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Reproduction of attached large brown algae is known to occur only by sexual zygotes. Using microsatellites we show evolution of asexual reproduction in the bladder wrack promoting population persistence in the brackish water Baltic Sea (< 6 psu). Here a dwarf morph of Fucus vesiculosus is dominated by a single clone but clonal reproduction is also present in the common form of the species. We describe a possible mechanism for vegetative reproduction of attached algae, and conclude that clonality plays an important role in persistence and dispersal of these marginal populations, in which sexual reproduction is impaired by low salinity.  相似文献   

Geographical patterns for quantitative traits in Drosophila and other insects are commonly used to investigate climatic selection. They are usually determined from comparisons of populations over extensive areas and based on one collection per population. Here we consider patterns in the Australian endemic species Drosophila serrata established over a shorter transect with repeated sampling. Summer (prewinter) and spring (post-winter) collections were made from 10 to 14 localities, incorporating the southern border of D.serrata and extending approximately 1000 km northwards along the eastern coast of Australia. Linear or curvilinear associations with latitude were evident for development time, viability and cold resistance but patterns differed between collections. Some geographical (population) and genetic associations between traits were found and these also tended to differ between collections. Results confirm the importance of cold stress resistance over winter to the southern border of this species. Microsatellite markers were developed for D.serrata. These indicated a low level of genetic differentiation between populations, high levels of gene flow and no evidence that the most southerly populations were isolated. The results suggest that selection generated geographical patterns in cold resistance, development time and viability, and that substantial gene flow may prevent adaptation at the border to conditions beyond the current distribution of D. serrata.  相似文献   

Genetic variation at 33 protein loci was investigated in 41 wild brown trout populations from four river basins in Galicia (northwest Spain) to analyse the amount and distribution of genetic diversity in a marginal area, located in the distribution limit of the anadromous form of this species. The genetic diversity detected within populations (H between 0 and 6%) lies within the range quoted for this species in previous reports. The Mino, the most southern river basin analysed, showed a significantly lower genetic diversity and the highest genetic differentiation among the river basins studied. The hierarchical gene diversity analysis showed high population differentiation in a restricted area (GST = 27%), mostly due to differences among populations within basins (GSC = 22%). The reduction of GST observed when the isolated samples were excluded from the analysis (GST = 17%) showed the importance of habitat fragmentation on the heterogeneity detected. Gene flow among populations was comparatively evaluated by three indirect methods, which in general revealed low figures of absolute number of migrants per generation, slightly higher than 1. The gene flow among basins reflected a positive relationship with geographical distance. This trend was confirmed by the significant correlation observed between geographical and genetic distances, including all population pairs, which suggests a component of isolation by distance in brown trout genetic structure. Nevertheless, the nonsignificant intrabasin correlation demonstrates the complexity of genetic relationships among populations in this species. The model of genetic structure in brown trout is discussed in the light of the results obtained.  相似文献   

With global warming, an advance in spring leaf phenology has been reported worldwide. However, it is difficult to forecast phenology for a given species, due to a lack of knowledge about chilling requirements. We quantified chilling and heat requirements for leaf unfolding in two European tree species and investigated their relative contributions to phenological variations between and within populations. We used an extensive database containing information about the leaf phenology of 14 oak and 10 beech populations monitored over elevation gradients since 2005. In parallel, we studied the various bud dormancy phases, in controlled conditions, by regularly sampling low- and high-elevation populations during fall and winter. Oak was 2.3 times more sensitive to temperature for leaf unfolding over the elevation gradient and had a lower chilling requirement for dormancy release than beech. We found that chilling is currently insufficient for the full release of dormancy, for both species, at the lowest elevations in the area studied. Genetic variation in leaf unfolding timing between and within oak populations was probably due to differences in heat requirement rather than differences in chilling requirement. Our results demonstrate the importance of chilling for leaf unfolding in forest trees and indicate that the advance in leaf unfolding phenology with increasing temperature will probably be less pronounced than forecasted. This highlights the urgent need to determine experimentally the interactions between chilling and heat requirements in forest tree species, to improve our understanding and modeling of changes in phenological timing under global warming.  相似文献   

Tropical leaf-cutter ants cultivate the fungus Attamyces bromatificus in a many-to-one, diffuse coevolutionary relationship where ant and fungal partners re-associate frequently over time. To evaluate whether ant-Attamyces coevolution is more specific (tighter) in peripheral populations, we characterized the host-specificities of Attamyces genotypes at their northern, subtropical range limits (southern USA, Mexico and Cuba). Population-genetic patterns of northern Attamyces reveal features that have so far not been observed in the diffusely coevolving, tropical ant-Attamyces associations. These unique features include (i) cases of one-to-one ant-Attamyces specialization that tighten coevolution at the northern frontier; (ii) distributions of genetically identical Attamyces clones over large areas (up to 81 000 km(2), approx. the area of Ireland, Austria or Panama); (iii) admixture rates between Attamyces lineages that appear lower in northern than in tropical populations; and (iv) long-distance gene flow of Attamyces across a dispersal barrier for leaf-cutter ants (ocean between mainland North America and Cuba). The latter suggests that Attamyces fungi may occasionally disperse independently of the ants, contrary to the traditional assumption that Attamyces fungi depend entirely on leaf-cutter queens for dispersal. Peripheral populations in Argentina or at mid-elevation sites in the Andes may reveal additional regional variants in ant-Attamyces coevolution. Studies of such populations are most likely to inform models of coextinctions of obligate mutualistic partners that are doubly stressed by habitat marginality and by environmental change.  相似文献   

Ochlerotatus triseriatus, the eastern treehole mosquito, reaches its northernmost range limit in the extreme southeast of Canada. As a known vector of West Nile and La Crosse encephalitis viruses and a potential vector of eastern equine encephalitis, its population biology is of interest. In southern Ontario, high larval densities occur in urban woodlots within sugar maple and American beech treehole communities comprising rotifers, nematode worms, mites, other dipterans, and scirtid beetles. Treehole water was characterized by low dissolved oxygen levels and seasonally variable pH and temperature, with the latter being most influential on local populations. Densities were significantly higher (up to 503 larvae 100 ml(-1)) in tree holes close to the forest floor (<1 m) and in experimental tree holes seeded with autumn-shed maple leaves as opposed to leaves of black oak and beech. In this locality, weekly sampling showed Oc. triseriatus to be multivoltine, with mass egg hatching beginning under coldwater (<10 degrees C) conditions in March/April, and thereafter producing three successful generations with a possible, less successful fourth in late summer. Some 1st instar larvae were present in water as cold as 0.7 degree C. Compared with larval psychodids living in the same tree hole, population losses of Oc. triseriatus due to washout during major rainfall events were negligible despite high flowthrough of water derived from stemflow.  相似文献   

A full analysis of the reproductive biology of the isopod Excirolana braziliensis Richardson 1912 was conducted in a sandy beach of Uruguay, located at the southernmost edge of its distributional range in the Atlantic Ocean. Reproductive and recruitment periods of E. braziliensis were concentrated in austral summer. Females with oostegites appeared in November, whereas total biomass, individual sizes and fecundity of ovigerous females peaked between December and January. These concurrent traits were responsible for the significant peak of juveniles in January. The size at maturity was 9.88 mm. Four embryonic developmental stages were described and identified: mean length linearly increased from stages I to III, whereas dry weight exponentially decreased from stages I to IV. The high reproductive output (0.41–0.58), reported for the first time in this isopod, exceeds the rates documented for other isopods. Reproduction of E. braziliensis at the southern edge of its range is semelparous: females produce one brood during the reproductive season, exhaust their energy reserves during incubation, and probably die at the end of the reproductive season. A macroscale comparison suggests that E. braziliensis at the southern edge of its range counteracts its narrow reproductive period by a short incubation period with larger individual mature female and embryo sizes, higher fecundity and a higher percentage of ovigerous females than in subtropical and tropical populations. These extreme reproductive indicators could be attributed to the internal retention of embryos that assures offspring survival, coupled with a high adaptation capability to environmental variations across its range.  相似文献   

Seasonal relationships among stranded wrack quantity, seaweed fly abundances, and parasitism at the pupal stage were studied along three sandy beaches in central Japan. The seasonal occurrence patterns of puparia of seaweed flies Coelopa frigida and Fucellia spp. generally corresponded to seaweed deposition, which peaked in May–July and October–December. Parasitoids use fly puparia in these seasons. However, the occurrence of seaweed flies and their parasitoids varied among the three sandy beaches and did not correspond to the wrack amounts. These findings suggest that populations of seaweed flies and their parasitoids are seasonally, but not spatially, regulated by bottom‐up processes. The parasitoid assemblage of fly puparia was composed of two Aleochara (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae), two Trichopria (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae), and five pteromalid species (Hymenoptera), but the rate of parasitism was less than 20% and might have had little effect on fly populations.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of plants is constrained by demographic and ecogeographic factors that determine the range and abundance of the species. Wild grapevine (Vitis vinifera ssp. sylvestris) is distributed from Switzerland in the north to Israel in the south. However, little is known about the ecogeographic constraints of this species and its genetic and phenotypic characteristics, especially at the southern edge of its distribution range in the Levant region. In this study, we explore the population structure of southern Levantine wild grapevines and the correlation between demographic and ecogeographic characteristics. Based on our genetic analysis, the wild grapevine populations in this region can be divided into two major subgroups in accordance with a multivariate spatial and ecogeographical clustering model. The identified subpopulations also differ in morphological traits, mainly leaf hairiness which may imply adaptation to environmental stress. The findings suggest that the Upper Jordan River population was spread to the Sea of Galilee area and that a third smaller subpopulation at the south of the Golan Heights may represent a distinguished gene pool or a recent establishment of a new population. A spatial distribution model indicated that distance to water sources, Normalized difference vegetation index, and precipitation are the main environmental factors constraining V. vsylvestris distribution at its southern distribution range. These factors in addition to limited gene flow between populations prevent further spread of wild grapevines southwards to semi‐arid regions.  相似文献   

In the context of global changes, defining the source–sink dynamics of populations of emblematic species, such as seabirds, within the limits of their distribution range is often crucial to optimize the priorities of surveys and conservation management, especially in protected areas. However, ringing is often not possible and only simple survey methods, such as the ‘apparently occupied sites’ method, can be utilized by managers of protected areas and threatened species. Using data collected between 1997 and 2005, we investigated the population dynamics of the northern fulmar (Fulmarus glacialis) at the southern limit of its range on the western French coast, which hosts increasing populations. Using a robust design spatial occupancy model, we estimated the proportion of occupied nests, the rates of nest colonization, nest extinction and the population growth rates of four colonies of the largest population (Ouessant Island). The estimated annual growth rate was high (average 1.049). A deterministic population dynamics model indicated that the observed rapid increase of Ouessant populations cannot be explained by their intrinsic dynamics, which suggested an important role for immigration. Different demographic scenarios provide several lines of evidence that the large northern fulmar population in this Man and Biosphere Reserve is a sink population. The strong increase in a population located at the limits of the species distributional range implies that it functions as a population sink. Inexpensive effective survey methods could allow investigation of the demographic status of seabird populations and provide relevant information for the hierarchization of conservation priorities.  相似文献   


Genome-wide evaluations of genetic diversity and population structure are important for informing management and conservation of trailing-edge populations. North American moose (Alces alces) are declining along portions of the southern edge of their range due to disease, species interactions, and marginal habitat, all of which may be exacerbated by climate change. We employed a genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach in an effort to collect baseline information on the genetic variation of moose inhabiting the species’ southern range periphery in the contiguous United States. We identified 1920 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) from 155 moose representing three subspecies from five states: A. a. americana (New Hampshire), A. a. andersoni (Minnesota), and A. a. shirasi (Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming). Molecular analyses supported three geographically isolated clusters, congruent with currently recognized subspecies. Additionally, while moderately low genetic diversity was observed, there was little evidence of inbreeding. Results also indicated?>?20% shared ancestry proportions between A. a. shirasi samples from northern Montana and A. a. andersoni samples from Minnesota, indicating a putative hybrid zone warranting further investigation. GBS has proven to be a simple and effective method for genome-wide SNP discovery in moose and provides robust data for informing herd management and conservation priorities. With increasing disease, predation, and climate related pressure on range edge moose populations in the United States, the use of SNP data to identify gene flow between subspecies may prove a powerful tool for moose management and recovery, particularly if hybrid moose are more able to adapt.


Understanding the relationship between incursions of insect pests and established populations is critical to implementing effective control. Studies of genetic variation can provide powerful tools to examine potential invasion pathways and longevity of individual pest outbreaks. The major fruit fly pest in eastern Australia, Queensland fruit fly Bactrocera tryoni (Froggatt), has been subject to significant long‐term quarantine and population reduction control measures in the major horticulture production areas of southeastern Australia, at the species southern range limit. Previous studies have employed microsatellite markers to estimate gene flow between populations across this region. In this study, we used an independent genetic marker, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences, to screen genetic variation in established and adjacent outbreak populations in southeastern Australia. During the study period, favorable environmental conditions resulted in multiple outbreaks, which appeared genetically distinctive and relatively geographically localized, implying minimal dispersal between simultaneous outbreaks. Populations in established regions were found to occur over much larger areas. Screening mtDNA (female) lineages proved to be an effective alternative genetic tool to assist in understanding fruit fly population dynamics and provide another possible molecular method that could now be employed for better understanding of the ecology and evolution of this and other pest species.  相似文献   


Gymnospermium is a small genus of 7–12 taxa subject to diverging taxonomic treatments and distributed from east China to the Balkans. The recent discovery of Gymnospermium in the S-Apennines posed questions about origin and identity. Accordingly, we performed a systematic investigation by means of morphological, karyological and molecular tools. All populations were diploid with 2n = 14 as for the Balkan G. scipetarum (incl. G. maloi), and also morphology suggested a close affinity to the latter. However, the Italian populations differed from typical G. scipetarum by the lower stamen:petal length and style:carpel length. By including all European and most Asian taxa in a phylogenetic analysis, we shed new light into the species-level relationships in this genus. In the combined ITS-trnL-F phylogeny, two major clades were retrieved. One included the central Asian and eastern European taxa plus the Greek endemic G. peloponnesiacum sister to G. odessanum, and one the Balkan and Apennine populations. Such findings further corroborated that the Apennine plant belong to G. scipetarum. The native status of the Italian population is supported by exclusive SNPs in both ITS1 and trnL-F sequences. Along with morphological evidence, this allows to refer it to the new subspecies G. scipetarum subsp. eddae.  相似文献   

One hundred and thirty-eight skeletons from five Mexican archaeological sites were studied. Seventy-three of these were from Tlatilco where hunting and agriculture were the main subsistence activities. This Pre-classic group occupied an area northwest of Mexico City from 1100 to 600 B.C. Neighboring territory was intensely cultivated by the Postclassic Tlatelolco people between 1250 and 1521 A.D. Only 29 skeletons from this large group were sufficiently complete for this study. Every individuals in the latter group, except one young male adult, showed some degree of osteophytosis. The findings at Tlatelolco are paralleled by those from 46 individuals from Xochicalco, Morelos (600–900 A.D.), La Quemada, Zacatecas (900–1200 A.D.), and Coixtlahuaca II, Oaxaca (1300–1400 A.D.). Sixty-nine per cent of the 21–30 year old group (26 individuals from the latter three groups) showed Stages I–III, slight initial ridging to mushroom-like eversion of the vertebral bodies. In the next two decades 100% (13 persons) showed involvement, the three older Coixtlahuaca males having partial ankylosis (Stage V).  相似文献   

Boiga irregularis , a snake native to Australasia, is a biologically invasive species that has become established on Guam and threatens to spread to other Pacific Islands. In eastern Queensland, we found that the snake breeds seasonally and gonadal development of males and females is temporally dissociated in time. Although the period of mating in this snake is not known, these data suggest that obligatory sperm storage in the reproductive tract occurs during the reproductive cycle. Such sperm storage may partially explain the success of this species as a biological invader.  相似文献   

Pitch pine, Pinus rigida Mill., is a rare species in Canada, existing as a disjunct population in the St. Lawrence River Valley in eastern Ontario and two northern outlier stands in southern Quebec along Canada's southern border with the United States. Reproductive and genetic characteristics of these small, scattered stands were investigated to develop a foundation for management and restoration in the event of range expansion northwards under anticipated climate warming. Seed yields and seed quality appear to be comparable to other eastern conifers, and to pitch pine at the center of its geographic range. For seed and seedling growth traits, most of the variation was attributable to differences among trees within stands and, to a lesser extent, among stands within a population; whereas the population effect was non-significant. For reproductive traits, such as numbers of filled and empty seeds per cone, reproductive efficiency, and inbreeding estimates, high levels of variation (ranging from 26% to 33%) were found among stands, suggesting that stand structural features, such as stand size and tree density within stands, play an important role in pollination environment and overall reproductive success. Estimates of genetic diversity at 32 allozyme gene loci indicate that these small, isolated stands have maintained relatively high levels of genetic diversity compared with populations at the center of its geographic range, and also relative to other widely dispersed eastern conifers. The relatively high levels of viable seed production and genetic diversity in native pitch pine populations indicate that native Canadian populations may be suitable seed sources for species restoration and range expansion in Canada.  相似文献   

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