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The theory of complex networks has been recently used to explain ecological associations between nurses and seedlings in plant facilitation systems. The structure of these networks is potentially affected by morphological, ecological and evolutionary factors that can determine the facilitative interactions. In the present study, we evaluate the role of the projected crown area of the nurse plant, the dispersal syndrome, the abundance and the phylogeny relationships with seedlings as drivers of network structure in facilitation networks. To test these parameters, we used an ecotonal forest–grassland system in southern Brazil that experienced historical forest expansion over the grassland in the last few centuries. In two State Parks, Guartelá (GUA) and Vila Velha (VVL), we sampled tree species (nurses and seedlings) along four transects parallel to the forest edge, with five sampling stations along each transect. Tree seedlings (height >0.3 m) were sampled below the nurse's crown (i.e. isolated woody plants, height >1.5 m) and over the grassland area. A total of 160 nurses and 358 seedlings were sampled. Seedling abundance and richness were greater below a nurse's crown than on open grassland. Nurse abundance was the best predictor of the observed interaction matrix. Probabilistic matrices based on abundance, abundance and phylogeny, and dominance were able to predict the observed nestedness values, and they were also closest to the observed connectance, although all of the probabilistic matrices have underestimated this property. Specialization was predicted by abundance and phylogeny, abundance and projected crown area drivers for VVL, and the abundance based models were closest to the predicted specialization for GUA. The result of a similar pattern in predictability between sites indicates that the influences of morphology and evolutionary and ecological processes over the facilitation interactions are equivalent on a regional scale. Woody plant abundance was a key factor for the facilitation networks, driving forest expansion along the subtropical forest–grassland ecotone.  相似文献   

Facilitation is a positive interaction assembling ecological communities and preserving global biodiversity. Although communities acquire emerging properties when many species interact, most of our knowledge about facilitation is based on studies between pairs of species. To understand how plant facilitation preserves biodiversity in complex ecological communities, we propose to move from the study of pairwise interactions to the network approach. We show that facilitation networks behave as mutualistic networks do, characterized by a nonrandom, nested structure of plant-plant interactions in which a few generalist nurses facilitate a large number of species while the rest of the nurses facilitate only a subset of them. Consequently, generalist nurses shape a dense and highly connected network. Interestingly, such generalist nurses are the most abundant species in the community, making facilitation-shaped communities strongly resistant to extinction, as revealed by coextinction simulations. The nested structure of facilitative networks explains why facilitation, by preventing extinction, preserves biodiversity.  相似文献   

The morphology of the skeleton of both extant and fossil Platyrrhini often suggests an image of the ancestry of higher Primates, Man included. Here we give a survey of the characters of common origin to both groups. Reciprocally, a number of such original characters are seen to be maintained in modern Man, thereby placing him along a direct and singular evolutionary lineage.  相似文献   

The statistics of relative abundance and diversity   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Evans LM  Clark JS  Whipple AV  Whitham TG 《Oecologia》2012,168(2):483-489
Both plant genotype and yearly abiotic variation affect herbivore population sizes, but long-term data have rarely been used to contrast the relative contributions of each. Using a hierarchical Bayesian model, we directly compare effects of these two factors on the population size of a common herbivore, Aceria parapopuli, on Populus angustifolia × fremontii F1 hybrid trees growing in a common garden across 8 years. Several patterns emerged. First, the Bayesian posterior estimates of tree genotype effects on mite gall number ranged from 0.0043 to 229 on a linear scale. Second, year effect sizes across 8 years of study ranged from 0.133 to 1.895. Third, in comparing the magnitudes of genotypic versus yearly variation, we found that genotypic variation was over 130 times greater than variation among years. Fourth, precipitation in the previous year negatively affected gall abundances, but was minimal compared to tree genotype effects. These findings demonstrate the relative importance of tree genotypic variation in determining herbivore population size. However, given the demonstrated sensitivity of cottonwoods to drought, the loss of individual tree genotypes from an altered climate would have catastrophic impacts on mites that are dependent upon these genotypes for their survival.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2020,124(10):845-853
The genus Metarhizium is composed of entomopathogenic fungal biological control agents (BCAs) used for invertebrate pest control. The phylogenetic relationships of species within this genus are still under scrutiny as several cryptic species can be found. In this work, the mitochondrial (mt) genome of Metarhizium brunneum ARSEF 4556 was fully sequenced and a comparative genome analysis was conducted with 7 other available mt genomes, belonging to 5 Metarhizium species: M. anisopliae, M. brunneum, M. robertsii, M. guizhouense and M. majus. Results showed that Metarhizium demonstrates greater conserved stability than other fungal mt genomes. Furthermore, this analysis located 7 diverse regions in both intergenic domains and gene fragments which were ideal for species/strain discrimination. The sequencing of these regions revealed several SNPs among 38 strains tested, 11 of which were uncharacterized. Single gene phylogenies presented variable results which may be used further for intra-species discrimination. Phylogenetic trees based on the concatenation of mt domains and the nuclear ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region showed discrimination of the species studied and allowed the identification of uncharacterized strains. These were mostly placed within species M. anisopliae and M. brunneum. Five strains clustered together in a clade related to M. brunneum, suggesting that they comprise a cryptic species.  相似文献   

Although an interspecific trade-off between competitive and colonizing ability can permit multispecies coexistence, whether this mechanism controls the structure of natural systems remains unresolved. We used models to evaluate the hypothesized importance of this trade-off for explaining coexistence and relative abundance patterns in annual plant assemblages. In a nonspatial model, empirically derived competition-colonization trade-offs related to seed mass were insufficient to generate coexistence. This was unchanged by spatial structure or interspecific variation in the fraction of seeds dispersing globally. These results differ from those of the more generalized competition-colonization models because the latter assume completely asymmetric competition, an assumption that appears unrealistic considering existing data for annual systems. When, for heuristic purposes, completely asymmetric competition was incorporated into our models, unlimited coexistence was possible. However, in the resulting abundance patterns, the best competitors/poorest colonizers were the most abundant, the opposite of that observed in natural systems. By contrast, these natural patterns were produced by competition-colonization models where environmental heterogeneity permitted species coexistence. Thus, despite the failure of the simple competition-colonization trade-off to explain coexistence in annual plant systems, this trade-off may be essential to explaining relative abundance patterns when other processes permit coexistence.  相似文献   

Reader  R. J. 《Plant Ecology》1998,134(1):43-51
This study tested whether differences in species abundance at an infertile site could be explained by differences in the species' plant traits. Nine traits were chosen for the analysis based on results of previous studies conducted across soil fertility gradients. The traits were measured for each of seven herbaceous species whose abundance ranged from 5% to 100% of locations occupied in a ridgetop habitat. Using linear regression, significant relationships were found between species relative abundance and each of five traits. In these relationships, a trait explained between 69% and 88% of interspecific variation in abundance. Relatively abundant species had a slower growth rate, smaller shoot mass, higher root to shoot ratio, slower loss of leaf tissue to herbivores and higher infection of roots by mycorrhizal fungi than less abundant species. Using three of these five traits (i.e. shoot mass, mycorrhizal infection and loss of leaf tissue to herbivores) as independent variables in a multiple regression equation explained 99% of interspecific variation in abundance. The latter result indicates that species relative abundance can be explained for a single habitat by choosing traits found to be related to species abundance in previous gradient studies. However, not every trait chosen was significantly related to species abundance. Therefore, a large number of traits may have to be chosen initially to ensure that some subset of these traits can explain species relative abundance.  相似文献   

Plant strategies frequently vary from opportunistic pollination to specialization to single pollinators within the same community. Unraveling the proximate mechanisms that determine the degree of plant generalization to pollinators has become a primary goal of pollination ecology. Color signaling is a potentially important mechanism because it is well established that many pollinators use color stimuli to locate food items. Until now, studies on the importance of color signaling in structuring pollination networks have not considered floral coloration as it is perceived by pollinators. Here, we use a framework recently developed for network analyses to compare the relative importance of color matching (i.e. the degree of phenotypic matching between flower coloration and pollinators’ visual system) and other variables (phylogeny, co‐abundance and spatiotemporal overlap between plants and pollinators) for plant generalization. We analyzed 25 000 visits in three temperate regions. We show that color matching in combination with spatiotemporal overlap or co‐abundance significantly influences plant generalization in one of the three regions. We suggest that intense human activities in two regions have decreased the mean level of color matching, potentially disrupting the communication between plants and pollinators. This study illuminates how the sensory ecology of pollinators contributes to structure a highly diversified pollination network.  相似文献   

Recent studies have started to unravel the structure of mutualistic networks, although few functional explanations underlying such structure have been explored. We used computer simulations to test whether complementarity between phenotypic traits of plants and animals can explain the pervasive tendency of specialists to interact with proper subsets of species that generalists interact with (nested interactions), and how phylogeny affects such interaction patterns. Simultaneously, we assessed whether complementarity and phylogenetic structure were associated with patterns of interaction in a real mutualistic community. Simulation results support that highly nested networks can emerge from phenotypic complementarity, particularly when several traits are involved. The hierarchical structure of phylogenetic relations can also contribute to increased nestedness because traits determining complementarity are then inherited in a correlated fashion. Phylogenetic effects on resulting generalization levels are often low, but can be detected. Results from the empirical network support a relevant role of complementarity and phylogenetic history on interaction patterns. Our results demonstrate that these factors can contribute to nestedness, which emphasize the necessity of considering evolutionary mechanisms in studies of community structure.  相似文献   

Ecological network studies are providing important advances about the organization, stability and dynamics of ecological systems. However, the ecological networks approach is being integrated very slowly in plant community ecology, even though the first studies on plant facilitation networks (FNs) were published more than a decade ago. The study of interaction networks between established plants and plants recruiting beneath them, which we call Recruitment Networks (RNs), can provide new insights on mechanisms driving plant community structure and dynamics. RNs basically describe which plants recruit under which others, so they can be seen as a generalisation of the classic FNs since they do not imply any particular effect (positive, negative or neutral) of the established plants on recruiting ones. RNs summarise information on the structure of sapling banks. More importantly, the information included in RNs can be incorporated into models of replacement dynamics to evaluate how different aspects of network structure, or different mechanisms of network assembly, may affect plant community stability and species coexistence. To allow an efficient development of the study of FNs and RNs, here we unify concepts, synthesise current knowledge, clarify some conceptual issues, and propose basic methodological guidelines to standardise sampling methods that could make future studies of these networks directly comparable.  相似文献   

In the area of Piz Corvatsch (Upper Engadin, Grisons, Switzerland), the actual vegetation on active and inactive rock glacier surfaces has been mapped. The floristic composition (vascular plants and lichens) of the different rock glacier surfaces has been mapped and compared with photogrammetrical measurements of surface movements of the active rock glaciers. In general, the active rock glacier surfaces show a very low cover of vascular plants. Most of them are located at the edge and at the front of the rock glacier where fine-grained soil material occurs in small pokkets.

Lichenometry has been used as an additional method on Murtèl rock glacier and on the protalus rampart. Measurements of Rhizocarpon geographicum thalli revealed increasing sizes from the root zone of the rock glacier to its front. On the Murtèl rock glacier, Rhizocarpon geographicum thalli with a diameter >4cm occur on surfaces with ages between 5000 and 6000 years B.P.

The statistical analysis (MULVA-5) of the dense vegetation cover of the inactive and relict rock glaciers revealed four plant sociological groups, which are composed of species reflecting well consolidated sites: alpine grassland, subalpine dwarf shrubs and small patches with single small trees of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra) and larch (Larix decidua).  相似文献   

The study of functional structure in species assemblages emphasizes the detection of significant guild aggregation patterns. Thus, protocols based on intensive resampling of empirical data have been proposed to assess guild structure. Such protocols obtain the frequency distribution of a given functional similarity metric, and identify a threshold value (often the 95th percentile) beyond which clusters in a functional dendrogram are considered as significant guilds (using one-tailed tests). An alternative approach sequentially searches for significant differences between clusters at decreasing levels of similarity in a dendrogram until one is detected, then assumes that all subsequent nodes should also be significant. Nevertheless, these protocols do not test both the significance and sign of deviations from random at all levels of functional similarity within a dendrogram. Here, we propose a new bootstrapping approach that: (1) overcomes such pitfalls by performing two-tailed tests for each node in a dendrogram of functional similarity after separately determining their respective sample distributions, and (2) enables the quantification of the relative contribution of guild aggregation and functional divergence to the overall functional structure of the entire assemblage. We exemplify this approach by using long-term data on guild dynamics in a vertebrate predator assemblage of central Chile. Finally, we illustrate how the interpretation of functional structure is improved by applying this new approach to the data set available.  相似文献   

Culture conditions were defined allowing to demonstrate a stimulatory effect of both serum-contained and purified Somatomedin activity on incorporation of [3H]thymidine and replication of cultured normal human fibroblasts. The use of dialyzed human serum in MEM medium supplemented by 0.2 mM serine offered the necessary and sufficient culture conditions. A significant difference between normal and hypopituitary patients sera was found in their effect on the rate of [3H]thymidine incorporation (p < 0.0001) and on cell replication (p < 0.01). Purified Somatomedin-C, in MEM without serum, is a poor mitogen. Its activity was strongly enhanced by the addition of 0.1 % dialyzed serum and 0.2 mM serine without, however, exceeding the stimulatory level of 1 % whole normal serum. The requirement of concomitant presence, for optimal invitro cell growth, of different low and high MW serum components is discussed.  相似文献   

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