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ABSTRACT.   The threatened Atlantic Coast population of Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) has not increased in recent years and remains 332 pairs short of the recovery goal of 2000 pairs. Habitat loss to development is a major threat to the population, and there has been interest in restoring nesting and foraging habitat. However, the demographic response of coastal Piping Plovers to either habitat loss or creation has not been documented. We estimated survival rates and site fidelity of a declining Piping Plover population on Long Island, New York, from 2001 to 2005 on a beach subject to human development and recreation. The mean annual adult survival was 0.703 ± 0.032 (SE) and was similar among years. Site fidelity during the period of territory establishment averaged 0.827 ± 0.069 (SE). Given this high site fidelity, ensuring the survival of adults is important for maintaining local populations. Although the 2002–2004 average was high, site fidelity was apparently lower in 2003 than in 2002. This decrease in site fidelity may have been related to several years of habitat loss and increasing predation of nests or chicks, as reported in a partly concurrent long-term study at our site. The species-level effect of local dispersal due to anthropogenic habitat loss depends on the fitness of dispersers, and is currently unknown for Piping Plovers.  相似文献   

Few investigators have studied the offspring sex ratios of monomorphic shorebirds because visually determining the sex of juveniles is not possible. We investigated the ontogeny of an observed male‐biased adult sex ratio in the federally endangered Great Lakes population of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus). We determined sex ratios at hatching, banding ( = 9.0 d old), and fledging (23 d old) to determine if the bias arises during the pre‐fledging period and, if so, at what stage. For three consecutive years (2012–2014), we used a molecular technique to determine the sex of 307 chicks and followed individuals to a stage where survival to fledging could be inferred. Within fully‐sexed broods at hatching, the average proportions of male chicks (2012–2014) were 0.47, 0.58, and 0.54, respectively. At banding, the sex ratio remained unbiased in 2012 (0.51), but was male‐biased in 2013 (0.59) and 2014 (0.57). Overall, the sex ratio did not differ significantly from parity at fledging in 2012, but did differ during 2013 (P = 0.01) and 2014 (P = 0.03). Using logistic regression models fit using Bayesian inference, we found strong support for a sex effect on chick survival to fledging age, with higher male than female survival (μmale = 0.83 [95% credible interval: 0.75–0.90]; μfemale = 0.71 [0.61–0.80]). These results suggest that the male‐biased adult sex ratio in Piping Plovers arises, in part, due to differential survival during the pre‐fledging period. This difference did not result from female chicks hatching later in the season or weighing less at banding than male chicks, factors that could potentially affect the likelihood of survival. Future investigations into possible behavioral‐ or weather‐related influences on sex‐specific survival are needed. Our results have important implications for (1) identifying management efforts needed to increase recruitment given female‐biased chick mortality, and (2) conducting population viability analyses, which frequently assume an unbiased fledgling sex ratio.  相似文献   

Most of the known wintering areas of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) are along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States and into Mexico, and in the Caribbean. However, 1066 threatened/endangered Piping Plovers were recently found wintering in The Bahamas, an area not previously known to be important for the species. Although representing about 27% of the birds counted during the 2011 International Piping Plover Winter Census, the location of their breeding site(s) was unknown. Thus, our objectives were to determine the location(s) of their breeding site(s) using molecular markers and by tracking banded individuals, identify spring and fall staging sites, and examine site fidelity and survival. We captured and color‐banded 57 birds in January and February 2010 in The Bahamas. Blood samples were also collected for genetic evaluation of the likely subspecies wintering in The Bahamas. Band re‐sightings and DNA analysis revealed that at least 95% of the Piping Plovers wintering in The Bahamas originated on the Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada. Re‐sightings of birds banded in The Bahamas spanned the breeding distribution of the species along the Atlantic coast from Newfoundland to North Carolina. Site fidelity to breeding and wintering sites was high (88–100%). Spring and fall staging sites were located along the Atlantic coast of the United States, with marked birds concentrating in the Carolinas. Our estimate of true survival for the marked birds was 0.71 (95% CI: 0.61–0.80). Our results indicate that more than one third of the Piping Plover population that breeds along the Atlantic coast winters in The Bahamas. By determining the importance of The Bahamas to the Atlantic subspecies of Piping Plovers, future conservation efforts for these populations can be better focused on where they are most needed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Age of first breeding is an important life history trait. Many Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) do not breed as yearlings, but little information is available concerning the age of first breeding. From 2000 to 2006, we marked 991 chicks in three areas in Saskatchewan, Canada, and subsequently determined when 102 (49 females and 53 males) first bred. Females bred significantly earlier, on average, than males. More females (68%) bred as yearlings than did males (41%; P= 0.04), with most others first nesting when 2‐yr old (29% of females and 50% of males). As expected from differences between the sexes in age of first breeding, younger females were more likely to pair with older males than were younger males with older females. Chicks that hatched early in the breeding season did not breed at an earlier age than those that hatched late in the year. Unlike older birds, juvenile Piping Plovers do not replace flight feathers during their first winter. As a result, 18 of 27 yearlings (67%) had worn outer primaries, whereas only one of 123 (1%) older birds had worn primaries. In addition, whereas 20 of 24 yearlings (83%) retained a few buff‐tipped median coverts, none of 119 known older birds had such coverts. As a result, we were able to identify all yearlings by their worn primaries, buff‐tipped median wing coverts, or both. Wing lengths of yearling Piping Plovers were 3% shorter than those of older birds, presumably due to wear. Because there is no evidence of differences in adult survival rates between the sexes and breeding habitat is available, we speculate that fewer yearling males than females breed because primary wear may reduce the ability of yearling males to perform aerial breeding displays.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Although breeding populations of Piping Plovers are well studied, their winter distribution is less clear. We studied the seasonal abundance of nonbreeding Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) during the winters of 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 on Little St. Simons Island (LSSI), Georgia. Our objectives were to determine the relative abundance of individuals from three breeding populations at LSSI, and identify possible differences among populations in arrival time, winter movements, or departure time. We observed up to 100 Piping Plovers during peak migration, and approximately 40 plovers wintered at LSSI. From July 2004 to May 2005, approximately 20% of the Great Lakes breeding population used LSSI. Plovers were not present at LSSI during June. All breeding populations of Piping Plovers had similar patterns of temporal occurrence on LSSI, suggesting no need for population-specific management plans at this site. Our results suggest that LSSI is among the most important wintering sites on the Atlantic coast for Piping Plovers, especially for individuals from the endangered Great Lakes population.  相似文献   

Collisions with wind turbines are an increasing conservation concern for migratory birds that already face many threats. Existing collision‐risk models take into account parameters of wind turbines and bird flight behavior to estimate collision probability and mortality rates. Two behavioral characteristics these models require are the proportion of birds flying at the height of the rotor swept‐zone and the flight speed of birds passing through the rotor swept‐zone. In recent studies, investigators have measured flight height and flight speed of migrating birds using fixed‐beam radar and thermal imaging. These techniques work well for fixed areas where migrants commonly pass over, but they cannot readily provide species‐specific information. We measured flight heights of a nesting shorebird, the federally threatened Piping Plover (Charadrius melodus), using optical range finding and measured flight speed using videography. Several single‐turbine wind projects have been proposed for the Atlantic coast of the United States where they may pose a potential threat to these plovers. We studied Piping Plovers in New Jersey and Massachusetts during the breeding seasons of 2012 and 2013. Measured flight heights ranged from 0.7 to 10.5 m with a mean of 2.6 m (N = 19). Concurrent visually estimated flight heights were all within 2 m of measured heights and most within 1 m. In separate surveys, average visually estimated flight height was 2.6 m (N = 1674) and ranged from 0.25 m to 40 m. Average calculated flight speed was 9.30 m/s (N = 17). Optical range finding was challenging, but provided a useful way to calibrate visual estimates where frames of reference were lacking in the environment. Our techniques provide comparatively inexpensive, replicable procedures for estimating turbine collision‐risk parameters where the focus is on discrete nesting areas of specific species where birds follow predictable flight paths.  相似文献   

Abstract: We tested the hypothesis that piping plover (Charadrius melodus) habitat quality and chick survival on the Missouri River, USA, were lower on a cold-water reservoir and downstream from a hypolimnetic (cold-water) release dam with diel water fluctuations (Garrison Dam) than downstream from an epilimnetic dam (Gavins Point Dam). Plovers in adjacent alkali wetlands provided an index to the maximum reproductive potential in the region. Chicks gained weight more rapidly in the alkali wetlands than on epilimnetic and hypolimnetic river reaches. Invertebrate numbers and biomass were higher in the wetlands and epilimnetic reach, but chick survival was lower on the epilimnetic reach. Thus, piping plovers adapted to a variety of prey densities, and other factors, likely predation, reduced survival rates in the epilimnetic reach. Temporal and spatial variability in site quality indices suggests the need for a regional management strategy with different strategies at each site. Managers can minimize effects of local fluctuations in resource abundance and predators by ensuring protection of or creating geographically dispersed habitat. (JOURNAL OF WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT 72(3):682–687; 2008)  相似文献   

Given the high productivity of Interior Least Terns (Sternula antillarum athalassos) and Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) on constructed off‐channel nesting sites along the central Platte River in Nebraska, USA, and the possibility of creating similar habitats at other locations in their breeding range, understanding how these species use off‐channel nesting habitats is important. We used data collected along the central Platte River in Nebraska, USA, over a 15‐year period (2001–2015), and a discrete‐choice modeling framework to assess the effects of physical site attributes and inter‐ and intraspecific associations on off‐channel nest‐site selection by Interior Least Terns and Piping Plovers. We found that Piping Plovers avoided nesting near each other, whereas colonial Interior Least Terns selected nest sites near those of conspecifics. In addition, the relative probability of use for both species was maximized when distance to the nearest predator perch was ≥ 150 m and elevation above the waterline was ≥ 3 m. Probability of use for nesting by Interior Least Terns increased as distance to water increased, whereas the probability of use by Piping Plovers was maximized when distance to water was ~50 m. Our results suggest that important features of constructed, off‐channel nesting sites for both species should include no potential predator perches within 150 m of nesting habitat and nesting areas at least 3 m above the waterline. Efficient site designs for Interior Least Terns would be circular, maximizing the area of nesting habitat away from the shoreline, whereas an effective site design for Piping Plovers would be more linear, maximizing the area of nesting habitat near the waterline. An efficient site design for both species would be lobate, incorporating centralized nesting habitat for Interior Least Terns and increased access to foraging areas for nesting and brood‐rearing Piping Plovers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Geographically isolated breeding populations of migratory shorebirds may be demographically connected through shared nonbreeding habitats. We used long-term (1998–2008) mark-recapture data on piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) collected from 7 separate studies located throughout North America to conduct a range-wide analysis of after hatch year apparent survival (φAHY). Our objectives were to compare concurrent survival estimates from disparate breeding sites and determine whether estimates followed similar trends or were correlated among breeding populations with shared wintering grounds. Average survival estimates were higher for Great Plains populations (range = 0.69–0.81) than for Great Lakes and Atlantic Coast populations (range = 0.56–0.71). Linear trend models indicated that apparent survival declined in 4 out of 7 populations, was unchanged in 3, and was generally highest among Great Plains populations. Based on a post hoc analysis, we found evidence of correlated year-to-year fluctuations in annual survival among populations wintering primarily along the southeastern United States Atlantic Coast and Gulf Coast. Our results indicate shared overwintering or stopover sites may influence annual variation in survival among geographically disparate breeding populations. Declines in piping plover survival are a cause for concern, and our results highlight the need for conservation efforts to include habitat used during the migratory and wintering periods.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT We calculated expenditures and hours of staff and volunteer time dedicated to monitoring and managing the United States breeding population of Atlantic Coast piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) in 1993 and 2002 and considered implications for recovery of this management-dependent species. In 2002, 73 federal, state, and local governmental agencies and private organizations played key roles in conservation efforts at 281 piping plover breeding sites. Total inflation-adjusted estimated expenditures increased by 51% between 1993 and 2002, from US$2.28 million to $3.44 million, but annual per-pair expenditures declined 4% from $2,459 to $2,350, and hours of paid-staff effort were similar (93 hr/pair in 1993, 95 hr in 2002). Expenditures for on-site monitoring and management were greater than for 6 other categories of expenses in both years and increased from 42% to 59% of total costs between 1993 and 2002. Staff time and expenditures were higher at sites where more labor-intensive efforts to protect plovers from recreation and other human use were necessitated by greater human accessibility. Total expenditures in 2002 were modest compared to those for some other threatened and endangered species and to costs of large beach-stabilization projects. Our results provide a baseline for estimating future costs of piping plover protection, including development and implementation of the long-term management agreements that will be required to remove this species from United States Endangered Species Act protection. Impediments to reducing costs for Atlantic Coast piping plovers are the species’ widespread distribution at low densities and the unrelenting threats posed by human activities and predators. Modest economies of scale may be achieved through arrangements for management and monitoring that span multiple landowners and include other at-risk beach species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT An accurate understanding of factors influencing survival and how they affect population growth are required to determine the best conservation strategies for small populations, especially near the limit of a species' range. We estimated adult and juvenile survival for a small population of the threatened western snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) in coastal northern California over 7 years (2001–2007). We also evaluated population structure and growth to determine the relative importance of immigration and local recruitment. Apparent survival for adult males (φ = 0.61 ± 0.08) was greater than that of adult females (φ = 0.50 ± 0.11), and survival of adults was greater than for juveniles (φ = 0.40 ± 0.06). An algebraic assessment of population growth (Λ) revealed that fecundity and survival were insufficient to maintain the population (Λ = 0.66–0.77), whereas estimates based on consecutive annual counts (Λ = 0.96 ± 0.26) and a Pradel model (Λ = 0.92 ± 0.11) suggested the population was more stable. These results, combined with annual variation in the number of newly marked plovers, indicate that the local population was maintained by immigration and can be classified as a sink. Management actions aimed at increasing fecundity, including predator control and greater restrictions on human activity, may be necessary to maintain this population; actions aimed at increasing adult survival are more challenging.  相似文献   

Conservation of beach‐nesting medium‐distance migrants has focused on breeding areas because protection of nests is more tractable than protection of non‐breeding habitat. As breeding ground management has encountered diminishing returns, interest in understanding threats in non‐breeding areas has increased. However, robust estimates of non‐breeding demographic rates and abundance are generally lacking, hindering the study of limiting factors. Estimating such rates is made more difficult by complex population dynamics at non‐breeding sites. In South Carolina, endangered Piping Plovers Charadrius melodus start arriving in July and some depart prior to December (the autumn‐only population) while others remain through at least March (the wintering population). State uncertainty capture‐mark‐recapture models provide a means for estimating vital rates for such co‐occurring populations. We estimated the proportion of the population entering the study area per survey (entry probability) and proportion remaining per survey (persistence rate) for both populations during autumn, and abundance of the wintering population, at four sites in South Carolina in 2006/7 and 2007/8, taking advantage of birds previously colour‐ringed on the breeding grounds. We made fairly precise estimates of entry and persistence rates with small sample sizes. Cumulative entry probability was ~50% by the end of July and reached 95% for both populations by October. Estimated stopover duration for birds in the autumn‐only population was 35 days in year 1 and 42 days in year 2. We estimated a wintering super‐population size of 71 ± 16 se birds in the first year and 75 ± 16 in the second. If ringing programmes on the breeding grounds continue, standardized resighting surveys in the non‐breeding period and mark‐recapture models can provide robust estimates of entry and persistence rates and abundance. Habitat protection intended to benefit non‐breeding Piping Plovers at our coastal sites should be in effect by late summer, as many birds are resident from July to the end of winter.  相似文献   

Management of migratory birds at the national level has historically relied on regulatory boundaries for definition of harvest restrictions and estimation of demographic parameters. Most species of migratory game birds are not expanding their ranges, so migratory corridors are approximately fixed. White-winged doves (Zenaida asiatica), however, have undergone significant variation in population structure with marked range expansion occurring in Texas, and range contraction in Arizona, during the last 30 years. Because >85% of white-winged dove harvest in the United States (approx. 1.3 million annually) now occurs in Texas, information on vital rates of expanding white-winged dove populations is necessary for informed management. We used band recovery and mark–recapture data to investigate variation in survival and harvest across 3 geographic strata for white-winged doves banded in the pre-hunting season in Texas during 2007–2010. We banded 60,742 white-winged doves, recovered 2,458 bands via harvest reporting, and recaptured 455 known-age birds between 2007 and 2010. The best supporting model found some evidence for geographic differences in survival rates among strata (A–C) in both hatch-year (juvenile; A = 0.205 [SE = 0.0476], B = 0.213 [SE = 0.0278], C = 0.364 [SE = 0.0254]) and after-hatch year (adult; A = 0.483 [SE = 0.0775], B = 0.465 [SE = 0.0366], C = 0.538 [SE = 0.251]) birds. White-winged doves had a low probability of moving among strata (0.009) or being recaptured (0.002) across all strata. Harvest recovery rates were concordant with estimates for other dove species, but were variable across geographic strata. Based on our results, harvest management strategies for white-winged doves in Texas and elsewhere should consider differences in population vital rates among geographic strata. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Mobility of precocial chicks facilitates self-feeding and escape from predators, but also allows chicks to move into potentially dangerous areas. At Cape Hatteras National Seashore and Pea Island National Wildlife Refuge, North Carolina, precocial Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus) are managed with vehicle and pedestrian exclusion buffers to reduce potential anthropogenic disturbance and mortality. From 2015 to 2018, we monitored 23 broods from hatching until fledging age (25 days), and recorded brood locations, chick behavior, and potentially disruptive predators, people, or vehicles. We estimated straight-line hourly movement rates relative to brood habitat selection, behavior, and potential disturbance stimuli, daily movement distances, and 95% minimum convex polygon home range areas of broods through the pre-fledging period. Daily brood movements , range = 0–327.3 m/d) varied by age and year. Hourly movements also varied , range = 0.04–1450.9 m/h), but were not well described by the factors we tested. Daily and hourly movements were generally shorter than current management buffer sizes, broods were always observed within protective buffers, and were rarely disturbed by human activity or possible predators. Home range sizes of broods ( increased as broods aged. Our results show that movements by plover broods can be variable and relatively unpredictable across temporal and spatial scales, but the low rate of brood disturbance suggests effective management of anthropogenic disturbance. We recommend that under current conditions, regular monitoring by managers should continue to ensure that the size and location of implemented buffers track actual brood use without exposing broods to risks from human beach users.  相似文献   

Despite concerns about their population status, information about the habitat preferences, population size, and vital statistics of Wilson's Plovers (Charadrius wilsonia) is currently lacking. We compared habitat characteristics of nest sites and unused sites and examined factors affecting nest success on a barrier island in North Carolina in 2010 and 2011. We monitored 83 nests with cameras and added heart‐rate monitors in artificial eggs to 36 of these nests for a concurrent study of the effects of jet overflights; predator exclosures were placed around 17 of the nests with cameras. Wilson's Plovers used interdune areas, flats, and isolated dunelets on flats more than expected based on availability, and nests were located closer to dense vegetation than unused sites. Nests in interdune areas had higher daily survival rates than nests on flats, but distance to dense vegetation did not affect nest survival. Nests without cameras, heart‐rate monitors, or exclosures had a 35% predicted probability of hatching at least one egg. Exclosed nests had higher daily survival rates than nests without exclosures, but daily survival rates were lower for nests with cameras or heart‐rate monitors and for nests initiated later in the season. Daily survival rates also declined as nests aged. The predicted probability of fledging was 74%, resulting in a reproductive output of 0.78 fledglings/pair. Apparent annual adult survival was 77%, and the apparent annual survival rate for birds banded as chicks was 42%. Additional research is needed throughout the range of Wilson's Plovers to determine if populations are stable or decreasing, and to predict the productivity rates needed to maintain current populations. However, our results suggest that in our study area, predator removal and protection of sparsely vegetated overwash habitats will likely have the greatest impact on reproductive output.  相似文献   

This study examined the population of Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins, Sousa chinensis, inhabiting the Great Sandy Strait Marine Park, Queensland, Australia. A total of 106 dolphins were identified during 228 boat‐based surveys, completed between April 2004 and April 2007. Based on the distribution of resighted individuals and the pattern of associations, it was established that this population consists of two largely geographically distinct communities, referred to as the Northern Community (NC) and the Southern Community (SC). The only recorded interaction between the two groups was a single pod composed of one member of the NC and 11 dolphins from the SC. Abundance was estimated for the entire population and by geographical area using open population models. Estimates for the Great Sandy Strait indicate that about 150 dolphins (NGSS= 148.4, SE = 8.3, 95% CI: 132.5–165.2) used this area during the study. The NC and SC total population sizes was estimated to be 76 (NNGSS= 75.80, SE = 3.88, 95% CI = 71–86) and 75 (NSGSS= 74.98, SE = 4.43, 95% CI: 66–83), respectively. Analysis of residence patterns indicates that a majority of the identified dolphins are long‐term residents.  相似文献   

Given the rapid pace of urbanization, mitigation translocations are increasingly being used to reduce human-wildlife conflicts, especially to move animals out of the path of land development. Burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) are commonly subjected to translocations because of their association with flat, open lands that are attractive to development. But outcomes of burrowing owl translocations and the effects they have on their demographic parameters are seldom documented. From 2017–2019, we tracked the fates of 42 resident (non-translocated) burrowing owls and 43 translocated owls using very high frequency radio-telemetry across 4 release sites in southcentral Arizona, USA. Translocations were conducted by Wild At Heart (WAH), a non-profit raptor rehabilitation program, and owls were moved from areas with planned development activities to release sites that contained artificial burrows. Each year, WAH held translocated owls in groups of 6–10 owls with varying male to female ratios in aviaries prior to taking the owls to release sites where the owls stayed in soft-release tents for an acclimation period of 30 days before release. Resident owls were located at or near the 4 release sites. We used the joint live encounter and dead recovery model to evaluate differences in survival and fidelity probabilities between resident (non-translocated) and translocated burrowing owls and to assess factors that influenced these probabilities including sex, year, site, captivity duration, and the number of males in release cohorts for translocated owls. Annual survival was consistently lower for translocated owls (0.35, 95% CI = 0.10, 0.61 and 0.01, 95% CI = 0.00, 0.03 for 2017 and 2018, respectively) compared to resident owls (0.68, 95% CI = 0.45, 0.92 and 0.69, 95% CI = 0.47, 0.90 for 2017 and 2018, respectively). Annual fidelity was lower for translocated owls (0.05, 95% CI = 0.00, 0.15) compared to resident owls (0.79, 95% CI = 0.57, 1.00) in 2018, but fidelity did not differ significantly between translocated (0.54, 95% CI = 0.19, 0.89) and resident owls (0.62, 95% CI = 0.37, 0.87) in 2017. For translocated owls, the number of males in release cohorts negatively affected survival (βˆ $\hat{{\rm{\beta }}}$ = −0.74, 95% CI = −1.07, −0.40) and fidelity (βˆ $\hat{{\rm{\beta }}}$ = −0.73, 95% CI = −1.17, −0.29). Our results indicate the need for substantial changes to the current translocation methodology for burrowing owls in Arizona. Breeding season releases that included owl groups and multiple males within cohorts resulted in agonistic interactions, high mortality, and low fidelity. Translocations of this territorial species should be restricted to male-female pairs or single individuals. Earlier releases may allow owls time to become established on release sites prior to the breeding season, which could promote fidelity. We recommend these changes be implemented and evaluated along with an examination of other release methods.  相似文献   

Nest site fidelity and serial polyandry were examined in lingcod, Ophiodon elongatus, a teleost fish in which the nest-guarding male parent invests more heavily in parental care than the elusive female parent. Lingcod parental and progeny genotypes were established for fish spawning on a 200 m(2) section of Snake Island reef, British Columbia in two successive years to evaluate male and female mate choice (monogamy or polygamy) and nest site reuse by the same parents (nest site fidelity) and/or different parents (nest site affinity). Thirteen nests (egg masses) guarded by nine males and 14 nests guarded by seven males were observed in 2002 and 2003, respectively. No female laid more than one nest per season or spawned in the study area in both years. In contrast, at least six (86%) and possibly all seven (100%) of the 2003 guardian males had been guardian or auxiliary males in 2002. Both nest site affinity and extreme male nest site fidelity were observed, with at least four males reusing the exact same nest site. Serial polyandry resulting from the high male and low female nest site fidelity is consistent with predictions based on a low female parental investment and high rate of progeny loss to predation and cannibalism. Male polygyny, achieved primarily by cuckoldry within seasons, was enhanced by the lack of female fidelity between seasons. Polygamy in both sexes of nest-tending marine fish may minimize reproductive skew and maximize genetic diversity within populations.  相似文献   

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