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In the laboratory, individual housing of male mice who otherwise show aggression is common practice. Because mice are a social species, the question arises whether this procedure is right from the animals' point of view. This study tested the preference of subordinate animals for their dominant cagemate, and vice versa, and the preference of subordinate animals for an unknown subordinate partner. Experiments that allowed male mice with different histories to choose either an inhabited or an empty cage have shown that the mice preferred the proximity of another male over individual housing. No differences in this respect were found between dominant and subordinate males, or between littermates and nonlittermates. The preference was most obvious when mice who were previously housed together were tested. The study concludes that separation and single housing for mice are not attractive solutions for overcoming aggression in group-housed male mice and that alternative approaches, such as improving the housing conditions, should be explored as a way of tempering intermale aggression.  相似文献   

The human brain contains specialized circuits for observing and understanding actions. Previous studies have not distinguished whether this "mirror system" uses specialized motor representations or general processes of visual inference and knowledge to understand observed actions. We report the first neuroimaging study to distinguish between these alternatives. Purely motoric influences on perception have been shown behaviorally, but their neural bases are unknown. We used fMRI to reveal the neural bases of motor influences on action observation. We controlled for visual and knowledge effects by studying expert dancers. Some ballet moves are performed by only one gender. However, male and female dancers train together and have equal visual familiarity with all moves. Male and female dancers viewed videos of gender-specific male and female ballet moves. We found greater premotor, parietal, and cerebellar activity when dancers viewed moves from their own motor repertoire, compared to opposite-gender moves that they frequently saw but did not perform. Our results show that mirror circuits have a purely motor response over and above visual representations of action. We understand actions not only by visual recognition, but also motorically. In addition, we confirm that the cerebellum is part of the action observation network.  相似文献   

This study examined nest-site choice in a migratory population of pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca) and sympatric populations of three resident tit species (Parus major, P. caeruleus and P. palustris) in central Sweden. All four species are secondary-cavity nesters which naturally breed in pre-formed tree cavities but readily use artificial nest boxes. We asked whether flycatchers and tits discriminate between nest boxes that: 1. Are ‘empty’; 2. Contain old nests without ectoparasites (fleas Ceratophyllus sp.); or 3. Contain old nests with ectoparasites. We found that pied flycatchers preferred nest boxes containing old nests, regardless of whether these nests held parasites. In contrast, tits did not discriminate between the three types of boxes. Tits may pay a cost for their lack of choosiness: after the breeding season, tit nests contained more fleas than flycatcher nests. Nevertheless, parasites did not affect the choice of a nest site in any of the species studied. We suggest that the migratory flycatchers are in a hurry to start breeding upon arrival and use the presence of an old nest as a shortcut cue to assess nest-site quality. Also, they may save valuable time by copying the choice of previous breeders. Non-migratory tits may have more time to inspect nest sites, but do not seem to use the same cues in nest-site selection as the pied flycatcher.  相似文献   



A link between early mismatched nutritional environment and development of components of the metabolic syndrome later in life has been shown in epidemiological and animal data. The aim of this study was to investigate whether an early mismatched nutrition produced by catch-up growth after fetal protein restriction could induce the appearance of hypertension and/or atherosclerosis in adult male mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Wild-type C57BL6/J or LDLr−/− dams were fed a low protein (LP) or a control (C) diet during gestation. Catch-up growth was induced in LP offspring by feeding dams with a control diet and by culling the litter to 4 pups against 8 in controls. At weaning, male mice were fed either standard chow or an obesogenic diet (OB), leading to 4 experimental groups. Blood pressure (BP) and heart rate (HR) were assessed in conscious unrestrained wild-type mice by telemetry. Atherosclerosis plaque area was measured in aortic root sections of LDLr−/− mice. We found that: (1) postnatal OB diet increased significantly BP (P<0.0001) and HR (P<0.008) in 3-month old OB-C and OB-LP offspring, respectively; (2) that maternal LP diet induced a significant higher BP (P<0.009) and HR (P<0.004) and (3) an altered circadian rhythm in addition to higher plasma corticosterone concentration in 9 months-old LP offspring; (4) that, although LP offspring showed higher plasma total cholesterol than control offspring, atherosclerosis assessed in aortic roots of 6-mo old mice featured increased plaque area due to OB feeding but not due to early mismatched nutrition.


These results indicate a long-term effect of early mismatched nutrition on the appearance of hypertension independently of obesity, while no effect on atherosclerosis was noticed at this age.  相似文献   

Expectations and prior knowledge can strongly influence our perception. In vision research, such top-down modulation of perceptual processing has been extensively studied using ambiguous stimuli, such as reversible figures. Here, we propose a novel method to address this issue in the auditory modality during speech perception by means of Mondgreens and Soramimi which represent song lyrics with the potential for misperception within one or across two languages, respectively. We demonstrate that such phenomena can be induced by visual presentation of the alternative percept and occur with a sufficient probability to exploit them in neuroscientific experiments. Song familiarity did not influence the occurrence of such altered perception indicating that this tool can be employed irrespective of the participants’ knowledge of music. On the other hand, previous knowledge of the alternative percept had a strong impact on the strength of altered perception which is in line with frequent reports that these phenomena can have long-lasting effects. Finally, we demonstrate that the strength of changes in perception correlated with the extent to which they were experienced as amusing as well as the vocabulary of the participants as source of potential interpretations. These findings suggest that such perceptional phenomena might be linked to the pleasant experience of resolving ambiguity which is in line with the long-existing theory of Hermann von Helmholtz that perception and problem-solving recruit similar processes.  相似文献   

Coyotes recently expanded into the eastern U.S. and potentially have caused localized white-tailed deer population declines. Research has focused on quantifying coyote predation on neonates, but little research has addressed the potential influence of bedsite characteristics on survival. In 2011 and 2012, we radiocollared 65 neonates, monitored them intensively for 16 weeks, and assigned mortality causes. We used Program MARK to estimate survival to 16 weeks and included biological covariates (i.e., sex, sibling status [whether or not it had a sibling], birth weight, and Julian date of birth). Survival to 16 weeks was 0.141 (95% CI = 0.075-0.249) and the top model included only sibling status, which indicated survival was lower for neonates that had a sibling. Predation was the leading cause of mortality (35 of 55; 64%) and coyotes were responsible for the majority of depredations (30 of 35; 86%). Additionally, we relocated neonates for the first 10 days of life and measured distance to firebreak, visual obstruction, and plant diversity at bedsites. Survival of predation to 10 days (0.726; 95% CI = 0.586-0.833) was weakly associated with plant diversity at bedsites but not related to visual obstruction. Our results indicate that neonate survival was low and coyote predation was an important source of mortality, which corroborates several recent studies from the region. Additionally, we detected only weak support for bedsite cover as a covariate to neonate survival, which indicates that mitigating effects of coyote predation on neonates may be more complicated than simply managing for increased hiding cover.  相似文献   

Objective: Large portions increase intake and are hypothesized to contribute to the obesity epidemic. However, it is unclear if portion size affects intake through changes in the unit size of available food or the overall amount of food available for consumption. Thus, this study examined the independent effects of package unit size and amount of food on intake. It was hypothesized that both variables would influence intake. Research Methods and Procedures: Non‐obese (BMI <30 kg/m2), non‐smoking, unrestrained, college‐aged men (n = 12) and women (n = 16) who regularly consumed (≥3 times/wk) snack foods were randomly assigned to one of four groups crossing package unit size (small vs. large) and amount of food (small vs. large). Participants were given a box with 4 snack foods (potato chips, cheese crackers, cookies, and candy) packaged according to their assigned group to take home and eat over 3 days. Dependent variables were energy and gram intake of provided snack foods. Results: An effect of amount of food was found (p < 0.01). A 100% increase in the amount of food provided produced an 81% increase in energy consumed from the snack foods [small amount, 21,037.6 ± 10,852 kJ (5028 ± 2596 kcal) vs. large amount, 11,640.7 ± 4914.1 kJ (2782 ± 1174 kcal)]. No effect of package unit size was found. Discussion: These results suggest that the amount of food available to eat strongly influences intake.  相似文献   

In species where advancing sire age is associated with decreased progeny fitness, female resistance to mating with old partners can be expected to evolve. In polyandrous species, such resistance may be contingent on female mating experience: virgins should be relatively indiscriminate to ensure egg fertility, whereas non‐virgins can be expected to base their re‐mating decisions on the age of their previous versus potential new partners, and ‘trade‐up’ if previously mated with old males. Here, we tested these predictions using a promiscuous and relatively long‐living bulb mite (Rhizoglyphus robini), in which old sire age is associated with decreased fecundity of daughters. In a fully factorial design, we applied two male treatments, young and old, and three female treatments, virgin, previously mated to an old male and previously mated to a young male. Consistent with earlier studies, we observed a reduced mating success of old males. However, we found no support for attributing this result to female discrimination, as female behavior in response to male mounting attempts was not affected by the age of the suitor, or by its interaction with the age of the female’s previous mate. Interestingly, females were passive during 93% of male mounting attempts observed, suggesting that once they are located by a male, they exert little control over copulation. Old males had lower mate‐searching activity and were less efficient in obtaining matings (lower success rate per mounting attempt), suggesting a decreased mate‐securing ability because of aging. Overall, our results suggest that in bulb mites, male ability to secure mates declines with age, whereas they do not support the prediction that females actively discriminate against old partners.  相似文献   



ST-246® is an antiviral, orally bioavailable small molecule in clinical development for treatment of orthopoxvirus infections. An intravenous (IV) formulation may be required for some hospitalized patients who are unable to take oral medication. An IV formulation has been evaluated in three species previously used in evaluation of both efficacy and toxicology of the oral formulation.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The pharmacokinetics of ST-246 after IV infusions in mice, rabbits and nonhuman primates (NHP) were compared to those obtained after oral administration. Ten minute IV infusions of ST-246 at doses of 3, 10, 30, and 75 mg/kg in mice produced peak plasma concentrations ranging from 16.9 to 238 µg/mL. Elimination appeared predominately first-order and exposure dose-proportional up to 30 mg/kg. Short IV infusions (5 to 15 minutes) in rabbits resulted in rapid distribution followed by slower elimination. Intravenous infusions in NHP were conducted at doses of 1 to 30 mg/kg. The length of single infusions in NHP ranged from 4 to 6 hours. The pharmacokinetics and tolerability for the two highest doses were evaluated when administered as two equivalent 4 hour infusions initiated 12 hours apart. Terminal elimination half-lives in all species for oral and IV infusions were similar. Dose-limiting central nervous system effects were identified in all three species and appeared related to high Cmax plasma concentrations. These effects were eliminated using slower IV infusions.


Pharmacokinetic profiles after IV infusion compared to those observed after oral administration demonstrated the necessity of longer IV infusions to (1) mimic the plasma exposure observed after oral administration and (2) avoid Cmax associated toxicity. Shorter infusions at higher doses in NHP resulted in decreased clearance, suggesting saturated distribution or elimination. Elimination half-lives in all species were similar between oral and IV administration. The administration of ST-246 was well tolerated as a slow IV infusion.  相似文献   

If predators lack information on the prey's position, prey have more chance to escape predation and will therefore reach higher population densities. One of the many possible cues that predators may use to find their prey are herbivore-induced plant volatiles. Although their effects on the behaviour of foraging predators have been well studied, little is known about how these prey-related odours affect predator–prey dynamics on a plant. We hypothesise that herbivore-induced plant volatiles provide the major cue eliciting predator arrestment on prey-infested leaves and that the response to these volatiles ultimately leads to lower prey densities. To test this hypothesis experimentally, we created two types of odour-saturated environments: one with herbivore-induced plant volatiles (treatment), and one with green-leaf volatiles (control). An odour-free environment could not be tested because herbivores require plants for population growth. We measured the rate at which predatory mites (Phytoseiulus persimilis) immigrate, emigrate and exploit a single leaf infested by two-spotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae). The experiments did not show a significant difference between treatment and control. At best, there was a somewhat higher rate of predator (and possibly also prey) emigration in the treatment. The lack of a pronounced difference between treatment and control indicates that at the spatial scale of the experiments random searching for prey was as effective as directional searching. Alternatively, predators were arrested in the prey patch by responding not merely to herbivore-induced plant volatiles, but also to other prey-related cues, such as web and faeces. Based on our current experience we advocate to increase the spatial scale of the experiment (>1m2) and we provide other suggestions for improving the set-up.  相似文献   

Animal culture has been of interest for decades but the concept remains controversial. Many researchers feel that animal behavior should not be granted the label “culture” because the latter includes more than “simple” behavioral variation. In recent years, the study of animal culture has been concerned mainly with social learning mechanisms, often claimed to be human specific, which led to the uniqueness of human culture. In addition, failure to innovate novel cultural behavior as often as humans is usually explained by psychological mechanisms presented as more parsimonious, such as conservatism or functional fixedness. However, it is unclear how cognitively complex these mechanisms are in the first place. Here, I analyze recent data obtained with wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) and wild-born orangutans (Pongo abelii) using the honey-trap experiment, in which individuals must devise a solution to reach inaccessible honey. I compare behavior of apes that developed a tool-based solution in the task with those that did not, and test whether conservatism and functional fixedness can explain individual variation in ape behavior. I find evidence of conservatism, with apes relying on their existing knowledge, and evidence of functional fixedness, with this knowledge potentially preventing them from innovating. However, the apes showed large intraspecific variability. I discuss the two mechanisms through a representational perspective to tackle their cognitive complexity. Understanding how conservatism and functional fixedness interact with ape cultural knowledge to limit innovation of novel tool use appears necessary to understand the full extent of ape cultures and how they compare to human cultures.  相似文献   



Confronted with well-defended, novel hosts, should an enemy invest in avoidance of these hosts (behavioral adaptation), neutralization of the defensive innovation (physiological adaptation) or both? Although simultaneous investment in both adaptations may first appear to be redundant, several empirical studies have suggested a reinforcement of physiological resistance to host defenses with additional avoidance behaviors. To explain this paradox, we develop a mathematical model describing the joint evolution of behavioral and physiological adaptations on the part of natural enemies to their host defenses. Our specific goals are (i) to derive the conditions that may favor the simultaneous investment in avoidance and physiological resistance and (ii) to study the factors that govern the relative investment in each adaptation mode.


Our results show that (i) a simultaneous investment may be optimal if the fitness costs of the adaptive traits are accelerating and the probability of encountering defended hosts is low. When (i) holds, we find that (ii) the more that defended hosts are rare and/or spatially aggregated, the more behavioral adaptation is favored.


Despite their interference, physiological resistance to host defensive innovations and avoidance of these same defenses are two strategies in which it may be optimal for an enemy to invest in simultaneously. The relative allocation to each strategy greatly depends on host spatial structure. We discuss the implications of our findings for the management of invasive plant species and the management of pest resistance to new crop protectants or varieties.

What determines the number of alien species in a given region? ‘Native biodiversity’ and ‘human impact’ are typical answers to this question. Indeed, studies comparing different regions have frequently found positive relationships between number of alien species and measures of both native biodiversity (e.g. the number of native species) and human impact (e.g. human population). These relationships are typically explained by biotic acceptance or resistance, i.e. by influence of native biodiversity and human impact on the second step of the invasion process, establishment. The first step of the invasion process, introduction, has often been ignored. Here we investigate whether relationships between number of alien mammals and native biodiversity or human impact in 43 European countries are mainly shaped by differences in number of introduced mammals or establishment success. Our results suggest that correlation between number of native and established mammals is spurious, as it is simply explainable by the fact that both quantities are linked to country area. We also demonstrate that countries with higher human impact host more alien mammals than other countries because they received more introductions than other countries. Differences in number of alien mammals cannot be explained by differences in establishment success. Our findings highlight importance of human activities and question, at least for mammals in Europe, importance of biotic acceptance and resistance.  相似文献   

It is commonly asserted that exotic species promote the homogenization of biological communities. However, theoretical evidence implies that exotic species may often have the opposite effect, of differentiating biological communities where different exotic species become established in different areas. Furthermore, few empirical studies have directly measured the homogenizing effects of exotics. In this study, I used the plant inventories of 20 localities in the United States to measure whether exotic plant increased the similarity of those localities. I calculated Jaccard's index of similarity (JI) for exotic species and then for native species to see if the exotic JI was consistently higher when comparing two localities. I found that JI for both exotic and native species decline exponentially with increasing distance and latitude separation between localities so that localities that share many native species also tend to share many exotic species. More importantly, in nearly half of the pairwise locality comparisons (87 of 190), the (JIexotic/JInative) ratio is less than one, indicating a slight tendency for exotic species to differentiate rather than homogenize the localities analyzed. Also, the pattern of differentiation versus homogenization is strongly related to exotic species richness. When both localities have relatively few exotics, there is a clear tendency for exotics to produce biotic differentiation (JIexotic/JInative < 1). Much of this pattern seems related to the right-skewed frequency distribution of the geographic ranges of exotic species. As with native species, most exotics occur in few localities so there is a high probability that localities with low numbers of exotic species will share very few, if any, of those exotics. As exotic richness increases, the homogenizing effects become increasingly pronounced.  相似文献   

Honey bee colonies are highly dependent upon the availability of floral resources from which they get the nutrients (notably pollen) necessary to their development and survival. However, foraging areas are currently affected by the intensification of agriculture and landscape alteration. Bees are therefore confronted to disparities in time and space of floral resource abundance, type and diversity, which might provide inadequate nutrition and endanger colonies. The beneficial influence of pollen availability on bee health is well-established but whether quality and diversity of pollen diets can modify bee health remains largely unknown. We therefore tested the influence of pollen diet quality (different monofloral pollens) and diversity (polyfloral pollen diet) on the physiology of young nurse bees, which have a distinct nutritional physiology (e.g. hypopharyngeal gland development and vitellogenin level), and on the tolerance to the microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae by measuring bee survival and the activity of different enzymes potentially involved in bee health and defense response (glutathione-S-transferase (detoxification), phenoloxidase (immunity) and alkaline phosphatase (metabolism)). We found that both nurse bee physiology and the tolerance to the parasite were affected by pollen quality. Pollen diet diversity had no effect on the nurse bee physiology and the survival of healthy bees. However, when parasitized, bees fed with the polyfloral blend lived longer than bees fed with monofloral pollens, excepted for the protein-richest monofloral pollen. Furthermore, the survival was positively correlated to alkaline phosphatase activity in healthy bees and to phenoloxydase activities in infected bees. Our results support the idea that both the quality and diversity (in a specific context) of pollen can shape bee physiology and might help to better understand the influence of agriculture and land-use intensification on bee nutrition and health.  相似文献   

Males of the spider Pisaura mirabilis present a nuptial prey gift to the female during courtship as a mating effort. The gift is usually round and wrapped in white silk. It was suggested that the wrapped gift functions as a sensory trap by mimicking the female's eggsac implying that males exploit the female maternal care instinct and not her foraging motivation in a sexual context. The shape of the gift (round) and appearance (white) should then increase female acceptance of males. We tested these predictions experimentally and found that neither gift shape (round or oblong) nor silk wrapping (wrapped or unwrapped) facilitated female acceptance, in contrast unwrapped gifts were accepted faster than wrapped ones. Instead, we found that silk wrapping benefited the males because it significantly decreased the risk of females stealing the gift without copulation and consequently directly increased male mating success. Large oblong gifts were difficult for males to handle during copulation, resulting in shorter copulations for oblong vs. round gifts. Thus, round gifts were not preferred by the females but were beneficial to the males. Our results indicate two adaptive benefits to males of wrapping the nuptial gift: to reduce the risk of losing the gift to females without copulation, and make it possible to reshape an oblong prey into a round gift that facilitates the male's access to the female's genitalia. Our results suggest that the male gift wrapping trait may be selected though sexual conflict over remating rate.  相似文献   

Orthopoxviruses (OPV), including variola, vaccinia, monkeypox, cowpox and ectromelia viruses cause acute infections in their hosts. With the exception of variola virus (VARV), the etiological agent of smallpox, other OPV have been reported to persist in a variety of animal species following natural or experimental infection. Despite the implications and significance for the ecology and epidemiology of diseases these viruses cause, those reports have never been thoroughly investigated. We used the mouse pathogen ectromelia virus (ECTV), the agent of mousepox and a close relative of VARV to investigate virus persistence in inbred mice. We provide evidence that ECTV causes a persistent infection in some susceptible strains of mice in which low levels of virus genomes were detected in various tissues late in infection. The bone marrow (BM) and blood appeared to be key sites of persistence. Contemporaneous with virus persistence, antiviral CD8 T cell responses were demonstrable over the entire 25-week study period, with a change in the immunodominance hierarchy evident during the first 3 weeks. Some virus-encoded host response modifiers were found to modulate virus persistence whereas host genes encoded by the NKC and MHC class I reduced the potential for persistence. When susceptible strains of mice that had apparently recovered from infection were subjected to sustained immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide (CTX), animals succumbed to mousepox with high titers of infectious virus in various organs. CTX treated index mice transmitted virus to, and caused disease in, co-housed naïve mice. The most surprising but significant finding was that immunosuppression of disease-resistant C57BL/6 mice several weeks after recovery from primary infection generated high titers of virus in multiple tissues. Resistant mice showed no evidence of a persistent infection. This is the strongest evidence that ECTV can persist in inbred mice, regardless of their resistance status.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology has the potential to affect the field of wood preservation through the creation of new and unique metal biocides with improved properties. This study evaluated leachability and efficacy of southern yellow pine wood treated with copper, zinc, or boron nanoparticles against mould fungi, decay fungi, and Eastern subterranean termites. Results showed that nanocopper with and without surfactant, nanozinc, and nanozinc plus silver with surfactant resisted leaching compared with metal oxide controls. Nearly all nanoboron and boric acid was released from the treated wood specimens during leaching. Mould fungi were moderately inhibited by nanozinc oxide with surfactant, but the other nanometal preparations did not significantly inhibit mould fungi. Mass loss from Gloeophyllum trabeum was significantly inhibited by all copper preparations, while Antrodia sp. was not inhibited by nanometal treatments. Nanometals imparted high resistance in southern yellow pine to the white-rot fungus, Trametes versicolor. Unleached specimens treated with nanoboron or nanozinc plus surfactant caused 100% and 31% mortality, respectively. All specimens treated with nanozinc or nanozinc plus silver inhibited termite feeding, but the copper treatments were less effective against termites. Nanozinc possessed the most favorable properties: leach resistance, termite mortality, and inhibition of termite feeding and decay by the white-rot fungus.  相似文献   



Assessing the active space of the various types of information encoded by songbirds'' vocalizations is important to address questions related to species ecology (e.g. spacing of individuals), as well as social behavior (e.g. territorial and/or mating strategies). Up to now, most of the previous studies have investigated the degradation of species-specific related information (species identity), and there is a gap of knowledge of how finer-grained information (e.g. individual identity) can transmit through the environment. Here we studied how the individual signature coded in the zebra finch long distance contact call degrades with propagation.


We performed sound transmission experiments of zebra finches'' distance calls at various propagation distances. The propagated calls were analyzed using discriminant function analyses on a set of analytical parameters describing separately the spectral and temporal envelopes, as well as on a complete spectrographic representation of the signals.


We found that individual signature is remarkably resistant to propagation as caller identity can be recovered even at distances greater than a hundred meters. Male calls show stronger discriminability at long distances than female calls, and this difference can be explained by the more pronounced frequency modulation found in their calls. In both sexes, individual information is carried redundantly using multiple acoustical features. Interestingly, features providing the highest discrimination at short distances are not the same ones that provide the highest discrimination at long distances.  相似文献   

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