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The importance of photoperiod, temperature and their interaction in controlling the seasonal pattern of haemolymph antifreeze protein levels in larvae of the beetle Dendroides canadensis was investigated. A complete photoperiodic response curve for antifreeze protein production was generated at 20°C with larvae collected in early fall. Individuals exposed to a 10-h photoperiod or less, including constant darkness, had significantly elevated antifreeze levels over those maintained in an 11-h photoperiod or more, including constant light. The critical daylength resulting in 50% population response lies between LD 11:13 and LD 10:14. This photoperiodic response was masked at sufficiently low (threshold between 15 and 10°C) and high (threshold between 25 and 30°C) temperatures. Partial photoperiodic response curves (at 17 and 25°C) obtained within this specified temperature range indicate that the position of the critical photoperiod (between 10 and 11 h) is stable while the amplitude of the response curve is temperature dependent.Experiments investigating the mechanisms controlling the spring depletion of protein antifreeze levels suggest that both photoperiod and temperature are important.The dominant response of photoperiod in the fall along with the modifying effects of temperature are considered to provide the necessary precision to assure adequate cold tolerance early in the fall and the flexibility to protect the species from yearly variation in weather conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Larvae of the beetleDendroides canadensis accumulate protein antifreezes during the winter.D. canadensis which were collected in the early fall, prior to the initiation of cold hardening processes, were treated with either 3.3 or 6.6 g juvenile hormone I topically in acetone and maintained for 21 days under normally non-inductive acclimation conditions (16 light/8 dark, 20 °C). Hormone treated animals significantly elevated the levels of antifreeze protein in their hemolymph compared to those of acetone treated and untreated controls or animals measured on the day of collection. D. canadensis treated with the anti-JH compound precocene II (P2) in acetone for 24 h at a concentration of 20 g/cm2 (a dose below LD50 for behavioral survival) and then maintained under acclimation conditions conducive to antifreeze protein production (8 light/16 dark, 20 °C) for 2 weeks failed to elevate levels of antifreeze. Acetone treated control animals accumulated a significant concentration of antifreeze protein.D. canadensis were also treated with 20 and 150 g/cm2 P2 (a dose below the LD50 for gross survival) followed by acclimation to short (8 h) photoperiod at 10 °C. All animals receiving the higher P2 dosage failed to elevate antifreezes while only 42.9% of the individuals treated with the lower dosage initiated antifreeze protein production. In contrast, over 80% of untreated and 70% of acetone treated controls responded to these inductive acclimation conditions by elevating antifreeze concentrations.These results indicate that juvenile hormone participates in the seasonal control of antifreeze protein production inDendroides canadensis. Since this species does not enter a diapause state prior to or throughout the winter this is the first evidence establishing a direct hormonal mechanism involved with insect cold hardiness.  相似文献   

An internal noise-driven oscillator was studied in a two-variable Drosophila model, where both positive feedback and negative feedback are crucial to the circadian oscillations. It is shown that internal noise could sustain reliable oscillations for the parameter which produces a stable steady state in the deterministic system. The noise-sustained oscillations are interpreted by using phase plane analysis. The period of such oscillations fluctuates slightly around the period of deterministic oscillations and the coherence of oscillations becomes the best at an optimal internal noise intensity, indicating the occurrence of intrinsic coherence resonance. In addition, in the oscillatory region, the coherence of noisy circadian oscillations is suppressed by the internal noise, but the period is hardly affected, demonstrating the robustness of the Drosophila model for circadian rhythms to the intrinsic noise.  相似文献   

This review discusses possible evolutionary trends in insect photoperiodism, mainly from a chronobiological perspective. A crucial step was the forging of a link between the hormones regulating diapause and the systems of biological rhythms, circadian or circannual, which have independently evolved in eukaryotes to synchronize physiology and behaviour to the daily cycles of light and darkness. In many of these responses a central feature is that the circadian system resets to a constant phase at the beginning of the subjective night, and then ‘measures’ the duration of the next scotophase. In ‘external coincidence’, one version of such a clock, light now has a dual role. First, it serves to entrain the circadian system to the stream of pulses making up the light/dark cycle and, second, it regulates the nondiapause/diapause switch in development by illuminating/not illuminating a specific light sensitive phase falling at the end of the critical night length. Important work by A. D. Lees on the aphid Megoura viciae using so‐called ‘night interruption experiments' demonstrates that pulses falling early in the night lead to long‐day effects that are reversible by a subsequent dark period longer than the critical night length and also show maximal sensitivity in the blue–green range of the spectrum. Pulses falling in the latter half of the night, however, produce long‐day effects that are irreversible by a subsequent long‐night and show a spectral sensitivity extending into the red. With movement to higher latitudes, insects develop genetic clines in various parameters, including critical night length, the number of long‐night cycles needed for diapause induction, the strength of the response, and the ‘depth’ or intensity of the diapause thus induced. Evidence for these and other types of photoperiodic response suggests that they provided strong selective advantages for insect survival.  相似文献   

Three experimental protocols were employed to clarify whether the circadian system is involved in photoperiodic time-measurement in the blackheaded bunting, Emberiza melanocephala. In a single-pulse paradigm, one 8-h light pulse was delivered at different times to groups of birds across three days of constant darkness (DD). Photoperiodic induction, as measured by a rise in plasma luteinizing hormone (LH), showed clear circadian rhythmicity. The second experiment examined the LH responses in birds exposed to lighting cycles using a Nanda-Hamner type of protocol and confirmed full photostimulation under 6L:30D. The third experiment measured the time of the first photo-induced rise in LH in birds subjected to 30 h of continuous light following entrainment under short days (6L:18D). This experiment aimed to identify the position of the photoinducible phase ( i). LH first rose at hour 18 following dawn indicating that i lies in the middle of the day. Plasma concentrations of melatonin were also measured under 6L:18D and 6L:30D light cycles as another physiological marker of the circadian system in buntings. The pattern of melatonin secretion under these LD cycles showed properties consistent with the driving oscillator being circadian in nature. It is concluded that the circadian pacemaker driving the photoinducible rhythm in blackheaded bunting is strongly self-sustaining and free-runs under constant conditions.  相似文献   

Energy compensated action spectra are given for the photoperiodic control of polymorphism in Megoura. The production of ‘long day’ parthenogenetic virginoparae and ‘short day’ oviparae mainly depend on the night length. Light has three different effects. ‘Early’ interruptions of the dark phase in a long night cycle reverse the time-measuring dark response. The action spectrum for a 1 hr interruption placed 1.5 hr after the onset of darkness (during dark stage 1) shows a relatively narrow band of activity, mainly in the blue (450–470 nm). The threshold is ca. 0.25 μW cm?2. ‘Late’ interruptions placed 7.5 or 8 hr after dark hour 0 (during dark stage 3) strongly promote the production of virginoparae without causing a reversal of the response. The action spectrum has the same blue maximum but sensitivity extends into the yellow and red spectral regions. The third photosensitive component, the main photoperiod itself, is required for initiating the dark timing response and has an intermediate action spectrum. Time/intensity curves for a single wavelength (471 nm) show that the responses during stages 1 and 3 depart markedly from reciprocity. Short durations cannot be compensated by high intensities. The shape of the reciprocity curve for an ‘early’ interruption suggests that the stage 1 response is complete after ca. 1.25 hr.The action spectra are believed to be compatible with the view that the photoreceptor is a caroteno-protein. It is suggested that all three pigment forms are related and that time measurement is largely a function of spontaneous ‘dark reaction’ changes in the pigment system. Stage 1 may represent the reversible conjugation phase of the protein/chromophore moieties. In Stage 2 the pigment is presumably photorefractory and is transitional to the highly sensitive broad spectrum form of stage 3.  相似文献   


Wheel‐running activity of forty antelope ground squirrels, Ammospermophilus leucurus, was monitored for several months in both an outdoor cage and in the laboratory. The squirrels demonstrated a highly diurnal pattern which persisted in “constant conditions.” After removal from the field the initial free‐running period was close to 24 hrs, but typically lengthened in a nearly linear fashion at least for the first few months. There was no evidence of any difference in this trend for squirrels, in D/D, L/L 100 lx, 250 lx or 1200 lx. Eventually, about 90 percent of the squirrels had periods longer than 24 hrs.

The synchronizing capacity of the natural photoperiod was used to “catch the free‐running rhythm” and thereby demonstrate a response curve. Synchronization occurred by a shortening of the period when the time of sunrise was between 125° and 0° (subjective night) and by a lengthening of the period when the time of sunrise was between 0° and 125° (subjective day).

To more thoroughly examine the underlying mechanisms of phase control, phase‐response curves based on sixty one light‐pulse experiments were constructed. Comparisons of curves based on 6‐hr and 15‐min pulses, showed that the integral action of light is important (i.e., the entire pulse is involved in phase shifting). It was found that light pulses not only affected the phase of the rhythm but also the phase. Large phase shifts were usually associated with decreases in free‐running period. Several hypotheses on the controlling mechanisms were advanced.  相似文献   

In the circannual pupation rhythm of the varied carpet beetle, Anthrenus verbasci, entrainment to annual cycles is achieved by phase resetting of the circannual oscillator in response to photoperiodic changes. In order to examine whether a circadian system is involved in expression of the periodic pattern and phase resetting of the circannual rhythm as photoperiodic responses, we exposed larvae to light-dark cycles with a short photophase followed by a variable scotophase (the Nanda-Hamner protocol). When the cycle length (T) was a multiple of 24 h, i.e., 24, 48, or 72 h, short-day effects were clearer than when T was far from a multiple of 24 h, i.e., 36 or 60 h. Exposure to light-dark cycles of T = 36 h had effects similar to exposure to long-day cycles of T = 24 h. The magnitude of phase shifts depended on the duration and the phase of exposure to the cycles of T = 36 or 60 h. It was therefore concluded that a circadian system is involved in photoperiodic time measurement for phase resetting of the circannual oscillator of A. verbasci.  相似文献   

Cyanobacteria are the simplest organisms known that exhibit circadian rhythms. The mechanism of circadian rhythm generation in cyanobacteria is different from eukaryotes. Based on the recent experiments about the interaction of KaiA, KaiB, and KaiC proteins with the generation of circadian rhythms in vitro, we developed a mathematical model to describe post-translational oscillations and the possible chemical reactions involved in the circadian clock mechanism of cyanobacteria. In this model, a series of differential equations, with linear kinetics for binding of proteins, Michaelis - Menten kinetics for enzymatic processes and a term including an explicit delay for dissociation of the KaiA/KaiB/phospho-KaiC complex, are proposed describing the dynamics of the chemistry. It is demonstrated that the mathematical system can lead to circadian oscillation within a range of parameter values.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms underlying photoperiodism in insects have been studied extensively, although the associated molecular machinery remains largely unknown. In the present study, we investigate the roles of the circadian clock gene cycle (cyc) and the endocrine regulator gene myoinhibitory peptide (Mip) in the photoperiodic response of the brown‐winged green bug Plautia stali Scott (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae). Typically, adult females of this species develop their ovaries under long‐day conditions, whereas they suppress its development under short‐day conditions. We find that RNA interference (RNAi) directed against cyc causes malfunction of the circadian clock governing the locomotor activity rhythm and yields abnormal activity profiles not only under constant darkness, but also under light/dark conditions. RNAi directed against cyc and Mip disrupts the photoperiodic response in ovarian development. cyc RNAi suppresses the ovarian development even under long‐day conditions, whereas Mip RNAi induces it even under short‐day conditions. We propose that the core circadian clock gene cyc regulates the photoperiodic response and that Mip is the causal regulator of juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the corpus allatum. Neither photoperiod, nor cyc RNAi affect Mip mRNA levels, and therefore it remains unknown how the photoperiodic information is processed and mediated by Mip.  相似文献   

Summary The role of the hormone melatonin in the circadian system of pigeons (Columba livia) was investigated. Using an automatic infusion system, melatoni at physiological levels was delivered for 10 h each day to cannulated, pinealectomized (P-X) pigeons in constant darkness. These cyclic infusions of melatonin entrained feeding rhythms in P-X pigeons while vehicle infusions were ineffective entraining agents. When the retinae of P-X pigeons were removed (E-X), feeding rhythms were abolished in constant darkness. When cyclic melatonin infusions were delivered to these birds (E-X and P-X), feeding rhythmicity was restored whereas vehicle infusions alone did not restore rhythmicity. When melatonin infusions were terminated in E-X/P-X pigeons, feeding rhythms persisted for several days but eventually decayed. Blood melatonin levels were measured in both P-X and E-X/P-X birds infused cyclically with exogenous melatonin and were found to be within the physiological range both in level and pattern. These results strongly suggest that endogenous melatonin, released by the pineal gland and the retinae, regulates the timing of feeding rhythms by entraining other oscillators in the circadian system of the pigeon.Abbreviations P-X pinealectomized - E-X bilaterally enucleated - T period of infusion cycle - LD light: dark cycle - DD constant darkness  相似文献   

Eight healthy males were studied for a total of 13 subject-days to assess if gut (from an ingested pill) and axilla (from a thermally insulated skin probe) temperatures would act as a substitute for rectal temperature in field studies of the circadian rhythm of core temperature. Subjects slept and went about their activities, indoors and outdoors, normally. Regular recordings (at 6min intervals) were made of temperatures from the three sites. In addition, activity was measured (by a sensor on the nondominant wrist) so that the raw temperature data could be “purified,” that is, corrected for the direct effects of sleep and activity. Inspection of the raw data indicated that there was a close parallelism between rectal and gut temperatures, but that the parallelism between rectal and insulated axilla temperatures was less reliable. This parallelism was supported by initial calculations of the correlations between rectal and gut temperatures (high and positive) and between rectal and insulated axilla (lower, though still positive) temperatures. Calculation of the limits of agreement between the parameters of the cosine curves fitted to the raw data confirmed that the rectal and gut temperatures were far closer with regard to acrophase and amplitude than were rectal and insulated axilla temperatures (?0.31±0.89 vs. +0.75±6.03 h and +0.002±0.116 vs. +0.083±0.625°C, respectively). After purification of the temperature data, the limits of agreement for the cosine parameters acrophase and amplitude still indicated that there was a closer agreement between rectal and gut temperatures than between rectal and insulated axilla temperatures (?0.30±1.12 vs. +0.58±6.69 h, and +0.007±0.116 vs. +0.104±0.620°C, respectively). Part of the explanation of this difference was the unreliable relationships between temperature changes in insulated axilla temperature and bursts of activity and going to bed. It is concluded that, whereas gut temperature is a viable alternative to rectal temperature (from the viewpoints of both user acceptability and the reliability of data obtained), insulated axilla temperature, though acceptable to subjects, is unreliable from an experimental viewpoint.  相似文献   


To test the hypothesis that an oscillator located outside the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) controls the circadian rhythm of body temperature, we conducted a study with 14 blinded rats, 10 of which receiving a SCN lesion. Body temperature was automatically and continuously recorded for about one month by intraperitoneal radio transmitters. Food intake, drinking and locomotor activity were also recorded. Periodograms revealed that 3 rats with histologically verified total bilateral SCN lesions did not exhibit any circadian rhythmicity. The 7 other rats appeared to have partial lesions. They showed shortening of period and severe amplitude reduction in all functions. Thus, no support was found for the hypothesis of a separate circadian ‘temperature oscillator’ located outside the SCN. Nevertheless, after large partial lesions body temperature showed more persistency than some of the other behavioral rhythms.

Ultradian rhythms in temperature persisted after partial and total lesions. Other functions showed parallel ultradian rhythms. In intact rats the ultradian peaks were restricted predominantly to the subjective night. After total lesions these peaks became more or less homogeneously distributed in time but more heterogeneously after partial lesions. So the SCN plays a role in the temporal structure of ultradian rhythms but does not generate them. Non‐24‐hour actograms showed instabilities of period and phase of ultradian rhythms. Intact and lesioned rats were similar with respect to the mean (about 3.5 hrs) and standard deviation (about 1.5 hrs) of ultradian periods in temperature. These features indicate that a mechanism outside the SCN is underlying ultradian rhythmicity, capable of generating short‐term oscillations. Two approaches, homeostatic sleep‐wake relaxation oscillations and multiple circadian oscillators, are discussed.  相似文献   

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