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Higham JP  Gosler AG 《Oecologia》2006,149(4):561-570
Many small passerine birds worldwide lay white eggs speckled with red, brown and black protoporphyrin pigment spots (maculation). Unlike some patterns of avian eggshell pigmentation which clearly serve a crypsis or signalling function, the ubiquity of maculation among passerines suggests that its origins lie in another function, not specific to any particular ecological or behavioural group. Elsewhere, we have presented evidence that protoporphyrin pigments serve a structural function related to eggshell thickness and calcium availability: eggshell maculation in the great tit Parus major increases with decreasing soil calcium levels, pigments demarcate thinner areas of shell, and both the pigment intensity and distribution are related to shell thickness. Here we show that maculation also affects the rate of water loss from the egg during incubation (≈ Mass Loss per Day or MLD, which is critical to egg viability), but not that of unincubated eggs. We also demonstrate, both by observation and experiment, that the effect of female incubation behaviour on MLD compensates in some way for variation in egg characteristics, and that differences between females in the degree of such compensation are related to differences in clutch maculation. Our results suggest that, while a principal function of maculation in this species may be to strengthen the eggshell, it may also reduce eggshell permeability when large amounts of pigment are used, and that this necessitates a behavioural adjustment from the female during incubation. We discuss these findings and make further testable predictions from our model.  相似文献   

Tapio Eeva  Esa Lehikoinen 《Oecologia》2013,173(4):1661-1668
Long-term data on a great tit (Parus major) population breeding in a metal-polluted zone around a copper–nickel smelter indicate that, against expectations, the clutch size of this species is decreasing even though metal emissions in the area have decreased considerably over the past two decades. Here, we document long-term population-level changes in the clutch size of P. major and explore if changes in population density, population numbers of competing species, timing of breeding, breeding habitat, or female age distribution can explain decreasing clutch sizes. Clutch size of P. major decreased by one egg in the polluted zone during the past 21 years, while there was no significant change in clutch size in the unpolluted reference zone over this time period. Density of P. major nests was similar in both environments but increased threefold during the study period in both areas (from 0.8 to 2.4 nest/ha). In the polluted zone, clutch size has decreased as a response to a considerable increase in population density, while a corresponding density change in the unpolluted zone did not have such an effect. The other factors studied did not explain the clutch size trend. Fledgling numbers in the polluted environment have been relatively low since the beginning of the study period, and they do not show a corresponding decrease to that noted for the clutch size over the same time period. Our study shows that responses of commonly measured life-history parameters to anthropogenic pollution depend on the structure of the breeding population. Interactions between pollution and intrinsic population characters should therefore be taken into account in environmental studies.  相似文献   

Clutch size and egg mass are life history traits that have been extensively studied in wild bird populations, as life history theory predicts a negative trade‐off between them, either at the phenotypic or at the genetic level. Here, we analyse the genomic architecture of these heritable traits in a wild great tit (Parus major) population, using three marker‐based approaches – chromosome partitioning, quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping and a genome‐wide association study (GWAS). The variance explained by each great tit chromosome scales with predicted chromosome size, no location in the genome contains genome‐wide significant QTL, and no individual SNPs are associated with a large proportion of phenotypic variation, all of which may suggest that variation in both traits is due to many loci of small effect, located across the genome. There is no evidence that any regions of the genome contribute significantly to both traits, which combined with a small, nonsignificant negative genetic covariance between the traits, suggests the absence of genetic constraints on the independent evolution of these traits. Our findings support the hypothesis that variation in life history traits in natural populations is likely to be determined by many loci of small effect spread throughout the genome, which are subject to continued input of variation by mutation and migration, although we cannot exclude the possibility of an additional input of major effect genes influencing either trait.  相似文献   

The inheritance of patterns on avian eggshells is central to understanding the evolution of traits such as egg mimicry (e.g. in cuckoos). Yet little is known about the inheritance, or indeed function, of eggshell patterns. It has long been believed that the evolution of eggshell pattern mimicry required that patterns be determined by genes situated on the female-specific W chromosome. However, it has never been demonstrated for any bird that egg pattern traits (rather than ground colour) are female sex linked, or indeed that they are inherited. We studied the inheritance of three measures of egg-pigment patterns in a wild great tit population. Egg patterns were female specific but unrelated to female attributes such as age or condition and showed only weak environmental effects. Eggs of daughters resembled those of both their mothers and maternal grandmothers, but not of their paternal grandmothers. We conclude that this is the first demonstration of female sex-linked inheritance of avian eggshell patterning, so raising the probability that such a system operates in egg mimics and their hosts.  相似文献   

Realized heritability of personalities in the great tit (Parus major)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Behaviour under conditions of mild stress shows consistent patterns in all vertebrates: exploratory behaviour, boldness, aggressiveness covary in the same way. The existence of highly consistent individual variation in these behavioural strategies, also referred to as personalities or coping styles, allows us to measure the behaviour under standardized conditions on birds bred in captivity, link the standardized measurements to the behaviour under natural conditions and measure natural selection in the field. We have bred the great tit (Parus major), a classical model species for the study of behaviour under natural conditions, in captivity. Here, we report a realized heritability of 54 +/- 5% for early exploratory behaviour, based on four generations of bi-directional artificial selection. In addition to this, we measured hand-reared juveniles and their wild-caught parents in the laboratory. The heritability found in the mid-offspring-mid-parent regression was significantly different from zero. We have thus established the presence of considerable amounts of genetic variation for personality types in a wild bird.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies have demonstrated that brood sex ratios are frequently unequal, but the proximate mechanisms underlying this deviation are largely unknown. In the current study we analysed deviation from expected 1:1 sex ratio among dead embryos from unhatched eggs collected from partially unhatched clutches of three passerine bird species. We showed that male embryos were significantly overrepresented among unhatched eggs of great tit Parus major , blue tit P. caeruleus and collared flycatcher Ficedula albicollis . Moreover, the bias in sex ratio differed among species and tended to differ among study years. We discuss several hypotheses to explain the observed male bias among unhatched eggs. We conclude that sex specific embryo mortality may contribute to explain the observed variation in sex ratios in several species of wild birds and that sexing unhatched eggs is important in studies of sex ratio allocation.  相似文献   

Conditions experienced during early development may affect both adult phenotype and performance later during life. Phenotypic traits may hence be used to indicate past growing conditions and predict future survival probabilities. Relationships between phenotypic markers and future survival are, however, highly heterogeneous, possibly because poor‐ and high‐quality individuals cannot be morphologically discriminated when developing under good environmental conditions. Sub‐optimal breeding conditions, in contrast, may unmask poor‐quality individuals in a measurable way at the morphological level. We thus predict stronger associations between phenotype and performance under stress. In this field study, we test this hypothesis, experimentally challenging the homeostasis of great tit (Parus major) nestlings by short‐term deprivation of parental care, which had no immediate effect on nestling fitness. The experiment was replicated during two subsequent breeding seasons with contrasting ambient weather conditions. Experimental (short‐term) stress affected tarsus growth but not residual mass at fledging, whereas ambient (continuous) stress affected residual mass but not tarsus growth. Short‐term stress effects on tarsus length and tarsus fluctuating asymmetry were only apparent when ambient conditions were unfavourable. Residual mass and hatching date, but none of the other phenotypic traits, predicted local survival, whereby the strength of the relationship did not vary between both years. Because effects of stress on developmental homeostasis are likely to be trait‐specific and condition‐dependent, studies on the use of phenotypic markers for individual fitness should integrate multiple traits comprising different levels of developmental complexity. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 103–110.  相似文献   

The fat reserves of small birds are built up daily as insurance against starvation. They are believed to reflect a trade-off between the risks of starvation and predation such that in situations of high predation risk birds are expected either to reduce their fat reserves in response to mass-dependent predation risk or to increase them in response to foraging interruptions. We assessed the effect on fat reserves of experimentally altering the perceived (but not the actual) risk of predation of wild great tits at a winter feeding site. The perceived predation risk was alternated between 'safe' and 'risky'. Increasing the perceived risk of predation involved 'swooping' a model sparrowhawk over the feeder at four unpredictable times each day using a remote mechanism We produce evidence that the experiment was suceessfull in altering the perceived risk of predation. As predicted from the hypothesis of mass-dependent predation risk, great tits (Parus major) carried significantly reduced fat reserves during the 'risky' treatment. Furthermore, dominant individuals were able to reduce their reserves more than subordinates. As birds returned to feeders within seconds after a predator 'attack', the reduction in fat reserves cannot be attributed to an interruption in feeding.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression has been hypothesized to drive the evolutionof mating systems and dispersal. Some studies have shown thatinbreeding strongly affects survival and/or fecundity, but otherstudies suggest that fitness consequences of inbreeding areless detrimental or more complex. We studied consequences ofmating with a relative in a population of great tits (Parusmajor) with a high local recruitment rate. Genotypic informationfrom microsatellite markers was used to calculate coefficientsof kinship, and fitness was measured as seasonal and lifetimereproductive success. We show that mating with a relative affectsseasonal reproductive success, as was found in other studiesof the same species. However, these effects do not result ina lifetime fitness reduction, suggesting that individuals mayhave scope for avoidance of inbreeding after inbreeding depression.Several explanations are proposed as compensatory mechanisms.Although individuals are more likely to divorce after experiencinginbreeding depression, we show that divorce alone cannot explainthe compensation for inbreeding depression in subsequent breedingattempts in our study. We conclude that the costs of matingwith a relative in the short term do not necessarily imply lifetimefitness consequences.  相似文献   

The vast amount of phenotypic information collected in some wild animal populations makes them extremely valuable for unravelling the genetics of ecologically important traits and understanding how populations adapt to changes in their environment. Next generation sequencing has revolutionized the development of large marker panels in species previously lacking genomic resources. In this study, a unique genomics toolkit was developed for the great tit (Parus major), a model species in ecology and behavioural biology. This toolkit consists of nearly 100,000 SNPs, over 250 million nucleotides of assembled genomic DNA and more than 80 million nucleotides of assembled expressed sequences. A SNP chip with 9193 SNP markers expected to be spaced evenly along the great tit genome was used to genotype 4702 birds from two of the most intensively studied natural vertebrate populations [Wytham Woods/Bagley Woods (United Kingdom) and de Hoge Veluwe/Westerheide (The Netherlands)]. We show that (i) SNPs identified in either of the two populations have a high genotyping success in the other population, (ii) the minor allele frequencies of the SNPs are highly correlated between the two populations and (iii) despite this high correlation, a large number of SNPs display significant differentiation (F(ST) ) between the populations, with an overrepresentation of genes involved in cardiovascular development close to these SNPs. The developed resources provide the basis for unravelling the genetics of important traits in many long-term studies of great tits. More generally, the protocols and pitfalls encountered will be of use for those developing similar resources.  相似文献   

Maternal allocation of antioxidants to egg yolk has been shown to affect early embryonic development and nestling survival. In environments with high levels of anthropogenic pollution, antioxidants (such as carotenoids) are important to protect the body from elevated oxidative stress. Thus, female allocation of antioxidants to yolk may be traded off against self-maintenance. Here we investigate maternal reproductive investment with respect to yolk carotenoid content and composition in relation to subsequent female condition and carotenoid status in urban and rural great tits Parus major. We found no differences between the urban and rural populations in total yolk carotenoids, egg mass, clutch size, hatching success, or female carotenoid status. Interestingly, however, rural eggs contained more zeaxanthin, a more potent antioxidant than lutein, which suggests that rural embryos have better antioxidant protection than urban embryos. Whether rural females actively transfer more zeaxanthin to the yolk or whether it passively reflects differences in dietary access or uptake needs to be further investigated. This highlights the importance of carotenoid identity and composition in future studies of carotenoid physiology, ecology, and signaling.  相似文献   

The great tit complex is divided into four groups, each containing several subspecies. Even though the groups are known to differ markedly on morphological, vocal and behavioural characters, some hybridization occurs in the regions where they meet. The great tit has often been referred to as an example of a ring species, although this has later been questioned. Here, we have studied the genetic structure and phylogenetic relationships of the subspecies groups to clarify the evolutionary history of the complex using control region sequences of the mitochondrial DNA. The subspecies groups were found to be monophyletic and clearly distinct in mitochondrial haplotypes, and therefore must have had long-independent evolutionary histories. This conflicts with the ring species assignment and supports the formation of secondary contact zones of previously temporarily isolated groups. According to the phylogenetic species concept, all the subspecies groups could be considered as separate species, but if the definition of the biological species concept is followed, none of the subspecies groups is a true species because hybridization still occurs.  相似文献   

Animal mitochondrial DNA is normally inherited clonally from a mother to all her offspring. Mitochondrial heteroplasmy, the occurrence of more than one mitochondrial haplotype within an individual, can be generated by relatively common somatic mutations within an individual, by heteroplasmy of the oocytes, or by paternal leakage of mitochondria during fertilization of an egg. This biparental inheritance has so far been reported only in mice, mussels, Drosophila, and humans. Here we present evidence that paternal leakage occurs in a bird, the great tit Parus major. The major and minor subspecies groups of the great tit mix in the middle Amur Valley in far-eastern Siberia, where we found a bird that possessed the very distinct haplotypes of the two groups. To our knowledge this is the first report of paternal leakage in birds.  相似文献   

Traits that are closely associated with fitness tend to have lower heritabilities (h2) than those that are not. This has been interpreted as evidence that natural selection tends to deplete genetic variation more rapidly for traits more closely associated with fitness (a corollary of Fisher's fundamental theorem), but Price and Schluter (1991) suggested the pattern might be due to higher residual variance in traits more closely related to fitness. The relationship between 10 different traits for females, seven traits for males, and overall fitness (lifetime recruitment) was quantified for great tits (Parus major) studied in their natural environment of Wytham Wood, England, using data collected over 39 years. Heritabilities and the coefficients of additive genetic and residual variance (CVA and CVR, respectively) were estimated using an "animal model." For both males and females, a trait's correlation (r) with fitness was negatively related to its h2 but positively related to its CVR. The CVA was not related to the trait's correlation with fitness in either sex. This is the third study using directly measured fitness in a wild population to show the important role of residual variation in determining the pattern of lower heritabilities for traits more closely related to fitness.  相似文献   

A central goal in evolutionary ecology is to characterize and identify selection patterns on the optimal phenotype in different environments. Physiological traits, such as hormonal responses, provide important mechanisms by which individuals can adapt to fluctuating environmental conditions. It is therefore expected that selection shapes hormonal traits, but the strength and the direction of selection on plastic hormonal signals are still under investigation. Here, we determined whether, and in which way, selection is acting on the hormones corticosterone and prolactin by characterizing endocrine phenotypes and their relationship with fitness in free‐living great tits, Parus major. We quantified variation in circulating concentrations of baseline and stress‐induced corticosterone and in prolactin during the prebreeding (March) and the breeding season (May) for two consecutive years, and correlated these with reproductive success (yearly fledgling number) and overwinter survival in female and male individuals. In both years, individuals with high baseline corticosterone concentrations in March had the highest yearly fledgling numbers; while in May, individuals with low baseline corticosterone had the highest yearly reproductive success. Likewise, individuals that displayed strong seasonal plasticity in baseline corticosterone concentrations (high in March and low in May) had the highest reproductive success in each year. Prolactin concentrations were not related to reproductive success, but were positively correlated to the proximity to lay. Between‐year plasticity in stress‐induced corticosterone concentrations of males was related to yearly variation in food abundance, but not to overall reproductive success. These findings suggest that seasonally alternating directional selection is operating on baseline corticosterone concentrations in both sexes. The observed between‐year consistency in selection patterns indicates that a one‐time hormone sample in a given season can allow the prediction of individual fitness.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet (UV) reflectance has been implicated in mate selection.Yet, in some bird species the plumage of young varies in UVreflectance already in the nest and long before mate choiceand sexual selection come into play. Most birds molt the juvenilebody plumage before reaching sexual maturity, and thus, someconspicuous traits of the juvenile body plumage may rather haveevolved by natural selection, possibly via predation or parentalpreference. This second hypothesis is largely untested and predictsa differential allocation of food between fledging and totalindependence, which is a time period of 2–3 weeks whereoffspring mortality is also highest. Here, we test the predictionthat parents use the individual variation in UV reflectanceamong fledglings for differential food allocation. We manipulatedUV reflectance of the plumage of fledgling great tits Parusmajor by treating chest and cheek feathers with a lotion thateither did or did not contain UV blockers and then recordedfood allocation by parents in an outdoor design simulating postfledgingconditions. The visible spectrum was minimally affected by thistreatment. Females were found to feed UV-reflecting offspringpreferentially, whereas males had no preference. It is the firstevidence showing that the UV reflectance of the feathers ofyoung birds has a signaling function in parent–offspringcommunication and suggests that the UV traits evolved via parentalpreference.  相似文献   

Despite their potential ecological and evolutionary importance, factors shaping the composition of bacterial communities in wild vertebrate populations remain poorly understood. The goal of this study was to examine the relative contributions of environmental factors and genetic factors (e.g. species and common origin) to the variation of cloacal bacterial assemblages in wild bird nestlings. We conducted a partial cross-fostering experiment with two passerine species, the great tit Parus major and the blue tit P. caeruleus, sharing similar habitats and breeding biology. Nestlings of the two species were exchanged four days after hatching and cloacal bacteria were sampled nine days later. The structure of cloacal bacterial communities was determined by Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis. Our results showed that each nestling displayed a unique bacterial community. Furthermore, nestlings raised in the same nest shared significantly similar bacterial communities. The similarity of bacterial community was higher among heterospecific siblings raised within the same nest than between biological siblings raised in separate nests. Effects of common origin between species could not be detected and, if present, were dominated by nest-based short-term environmental effects. Our results show that growth conditions within nests and individually based endogenous factors have significant effects on cloacal bacteria assemblages and could affect post-fledging condition.  相似文献   

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