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1. We used laboratory growth and feeding experiments to evaluate the role of ω3 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) in zooplankton nutrition. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) comprised 40% of total fatty acids (FA) in the green alga Scenedesmus acutus but only 6% in the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus.Scenedesmus contained modest amounts of the ω3 HUFA eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20 : 5ω3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22 : 6ω3), whereas Synechococcus contained only a trace of EPA and no DHA. 2. One-day-old Daphnia maintained high growth rates for 2–3 days on a diet of Synechococcus but exhibited reduced growth or even lost weight over the later part of the 6- or 7-day experiments. Daphnia magna grew better than D. galeata or D. pulicaria on a diet of pure Synechococcus. Daphnids fed the same concentration (0.5 mgC l–1) of green algae or a mixture of green algae and Synechococcus maintained high growth rates. 3. Supplementing Synechococcus with fish oil emulsions rich in ω3 HUFA markedly improved the growth and reproduction of all three Daphnia species. Supplementation with an emulsion of monounsaturated oleic acid (18 : 1ω9), however, did not affect the growth of D. galeata and caused a decrease in the growth of D. magna. 4. Short-term (7 min) and long-term (3 h) feeding trials with 14C-labelled Synechococcus were used to evaluate the effects of acclimation and mixed diets on carbon incorporation. D. galeata that had fed on unlabelled Synechococcus for 3 days exhibited no decline in clearance rate but a marked decline in carbon incorporation in comparison with animals acclimated with Scenedesmus or fed a mixture of Synechococcus and Scenedesmus. 5. Our results support the hypothesis that the poor nutritional quality of a cyanobacterium is at least partially due to a HUFA deficiency. Growth and feeding experiments both suggest that the utilization of Synechococcus is enhanced by HUFA from lipid reserves or a mixed diet.  相似文献   

The highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) of the n-6 and n-3 series are involved in cell signalling in normal and transformed cells and have recently been associated with pathways leading to tumour cell death. The antitumour activity of three HUFA (arachidonic acid, gamma linolenic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid) were studied in glioma cells and tissue. Using five glioma models, including primary cell suspensions prepared from 46 human glioma samples and an in vivo rat C6 glioma model, we obtained evidence that, following exposure to HUFA, either administered into the medium surrounding human glioma cells or in 16 preparations of multicellular spheroids derived from human and rodent glioma cell lines (C6, MOG, U87, U373) or administered intra-tumourally by infusion using osmotic mini-pumps in 48 rats, glioma regression and apoptosis were detected. Additionally, synergy between gamma irradiation and HUFA administration was observed in 13 experiments analyzing C6 glioma cell apoptosis in vitro. These pro-apoptotic and antiproliferative activities were observed using both C18 and C20 fatty acids of the n-6 and n-3 series, but not when saturated and monounsaturated C18 and C20 fatty acid preparations were used. In the glioma infusion model, in addition to the apoptosis detected in glioma tissue infused with HUFA for 3-7 days, preservation of normal neural tissue and vasculature in adjacent brain was observed. Also, there was little evidence of acute inflammatory infiltration in regressing tumours. Our findings suggest that intraparenchymal infusion of HUFA may be effective in stimulating glioma regression.  相似文献   

The role of highly unsaturated fatty acids in aquatic foodweb processes   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) are almost exclusively synthesized by plants. Animals can convert from one form of PUFA to another through elongation and desaturation, but very few can synthesize PUFA de novo. PUFA play an important role in regulating cell membrane properties, serve as precursors for important animal hormones and are essential for animals. 2. In aquaculture studies, highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA), a subset of PUFA, have been found to be critical for maintaining high growth, survival and reproductive rates and high food conversion efficiencies for a wide variety of marine and freshwater organisms. 3. The plankton literature suggests high food-quality algae species are rich in HUFA and low food-quality algae are poor in HUFA. Adding semi-pure emulsions of HUFA to algae monocultures can markedly increase the growth rates of zooplankton feeding on these mixtures. 4. A study measuring zooplankton biomass accrual when feeding on natural phytoplankton found a strong correlation between phytoplankton HUFA (specifically eicosapentaenoic acid) content and herbivorous zooplankton production. 5. The aquatic ecology literature suggests that planktonic foodwebs with high HUFA content phytoplankton have high zooplankton to phytoplankton biomass ratios, while systems with low HUFA phytoplankton have low zooplankton biomass. Also, the seasonal succession of plankton in many temperate lakes follows patterns tied to phytoplankton HUFA content, with intense zooplankton grazing and ‘clear-water-phases’ characteristic of periods when the phytoplankton is dominated by HUFA-rich species. 6. Herbivorous zooplankton production is constrained by the zooplankton’s ability to ingest and digest phytoplankton. It is becoming increasingly clear, however, that much of the phytoplankton which is assimilated may be nutritionally inadequate. HUFA may be key nutritional constituents of zooplankton diets, and may determine energetic efficiency across the plant–animal interface, secondary production and the strength of trophic coupling in aquatic pelagic foodwebs.  相似文献   

Metabolism of highly unsaturated n-3 and n-6 fatty acids   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  

Microbial modification of vegetable fatty acids can often lead to special changes in their structure and in biological function. A bacterial strain, Pseudomonas aeruginosa PR3, is known to carry out multiple hydroxylations on polyunsaturated fatty acids containing 1,4-cis, cis diene structural units, resulting in antibacterial activity. In this paper, in an effort to understand the overall mechanism involved in the varied biological functions of the complicated metabolites of bio-converted polyunsaturated fatty acids, we performed bioconversion of several polyunsaturated fatty acids using PR3, and determined their oxidative activities against fish oil. Bio-converted linoleic acid, eicosapentanoic acid, and docosahexanoic acid promoted effectively oxidation of fish oil. It is assumed that this oxidative effect could plausibly play an important role in the antimicrobial function of these bio-converted fatty acids.  相似文献   

The reactivities of the C20 highly unsaturated fatty acids (20:5, 20:4, 20:3 etc.…) during heterogeneous hydrogenation on nickel catalyst have been studied using a computer program. Three parameters are required to determine the hydrogenation rate constant of the different fatty acid classes; the C20 fatty acid composition of the starting oil, the C20 fatty acid composition of a partially hydrogenated oil (PHO) and the time of reaction. It is shown that, in order to minimize the experimental errors, the PHO must be selected in such a way that the induction period is over and that this oil still contains appreciable amounts of 20:5 and 20:4.Very little difference was found for the reactivities of the 20:5, 20:4 and 20:3 acids. The major difference among unsaturated fatty acids was found to be between the 20:2 and 20:1 isomers for a hydrogenation effected according to common commercial practices.The computer program is a general one also useful for the prediction of the fatty acid composition of slightly hydrogenated oils, but is not suitable for oils hydrogenated to very low iodine values, or for those containing high proportions of trans fatty acids.  相似文献   

Hydroxy unsaturated fatty acids can be used as antimicrobial surfactants. 8,11‐Linoleate diol synthase (8,11‐LDS) catalyzes the conversion of unsaturated fatty acid to 8‐hydroperoxy unsaturated fatty acid, and it is subsequently isomerized to 8,11‐dihydroxy unsaturated fatty acid by the enzyme. The optimal reaction conditions of recombinant Escherichia coli expressing Penicillium chrysogenum 8,11‐LDS for the production of 8,11‐dihydroxy‐9,12(Z,Z)‐octadecadienoic acid (8,11‐DiHODE), 8,11‐dihydroxy‐9,12,15(Z,Z,Z)‐octadecatrienoic acid (8,11‐DiHOTrE), 8‐hydroxy‐9(Z)‐hexadecenoic acid (8‐HHME), and 8‐hydroxy‐9(Z)‐octadecenoic acid (8‐HOME) were pH 7.0, 25°C, 10 g/L linoleic acid, and 20 g/L cells; pH 6.0, 25°C, 6 g/L α‐linolenic acid, and 60 g/L cells; pH 7.0, 25°C, 8 g/L palmitoleic acid, and 25 g/L cells; and pH 8.5, 30°C, 6 g/L oleic acid, and 25 g/L cells, respectively. Under these optimized conditions, the recombinant cells produced 6.0 g/L 8,11‐DiHODE for 60 min, with a conversion of 60% (w/w) and a productivity of 6.0 g/L/h; 4.3 g/L 8,11‐DiHOTrE for 60 min, with a conversion of 72% (w/w) and a productivity of 4.3 g/L/h; 4.3 g/L 8‐HHME acid for 60 min, with a conversion of 54% (w/w) and a productivity of 4.3 g/L/h; and 0.9 g/L 8‐HOME for 30 min, with a conversion of 15% (w/w) and a productivity of 1.8 g/L/h. To best of our knowledge, this is the first report on the biotechnological production of 8,11‐DiHODE, 8,11‐DiHOTrE, 8‐HHME, and 8‐HOME. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 33:390–396, 2017  相似文献   

Fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME) by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC‐MS) is a widely used technique in biodiesel/bioproduct (e.g. poly‐unsaturated fatty acids, PUFA) research but typically does not allow distinguishing between bound and free fatty acids. To understand and optimize biosynthetic pathways, however, the origin of the fatty acid is an important information. Furthermore the annotation of PUFAs is compromised in classical GC‐EI‐MS because the precursor molecular ion is missing. In the present protocol an alkaline methyl esterification step with TMS derivatization enabling the simultaneous analysis of bound and free fatty acids but also further lipids such as sterols in one GC‐MS chromatogram is combined. This protocol is applied to different lipid extracts from single cell algae to higher plants: Chlorella vulgaris, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Coffea arabica, Pisum sativum and Cuscuta japonica. Further, field ionization (GC‐FI‐MS) is introduced for a better annotation of fatty acids and exact determination of the number of double bonds in PUFAs. The proposed workflow provides a convenient strategy to analyze algae and other plant crop systems with respect to their capacity for third generation biodiesel and high‐quality bioproducts for nutrition such as PUFAs.  相似文献   

Metabolism of unsaturated fatty acids in protozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A M Lees  E D Korn 《Biochemistry》1966,5(5):1475-1481

1. Development times and survival of nauplii and copepodites of the freshwater calanoid Eudiaptomus gracilis were measured on comparably sized Cryptomonas sp. and two strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardii under food saturated conditions (1 mg C L−1) to investigate the nutritional quality of these algae.
2.  Cryptomonas sp. supported complete ontogenesis of nauplii to adults, whereas both strains of C. reinhardii were inadequate for the development of nauplii and copepodites and resulted in high mortality. The nutritional deficiency of both strains of C. reinhardii was compensated for by Cryptomonas sp. when the latter constituted ≥50% of dietary carbon. Pulses of Cryptomonas sp. had a similar compensatory effect.
3. In comparison to Cryptomonas sp., both strains of C. reinhardii were deficient in the three highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) stearidonic, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid. We manipulated the fatty acid content of C. reinhardii by externally adding these three HUFAs to the alga so that the fatty acid profile resembled that of Cryptomonas sp. This supplementation did not improve food quality, however, indicating that the nutritional deficiency of both strains of C. reinhardii for the ontogenesis of E. gracilis is not due to a lack of these three HUFAs.  相似文献   

Information on the prenatal accumulation of rat brain membrane lipids is scarce. In this study we investigated in detail the fatty acid (FA) composition of the rat brain, on each day from embryonic day 12 (E12) up to birth, and on 8 time points during the first 16 days of postnatal life, and correlated the FA changes with well-described events of neurogenesis and synaptogenesis. Between E14 and E17, there was a steep increase in the concentration of all the FAs: 16:0 increased by 136%, 18:0 by 139%, 18:1 by 92%, 20:4n-6 by 98%, 22:4n-6 by 116%, 22:5n-6 by 220%, and 22:6n-3 by 98%. After this period and up to birth, the concentration of the FAs plateaued, except that of 22:6n-3, which accumulated further, reaching an additional increase of 75%. After birth, except 22:5n-6, all FAs steadily increased at various rates. Estimation of the FA/PL molar ratios showed that prenatally the ratios of all the FAs either decreased or remained constant, but that of 22:6n-3 increased more than 2-fold; postnatally the ratios remained constant, with the exception of 22:4n-6 and 22:5n-6, which decreased. In conclusion, prenatal accumulation of brain fatty acids parallels important events in neurogenesis. 22:6n-3 is exceptional inasmuch in its steep accumulation occurs just prior to synaptogenesis.  相似文献   

The content of oligousaturated fatty acids was investigated in 13 strains of filamentous fungi of the genusMortierella. M. isabellina producing up to 500 mg/L of γ-linolenic acid andM. verticillata containing up to 300 mg/L of arachidonic acid were found to be perspective producers of these acids. InM. parvispora dihomo-γ-linolenic acid (100 mg/L) could be detected.  相似文献   

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