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Metapopulation dynamics of the bog fritillary butterfly: movements between habitat patches 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
Recent studies on metapopulation dynamics have emphasized the need for improved methods for quantifying individual movements between local populations and habitat patches. In this paper, we report on a 6-yr study in which a network of 12 habitat patches occupied by the bog fritillary, Proclossiana eunomia , was surveyed, with special focus on quantifying movements between the habitat patches. We applied the Virtual Migration model which has been designed to estimate survival and migration parameters in a metapopulation of several connected local populations. The model was parameterized using mark-release-recapture data collected during 6 yr. Generally, the estimated parameter values indicated a high level of movements, with roughly half of butterfly-days spent outside the natal patch. Mortality within patches was higher in males than in females. Females tended to be more mobile and spent more time outside their natal patch than males. Further analysis of the MRR data shows that in this protandrous species males tend to move very little between habitat patches before substantial numbers of females have emerged. 相似文献
《Acta Oecologica》2002,23(5):287-296
Population viability analysis (PVA) and metapopulation theory are valuable tools to model the dynamics of spatially structured populations. In this article we used a spatially realistic population dynamic model to simulate the trajectory of a Proclossiana eunomia metapopulation in a network of habitat patches located in the Belgian Ardenne. Sensitivity analysis was used to evaluate the relative influence of the different parameters on the model output. We simulated habitat loss by removing a percentage of the original habitat, proportionally in each habitat patch. Additionally, we evaluated isolation and fragmentation effects by removing and dividing habitat patches from the network, respectively. The model predicted a slow decline of the metapopulation size and occupancy. Extinction risks predicted by the model were highly sensitive to environmental stochasticity and carrying capacity. For a determined level of habitat destruction, the expected lifetime of the metapopulation was highly dependent on the spatial configuration of the landscape. Moreover, when the proportion of removed habitat is above 40% of the original habitat, the loss of whole patches invariably leads to the strongest reduction in metapopulation viability. 相似文献
Metapopulation dynamics of the bog fritillary butterfly: demographic processes in a patchy population 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Metapopulation models predicting the persistence of species on the verge of extinction in fragmented landscapes have to include local population dynamics. In this paper, we report on a 9-yr study in which a patchy population of the bog fritillary was monitored each year, with special focus on quantifying demographic parameters. We parameterised various constrained linear models (CLM) with capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data collected in the field each year and we tested the effects of several variables on demographic parameters. Selecting the best CLM, we estimated the mean and the variance of (1) individual parameters (survival and catchability) and (2) population features (population size, sex-ratio and recruitment). Survival was not related to the age of the individual but decreased continuously during the flight period, which means that lifetime expectancy is conversely related to the delay between the moment of the emergence of a given individual as compared to the emergence of the first adult in the population. Survival was lower in males than in females, as a consequence of male mate-locating behaviour. Daily population size fits a parabolic distribution in both sexes, males appearing, reaching their abundance peak and dying before females. Yearly variation in the sex-ratio is the consequence of the between-sex difference in the recruitment curve. Total adult population size shows large variations between years. Analysis of the relation between growth rate and abundance indicates density dependence, probably related to parasitism of the larval stages. Density at the equilibrium is about 200 adults/ha. 相似文献
Many species living in man-shaped landscapes are restricted to small natural habitat patches and form metapopulations; predicting their future is a central issue in applied ecology. We examined the viability of the bog fritillary butterfly Proclossiana eunomia Esper, a specialist glacial relict species, in a highly fragmented landscape (<1% of suitable habitat in 10 km2 ), by way of population viability analysis. We used comprehensive data from a long-term study in which a patchy population was monitored during ten consecutive years to parameterise a spatially structured metapopulation model using commercially available platform RAMAS/GIS 3.0. Population growth rate was density-dependent and modulated by various climatic variables acting on different developmental stages of the butterfly. Density dependence was probably related to larval parasitism by a specific parasitoid. Population size was negatively affected by an increase in the mean temperature. Dispersal was modelled as the observed proportion of movements between patches, taking into account the probability of emigration out of a given patch. Our model provided results close to the picture of the system drawn from the field data and was considered as useful in making predictions about the metapopulation. Demographic parameters proved to have a far higher impact on metapopulation persistence than dispersal or correlation of local dynamics. Scenarios simulating both global warming and management of habitat patches by rustic herbivore grazing indicated a decrease in the viability of the metapopulation. Our results prompted the regional nature conservation agency to modify the planned management regime. We urge conservation biologists to use structured population models including local population dynamics for viability analysis targeted to such threatened metapopulations in highly fragmented landscapes. 相似文献
Quantifying dispersal is fundamental to understanding the effects of fragmentation on populations. Although it has been shown that patch and matrix quality can affect dispersal patterns, standard metapopulation models are usually based on the two basic variables, patch area and connectivity. In 2004 we studied migration patterns among 18 habitat patches in central Spain for the butterfly Iolana iolas, using mark–release–recapture methods. We applied the virtual migration (VM) model and estimated the parameters of emigration, immigration and mortality separately for males and females. During parameter estimation and model simulations, we used original and modified patch areas accounting for habitat quality with three different indices. Two indices were based on adult and larval resources (flowers and fruits) and the other one on butterfly density. Based on unmodified areas, our results showed that both sexes were markedly different in their movements and mortality rates. Females emigrated more frequently from patches, but males that emigrated were estimated to move longer daily dispersal distances and suffer higher mortality than females during migration. Males were more likely to emigrate from small than from large patches, but patch area had no significant effect on female emigration. The effects of area on immigration rate and the within-patch mortality were similar in both sexes. Based on modified areas, the estimated parameter values and the model simulation results were similar to those estimated using the unmodified patch areas. One possible reason for the failure to significantly improve the parameter estimates of the VM model is the fact that resource quantity and butterfly population sizes were strongly correlated with patch area. Our results suggest that the standard VM modelling approach, based on patch area and connectivity, can provide a realistic picture of the movement patterns of I. iolas . 相似文献
Gene flow rise with habitat fragmentation in the bog fritillary butterfly (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
The main components of the spatial genetic structure of the populations are neighbourhood size and isolation by distance. These may be inferred from the allele frequencies across a series of populations within a region. Here, the spatial population structure of Proclossiana eunomia was investigated in two mountainous areas of southern Europe (Asturias, Spain and Pyrenees, France) and in two areas of intermediate elevation (Morvan, France and Ardennes, Belgium). 相似文献7.
1. Density‐dependent growth has been widely reported in freshwater fishes, but the ontogenetic evolution of competition and its subsequent effects on growth through a life span remains unclear. 2. Patterns of competition can be described by integrating population abundance data with habitat‐modelling results. Weighted usable area (WUA; m2 WUA ha?1) curves are obtained for each flow value and are then coupled with demographic data to obtain the occupancy rates (trout m?2 WUA, the density of a given age class related to its suitable habitat) of the WUA for every age class, year and site. 3. We examined a long‐term data series searching for temporal variation in the influence of habitat occupancy rate on the growth of brown trout Salmo trutta. We tested whether (i) mean cohort mass (mean mass of the cohort during the first 3 years of life) is affected by the occupancy rate experienced across a life span; and (ii) the occupancy rate experienced at different ages influenced mean body size. 4. We observed a consistent negative power relationship between average cohort mass and mean occupancy rate through a life span, indicating that stronger cohorts were related to a reduced growth, with likely consequences for individual fitness. 5. The effects of occupancy rate on size‐at‐age were mainly detected in the size attained at the second year of life, but they were because of the competition at different times. Thus, the level of competition varied through ontogeny, in some of the rivers affecting growth since the first year of life, whereas in most of the rivers the main effects on body size resulted from the competition during the second year of life. 6. Occupancy rate appears more appropriate than density for assessing the occurrence of habitat competition in freshwater fishes, since it encompasses the differences in quantity and quality of suitable habitat for each age class. 7. Our study highlights the importance of density‐dependent growth as a key process in the dynamics of brown trout populations, its temporal variation depending on the temporal changes of density and the variation of competition associated with the habitat capacity for each life stage. 相似文献
Chaozhi Zheng Otso Ovaskainen Ilkka Hanski 《Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences》2009,364(1523):1519-1532
Dispersal comprises a complex life-history syndrome that influences the demographic dynamics of especially those species that live in fragmented landscapes, the structure of which may in turn be expected to impose selection on dispersal. We have constructed an individual-based evolutionary sexual model of dispersal for species occurring as metapopulations in habitat patch networks. The model assumes correlated random walk dispersal with edge-mediated behaviour (habitat selection) and spatially correlated stochastic local dynamics. The model is parametrized with extensive data for the Glanville fritillary butterfly. Based on empirical results for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi) gene, we assume that dispersal rate in the landscape matrix, fecundity and survival are affected by a locus with two alleles, A and C, individuals with the C allele being more mobile. The model was successfully tested with two independent empirical datasets on spatial variation in Pgi allele frequency. First, at the level of local populations, the frequency of the C allele is the highest in newly established isolated populations and the lowest in old isolated populations. Second, at the level of sub-networks with dissimilar numbers and connectivities of patches, the frequency of C increases with decreasing network size and hence with decreasing average metapopulation size. The frequency of C is the highest in landscapes where local extinction risk is high and where there are abundant opportunities to establish new populations. Our results indicate that the strength of the coupling of the ecological and evolutionary dynamics depends on the spatial scale and is asymmetric, demographic dynamics having a greater immediate impact on genetic dynamics than vice versa. 相似文献
《Ecological monographs》2011,81(4):581-598
The complexity of mathematical models of ecological dynamics varies greatly, and it is often difficult to judge what would be the optimal level of complexity in a particular case. Here we compare the parameter estimates, model fits, and predictive abilities of two models of metapopulation dynamics: a detailed individual-based model (IBM) and a population-based stochastic patch occupancy model (SPOM) derived from the IBM. The two models were fitted to a 17-year time series of data for the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) inhabiting a network of 72 small meadows. The data consisted of biannual counts of larval groups (IBM) and the annual presence or absence of local populations (SPOM). The models were fitted using a Bayesian state-space approach with a hierarchical random effect structure to account for observational, demographic, and environmental stochasticities. The detection probability of larval groups (IBM) and the probability of false zeros of local populations (SPOM) in the observation models were simultaneously estimated from the time-series data and independent control data. Prior distributions for dispersal parameters were obtained from a separate analysis of mark–recapture data. Both models fitted the data about equally, but the results were more precise for the IBM than for the SPOM. The two models yielded similar estimates for a random effect parameter describing habitat quality in each patch, which were correlated with independent empirical measures of habitat quality. The modeling results showed that variation in habitat quality influenced patch occupancy more through the effects on movement behavior at patch edges than on carrying capacity, whereas the latter influenced the mean population size in occupied patches. The IBM and the SPOM explained 63% and 45%, respectively, of the observed variation in the fraction of occupied habitat area among 75 independent patch networks not used in parameter estimation. We conclude that, while carefully constructed, detailed models can have better predictive ability than simple models, this advantage comes with the cost of greatly increased data requirements and computational challenges. Our results illustrate how complex models can be helpful in facilitating the construction of effective simpler models. 相似文献
An experimental examination of the effects of habitat quality on the dispersal and local abundance of the butterfly Parnassius smintheus 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract 1. Nectar flower abundance was manipulated through flower removal, and sex ratio was manipulated by moving individual butterflies within a series of nine alpine meadows. The movement and abundance of the butterfly Parnassius smintheus in the meadows were monitored using mark–release–recapture methods.
2. A total of 937 butterflies, 698 males and 239 females, was captured. There were 223 observed between-meadow movements. Fifty-two per cent of males and 35% of females moved among meadows.
3. The immigration of male butterflies was related positively to nectar flowers, host plant abundance, and female butterflies. Male emigration was not affected by any of the treatments. The number of males captured was related positively to nectar flowers and host plants but not affected by sex ratio. The number of resident male butterflies was greater in meadows containing flowers and was related positively to host plant abundance, but unaffected by sex ratio.
4. Flower removal, sex ratio, and abundance of Sedum had no significant effect on the abundance, movement, or residence time for female butterflies, in part due to small sample size.
5. The fact that males immigrate to higher quality meadows suggests that male butterflies are assessing meadow quality, either by sampling meadows or potentially from a distance using olfactory cues. 相似文献
2. A total of 937 butterflies, 698 males and 239 females, was captured. There were 223 observed between-meadow movements. Fifty-two per cent of males and 35% of females moved among meadows.
3. The immigration of male butterflies was related positively to nectar flowers, host plant abundance, and female butterflies. Male emigration was not affected by any of the treatments. The number of males captured was related positively to nectar flowers and host plants but not affected by sex ratio. The number of resident male butterflies was greater in meadows containing flowers and was related positively to host plant abundance, but unaffected by sex ratio.
4. Flower removal, sex ratio, and abundance of Sedum had no significant effect on the abundance, movement, or residence time for female butterflies, in part due to small sample size.
5. The fact that males immigrate to higher quality meadows suggests that male butterflies are assessing meadow quality, either by sampling meadows or potentially from a distance using olfactory cues. 相似文献
Global climate change has the potential to alter aquatic communities through changes in evapotranspiration and increased variability in precipitation. We used aquatic mesocosms to test the impacts of variable precipitation on population dynamics of common mosquito (Culicidae) and midge (Chironomidae) larvae that inhabit vernal pools. In a mixed deciduous forest in northern Vermont, USA, we orthogonally crossed seven levels of mean water level (increased rainfall) with seven levels of water level coefficient of variation (more variable rainfall) to simulate a broad array of climate change scenarios in 49 experimental mesocosms. The average abundance of Culicidae was highest at low water levels, whereas the average abundance of Chironomidae was highest at higher water levels and low variability in water level. Treatments and environmental and spatial covariates collectively explained 49% of the variance in mean abundance. For both taxa, we fit hierarchical Bayesian models to each 16‐week time series to estimate the parameters in a Gompertz logistic equation of population growth with density dependence. We found that Culicidae population growth rate increased with decreasing water levels and that 87% of the variance in Chironomidae density dependence could be explained by treatment. Collectively, these results suggest that climate change can alter abundances aquatic invertebrate taxa but not necessarily through the same mechanism on all populations. In the case of Culicidae the abundance is affected by changes in growth rate, and in Chironomidae by changes in the strength of density dependence. 相似文献
Saastamoinen M 《Heredity》2008,100(1):39-46
Knowing the variances and heritabilities (h(2)) of life history traits in populations living under natural conditions is necessary for a mechanistic understanding of respective evolutionary processes. I estimated heritabilities of several life history traits, including dispersal rate, body mass, age at first reproduction, egg mass, clutch size and lifetime reproductive success, in the Glanville fritillary butterfly (Melitaea cinxia) using parent-offspring regression. Experiments were conducted under field conditions in a large population cage (32 x 26 m). Heritability estimates ranged from zero to almost one and several were significantly different from zero. Body size for both sexes, female age at first reproduction and egg weight were all moderately to highly heritable, whereas heritabilities were low or non-existent in clutch size and lifetime egg production. Heritability estimates for dispersal rate varied between the sexes, so that dispersal was heritable from mother to her female offspring only. This finding is consistent with previous results showing that the F1 female but not male offspring of females that naturally established new populations in the field are significantly more dispersive than butterflies in old populations. 相似文献
Seedling recruitment limitations create a demographic bottleneck that largely determines the viability and structure of plant populations and communities, and pose a core restriction on the colonization of novel habitat. We use a shade‐tolerant, invasive grass, Microstegium vimineum, to examine the interplay between seed and establishment limitations – phenomena that together determine recruitment success but usually are investigated individually. We add increasing amounts of seed to microhabitats containing variable levels of leaf litter thickness – with reduced leaf litter simulating disturbance – to investigate whether reduced seed limitation overcomes the establishment limitation posed by litter cover. We do this across gradients in understory light, moisture and temperature, and quantify germination, survival, and then per capita adult biomass and reproduction in order to understand the implications for invasion across the landscape. We find that the combined effects of seed and establishment limitation influence recruitment; however, propagule pressure overwhelms the inhibitory effects of leaf litter thickness. Leaf litter reduces germination by 22–57% and seedling survival by 13–15% from that observed on bare soil. However, density‐dependent reproduction compensates as 1–3 plants can produce far more seeds (approx. 525) than are required for persistence. As such, just a few plants may establish in understory forest habitat and subsequently overwhelm establishment barriers with copious propagule production. These results, for a widespread, invasive plant, are consistent with the emerging perspective for native plants that seed and establishment limitation jointly influence recruitment. The ability for an exotic plant species to compensate for low population densities with high per capita seed production, that then overrides establishment limitations, makes its invasive potential daunting. Further work is required to test if this is a common mechanism underlying plant invasions. 相似文献
Both source-sink theory and extensions of optimal foraging theory ("balanced dispersal" theory) address dispersal and population dynamics in landscapes where habitat patches vary in quality. However, studying dispersal mechanisms empirically has proven difficult, and dispersal is rarely tied back to long-term spatial dynamics. We used a manipulable laboratory system consisting of bacteria and protozoa to investigate the ability of source-sink and optimal foraging theories to explain both dispersal and emergent spatial dynamics. Consistent with source-sink models and contrary to balanced dispersal models, there was a consistent net flux of protist individuals from high to low resource patches. However, unlike the simplest source-sink models, intermediate rates of dispersal led to highest abundances in low resource patches. Side experiments found strong density dependence in local population dynamics and differences in average protist body size in high and low resource patches. Parameterization and analysis of a two-patch model showed that high migration from high to low resource patches could have depressed population density in low resource patches, creating pseudosinks. The movement of individuals and biomass from sources to sinks (a form of ecosystem subsidy) resulted in the convergence of body size and population densities in sources and sinks. Our results indicate a need to carefully consider movement patterns and interaction with local dynamics in potential source-sink systems. 相似文献
Evolution of dispersal is affected by context-specific costs and benefits. One example is sex-biased dispersal in mammals
and birds. While many such patterns have been described, the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we study genetic
and phenotypic traits that affect butterfly flight capacity and examine how these traits are related to dispersal in male
and female Glanville fritillary butterflies (Melitaea cinxia). We performed two mark–recapture experiments to examine the associations of individuals’ peak flight metabolic rate (MRpeak) and Pgi genotype with their dispersal in the field. In a third experiment, we studied tethered flight in the laboratory. MRpeak was negatively correlated with dispersal distance in males but the trend was positive in females, and the interaction between
MRpeak and sex was significant for long-distance dispersal. A similar but nonsignificant trend was found in relation to molecular
variation at Pgi, which encodes a glycolytic enzyme: the genotype associated with high MRpeak tended to be less dispersive in males but more dispersive in females. The same pattern was repeated in the tethered flight
experiment: the relationship between MRpeak and flight duration was positive in females but negative in males. These results suggest that females with high flight capacity
are superior in among-population dispersal, which facilitates the spatial spreading of their reproductive effort. In contrast,
males with high flight capacity may express territorial behaviour, and thereby increase the number of matings, whereas inferior
males may be forced to disperse. Thus, flight capacity has opposite associations with dispersal rate in the two sexes. 相似文献
C. M. LIVELY 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2009,22(10):2086-2093
Why don’t asexual females replace sexual females in most natural populations of eukaryotes? One promising explanation is that parasites could counter the reproductive advantages of asexual reproduction by exerting frequency‐dependent selection against common clones (the Red Queen hypothesis). One apparent limitation of the Red Queen theory, however, is that parasites would seem to be required by theory to be highly virulent. In the present study, I present a population‐dynamic view of competition between sexual females and asexual females that interact with co‐evolving parasites. The results show that asexual populations have higher carrying capacities, and more unstable population dynamics, than sexual populations. The results also suggest that the spread of a clone into a sexual population could increase the effective parasite virulence as population density increases. This combination of parasite‐mediated frequency‐dependent selection, and density‐dependent virulence, could lead to the coexistence of sexual and asexual reproductive strategies and the long‐term persistence of sex. 相似文献
Body condition‐dependent dispersal strategies are common in nature. Although it is obvious that environmental constraints may induce a positive relationship between body condition and dispersal, it is not clear whether positive body conditional dispersal strategies may evolve as a strategy in metapopulations. We have developed an individual‐based simulation model to investigate how body condition–dispersal reaction norms evolve in metapopulations that are characterized by different levels of environmental stochasticity and dispersal mortality. In the model, body condition is related to fecundity and determined either by environmental conditions during juvenile development (adult dispersal) or by those experienced by the mother (natal dispersal). Evolutionarily stable reaction norms strongly depend on metapopulation conditions: positive body condition dependency of dispersal evolved in metapopulation conditions with low levels of dispersal mortality and high levels of environmental stochasticity. Negative body condition‐dependent dispersal evolved in metapopulations with high dispersal mortality and low environmental stochasticity. The latter strategy is responsible for higher dispersal rates under kin competition when dispersal decisions are based on body condition reached at the adult life stage. The evolution of both positive and negative body condition‐dependent dispersal strategies is consequently likely in metapopulations and depends on the prevalent environmental conditions. 相似文献
Abstract We analyse the evolution of the distribution of dispersal distances in a stable and homogeneous environment in one‐ and two‐dimensional habitats. In this model, dispersal evolves to avoid the competition between relatives although some cost might be associated with this behaviour. The evolutionarily stable dispersal distribution is characterized by an equilibration of the fitness gains among all the different dispersal distances. This cost‐benefit argument has heuristic value and facilitates the comprehension of results obtained numerically. In particular, it explains why some minimal or maximal probability of dispersal may evolve at intermediate distances when the cost of dispersal function is an increasing function of distance. We also show that kin selection may favour long range dispersal even if the survival cost of dispersal is very high, provided the survival probability does not vanish at long distances. 相似文献
Delayed density‐dependent demographic processes are thought to be the basis for multi‐annual cyclic fluctuations in small rodent populations, but evidence for delayed density dependence of a particular demographic trait is rare. Here, using capture–recapture data from 22 sites collected over nine years, we demonstrate a strong effect of population density with a one‐year lag on the timing of the onset of spring reproduction in a cyclically fluctuating population of field voles Microtus agrestis in northern England. The mean date for the onset of spring reproduction was delayed by about 24 days for every additional 100 voles ha?1 in the previous spring. This delayed density dependence is sufficient to generate the type of cyclic population dynamics described in the study system. 相似文献
Population fluctuations in ungulates are driven by both intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Available information, however, mainly refers to arctic, temperate and African ungulate populations, while the dynamics of Mediterranean species, exposed to a milder climate, is known to a much lesser extent. Here we studied the population dynamics of four wild ungulate species in the Castelporziano Preserve near Rome, Italy, as obtained from detailed bag counts from hunting drives during the period 1878–1986: the Italian roe deer Capreolus capreolus italicus, the Maremma wild boar Sus scrofa majori (both endemic to Italy), the native red deer Cervus elaphus, and the alien fallow deer Dama dama. We also considered the effects of the presence of another alien ungulate, the nilgai Boselaphus tragocamelus. This ungulate community experienced an accidental ‘removal experiment’ when, during World War II, red deer and nilgai were exterminated. This event and the length of the time series allowed us to test two main hypotheses: 1) that the complexity level of the ungulate community affects the strength of intra‐ and inter‐specific competition; and 2) that in Mediterranean environments intra‐ and inter‐specific interactions are stronger than climate forcing. Statistical methods ranged from state‐space‐modelling, GLM analysis and structural equation models. The results indicated that direct intra‐specific density dependence played a relevant role for all species, and was stronger after the removal. A complex pattern of species interactions was however revealed; fallow deer had a negative effect on roe deer population, while roe deer had an apparent positive effect on red deer and wild boar, possibly mediated by environmental factors. Nilgai appeared to facilitate all deer species. The results of the analysis also confirmed that at present climate appears to play a minor role with respect to density dependence; however, the increasing aridity of the Mediterranean area could change this picture in coming decades. 相似文献