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Reduced competitive ability in an invasive plant   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
One explanation for successful plant invaders is that they evolved to be more competitive. An intuitive prediction of this Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability (EICA) hypothesis never previously tested is that invasive populations should outcompete their native ‘ancestors’ in a common environment. We tested this idea in a diallel competition experiment with Alliaria petiolata where offspring from native and invasive populations were grown alone or in all pairwise combinations. While without competition, there were no differences between native and invasive populations, native populations outperformed invasive ones when competing against each other. Our results contradict the EICA hypothesis and we conclude that it does not not hold for Alliaria petiolata. Instead, we formulate a new ERCA (Evolutionary Reduced Competitive Ability) hypothesis: if there is less competition in the invasive range and competitive ability involves traits that have a fitness cost, then selection might act against it, thereby reducing intraspecific interactions too.  相似文献   

Understanding the shifts in competitive ability and its driving forces is key to predict the future of plant invasion. Changes in the competition environment and soil biota are two selective forces that impose remarkable influences on competitive ability. By far, evidence of the interactive effects of competition environment and soil biota on competitive ability of invasive species is rare. Here, we investigated their interactive effects using an invasive perennial vine, Mikania micrantha. The competitive performance of seven Mmicrantha populations varying in their conspecific and heterospecific abundance were monitored in a greenhouse experiment, by manipulating soil biota (live and sterilized) and competition conditions (competition‐free, intraspecific, and interspecific competition). Our results showed that with increasing conspecific abundance and decreasing heterospecific abundance, (1) Mmicrantha increased intraspecific competition tolerance and intra‐ vs. interspecific competitive ability but decreased interspecific competition tolerance; (2) Mmicrantha increased tolerance of the negative soil biota effect; and (3) interspecific competition tolerance of Mmicrantha was increasingly suppressed by the presence of soil biota, but intraspecific competition tolerance was less affected. These results highlight the importance of the soil biota effect on the evolution of competitive ability during the invasion process. To better control Mmicrantha invasion, our results imply that introduction of competition‐tolerant native plants that align with conservation priorities may be effective where Mmicrantha populations are long‐established and inferior in inter‐ vs. intraspecific competitive ability, whereas eradication may be effective where populations are newly invaded and fast‐growing.  相似文献   

The evolution of increased competitive ability (EICA) hypothesis predicts that plants released from natural enemies should evolve to become more invasive through a shift in resource allocation from defense to growth. Resource availability in the environment is widely regarded as a major determinant of defense investment and invasiveness, and thus should be incorporated into the conceptual framework of EICA. Analysis of a simple model from the optimal defense literature demonstrates that, in contrast to the EICA hypothesis, enemy release is neither sufficient nor necessary for evolution of reduced resistance among introduced plants when habitat productivity co-varies. In particular, if the invasive range is more nutrient-poor than the native range, there could be selection for more plant defenses even with enemy release.  相似文献   

Comparing traits of invasive species within and beyond their ancestral range may improve our understanding of processes that promote aggressive spread. Solanum elaeagnifolium (silverleaf nightshade) is a noxious weed in its ancestral range in North America and is invasive on other continents. We compared investment in flowers and ovules, pollination success, and fruit and seed set in populations from Arizona, USA (“AZ”) and Greece (“GR”). In both countries, the populations we sampled varied in size and types of present-day disturbance. Stature of plants increased with population size in AZ samples whereas GR plants were uniformly tall. Taller plants produced more flowers, and GR plants produced more flowers for a given stature and allocated more ovules per flower. Similar functional groups of native bees pollinated in AZ and GR populations, but visits to flowers decreased with population size and we observed no visits in the largest GR populations. As a result, plants in large GR populations were pollen-limited, and estimates of fecundity were lower on average in GR populations despite the larger allocation to flowers and ovules. These differences between plants in our AZ and GR populations suggest promising directions for further study. It would be useful to sample S. elaeagnifolium in Mediterranean climates within the ancestral range (e.g., in California, USA), to study asexual spread via rhizomes, and to use common gardens and genetic studies to explore the basis of variation in allocation patterns and of relationships between visitation and fruit set.  相似文献   

A shift in the composition of the herbivore guild in the invasive range is expected to select for plants with a higher competitive ability, a lower regrowth capacity and a lower investment in defence. We show here that parallel evolution took place in three geographically distinct invasive regions that differed significantly in climatic conditions. This makes it most likely that indeed the shifts in herbivore guilds were causal to the evolutionary changes. We studied competitive ability and regrowth of invasive and native Jacobaea vulgaris using an intraspecific competition set‐up with and without herbivory. Without herbivores invasive genotypes have a higher competitive ability than native genotypes. The invasive genotypes were less preferred by the generalist Mamestra brassicae but more preferred by the specialist Tyria jacobaeae, consequently their competitive ability was significantly increased by the first and reduced by the latter. Invasive genotypes showed a lower regrowth ability in both herbivore treatments.  相似文献   

Aims Why invasive plants are more competitive in their introduced range than native range is still an unanswered question in plant invasion ecology. Here, we used the model invasive plant Solidago canadensis to test a hypothesis that enhanced production of allelopathic compounds results in greater competitive ability of invasive plants in the invaded range rather than in the native range. We also examined the degree to which the allelopathy contributes increased competitive ability of S. canadensis in the invaded range.Methods We compared allelochemical production by S. canadensis growing in its native area (the USA) and invaded area (China) and also by populations that were collected from the two countries and grown together in a 'common garden' greenhouse experiment. We also tested the allelopathic effects of S. canadensis collected from either the USA or China on the germination of Kummerowia striata (a native plant in China). Finally, we conducted a common garden, greenhouse experiment in which K. striata was grown in monoculture or with S. canadensis from the USA or China to test the effects of allelopathy on plant–plant competition with suitable controls such as adding activated carbon to the soil to absorb the allelochemicals and thereby eliminating any corresponding allopathic effects.Important findings Allelochemical contents (total phenolics, total flavones and total saponins) and allelopathic effects were greater in S. canadensis sampled from China than those from the USA as demonstrated in a field survey and a common garden experiment. Inhibition of K. striata germination using S. canadensis extracts or previously grown in soil was greater using samples from China than from the USA. The competitive ability of S. canadensis against K. striata was also greater for plants originating from China than those from the USA. Allelopathy could explain about 46% of the difference. These findings demonstrated that S. canadensis has evolved to be more allelopathic and competitive in the introduced range and that allelopathy significantly contributes to increased competitiveness for this invasive species.  相似文献   

This histologkal study was performed to determine whether differencesin location and concentration of polyphenols and condensed tanninscould be observed in leaves and stems of sericea lespedeza genotypesof high (HP) or low (LP) phenolic content. Polyphenols and condensedtannins were especially evident in the vacuoles of paraveinalmesophyll cells from leaves of both genotypes. However, higherlevels of these substances were observed in paraveinal cellsof HP leaves. Cross-sections through young stem internodes revealedmany perivascular and vascular parenchyma cells staining prominentlyfor polyphenols in both genotypes. Their location in vacuolesof paraveinal mesophyll cells that function in photosynthatetransport within the leaf suggests that these substances playan active role in physiological processes of sericea lespedezaplants. Alternatively, they could represent a form in whichthese plants store excess photosynthates. Lespedeza cuneata (Dumont de Courset) G. Don, sericea lespedeza, polyphenols, condensed tannins, leaf anatomy, stem anatomy  相似文献   

Although some introduced plants arrive into their new range without their generalist and specialist herbivores, for others, their herbivores arrive prior to, with, or after the introduction of the plant, reestablishing the link between natural enemies and invaders in the introduced range. Research documenting the effects of adventitiously introduced herbivores on their target plants in the introduced range, and the mechanisms by which those effects occur, can provide insight into potential biological weed control. We studied the effects of an accidentally introduced beetle Brachypterolus pulicarius on the growth and reproduction of its host, the invasive plant Linaria vulgaris (yellow toadflax), growing under field conditions across multiple years and sites in western Colorado, USA. We found that feeding by B. pulicarius on L. vulgaris was variable among 3 years (2002–2004) and across eight local sites. Part of the variation in damage was explained by ramet density; sites with greater ramet density experienced a higher proportion of damage. In an observational study across 2 years, damage was positively correlated with estimates of sexual reproduction, ramet growth, and clonal shoot production. However, opposite trends were observed in an experiment; damage by B. pulicarius decreased estimates of sexual reproduction. Differences between the results of the observational and experimental studies were likely driven by selective feeding by B. pulicarius on larger ramets. Nonetheless, the ability of B. pulicarius to control established L. vulgaris population growth remains uncertain under the environmental conditions we studied. In both the observational and experimental study, B. pulicarius did not affect L. vulgaris survival, and we found no evidence that established L. vulgaris populations were seed limited, suggesting that reductions in seeds may not translate into demographic changes in heavily infested populations. Interactions among insect foraging behavior, individual plant responses to damage, and the demographic consequences of seed input may help to explain the varying degrees to which herbivores affect plants and populations in this and other systems.  相似文献   

Plant competitive effect and response ability are known to change with plant age, however it remains unclear how competitive hierarchies among plant species change as plants age and transition between life stages. We examined the competitive interactions among seven species in all pairwise combinations in a greenhouse experiment. Competitive effect and response were measured as the relative yield (RY) for each target-neighbor species combination for both seedling and adult plants. Competitive hierarchies were constructed based on competitive effect and response scores, and we examined the degree of transitivity in the seedling and adult competitive hierarchies. The competitive effect hierarchy did not vary substantially with plant age, while the competitive response hierarchy was highly variable between juvenile and adult plants. Competitive effect and response ability were positively correlated at both plant stages. The seedling relative yield matrix was predominantly transitive, while there were far fewer transitive competitive relationships among the adult plants. The breakdown of the clear competitive hierarchy among seedlings as plants aged may explain why competition does not appear to be an active mechanism structuring some late-successional plant communities. In early-successional communities, interactions among seedlings with a clear competitive hierarchy may establish competitive ability—abundance relationships that persist as a legacy effect even though the breakdown of the competitive hierarchy among adult plants removes competition as an active mechanism structuring some late-successional plant communities.  相似文献   

不同营养水平对外来物种凤眼莲生长特征及其竞争力的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
入侵种凤眼莲(Eichhorniacrassipes)在中国的泛滥不仅与其强大的适应力和繁殖能力有关,还与水体的富营养化有很大的关系。作者通过盆栽实验比较了三个营养水平的模拟富营养条件下凤眼莲的生长特征和对当地种黄花水龙(Ludwigiapeploidesssp.stipulacea)和黑藻(Hydrillaverticillata)两个不同生长型的影响。结果表明:富营养条件增强了凤眼莲的生长繁殖能力,使其平均每母株克隆分株数、平均株高以及总生物量极大的增加。凤眼莲的生长优势导致了其竞争优势,对黄花水龙和黑藻都发生了明显的竞争效应。迅速繁殖的凤眼莲覆盖大量水面,通过排挤作用抑制了黄花水龙的生长(低营养水平除外);黑藻因光照缺乏,导致正常光合作用受阻,生物量急剧下降。凤眼莲对黑藻的竞争效应较黄花水龙更强。富营养化的水体为凤眼莲的成功入侵提供了优越条件,因此解决当前水体的富营养化状况能有效控制凤眼莲入侵,同时也有利于本地生物多样性的保护。  相似文献   

Understanding the influence of resident species on the success of invaders is a core objective in the study and management of biological invasions. We asked whether facultative food-for-protection mutualism between resident, nectar-feeding ants and extrafloral nectar-bearing plants confers biotic resistance to invasion by a specialist herbivore. Our research focused on the South American cactus-feeding moth Cactoblastis cactorum Berg (Lepidopetra: Pyralidae) in the panhandle region of Florida. This species has been widely and intentionally redistributed as a biological control agent against weedy cacti (Opuntia spp.) but arrived unintentionally in the southeast US, where it attacks native, non-target cacti and is considered a noxious invader. The acquired host-plants of C. cactorum in Florida secrete extrafloral nectar, especially on young, vegetative structures, and this attracts ants. We conducted ant-exclusion experiments over 2 years (2008 and 2009) at two sites using potted plants of two vulnerable host species (O. stricta and O. ficus-indica) to evaluate the influence of cactus-visiting ants (total of eight species) at multiple points in the moth life cycle (oviposition, egg survival, and larval survival). We found that the presence of ants often increased the mortality of lab-reared C. cactorum eggsticks (stacks of cohered eggs) and larvae that we introduced onto plants in the field, although these effects were variable across sites, years, host-plant species, ant species, and/or between old and young plant structures. In contrast to these “staged” encounters, we found that ants had little influence on the survival of cactus moths that occurred naturally at our field sites, or on moth damage and plant growth. In total, our experimental results suggest that the influence of cactus-visiting ants on C. cactorum invasion dynamics is weak and highly variable.  相似文献   

Holway DA  Suarez AV 《Oecologia》2004,138(2):216-222
The success of some invasive species may depend on phenotypic changes that occur following introduction. In Argentine ants ( Linepithema humile) introduced populations typically lack intraspecific aggression, but native populations display such behavior commonly. We employ three approaches to examine how this behavioral shift might influence interspecific competitive ability. In a laboratory experiment, we reared colonies of Forelius mccooki with pairs of Argentine ant colonies that either did or did not exhibit intraspecific aggression. F. mccooki reared with intraspecifically non-aggressive pairs of Argentine ants produced fewer eggs, foraged less actively, and supported fewer living workers than those reared with intraspecifically aggressive pairs. At natural contact zones between competing colonies of L. humile and F. mccooki, the introduction of experimental Argentine ant colonies that fought with conspecific field colonies caused L. humile to abandon baits in the presence of F. mccooki, whereas the introduction of colonies that did not fight with field colonies of Argentine ants resulted in L. humile retaining possession of baits. Additional evidence for the potential importance of colony- structure variation comes from the Argentine ants native range. At a site along the Rio de la Plata in Argentina, we found an inverse relationship between ant richness and density of L. humile (apparently a function of local differences in colony structure) in two different years of sampling.  相似文献   

Competition experiments were carried out under varying exogenic and endogenic conditions. The genotypes were marked by combinations of two esterase loci, each with two alleles. When genotypes of the line W7 were used, there was no demonstrable influence of the gene blocks marked by the Est-1 locus on the competitive ability at temperatures of 21 and 29 C. However, genotypes carrying the fast allele of the Est-2 locus were favored. At 38 C, the outcome of the competition was reversed. The defined gene blocks showed different effects when interacting with different genetic backgrounds (line M7). Genotypes marked by the slow allele of the Est-2 locus were now favored (21 and 29 C), and even the gene blocks marked by the alleles of the Est-1 locus influenced the genotypes' competitive abilities. Again, the results were partly reversed at 38 C. The results are discussed with regard to the importance of enzyme variants for the genotypic selection value.  相似文献   

虫害诱导植物间接防御反应的激发与信号转导途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物通过产生和释放挥发性物质增加植食性昆虫的天敌对其寄主或猎物的定位,减少植食性昆虫对植物的取食,从而达到间接防御的目的。植物对植食性昆虫所做出间接防御反应激发因子和信号转导途径的研究,对应用虫害诱导植物挥发物引诱害虫天敌,并进一步从植物、植食性昆虫及其天敌间三级营养关系,研究动植物协同进化机理和病虫害防治具有深远意义。本文根据国内外最新研究进展,对虫害诱导植物间接防御反应的激发因子,昆虫取食信号的转导途径及对植物间接防御相关基因的激活等方面进行了系统地综述。  相似文献   

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