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Mass drug administration (MDA) is a means of delivering safe and inexpensive essential medicines based on the principles of preventive chemotherapy, where populations or sub-populations are offered treatment without individual diagnosis. High-coverage MDA in endemic areas aims to prevent and alleviate symptoms and morbidity on the one hand and can reduce transmission on the other, together improving global health. MDA is the recommended strategy of the World Health Organisation to control or eliminate several neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). More than 700 million people now receive these essential NTD medicines annually. The combined cost of integrated NTD MDA has been calculated to be in the order of $0.50 per person per year. Activities have recently been expanded due, in part, to the proposed attempt to eliminate certain NTDs in the coming two decades. More than 1.9 billion people need to receive MDA annually across several years if these targets are to be met. Such extensive coverage will require additional avenues of financial support, expanded monitoring and evaluation focusing on impact and drug efficacy, as well as new diagnostic tools and social science strategies to encourage adherence. MDA is a means to help reduce the burden of disease, and hence poverty, among the poorest sector of populations. It has already made significant improvements to global health and productivity and has the potential for further successes, particularly where incorporated into sanitation and education programmes. However logistical, financial and biological challenges remain.  相似文献   

Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have received increasing attention in recent years by the global heath community, as they cumulatively constitute substantial burdens of disease as well as barriers for economic development. A number of common tropical diseases such as malaria, hookworm or schistosomiasis have well-documented economic impacts. However, much less is known about the population-level impacts of diseases that are rare but associated with high disability burden, which represent a great number of tropical diseases. Using an individual-based model of Buruli ulcer (BU), we demonstrate that, through feedbacks between health and economic status, such NTDs can have a significant impact on the economic structure of human populations even at low incidence levels. While average wealth is only marginally affected by BU, the economic conditions of certain subpopulations are impacted sufficiently to create changes in measurable population-level inequality. A reduction of the disability burden caused by BU can thus maximize the economic growth of the poorest subpopulations and reduce significantly the economic inequalities introduced by the disease in endemic regions.  相似文献   

We report the results of control measures introduced to reduce the density of sand flies in domiciles and subsequent monitoring of the effects of these measures on the sand fly populations. The most common species of sand flies were Nyssomyia neivai and Nyssomyia whitmani, which are naturally infected by Leishmania. A total of 268,382 (93.4%) sand flies were collected in ecotypes constructed with the aim of attracting sand flies, and 19,091 (6.6%) sand flies were collected in the ecotypes consisting of residences and other buildings. Human actions determine the growth or reduction of the sand fly population in human‐occupied space. Understanding the dynamics of sand flies in this environment can substantially contribute to the prevention of cutaneous leishmaniasis.  相似文献   

果蔬采后病害的生物防治(综述)   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
采用生物防治措施控制采后病害是当前果蔬采后保鲜的重要研究方向。概述了生物防治果蔬采后病害的方法,包括利用拮抗菌、诱导抗病性、天然植物产物以及抗病基因工程技术在果蔬病害防治上的研究与应用。  相似文献   

控制果蔬采后病害的生物学技术   总被引:42,自引:2,他引:42  
田世平  范青 《植物学通报》2000,17(3):211-217
化学农药对环境和农产品的污染直接影响人类的健康,已成为当今公众所关注的主要问题之一。为了保证农产品的卫生和安全,世界各国都在探索能代替化学农药的防病新技术。生物防治是近年来被证明很有成效的新途径,它主要是利用微生物之间的拮抗作用,选择对农产品不造成危害的微生物来抑制引起采后腐烂的病原真菌的生长。生物防治的研究主要包括主要包括以下三方面:(1)选用有拮抗作用的微生物;(2)利用植物和动物产生的自然抗  相似文献   

芽胞杆菌防治烟草病虫害的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
烟草病虫害严重影响烟草产业的可持续发展,更为安全的生物防治方法已成为烟草病虫害防治研究的热点领域。芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)是一类比较理想的生防微生物,在植病生物防治领域显示出了广阔的应用前景。本文论述了芽胞杆菌属细菌的生物学特性及其在烟草黑胫病、赤星病、青枯病、炭疽病、根黑腐病、花叶病、白粉病、烟草斜纹夜蛾和甲虫等烟草病虫害防治中的应用。  相似文献   

通过健康教育干预探讨对心脑血管疾病发生之影响,为心脑血管疾病的防治工作提供理论依据。方法:从2000年到我院集中体检的大于50岁以上的在职和离退休干部4000人中,抽出资料完整并符合本次研究纳入标准者2000人,随机分为健康干预组和一般治疗对照组各1000人。其中干预组1000人中,高血压480人,高脂血症413人,高血压合并高脂血症107人;对照组1000人中,高血压478人,高脂血症423人.高血压合并高脂血症100人。两组均以高血压、高脂血症作为最主要的危险因素进行健康教育干预。健康教育干预组患者分别建立健康档案,制定系统的健康教育干预措施并组织实施,定期随访:一般治疗对照组患者将体检结果通知本人后,由其在门诊接受健康教育和治疗,对健康教育和治疗方法不作强制性规定。连续观察五年,比较两组五年间心脑血管疾病的发生情况(即以发生AMI/心绞痛、脑出血、脑血栓形成等心脑血管疾病的终点事件为评价标准)。结果:健康教育干预组病情控制良好,发生上述心脑血管疾病终点事件比危险因素对照组明显减少(急性心肌梗塞发生率为2.0%比3.4%,脑血栓发生率为4.3%比7.5%,TIA为2.1%比2.9%),P〈0.01。结论:对存在心脑血管疾病危险因素者积极开展健康教育干预,可起到控制疾病进一步发展,减少心脑血管疾病终点事件的发生。  相似文献   

线粒体是一种处于高度运动状态的频繁地进行融合与分裂的细胞器.在生理状态下,线粒体的融合与分裂处于一种平衡的状态,这种平衡受线粒体融合蛋白1/2(Mfn1/2)、视神经萎缩蛋白1(OPA1)和动力相关蛋白1(Drp1)的调节. Mfn1/2介导线粒体外膜的融合,而OPA1则参与线粒体内膜的融合,这些蛋白受泛素化和蛋白水解的调控. Drp1参与线粒体的分裂过程,受多种翻译后修饰的调节,如磷酸化、泛素化、SUMO化和S 硝基化.对于神经元来说,线粒体融合分裂的动态平衡对保证神经元末梢长距离运输和能量平均分布是非常重要的.因此,线粒体融合分裂异常可能是许多神经变性疾病的致病因素之一.对线粒体融合而言,Mfn2错义突变将导致遗传性运动感觉神经病2型(CMT2A);OPA1错义突变将引起显性遗传性视神经萎缩(ADOA),而就线粒体分裂而言,Drp1突变与多系统功能障碍的新生儿致死性相关.  相似文献   

植物附生微生物与叶部病害生物防治研究进展   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
单卫星 《生态学杂志》1992,11(1):48-53,74
人们早已发现绿色植物叶面(phylloplane)栖居有大量微生物。在一百多年前微生物学家就从植物叶面分离到许多真菌和细菌。1910年Potter首先证实,叶面附生微生物在干扰真菌引起的叶部病害中起着重要作用。至本世纪上半叶,叶面微生物仍为人们所忽视。相反,在这期间土壤微生物得到很大发展,在土传植物病原菌生物防治研究方法上取得了很大进展,为后来的植物叶部病害生物防  相似文献   

Kate Davies 《EcoHealth》2006,3(2):86-94
This study estimates the economic costs associated with childhood diseases and disabilities attributable to environmental contaminants in Washington State, USA, including asthma, cancer, lead exposure, birth defects, and neurobehavioral disorders. The estimates are based on “cost of illness” models that include direct healthcare costs and indirect costs. The estimates are also based on an “environmentally attributable fraction” model which quantifies the proportions of each disease or disability that can reasonably be attributed to environmental contaminants. The study concludes that the annual cost of selected childhood diseases and disabilities attributable to environmental contaminants in Washington State is $1875 million in 2004 $, comprising $310.6 million in direct healthcare costs and $1565 million in indirect costs, and with a range of $1600–$2200 million a year. These estimates are consistent with other studies. Like the previous studies, a significant proportion of the estimated costs can be attributed to lead exposure. This estimate is equivalent to about 0.7% of the total Washington Gross State Product, and the estimated direct healthcare costs are equivalent to at least 0.2% of the total Washington State health expenditures. These costs could be lessened or prevented if exposures to environmental contaminants were reduced or eliminated. This study argues for the need for an ecosystem approach to human health in which the condition of the environment, in terms of exposures to environmental contaminants, must be addressed taking a systemic perspective.  相似文献   

目的 分析健康教育在狂犬病预防控制中的应用价值.方法 选取2020年1~11月,因动物致伤至我院犬伤处置重点门诊就诊的200例患者作为研究对象,对其开展狂犬病预防相关知识的健康教育,比较健康教育开展前后患者对狂犬病相关知识的知晓情况.结果 经健康教育后,患者对狂犬病相关知识知晓率明显高于健康教育前,差异有统计学意义(P...  相似文献   

目的:探讨单气囊小肠镜(single-balloonenteroscop,SBE)在胶囊内镜检查阴性的可疑小肠疾病患者中的应用价值。方法:选取在我院行胶囊内镜检查无异常发现,后行单气囊小肠镜检查的可疑小肠疾病患者24例,分析后者对胶囊内镜检查阴性可疑小肠疾病患者的阳性发现率和病因的分布特点。结果:24例行SBE检查者有22例(91.7%)获得成功,2例失败,10例被检出阳性病变,其中间质瘤5例,小肠息肉2例,过敏性紫癜1例,血管畸形2例,SBE对胶囊内镜检查阴性的患者小肠疾病的再检出率为41.7%。结论:胶囊内镜和SBE在小肠疾病的诊断上有着各自的优缺点,对于胶囊内镜检查阴性的可疑小肠疾病患者进一步行SBE检查有助于确诊。  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction‐based method was used to screen sandflies for infection with Wolbachia (Rickettsiales: Rickettsiaceae), an intracellular bacterial endosymbiont found in many arthropods and filarial hosts. Positive results were obtained in five of 200 field‐collected sandflies and were confirmed by sequencing. All sandflies were Lutzomyia longipalpis (Diptera: Psychodidae) captured in a region endemic for visceral leishmaniasis in Brazil. This is the first study to identify Wolbachia infection in this Lutzomyia species, which is the main vector of leishmaniasis in the study area. The low infection rate found in this study (2.5%), together with the lack of detection of Wolbachia in previous studies and the diversity found in the sequences analysed, suggests horizontal transmission to these sandflies.  相似文献   

15万农民健康现况及预防控制策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:研究农村居民健康现况,干预农村慢性非传染性疾病的发生与发展。方法:对151530名农民健康体检资料进行统计分析。结果:患病率147.96‰,居前十位的疾病分别是血压异常、慢性支气管炎、眼病、鼻及鼻窦疾病、肺气肿、关节炎、耳病、尿糖阳性、肺心病、慢性肝炎。各乡镇疾病谱结构有所不同。吸烟、饮酒、受教育程度对某些疾病患病率有显著影响。结论:60岁以上人群是农村慢性非传染性疾病预防控制的重点;受教育程度愈低的人群患病率愈高;适度饮酒有益于健康,但高血压、糖尿病、慢性肝炎、关节炎患者应控制饮酒;慢性支气管炎、肺心病、慢性肝炎、冠心痛、关节炎患者应控制吸烟;高血压、肺气肿、鼻及鼻窦疾病,耳病与烟草的关系有待进一步研究;提出预防控制策略对控制农村慢性非传染性疾病的发生与发展能起到积极的促进作用,可为决策者提供可借鉴的材料和科学依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨两种肺检查方法对肺部周围常见疾病的诊断价值.方法:回顾性分析胸片和CT检查发现肺周围型病变的43例患者,在经支气管肺活检联合刷检和/或CT引导经皮肺穿刺活检病理确诊阳性率.结果:43例患者共行33次支气管肺活检联合刷检,26例获取标本成功,阳性诊断率为78.79%.经皮肺穿刺活检17例,全部获取标本成功,1例患者因取材量少,病理结果无诊断意义,阳性诊断率为94.11%,两者结合诊断率97.67%.结论:经支气管肺活检联合刷检与经皮肺穿刺活检对肺周围型病变诊断都是安全、有效、准确、损伤小的诊断方法,两种方法联合使用可明显提高诊断率.  相似文献   

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