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Carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity was detected in homogenatesfrom Anabaena variabilis ATCC 29413, M-2 and M-3, but not inthe suspension of the intact cells. Activity was higher in cellsgrown in ordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown inair enriched with 2–4% CO2 (high-CO2 cells). Fractionationby centrifugation indicated that the CA from A. variabilis ATCC29413 is soluble, whereas both soluble and insoluble forms existin A. variabilis M-2 and M-3. The addition of dithiothreitoland Mg2 $ greatly decreased the CA activity of A. variabilisATCC 29413. The specific activity of the CA from A. variabilis ATCC 29413was increased ca. 200 times by purification with ammonium sulfate,DEAE-Sephadex A-50 and Sephadex G-100. Major and minor CA peaksin Sephadex G-100 chromatography showed respective molecularweights of 48,000 and 25,000. The molecular weight of the CAdetermined by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis was 42,000?5,000.The activity of CA was inhibited by ethoxyzolamide (I50=2.8?10-9M), acetazolamide (I50=2.5?10-7 M) and sulfanilamide (I50=2.9?10-6M). (Received January 5, 1984; Accepted April 26, 1984)  相似文献   

从钝顶螺旋藻中分离制备完整藻胆体 ,然后滴加于空气 水界面上 ,应用LB膜技术制备藻胆体LB膜。结果表明 ,藻胆体在空气 水界面上具有很好的成膜性能。将藻胆体LB单层膜转移到刚揭开的云母表面 ,喷一层金 ,然后用扫描隧道显微镜观察。结果表明 ,藻胆体在Langmuir Blodgett膜中的排列方式与其在体内类囊体膜表面的排列方式类似 ,一排排聚集在一起 ,然后排列成膜。藻胆体的“核”吸附在云母表面 ,而藻胆体的“杆”伸向外面。由于钝顶螺旋藻易于规模化培养 ,藻胆体容易批量制备 ,加之藻胆体具有的独特的光物理、光化学特性和良好的成膜性能 ,以及本身就是纳米量级的颗粒 (5 0 70nm) ,预示着藻胆体在纳米光电子器件中具有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

Filaments of the blue-green alga Anabaena variabilis permeabilized by dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) produce increased amounts of 5-aminolevulinate in the presence of levulinic acid. The metabolic activity of the filaments remains unperturbed in the presence of up to 7.5% (v/v) DMSO. Studies utilizing DMSO-permeabilized filaments confirm that 5-aminolevulinate is synthesized preferably from glutamate and, to a lesser extent, from α-ketoglutarate in this organism.  相似文献   

Light-induced proton efflux of Anabaena variabilis was found to be biphasic, the second phase being inhibited by the ATPase inhibitor nitrofen (2,4-dichloro-1-[4-nitrophenoxy]benzene). The first, fast phase was triggered by monochromatic light of 707 nanometers, whereas the second, slower phase was not. With 707 nanometers, light, respiratory O2 uptake was inhibited. Using light composed of two wavelengths (616 and 707 nanometers) a marked enhancement of both O2 evolution as well as the second phase of proton efflux was observed. The first phase was not enhanced. Thus, phase II is driven by both photosystems. As concluded from the action spectrum phase I is markedly determined by photosystem-I activity. Altogether the data show that two different mechanisms of light-induced proton efflux exist on the cytoplasmic membrane of Anabaena, the slower one being dependent on ATP and linear photosynthetic electron flow.  相似文献   

The affinity for NaHCO3 (CO2) in photosynthesis of Anabaenavariabilis ATCC 29413 was much higher in the cells grown underordinary air (low-CO2 cells) than in those grown in air enrichedwith 2–4% CO2 (high-CO2 cells) (pH 8.0, 25?C). Ethoxyzolamide(50 µM) increased the Km(NaHCO3 in low-CO2 cells aboutnine times (from 14.3 to 125), while the maximum rate of photosynthesisdecreased about 20%. When high-CO2 cells were transferred tolow-CO2 conditions, carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity increased,while Km(NaHCO3) in photosynthesis decreased from 140 to 30µM within about 5 h. The addition of CA to the suspensionof both high- and low-CO2 cells enhanced the rates of photosyntheticO2 evolution under CO2-limiting conditions. The rate of 14CO2fixation was much faster than that of H14CO3 fixation.The former reaction was greatly suppressed, while the latterwas enhanced by the addition of CA. These results indicate thatthe active species of inorganic carbon utilized for photosynthesiswas free CO2 irrespective of the CO2 concentration given duringgrowth. It is suggested that CA plays an active role in increasingthe affinity for CO2 in photosynthesis of low-CO2 cells of thisblue-green alga. (Received January 24, 1984; Accepted October 22, 1984)  相似文献   

Cell-free extracts with high nitrogenase activity were prepared by sonic oscillation and French press treatment from the blue-gree alga Anabaena cylindrica. Extracts were prepared from cells grown on a 95% N(2)-5% CO(2) gas mixture followed by a period of nitrogen starvation under an atmosphere of 95% argon-5% CO(2). No increase in the specific activity of extracts was achieved by breaking heterocysts. Activity (assayed by acetylene reduction) was found to be dependent on adenosine triphosphate (ATP), an ATP-generating system, and a low-potential reductant. Na(2)S(2)O(2) employed as reductant supports higher rates of nitrogenase activity than reduced ferredoxin. The activity is associated with a small-particle fraction that can be sedimented by ultracentrifugation. In contrast to the particulate nitrogenase of Azotobacter, which is stable in air, the A. cylindrica nitrogenase is an oxygen sensitive as nitrogenase prepared from anaerobic bacteria.  相似文献   

Phycobilisomes in Blue-Green Algae   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Fifteen species of freshwater blue-green algae, including unicellular, filamentous, and colonial forms, were subjected to a variety of fixatives, fixation conditions, and stains for comparison of the preservation of phycobilisomes. Absorption spectra of the corresponding in vivo and released photosynthetic pigments, in 10 of the species that were maintained in culture, demonstrated the presence of phycocyanin in all 10 species and phycoerythrin in only 2 of them. Spectroscope and electron microscope evidence was obtained for localization of phycobiliproteins in phycobilisomes of Nostoc muscorum. Phycobilisomes were observed in all species examined in situ, strenghening the hypothesis that phycobilisomes are common to all phycobiliprotein-containing photosynthetic blue-green algae.  相似文献   

A heterocystous, non-nitrogen-fixing mutant of the nitrogen-fixingblue-green alga Anabaena doliolum has been isolated followingtreatment with nitrosoguanidine and UV radiation. Some reversiblevariations in the habit and morphology of the alga were inducedfollowing its treatment with nitrosoguanidine.  相似文献   

Over 90% of cells of Anabaena cylindrica growing in the medium containing 0. 1 mol/L KC1 for 7~9 d transformed into spheroplasts or semispheroplasts which were either sensitive or not sensitive to hypotonic condition. After treating the materials with 0. 1% lysozyme at 28 ℃ for 3~4 h the transformed spheroplasts were almost 100% sensitive to the hypotonic condition. The spheroplasts then regenerated and divided through culture in the inorganic medium containing 0.15 mol/L CaCl2 with a rate over 25 %. The regeneration of different spheroplasts was not synchronous, the fastest division being after 3 d. Cell division was mainly equational but also irregular division or budding.  相似文献   

The mechanism of desaturation of palmitic acid in monogalactosyldiacylglycerol in Anabaena variabilis was studied by labelingin vivo with 13C and mass spectrometry. When the cells werefed with [13C]Na2CO3 for 2.5 h, 19% of the palmitic, but virtuallynone of the palmitoleic, acid at the C-2 position of the lipidwas enriched with 13C. During subsequent incubation for 7.5h, the [13C]palmitic acid was desaturated to [13C]palmitoleicacid. Mass spectrometric analysis of the 2-acylglycerol moietyof the lipid indicated that [13C]palmitoyl-[13C]glycerol and[12C]palmitoyl-[12C]glycerol were converted to [13C]palmitoleoyl-[13C]glyceroland [12C]palmitoleoyl-[12C]glycerol, respectively. These resultssuggest that the palmitic acid was converted to palmitoleicacid in vivo by lipid-linked desaturation but not via a pathwayconsisting of deacylation, desaturation and reacylation. 4Present address: Department of Botany, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113, Japan 5Present address: Department of Physiological Chemistry andNutrition, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo, Hongo,Tokyo 113, Japan (Received December 7, 1985; Accepted April 16, 1986)  相似文献   

The synthesis of glyceroglycolipids was studied in membraneand soluble fractions of Anabaena variabilis. The membrane fractionexhibited a high activity of UDPglucose: diacylglycerol glucosyltransferase,but practically no activity of UDPgalactose: diacylglycerolgalactosyltransferase. The glucosyltransferase activity wasmaximal at about pH 7.0 and dependent on Mg2+ The Michaelisconstant (Km) for UDPglucose was 45?10–6 M. The solublefraction catalyzed the incorporation of galactose from UDP galactoseinto digalactosyl diacylglycerol. These in vitro results werecompatible with the biosynthetic pathway of glyceroglycolipidsin this alga that we previously elucidated on the basis of tracerexperiments in vivo. 1 Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,University of Tokyo, Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113, Japan. (Received June 1, 1982; Accepted July 1, 1982)  相似文献   

Differential scanning calorimetry was used on aqueous dispersionsof lipids extracted from the blue-green algae Anacystis nidulansand Anabaena variabilis. The reversible curves, exothermic oncooling and endothermic on heating, indicated that thermotrophicphase transition of the membrane lipids took place over a widerange of temperatures. These results suggest that the lipidsof the thylakoid membranes in these algae were in the liquidcrystalline state at the growth temperature, entered the phaseseparation state at about room temperature and went into thegel state below the freezing point. The temperature for theonset of phase separation was dependent on both the growth temperatureand the growth stage of the culture. 3Present address: Solar Energy Research Group, Institute ofPhysical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), Wako-shi, Saitama 351,Japan. (Received December 20, 1982; Accepted March 24, 1983)  相似文献   

Ferredoxin isolated from a blue-green alga, Nostoc sp., was purified and crystallized. The absorption spectrum of Nostoc ferredoxin had, in the oxidized state, peaks at 276, 331, 423, and 470 nm, a pattern characteristic of chloroplast-type ferredoxin. The 423:276 absorption ratio was 0.57. The midpoint oxidation-reduction potential of Nostoc ferredoxin was found to be –406 mV, at pH 7.5. Nostoc ferredoxin mediated the photoreduction of NADP by isolated Nostoc chromato-phores and spinach chloroplasts from which the native ferredoxin was removed. The molar ratio of Nostoc ferredoxin to chlorophyll a was about 1:50, a ratio higher than usually found in photosynthetic cells. The possible evolutionary significance of the properties of Nostoc ferredoxin compared with those of ferredoxins from other photosynthetic organisms is discussed.  相似文献   

An investigation was made of certain factors involved in the formation of hydrogen gas, both in an anaerobic environment (argon) and in air, by the blue-green alga Anabaena cylindrica. The alga had not been previously adapted under hydrogen gas and hence the hydrogen evolution occurred entirely within the nitrogen-fixing heterocyst cells; organisms grown in a fixed nitrogen source, and which were therefore devoid of heterocysts, did not produce hydrogen under these conditions. Use of the inhibitor dichlorophenyl-dimethyl urea showed that hydrogen formation was directly dependent on photosystem I and only indirectly dependent on photosystem II, consistent with heterocysts being the site of hydrogen formation. The uncouplers carbonyl cyanide chlorophenyl hydrazone and dinitrophenol almost completely inhibited hydrogen formation, indicating that the process occurs almost entirely via the adenosine 5′-triphosphate-dependent nitrogenase. Salicylaldoxime also inhibited hydrogen formation, again illustrating the necessity of photophosphorylation. Whereas hydrogen formation could usually only be observed in anaerobic, dinitrogen-free environments, incubation in the presence of the dinitrogen-fixing inhibitor carbon monoxide plus the hydrogenase inhibitor acetylene resulted in significant formation of hydrogen even in air. Hydrogen formation was studied in batch cultures as a function of age of the cultures and also as a function of culture concentration, in both cases the cultures being harvested in logarithmic growth. Hydrogen evolution (and acetylene-reducing activity) exhibited a distinct maximum with respect to the age of the cultures. Finally, the levels of the protective enzyme, superoxide dismutase, were measured in heterocyst and vegetative cell fractions of the organism; the level was twice as high in heterocyst cells (2.3 units/mg of protein) as in vegetative cells (1.1 units/mg of protein). A simple procedure for isolating heterocyst cells is described.  相似文献   

An assay was developed to determine the amount of cyanophycin granules in blue-green algae. The amount of this polypeptide in cells of Anabaena cylindrica was measured as a function of culture age and was compared with changes in other proteinaceous cellular components. The data presented support the notion that the cyanophycin granule is a cellular nitrogen reserve.  相似文献   

鱼腥藻7120细胞液泡内含物的初步测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对鱼腥藻7120细胞液泡内含物中4种水溶性的物质进行了测定,液泡中4种物质占整个细胞中4种物质的比例分别为:蛋白质:14.1%;还原糖:34.4%;核酸:28.5%;藻青蛋白12.1%。  相似文献   

The dissociation kinetics of Anabaena phycobilisomes (PBS) atlow phosphate concentrations was studied with light scatteringand sensitized fluorescence arising from allophycocyanin-I (APC-I).When curve fitting was applied to the decrement time-coursesof these two characters, both fitted the same type of decaykinetics consisting of three sequential phases of first-orderdecay, and the rate constants of these phases were practicallythe same between changes of light scattering and sensitizedfluorescence. As the light scattering reflects the particlesize, the conformity of the two kinetics indicates that theuncoupling of excitation energy transfer originated from thedissociation of PBS. The fluorescence emission spectra of dissociating PBS were resolvableinto three- component spectra, those of phycocyanin (PC) hexamer,APC trimer and APC-I. In the first and second phases of dissociation,the emission from PC increased with concomitant decrease inthe emission from APC and APC-I with the ratio of APC to APC-Iunaltered, while in the third phase the transfer from APC toAPC-I was completely disrupted. These results support the viewthat the whole PBS consists of two moieties of PC subparticleand one moiety of APC-APC-I complex. (Received March 1, 1982; Accepted May 10, 1982)  相似文献   

Phosphorus-Limited Growth of a Green Alga and a Blue-Green Alga   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The phosphorus-limited growth kinetics of the chlorophyte Scenedesmus quadricauda and the cyanophyte Synechococcus Nägeli were studied by using batch and continuous culturing techniques. The steady-state phosphate transport capability and the phosphorus storage capacity is higher in S. Nägeli than in S. quadricauda. Synechococcus Nägeli can also deplete phosphate to much lower levels than can S. quadricauda. These results, along with their morphological characteristics, were used to construct partial physiological profiles for each organism. The profiles indicate that this unicellular cyanophyte (cyanobacterium) is better suited for growth in phosphorus-limited oligotrophic niches than is this chlorophyte (green alga).  相似文献   

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