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杨帆  李寅 《生物工程学报》2017,33(3):361-371
CRISPR/Cas系统几乎存在于所有的细菌和古菌中,是用来抵御外来病毒和噬菌体入侵的获得性免疫防御机制。2012年起CRISPR/Cas9被改造为基因编辑工具,并衍生出一系列高效、便捷的基因编辑工具,迅速在基础理论、基因诊断和临床治疗等研究领域中得到广泛应用。然而,CRISPR/Cas9也存在细胞毒性、脱靶效应和基因插入困难等一些亟待解决的问题,在一定程度上限制了CRISPR/Cas9的应用。Cpf1是2015年报道的一种新型CRISPR效应蛋白,具有许多与Cas9不同的特性,有利于克服CRISPR/Cas9应用中的一些限制。本文综述了近两年来对CRISPR/Cpf1的研究进展和应用,并对其应用前景和发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The Type II CRISPR‐Cas9 system is a simple, efficient, and versatile tool for targeted genome editing in a wide range of organisms and cell types. It continues to gain more scientific interest and has established itself as an extremely powerful technology within our synthetic biology toolkit. It works upon a targeted site and generates a double strand breaks that become repaired by either the NHEJ or the HDR pathway, modifying or permanently replacing the genomic target sequences of interest. These can include viral targets, single‐mutation genetic diseases, and multiple‐site corrections for wide scale disease states, offering the potential to manage and cure some of mankind's most persistent biomedical menaces. Here, we present the developing progress and future potential of CRISPR‐Cas9 in biological and biomedical investigations, toward numerous therapeutic, biomedical, and biotechnological applications, as well as some of the challenges within. J. Cell. Biochem. 119: 81–94, 2018. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9是新兴的基因编辑技术,在生命科学研究中发挥着重要的作用。将它引入本科生的实验教学,使本科生了解这项前沿科研技术很有意义。我们创建了一个基于CRISPR/ Cas9技术的本科教学实验体系。该实验体系侧重CRISPR/Cas9技术在哺乳动物细胞中的应用,选用一株基因组上被插入mCherry基因的小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞为实验材料,命名为STO-82。首先设计靶向mCherry的sgRNA,构建CRISPR-Cas9/sgRNA共表达质粒。经测序验证无误后,转染到STO-82细胞。采用流式细胞仪分析检测mCherry阴性和阳性两群细胞,分选出阴性单细胞并扩大培养。最后用测序检验单克隆细胞中靶标DNA序列的编辑情况。结果显示,靶位点有插入或缺失突变,说明体系创建成功。该实验体系将sgRNA设计、CRISPR-Cas9/sgRNA共表达质粒的构建、细胞转染、单细胞分选、单克隆细胞培养、测序序列分析等内容融合为一个综合实验,用于高年级本科生的实验教学。根据实际情况,将教学实践内容分解分块教学,也可以做完整性项目教学。本教学实践采用10人左右的小班分块教学,2人一组,经过3个班(共13组)的实践,绝大部分学生都能完成实验,得到预期结果。通过这个实验,学生加深了对CRISPR/Cas9技术的原理和实验流程的理解,锻炼了实验操作能力和严谨的科研思维,也使学生对该技术的医疗应用风险有了一些认识。  相似文献   

规律成簇的间隔短回文重复序列(clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats,CRISPR)是原核生物的适应性免疫系统,对抗外来遗传物质(如质粒和噬菌体)的攻击。近年来,科学家们发现了一种新型基因编辑工具,一种强大的分子剪刀CRISPR/Cas12a系统,该系统在对靶标DNA进行切割的同时还具有对体系内单链DNA进行任意切割的活性,并将其转移到体外检测系统。本文对CRISPR/Cas12a系统组成、结构、Cas12a与Cas9的对比和CRISPR/Cas12a系统在核酸检测中的应用进行了综述。  相似文献   

Technique for Animal Knockout system by Electroporation (TAKE) is a simple and efficient method to generate genetically modified (GM) mice using the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) systems. To reinforce the versatility of electroporation used for gene editing in mice, the electric condition was optimized for vitrified-warmed mouse embryos, and applied to the fresh embryos from widely used inbred strains (C57BL/6NCr, BALB/cCrSlc, FVB/NJcl, and C3H/HeJJcl). The electric pulse settings (poring pulse: voltage, 150 V; pulse width, 1.0 ms; pulse interval, 50 ms; number of pulses, +4; transfer pulse: voltage, 20 V; pulse width, 50 ms; pulse interval, 50 ms; number of pulses, ±5) were optimal for vitrified-warmed mouse embryos, which could efficiently deliver the gRNA/Cas9 complex into the zygotes without zona pellucida thinning process and edit the target locus. These electric condition efficiently generated GM mice in widely used inbred mouse strains. In addition, electroporation using the electrode with a 5 mm gap could introduce more than 100 embryos within 5 min without specific pretreatment and sophisticated technical skills, such as microinjection, and exhibited a high developmental rate of embryos and genome-editing efficiency in the generated offspring, leading to the rapid and efficient generation of genome editing mice. The electric condition used in this study is highly versatile and can contribute to understanding human diseases and gene functions by generating GM mice more easily and efficiently.  相似文献   

The rising potential for CRISPR–Cas-mediated genome editing has revolutionized our strategies in basic and practical bioengineering research. It provides a predictable and precise method for genome modification in a robust and reproducible fashion. Emergence of systems biotechnology and synthetic biology approaches coupled with CRISPR–Cas technology could change the future of cell factories to possess some new features which have not been found naturally. We have discussed the possibility and versatile potentials of CRISPR–Cas technology for metabolic engineering of a recombinant host for heterologous protein production. We describe the mechanisms involved in this metabolic engineering approach and present the diverse features of its application in biotechnology and protein production.  相似文献   

We report the first application of CRISPR‐Cas technology to single species detection from environmental DNA (eDNA). Organisms shed and excrete DNA into their environment such as in skin cells and faeces, referred to as environmental DNA (eDNA). Utilising eDNA allows noninvasive monitoring with increased specificity and sensitivity. Current methods primarily employ PCR‐based techniques to detect a given species from eDNA samples, posing a logistical challenge for on‐site monitoring and potential adaptation to biosensor devices. We have developed an alternative method; coupling isothermal amplification to a CRISPR‐Cas12a detection system. This utilises the collateral cleavage activity of Cas12a, a ribonuclease guided by a highly specific single CRISPR RNA. We used the target species Salmo salar as a proof‐of‐concept test of the specificity of the assay among closely related species and to show the assay is successful at a single temperature of 37°C with signal detection at 535 nM. The specific assay, detects at attomolar sensitivity with rapid detection rates (<2.5 hr). This approach simplifies the challenge of building a biosensor device for rapid target species detection in the field and can be easily adapted to detect any species from eDNA samples from a variety of sources enhancing the capabilities of eDNA as a tool for monitoring biodiversity.  相似文献   

近年来,可编程核酸酶介导的基因编辑技术迅猛发展。CRISPR/Cas9技术源于细菌和古生菌的适应性免疫系统,主要由Cas9内切酶和向导RNA(guide RNA,gRNA)组成。Cas9内切酶在gRNA的指导下造成DNA的双链断裂,从而使研究人员能够精准高效地操纵特定基因组位点。同时,该系统可以揭示基因在疾病进程中所扮演的未知角色,在临床治疗中有应用潜能。现总结了CRISPR/Cas9技术在疾病模型构建与基因修复领域应用的研究进展。  相似文献   

CRISPR‐Cas gene editing holds substantial promise in many biomedical disciplines and basic research. Due to the important functional implications of non‐histone chromosomal protein HMG‐14 (HMGN1) in regulating chromatin structure and tumor immunity, gene knockout of HMGN1 is performed by CRISPR in cancer cells and the following proteomic regulation events are studied. In particular, DIA mass spectrometry (DIA‐MS) is utilized, and more than 6200 proteins (protein‐ FDR 1%) and more than 82 000 peptide precursors are reproducibly measured in the single MS shots of 2 h. HMGN1 protein deletion is confidently verified by DIA‐MS in all of the clone‐ and dish‐ replicates following CRISPR. Statistical analysis reveals 147 proteins change their expressions significantly after HMGN1 knockout. Functional annotation and enrichment analysis indicate the deletion of HMGN1 induces histone inactivation, various stress pathways, remodeling of extracellular proteomes, cell proliferation, as well as immune regulation processes such as complement and coagulation cascade and interferon alpha/ gamma response in cancer cells. These results shed new lights on the cellular functions of HMGN1. It is suggested that DIA‐MS can be reliably used as a rapid, robust, and cost‐effective proteomic‐screening tool to assess the outcome of the CRISPR experiments.  相似文献   

生物毒素的医药应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈红霞 《生物技术》2006,16(1):84-86
生物毒素是一大类具有重要意义的生物源化学物质,生物毒素研究已发展成为与多种学科交叉的“生物毒素学”新学科,其发展对于生命科学、生源合成化学、化学生物学、化学生态学、医学、药物学都有重要意义,对药物创新研究更具有积极作用。该文概述了生物毒素的种类,详细阐述了生物毒素的医药应用及最新进展,指出了生物毒素在医药研究上的热点。  相似文献   

The development of the CRISPR–Cas9 system in recent years has made eukaryotic genome editing, and specifically gene knockout for reverse genetics, a simple and effective task. The system is directed to a genomic target site by a programmed single-guide RNA (sgRNA) that base-pairs with it, subsequently leading to site-specific modifications. However, many gene families in eukaryotic genomes exhibit partially overlapping functions, and thus, the knockout of one gene might be concealed by the function of the other. In such cases, the reduced specificity of the CRISPR–Cas9 system, which may lead to the modification of genomic sites that are not identical to the sgRNA, can be harnessed for the simultaneous knockout of multiple homologous genes. We introduce CRISPys, an algorithm for the optimal design of sgRNAs that would potentially target multiple members of a given gene family. CRISPys first clusters all the potential targets in the input sequences into a hierarchical tree structure that specifies the similarity among them. Then, sgRNAs are proposed in the internal nodes of the tree by embedding mismatches where needed, such that the efficiency to edit the induced targets is maximized. We suggest several approaches for designing the optimal individual sgRNA and an approach to compute the optimal set of sgRNAs for cases when the experimental platform allows for more than one. The latter may optionally account for the homologous relationships among gene-family members. We further show that CRISPys outperforms simpler alignment-based techniques by in silico examination over all gene families in the Solanum lycopersicum genome.  相似文献   

由于抗生素的滥用,使得细菌耐药性和食品中药物残留的问题日益严重,迫切需要寻找新的抗菌药物来应对上述问题。新抗生素开发周期长、费用高,并且易产生耐药性和药物残留等,而中药在我国已经有几千年的应用历史,多种中药具有的抗菌消炎作用也已被现代科学研究所证明。中药还具有低价、无毒、无残留和不易产生耐药性等优点。从细胞壁和细胞膜、蛋白质和遗传物质及呼吸代谢三个方面总结了中药抑菌机制的作用原理、研究方法和已取得的成果,以期为开展此类研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Scientists have identified a “diversity gap” in genetic samples and health data, which have been drawn predominantly from individuals of European ancestry, as posing an existential threat to the promise of precision medicine. Inadequate inclusion as articulated by scientists, policymakers, and ethicists has prompted large-scale initiatives aimed at recruiting populations historically underrepresented in biomedical research. Despite explicit calls to increase diversity, the meaning of diversity – which dimensions matter for what outcomes and why – remain strikingly imprecise. Drawing on our document review and qualitative data from observations and interviews of funders and research teams involved in five precision medicine research (PMR) projects, we note that calls for increasing diversity often focus on “representation” as the goal of recruitment. The language of representation is used flexibly to refer to two objectives: achieving sufficient genetic variation across populations and including historically disenfranchised groups in research. We argue that these dual understandings of representation are more than rhetorical slippage, but rather allow for the contemporary collection of samples and data from marginalized populations to stand in as correcting historical exclusion of social groups towards addressing health inequity. We trace the unresolved historical debates over how and to what extent researchers should procure diversity in PMR and how they contributed to ongoing uncertainty about what axes of diversity matter and why. We argue that ambiguity in the meaning of representation at the outset of a study contributes to a lack of clear conceptualization of diversity downstream throughout subsequent phases of the study.  相似文献   

本文讨论了药物临床前研究与实验动物和动物模型之间的关系,探讨了实验动物和动物模型在新药研发过程中实现转化研究的要求和条件.讨论了实验动物质量对新药研发的影响,分析了实验动物质量的影响因素;讨论了实验动物模型的主要类型和特点,分析了进行实验动物模型研究的要点和要求;分析了动物模型与新药研发过程中实现转化研究的条件,提出加强转化研究需要实验动物和动物模型研究的支撑.  相似文献   

Graph-theoretical methods have recently been used to analyze certain properties of natural and social networks. In this work, we have investigated the early stages in the growth of a Uruguayan academic network, the Biology Area of the Programme for the Development of Basic Science (PEDECIBA). This transparent social network is a territory for the exploration of the reliability of clustering methods that can potentially be used when we are confronted with opaque natural systems that provide us with a limited spectrum of observables (happens in research on the relations between brain, thought and language). From our social net, we constructed two different graph representations based on the relationships among researchers revealed by their co-participation in Master’s thesis committees. We studied these networks at different times and found that they achieve connectedness early in their evolution and exhibit the small-world property (i.e. high clustering with short path lengths). The data seem compatible with power law distributions of connectivity, clustering coefficients and betweenness centrality. Evidence of preferential attachment of new nodes and of new links between old nodes was also found in both representations. These results suggest that there are topological properties observed throughout the growth of the network that do not depend on the representations we have chosen but reflect intrinsic properties of the academic collective under study. Researchers in PEDECIBA are classified according to their specialties. We analysed the community structure detected by a standard algorithm in both representations. We found that much of the pre-specified structure is recovered and part of the mismatches can be attributed to convergent interests between scientists from different sub-disciplines. This result shows the potentiality of some clustering methods for the analysis of partially known natural systems.  相似文献   

Informed consent is recognized as a primary ethical requirement to conduct research involving humans. In the investigations with the use of human biological material, informed consent (IC) assumes a differentiated condition on account of the many future possibilities. This work presents suitable alternatives for IC regarding the storage and use of human biological material in research, according to new Brazilian regulations. Both norms – Resolution 441/11 of the National Health Council, approved on 12 May 2011, and Ordinance 2.201 (NATIONAL GUIDELINES FOR BIOREPOSITORIES AND BIOBANKS OF HUMAN BIOLOGICAL MATERIAL FOR RESEARCH PURPOSE) of the Brazil Ministry of Health, approved on 14 September 2011 – state that the consent of subjects for the collection, storage and use of samples stored in Biobanks is necessarily established by means of a Free and Informed Consent Form (ICF). In order to obtain individual and formal statements, this form should contain the following two mutually exclusive options: an explanation about the use of the stored material in each research study, and the need for new consent or the waiver thereof when the material is used for a new study. On the other hand, ICF suitable for Biorepositories must be exclusive and related to specific research. Although Brazilian and international regulations identify the main aspects to be included in the IC, efforts are still necessary to improve the consent process, so that the document will become a bond of trust between subject and researcher.  相似文献   

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