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Gray seals ( Halichoerus grypus ) in the UK exhibit clear preferences for pupping close to pools of water on inland breeding sites. The reasons for this are unclear as seals are thought to derive all their water requirements from the metabolism of fat. Likewise, the prospect of seals overheating during the UK's cool, damp, autumnal breeding seasons, has seemed unlikely, but has not been previously explored. Here, we provide preliminary behavioral evidence of thermal stress in female gray seals breeding on the island of North Rona, Scotland. Video footage provided measures of proximity to, and the proportion of animals bathing in, pools in relation to meteorological data (temperature, mean sea-level pressure, rainfall, wind speed and direction) on four dates spread through a single breeding season. The proportion of females close to pools increased with pressure (warmer, drier conditions) and decreased on wetter days. In addition, analyses of colony-wide patterns of seal dispersion showed that females tended to be closer to pools of water at higher pressures and temperatures and at lower wind-speeds. These results provide the first evidence of thermal stress and behavioral thermoregulation through access to pools of water in a phocid breeding in temperate autumnal conditions.  相似文献   

We used a longitudinal capture-recapture study to estimate the age-specific probabilities of first return to the breeding colony and annual survival rates for male gray seals ( Halichoerus grypus ), based on resightings of seals branded as young on Sable Island. We estimated that the average age of first returns for seals born in 1969–1970 to be 9.1 (SE 0.4) yr; for seals born in 1973–1974 it is estimated to be 9.8 (SE 0.2) yr. The estimated annual survival rate of these males was estimated to be 0.976 (SE 0.003).  相似文献   

The Argos satellite system is commonly used to track and relay behavioral data from marine mammals, but their underwater habit results in a high proportion of locations of non-guaranteed accuracy (location classes (LC) O, A, and B). The accuracy of these locations is poorly documented in marine mammals. We assessed the accuracy of all LCs on four juvenile gray seals fitted with Argos satellite relay data loggers and held in captivity in an outdoor tank for a total of 61 seal-days. Four hundred and twenty-six locations were obtained from seals in captivity, and their latitude and longitude error was assessed before and after filtering, following MConnell et al. (1992). There was significantly more error in longitude than latitude in all LCs except I. C A. The ratio of the standard deviations of longitude : latitude ranged from 1.77 (LC 3) to 2.58 (LC 1). Filtering had very little effect on errors in LCs 3-1, but in the remaining LCs filtering resulted in error reductions ranging from 8% to 63%. In LCs O, A, and B, error reduction was greater in the 95th percentile errors, especially in longitude. The averages of the latitude and longitude 68th percentile errors and those predicted by Argos (in brackets) were 226 (150), 372 (350), and 757 (1000) m for LCs 3, 2, and 1 respectively. Both latitude and longitude errors of LCs > O were normally distributed. Both filtered and unfiltered LC A locations were of a similar accuracy to LC 1 locations, and considerably better than LC O locations.  相似文献   

Recovered otoliths from pinniped feces provide valuable information on diet composition and prey size. We studied the effect of meal size on otolith recovery from the feces of one harbor and eight gray seal pups. Each of 11 experiments comprised a half-ration meal, a period of fecal collection, a 1.5-or double-ration meal again followed by a period of fecal collection. A significantly lower percentage of Atlantic herring otoliths were recovered from half-ration meals (25%± 12.5% in the harbor seal, 8.6%± 6.9% in eight gray seals) than from 1.5- or double-ration meals (62.5%± 3.1 % in the harbor seal, 32.8%± 23.5% in gray seals). Meal size also significantly affected the percentage of Atlantic cod otoliths recovered from gray seal feces (65.0%± 26.3% from half ration, 98.3%± 2.9% from 1.5 ration). For both size meals, recovered cod otoliths were more significantly eroded than herring otoliths. The development of correction factors to account for the effects of digestion will need to consider the distribution of meal sizes of free-ranging pinnipeds.  相似文献   

Aerial counts of harbor seals ( Pboca vitulina concolor ) on ledges along the Maine coast were conducted during the pupping season in 1981, 1986, 1993, 1997, and 2001. Between 1981 and 2001, the uncorrected counts of seals increased from 10,543 to 38,014, an annual rate of 6.6 percent. In 2001 30 harbor seals were captured and radio-tagged prior to aerial counts. Of these, 19 harbor seals (six adult males, two adult females, seven juvenile males, and four juvenile females) were available during the survey to develop a correction factor for the fraction of seals not observed. The corrected 2001 abundance estimate was 99,340 harbor seals. Productivity in this population has increased since 1981 from 6.4% pups to 24.4% pups. The number of gray seals ( Halichoerus grypus ) counted during the harbor seal surveys increased from zero in both 1981 and 1986 to 1,731 animals in 2001.  相似文献   

Between 1975 and 1998, 3,571 gray and 630 harbor seal pups were tagged along the Norwegian coast, and 259 (7%) gray and 80 (13%) harbor seal tags were returned. Incidental mortality, mainly in bottom-set nets, accounted for the majority of deaths (79% in gray and 48% in harbor seals, respectively). Seals were most vulnerable to incidental mortality in fishing gear during the first three months after birth, but high incidental mortality prevailed during the first 8–10 mo. Gray seals dispersed more widely (mean distance: 120 km) than harbor seals (mean distance: 69 km). Both species dispersed most widely during the two first months after tagging. The maximum distance moved was 739 km for gray and 463 km for harbor seals. Strong fidelity for their place of birth was observed in adult gray seals during breeding season. No significant difference in incidental mortality was detected between the areas of tagging. However, for 37 harbor seals tagged in a 724 km nature reserve no returns were reported.  相似文献   

Analysis of prey structures from scats has become widely used for assessing the diet of free-ranging seals. Captive feeding experiments have played an important role in the development of scat analysis but methodology has varied. We investigated whether using an experimental otolith-carrier species or in situ otolith experimental prey to feed haddock, plaice, and sand eel otoliths to two captive gray seals affected the amount of otolith digestion, and therefore our ability to estimate fish size and diet composition. Otolith recovery rates varied among the three prey species, but were not affected by feeding method. Otoliths were more digested in carrier experiments; resulting digestion coefficients were greater than those from in situ experiments. As a result, while the lengths of whole fish fed experimentally could be accurately predicted by applying in situ digestion coefficients, the lengths of these fish could not be accurately predicted using carrier digestion coefficients. Consequently, the estimated proportion by weight of each species in the diet can change markedly when carrier, as opposed to in situ , digestion coefficients are used. The implications for diet composition estimation are significant.  相似文献   

Stable isotopes have become powerful tools for gathering information on food webs in marine ecosystems. The method is based on the concept that the ratio of Nitrogen-14 to 15N (or Carbon-12 to 13C) in the tissues of animals is directly related to the ratio found in their diet. Vibrissae provide a time series of stable isotope data as tissue is laid down sequentially over time. Here we examine the growth rate of 283 mystacial (muzzle) vibrissae of four gray seals, Halichoeruas grypus , over a five-month period to investigate their applicability for stable isotope diet analysis. The individual vibrissae did not grow at a constant rate during the study, Fifty-nine actively growing vibrissae were modeled to quantify the growth pattern using a three-parameter von Bertalanffy curve, with the parameters estimated using non-linear mixed-effects models. This model incorporated the inherent serial correlation of these data. The growth rate was 0.024 cm/d (95% CI = 0.019–0.030), the asymptotic length differed significantly by location ( F 3,56=9.64, P < 0.001), but no significant trend was found with muzzle location ( F 3,56= 0.15, P = 0.93). The Δlength/Δtime between each measurement was calculated and most of these data fell at or near zero growth (median = 0.04 cm/d, range = 0–0.78). Individual vibrissae were shed asynchronously and without any seasonal growth trend. This has serious implications for researchers attempting to extrapolate diet data from vibrissae. Because the growth is neither continuous nor synchronous, it will be a challenge to accurately identify the dates when the isotopes were incorporated into the tissue.  相似文献   

The population sizes, trends, exploitation, and life history parameters for the ten fur seal species and subspecies are summarized. The largest population is that of Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus with approximately two million seals, and the smallest is A. townsendi with approximately 7,000 individuals. Most populations are legally protected, although controlled harvesting may occur. None of the fur seal populations is currently known to be decreasing. Data are presented for parameters related to the survival of pups, juveniles, adults, and territorial males, and to reproduction, including the age of attainment of territorial status, aggregation sizes, age of first parturition, pregnancy rates, sex ratios of young animals, and information on the birth seasons of the different species. Since pinnipeds are often of concern in fisheries management, their daily consumption rates are of importance, and consequently data on body masses are summarized and the paucity of data on consumption rates as a function of body mass noted. A simplified age-structured model is developed, and the results of this model are compared with results from more detailed models based on two published life tables for Callorhinus ursinus. This comparison shows that the use of the simplified age-structured model is justified to explore changes in population growth rate. However, the simplified model does show exaggerated age structure effects compared to the more detailed models. This model is used to compare the population dynamics of those species for which sufficient data are available. Areas in which limited, or no, data are available for the different fur seal species are highlighted.  相似文献   

We estimated the number of live Australian fur seal pups using capture-markresights, direct ground counts, or aerial photography at all breeding sites following the pupping season of November-December 2002. Pups were recorded at 17 locations; nine previously known colony sites, one newly recognized colony and seven haul-out sites where pups are occasionally born. In order of size, the colonies were Lady Julia Percy Island (5,899 pups), Seal Rocks (4,882), The Skerries (2,486), Judgment Rocks (2,427), Kanowna Island (2,301), Moriarty Rocks (1,007), Reid Rocks (384), West Moncoeur Island (257), and Tenth Island (124). The newly recognized site was Rag Island, in the Cliffy Group, where we recorded 30 pups. We also recorded pups at the following haul-out sites: Cape Bridge-water (7 pups), Bull Rock (7), Wright Rock (5), Twin Islet (1), The Friars (1), He des Phoques (1), and Montague Island (1). In total, we estimate there were 19,819 (SE = 163) live pups at the time of the counts. We discuss trends in pup numbers and derive current population estimates for the Australian fur seal.  相似文献   

Two pairs of harbor ( Phoca vitulina ) and three pairs of gray ( Halicboeruls grypus ) seals were exposed to one of three human handlers for 15 min, twice a day, for a total of six sessions. Following habituation to the familiar handler, animals were then exposed to a novel human for 7 min, and then retested for 7 min with the familiar human. In all cases, animals responded to the unfamiliar human with increased vigilant behavior, i. e., they spent more time oriented towards the unfamiliar handler during the first 2 min of the test session than during the same interval of either the final habituation session or the retest with the familiar human ( P = 0.03 in all cases). There was also a tendency for seals to contact the familiar handler with their noses more rapidly than the novel human ( P = 0.06). These results support the hypothesis that phocid seals are capable of discriminating between individual humans in their environment, setting the stage for human-based Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

Abstract Frankliniella bispinosa was reared at five constant temperatures using pollen of Typha domingensis as food. At 15°C, 37.5 days are required for completing the life cycle and the adult females survived for about 30 days. The immature stage and the female longevity were significantly reduced when temperature increased and they were only 9.2 and 3.9 days, respectively, at 35°C. The maximal number of eggs (123.2/female) were laid at 25°C, as compared with 29.5, 42.1, 11.6 eggs per female, respectively, at 15°C, 20°C and 30°C. F. bispinosa occurs on Bidens pilosa flowers all the year round in south Florida. However, the population is more abundant from mid-March to early April.  相似文献   

本文提出一种用香蒲 (Typhadomingensis)花粉饲养花蓟马 (F .bispinosa)的方法 ,恒温饲养表明 ,在1 5℃时 ,该蓟马的世代历期长达 3 7 5d ,雌成虫平均寿命为 3 0d ;在 2 0℃和 2 5℃恒温下 ,世代历期分别为1 8 9和 1 3 8d ,雌成虫寿命分别为 2 9 0和 2 3 3d。平均产卵量在 2 5℃时达到最高 (1 2 3 2头 雌 ) ,而在其他几种恒温下产卵量显著减少。在佛罗里达南部 ,终年可见该蓟马在鬼针三叶草 (BidenspilosaL .)花上发生 ,而种群高峰期在三月中旬到四月初 ,平均每朵花中蓟马成虫数最高时可达 48 7头。  相似文献   

This review focuses on population ecology, with critical accounts of past work and future possibilities in age determination, body growth and condition, estimating abundances, mortality rates and lifespans, reproduction, comparative life histories, population dynamics, population modelling and seals in ecosystems. We suggest ways to reduce errors in age determination and to improve methods of obtaining and presenting growth data. Generalized von Bertalanffy growth equations are promoted as a basis for analysing species differences and intra-population variation in body lengths. Indices other than blubber thickness may be better for following body condition. Catch-effort and survival-index methods of estimating abundances have limited applicability, total counts are only locally useful, and sample counts may only be accurate for scattered, ice-breeding species. Some new techniques for population indices are promising. Pre-adult mortality remains difficult to assess. Although not always recognized, adult mortality rates do increase with age, as well described by Gompertz functions. Existing estimates of lifespans are unreliable, and a new approach is outlined. There are methodological problems in estimating ages of maturity. Corpora albicantia should not be used for back-extrapolation, and more study is needed of use of teeth annuli as indicators of maturity. Age-specific proportions of females parous based on reproductive tracts may disagree with proportions recruited in breeding groups, suggesting that the former may often be in error. Allometric relationships among body sizes and life-history variables need more reliable data, especially since the residuals of such relationships are of greatest interest. Brain size may be a better scalar. Direct evidence of density dependence in population growth of seals is sparse. Early survival has been more widely shown to be density-dependent, but only among polygynous species where crowding on land may be a byproduct of sexual selection; there is as yet no good evidence of trophic restraints. Evidence of density dependence of ages of maturity is generally unconvincing. Predation, especially by sharks, may be critical in some species. Characteristics of equilibrium populations might profitably be sought in mass remains in middens and historic kill sites. More attention should be paid to the search for density-independent influences. Supposed impacts of fisheries and pollutions are not wholly convincing. Natural epidemics may keep some populations below resource or space saturation, and some high-latitude species may show large year-to-year variations in recruitment and abundances. Evidence for such density-independent effects should be sought in residuals of growth curves and in teeth layers. Although surplus yield and production/biomass models have been tried, realistic pinniped models must be completely age-structured and time-dependent. Simple models have questionably assumed stationarity to derive life-history parameters. The best available estimates of density dependence of such parameters give no resolution when extrapolated toward equilibrium, and only limited efforts have been made to introduce stochasticity. Better data, not improved model structures, are needed for better understanding. Recent work has contradicted the assumed voraciousness of seals, but their system impacts and dependencies are not well understood. Extended Lotka-Volterra equations used to model Antarctic food webs, including seals, are merely heuristic. Fixed seal biomasses enter as top-down, driving functions in a Bering Sea model, which accordingly cannot be used to analyse or manage their populations. Some Soviet models are tantalizing but ill-specified. The introduction of harbor seals in well-chosen lakes might give mote insights into system roles than would more elaborate modelling. We wonder if pinniped ecology is well served by too many enthusiasts operating under too many restraints.  相似文献   

大型溞生长、生殖和种群增长的研究   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
年龄6±6小时的纯系大型溞培养在25±1℃静置换水条件下,饲以斜生栅藻,其平均寿命为68.40±9.82天。龄期(x)和年龄(t,天)之间呈曲线迴归关系:t=-2.245+1.510x+0.035x2(r=0.99,p3.86-0.131t)(式中Y为累计生殖量个数,t为天数)。    相似文献   

Female northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, from Año Nuevo (AN) in central California feed offshore in mid‐latitude waters (40°–55°N). Migratory patterns and foraging locations of seals from Mexico are unknown. Rookeries on San Benitos (SB) islands in Baja California Sur, Mexico, are ~1,170 km south of AN. Although the colonies are similar in size, seals from SB begin breeding earlier and have an earlier breeding birthing peak than seals from AN. To determine if the foraging location of seals from Mexico was similar to that of seals from California, we measured δ13C and δ15N values in the hair of 48 suckling pups at SB and 37 from AN, assuming that their isotopic signatures reflected those of mothers' milk, their exclusive diet. The mean δ13C and δ15N values for SB pups (?16.1‰± 0.9‰ and 17.7‰± 0.9‰, respectively) were significantly higher than those for AN pups (?17.6‰± 0.4‰ and 15.6‰± 1.0‰, respectively). From data on environmental isotope gradients and known behavior of SB and AN populations, we hypothesize that the isotope differences are due to females in the SB colony foraging ~8° south of seals from AN. This hypothesis can be tested by deployment of satellite tags on adult females from the SB colony.  相似文献   

武汉东湖短尾秀体溞的种群变动和生产量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄祥飞 《生态学报》1989,9(2):132-138
测定浮游动物的生产量是水生态系统结构、功能和生物生产力研究中的一个重要环节,通过生产量的测算可客观地评价不同种群对系统作用的大小。短尾秀体溞在我国广为分布,但其生产量在我国尚未见报道,为此笔者测定研究了东湖麦秋季的优势枝角类——短尾秀体溞(Diaphanosoma brachyurum)的种群变化和生产量。在1983—1985年间,这种秀体搔在Ⅰ站的平均种群密度依次为7.67±12.39,11.15±20.58和10.14±11.19个/升;Ⅱ站则分别为7.36±11.07,7.37±16.16和9.69±14.65个/升。最高种群密度Ⅰ站可达95.7个/升,Ⅱ站为70.6个/升。 短尾秀体溞体长与体重(干重)的回归方程为:log W=2.0411logL 0.6462 用累计总增长法测定了这种溞在1983—1985年5—10月的总生产量。Ⅰ站依次为1.193,1.120和1.692毫克/升·年;Ⅱ站则分别为1.029,0.978和1.602毫克/升·年。 短尾秀体溞(5—10月)的P/B系数,1983年Ⅰ站为77.54,Ⅱ站为59.37;1984年Ⅰ、Ⅱ站分别为63.20和50.17;1985年Ⅰ站达78.29,Ⅱ站为71.59。  相似文献   

We investigated effects of marine climate variability on pinniped populations and assessed the initial stages of recovery following implementation of the U. S. Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) based on long-term (1973-1997) population surveys at the South Farallon Islands and Point Reyes Peninsula, central California. California sea lions increased over the study period, with peak numbers observed during and after major El Niño events. The rate of increase for California sea lions appears to have decreased in recent years. Steller sea lions decreased at the South Farallon Islands and remain depleted at Point Reyes Peninsula. Harbor seal populations increased in a logistic and non-linear fashion at Point Reyes Peninsula and the South Farallon Islands, respectively. Harbor seals were more abundant at the South Farallon Islands during years of relatively high sea-surface temperature, which may be related to their inability to find sufficient prey in coastal waters under these conditions. Northern elephant seal abundance increased in a logistic fashion over the study period at both the South Farallon Islands and Point Reyes Peninsula; however, productivity at the South Farallon Islands decreased in recent years. Maximum haulout numbers for elephant seals at the South Farallon Islands increased in the 1970s, maintained an asymptote throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, but recently declined; additional studies are needed to investigate which age classes are associated with this decline. Protection afforded by the MMPA has facilitated partial to full recovery of all populations except for Steller sea lion. Oceanographic relationships do not appear to confound interpretations of population recovery and may help to explain changes in the Steller sea lion population.  相似文献   

In recent years, studies based on isoenzymatic patterns of geographic variation have revealed that what is usually called the Africanized honey bee does not constitute a single population. Instead, several local populations exist with various degrees of admixture with European honey bees. In this paper, we evaluated new data on morphometric patterns of Africanized honey bees collected at 42 localities in Brazil, using univariate and multivariate (canonical) trend surface and spatial autocorrelation analyses. The clinal patterns of variation found for genetically independent characters (wing size characters and some wing venation angles) are concordant with previous studies of malate dehydrogenase (MDH) allelic frequencies and support the hypothesis that larger honey bees in southern and southeastern Brazil originated by racial admixture in the initial phases of African honey bee colonization. Geographic variation patterns of Africanized honey bee populations reflect a demic diffusion process in which European genes were gradually lost because of the higher fitness of the African gene pool in Neotropical environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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