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Avian community composition of kopjes in a heterogeneous landscape   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trager M  Mistry S 《Oecologia》2003,135(3):458-468
We examined avian communities of kopjes (naturally occurring insular rock outcrops) in grassland and thorn tree woodland habitats in the Seronera region of Serengeti National Park, northwestern Tanzania. Although kopjes cover a small proportion of the Park's area, they provide resources that are uncommon in the Serengeti landscape and are known to host diverse, yet poorly documented, biotic communities. The primary objectives of this study were (1) to compare avian communities of kopjes with those of their surrounding habitat matrixes; (2) to compare the avian communities among kopjes; and (3) to determine the effects of kopje characteristics (e.g., size, vegetation cover, level of human disturbance and matrix type) on avian diversity and community composition. The avian communities of kopjes differed significantly from those of the matrixes in species composition and guild characteristics. Rare species, frugivorous species and nectarivorous species were more abundant on kopjes, whereas there were more ground-feeding species in matrix sites. Species richness was positively correlated with the area of kopjes covered by tall vegetation (5+ m), but neither total habitat area nor total vegetation cover significantly affected avian diversity. The surrounding habitat type, the fruiting phenology of Ficus and Commiphora trees and the level of human disturbance also influenced the presence and abundance of individual species and accounted for differences in community composition among kopjes. Our results show that kopjes support unique avian assemblages comprising many species that are otherwise rare in Serengeti, and consequently that kopjes may be local hotspots of avian diversity in the region.  相似文献   

Seasonality of a forest bird community in Hong Kong, South China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We studied the composition of a secondary forest bird community in Hong Kong (22°N) between December 1992 and June 1995, using the variable point count method. The visual detectability of each bird species had a significant positive relationship with body length. A total of 71 bird species was recorded but three resident habitat-generalists, the Great Tit Parus major, Light-vented Bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis and Japanese White-eye Zosterops japonicus, accounted for 65% of the mean total bird density of 38 per ha. The number of species seen was highest between December and April and lowest from July to September, but the total bird density was highest between December and June and lowest from August to September. The main breeding season was from March to August. Insectivores and insectivore-frugivores accounted for 80% of the species and 98% of the total bird density. The percentages of migrant species and individuals are similar to those reported at equivalent latitudes in North America. Bird community diversity and composition differed considerably from that of larger, older forest areas in South China, presumably as a result of differences in forest age, area and isolation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   There is growing recognition of the need to conserve areas used by birds during migration, including forest and upland habitats. Because extensive thinning and burning treatments are planned for ponderosa pine ( Pinus ponderosa ) forests in the southwestern United States, information on the use of these forests by landbirds during migration is needed for conservation planning. We compared species richness among spring, breeding, and fall seasons at 69 points in a ponderosa pine forest to assess changes in landbird communities and the role of different ponderosa pine cover types in habitat selection among seasons. We detected a total of 64 bird species. Bird community similarity was lowest between the breeding and fall seasons and highest between the spring and breeding seasons. Twenty percent of the species detected were present exclusively in the fall and, of these, over half were Neotropical migrants. Only two species (3%) were detected exclusively during the spring. Although we found little difference in bird species similarity among vegetative cover types during the breeding season, forests that contained a deciduous component exhibited higher bird species similarity with each other than with habitats that did not include a deciduous component in spring and fall. In addition, foliage foragers dominated the community in spring and fall, and all Neotropical migrants detected exclusively in fall were found in ponderosa pine forests with a deciduous component. Our results indicate that ponderosa pine forests may be important to migrating or dispersing landbirds in autumn, especially if there is a deciduous component.  相似文献   

The effect that extreme natural events have on biological diversity is relatively poorly known. We used a before–after control‐impact (BACI) design to analyze changes in bird abundances and communities following Hurricane Gudrun, which struck southern Sweden in January 2005, felling 75 million m3 of forest and causing damage to 5% of forested areas (half a million hectares) in a few hours. We used recent measures of impact in combination with classical BACI contrasts to analyze bird count data from a monitoring program in Sweden. We investigated changes in the abundance of 17 species commonly found in forests, along with changes in species composition and functional structure of the bird community. In total, we considered 34 response variables and examined whether responses were immediate or long‐term. There was no evidence of a strong effect of the hurricane on the abundances of six species. Estimates of the effects on five species were too uncertain to draw inferences. We detected positive and negative effects of the hurricane on the abundances of the remaining six species, but the magnitude of effects often was small. Generally, the effects were in the expected direction: negative on birds associated with mature forest and positive on birds associated with open land or young forest. We found evidence of an increase in the proportion of species that nest on the ground and a decrease in the proportion of species that nest in cavities and trees. In contrast, the hurricane had no discernible effect on functional measures of diversity (richness, evenness or divergence), or on communities’ reproductive or morphological characteristics. Our results suggest that the hurricane affected bird populations and communities, but the magnitude of effects was generally small.  相似文献   

Community structure is expected to be affected by spatial heterogeneity in a landscape. We examined the spatial-scale-dependent effects of windthrow caused by a large typhoon on a forest bird community. Typhoon events of this magnitude are rare in Hokkaido, Japan, occurring only once or twice a century. To assess the “functional spatial scale” at which bird groups (community, species, body-size class, and foraging guild) specifically responded to landscape heterogeneity, the canopy gap rate (CGR, gap percentage) was evaluated at different spatial scales by varying the radius of a circular landscape sector from 100 to 500 m stepwise by 10 m. We then analysed bird community responses, in terms of species richness and abundance, to CGR. Bird species richness did not significantly depend on CGR. In contrast, abundance was significantly dependent on CGR in many groups (species, body-size class, and foraging guild). The guild-level response was clearer than the species-level response, which suggests that the integration and filtration of species traits by guild can reveal a clear response of bird abundance to the extent of canopy gaps. For example, the scale dependence of responses to disturbance clearly varied among body-size classes, where larger birds had larger functional spatial scales. These results reveal that different groups of organisms have different functional spatial scales at which they respond to habitat heterogeneity. Our results also suggest that monitoring only a small number of species could be misleading for conserving biodiversity at the landscape level.  相似文献   

Previous studies demonstrate that old-growth forest remnants and vegetation regenerating after anthropogenic disturbance provide habitat for birds in a human modified coastal dune forest landscape in northern KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. However, occurrence does not ensure persistence. Based on a 13-year monitoring database we calculated population trends for 37 bird species and general trends in overall bird density in different vegetation types. We evaluated species' characteristics as covariates of population trend and assessed changes in rainfall and proportional area and survey coverage per vegetation type. 76% of species assessed have declined, 57% significantly so at an average rate of 13.9% per year. Overall, bird density has fallen at 12.2% per year across old-growth forest and woody regenerating vegetation types. Changes in proportional area and coverage per vegetation type may partly explain trends for a few species but are unlikely to account for most. Below average rainfall may have contributed to bird declines. However, other possibilities warrant further investigation. Species with larger range extents tended to decline more sharply than did others, and these species may be responding to environmental changes on a broader geographical scale. Our results cast doubt on the future persistence of birds in this human modified landscape. More research is needed to elucidate the mechanisms driving population decline in the study area and to investigate whether the declines identified here are more widespread across the region and perhaps the continent.  相似文献   

Estimates of demographic parameters such as survival and reproductive success are critical for guiding management efforts focused on species of conservation concern. Unfortunately, reliable demographic parameters are difficult to obtain for any species, but especially for rare or endangered species. Here we derived estimates of adult survival and recruitment in a community of Hawaiian forest birds, including eight native species (of which three are endangered) and two introduced species at Hakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge, Hawai?i. Integrated population models (IPM) were used to link mark–recapture data (1994–1999) with long‐term population surveys (1987–2008). To our knowledge, this is the first time that IPM have been used to characterize demographic parameters of a whole avian community, and provides important insights into the life history strategies of the community. The demographic data were used to test two hypotheses: 1) arthropod specialists, such as the ‘Akiapōlā‘au Hemignathus munroi, are ‘slower’ species characterized by a greater relative contribution of adult survival to population growth, i.e. lower fecundity and increased adult survival; and 2) a species’ susceptibility to environmental change, as reflected by its conservation status, can be predicted by its life history traits. We found that all species were characterized by a similar population growth rate around one, independently of conservation status, origin (native vs non‐native), feeding guild, or life history strategy (as measured by ‘slowness’), which suggested that the community had reached an equilibrium. However, such stable dynamics were achieved differently across feeding guilds, as demonstrated by a significant increase of adult survival and a significant decrease of recruitment along a gradient of increased insectivory, in support of hypothesis 1. Supporting our second hypothesis, we found that slower species were more vulnerable species at the global scale than faster ones. The possible causes and conservation implications of these patterns are discussed.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are considered the main causes of species extinctions, particularly in tropical ecosystems. The objective of this work was to evaluate the temporal dynamics of tropical bird communities in landscapes with different levels of fragmentation in eastern Guatemala. We evaluated five bird community dynamic parameters for forest specialists and generalists: (1) species extinction, (2) species turnover, (3) number of colonizing species, (4) relative species richness, and (5) a homogeneity index. For each of 24 landscapes, community dynamic parameters were estimated from bird point count data, for the 1998–1999 and 2008–2009 periods, accounting for species’ detection probability. Forest specialists had higher extinction rates and a smaller number of colonizing species in landscapes with higher fragmentation, thus having lower species richness in both time periods. Alternatively, forest generalists elicited a completely different pattern, showing a curvilinear association to forest fragmentation for most parameters. Thus, greater community dynamism for forest generalists was shown in landscapes with intermediate levels of fragmentation. Our study supports general theory regarding the expected negative effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on the temporal dynamics of biotic communities, particularly for forest specialists, providing strong evidence from understudied tropical bird communities.  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases are considered to be a growing threat to human and wildlife health. Such diseases might be facilitated by anthropogenic land-use changes that cause novel juxtapositions of different habitats and species and result in new interchanges of vectors, diseases, and hosts. To search for such effects in tropical Australia, we sampled mosquito populations across anthropogenic disturbance gradients of grassland, artificial rainforest edge, and rainforest interior. From >15,000 captured mosquitoes, we identified 26 species and eight genera. Surprisingly, there was no significant difference in community composition or species richness between forest edges and grasslands, but both differed significantly from rainforest interiors. Mosquito species richness was elevated in grasslands relative to the rainforest habitats. Seven species were unique to grasslands and edges, with another 13 found across all habitats. Among the three most abundant species, Culex annulirostris occurred in all habitat types, whereas Verrallina lineata and Cx. pullus were more abundant in forest interiors. Our findings suggest that the creation of anthropogenic grasslands adjacent to rainforests may increase the susceptibility of species in both habitats to transmission of novel diseases via observable changes and mixing of the vector community on rainforest edges.  相似文献   

The bird community of a forested 13 ha plot was studied for 3 years, during which the plot was burnt by wildfire and was severely drought-affected. The combined effects of fire and drought were surprisingly limited. Similar numbers of species were recorded in each year and differences in species composition involved only rare visitors to the plot. Colour-banding indicated population declines in at least six resident species. The greatest decline was that of the Brown Thornbill (Acanthiza pusilla), from 20 pairs to 10 pairs. In general, insectivorous birds were most abundant and widespread on the plot during the first year, before the fire. In contrast, nomadic birds feeding on flowers or fruits were most abundant in the second year, when there was a prolific flowering and fruiting of several important food plants. After the fire, at least ten bird species avoided the burnt ridges and became more concentrated in the unburnt gullies. Most were species associated with dense shrub thickets, the layer of vegetation most affected by the fire. It seems that gullies are major refuge areas in these forests and are the key to the resilience of the bird community to fire and drought.  相似文献   

The lower Mkuze River floodplain is located east of the Lebombo Mountains on the Maputaland Coastal Plain in northern KwaZulu‐Natal, South Africa. The vegetation ecology of the floodplain was examined using the hierarchical framework described by landscape ecology theory. The smallest spatial scale to which the vegetation of the floodplain was described was the relatively homogeneous units of plant communities. From a landscape ecology perspective this level of analysis is referred to as the grain. Six plant communities were identified using two‐way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) classification. The distribution of these plant communities were correlated to an underlying inundation‐sedimentation gradient using the ordination technique, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). This correlation provided a useful foundation for the examination of ecological processes and phenomena at the next higher, spatially coarser level within the landscape hierarchy, namely the reference level. This reference level was described by three functional types delimited by differing flooding and sedimentation regimes. The use of landscape ecology theory guided the interpretation of results by explicitly recognizing the importance of spatial heterogeneity, hierarchical organization and dynamics, and proved invaluable in developing process‐based understanding of the vegetation ecology of the lower Mkuze River floodplain.  相似文献   

The Lake Izunuma–Uchinuma was extensively flooded in 1998 and vast areas (approximately 200 ha) of rice fields were submerged for the first time since the land was reclaimed in 1963. When the numbers of birds in 1998 were compared with those in normal years (1995–1997), the numbers of black-crowned night herons (Nycticorax nycticorax L.), cattle egrets (Bubulcus ibis L.) and black kites (Milvus migrans Boddaert) increased during the flooding, and the numbers of ducks, especially dabbling ducks (seven species of 11 Anas spp.) were high even after the flooding, while the numbers of the little grebe Tachybaputus ruficollis Pallas were diminished by the flooding.  相似文献   

Understanding the effect of landscape configuration on the bird species richness and their functional traits (dietary preferences) is important to link the conservation and restoration plans to the production of the crops. Our aims were: 1) to study the influence of forest types (native, mixed and plantations) on the bird species richness in two agroforestry landscapes (heterogeneous/homogeneous); 2) to assess the effect of size/density of forest patches in the birds’ functional traits; 3) to evaluate the effect of isolated trees on them, and 4) to discuss conservation and restoration measures for the birds’ functional traits in agroforestry landscapes. We used hierarchical occupancy models to evaluate the effect of different landscape metrics and detectability measures on bird communities. We recorded a total of 64 bird species. The estimated species richness was considerable higher in homogeneous landscape (31.7 ± 2.7) than heterogeneous (27.3 ± 2.5). Our results showed the bird assemblage had a positive trend with native forests, negative with mixed forests and neutral trend for plantations. The granivores and insectivore’s species showed significant preferences for homogeneous landscape, while omnivores had significant preferences for heterogeneous landscape. Carnivores/Piscivores and herbivores/frugivores species did not show preferences by any landscape type. The response of functional traits depended on different forests attributes. The isolated trees had a significant effect on the birds’ functional traits. In conclusion, it is necessary a deep knowledge about the relationship between the landscape configuration and the bird species richness/functional traits. These findings could help in the future with the conservation, restoration, and rewilding policies in this important hotspot of biodiversity, avoiding alterations in the ecosystem services.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal has become an important issue in plant ecology and restoration management. In this paper we examined dung germinating seed content and seed deposition patterns of horses (Shetland and Konik breeds) and Scottish Highland cattle grazing two coastal dune nature reserves. Two times 2.5 l of fresh dung from each type of herbivore were collected during seven sessions in the main fruiting season. Dung samples were placed under greenhouse conditions after drying and cooling. Animal defecation patterns were derived from a study of herbivore activities during 6 h observation sessions 8 times a month. One hundred and seventeen plant species i.e. 27% of all species occurring in the study area, were recorded as seedlings emerging from the dung samples. The most abundantly and frequently recorded plant species were Urtica dioica, Juncus spp. and different species of Poaceae and Caryophyllaceae. In general seedling density is high (1158 seedlings/dung sample). Seedling density and species richness were further analysed in order to detect temporal variability and possible animal and site related characteristics. Dung deposition patterns reflect a non-random use of habitats and hence a non-random seed deposition among habitats. Calculated seed deposition per square meter ranged from a few (<10 germinating seeds) to more than 100 in the most frequently selected habitats. From the herbivores’ selective habitat use and their estimated mean retention time we can further assume their ability for inter-habitat endozoochorous seed dispersal. This characteristic of large herbivores is further discussed in the light of nature management and restoration.Indra Lamoot is an aspirant of FWO-Flanders.  相似文献   



Despite an increasing number of studies highlighting the impacts of climate change on boreal species, the main factors that will drive changes in species assemblages remain ambiguous. We study how species community composition would change following anthropogenic and natural disturbances. We determine the main drivers of assemblage dissimilarity for bird and beetle communities.


Côte-Nord, Québec, Canada.


We quantify two climate-induced pathways based on direct and indirect effects on species occurrence under different forest harvest management scenarios. The direct climate effects illustrate the impact of climate variables while the indirect effects are reflected through habitat-based climate change. We develop empirical models to predict the distribution of 127 and 108 species under climate-habitat and habitat-only models, respectively, over the next century. We analyse the regional and the latitudinal species assemblage dissimilarity by decomposing it into balanced variation in species occupancy and occurrence and occupancy and occurrence gradient.


Both pathways increased dissimilarity in species assemblage. At the regional scale, both effects have an impact on decreasing the number of winning species. Yet, responses are much larger in magnitude under mixed climate effects. Regional assemblage dissimilarity reached 0.77 and 0.69 under mixed effects versus 0.09 and 0.10 under indirect effects for beetles and birds, respectively, between RCP8.5 and baseline climate scenarios when considering forest harvesting. Latitudinally, assemblage dissimilarity increased following the climate conditions pattern.

Main conclusions

The two pathways are complementary and alter biodiversity, mainly caused by species turnover. Yet, responses are much larger in magnitude under mixed climate effects. Therefore, inclusion of climatic variables considers aspects other than just those related to forest landscapes, such as life cycles of animal species. Moreover, we expect differences in occupancy between the two studied taxa. This could indicate the potential range of change in boreal species concerning novel environmental conditions.  相似文献   

郭汉佳 《生态学报》2007,27(10):3993-4001
观察了香港最大的大埔滘天然次生林内鸟类群落结构在10a间的变化。用t檢验比较了1993~1995年和2003~2005年间的10种数量最高的鸟类的密度变化。所有的泛生境留鸟种类的密度均呈显著减少。两种树林种类的密度有显著増加,其中一种是本土种,另一种是外来种。香港树林鸟类群落的变化趋势主要受到两个因素的影响,包括缺少有树林种类鸟居住的树林,和外来种的入侵。  相似文献   

Bacterioplankton community composition in a boreal forest lake   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

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