

Bovine pancreatic ribonuclease (RNase A) forms two three-dimensional (3D) domain swapped dimers. Crystallographic investigations have revealed that these dimers display completely different quaternary structures: one dimer (N-dimer), which presents the swapping of the N-terminal helix, is characterized by a compact structure, whereas the other (C-dimer), which is stabilized by the exchange of the C-terminal end, shows a rather loose assembly of the two subunits. The dynamic properties of monomeric RNase A and of the N-dimer have been extensively characterized. Here, we report a molecular dynamics investigation carried out on the C-dimer. This computational experiment indicates that the quaternary structure of the C-dimer undergoes large fluctuations. These motions do not perturb the proper folding of the two subunits, which retain the dynamic properties of RNase A and the N-dimer. Indeed, the individual subunits of the C-dimer display the breathing motion of the beta-sheet structure, which is important for the enzymatic activity of pancreatic-like ribonucleases. In contrast to what has been observed for the N-dimer, the breathing motion of the two subunits of the C-dimer is not coupled. This finding suggests that the intersubunit communications in a 3D domain swapped dimer strongly rely on the extent of the interchain interface. Furthermore, the observation that the C-dimer is endowed with a high intrinsic flexibility holds interesting implications for the specific properties of 3D domain swapped dimers. Indeed, a survey of the quaternary structures of the other 3D domain swapped dimers shows that large variations are often observed when the structural determinations are conducted in different experimental conditions. The 3D domain swapping phenomenon coupled with the high flexibility of the quaternary structure may be relevant for protein-protein recognition, and in particular for the pathological aggregations.  相似文献   

Multi-segmental foot kinematics have been analyzed by means of optical marker-sets or by means of inertial sensors, but never by markerless dynamic 3D scanning (D3DScanning). The use of D3DScans implies a radically different approach for the construction of the multi-segment foot model: the foot anatomy is identified via the surface shape instead of distinct landmark points. We propose a 4-segment foot model consisting of the shank (Sha), calcaneus (Cal), metatarsus (Met) and hallux (Hal). These segments are manually selected on a static scan. To track the segments in the dynamic scan, the segments of the static scan are matched on each frame of the dynamic scan using the iterative closest point (ICP) fitting algorithm. Joint rotations are calculated between Sha–Cal, Cal–Met, and Met–Hal. Due to the lower quality scans at heel strike and toe off, the first and last 10% of the stance phase is excluded. The application of the method to 5 healthy subjects, 6 trials each, shows a good repeatability (intra-subject standard deviations between 1° and 2.5°) for Sha–Cal and Cal–Met joints, and inferior results for the Met–Hal joint (>3°). The repeatability seems to be subject-dependent. For the validation, a qualitative comparison with joint kinematics from a corresponding established marker-based multi-segment foot model is made. This shows very consistent patterns of rotation. The ease of subject preparation and also the effective and easy to interpret visual output, make the present technique very attractive for functional analysis of the foot, enhancing usability in clinical practice.  相似文献   

In the bacterium Escherichia coli, the essential inner membrane protein (IMP) YidC assists in the biogenesis of IMPs and IMP complexes. Our current ideas about the function of YidC are based on targeted approaches using only a handful of model IMPs. Proteome-wide approaches are required to further our understanding of the significance of YidC and to find new YidC substrates. Here, using two-dimensional blue native/SDS-PAGE methodology that is suitable for comparative analysis, we have characterized the consequences of YidC depletion for the steady-state levels and oligomeric state of the constituents of the inner membrane proteome. Our analysis showed that (i) YidC depletion reduces the levels of a variety of complexes without changing their composition, (ii) the levels of IMPs containing only soluble domains smaller than 100 amino acids are likely to be reduced upon YidC depletion, whereas the levels of IMPs with at least one soluble domain larger than 100 amino acids do not, and (iii) the levels of a number of proteins with established or putative chaperone activity (HflC, HflK, PpiD, OppA, GroEL and DnaK) are strongly increased in the inner membrane fraction upon YidC depletion. In the absence of YidC, these proteins may assist the folding of sizeable soluble domains of IMPs, thereby supporting their folding and oligomeric assembly. In conclusion, our analysis identifies many new IMPs/IMP complexes that depend on YidC for their biogenesis, responses that accompany depletion of YidC and an IMP characteristic that is associated with YidC dependence.  相似文献   

Three homology models of the human ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1a) have been generated from the available X-ray structures of rhodopsin (RHO model), opsin (OPS model) and beta-2 adrenergic receptor (B2 model). The latter was used as a starting point for combined molecular dynamics simulation (MDS) and full atom normal modes analysis (NMA). A low-frequency normal mode (mode 16) perfectly reproduced the intracellular motions observed between B2 and RHO models; in the opposite direction along the same mode, the generated structures are closer to the OPS model, suggesting a direct link with GHS-R1a activation. This was in agreement with motions of the seven transmembranous segments, increase of the solvent accessibility of the 140-ERY-142 sequence, and flip of the Trp276 (C WLP) residue, some features related to GPCRs activation. According to our model, His280 was proposed to stabilize Trp276 in the active state; this was verified by site-directed mutagenesis and biochemical characterization of the resulting H280A and H280S mutants, which were fully functional but sharing an important decrease of their basal activities. Docking performed with short ghrelin derivatives Gly-Ser-Ser [octa]-Phe-NH 2 and Gly-Ser-Ser [octa]-Phe-Leu-NH 2 allowed the identification of a robust position of these peptides in the active site of the receptor. This model was refined by MDS and validated by docking experiments performed on a set of 55 ghrelin receptor ligands based on the 1,2,4- triazole scaffold. Finally, NMA performed on the obtained peptide-receptor complex suggested stabilization of the Trp276 residue and of the whole receptor in the active state, preventing the motion observed along mode 16 computed for the unbound receptor. Our results show that NMA offers a powerful approach to study the conformational diversity and the activation mechanism of GPCRs.  相似文献   

Homo sapiens ECT2 is a cell cycle regulator that plays critical roles in cytokinesis. ECT2 activity is restrained during interphase via intra-molecular interactions that involve its N-terminal triple-BRCT-domain and its C-terminal DH–PH domain. At anaphase, this self-inhibitory mechanism is relieved by Plk1-phosphorylated CYK-4, which directly engages the ECT2 BRCT domain. To provide a structural perspective for this auto-inhibitory property, we solved the crystal structure of the ECT2 triple-BRCT-domain. In addition, we systematically analyzed the interaction between the ECT2 BRCT domains with phospho-peptides derived from its binding partner CYK-4, and have identified Ser164 as the major phospho-residue that links CYK-4 to the second ECT2 BRCT domain.  相似文献   

About 7000 rare, or orphan, diseases affect more than 350 million people worldwide. Although these conditions collectively pose significant health care problems, drug companies seldom develop drugs for orphan diseases due to extremely limited individual markets. Consequently, developing new treatments for often life-threatening orphan diseases is primarily contingent on financial incentives from governments, special research grants, and private philanthropy. Computer-aided drug repositioning is a cheaper and faster alternative to traditional drug discovery offering a promising venue for orphan drug research. Here, we present eRepo-ORP, a comprehensive resource constructed by a large-scale repositioning of existing drugs to orphan diseases with a collection of structural bioinformatics tools, including eThread, eFindSite, and eMatchSite. Specifically, a systematic exploration of 320,856 possible links between known drugs in DrugBank and orphan proteins obtained from Orphanet reveals as many as 18,145 candidates for repurposing. In order to illustrate how potential therapeutics for rare diseases can be identified with eRepo-ORP, we discuss the repositioning of a kinase inhibitor for Ras-associated autoimmune leukoproliferative disease. The eRepo-ORP data set is available through the Open Science Framework at https://osf.io/qdjup/.  相似文献   

Peptide XT-7 (GLLGP5LLKIA10AKVGS15NLL.NH2) is a cationic, leucine-rich peptide, first isolated from skin secretions of the frog, Silurana tropicalis (Pipidae). The peptide shows potent, broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity but its therapeutic potential is limited by haemolytic activity (LC50 = 140 µM). The analogue [G4K]XT-7, however, retains potent antimicrobial activity but is non-haemolytic (LC50 > 500 µM). In order to elucidate the molecular basis for this difference in properties, the three dimensional structures of XT-7 and the analogue have been investigated by proton NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling. In aqueous solution, both peptides lack secondary structure. In a 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol (TFE-d3)-H2O mixed solvent system, XT-7 is characterised by a right handed α-helical conformation between residues Leu3 and Leu17 whereas [G4K]XT-7 adopts a more restricted α-helical conformation between residues Leu6 and Leu17. A similar conformation for XT-7 in 1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DHPC) micellular media was observed with a helical segment between Leu3 and Leu17. However, differences in side chain orientations restricting the hydrophilic residues to a smaller patch resulted in an increased hydrophobic surface relative to the conformation in TFE-H2O. Molecular modelling of the structures obtained in our study demonstrates the amphipathic character of the helical segments. It is proposed that the marked decrease in haemolytic activity produced by the substitution Gly4 → Lys in XT-7 arises from a decrease in both helicity and hydrophobicity. These studies may facilitate the development of potent but non-toxic anti-infective agents based upon the structure of XT-7.  相似文献   

The shikimate dehydrogenase (SDH) family consists of enzymes with diverse roles in secondary metabolism. The two most widespread members of the family, AroE and YdiB, function in amino acid biosynthesis and quinate catabolism, respectively. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of an SDH homolog belonging to the RifI class, a group of enzymes with proposed roles in antibiotic biosynthesis. The structure of RifI2 from Pseudomonas putida exhibits a number of distinctive features, including a substantial C-terminal truncation and an atypical mode of oligomerization. The active site of the enzyme contains substrate- and cofactor-binding motifs that are significantly different from those of any previously characterized member of the SDH family. These features are reflected in the novel kinetic properties of the enzyme. RifI2 exhibits much lower activity using shikimate as a substrate than AroE, and a strong preference for NAD+ instead of NADP+ as a cofactor. Moreover, the enzyme has only trace activity using quinate, unlike YdiB. Cocrystallization of RifI2 with NAD+ provided the opportunity to determine the mode of cofactor selectivity employed by the enzyme. We complemented this analysis by probing the role of a strictly conserved residue in the cofactor-binding domain, Asn193, by site directed mutagenesis. This study presents the first crystal structure and formal kinetic characterization of a new NAD+-dependent member of the SDH family.  相似文献   

The X-ray structure of the group 2 major allergen from Dermatophagoides farinae (Der f 2) was determined to 1.83 A resolution. The overall Der f 2 structure comprises a single domain of immunoglobulin fold with two anti-parallel beta-sheets. A large hydrophobic cavity is formed in the interior of Der f 2. Structural comparisons to distantly related proteins suggest a role in lipid binding. Immunoglobulin E (IgE) cross-reactivity between group 2 house dust mite major allergens can be explained by conserved surface areas representing IgE binding epitopes.  相似文献   

Solution structures of DNA/RNA hybrid duplexes, d(GCGCA*AA*ACGCG): r(cgcguuuugcg)d(C) (designated PP57), containing two C8-propynyl 2′-deoxyadenosines (A*) and unmodified hybrid (designated U4A4) are solved. The C8-propynyl groups on 2′-deoxyadenosine perturb the local structure of the hybrid duplex, but overall the structure is similar to that of canonical DNA/RNA hybrid duplex except that Hoogsteen hydrogen bondings between A* and U result in lower thermal stability. RNase H is known to cleave RNA only in DNA/RNA hybrid duplexes. Minor groove widths of hybrid duplexes, sugar puckerings of DNA are reported to be responsible for RNase H mediated cleavage, but structural requirements for RNase H mediated cleavage still remain elusive. Despite the presence of bulky propynyl groups of PP57 in the minor groove and greater flexibility, the PP57 is an RNase H substrate. To provide an insight on the interactions between RNase H and substrates we have modeled Bacillus halodurans RNase H-PP57 complex, our NMR structure and modeling study suggest that the residue Gly(15) and Asn(16) of the loop residues between first β sheet and second β sheet of RNase HI of Escherichia coli might participate in substrate binding.  相似文献   

We present LAFTER, an algorithm for de-noising single particle reconstructions from cryo-EM.Single particle analysis entails the reconstruction of high-resolution volumes from tens of thousands of particle images with low individual signal-to-noise. Imperfections in this process result in substantial variations in the local signal-to-noise ratio within the resulting reconstruction, complicating the interpretation of molecular structure. An effective local de-noising filter could therefore improve interpretability and maximise the amount of useful information obtained from cryo-EM maps.LAFTER is a local de-noising algorithm based on a pair of serial real-space filters. It compares independent half-set reconstructions to identify and retain shared features that have power greater than the noise. It is capable of recovering features across a wide range of signal-to-noise ratios, and we demonstrate recovery of the strongest features at Fourier shell correlation (FSC) values as low as 0.144 over a 2563-voxel cube. A fast and computationally efficient implementation of LAFTER is freely available.We also propose a new way to evaluate the effectiveness of real-space filters for noise suppression, based on the correspondence between two FSC curves: 1) the FSC between the filtered and unfiltered volumes, and 2) Cref, the FSC between the unfiltered volume and a hypothetical noiseless volume, which can readily be estimated from the FSC between two half-set reconstructions.  相似文献   

We examined patterns and putative mechanisms of sequence diversification in the merozoite surface protein-2 (MSP-2) of Plasmodium falciparum, a major dimorphic malaria vaccine candidate antigen, by analyzing 448 msp-2 alleles from all continents. We describe several nucleotide replacements, insertion and deletion events, frameshift mutations, and proliferations of repeat units that generate the extraordinary diversity found in msp-2 alleles. We discuss the role of positive selection exerted by naturally acquired type- and variant-specific immunity in maintaining the observed levels of polymorphism and suggest that this is the most likely explanation for the significant excess of nonsynonymous nucleotide replacements found in dimorphic msp-2 domains. Hybrid sequences created by meiotic recombination between alleles of different dimorphic types were observed in few (3.1%) isolates, mostly from Africa. We found no evidence for an extremely ancient origin of allelic dimorphism at the msp-2 locus, predating P. falciparum speciation, in contrast with recent findings for other surface malarial antigens.  相似文献   

Grb7 is a member of the Grb7 family of proteins, which also includes Grb10 and Grb14. All three proteins have been found to be overexpressed in certain cancers and cancer cell lines. In particular, Grb7 (along with the receptor tyrosine kinase erbB2) is overexpressed in 20%–30% of breast cancers. Grb7 binds to erbB2 and may be involved in cell signaling pathways that promote the formation of metastases and inflammatory responses. In a prior study, we reported the solution structure of the Grb7-SH2/erbB2 peptide complex. In this study, T1, T2, and steady-state NOE measurements were performed on the Grb7-SH2 domain, and the backbone relaxation behavior of the domain is discussed with respect to the potential function of an insert region present in all three members of this protein family. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) studies were completed measuring the thermodynamic parameters of the binding of a 10-residue phosphorylated peptide representative of erbB2 to the SH2 domain. These measurements are compared to calorimetric studies performed on other SH2 domain/phosphorylated peptide complexes available in the literature.  相似文献   

The B-box type 2 domain is a prominent feature of a large and growing family of RING, B-box, coiled-coil (RBCC) domain-containing proteins and is also present in more than 1500 additional proteins. Most proteins usually contain a single B-box2 domain, although some proteins contain tandem domains consisting of both type 1 and type 2 B-boxes, which actually share little sequence similarity. Recently, we determined the solution structure of B-box1 from MID1, a putative E3 ubiquitin ligase that is mutated in X-linked Opitz G/BBB syndrome, and showed that it adopted a betabetaalpha RING-like fold. Here, we report the tertiary structure of the B-box2 (CHC(D/C)C(2)H(2)) domain from MID1 using multidimensional NMR spectroscopy. This MID1 B-box2 domain consists of a short alpha-helix and a structured loop with two short anti-parallel beta-strands and adopts a tertiary structure similar to the B-box1 and RING structures, even though there is minimal primary sequence similarity between these domains. By mutagenesis, ESI-FTICR and ICP mass spectrometry, we show that the B-box2 domain coordinates two zinc atoms with a 'cross-brace' pattern: one by Cys175, His178, Cys195 and Cys198 and the other by Cys187, Asp190, His204, and His207. Interestingly, this is the first case that an aspartic acid is involved in zinc atom coordination in a zinc-finger domain, although aspartic acid has been shown to coordinate non-catalytic zinc in matrix metalloproteinases. In addition, the finding of a Cys195Phe substitution identified in a patient with X-linked Opitz GBBB syndrome supports the importance of proper zinc coordination for the function of the MID1 B-box2 domain. Notably, however, our structure differs from the only other published B-box2 structure, that from XNF7, which was shown to coordinate one zinc atom. Finally, the similarity in tertiary structures of the B-box2, B-box1 and RING domains suggests these domains have evolved from a common ancestor.  相似文献   

In two-component regulatory systems, covalent phosphorylation typically activates the response regulator signaling protein, and hydrolysis of the phosphoryl group reestablishes the inactive state. Despite highly conserved three-dimensional structures and active-site features, the rates of catalytic autodephosphorylation for different response regulators vary by a factor of almost 106. Previous studies identified two variable active-site residues, corresponding to Escherichia coli CheY residues 59 and 89, that modulate response regulator autodephosphorylation rates about 100-fold. Here, a set of five CheY mutants, which match other “model” response regulators (ArcA, CusR, DctD, FixJ, PhoB, or Spo0F) at variable active-site positions corresponding to CheY residues 14, 59, and 89, were characterized functionally and structurally in an attempt to identify mechanisms that modulate autodephosphorylation rate. As expected, the autodephosphorylation rates of the CheY mutants were reduced 6- to 40-fold relative to wild-type CheY, but all still autodephosphorylated 12- to 80-fold faster than their respective model response regulators. Comparison of X-ray crystal structures of the five CheY mutants (complexed with the phosphoryl group analogue BeF3) to wild-type CheY or corresponding model response regulator structures gave strong evidence for steric obstruction of the phosphoryl group from the attacking water molecule as one mechanism to enhance phosphoryl group stability. Structural data also suggested that impeding the change of a response regulator from the active to the inactive conformation might retard the autodephosphorylation reaction if the two processes are coupled, and that the residue at position ‘58’ may contribute to rate modulation. A given combination of amino acids at positions ‘14’, ‘59’, and ‘89’ adopted similar conformations regardless of protein context (CheY or model response regulator), suggesting that knowledge of residue identity may be sufficient to predict autodephosphorylation rate, and hence the kinetics of the signaling response, in the response regulator family of proteins.  相似文献   

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