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In taproot of oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), a 23 kDa polypeptide has been recently identified as a putative vegetative storage protein (VSP) because of its accumulation during flowering and its specific mobilization to sustain grain filling when N uptake is strongly reduced. The objectives were to characterize this protein more precisely and to study the effect of environmental factors (N availability, daylength, temperature, water deficit, wounding) or endogenous signals (methyl jasmonate, abscisic acid) that might change the N source/sink relationships within the plant, and may therefore trigger its accumulation. The 23 kDa putative VSP has two isoforms, is glycosylated and both isoforms share the same N-terminal sequence which had been used to produce specific polyclonal antibodies. Low levels of an immunoreactive protein of 24 kDa were found in leaves and flowers. In taproot, the 23 kDa putative VSP seems to accumulate only in the vacuoles of peripheral cortical parenchyma cells, around the phloem vessels. Among all treatments tested, the accumulation of this protein could only be induced by abscisic acid and methyl jasmonate. When compared to control plants, application of methyl jasmonate reduced N uptake by 89% after 15 d, induced a strong remobilization of N from senescing leaves and a concomitant accumulation of the 23 kDa putative VSP. These results suggested that, in rape, the 23 kDa protein is used as a storage buffer between N losses from senescing leaves promoted by methyl jasmonate and grain filling.  相似文献   

The role of methyl jasmonate (MeJa) in promoting senescence has been described previously in many species, but it has been questioned in monocarpic species whether induced senescence is a result of a potential death hormone like MeJa, or a consequence of an increased metabolic drain resulting from the growth of reproductive tissue. In oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), a polypeptide of 23 kDa has been recently identified as a putative vegetative storage protein (VSP). This polypeptide could be used as a storage buffer between N losses from senescing leaves putatively promoted by methyl jasmonate that might be produced by flowers, and grain filling which occurs later on, while N uptake is strongly reduced. In order to describe causal relationships during Brassica napus L. plant responses to MeJa treatment, a kinetic experiment was performed to determine the order and the amplitude with which general processes such as growth, photosynthesis, chlorophyll content, N uptake, and N storage under the form of the 23 kDa VSP are affected. One of the most immediate consequences of MeJa treatment was the strong reduction of nitrate uptake within 6 h, relative to control plants. However, this was not a specific effect as K(+) uptake was similarly affected. Photosynthesis was reduced later (after 24 h), while chlorophyll content as well as leaf growth also decreased in a similar way. Moreover, this was concomitant with a remobilization of endogenous unlabelled N from senescing leaves to roots. Accumulation of the 23 kDa VSP was induced in the taproot after 24 h of MeJa treatment and was increased 10-fold within 8 d. On the other hand, the reversible effect of a MeJa pretreatment was tested in the long term (i.e. along the growth cycle) using plants previously grown in field conditions induced for flowering. Results show that a MeJa pulse induced a reversible effect on N uptake inhibition. In parallel, protein immunologically related to the 23 kDa VSP was detected in stems with a similar molecular weight (23 kDa), and in flowers and leaves with a molecular weight of 24 kDa. This accumulation was concomitant with the remobilization of both subunits of Rubisco. During stem and pod development, this protein induced by MeJa is fully hydrolysed. The external and intermittent supply of MeJa mimic some of the plant physiological processes previously reported under natural conditions. This suggests that in oilseed rape, methyl jasmonate could be considered as a possible monocarpic senescence factor while accumulation/mobilization of the 23 kDa VSP in taproot could be a marker for the cessation of N uptake and the initiation of a massive leaf senescence.  相似文献   

The seasonal course of nitrogen uptake, incorporation and remobilization in different shoot components of winter oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) was studied under field conditions including three rates of 15N labelled nitrogen application (0, 100 or 200 kg N ha-1) and two irrigation treatments (rainfed or watered at a deficit of 20 mm). The total amount of irrigation water applied was 260 mm, split over 13 occasions in a 7-week-period ranging from 1 week before onset of flowering until 4 weeks after flowering.Nitrogen application and irrigation increased plant growth and nitrogen accumulation. Irrespective of N and irrigation treatment more than 50% of total shoot N was present in the stem when flowering started. At the end of flowering, pod walls were the main N store containing about 30–40% of shoot N. The quantities of N remobilized from stems and pod walls amounted in all treatments to about 70% of the N present in these organs at mid-flowering. At harvest, stem and pod walls each contained about 10% of total shoot N, the remaining 80% being incorporated into seeds. The main component contributing to the response of seed N accumulation to nitrogen application and irrigation was pods in axillary racemes. Up to 20 kg N ha-1, corresponding to about 10% of final shoot N content, was lost from the plants by leaf drop.Irrigation increased the recovery at harvest of applied N from 30% to about 50%, while the level of N application did not affect the N recovery. 15N labelled (fertilizer derived) nitrogen constituted a greater proportion of the N content in old leaves than in young leaves and increased with age in the former, but not in the latter. Relative to soil N, fertilizer derived N also contributed more to the N content of vegetative than to that of reproductive shoot components. Small net changes in shoot N content after flowering reflected a balance between N import and export, leading to continuous dilution of 15N labelled N with unlabelled N.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan proteins (AGPs), present in cell walls, plasma membranes and extracellular secretions, are massively glycosylated hydroxyproline-rich proteins that play a key role in several plant developmental processes. After stress treatment, microspores cultured in vitro can reprogramme and change their gametophytic developmental pathways towards embryogenesis, thereby producing embryos which can further give rise to haploid and double haploid plants, important biotechnological tools in plant breeding. Microspore embryogenesis constitutes a convenient system for studying the mechanisms underlying cell reprogramming and embryo formation. In this work, the dynamics of both AGP presence and distribution were studied during pollen development and microspore embryogenesis in Brassica napus, by employing a multidisciplinary approach using monoclonal antibodies for AGPs (LM2, LM6, JIM13, JIM14, MAC207) and analysing the expression pattern of the BnAGP Sta 39–4 gene. Results showed the developmental regulation and defined localization of the studied AGP epitopes during the two microspore developmental pathways, revealing different distribution patterns for AGPs with different antigenic reactivity. AGPs recognized by JIM13, JIM14 and MAC207 antibodies were related to pollen maturation, whereas AGPs labelled by LM2 and LM6 were associated with embryo development. Interestingly, the AGPs labelled by JIM13 and JIM14 were induced with the change of microspore fate. Increases in the expression of the Sta 39–4 gene, JIM13 and JIM14 epitopes found specifically in 2–4 cell stage embryo cell walls, suggested that AGPs are early molecular markers of microspore embryogenesis. Later, LM2 and LM6 antigens increased progressively with embryo development and localized on cell walls and cytoplasmic spots, suggesting an active production and secretion of AGPs during in vitro embryo formation. These results give new insights into the involvement of AGPs as potential regulating/signalling molecules in microspore reprogramming and embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Culture temperature determines the developmental fate of isolated microspores from Brassica napus L. At 18°C, tricellular pollen develops, whereas culture at 32°C for 8 h leads to the quantitative and synchronous induction of embryogenesis, and ultimately to the formation of embryos. We investigated the changes in protein synthesis that are associated with this 8-h inductive period by using in-situ [35S]methionine labeling, followed by two-dimensional (2-D) gel electrophoretic analysis of the radiolabeled proteins. Qualitative and quantitative computer analyses of 2-D [35S]methionine protein patterns showed six polypeptides specifically labeled under embryogenic culture conditions. Eighteen polypeptides incorporated [35S]methionine at a statistically significant higher rate under embryogenic culture conditions (32°C) than in the controls (18°C), whereas one protein was preferentially labeled under non-embryogenic culture conditions (18°C). These results indicate that only a limited number of proteins detectable in the 2-D gels of microspore extracts are associated with the early induction of embryogenesis. The reproducible identification of the differentially radiolabeled proteins in the 2-D gels allow the sequencing of representative peptides and the isolation of the corresponding cDNAs. This may lead to the identification and characterization of proteins associated with the very first stages of plant embryogenesis.Abbreviations 2-D two-dimensional We would like to thank Dr. H. Van Steeg (Rijks Instituut voor Milieubeheer (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands) for use of the PhosphorImager apparatus. This research was carried out as part of the EC-Bridge project Regulation of the inductive phase of microspore embryogenesis and EC-Science project The role of mitotic and cytoskeletal genes in the induction of plant cell division.  相似文献   

A technique is described which permits the in vivo study of protein synthesis and phosphorylation in the pollen of Brassica spp. during the early stages of the pollen-stigma interaction. In Brassica napus and B. oleracea, compatible pollination is followed by a dramatic activation of protein synthesis in the pollen involving the synthesis of approximately 40 proteins. After incompatible pollinations in B. oleracea, virtually no newly synthesised polypeptides were detected in the pollen except for a small group of high molecular weight proteins which were not normally synthesised during compatible pollinations. Both compatible and incompatible pollinations were followed by the appearance of newly phosphorylated proteins in the pollen; these fell into four distinct groups. In B. oleracea, the number of phosphorylated proteins and the degree of phosphorylation of individual proteins within the four groups differed between compatible and incompatible pollinations. One group of phosphorylated proteins appeared to correspond with the small group of high molecular weight polypeptides which were synthesised in pollen after incompatible pollinations. These findings are discussed in the perspective of cell signalling during the pollen-stigma interaction in Brassica and also in terms of their possible implication in sporophytic self-incompatibility.  相似文献   

Hocking  P. J. 《Plant and Soil》1993,155(1):387-390
Critical concentrations of NO3-N in fresh petiole tissue and total N in the dried lamina were determined for the youngest mature leaf (YML) of field-grown canola. For dry matter yield of canola sown on 4 May, critical NO3-N concentration in the YML petiole at the rosette stage (RS) was 1.46 mg/g fresh wt. At the flower-buds-visible stage (BV) it was 0.45 mg/g fresh wt. For seed yield the values were 1.72 and 0.53 mg/g fresh wt. Critical total N concentration in the YML lamina for dry matter yield were 69 mg/g dry wt. at RS and 57 at BV. For seed yield they were 71 and 59 mg/g dry wt. Critical NO3-N concentrations in the YML petiole of canola sown on 30 May were reduced by 50%; critical total-N concentrations in the YML lamina were not reduced to the same extent. Despite the reductions in critical N concentrations in the YML, critical N fertilizer rates for vegetative growth and seed yield were unaffected by sowing date or plant growth stage.  相似文献   

Plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascades are involved in extracellular stress signalling pathways, leading to different cellular responses. Stress-induced microspore embryogenesis involves the internalization of an extracellular stress signal, generating a number of cellular responses where MAPK cascades might be involved. These responses include a change of the developmental programme, the entry into an early proliferative stage and, subsequently, into differentiation stages during haploid embryogenesis. In this work we studied the expression during microspore embryogenesis of several kinases, to assess their putative role in these events. The known Brassica napus MAP kinase kinase kinases (MAP3Ks BnMAP3K1, BnMAP3K1 and BnMAP3K, the BnBSK kinase and B. napus extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) homologues were analysed by electron microscope (EM) in situ hybridization, immuno-gold labelling, immunofluorescence and western blotting. The differential in situ expression of these kinases suggests a role for them during embryogenesis. Two different expression patterns were observed, indicating a different regulation. BnMAP3K1, BnMAP3K, and the ERKs showed a pattern consistent with a role mainly in proliferative events. Conversely, BnMAP3K1 and BnBSK, presented a pattern that suggested an involvement in differentiation stages. In addition, ERK homologues migrate to the nucleus immediately after induction, being found in a phosphorylated state in a larger amount.  相似文献   

Metabolic Systems in the 'Root' of Brassica napus L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BOSWELL  J. G. 《Annals of botany》1950,14(4):521-543
This is a study of the effects of possible intermediary metaboliteson the respiration of root tissue from Brassica napus usingthe Warburg micro-manometric technique. It is concluded thatascorbic acid is oxidized by two systems, one of which appearsto be a direct oxidase and the other a dehydrogenase. No evidenceof peroxidase activity was secured. A substantial fraction ofthe total respiratory activity was insensitive to cyanide andazide. The biologically important organic acids were oxidizedwith the production of carbon dioxide. Glutamic and asparticacids were metabolized with great rapidity, glycine and alaninemuch more slowly. A scheme integrating these results is outlinedand compared with the respiratory systems existing in potato.  相似文献   

Microspores and pollen of Brassica napus were cultured under conditions leading to embryo formation. Concomitant changes in cytoskeletal configurations were analysed. The microfilamental cytoskeleton exhibited a loss of polarity in embryogenic cells but cytochalasin treatment revealed that microfilaments do not influence embryogenesis. Two embryogenic pathways started from microspores and were either characterized by turned division planes or by division when the nucleus was in the cell centre. In both cases microtubules clearly exhibited new arrangements and likely played a major role in newly induced symmetrical division. In pollen, embryogenic development started in the vegetative cell provided the generative cell was arrested near the pollen wall. The concomitant disappearance of defined microtubular arrays is likely to be responsible for the positioning of the cell.  相似文献   

Large amounts of nitrogen (N) fertilizers are used in the production of oilseed rape. However, as low-input methods of crop management are introduced crops will need to withstand temporary N deficiency. In temperate areas, oilseed rape will also be affected by frequent drought periods. Here we evaluated the physiological and metabolic impact of nitrate limitation on the oilseed rape response to water deprivation. Different amounts of N fertilizer were applied to plants at the vegetative stage, which were then deprived of water and rehydrated. Both water and N depletion accelerated leaf senescence and reduced leaf development. N-deprived plants exhibited less pronounced symptoms of wilting during drought, probably because leaves were smaller and stomata were partially closed. Efficiency of proline production, a major stress-induced diversion of nitrogen metabolism, was assessed at different positions along the whole plant axis and related to leaf developmental stage and water status indices. Proline accumulation, preferentially in younger leaves, accounted for 25-85% of the free amino acid pool. This was mainly due to a better capacity for proline synthesis in fully N-supplied plants whether they were subjected to drought or not, as deduced from the expression patterns of the proline metabolism BnP5CS and BnPDH genes. Although less proline accumulated in the oldest leaves, a significant amount was transported from senescing to emerging leaves. Moreover, during rehydration proline was readily recycled. Our results therefore suggest that proline plays a significant role in leaf N remobilization and in N use efficiency in oilseed rape.  相似文献   

A number of studies have established that plant growth and development in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) are hampered by salinity stress. Nowadays, researchers have focused on the use of plant growth regulators to increase plant tolerance against salinity. An experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA, 30 mg l?1) on Brassica napus L. (cv. ??ZS 758??) plants under NaCl (100, 200 mM) salinity. Data presented here were recorded on two different leaf positions (first and third) to have a better understanding of the ameliorative role of ALA on NaCl-stressed oilseed rape plants. Results have shown that increasing salinity imposed negative impact on relative growth rate (root and shoot) and leaf water relations (osmotic potential and relative water content), whereas enhanced the level of relative conductivity, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, osmolytes (soluble sugar, soluble protein, free amino acid and proline) concentration, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and enzymatic (ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic (reduced glutathione and ascorbate) antioxidants activity in two different leaf position samples. Foliar application of ALA improved relative growth rate (root and shoot) and leaf water relations (osmotic potential and relative water content), and also triggered the further accumulation of osmolytes (soluble sugar, soluble protein, free amino acid and proline) as well as enzymatic (ascorbate peroxidase, guaiacol peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase) and non-enzymatic (reduced glutathione and ascorbate) antioxidants activity in both leaf samples, whereas decreased the membrane permeability, MDA content and ROS production. Our results also indicate that osmolytes are preferentially accumulated in younger tissues.  相似文献   

Two-dimensional analyses of mitochondrial proteins of Brassica napus revealed a set of differences in patterns of mitochondrial matrix proteins isolated from different nuclear backgrounds. One of these varying proteins was identified as mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase (mMDH; EC by homology analyses of the partial amino acid sequence. Immunological detection identified additional mMDH subunits and detected different patterns of mMDH subunits in two distinct mitochondria types although they were isolated from plants with the same nuclear genotype. These differences are also reflected in isozym patterns, whereas Southern analyses showed no alteration in genome structure. Therefore mitochondria type-specific mMDH modifications are possible.  相似文献   

Myrosinase (β-thioglucoside glucohydroase, E. C. proteins with different physical, but similar kinetic characteristics exist in oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L. cv. Bienvenu) seedlings. Two protein fractions have been described which are immunologically, and therefore likely to be structurally, related. Myrosinase I, a dimeric 156 kDa glycosylated protein was purified to apparent homogeneity, and polyclonal antibodies were raised against this protein. Myrosinase II, in comparison, was significantly less glycosylated. The native protein had a molecular weight of approximately 188 kDa, with subunit Mr's of mainly 62 kDa and also 68 kDa. Total 'potential'enzyme activity (assayed in the presence of ascorbic acid activator) increased during early seedling growth. Immunoblot analysis of seedling proteins showed that this is directly related to an increase in the amount of myrosinase protein itself , predominantly myrosinase II proteins, which are not present in the dry seed. Myrosinase II protein is located exclusively in the cotyledons of 5-day-old seedlings, whilst myrosinase I is distributed throughout the seedling.  相似文献   

Summary The variations in the basic nuclear DNA content, which previous results indicated to occur within one and the same progeny of Helianthus annuus, were studied in detail and correlated with certain developmental features of the plants. The size and organization of the genome of seedlings obtained from seeds (achenes) collected at the periphery (P-seedlings) or in the middle (M-seedlings) of the flowering heads of plants belonging to a line selfed for 10 years were compared. Cytophotometric determinations indicated that the nuclear DNA content of P-seedlings is 14.7% higher than that of M-seedlings. Thermal denaturation and reassociation kinetics of extracted DNAs showed that variations in the redundancy of repetitive DNA, in particular of a family of medium repeated sequences with a Cot range of 2–100, account for the differences in genome size. These findings were confirmed by the results of molecular hybridizations (slot blots), which also indicated a higher amount of ribosomal DNA in the P-seedlings than in the M-seedlings. Cell proliferation is affected by DNA content, and mitotic cycle time is 1h30 longer in the P-seedlings. By studying mature plants, positive correlations were also found between genome size and both the surface area of leaf epidermal cells (P0.01) and flowering time (P0.001). It is suggested that the variations of nuclear DNA content and organization observed play a role in determining developmental variability in plant populations, which may be of importance in buffering the effects of changing environmental conditions.  相似文献   

I A Parkin  D J Lydiate 《Génome》1997,40(4):496-504
The patterns of chromosome pairing and recombination in two contrasting Brassica napus F1 hybrids were deduced. One hybrid was from a winter oilseed rape (WOSR) x spring oilseed rape cross, the other from a resynthesized B. napus x WOSR cross. Segregation at 211 equivalent loci assayed in the population derived from each hybrid produced two collinear genetic maps. Alignment of the maps indicated that B. napus chromosomes behaved reproducibly as 19 homologous pairs and that the 19 distinct chromosomes of B. napus each recombined with unique chromosomes from the interspecific hybrid between Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea. This result indicated that the genomes of the diploid progenitors of amphidiploid B. napus have remained essentially unaltered since the formation of the species and that the progenitor genomes were similar to those of modern-day B. rapa and B. oleracea. The frequency and distribution of crossovers were almost indistinguishable in the two populations, suggesting that the recombination machinery of B. napus could cope easily with different degrees of genetic divergence between homologous chromosomes. Efficient recombination in wide crosses will facilitate the introgression of novel alleles into oilseed rape from B. rapa and B. oleracea (via resynthesized B. napus) and reduce linkage drag.  相似文献   

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