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Comment on: Morgado-Palacin L, et al. Cell Cycle 2012; 11:503–10  相似文献   

The precise contribution of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) variants in human amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients to the pathogenesis of ALS remained unclear. In the present study, Woehlbier et al ( 2016 ) demonstrated that these PDI variants are capable of altering motor neuron morphology, impairing the expression of synaptic proteins, and compromising neuromuscular junction (NMJ) integrity.  相似文献   

Lai HC  Johnson JE 《Neuron》2008,59(1):3-5
One way to localize sounds is to measure differences in sound intensity at the two ears. This comparison is made in the lateral superior olive, where signals from both ears converge. Magnusson et al. in this issue of Neuron show that dendritic GABA release can regulate this comparison, which may allow animals localizing sounds to adapt to listening conditions.  相似文献   

For over 30 years, stem cells have been used in the replenishment of blood and immune systems damaged by the cancer cells or during treatment of cancer by chemotherapy or radiotherapy. Apart from their use in the immuno-reconstitution, the stem cells have been reported to contribute in the tissue regeneration and as delivery vehicles in the cancer treatments. The recent concept of 'cancer stem cells' has directed scientific communities towards a different wide new area of research field and possible potential future treatment modalities for the cancer. Aim of this review is primarily focus on the recent developments in the use of the stem cells in the cancer treatments, then to discuss the cancer stem cells, now considered as backbone in the development of the cancer; and their role in carcinogenesis and their implications in the development of possible new cancer treatment options in future.  相似文献   

This review discusses the various regulatory charac-teristics of microRNAs that are capable of generating widespread changes in gene expression via post translational repression of many mRNA targets and control self-renewal, differentiation and division of cells. It controls the stem cell functions by controlling a wide range of pathological and physiological processes, including development, differentiation, cellular proliferation, programmed cell death, oncogenesis and metastasis. Through either mRNA cleavage or translational repression, miRNAs alter the expression of their cognate target genes; thereby modulating cellular pathways that affect the normal functions of stem cells, turning them into cancer stem cells, a likely cause of relapse in cancer patients. This present review further emphasizes the recent discoveries on the functional analysis of miRNAs in cancer metastasis and implications on miRNA based therapy using miRNA replacement or anti-miRNA technologies in specific cancer stem cells that are required to establish their efficacy in controlling tumorigenic potential and safe therapeutics.  相似文献   

Hypoxia, a condition of insufficient oxygen availability, occurs during normal development as well as tumorigenesis. Cellular responses to hypoxia are primarily mediated by hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs). Recent studies have revealed that dormant hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) reside within hypoxic regions of the bone marrow and that HIF is a critical player in HSC homeostasis. The functional significance of HIF in maintaining stemness also applies to cancer stem cells in hematological malignancies. These findings indicate that better understanding of the mechanisms underlying HIF functions in stem cells should permit the development of new therapies for tissue regeneration and cancer.  相似文献   

Relationships between stem cells and cancer stem cells   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Stem cells have been shown to exist in a variety of tissues. Recent studies have characterized stem cell gene expression patterns, phenotypes, and potential therapeutic uses. One of the most important properties of stem cells is that of self renewal. This raises the possibility that some of the clinical properties of human tumors may be due to transformed stem cells. Similar signaling pathways may regulate self renewal in normal and transformed stem cells. These rare transformed stem cells may drive the process of tumorigenesis due to their potential for self renewal. There are important ramifications for clinical cancer treatment if the growth of solid tumors is at least partially dependent on a cancer stem cell population. In the cancer stem cell model, tumor recurrence may be due to the non-targeted stem cell compartment repopulating the tumor. If cancer stem cells can be prospectively identified and isolated, it should be possible to identify therapies that will selectively target these cells.  相似文献   

Oxygen is a fundamental element for all living organisms, and modifications in its concentration influence several physiological and pathological events such as embryogenesis, development and also aging. Regulation of oxygen levels is an important factor in neural stem cell biology (e.g. differentiation, growth and the capacity to generate more differentiated cells). Studies on neural stem cells in culture have deepened our knowledge of their survival, proliferation and differentiation pathways. However, traditional cell culture for neural stem cells is performed employing environmental oxygen levels of 20%, while the effective oxygen concentration in the developing and adult brain is significantly lower; this results in an important alteration of the in vivo conditions. Several data indicate that a so called "physiologic hypoxic condition" could strongly influence the growth of neural stem cells and their differentiation mechanisms both in vivo and in vitro. The present overview deals with the different mechanisms utilized by invertebrate and vertebrate organisms to respond to hypoxic conditions. It highlights how the adaptations and responses to different oxygen concentrations have changed along the developmental route and underlines the importance of oxygen concentration in neural physiology and differentiation, with a final hint to the involvement of hypoxia in brain cancer stem cells.  相似文献   

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that renew themselves while simultaneously producing differentiated tissue- or organspecific cells through asymmetric cell division. The appreciation of the importance of stem cells in normal tissue biology has prompted the idea that cancers may also develop from a progenitor pool (the "cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis"), and this idea is gaining increasing acceptance among scientists. CSCs are sub-populations of cancer cells responsible for tumor initiation, differentiation, recurrence, metastasis, and drug resistance. First identified in the hematopoietic system, CSCs have also been discovered in solid tumors of the breast, colon, pancreas, and brain. Recently, the tissue-specific stem cells of the normal urothelium have been proposed to reside in the basal layer, and investigators have isolated phenotypically similar populations of cells from urothelial cancer cell lines and primary tumors. Herein, we review the CSC hypothesis and apply it to explain the development of the two different types of bladder cancer: noninvasive ("superficial") carcinoma and invasive carcinoma. We also examine potential approaches to identify CSCs in bladder cancer as well as therapeutic applications of these findings. While exciting, the verification of the existence of CSCs in bladder cancer raises several new questions. Herein, we identify and answer some of these questions to help readers better understand bladder cancer development and identify reasonable therapeutic strategy for targeting stem cells.  相似文献   

Breast cancer stem cells (BCSCs) constitute a subpopulation of tumor cells that express stem cell-associated markers and have a high capacity for tumor generation in vivo. Identification of BCSCs from tumor samples or breast cancer cell lines has been based mainly on CD44(+)/CD24(-/low) or ALDH(+) phenotypes. BCSCs isolation has allowed the analysis of the molecular mechanisms involved in their origin, self-renewal, differentiation into tumor cells, resistance to radiation therapy and chemotherapy, and invasiveness and metastatic ability. Molecular genetic analysis using knockout animals and inducible transgenics has identified NF-κB, c-Jun, p21(CIP1), and Forkhead-like-protein Dach1 involvement in BCSC expansion and fate. Clinical analyses of BCSCs in breast tumors have found a correlation between the proportion of BCSCs and poor prognosis. Therefore, new therapies that specifically target BCSCs are an urgent need. We summarize recent evidence that partially explain the biological characteristics of BCSCs.  相似文献   

The concept of cancer stem cells (CSC) has been established over the past decade or so, and their role in carcinogenic processes has been confirmed. In this review, we focus on cervical CSCs, including (1) their purported origin, (2) markers used for cervical CSC identification, (3) alterations to signalling pathways in cervical cancer and (4) the cancer stem cell niche. Although cervical CSCs have not yet been definitively identified and characterized, future studies pursuing them as therapeutic targets may provide novel insights for treatment of cervical cancer.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells (hESC) are pluripotent, and can be directed to differentiate into different cell types for therapeutic applications. To expand hESCs, it is desirable to maintain hESC growth without differentiation. As hESC colonies grow, differentiated cells are often found at the periphery of the colonies, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. Here, we utilized micropatterning techniques to pattern circular islands or strips of matrix proteins, and examined the spatial pattern of hESC renewal and differentiation. We found that micropatterned matrix restricted hESC differentiation at colony periphery but allowed hESC growth into multiple layers in the central region, which decreased hESC proliferation and induced hESC differentiation. In undifferentiated hESCs, β-catenin primarily localized at cell-cell junctions but not in the nucleus. The amount of β-catenin in differentiating hESCs at the periphery of colonies or in multiple layers decreased significantly at cell-cell junctions. Consistently, knocking down β-catenin decreased Oct-4 expression in hESCs. These results indicate that localized decrease of β-catenin contributes to the spatial pattern of differentiation in hESC colonies.  相似文献   

Liver cancer: the role of stem cells   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  

Roots and stems: stem cells in cancer   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Polyak K  Hahn WC 《Nature medicine》2006,12(3):296-300
Cancer develops from normal tissues through the accumulation of genetic alterations that act in concert to confer malignant phenotypes. Although we have now identified some of the genes that when mutated initiate tumor formation and drive cancer progression, the identity of the cell population(s) susceptible to such transforming events remains undefined for the majority of human cancers. Recent work indicates that a small population of cells endowed with unique self-renewal properties and tumorigenic potential is present in some, and perhaps all, tumors. Although our understanding of the biology of these putative cancer stem cells remains rudimentary, the existence of such cells has implications for current conceptualizations of malignant transformation and therapeutic approaches to cancer.  相似文献   

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