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Aim Species capable of vigorous growth under a wide range of environmental conditions should have a higher chance of becoming invasive after introduction into new regions. High performance across environments can be achieved either by constitutively expressed traits that allow for high resource uptake under different environmental conditions or by adaptive plasticity of traits. Here we test whether invasive and non‐invasive species differ in presumably adaptive plasticity. Location Europe (for native species); the rest of the world and North America in particular (for alien species). Methods We selected 14 congeneric pairs of European herbaceous species that have all been introduced elsewhere. One species of each pair is highly invasive elsewhere in the world, particularly so in North America, whereas the other species has not become invasive or has spread only to a limited degree. We grew native plant material of the 28 species under shaded and non‐shaded conditions in a common garden experiment, and measured biomass production and morphological traits that are frequently related to shade tolerance and avoidance. Results Invasive species had higher shoot–root ratios, tended to have longer leaf‐blades, and produced more biomass than congeneric non‐invasive species both under shaded and non‐shaded conditions. Plants responded to shading by increasing shoot–root ratios and specific leaf area. Surprisingly, these shade‐induced responses, which are widely considered to be adaptive, did not differ between invasive and non‐invasive species. Main conclusions We conclude that high biomass production across different light environments pre‐adapts species to become invasive, and that this is not mediated by plasticities of the morphological traits that we measured.  相似文献   

Afro‐Palearctic migrant species are exposed to parasites at both breeding and over‐wintering grounds. The house martin Delichon urbicum is one such migratory species facing high instances of blood parasite infection. In an attempt to determine whether breeding European house martins harbour similar blood parasite communities to populations breeding in North Africa, birds were sampled at their breeding grounds in Switzerland and Algeria. Moreover, haemosporidian prevalence and parasite communities were compared to published data sets on Spanish and Dutch breeding populations. This study furthermore wanted to establish whether co‐infection with multiple genera or lineages of parasites had negative e?ects on host body condition. Breeding house martins caught in Algeria showed a higher prevalence of avian haemosporidian parasites than did European populations. Swiss house martins showed a prevalence comparable to that of Spanish and Dutch populations. There were slight differences in the haemosporidian community between European and North‐African populations in terms of composition and abundance of each lineage. Similar to the Dutch house martins, but in contrast to the Spanish population, infection status and number of genera of parasites infecting single hosts did not in?uence Swiss house martin body condition.  相似文献   

Early environments can profoundly influence an organism in ways that persist over its life. In reptiles, early thermal environments (nest temperatures) can impact offspring phenotype and survival in important ways, yet we still lack an understanding of whether general trends exist and the magnitude of impact. Understanding these patterns is important in predicting how climate change will affect reptile populations and the role of phenotypic plasticity in buffering populations. We compiled data from 175 reptile studies to examine, and quantify, the effect of incubation temperature on phenotype and survival. Using meta‐analytic approaches (standardized mean difference between incubation treatments, Hedges' g), we show that across all trait types examined there is, on average, a moderate to large magnitude of effect of incubation temperatures (absolute effect: |g| = 0.75). Unsurprisingly, this influence was extremely large for incubation duration, as predicted, with warmer temperatures decreasing incubation time overall (g = −8.42). Other trait types, including behaviour, physiology, morphology, performance, and survival experienced reduced, but still mostly moderate to large effects, with particularly strong effects on survival. Moreover, the impact of incubation temperature persisted at least one‐year post‐hatching, suggesting that these effects have the potential to impact fitness in the long term. The magnitude of effect increased as the change in temperature increased (e.g. 6°C versus 2°C) in almost all cases, and tended to decrease when temperatures of the treatments fluctuated around a mean temperature compared to when they were constant. The effect also depended on the mid‐temperature of the comparison, but not in consistent ways, with some traits experiencing the greatest effects at extreme temperatures, while others did not. The highly heterogeneous nature of the effects we observe, along with a large amount of unexplained variability, indicates that the shape of reaction norms between phenotype and temperature, along with ecological and/or experimental factors, are important when considering general patterns. Our analyses provide new insights into the effects of incubation environments on reptile phenotype and survival and allow general, albeit coarse, predictions for taxa experiencing warming nest temperatures under climatic change.  相似文献   

A central question in evolutionary biology is how coevolutionary history between predator and prey influences their interactions. Contemporary global change and range expansion of exotic organisms impose a great challenge for prey species, which are increasingly exposed to invading non‐native predators, with which they share no evolutionary history. Here, we complete a comprehensive survey of empirical studies of coevolved and naive predator?prey interactions to assess whether a shared evolutionary history with predators influences the magnitude of predator‐induced defenses mounted by prey. Using marine bivalves and gastropods as model prey, we found that coevolved prey and predator‐naive prey showed large discrepancies in magnitude of predator‐induced phenotypic plasticity. Although naive prey, predominantly among bivalve species, did exhibit some level of plasticity – prey exposed to native predators showed significantly larger amounts of phenotypic plasticity. We discuss these results and the implications they may have for native communities and ecosystems.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity can contribute to the proliferation and invasion success of nonindigenous species by promoting phenotypic changes that increase fitness, facilitate range expansion and improve survival. In this study, differences in phenotypic plasticity were investigated using young‐of‐year pumpkinseed sunfish from colonies established with lentic and lotic populations originating in Canada (native) and Spain (non‐native). Individuals were subjected to static and flowing water treatments for 80 days. Inter‐ and intra‐population differences were tested using ancova and discriminant function analysis, and differences in phenotypic plasticity were tested through a manova of discriminant function scores. Differences between Iberian and North American populations were observed in dorsal fin length, pectoral fin position and caudal peduncle length. Phenotypic plasticity had less influence on morphology than genetic factors, regardless of population origin. Contrary to predictions, Iberian pumpkinseed exhibited lower levels of phenotypic plasticity than native populations, suggesting that canalization may have occurred in the non‐native populations during the processes of introduction and range expansion.  相似文献   

Invasive plants affect soil biota through litter and rhizosphere inputs, but the direction and magnitude of these effects are variable. We conducted a meta‐analysis to examine the different effects of litter and rhizosphere of invasive plants on soil communities and nutrient cycling. Our results showed that invasive plants increased bacterial biomass by 16%, detritivore abundance by 119% and microbivore abundance by 89% through litter pathway. In the rhizosphere, invasive plants reduced bacterial biomass by 12%, herbivore abundance by 55% and predator abundance by 52%, but increased AM fungal biomass by 36%. Moreover, CO2 efflux, N mineralisation rate and enzyme activities were all higher in invasive than native rhizosphere soils. These findings indicate that invasive plants may support more decomposers that in turn stimulate nutrient release via litter effect, and enhance nutrient uptake by reducing root grazing but forming more symbioses in the rhizosphere. Thus, we hypothesise that litter‐ and root‐based loops are probably linked to generate positive feedback of invaders on soil systems through stimulating nutrient cycling, consequently facilitating plant invasion. Our findings from limited cases with diverse contexts suggest that more studies are needed to differentiate litter and rhizosphere effects within single systems to better understand invasive plant‐soil interactions.  相似文献   

High competitive ability has often been invoked as a key determinant of invasion success and ecological impacts of non‐native plants. Yet our understanding of the strategies that non‐natives use to gain competitive dominance remains limited. Particularly, it remains unknown whether the two non‐mutually exclusive competitive strategies, neighbour suppression and neighbour tolerance, are equally important for the competitive advantage of non‐native plants. Here, we analyse data from 192 peer‐reviewed studies on pairwise plant competition within a Bayesian multilevel meta‐analytic framework and show that non‐native plants outperform their native counterparts due to high tolerance of competition, as opposed to strong suppressive ability. Competitive tolerance ability of non‐native plants was driven by neighbour's origin and was expressed in response to a heterospecific native but not heterospecific non‐native neighbour. In contrast to natives, non‐native species were not more suppressed by hetero‐ vs. conspecific neighbours, which was partially due to higher intensity of intraspecific competition among non‐natives. Heterogeneity in the data was primarily associated with methodological differences among studies and not with phylogenetic relatedness among species. Altogether, our synthesis demonstrates that non‐native plants are competitively distinct from native plants and challenges the common notion that neighbour suppression is the primary strategy for plant invasion success.  相似文献   

Disturbances, such as fire and grazing, are often claimed to facilitate plant species richness and plant invasions in particular, although empirical evidence is contradictory. We conducted a meta‐analysis to synthesize the literature on how non‐native plant species are affected by disturbances. We explored whether the observed impact of disturbance on non‐native plant communities is related to its type and frequency, to habitat type, study approach (observational or experimental), and to the temporal and spatial scales of the study. To put the results in a broader context, we also conducted a set of parallel analyses on a data set involving native plant species. The diversity and abundance of non‐native plant species were significantly higher at disturbed sites than at undisturbed sites, while the diversity and abundance of native plant species did not differ between the two types of sites. The effect of disturbance on non‐native plant species depended on the measure used to evaluate the impact (species diversity or abundance) and on disturbance type, with grazing and anthropogenic disturbances leading to higher diversity and abundance of non‐native plant species than other disturbance types examined. The impact of disturbance on non‐natives was also associated with study approach, habitat type and temporal scale, but these factors covaried with disturbance type, complicating the interpretation of the results. Overall, our results indicate that disturbance has a positive impact particularly on non‐native plant species (at least when they are already present in the community), and that the strength of this impact depends primarily on the disturbance type. Synthesis Empirical evidence of the effect of disturbances on plant species richness is contradictory. Here we use a meta‐analysis to synthesize the published literature on how different types of disturbances influence the diversity and abundance of plant species, focusing in particular on non‐native plants. Our study supports the hypothesis that disturbances generally facilitate the diversity and abundance of non‐native plant species, although the strength of this facilitation depends primarily on the disturbance type.  相似文献   

Invasion ecologists have often found that exotic invaders evolve to be more plastic than conspecific populations from their native range. However, an open question is why some exotic invaders can even evolve to be more plastic given that there may be costs to being plastic. Investigation into the benefits and costs of plasticity suggests that stress may constrain the expression of plasticity (thereby reducing the benefits of plasticity) and exacerbate the costs of plasticity (although this possibility might not be generally applicable). Therefore, evolution of adaptive plasticity is more likely to be constrained in stressful environments. Upon introduction to a new range, exotic species may experience more favorable growth conditions (e.g., because of release from natural enemies). Therefore, we hypothesize that any factors mitigating stress in the introduced range may promote exotic invaders to evolve increased adaptive plasticity by reducing the costs and increasing the benefits of plasticity. Empirical evidence is largely consistent with this hypothesis. This hypothesis contributes to our understanding of why invasive species are often found to be more competitive in a subset of environments. Tests of this hypothesis may not only help us understand what caused increased plasticity in some exotic invaders, but could also tell us if costs (unless very small) are more likely to inhibit the evolution of adaptive plasticity in stressful environments in general.  相似文献   

Biological invasions are acknowledged among the main drivers of global changes in biodiversity. Despite compelling evidence of species interactions being strongly regulated by environmental conditions, there is a dearth of studies investigating how the effects of non‐native species vary among areas exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. Focusing on marine macroalgae, we performed a meta‐analysis to test whether and how the direction and magnitude of their effects on resident communities and species varies in relation to cumulative anthropogenic impact levels. The relationship between human impact levels and non‐native species impact intensity emerged only for a reduced subset of the response variables examined. Yet, there was a trend for the effects of non‐native species on community biomass and abundance and on species abundance to become less negative at heavily impacted sites. By contrast, the magnitude of negative effects of seaweed on community evenness tended to increase with human impact levels. The hypothesis of decreasing severity of invader’ impacts along a gradient of habitat degradation was also tested experimentally at a regional scale by comparing the effects of the removal of non‐native alga, Caulerpa cylindracea, on resident assemblages among rocky reefs exposed to different anthropogenic pressures. Assemblages at urban and pristine site did not differ when invaded, but did so when C. cylindracea was removed. Our results suggest that, despite the generally weak relationship between human impacts levels and non‐native species impacts, more negative impacts can be expected in less stressful environments (i.e. less degraded or pristine sites), where competitive interactions are presumably the driving force structuring resident communities. Implementing strategies for controlling the establishment of non‐native seaweeds should be, thus, considered a priority for preserving biodiversity in relatively pristine areas. On the other hand, control of invaders at degraded sites could be warranted to lessen their role as propagule sources. Synthesis Local anthropogenic stressors that severely alter biotic and abiotic conditions may underpin context‐dependency in the impacts of biological invasions. We used a meta‐analysis and an experimental test to examine the relationship between cumulative human impacts and ecological impact of non‐native seaweeds on resident assemblages. Our results suggest that more negative impacts of non‐native seaweeds on the abundance and biomass of resident assemblages can be expected in less degraded or pristine sites. Possibly, stronger impacts prevail at pristine sites, where assemblages are mainly structured by biotic interactions. Hence, management efforts should be mostly directed to prevent the establishment and spread of non‐native seaweeds in pristine areas. On the other hand, weak, but positive effects of seaweeds at the most degraded sites add to the ongoing debate on the role of non‐native species in rehabilitation plans.  相似文献   

Several parasite species have the ability to modify their host's phenotype to their own advantage thereby increasing the probability of transmission from one host to another. This phenomenon of host manipulation is interpreted as the expression of a parasite extended phenotype. Manipulative parasites generally affect multiple phenotypic traits in their hosts, although both the extent and adaptive significance of such multidimensionality in host manipulation is still poorly documented. To review the multidimensionality and magnitude of host manipulation, and to understand the causes of variation in trait value alteration, we performed a phylogenetically corrected meta‐analysis, focusing on a model taxon: acanthocephalan parasites. Acanthocephala is a phylum of helminth parasites that use vertebrates as final hosts and invertebrates as intermediate hosts, and is one of the few parasite groups for which manipulation is predicted to be ancestral. We compiled 279 estimates of parasite‐induced alterations in phenotypic trait value, from 81 studies and 13 acanthocephalan species, allocating a sign to effect size estimates according to the direction of alteration favouring parasite transmission, and grouped traits by category. Phylogenetic inertia accounted for a low proportion of variation in effect sizes. The overall average alteration of trait value was moderate and positive when considering the expected effect of alterations on trophic transmission success (signed effect sizes, after the onset of parasite infectivity to the final host). Variation in the alteration of trait value was affected by the category of phenotypic trait, with the largest alterations being reversed taxis/phobia and responses to stimuli, and increased vulnerability to predation, changes to reproductive traits (behavioural or physiological castration) and immunosuppression. Parasite transmission would thereby be facilitated mainly by changing mainly the choice of micro‐habitat and the anti‐predation behaviour of infected hosts, and by promoting energy‐saving strategies in the host. In addition, infection with larval stages not yet infective to definitive hosts (acanthella) tends to induce opposite effects of comparable magnitude to infection with the infective stage (cystacanth), although this result should be considered with caution due to the low number of estimates with acanthella. This analysis raises important issues that should be considered in future studies investigating the adaptive significance of host manipulation, not only in acanthocephalans but also in other taxa. Specifically, the contribution of phenotypic traits to parasite transmission and the range of taxonomic diversity covered deserve thorough attention. In addition, the relationship between behaviour and immunity across parasite developmental stages and host–parasite systems (the neuropsychoimmune hypothesis of host manipulation), still awaits experimental evidence. Most of these issues apply more broadly to reported cases of host manipulation by other groups of parasites.  相似文献   

Volatile communication between plants causing enhanced defence has been controversial. Early studies were not replicated, and influential reviews questioned the validity of the phenomenon. We collected 48 well‐replicated studies and found overall support for the hypothesis that resistance increased for individuals with damaged neighbours. Laboratory or greenhouse studies and those conducted on agricultural crops showed stronger induced resistance than field studies on undomesticated species, presumably because other variation had been reduced. A cumulative analysis revealed that early, non‐replicated studies were more variable and showed less evidence for communication. Effects of habitat and plant growth form were undetectable. In most cases, the mechanisms of resistance and alternative hypotheses were not considered. There was no indication that some response variables were more likely to produce large effects. These results indicate that plants of diverse taxonomic affinities and ecological conditions become more resistant to herbivores when exposed to volatiles from damaged neighbours.  相似文献   

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