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The Hamilton and Zuk hypothesis on haemoparasite-mediated sexual selection and certain studies of reproductive costs are based on the assumption that avian blood parasite infections are detrimental to their hosts. However, there is no experimental evidence demonstrating harmful effects of blood parasites on fitness in wild populations, it even having been suggested that they may be non-pathogenic. Only an experimental manipulation of natural blood parasite loads may reveal their harmful effects. In this field experiment we reduced through medication the intensity of infection by Haemoproteus majoris and the prevalence of infection by Leucocytoazoon majoris in blue tits (Parus caeruleus), and demonstrated detrimental effects of natural levels of infection by these common parasite species on host reproductive success and condition. The fact that some of the costs of infection were paid by offspring indicates that blood parasites reduce parental working capacity while feeding nestlings. Medicated females may be able to devote more resources to parental care through being released from the drain imposed upon them by parasites and/or through a reduced allocation to an immune response. Therefore, this work adds support to previous findings relating hosts' life-history traits and haematozoan infections.  相似文献   

Enteric illnesses remain the second largest source of communicable diseases worldwide, and wild birds are suspected sources for human infection. This has led to efforts to reduce pathogen spillover through deterrence of wildlife and removal of wildlife habitat, particularly within farming systems, which can compromise conservation efforts and the ecosystem services wild birds provide. Further, Salmonella spp. are a significant cause of avian mortality, leading to additional conservation concerns. Despite numerous studies of enteric bacteria in wild birds and policies to discourage birds from food systems, we lack a comprehensive understanding of wild bird involvement in transmission of enteric bacteria to humans. Here, we propose a framework for understanding spillover of enteric pathogens from wild birds to humans, which includes pathogen acquisition, reservoir competence and bacterial shedding, contact with people and food, and pathogen survival in the environment. We place the literature into this framework to identify important knowledge gaps. Second, we conduct a meta‐analysis of prevalence data for three human enteric pathogens, Campylobacter spp., E. coli, and Salmonella spp., in 431 North American breeding bird species. Our literature review revealed that only 3% of studies addressed the complete system of pathogen transmission. In our meta‐analysis, we found a Campylobacter spp. prevalence of 27% across wild birds, while prevalence estimates of pathogenic E. coli (20%) and Salmonella spp. (6.4%) were lower. There was significant bias in which bird species have been tested, with most studies focusing on a small number of taxa that are common near people (e.g. European starlings Sturnus vulgaris and rock pigeons Columba livia) or commonly in contact with human waste (e.g. gulls). No pathogen prevalence data were available for 65% of North American breeding bird species, including many commonly in contact with humans (e.g. black‐billed magpie Pica hudsonia and great blue heron Ardea herodias), and our metadata suggest that some under‐studied species, taxonomic groups, and guilds may represent equivalent or greater risk to human infection than heavily studied species. We conclude that current data do not provide sufficient information to determine the likelihood of enteric pathogen spillover from wild birds to humans and thus preclude management solutions. The primary focus in the literature on pathogen prevalence likely overestimates the probability of enteric pathogen spillover from wild birds to humans because a pathogen must survive long enough at an infectious dose and be a strain that is able to colonize humans to cause infection. We propose that future research should focus on the large number of under‐studied species commonly in contact with people and food production and demonstrate shedding of bacterial strains pathogenic to humans into the environment where people may contact them. Finally, studies assessing the duration and intensity of bacterial shedding and survival of bacteria in the environment in bird faeces will help provide crucial missing information necessary to calculate spillover probability. Addressing these essential knowledge gaps will support policy to reduce enteric pathogen spillover to humans and enhance bird conservation efforts that are currently undermined by unsupported fears of pathogen spillover from wild birds.  相似文献   

Schön  Isa  Martens  Koen 《Hydrobiologia》2020,847(7):1651-1661
Hydrobiologia - Endosymbiotic bacteria manipulating host biology and reproduction, and sometimes also causing parthenogenesis, are known from many metazoan taxa. Three recent studies have reported...  相似文献   

Incubation temperature influences a suite of traits in avian offspring. However, the mechanisms underlying expression of these phenotypes are unknown. Given the importance of thyroid hormones in orchestrating developmental processes, we hypothesized that they may act as an upstream mechanism mediating the effects of temperature on hatchling phenotypic traits such as growth and thermoregulation. We found that plasma T3, but not T4 concentrations, differed among newly hatched wood ducks (Aix sponsa) from different embryonic incubation temperatures. T4 at hatching correlated with time spent hatching, and T3 correlated with hatchling body condition, tarsus length, time spent hatching and incubation period. In addition, the T3 : T4 ratio differed among incubation temperatures at hatch. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that incubation temperature modulates plasma thyroid hormones which in turn influences multiple aspects of duckling phenotype.  相似文献   

The function of the brain activity that defines slow wave sleep (SWS) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in mammals is unknown. During SWS, the level of electroencephalogram slow wave activity (SWA or 0.5-4.5 Hz power density) increases and decreases as a function of prior time spent awake and asleep, respectively. Such dynamics occur in response to waking brain use, as SWA increases locally in brain regions used more extensively during prior wakefulness. Thus, SWA is thought to reflect homeostatically regulated processes potentially tied to maintaining optimal brain functioning. Interestingly, birds also engage in SWS and REM sleep, a similarity that arose via convergent evolution, as sleeping reptiles and amphibians do not show similar brain activity. Although birds deprived of sleep show global increases in SWA during subsequent sleep, it is unclear whether avian sleep is likewise regulated locally. Here, we provide, to our knowledge, the first electrophysiological evidence for local sleep homeostasis in the avian brain. After staying awake watching David Attenborough's The Life of Birds with only one eye, SWA and the slope of slow waves (a purported marker of synaptic strength) increased only in the hyperpallium--a primary visual processing region--neurologically connected to the stimulated eye. Asymmetries were specific to the hyperpallium, as the non-visual mesopallium showed a symmetric increase in SWA and wave slope. Thus, hypotheses for the function of mammalian SWS that rely on local sleep homeostasis may apply also to birds.  相似文献   

Hybridization between wild boar (Sus scrofa) and domestic pig occurred in the past and still occurs today, having great evolutionary and management implications. In fact, genetic introgression from the domestic form may alter traits like behavior, reproduction rate, and immunology in wild populations, with likely demographic impacts. Thus, it is crucial to understand under what conditions hybridization occurs in S. scrofa. Captive crosses with domestic pigs (released or escaped) have been suggested to constitute the major source of the spread of domestic genes into wild boar populations. However, to date, few studies have assessed the degree of admixture in farmed animals in comparison to the surrounding wild populations. With this purpose, we analyzed microsatellite loci in wild boar sampled in breeding stations and in the local wild population in two Italian regions (Sardinia and Piedmont). Both captive populations had lower allelic richness than the corresponding wild population, but a similar expected heterozygosity. In Piedmont, introgression from the domestic form into the wild population seems to be extremely low, while there are significant signs of admixture in the sampled breeding stations. In Sardinia, instead, the captive sample did not differ significantly from the wild population, which showed moderate signs of introgression. We conclude that hybridization in nature seems to play the key role in Sardinia, while intentional hybridization in captivity is the major source of introgression in Piedmont. Our findings emphasize the need for a routine genetic monitoring of wild boar captive populations, coupled with reference data on the neighboring wild populations.  相似文献   

Wetlands have long been suspected to be an important reservoir for Pasteurella multocida and therefore the likely source of avian cholera outbreaks. During the fall of 1995-98 we collected sediment and water samples from 44 wetlands where avian cholera epizootics occurred the previous winter or spring. We attempted to isolate P. multocida in sediment and surface water samples from 10 locations distributed throughout each wetland. We were not able to isolate P. multocida from any of the 440 water and 440 sediment samples collected from these wetlands. In contrast, during other investigations of avian cholera we isolated P. multocida from 20 of 44 wetlands, including 7% of the water and 4.5% of the sediment samples collected during or shortly following epizootic events. Our results indicate that wetlands are an unlikely reservoir for the bacteria that causes avian cholera.  相似文献   

Generally, immune system architecture varies with different environments, which presumably reflect different pathogen pressures. Specifically, populations from relatively disease-free, oceanic islands are expected to exhibit reorganized immune systems, which might be characterized by attenuated responses, given the costs of immune function. Some insular animals exhibit an 'island syndrome,' including increased susceptibility to disease, and some insular populations have declined when they failed to resist infection by introduced pathogens. I measured eight indices of immune function (haemolysis, haemagglutination, concentration of haptoglobin and concentration of five leukocyte types) in 15 phylogenetically matched pairs of bird populations from North America and from the islands of Hawaii, Bermuda and the Galápagos. Immune responses were not attenuated in insular birds, and several indices, including the concentration of plasma haptoglobin, were elevated. Thus, I find no support for the specific hypothesis that depauperate parasite communities and the costs of immune defences select for reduced immune function. Instead, I suggest that life on islands leads to an apparent reorganization of immune function, which is defined by increases in defences that are innate and inducible. These increases might signal that systems of acquired humoral immunity and immunological memory are less important or dysfunctional in island populations.  相似文献   

Small birds exhibiting marked winter improvement of cold tolerance also show elevated summit metabolic rates (maximum cold-induced metabolic rate) in winter relative to summer. However, relatively large increases in cold tolerance can occur with only minor increments of maximum cold-induced metabolic rate and geographic variation in cold tolerance is not always positively correlated with variation in maximum cold-induced metabolic rate. Thus, it is uncertain whether maximum cold-induced metabolic rate and cold tolerance are phenotypically correlated in small birds and no previous study has directly examined this relationship. I measured maximum cold-induced metabolic rate and cold tolerance (i.e., thermogenic endurance) over three winters in black-capped chickadees Poecile atricapillus, American tree sparrows Spizella arborea, and dark-eyed juncos Junco hyemalis. For raw thermogenic endurance data, residuals of maximum cold-induced metabolic rate and thermogenic endurance from mass regressions were significantly and positively correlated in juncos and tree sparrows, and their correlation approached significance for chickadees. Log10 transformation of thermogenic endurance and mass data gave similar results. These data provide the first direct evidence for a phenotypic correlation between maximum cold-induced metabolic rate and thermogenic endurance in small birds, although much of the variance in thermogenic endurance is explained by factors other than maximum cold-induced metabolic rate and the degree of correlation differs among species. Nevertheless, these data suggest that physiological adjustments producing elevated thermogenic endurance also produce elevated maximum cold-induced metabolic rate in small birds.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which migratory birds find their way from breeding grounds to winter quarters and back have been the subject of intensive research during the past four decades. Birds are equipped with genetic information about the migratory direction, and they can use the earth's magnetic field, star patterns and the sun and/or skylight polarization patterns as compass references. Studies on a number of North American and European species have suggested possible species-specific differences in the relative role of the compass mechanisms. This may be largely the result of divergent experimental designs, which make results difficult to compare. Comparative studies with identical methods are needed to see how much species-specific variation exists in basic orientation mechanisms.  相似文献   

Are predatory birds effective secondary seed dispersers?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have studied the unusual phenomenon of secondary seed dispersal of Lycium intricatum seeds on a small oceanic Atlantic island (Alegranza, Canarian Archipelago) in which a small frugivorous lizard ( Gallotia atlantica ) and two different predatory birds participate, a shrike ( Lanius excubitor ) and a kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ). Endemic lizards that are common prey of both bird species consume Lycium fruits. Lizard remains were significantly matched with the presence of Lycium fruits in the regurgitation pellets of the two predatory birds. Seeds were found in 7.3% of the lizard droppings, 31.0% of kestrel pellets and 55.7% of shrike regurgitations. The mean number of seeds per dropping or pellet was 4.8 ±4 in lizard, 20.2 ±34.5 in shrike and 6.7 ±8.1 in kestrel. The percentage of viable seeds showed significant differences among all four treatments, decreasing in the following direction: seeds collected directly from plants (98.0%), shrikes (88.0%), lizards (72.3%), and kestrels (31.7%). Seeds from Lycium fresh fruits and shrike pellets showed significantly higher germination rates than those from lizard droppings and kestrel pellets. While lizards and shrikes are effective seed dispersers, kestrel gut treatment decreases seed viability. Seed viability is always higher than seed germination in each of the four treatments. In this island environment, Lycium seeds are under an important random influence during the seed dispersal process. Secondary seed dispersal seems to acquire a relevant dimension in small and remote insular environments or isolated continental systems where interactions among the different elements involved are intense, all of them are abundant native residents, and they have been coexisting for a long time. © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 345–352.  相似文献   

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) have been increasingly sighted in the wild in Ireland during the last few years, likely due to illegal releases and/or escapees. The species has since been designated an invasive species in Ireland, which is seen as controversial by some because of uncertainties about the historic status of the species in Ireland. However, just as pertinent to the argument is the genetic purity of these individuals currently found in Ireland: are these pure wild boars? We carried out a genetic assessment of 15 wild boars shot in Ireland between 2009 and 2012 using 14 microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). These were compared to European wild boar, domestic pig breeds and a hybrid population of ‘wild boar’ from England. Microsatellite analysis revealed that almost all the Irish individuals belonged to the ‘domestic pig’ genetic cluster, with only three individuals being classified as hybrids. All but two individuals carried Asian mtDNA haplotypes, indicating a domestic pig origin. It is clear from this study that the individuals currently found in Ireland are not pure wild boars and this result has to be factored into any management/eradication plans.  相似文献   

Are seals frequently infected with avian influenza viruses?   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Influenza A virus isolates of the H4N5 subtype (which has previously been detected only in birds) were recovered from harbor seals dying of viral pneumonia on the New England coast from June 1982 through March 1983. When these isolates were compared with other mammalian and avian viruses in serological assays and RNA-RNA competitive hybridization, it was found that the seal viruses were most closely related antigenically and genetically to recent avian virus strains and were readily distinguishable from mammalian viruses, including H7N7 isolates recovered from seals in 1980. Unlike any previous isolates from mammals, these recent seal viruses replicate in the intestinal tracts of ducks, a characteristic of avian viruses. The association of avian viruses with influenza outbreaks in seals suggests that transmission of avian viruses to seals is occurring in nature. Potentially, this may be an example of the adaptation of avian viruses to mammals, which would represent an intermediate step in the evolution of new mammalian strains.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of matrix type as a determinant of change in bird densities with forest patch area (patch area effect) in two different Fennoscandian landscape types: mature forest fragments surrounded by cut-over or regenerating forest and true forested islands surrounded by water. Since the matrix of forested archipelagoes offers no resources to and impedes movement of forest birds, we predict that patch area effects on bird densities should be stronger on forested islands than in forest patches fragmented by forestry. We compiled correlation estimates of the bird density-patch area relationship from the literature and analyzed the data using meta-analysis. Combined correlation coefficients were significantly positive on islands but were not significantly different from 0 in fragments. Within-species comparisons also showed that correlations were consistently more positive on islands than in fragments. On islands but not in fragments, the densities of forest specialist species were more sensitive to area than were the densities of forest generalists, suggesting that specialists are more sensitive to changes in matrix quality. Migration status was only weakly associated with bird responses to island or fragment area. Thus, forest fragments do not function as true islands. We interpret this as the result of compensatory effects of the surrounding matrix in terms of availability of resources and enhanced connectivity (matrix quality hypothesis). A purely patch-centered approach seems an unrealistic framework to analyze population processes occurring in complex landscapes. The characteristics of the habitat matrix should therefore be explicitly incorporated into the assessment of species' responses to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

The “condition” is used as an indicator of fish health and is generally equated with the quantity of energy reserves. Biometric condition factors have been widely used and preferred over costly and time-consuming biochemical condition. Here, we investigated the relevance of four common condition factors based on biometric measurements (Le Cren’s index, girth-length index, gonado-somatic index and hepato-somatic index) and of size- and weight-based empirical models to describe the physiological condition of tropical tunas. Biometric condition factors of bigeye (Thunnus obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis) and yellowfin (Thunnus albacares) tunas sampled throughout 2013 in the western Indian Ocean region were assessed against benchmark biochemical indices (lipid content, protein content, triacylglycerol:sterol ratio and energy density) estimated in tissues with different physiological functions, i.e. red muscle, white muscle, liver, and gonads. Our findings suggest that tropical tunas do not store lipids in white muscle and that protein content is less variable than lipid content, which largely varies with ontogeny and the seasons according to tissue and species. This variability induced inconsistency between biometric factors, including the empirically adjusted ones, and biochemical indices, with the exception of the gonado-somatic index that fitted well to the composition of the gonads in the three species, and especially in females.  相似文献   

Questions relating to the antiquity of domestic cattle in the Sahara are among the most controversial in North African prehistory. It is generally believed that cattle were first domesticated in southwest Asia, particularly Anatolia, or in southeast Europe, where their remains have been found in several sites dated between 9,000 and 8,000 years ago.1 The discovery, in several small sites in the Western Desert of Egypt, of large bovid bones identified as domestic cattle and having radiocarbon dates ranging between 9,500 and 8,000 B.P. has raised the possibility that there was a separate, independent center for cattle domestication in northeast Africa (Fig. 1).2–4 However, it has not been universally accepted that these bones are from cattle or, if so, that the cattle were domestic.  相似文献   

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