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ABSTRACT Accurately differentiating age classes is essential for the long‐term monitoring of resident New World tropical bird species. Molt and plumage criteria have long been used to accurately age temperate birds, but application of temperate age‐classification models to the Neotropics has been hindered because annual life‐cycle events of tropical birds do not always correspond with temperate age‐classification nomenclature. However, recent studies have shown that similar molt and plumage criteria can be used to categorize tropical birds into age classes. We propose a categorical age‐classification system for tropical birds based on identification of molt cycles and their inserted plumages. This approach allows determination of the age ranges (in months) of birds throughout plumage succession. Although our proposed cycle‐based system is an improvement over temperate calendar‐based models, we believe that combining both systems provides the most accurate means of categorizing age and preserving age‐related data. Our proposed cycle‐based age‐classification system can be used for all birds, including temperate species, and provides a framework for investigating molt and population dynamics that could ultimately influence management decisions.  相似文献   

Many species of birds show distinctive seasonal breeding and nonbreeding plumages. A number of hypotheses have been proposed for the evolution of this seasonal dichromatism, specifically related to the idea that birds may experience variable levels of sexual selection relative to natural selection throughout the year. However, these hypotheses have not addressed the selective forces that have shaped molt, the underlying mechanism of plumage change. Here, we examined relationships between life‐history variation, the evolution of a seasonal molt, and seasonal plumage dichromatism in the New World warblers (Aves: Parulidae), a family with a remarkable diversity of plumage, molt, and life‐history strategies. We used phylogenetic comparative methods and path analysis to understand how and why distinctive breeding and nonbreeding plumages evolve in this family. We found that color change alone poorly explains the evolution of patterns of biannual molt evolution in warblers. Instead, molt evolution is better explained by a combination of other life‐history factors, especially migration distance and foraging stratum. We found that the evolution of biannual molt and seasonal dichromatism is decoupled, with a biannual molt appearing earlier on the tree, more dispersed across taxa and body regions, and correlating with separate life‐history factors than seasonal dichromatism. This result helps explain the apparent paradox of birds that molt biannually but show breeding plumages that are identical to the nonbreeding plumage. We find support for a two‐step process for the evolution of distinctive breeding and nonbreeding plumages: That prealternate molt evolves primarily under selection for feather renewal, with seasonal color change sometimes following later. These results reveal how life‐history strategies and a birds' environment act upon multiple and separate feather functions to drive the evolution of feather replacement patterns and bird coloration.  相似文献   

Avian plumage represents some of the greatest diversity in integument coloration of all animals. Plumage signals are diverse in function, including those that allow for assessing potential mates or the mitigation of agonistic interactions between rivals. Many bird species possess multiple ornamental traits that have the potential to serve as multiple or redundant signals. For example, male golden‐winged warblers (Vermivora chrysoptera) have brilliant carotenoid‐based yellow crowns, melanin‐based black throats, and structurally based white patches on their outer tail feathers. Using a correlative approach, we investigated whether plumage ornaments have the potential to reliably signal ability to acquire higher quality territory, aggressive response to simulated territorial intrusions, and reproductive success. We found that both crown chroma and tail brightness were significantly related to habitat quality and aggression; more ornamented birds held territories with higher quality habitat and were less aggressive toward simulated conspecific stimuli. Older birds sang less threatening songs than younger birds and were more likely to sing their mate attraction song type (type 1) rather than songs typically reserved for agonistic interactions (type 2). Finally, despite our previous research demonstrating that habitat strongly predicts reproductive success in this warbler population, we found no evidence of a direct link between ornamentation and reproductive success. Overall, these data suggest that younger males, and those with lower quality ornaments, compensate with more aggressive behaviors. Additional research is needed to investigate the dynamics between behavioral traits and ornaments to better understand complex signaling and how golden wing signals function in conspecific interactions (male–male interactions and mate‐choice).  相似文献   

In birds, there are two main models for the determination of sex: the ‘Z Dosage’ model in which the number, or dose, of Z chromosomes determines sex, and the ‘Dominant W’ model which argues that a specific gene in the W chromosome may influence Z gene expression and determine sex. The best evidence for W determination of sex comes from birds with 2 copies of the Z chromosome paired with a single W (e.g. ZZW) which are nonetheless females. Here, we expand the species where such a mechanism may operate by reporting a case of a triploid Neotropical passerine bird with sexually dimorphic plumage, the São Paulo marsh antwren Formicivora paludicola. Evidence from 17 autosomal unlinked microsatellite loci, and CHD1 sex‐linked locus, indicate that this individual is a 3n ZZW triploid with intermediate plumage pattern. This example expands our knowledge of sex determination mechanisms in birds by demonstrating that both the W and the two Z chromosomes affect the expression of morphological secondary sexual traits in a non‐galliform bird.  相似文献   

Photoperiod (=day length) is the vital factor for the regulation of behavioral and physiological activities in many avian species. This study investigated the seasonal cycles of testicular growth and secondary sexual characteristics of Indian weaver bird under natural day length (NDL) and the effects of duration and intensity of light on photoperiodic induction. In the first experiment, groups of birds (n = 7 each) were exposed to under NDL in April 2008 and May 2009 for 8 and 12 months, respectively. In second and third experiment, birds (n = 6 each group) were exposed to different photoperiods (11.5L:12.5D, 12L:12D, 13L:11D, and 15L:9D) at the same (500 lux) light intensity, and to 13L:11D at different light intensities (10-, 50-, 500-, and 800-lux). Observations on testis size, molt, and plumage score were recorded 2-week (molt and plumage) or at 4-week intervals (testes). Both the NDL groups showed similar seasonal cycles of testicular growth-regression and secondary sexual characteristics. Second and third experiments suggest that the photoperiodic induction was depending upon duration and intensity of the light. Birds showed testicular growth-regression cycle followed by molt and plumage color change only under 13L:11D and 15L:9D and only 500- and 800-lux under 13L:11D photoperiod but not under 11.5L:12.5D and 12L:12D and 10- and 50-lux light intensities. Pre- and post-nuptial molting on body feathers were progressed with gonadal stimulation–maturation and regression cycle under 13L:11D and 15L:9D. Results under different light–dark cycles suggest that day length of about 12 h or more and above the threshold level of light intensity are essential for the induction of photoperiodic responses.  相似文献   

Migration distances of shorebird species correlate with life history strategies. To assess age‐specific migratory preparation and adult wing‐molt strategies, we studied Western Sandpipers (Calidris mauri) and Semipalmated Sandpipers (C. pusilla) with different migration routes at the Paracas National Reserve in Perú, one of the most austral non‐breeding areas for these sandpipers, from 2012 to 2015. Western Sandpipers breed near the Bering Sea, ~11,000 km from Paracas. Semipalmated Sandpiper populations at Paracas are a mixture of short‐billed birds from western Arctic breeding sites, plus long‐billed birds from eastern sites, ~8000 km distant. Adults of both species arrive in October with primary feathers already partially renewed so wing molt starts at sites further north. Semipalmated Sandpipers with longer bills completed wing molt later than shorter billed birds. Adults of both species prepared for migration in February and March. No juvenile Western Sandpipers prepared for migration, confirming the “slow” over‐summering life history strategy of more southerly non‐breeding populations. Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers showed bimodality in strategies. Most showed no migratory preparation, but, during three non‐breeding periods, from 27% to 31% fattened, molted, and partially replaced outer primaries during the pre‐migratory period. Juveniles with longer culmens were heavier and tended to have more alternate plumage. Juveniles that were partially molting primaries had longer culmens and more alternate plumage. Juvenile Semipalmated Sandpipers from eastern‐breeding populations thus have a higher propensity for a fast life history strategy, and western birds a slow one, at this non‐breeding site in Peru. Western‐breeding Semipalmated Sandpiper populations thus resemble Western Sandpipers, suggesting a common, possibly distance‐related, effect on life history strategy.  相似文献   

The distribution of feather mites (Astigmata) along the wing of passerine birds could change dramatically within minutes because of the rapid movement of mites between feathers. However, no rigorous study has answered how fine‐tuned is the pattern of distribution of feather mites at a given time. Here we present a multiscale study of the distribution of feather mites on the wing of non‐moulting blackcaps Sylvia atricapilla in a short time period and at a single locality. We found that the number and distribution of mites differed among birds, but it was extremely similar between the wings of each bird. Moreover, mites consistently avoided the first secondary feather, despite that it is placed at the centre of the feathers most used by them. Thus, our results suggest that feather mites do precise, feather‐level decisions on where to live, contradicting the current view that mites perform “mass”, or “blind” movements across wing feathers. Moreover, our findings indicate that “rare” distributions are not spurious data or sampling errors, but each distribution of mites on the wing of each bird is the outcome of the particular conditions operating on each ambient‐bird‐feather mite system at a given time. This study indicates that we need to focus on the distribution of feather mites at the level of the individual bird and at the feather level to improve our understanding of the spatial ecology of mites on the wings of birds.  相似文献   

Migratory shorebirds have some of the highest fat loads among birds, especially species which migrate long distances. The upland sandpiper Bartramia longicauda makes long‐distance migrations twice a year, but variation in body condition or timing of feather molt during the non‐breeding season has not been studied. Molt is an important part of the annual cycle of migratory birds because feather condition determines flight performance during migration, and long‐distance movements are energetically costly. However, variation in body condition during molt has been poorly studied. The objective of our field study was to examine the timing and patterns of feather molt of a long distance migratory shorebird during the non‐breeding season and test for relationships with body size, fat depots, mass, and sex. Field work was conducted at four ranches in the Northern Campos of Uruguay (Paysandú and Salto Departments). We captured and marked 62 sandpipers in a 2‐month period (Nov–Jan) during four non‐breeding seasons (2008–2012). Sex was determined by genetic analyses of blood samples taken at capture. Molt was measured in captured birds using rank scores based on published standards. Body mass and tarsus length measurements showed female‐biased sexual size dimorphism with males smaller than females. Size‐corrected body mass (body condition) showed a U‐shaped relationship with the day of the season, indicating that birds arrived at non‐breeding grounds in relatively good condition. Arriving in good body condition at non‐breeding grounds is probably important because of the energetic demands due to physiological adjustments after migration and the costs of feather molt.  相似文献   

Molt is a major component of the annual cycle of birds, the timing and extent of which can affect body condition, survival, and future reproductive success through carry‐over effects. The way in which molt is fitted into the annual cycle seems to be a somewhat neglected area which is both of interest and of importance. Study of the causes of annual variation in the timing of molt and its potential consequence in long‐distance migratory birds was examined using the Curlew Sandpiper, Calidris ferruginea, as a model species. Using the maximum likelihood molt models of Underhill and Zucchini (1988, Ibis 130:358–372), the relationship between annual variability in the start dates of molt at the population level with conditions on the breeding area was explored. Adult males typically started early in years when temperature in June on the Arctic breeding grounds were high compared to cold years while adult females molted later in years of high breeding success and/or warm July temperature and vice versa. When molt started later, the duration was often shorter, indicating that late completion of molt might have fitness consequences, probably jeopardizing survival. Evidence of this was seen in the low body condition of birds in years when molt was completed late. The results indicate that these migratory shorebirds follow a fine‐tuned annual life cycle, and disturbances at a certain stage can alter next biological events through carry‐over effects.  相似文献   

Dirty ptarmigan: behavioral modification of conspicuous male plumage   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Males of many bird species acquire a conspicuous breeding plumagethrough molt. Male rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus), however,become conspicuous in a unique way—as snow melts awayfrom the tundra, their cryptic white winter plumage suddenlybecomes exceptionally conspicuous, and remains so for at least3 weeks. While males remain white, females molt into one ofthe most cryptic plumages known in birds. From our 17-year fieldstudy in arctic North America, we show that, unlike other birds,male rock ptarmigan eventually change from conspicuous to crypticby soiling their plumage, thereby reducing their conspicuousnesssix fold before they molt to their cryptic summer plumage.Individual males began to soil their plumage as soon as theirmates began egg-laying, and were maximally dirty and relatively cryptic by the time incubation began and their mates no longerfertilizable. Thus male plumage conspicuousness appears toserve a reproductive function. Moreover, both polygynous andbachelor males delayed soiling for a few days after monogamousmales, as expected because of the prolonged mating opportunitiesavailable to them. We use these data to address a variety of hypotheses to explain both the conspicuousness of breeding malesand their subsequent plumage soiling. Given the high predationrate recorded for male ptarmigan during the breeding season,we argue that male conspicuousness is best explained by sexualselection and that plumage soiling is an adaptation that reducespredation risk by increasing camouflage.  相似文献   

The Control of Color in Birds   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SYNOPSIS. The colors of birds result from deposition of pigments—mainlymelanins and carotenoids—in integumentary structures,chiefly the feathers. The plumages of birds indicate their age,sex, and mode of living, and play important roles in camouflage,mating, and establishment of territories. Since feathers aredead structures, change of color of feathers is effected throughdivestment (molt) and replacement. The color and pattern ofa feather are determined by the interplay of genetic and hormonalinfluences prevailing in its base during regeneration. Mostbirds replace their feathers at least once annually. Some wearthe same kind of basic plumage all the time butothers alternatea basic and breeding plumage, either in one (the male) or bothsexes. Still others may have more than two molts, adding supplementalplumage at certain times in the plumage cycle. The varietiesof patterns of molt, the kinds of plumage, and the colors andpatterns of feathers among birds apparently are the result ofseveral kinds of selection pressures working through evolution.  相似文献   

Land use management practices often change habitat structure, which in turn influence diversity and the composition of floral and faunal assemblages. In the southern Kalahari, southern Africa, heavy grazing after above‐average rainfall has lead to bush thickening, and widespread use of arboricides and/or removal of large trees for firewood has also impacted habitat structure. At sites near Kimberley, in South Africa, we investigated the effects of these changes on bird species richness and which aspects of habitat structure most influenced bird assemblage diversity and composition. We also investigated correlations between bird life history traits and habitat characteristics using RLQ analysis. Bird species richness and abundance were both explained by vertical habitat heterogeneity and density of woody species between the heights of 0–2 m, with bird species richness also explained by the density of woody species at heights above 6 m. Large trees within bush‐thickened areas dampened the effects of bush thickening on bird assemblages by enabling certain species to persist, consistent with the idea that large trees are keystone structures. Smaller insectivorous gleaners, ball‐ and cup‐nesters, birds with parts of their range extending into arid areas and birds with long‐wavelength plumage (i.e. red, orange or yellow plumage) dominated bush‐thickened habitats. Seed‐eaters, burrow‐ and ground‐nesters, bark‐foragers, birds that perch and sally, or perch and swoop to the ground, were all negatively associated with bush thickening. Cavity‐nesters, bark‐foragers, hawkers, frugivores, birds that perch and sally and species with iridescent plumage were negatively affected by the loss of large trees. Of the common species analysed, nearly 40% of species had life history traits tied to large trees; and 68% had traits negatively associated with bush thickening and removal of large trees together, suggesting that where these changes in habitat occur simultaneously, bird diversity will be strongly affected.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based plumage coloration plays a critical role for both inter‐ and intrasexual communication. Habitat and diet during molt can have important consequences for the development of the ornamental signals used in these contexts. When molt occurs away from the breeding grounds (e.g., pre‐alternate molt on the wintering grounds, or stopover molt), discerning the influence of habitat and diet can be particularly important, as these effects may result in important carryover effects that influence territory acquisition or mate choice in subsequent seasons. Several species of songbirds in western North America, including the Bullock's oriole (Icterus bullockii), migrate from the breeding grounds to undergo a complete prebasic (post‐breeding) molt at a stopover site in the region affected by the Mexican monsoon climate pattern. This strategy appears to have evolved several times independently in response to the harsh, food‐limited late‐summer conditions in the arid West, which contrast strongly with the high productivity driven by heavy rains that is characteristic of the Mexican monsoon region. Within this region, individuals may be able to optimize plumage coloration by molting in favourable areas characterized by high resource abundance. We used stable isotope analysis (δ13C, δ15N) to ask whether the diet and molt habitat/location of Bullock's orioles influenced their expression of carotenoid‐based plumage coloration as well as plumage carotenoid content and composition. Bullock's orioles with lower feather δ15N values acquired more colorful plumage (orange‐shifted hue) but had feathers with lower total carotenoid concentration, lower zeaxanthin concentration, and marginally lower canthaxanthin and lutein concentration. Examining factors occurring throughout the annual cycle are critical for understanding evolutionary and ecological processes. Here, we demonstrate that conditions experienced during a stopover molt, occurring hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the breeding grounds, influence the production of ornamental plumage coloration, which may carryover to influence inter‐ and intrasexual signaling in subsequent seasons.  相似文献   

Novel, water‐soluble CdTe quantum dots (QDs) capped with β‐cyclodextrin (β‐CD) and ~ 4.0 nm in diameter were synthesized in aqueous solution, and characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A fluorescence‐sensing system based on the photoinduced electron transfer (PET) of (mono‐6‐thio‐β‐CD)–CdTe QDs was then designed to measure the interaction of phenothiazine dyes [methylene blue (MB) and methylene green (MG)] with herring sperm DNA (hsDNA). This fluorescence‐sensing system was based on a fluorescence “OFF–ON” mode. First, MB/MG adsorbed on the surface of (mono‐6‐thio‐β‐CD)–CdTe QDs effectively quenches the fluorescence of (mono‐6‐thio‐β‐CD)–CdTe QDs through PET. Then, addition of hsDNA restores the fluorescence intensity of (mono‐6‐thio‐β‐CD)–CdTe QDs, because hsDNA can bind with MB/MG and remove it from the as‐prepared (mono‐6‐thio‐β‐CD)–CdTe QDs. In addition, detailed reaction mechanisms of the (mono‐6‐thio‐β‐CD)–CdTe QDs–MB/MG–hsDNA solution system were studied using optical methods, by comparison with the TGA–CdTe QDs–MB/MG–hsDNA solution system. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Post‐translational modifications (PTM) of proteins can control complex and dynamic cellular processes via regulating interactions between key proteins. To understand these regulatory mechanisms, it is critical that we can profile the PTM‐dependent protein–protein interactions. However, identifying these interactions can be very difficult using available approaches, as PTMs can be dynamic and often mediate relatively weak protein–protein interactions. We have recently developed CLASPI (cross‐linking‐assisted and stable isotope labeling in cell culture‐based protein identification), a chemical proteomics approach to examine protein–protein interactions mediated by methylation in human cell lysates. Here, we report three extensions of the CLASPI approach. First, we show that CLASPI can be used to analyze methylation‐dependent protein–protein interactions in lysates of fission yeast, a genetically tractable model organism. For these studies, we examined trimethylated histone H3 lysine‐9 (H3K9Me3)‐dependent protein–protein interactions. Second, we demonstrate that CLASPI can be used to examine phosphorylation‐dependent protein–protein interactions. In particular, we profile proteins recognizing phosphorylated histone H3 threonine‐3 (H3T3‐Phos), a mitotic histone “mark” appearing exclusively during cell division. Our approach identified survivin, the only known H3T3‐Phos‐binding protein, as well as other proteins, such as MCAK and KIF2A, that are likely to be involved in weak but selective interactions with this histone phosphorylation “mark”. Finally, we demonstrate that the CLASPI approach can be used to study the interplay between histone H3T3‐Phos and trimethylation on the adjacent residue lysine 4 (H3K4Me3). Together, our findings indicate the CLASPI approach can be broadly applied to profile protein–protein interactions mediated by PTMs.  相似文献   

The costs of bird song incurred in a diversity of ways may result in trade‐offs in the production and maintenance of elaborate plumage ornaments. In this paper, we examine evolutionary trade‐offs between acoustic and visual signalling in trogon birds (Trogonidae). Using multiple regressions with phylogenetically independent contrasts, we found that interspecific variation in male plumage coloration was not significantly predicted by song traits (reduced by PCA) or altitude. Although plumage coloration is expected to decrease with increases in song elaboration, both groups of variables were not related. Given that song and plumage coloration traits are likely targets of sexual selection, we also examined their relationships with sexual plumage dimorphism. We found that male carotenoid‐derived coloration was positively related to sexual plumage dimorphism, suggesting that sexual selection on male carotenoid‐derived coloration may be stronger than on melanin‐ or structurally based coloration, or than on acoustic traits. Comparative studies on other bird families accounting for the effects of phylogeny as well as environmental covariates are required to test the generality of our findings in trogons.  相似文献   

Understanding the annual cycle of migratory birds is imperative for evaluating the evolution of life‐history strategies and developing effective conservation strategies. Yet, we still know little about the annual cycle of migratory birds that breed at south‐temperate latitudes of South America. We aged, sexed, and determined the progression and intensity of body, remige, and rectrix molt of migratory Fork‐tailed Flycatchers (Tyrannus s. savana) at breeding sites in southern South America and at wintering sites in northern South America. Molt of both body and flight feathers occurred primarily during the winter. In early winter, a similar proportion of young and adult flycatchers molted remiges and rectrices, but remige molt intensity (number of remiges molting) was greater and primary molt progression (mean primary feather molting) more advanced in adults. In late winter, remige molt intensity and primary molt progression did not differ between age groups. We found no difference between males and females either in the proportion of individuals molting in winter or in the intensity or progress of remige molt. Our results suggest that the nominate subspecies of Fork‐tailed Flycatcher undergoes one complete, annual molt on the wintering grounds, and represents the first comprehensive evaluation of molt timing of a migratory New World flycatcher that overwinters in the tropics. Given that breeding, molt, and migration represent three key events in the annual cycle of migratory birds, knowledge of the timing of these events is the first step toward understanding the possible tradeoffs migratory birds face throughout the year.  相似文献   

Assessment and preservation of biodiversity has been a central theme of conservation biology since the discipline's inception. However, when diversity estimates are based purely on measures of presence–absence, or even abundance, they do not directly assess in what way focal habitats support the life history needs of individual species making up biological communities. Here, we move beyond naïve measures of occurrence and introduce the concept of “informed diversity” indices which scale estimates of avian species richness and community assemblage by two critical phases of their life cycle: breeding and molt. We tested the validity of the “informed diversity” concept using bird capture data from multiple locations in northern California and southern Oregon to examine patterns of species richness among breeding, molting, and naïve (based solely on occurrence) bird communities at the landscape and local scales using linear regression, community similarity indices, and a Detrended Correspondence Analysis (DCA). At the landscape scale, we found a striking pattern of increased species richness for breeding, molting, and naïve bird communities further inland and at higher elevations throughout the study area. At the local scale, we found that some sites with species‐rich naïve communities were in fact species‐poor when informed by breeding status, indicating that naïve richness may mask more biologically meaningful patterns of diversity. We suggest that land managers use informed diversity estimates instead of naïve measures of diversity to identify ecologically valuable wildlife habitat.  相似文献   

Black‐headed Grosbeaks (Pheucticus melanocephalus) have been observed to undergo prebasic molt during fall in the North American Monsoon region of the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico, but it is unknown whether molt migration is pervasive across populations of the species. During the 2014 breeding season, we GPS‐tagged (where GPS is global positioning system) nine adult Black‐headed Grosbeaks in Yosemite National Park with archival GPS tags to determine specific locations where grosbeaks breeding in Yosemite spent portions of the non‐breeding season, and to assess whether those locations were consistent with molt migration. On 2 June 2015, one of these birds, a male GPS‐tagged on 19 June 2014, was recaptured with its GPS unit still attached. Data downloaded from the unit revealed that, by 20 August 2014, the bird had moved 1300 km from Yosemite National Park to Sonora, Mexico, where it remained until at least 15 October 2014. By 24 November 2014, the grosbeak had moved >1300 m from Sonora to the Michoacán‐Jalisco border region, where it remained until the last GPS‐determined location was obtained on 24 March 2015. The seasonal timing of these movements and the length of stay in Sonora are consistent with the expected behavior of a molt‐migrating bird. Remote‐sensed enhanced vegetation index (EVI) data indicated that the grosbeak arrived in the monsoon region near the area's annual peak in EVI, and then, as the index was declining sharply, departed for the Michoacán‐Jalisco region, where the index also declined during the same period, but substantially less so than in Sonora. Climate change in the coming decades is expected to delay the annual onset of the monsoon while also accelerating the initiation of arid, summer‐like conditions throughout much of western North America, possibly yielding a temporal mismatch between fall migration and the monsoon‐driven conditions that may be critical for molt‐migrating birds.  相似文献   

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