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Methodology and demonstration how to utilize the photoacoustic technique in photosynthesis research are presented. Photoacoustic signals were obtained from suspensions of isolated broken chloroplasts. In the presence of strong, continuous (non-modulated) background light the signals were normally larger than without the background light. The effect of the background light was saturable and was absent when non-active (e.g. heat-treated) samples were used, showing that the normal smaller signal in the absence of background light is a genuine reflection of the loss of heat due to the competing photochemistry. The effect of the background light is to close the reaction-centers and hence to inhibit the photochemical process. The percent difference of the photoacoustic signal (± background light) is taken as a measure of the photochemical activity (‘photochemical loss’).

Initial results demonstrate the wavelength dependence of the ‘photochemical loss’. As expected there was a ‘red-drop’ decrease of the ‘photochemical loss’ for λ > 690 nm, when the cofactor methyl viologen was present. Surprisingly, however, there was a ‘red-rise’ increase for λ > 690 nm when no cofactor was present. These findings indicate that under the last conditions there is an unsuspected photoactivity of PS I which was not detected hitherto by the conventional techniques. The dependence on the background light intensity confirms this result. This photoactivity can be explained tentatively as a cyclic electron flow around PS I, present without any added cofactor.

Initial results on the modulation frequency dependence in the presence of electron acceptors are also demonstrated.  相似文献   

Absorbance changes, caused by adding KCl to a suspension of broken chloroplasts in the presence of a low concentration of MgCl2, have been measured in the wavelength region 460-540 nm. The magnitude of the KCl-induced absorbance changes is shown to be proportional to the logarithm of the KCL concentration gradient initially induced across the thylakoid membrane. The difference spectrum of these absorbance changes is shown to be identical with the spectrum of the light-induced absorbance changes, which has been attributed to an electrochromic shift of p-515. This is interpreted as evidence that under these conditions salt-induced absorbance changes of P-515 occur in response to a membrane diffusion potential. The results indicate that the electrogenic potential across the thylakoid membrane, generated by a single turnover light flash, is in the range between 15 and 35 mV.  相似文献   

Absorbance changes, caused by adding KCl to a suspension of broken chloroplasts in the presence of a low concentration of MgCl2, have been measured in the wavelength region 460–540 nm. The magnitude of the KCl-induced absorbance changes is shown to be proportional to the logarithm of the KCl concentration gradient initially induced across the thylakoid membrane. The difference spectrum of these absorbance changes is shown to be identical with the spectrum of the light-induced absorbance changes, which has been attributed to an electrochromic shift of P-515. This is interpreted as evidence that under these conditions salt-induced absorbance changes of P-515 occur in response to a membrane diffusion potential. The results indicate that the electrogenic potential across the thylakoid membrane, generated by a single turnover light flash, is in the range between 15 and 35 mV.  相似文献   

G.F.W. Searle  J. Barber 《BBA》1978,502(2):309-320
The addition of 9-aminoacridine monohydrochloride to carboxymethyl-cellulose particles or azolectin liposomes suspended in a low cation medium results in a quenching of its fluorescence. This quenching can be released on the addition of cations. The effectiveness of cations is related only to their valency in the series of salts tested, being monovalent < divalent < trivalent, and is independent of the associated anions. These results indicate an electrical rather than a chemical effect, and the relative effectiveness of the various cations can be predicted by the application of classical electrical double layer theory. Fluorescence quenching can also be released on protonation of the fixed negatively charged ionisable groups, and the quenching release curve follows the ionisation curve of these groups.We postulate that when 9-aminoacridine molecules are in the electrical diffuse layer adjacent to the charged surface their fluorescence is quenched, probably due to aggregate formation. As cations are added the 9-aminoacridine concentration at the surface falls as it is displaced into the bulk solution, where it shows a high fluorescence yield with a fluorescence lifetime of 16.3 ns. The fluorescence quenching is associated with an absorbance decrease, which is pronounced with carboxymethyl-cellulose particles and can probably be attributed to self-shielding.The negative charges carried by lipoprotein membranes are primarily due to carboxyl and phosphate groups. Therefore these results with carboxymethyl-cellulose (carboxyl) and azolectin (phosphate) support our earlier suggestion that 9-aminoacridine may be used to probe the electrical double layer associated with negatively charged biological membranes.  相似文献   

Lysolecithin was added to spinach chloroplasts in suspension,and its effect as a detergent on structure and electron transportactivities was examined. At low concentrations of lysolecithin,the activities of FeCN photoreduction and O2-linked DCPIPH2photo-oxidation were stimulated but the photoreduction of NADPwas not enhanced and decreased with an increase in concentration.Absorption bands over the whole visible region were intensifiedwithout any shifts. At high concentrations, the activities ofFeCN photoreduction and O2-linked DCPIPH2 photo-oxidation decreasedfrom a maximum to 10–50% of the control activity, andNADP photoreduction was completely inhibited. Absorption bandswere further intensified and the red band was slightly shifted.Results indicate that lysolecithin treatment is useful in chloroplastbiochemistry. Lysolecithin formation and the deterioration ofchloroplasts during light-aging is also discussed. (Received August 15, 1974; )  相似文献   

H.-W. Trissl  U. Kunze  W. Junge 《BBA》1982,682(3):364-377
This paper concerns transient photoelectric signals that are observed when a suspension of photosynthetic vesicles is illuminated with flashing light of nonsaturating energy using a pair of electrodes positioned at different depths along the path of the exciting light. With chloroplasts we observed two different types of signals. One rose extremely fast, the rise time (10–90%) was less than 200 ps under excitation with a single pulse from a mode-locked ruby laser, while the other rose more slowly (typically 10 μs). These signals displayed several different properties such as their polarity, kinetics, apparent source impedance, and sensitivity to structural integrity of the chloroplast lamellar system. Experimentally, signal ‘Fast’ could only be induced by very short light pulses (shorter than approx. 60 ns), whereas signal ‘Slow’ appeared only under longer excitation. The detection of signal Fast required special instrumentation, particularly fast preamplifiers with low input capacitance. Our results support the more recent idea that signal Slow did not reflect the primary transmembrane charge separation, as postulated in the earlier literature, but rather lateral movement of charge carriers along the intact lamellar system of chloroplasts. On the other hand, signal Fast may reflect the primary outwardly directed electron transfer across the thylakoid membrane. Its polarity, however, was opposite to that previously postulated to appear in response to this event. For comparison we also studied photoelectric effects in a suspension of structurally more homogeneous chromatophores from Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides. These vesicles displayed only a signal of the same polarity and similar kinetics as signal Fast from chloroplasts. When the secondary quinone electron acceptor (Q) was chemically reduced, the decay time was shortened from approx. 30 ns to approx. 10 ns. The acceleration to approx. 10 ns is known for the rapid, supposedly transmembrane back-reaction of the primary charge separation. Therefore, we conclude that the electrodes monitor the primary charge separation. There is still the unresolved problem with the polarity of the electric signal which we attribute to an as yet unidentified property of the pick-up system. Because its signal-to-noise ratio under extremely high time resolution is superior to that obtained in flash spectroscopy, signal Fast represents a very good means to measure the spatial separation between the very primary electron carriers in the photosynthetic reaction center.  相似文献   

The addition of 9-aminoacridine monohydrochloride to carboxymethyl-cellulose particles or azolectin liposomes suspended in a low cation medium results in a quenching of its fluorescence. This quenching can be released on the addition of cations. The effectiveness of cations is related only to their valency in the series of salts tested, being monovalent less than divalent less than trivalent, and is independent of the associated anions. These results indicate an electrical rather than a chemical effect, and the relative effectiveness of the various cations can be predicted by the application of classical electrical double layer theory. Fluorescence quenching can also be released on protonation of the fixed negatively charged ionisable groups, and the quenching release curve follows the ionisation curve of these groups. We postulate that when 9-aminoacridine molecules are in the electrical diffuse layer adjacent to the charged surface their fluorescence is quenched, probably due to aggregate formation. As cations are added the 9-aminoacridine concentration at the surface falls as it is displaced into the bulk solution, where it shows a high fluorescence yield with a fluorescence lifetime of 16.3 ns. The fluorescence quenching is associated with an absorbance decrease, which is pronounced with carboxymethyl-cellulose particles and can probably be attributed to self-shielding. The negative charges carried by lipoprotein membranes are primarily due to carboxyl and phosphate groups. Therefore these results with carboxymethyl-cellulose (carboxyl) and azolectin (phosphate) support our earlier suggestion that 9-aminoacridine may be used to probe the electrical double layer associated with negatively charged biological membranes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have presented a minireview on the interaction of bicarbonate, formate and herbicides with the thylakoid membranes.The regulation of photosynthetic electron transport by bicarbonate, formate and herbicides is described. Bicarbonate, formate, and many herbicides act between the primary quinone electron acceptor QA and the plastoquinone pool. Many herbicides like the ureas, triazines and the phenol-type herbicides act, probably, by the displacement of the secondary quinone electron acceptor QB from its binding site on a QB-binding protein located at the acceptor side of Photosystem II. Formate appears to be an inhibitor of electron transport; this inhibition can be removed by the addition of bicarbonate. There appears to be an interaction of the herbicides with bicarbonate and/or It has been suggested that both the binding of a herbicide and the absence of bicarbonate may cause a conformational alteration of the environment of the QB-binding site. The alteration brought about by a herbicide decreases the affinity for another herbicide or for bicarbonate; the change caused by the absence of bicarbonate decreases the affinity for herbicides. Moreover, this change in conformation causes an inhibition of electron transport. A bicarbonate-effect in isolated intact chloroplasts is demonstrated.Paper presented at the FESPP meeting (Strasbourg, 1984)  相似文献   

The effect of the cyclic tetrapeptide tentoxin, an energy transfer inhibitor which binds to the chloroplast coupling factor 1, on the light-induced electric potential and the potential decay in the dark was investigated by means of microcapillary glass electrodes in single isolated chloroplasts of the higher plant Peperomia metallica Lind et Rodig. A proposed K+ carrier property of the toxin could not be observed neither in the light response nor in the dark decay of the membrane potential.  相似文献   

The induction of chlorophyll a fluorescence in dark-adaptedcells of the green alga, Bryopsis maxima, showed a complex timecourse featured by the presence of four transient peaks or shoulders.All transient features in the fluorescence induction were fullyreproducible in cell free systems of the alga: the protoplastsand intact chloroplasts showed a fast biphasic rise as wellas subsequent slow changes with two transient peaks in the fluorescenceyield. The kinetic pattern of the induction in intact chloroplastsvaried with the intensity of excitation light. The slower transientlargely disappeared on osmotic rupture of the chloroplast envelope.It appears that Bryopsis chloroplasts are the first cell freepreparation in which a complete Kautsky effect can be observedand, therefore, provide a unique and useful material for thestudy of slow complex transients in fluorescence induction. (Received August 11, 1975; )  相似文献   

The heat-induced changes of chlorophyll fluorescence excitation and emission properties were studied in isolated chloroplasts of Larrea divaricata Cav. An analysis of the temperature dependency of fluorescence, under Fo and Fmax conditions, of temperature-jump fluorescence induction kinetics, and of 77 degrees K emission spectra of preheated chloroplasts revealed two major components in the heat-induced fluorescence changes: (1) a fluorescence rise, reflecting the block of Photosystem II reaction centers; and (2) a fluorescence decrease, caused by the functional separation of light-harvesting pigment protein complex from the rest of the pigment system. Preferential excitation of chlorophyll a around 420 nm, produced a predominant fluorescence rise. Preferential excitation of chlorophyll b, at 480 nm, gives a predominant fluorescence decrease. It is proposed that the overlapping of the fluorescence decrease on the somewhat faster fluorescence rise, results in the biphasic fluorescence rise kinetics observed in isolated chloroplasts. Both the rise component and the decay component are affected by the thermal stability of the chloroplasts, acquired during growth of the plants in different thermal environments. Mg2+ enhances the stability against heat-damage expressed in the decrease component, but has no effect on the rise component. Heat pretreatment leads to a decrease of the variable fluorescence in the light-induced 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) rise curve, but no change in half-rise time is observed. It is concluded that the block of Photosystem II reaction centers precedes the loss of the light-harvesting pigment protein complex. However, the approximately antiparallel heat-induced Fmax decrease and Fo increase suggest a common cause for the two events. A heat-induced perturbation of the thylakoid membrane is discussed.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts suspended in phosphate buffer with PMS swelledrapidly on illumination, their volumes reaching a maximum levelwithin 5 min. Subsequently they shrank noticeably. Both swellingand subsequent shrinkage were reversible; in the former, chloroplastsswelled on illumination and shrank on turning off the light.In the latter,olume change occurred in the opposite direction.Light-induced swelling in the presence of PMS disappeared onalternating light and dark several times. Thereafter, only shrinkagewas observed. Only shrinkage took place on illumination when PMS was addedto Tris-washed, or heated chloroplasts, or when chloroplastswere suspended in phosphate buffer with other electron transportcofactors such as FMN and vitamin K3 or in acetate buffer insteadof phosphate in the presence of PMS. PMA and CCCP (low concentration)inhibited swelling with PMS. Quinacrine had no effect on volumechanges with PMS, while antimycin A and CCCP (high concentration)completely prevented both swelling and shrinkage. These suggestthat volume changes are a result of competition between swellingand shrinking activities which depend on utilization of highenergy intermediates formed by PMS-induced photochemical reactions. (Received February 18, 1970; )  相似文献   

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