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In cooperatively breeding birds multiple maternity and paternity of broods is not uncommon, reproduction often being shared among group members as well as with extragroup members. We investigated the extent of extrapair paternity and intraspecific brood parasitism in a population of cooperatively breeding long-tailed tits. Our aim was to determine the frequency and cause of mixed parentage and to investigate whether shared maternity or paternity was associated with decisions made by helpers. Genetic analyses using eight microsatellite loci showed that extrapair paternity was low (2.4-6.9% of nestlings in 16-29% of broods), and that intraspecific brood parasitism was negligible. Mate switching and extrapair copulations were both observed, but mate switching was not responsible for the mixed paternity we recorded. Some extrapair offspring were assigned to males that became helpers at the nest containing their extrapair young, but these males were also close neighbours of the cuckolded males and so were the most likely males to gain extrapair paternity. There was no evidence that the existence of a direct reproductive stake in a brood played an important role in the helping decisions of either male or female helpers. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the Hoopoe Upupa epops have shown that the strophe length of male songs influences female mate choice, and is correlated with female reproductive rates and male production of fledglings in the male’s own brood. However, frequent interactions between breeding pairs and non‐pair males suggests that extrapair copulations could occur and could affect the real number of fledglings sired by males, and therefore the relationship between strophe length and breeding success. Here we analyse the incidence of interactions between breeding pairs and non‐pair males, and of extrapair paternity, the interrelation of these parameters, the influence of male strophe length on them, and whether extrapair fertilizations affect the correlation between strophe length and breeding success of males, in a colour‐ringed population of Hoopoes in south‐eastern Spain. Multilocus DNA‐fingerprinting revealed that 10% of the broods contained offspring sired by extrapair males, representing 7.7% of the chicks. However, the interactions between pairs and non‐pair males were more frequent, with more than 25% of broods being visited by non‐pair males, and about 10% being helped (fed or defended) by males other than the nest owner. Most of these relationships were apparently attempts by visitor males to obtain copulations with paired females, or to obtain access to such females or nests in future breeding attempts. However, there was no significant link between the detection of interactions with alien males in a nest and the occurrence of extrapair paternity in it, indeed extrapair paternity was found in only 30% of the nests with interactions, and therefore the detection of visits or helping by non‐pair males cannot be considered evidence of extrapair paternity in visited or helped broods. Males that sang with long strophes never suffered losses of paternity within their broods, while 25% of males that sang with short strophes did. However, these differences were not significant. Nevertheless, strophe length of males was significantly positively correlated with per brood and seasonal production of fledglings after accounting for losses of paternity within their own broods.  相似文献   

In polygynous species, it is unclear whether extrapair matings provide a better reproductive payoff to males than additional social mates. Male house wrens, Troglodytes aedon, show three types of social mating behaviour: single-brooded monogamy, sequential monogamy (two broods) and polygyny. Thus, male reproductive success can vary depending on the number of mates, the number of broods and the number of extrapair fertilizations. We used microsatellite markers to determine the realized reproductive success (total number of young sired from both within-pair and extrapair fertilizations) of males in these three categories. We found that polygynous males were more likely to be cuckolded than monogamous males; however, half of the polygynous males had a third brood, which resulted in similar reproductive success for sequentially monogamous and polygynous males. Despite the paternity gained from extrapair fertilizations by single-brooded males, males were more successful when they produced multiple broods during a season, either sequentially (monogamy) or simultaneously (polygyny). In our population, multibrooded males were more likely to have prior breeding experience and arrived earlier in the season, which provided a better opportunity to obtain more than one brood and, thus, produce more young.  相似文献   

We examined correlates and hypotheses pertaining to extrapairfertilizations in socially monogamous American redstarts (Setophagaruticilla). DNA fingerprinting revealed extrapair fertilizationin 59% of broods (19 of 32), involving 40% of nestlings (43of 108). Fewer broods than expected had mixed paternity, asdetermined from a binomial distribution of extrapair young inthe population. This result is consistent with the "good genes"hypothesis, but not with the "genetic diversity" hypothesis.There was a negative association between the age of putativefathers and the proportion of extrapair young in their broods.Irrespective of age, males with prior residency were cuckoldedless often than males new to the study area. Extrapair fatherswere' immediate neighbors in 7 of 10 cuckolded broods whereall neighbors were sampled. Males were more likely to sire offspringin the territories of younger neighbors than in those of olderneighbors. Plumage characteristics of adult males, breedingsynchrony of females, and breeding densities were not significantlyassociated with cuckoldry. Realized reproductive gain from cuckoldrywas small because of high nest predation in our area. Extrapairfertilizations allowed one-quarter of males whose own nestshad failed to achieve some reproductive success. Only 2 of 17males whose own nests were successful also had extrapair young.There was no egg dumping by females. We conclude that male ageand prior residency were predictors of cuckoldry in Americanredstarts. In the context of the heavy predation experiencedby our birds, extrapair fertilizations allowed many males tosalvage some reproductive success and did not increase the varianceof success across males  相似文献   

In 1993 and 1994 we determined the frequency of extrapair paternityin broods of great tits, Parus major using multilocus DNA fingerprinting.We found no instances of intraspecific brood parasitism, but40% of broods (31/78) contained extrapair-fathered young and83% of offspring (58/681) were xtrapair We identified the geneticfathers of 60% of the extrapair nestlings (35/ 58). Males withfull and lost paternity did not differ significantly in traitsthat have been suggested to indicate male quality, nor did thegenetic and social fathers of extrapair offspring. In 1993,cuckolded males sired more offspring that recruited to the subsequentbreeding season than males with full paternity. Moreover, eventhough genetic fathers of extrapair young (EPY) sired more fledglingsthan the males they cuckolded, genetic and social fathers ofEPY did not differ in the number of recruits sired. Also, theEPY of a brood did not survive better than their half sibs.Thus, our results do not supportthe hypothesis that femaleschoose better quality males for extrapair matings ("good genes"hypothesis). Further, the level of extrapair paternity differedmarkedly between the two years. Our data show that females areconstrained in their extrapair activities by the availabilityof extrapair mates. This is at least partly due to yearly differencesin breeding synchrony.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory proposes that parents should bias thesex ratio of their offspring if the reproductive value of onesex is greater than that of the other. In the monogamous bluetit (Parus caeruleus), males have a greater variance in reproductivesuccess than females, and high-quality males have higher reproductivesuccess than high-quality females due to extrapair paternity.Consequently, females mating with attractive males are expectedto produce broods biased toward sons, as sons benefit more thandaughters from inheriting their father's characteristics. Songand plumage color in birds are secondary sexual characters indicatingmale quality and involved in female choice. We used these malesexual traits in blue tits to investigate adaptive sex ratiomanipulation by females. We did not find any relationship betweenmale color ornamentation and brood sex ratio, contrary to previousstudies. On the other hand, the length of the strophe bout (i.e.,the mean number of strophes per strophe bout) of fathers waspositively related with the proportion of sons in their broods.The length of the strophe bout is supposed to reflect male qualityin terms of neuromuscular performance. We further showed thatsons produced in experimentally enlarged broods had shorterstrophe bouts than sons raised in reduced broods. These resultsare consistent with the hypothesis that females adjust the sexratio of their broods in response to the phenotype of theirmate.  相似文献   

Environmental factors can shape reproductive investment strategies and influence the variance in male mating success. Environmental effects on extrapair paternity have traditionally been ascribed to aspects of the social environment, such as breeding density and synchrony. However, social factors are often confounded with habitat quality and are challenging to disentangle. We used both natural variation in habitat quality and a food supplementation experiment to separate the effects of food availability—one key aspect of habitat quality—on extrapair paternity (EPP) and reproductive success in the black-throated blue warbler, Setophaga caerulescens. High natural food availability was associated with higher within-pair paternity (WPP) and fledging two broods late in the breeding season, but lower EPP. Food-supplemented males had higher WPP leading to higher reproductive success relative to controls, and when in low-quality habitat, food-supplemented males were more likely to fledge two broods but less likely to gain EPP. Our results demonstrate that food availability affects trade-offs in reproductive activities. When food constraints are reduced, males invest in WPP at the expense of EPP. These findings imply that environmental change could alter how individuals allocate their resources and affect the selective environment that drives variation in male mating success.  相似文献   

Extrapair fertilizations complicate our understanding of cooperativebreeding in a number of ways. For example, auxiliaries may reducethe costs of seeking extrapair fertilizations for breeding malesor females, and auxiliary males may themselves seek copulationswith the breeding female in their own group. We employed microsatellitemarkers to examine patterns of parentage in the cooperativelybreeding splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens melanotus).Our study population exhibited a relatively high level of extrapairpaternity (42% of 386 offspring) with considerable annual variation(range = 24–52%). Across years the proportion of offspringsired by extrapair males was significantly correlated with theaverage number of auxiliaries per group. Furthermore, the proportionof extrapair young within a brood was related to group composition;groups with multiple auxiliaries were twice as likely as groupswith zero or one auxiliary to contain extrapair young. Mostoffspring were sired by dominant breeding males, but auxiliarymales sired approximately 25% of all extrapair young (10% ofall offspring), and about half of these were cases in whichthe auxiliary male sired offspring in his own group. Within-groupsirings by auxiliary males were most common after replacementof the breeding female, and they also appeared to be more likelywhen the auxiliary was not related to the breeding male. Thus,the presence of auxiliary males increased the likelihood thatfemales would produce extrapair young, and although incest avoidancemechanisms usually prevent within-group copulations by auxiliarymales, a conflict of interest among group males arises whena new female joins the group.  相似文献   

Survival of extrapair and within-pair young in tree swallows   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In monogamous species, it is generally accepted that males seekextrapair matings to increase their reproductive success withoutadditional parental investment; however, the benefits of extrapairmatings to females are much less clear. One possibility isthat females obtain genes for enhanced offspring viabilityfrom the extrapair sires. If this is the case, then the increasedviability of extrapair young may be evident throughout the periodof embryonic development as well as later in life. Tree swallows(Tachycineta bicolor) have one of the highest known levelsof extrapair mating in birds, and females have substantialcontrol over the paternity of their offspring. We used moleculartechniques to determine the parentage of nestlings and unhatchedembryos to examine the possibility that female tree swallowsgain viability benefits for their extrapair offspring. Althoughboth extrapair paternity and mortality of embryos and nestlingswere high (89% and 54% of broods respectively), we found nodifference in the viability of within-pair and extrapair youngprior to fledging. In addition, extrapair young were not morelikely to be male. There was no bias in the sex of young atfledging, but unhatched embryos were more likely to be male.Our results do not support the idea that female tree swallowsengage in extrapair mating to increase offspring viability,at least early in life.  相似文献   

The relationship between male parental care and paternity has been investigated in a number of avian species, but in many cases the influences of confounding factors, such as variation in male and territory quality, were not addressed. These sources of variation can be controlled for by making within-male comparisons between successive broods or within-brood comparisons between groups of fledglings in a divided brood. We studied the relationship between male parental care and paternity in the common yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ) at three levels: between groups of fledglings in divided broods, between first and second broods of the same pair, and among all broods in the population. In this study we proposed three hypotheses: first, males in double-brooded pairs should provide relatively more parental care to broods in which they have higher paternity; secondly, after fledging and brood division, males should provide more care to related offspring; and finally, among all broods in the population, paternity should be related positively to male parental care. Brood division occurred in many of the broods studied; however, broods were not divided according to fledgling size or paternity. Furthermore, within divided broods, males fed within-pair and extra-pair fledglings at similar rates. For sequential broods of the same pair, male feeding rates were not associated with differences in paternity between broods. Among all broods in the population, males did not provide relatively less care to broods containing unrelated young. The lack of a relationship between male parental care and paternity suggests that either males cannot assess their paternity or the costs of reducing male parental care outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

Birds breeding on islands often exhibit lower rates of extrapair paternity than their mainland counterparts, perhaps explained by low genetic variation, ‘slower’ life histories and reduced sexual selection in island populations. Extrapair paternity was apparent in 39% (12/19) of broods, and encompassed 15% (21/137) of nestlings, in a population of African Blue Tits Cyanistes teneriffae, in Tenerife, Canary Islands. There were no cases of intraspecific brood parasitism. The incidence of extrapair young lies in the upper range of that reported from mainland populations of the closely related Eurasian Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus. We conclude that there is no strong island effect on the genetic mating system in the Cyanistes species group but that extrapair paternity rates in Cyanistes are greater at southern latitudes.  相似文献   

Through extrapair matings, males can sire additional offspring with low cost and females may look for direct benefits in form of food or additional paternal care or gain genetic benefits that increase offspring fitness. We studied the patterns of female mate choice and frequency of extrapair paternity in the socially monogamous willow tit Parus montanus using microsatellites. We also examined the effect of heterozygosity on the growth rate and survival of the chicks. We found 25 mixed‐paternity broods out of 117 broods of which both parents were sampled. Altogether, 6.7% of sampled chicks were classified as extrapair young. The pairwise relatedness of social pairs did not correlate with the percentage of extrapair young in the brood and there was no difference in heterozygosity between promiscuous and monogamous parents. However, the extrapair young were more heterozygous than the within‐pair young in the mixed‐paternity broods. The maternal half‐siblings in mixed paternity broods were similar in body size. Thus, there was no indication for different growth rate between the siblings, but there were indications that heterozygosity affects survival.  相似文献   

DNA fingerprinting of an island population of blue tits andgreat tits in southeast Norway revealed that extrapair paternityaccounted for 36% (17/47) and 27% (15/55) of broods and for7% (31/466) and 8% (33/408) of young in the two species, respectively.Cuckolded males did not differ from noncuckolded males withrespect to morphology, age, or survival. There was no seasonalpattern in the frequency of extrapair paternity, and males showedno individual consistency in paternity loss over multiple broods.Extrapair offspring did not grow faster, they did not fledgewith a higher body mass, and they did not show a higher localsurvival rate than their half siblings. Hence, there was noevidence of any association between extrapair paternity andmale phenotypic or genotypic quality. Extrapair offspring wererandomly distributed among broods, with the only exceptionsof one blue tit and two great tit broods in which all young(six to nine) were sired by an extrapair male. This patternis best explained by a small proportion of males (2%–4%)being infertile and by most females performing a few extrapaircopulations as insurance against laying infertile eggs. We concludethat the results suggest a role for fertility insurance butthat alternative functional explanations to extrapair paternityin these populations cannot yet be ruled out.  相似文献   

Tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) show one of the highestlevels of extrapair paternity in birds, and there is evidencethat females have control over who fathers their offspring.However, it is unclear which benefits female tree swallows obtainfrom mating with multiple males. Using microsatellite DNA fingerprinting,we studied extrapair paternity in relation to nesting successand male, female, and offspring characteristics. More than 70%of all nests contained extrapair young, and more than half ofall offspring were extrapair. Within broods, the extrapair youngwere often fathered by several males. Despite screening allresident and some floater males, we could identify the biologicalfather of only 21% of all extrapair offspring. All identifiedextrapair males were close neighbors. Extrapair males did notdiffer from within-pair males in any of the measured characteristics,except that the former had larger cloacal protuberances than thelatter. Extrapair males were equally successful in gaining paternityin their own broods as males that did not father extra young.In nests with mixed paternity, extrapair young did not differfrom within-pair young in body size or mass. However, nestswith extrapair young had higher hatching success than nestswithout extrapair young. All examined unhatched eggs were fertilizedand thus hatch failure resulted from embryo mortality. The availabledata are in accordance with the genetic diversity and the geneticcompatibility hypothesis, but not with the good genes hypothesis.  相似文献   

We present the first quantitative data on the genetic breeding system of a lark (Alaudidae), the Skylark Alauda arvensis . Using a set of eight microsatellite loci isolated in a variety of passerine species, we genotyped 171 offspring from 52 broods of Skylark and detected 35 extra-pair offspring (20%), in 14 different broods (27%). All offspring matched their putative mother, so there was no evidence of intraspecific brood parasitism. Previous non-genetic studies had suggested that the species was predominantly socially monogamous, with only rare occurrences of social polygyny and polyandry, although some behaviours, such as mate guarding, did suggest the possibility of extra-pair copulations. The relatively high level of extra-pair paternity in this species is likely to affect the variation in male reproductive success because extra-pair paternity was non-randomly distributed amongst males, with those with shorter wings more likely to be cuckolded.  相似文献   

一雌一雄单配制鸟类中,雌性个体与配偶外雄性发生交配的行为称为婚外交配,继而导致了婚外受精产生婚外子代的现象称为产生了婚外父权。婚外父权广泛存在于鸟类中,针对其发生和影响因素已经成为了鸟类行为生态学研究的热点。本文收集了近十年社会性单配制鸟类婚外父权方面的研究文献,从婚外父权的发生及其影响因素两个方面综述了单配制鸟类婚外父权的研究进展。婚外父权发生原因的探讨主要包括:1、从两性的角度探讨雌雄两性在婚外行为中不同的进化繁殖策略。雄性策略旨在增加自身的繁殖输出;有关雌性策略则提出了确保受精假说、食物供给假说、遗传利益假说等,但目前尚存争议;2、在遗传利益假说中较常见的又分为3个假说:“优秀基因”假说、“遗传相容性”假说和“遗传多样性”假说,该三种假说是针对雌性从遗传方面获得的利益而提出的,不断有报道指出雌性配偶选择会被潜在的雄性遗传特性所影响;3、非遗传利益——母系效应影响婚外父权的进化。一些研究指出遗传质量参数,如体重、身体大小、存活率和免疫应答等方面可能会存在母系效应。婚外父权发生的影响因素这里主要指环境因素,包括繁殖同步性、繁殖密度、栖息地环境、产卵及孵化时机等。由于物种不同,受到环境压力不同,导致婚外父权发生率千差万别。最后本文针对未来的研究方向做出了展望。尽管近十年的研究进一步解释了鸟类婚外父权现象,但是该领域仍然存在并且产生了许多新的未解决的问题,而相关实验操作和理论的完善是深入探讨这些问题的关键。  相似文献   

To examine the role of the pair male in ensuring paternity in the wheatear, we removed pair males for 24 h during the fertile period (days 0 to +1 in 1992 and days -5 to -1 in 1993, where day 0=first egg date). Control males were removed during incubation. The frequency and duration of intrusions, and the frequency of extrapair copulations (EPCs), increased during removals in the fertile period, but not during incubation. The frequency of extrapair paternity (EPP) was marginally higher (25%) in experimental than control broods and the presence of the pair male seemed particularly important in ensuring paternity in those days immediately preceding laying. Females were selective over which males they copulated with in the absence of their mate and rejected the majority of attempted EPCs. Only extrapair males in better body condition than the removed pair male eventually gained successful matings. Experimental males in poorer body condition were also more likely to have EPP in their brood than experimental males in better body condition. Female copulatory behaviour was the most important factor in determining patterns of paternity, and mate-guarding behaviours by the pair male appeared to limit the females' opportunities to engage in EPCs by reducing the frequency and duration of intrusions, rather than to control female behaviour directly. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   



The rate of extrapair paternity is a commonly used index for the risk of sperm competition in birds, but paternity data exist for only a few percent of the approximately 10400 extant species. As paternity analyses require extensive field sampling and costly lab work, species coverage in this field will probably not improve much in the foreseeable future. Recent findings from passerine birds, which constitute the largest avian order (∼5 900 species), suggest that sperm phenotypes carry a signature of sperm competition. Here we examine how well standardized measures of sperm length variation can predict the rate of extrapair paternity in passerine birds.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We collected sperm samples from 55 passerine species in Canada and Europe for which extrapair paternity rates were already available from either the same (n = 24) or a different (n = 31) study population. We measured the total length of individual spermatozoa and found that both the coefficient of between-male variation (CVbm) and within-male variation (CVwm) in sperm length were strong predictors of the rate of extrapair paternity, explaining as much as 65% and 58%, respectively, of the variation in extrapair paternity among species. However, only the CVbm predictor was independent of phylogeny, which implies that it can readily be converted into a currency of extrapair paternity without the need for phylogenetic correction.


We propose the CVbm index as an alternative measure to extrapair paternity for passerine birds. Given the ease of sperm extraction from male birds in breeding condition, and a modest number of sampled males required for a robust estimate, this new index holds a great potential for mapping the risk of sperm competition across a wide range of passerine birds.  相似文献   

Trivers proposed that, if parental care by both sexes is advantageous, males should practice a "mixed" strategy of seeking extrapair copulations, while restricting their parental investment to offspring of social mates. We explore circumstances under which males should limit their parental care in the predicted manner. We find that Trivers's "mixed" strategy will generally be evolutionarily stable so long as either socially monogamous or polygynous males usually sire more offspring per brood from a social mate than they typically sire in broods of extrapair mates. Polygynous males should spread investment across their home nests unless the expected number of chicks sired in them differs widely. Whether polygynous males should restrict paternal care to social mates' offspring hinges additionally on resident male investment in broods containing extrapair young: if resident males contribute minimally, some investment by a polygynous extrapair male becomes more advantageous. Recently reviewed data on extrapair fertilization distributions within monogamous and polygynous passerines suggest that extrapair offspring often predominate numerically within their broods, consistent with sperm expenditure theory. Nevertheless, most species conform to the model's criterion regarding relative parentage levels in broods of social versus extrapair mates. Patterns of extrapair parentage thus appear sufficient to stabilize biparental care systems.  相似文献   

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