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Remote sensing using airborne imaging spectroscopy (AIS) is known to retrieve fundamental optical properties of ecosystems. However, the value of these properties for predicting plant species distribution remains unclear. Here, we assess whether such data can add value to topographic variables for predicting plant distributions in French and Swiss alpine grasslands. We fitted statistical models with high spectral and spatial resolution reflectance data and tested four optical indices sensitive to leaf chlorophyll content, leaf water content and leaf area index. We found moderate added-value of AIS data for predicting alpine plant species distribution. Contrary to expectations, differences between species distribution models (SDMs) were not linked to their local abundance or phylogenetic/functional similarity. Moreover, spectral signatures of species were found to be partly site-specific. We discuss current limits of AIS-based SDMs, highlighting issues of scale and informational content of AIS data.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) are cost-effective, transparent and flexible planning tools to support various areas in nature conservation. Variables taken from remote sensing (RS) are broadly applicable to biodiversity studies. In our study, we combined RS-variables (normalized differenced vegetation index and land surface temperatures), with topographic and geological variables to produce detailed SDMs in the context of a seed collection campaign of the Alpine Seed Conservation and Research Project. To identify effective predictor variable combinations we compiled three different variable sets and compared the predictive model performance.The full model, that combines all types of variables, slightly outperforms (average values for TSS: 0.91, AUC: 0.98, Kappa: 0.7) models that use topo-climatic variables (average values for TSS: 0.91, AUC: 0.98, Kappa: 0.68) or NDVI (average values for TSS: 0.85, AUC: 0.96, Kappa: 0.54) alone. We also produced ensemble models that performed slightly better compared to the different model algorithms used in our approach. We identified the temperature of the coldest month, mean NDVI and bedrock as important variables that determine the distribution of alpine plant species.Our full models show high accordance with actual species distribution ranges and are highly relevant for efforts to identify special areas for either in-situ or ex-situ conservation.  相似文献   

滨岸不同植物配置模式的根系空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
仲启铖  杜钦  张超  王开运 《生态学报》2010,30(22):6135-6145
崇明岛位于长江河口,是世界上最大的冲积岛。滨岸植物配置模式对防止侵蚀、坍塌等具有不同的作用。以崇明岛南岸4种不同的植物配置模式:芦苇(Phragmites australis)-海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)模式(PSM)、池杉(Taxodium ascendens)-芦苇-海三棱藨草模式(TAPSM)、杂交柳(Salix matsudana×alba)-芦苇-海三棱藨草模式(SPSM)及落羽杉(Taxodium distichum)-芦苇-海三棱藨草模式(TDPSM)为对象,对不同植物配置模式在低、中、高3个潮位根系空间分布进行了调查和分析。结果表明:(1)4种模式中0-40cm土层内平均总根长最大的为SPSM模式,其值为137.0cm/cm2,平均总根长最小的为TAPSM模式(91.4cm/cm2);在3种乔木增配模式中,草本植物根长占总根长比例达94.6%-98.1%。(2)除SPSM模式外,其他3种植物配置模式根长密度均随土层加深而减小,这3种模式根长密度最大的土层皆为0-10cm土层,分别为各自最底层根长密度的15.1倍(PSM)、4.9倍(TDPSM)和2.0倍(TAPSM);SPSM模式在10-20cm土层根长密度最大。(3)在所有4种模式中,直径Φ0.1mm的微细根对总根长密度的贡献均为最大,比例从74.7%到81.7%,其次为直径0.1mm≤Φ1mm的细根,直径Φ≥5mm的大根极少。(4)秩和检验显示,4种模式在低、中、高3个潮位根长密度的差异并不一致。根系能够提高土壤抗侵蚀能力,研究4种模式根系空间分布特征,可以为崇明岛滨岸植物配置,建设抗蚀护滩植被带提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Franzén  Daniel  Eriksson  Ove 《Plant Ecology》2003,166(2):217-225
This study examined whether the patch distribution of four plant species Agrimonia eupatoria, Carlina vulgaris, Hypochoeris maculata and Plantago media were affected by dispersal limitation. Analysis of the patch size/isolation relationship was combined with a seed sowing experiment examining the recruitment of the species. Patch size was negatively correlated to isolation in Carlina, Hypochoeris and indicating that dispersal processes might affect the distribution pattern. Patch size of Agrimonia was not correlated, or in one case positively correlated, to isolation. Agrimonia was also the only species among the four where the recruitment not was affected by disturbance treatment or locality. The recruitment of Carlina, Hypochoeris and Plantago was higher in disturbed plots compared to undisturbed, and the latter two species were also affected by locality. This suggests that Agrimonia is less sensitive to isolation (and the ongoing fragmentation of the landscape) compared to the other three species, probably due to better dispersal and recruitment ability. We conclude in a discussion how different management strategies could serve to maintain viable populations of these species. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The altitudinal gradient is considered as a stress gradient for plant species because the development and fitness of plant communities tend to decrease as a result of the extreme environmental conditions present at high elevations. Abiotic factors are predicted to be the primary filter for species assemblage in high alpine areas, influencing biotic interactions through both competition for resources and positive interactions among species. We hypothesised that the relative importance of the ecological driving forces that affect the biotic interactions within plant communities changes along an elevation gradient on alpine debris slopes. We used multiple gradient analyses of 180 vegetation plots along an altitudinal range from ~1,600 to 2,600 m and single 100 m-bands in the Adamello-Presanella Group (Central Alps) to investigate our hypothesis; we measured multiple environmental variables related to different ecological driving forces. Our results illustrate that resource limitations at higher elevations affect not only the shift from competition to facilitation among species. A geomorphological disturbance regime along alpine slopes favours the resilience of the high-altitude species within topographic/geomorphological traps. An understanding of the ecological driving forces and positive interactions as a function of altitude may clarify the mechanisms underlying plant responses to present and future environmental changes.  相似文献   

植物性状能够反映植物的生存策略,是植物生态学的研究热点之一。植物CSR策略模型将植物物种分为3类:在资源丰富环境中能够最大程度提高生物量的物种(竞争型物种:C策略);在干扰频率较高的环境中能够快速摄取资源并繁殖的物种(投机取巧型物种:R策略);在资源贫瘠环境中能够保持个体生存的物种(耐受型物种:S策略)。植物叶片性状对环境梯度具有适应性的改变,性状的改变对植物生存策略产生影响,但是青藏高原植物叶片性状是如何影响植物CSR生存策略的,其机制尚不清楚。该研究探究了高寒草地植物CSR生存策略的分布特征,以及环境因子对CSR生存策略的影响机制。2020年7–8月,对青藏高原高寒草地53个样点进行了调查,测定植物叶片叶面积、叶片鲜质量和叶片干质量等性状,并计算C、S、R值。然后,分析关键地理环境要素对植物CSR策略影响的主要因子和作用机理。结果表明:(1)在青藏高原高寒草地,植物的生存策略主要以S策略(41.6%–96.7%)为主。(2)随着经度的增加,青藏高原高寒草地C策略植物所占比例自西向东逐渐上升;在海拔梯度上,高寒草地C策略植物所占比例随着海拔的升高而降低。(3)随机森林分析结果显示降水...  相似文献   

Patch electrode glass composition affects ion channel currents.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The influence of patch electrode glass composition on macroscopic IV relations in inside-out patches of the cGMP-activated ion channel from rod photoreceptors was examined for a soda lime glass, a Kovar sealing glass, a borosilicate glass, and several soft lead glasses. In several glasses the shape or magnitude of the currents changed as the concentration of EGTA or EDTA was increased from 200 microM to 10 mM. The changes in IV response suggest that, at low concentrations of chelator, divalent cations are released from the electrode glass and interact with the cGMP-activated channel. Possible mechanisms are discussed to explain the observations, and several comments are made concerning the choice of a glass for patching.  相似文献   

以青藏高原东北缘高寒草甸为对象,研究不同放牧强度下植物群落和土壤因子的变化,以及群落物种分布与土壤物理结构和化学养分因子的定量关系.结果表明: 放牧导致优势种为垂穗披碱草和大针茅的原植物群落发生分异,高强度放牧样地优势种变为矮生嵩草和阴山扁蓿豆,低强度放牧样地变为垂穗披碱草和冷地早熟禾.随放牧强度增加,物种丰富度、重要值和生物量均显著降低.各放牧强度样地重要值的物种序列均可用对数模型进行拟合;随放牧强度增加,植物重要值累积到占整个群落重要值50%时,需要的物种数降低.土壤速效P、速效K、紧实度、含水量、稳定入渗速率和大团聚体指标随放牧强度显著变化,但变化规律不一致.CCA排序表明,土壤紧实度是放牧作用下影响群落物种分布格局的最关键因子.方差分解表明,土壤因子共解释群落物种分布变异的30.5%,其中土壤物理性状单独解释群落物种分布的22.8%,对群落物种分布的贡献率最高,主要影响放牧干扰下高寒草甸植物群落物种的分布格局.  相似文献   

气候变化是影响物种分布的决定性因素之一,研究高山植物天山花楸的适宜分布及其对未来气候变化的可能响应,为了解西北地区高山植物类群的生态适宜性及其对未来气候情景的响应提供参考案例。利用天山花楸51个自然分布点和10个环境因子,整合GIS空间分析和MAXENT模型,分析基准气候(1970—2000)及未来气候下(2050时段,基于RPC4.5情景)其在西北地区的适宜分布范围与空间分布特征。利用多元环境相似度面和最不相似变量分析研究区未来气候相比基准气候的波动情况,利用环境变量贡献值、置换重要性值及刀切法明晰影响天山花楸分布的关键环境因子。利用GIS工具和R软件ggplot2程序包分析基准和未来气候下天山花楸适宜分布区内关键因子变化的数值范围。研究结果表明:(1)基准气候下,天山花楸的适宜面积占研究区总面积的13%,主要集中在阿尔泰山西段、准噶尔西部山地、天山西段及祁连山中段的高海拔山地等区域;(2)加入归一化植被指数显著提高了天山花楸模型模拟的准确性,最干月降水量(0—18mm)、最湿月降水量(6—127mm)和平均气温日较差(8.2—16.3℃)主要限制了天山花楸的适宜分布;(3)相对基准...  相似文献   

Alpine grasslands in the Southern Carpathian Mts, Romania, harbour an extraordinarily high diversity of plants and invertebrates, including Carpathic endemics. In the past decades, intensive sheep grazing has caused a dramatic decrease in biodiversity and even led to eroded soils at many places in the Carpathians. Because of limited food resources, sheep are increasingly forced to graze on steep slopes, which were formerly not grazed by livestock and are considered as local biodiversity hotspots. We examined species richness, abundance and number of endemic vascular plants and terrestrial gastropods on steep slopes that were either grazed by sheep or ungrazed by livestock in two areas of the Southern Carpathians. On calcareous soils in the Bucegi Mts, a total of 177 vascular plant and 19 gastropod species were recorded. Twelve plant species (6.8%) and three gastropod species (15.8%) were endemic to the Carpathians. Grazed sites had lower plant and gastropod species richness than ungrazed sites. Furthermore, grazed sites harboured fewer gastropod species endemic to the Carpathians than ungrazed sites. On acid soils in the Fagaras Mts, a total of 96 vascular plant and nine gastropod species were found. In this mountain area, however, grazed and ungrazed sites did not differ in species richness, abundance and number of endemic plant and gastropod species. Our findings confirm the high biodiversity of grasslands on steep slopes in the Southern Carpathian Mts and caution against increasing grazing pressure in these refuges for relic plants and gastropods as well as for other invertebrates.  相似文献   

Interactions among species determine local‐scale diversity, but local interactions are thought to have minor effects at larger scales. However, quantitative comparisons of the importance of biotic interactions relative to other drivers are rarely made at larger scales. Using a data set spanning 78 sites and five continents, we assessed the relative importance of biotic interactions and climate in determining plant diversity in alpine ecosystems dominated by nurse‐plant cushion species. Climate variables related with water balance showed the highest correlation with richness at the global scale. Strikingly, although the effect of cushion species on diversity was lower than that of climate, its contribution was still substantial. In particular, cushion species enhanced species richness more in systems with inherently impoverished local diversity. Nurse species appear to act as a ‘safety net’ sustaining diversity under harsh conditions, demonstrating that climate and species interactions should be integrated when predicting future biodiversity effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Atriplex portulacoides is a perennial halophyte common along northern European coasts. However it has been observed to be completely absent from peat based Ombrogenic Atlantic saltmarshes. The aim of this study was to elucidate the factors affecting the in situ distribution of A. portulacoides within saltmarsh sites including its absence on peat based saltmarshes. This was carried out through three approaches: by mapping the distribution of A. portulacoides within saltmarshes on the southwest coast of Ireland; by examining the ability of rooted cuttings of A. portulacoides to establish on peat and non-peat saltmarshes in situ; and finally by investigating experimentally the tolerance of A. portulacoides to waterlogging treatments. This study indicates that a combination of multiple abiotic and biotic factors, including intolerance to high soil moisture most likely determines the distribution of A. portulacoides.  相似文献   

Abstract. We evaluate the potential influence of disturbance on the predictability of alpine plant species distribution from equilibrium‐based habitat distribution models. Firstly, abundance data of 71 plant species were correlated with a comprehensive set of environmental variables using ordinal regression models. Subsequently, the residual spatial autocorrelation (at distances of 40 to 320 m) in these models was explored. The additional amount of variance explained by spatial structuring was compared with a set of functional traits assumed to confer advantages in disturbed or undisturbed habitats. We found significant residual spatial autocorrelation in the habitat models of most of the species that were analysed. The amount of this autocorrelation was positively correlated with the dispersal capacity of the species, levelling off with increasing spatial scale. Both trends indicate that dispersal and colonization processes, whose frequency is enhanced by disturbance, influence the distribution of many alpine plant species. Since habitat distribution models commonly ignore such spatial processes they miss an important driver of local‐ to landscape‐scale plant distribution.  相似文献   

In present day European landscapes many forest plant species are restricted to isolated remnants of a formerly more or less continuous forest cover. The two major objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relative importance of habitat quality (mainly in terms of soil parameters), habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) and habitat continuity for the distribution of herbaceous forest plant species in a highly fragmented landscape and (2) to examine if groups of species with different habitat requirements are affected differently. Deciduous forest patches in northwestern Germany were surveyed for the presence of a large set of forest species. For each patch, habitat quality, configuration and continuity were determined. Data were analysed by Redundancy Analysis with variation partitioning for effects on total species composition and multivariate logistic regression for effects on individual species, for two different data sets (base‐rich and base‐poor forest patches). Overall, we found strong effects of habitat quality (particularly of soil pH, water content and topographic heterogeneity in the base‐rich forest patches; and of calcium content and disturbance in the base‐poor patches), but only relatively weak effects of habitat configuration and habitat continuity. However, a number of species were positively affected by patch area and negatively affected by patch isolation. Furthermore, the relative importance of habitat configuration tended to be higher for species predominantly growing in closed forests compared to species occurring both in the forest and in the open landscape.  相似文献   

Patch distribution of interstitial communities: prevailing factors   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
1. Community structure of interstitial invertebrates was studied in the sediments of two gravel bars in a bypass section of the Rhone River (France), in relation to hydrological patchiness and to major geomorphological characteristics of the sampling areas. Hydrological patchiness was characterized by upweiling or downwelling zones while geomorphological characteristics were concerned mainly with position towards the head or tail of each bar, which presented different environmental conditions. 2. Longitudinal profiles of the two bars, at 0.5 and 1.0m below the substrate surface, were compared. At each station 10-l samples were taken using mobile standpipes and a Bou—Rouch pump. During low-water conditions, replicate samples were taken in both the head-bar and tail-bar regions to confirm the results. Physicochemical parameters were used to differentiate surface water from ground water (conductivity, alkalinity, silica, nitrates, sulphates and temperature) and to detect hydrological patterns. 3. Two different situations were observed within the gravel bars. In the first one, the upweiling zone was situated in the tail bar and downwelling zone in the head bar. The reverse was observed in gravel bar 2 where the head-bar region formed the upweiling zone and the tail-bar region formed the downwelling zone. 4. In the first situation, the distribution of interstitial assemblages corresponded with the observed hydrological patterns: epigean fauna characterized the downwelling zone and stygofauna characterized the upweiling zone. The interstitial fauna seemed to be strictly linked to the mode of water movement within the sediments. Hydrological patchiness therefore appeared to be an important factor for the structure of interstitial assemblages. 5. In the second case there was no relationship between the hydrological and the biological pattern. Epigean fauna and hypogean fauna were scattered all along the gravel bar. These results suggest that geomorphology is a second important factor governing the composition and structure of interstitial assemblages. A precise structure was obtained when hydrological and geomorphological characteristics were superimposed (case 1). When they were opposed (case 2) all the species responded according to their individual ecological requirements.  相似文献   

Animals have the ability to distinguish self from non-self, which has allowed them to evolve immune systems and, in some instances, to act preferentially towards individuals that are genetically identical or related. Self-recognition is less well known for plants, although recent work indicates that physically connected roots recognize self and reduce competitive interactions. Sagebrush uses volatile cues emitted by clipped branches of self or different neighbours to increase resistance to herbivory. Here, we show that plants that received volatile cues from genetically identical cuttings accumulated less natural damage than plants that received cues from non-self cuttings. Volatile communication is required to coordinate systemic processes such as induced resistance and plants respond more effectively to self than non-self cues. This self/non-self discrimination did not require physical contact and is a necessary first step towards possible kin recognition and kin selection.  相似文献   

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