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Matrix vesicles (MV) can be readily isolated from culture media of chicken growth plate hypertrophic chondrocytes grown in primary culture. The chondrocytes maintain normal morphology and synthesize type II collagen throughout the culture period. The culture-derived MV are morphologically indistinguishable from MV seen in situ and are rich in alkaline phosphatase. Formation of alkaline phosphatase-rich MV is strongly influenced by the stage of culture: large numbers are released shortly after cell seeding; marked decline is seen during cell spreading and rapid cell division; notable resurgence in alkaline phosphatase-rich MV production occurs as the cells attain confluency. Increasing the initial chondrocyte seeding density proportionately increases MV production. Cells derived from the hypertrophic region are much more capable of forming alkaline phosphatase-rich MV than those from the proliferating zone, indicating that MV formation is dependent on cellular differentiation. MV released by the cultured chondrocytes were compared in protein and phospholipid composition and in their ability to accumulate mineral ions, with plasma membrane fractions and collagenase-released MV obtained from the same tissue. Electrophoretic patterns of proteins, and the phospholipid profiles, suggest that significant modification of the plasma membrane occurs during MV formation. The vesicles are capable of accumulating large amounts of mineral ions from a metastable synthetic cartilage lymph when supplied with alkaline phosphatase substrates. This culture system thus appears to be a useful model for isolating native MV and characterizing factors required for vesicle formation and mineralization.  相似文献   

Alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity in epiphyseal growth plate cartilage increases markedly during differentiation of the chondrocytes, and reaches high levels in the zone of hypertrophy where vascular penetration and provisional mineralization begin. A proteinaceous factor has been discovered in serum that stimulates the expression of AP in chicken growth plate chondrocytes when these cells are grown in serum-free media. Sera from a variety of vertebrate species (goat, fetal bovine, horse, human, and chicken) all contained detectable levels of the inducing activity. The chondrocyte AP-induction factor (CAP-IF) from fetal bovine serum was precipitated with ammonium sulfate between 33% and 50% saturation, and purified by dye-ligand affinity chromatography. The active fraction, which eluted from an Affi-Gel Blue column between 0.10 and 0.15 M NaCl, was further resolved on a QMA anion exchange column. The most active and almost homogeneous fraction contained primarily a 64.5 kDa protein; about 3 micrograms/ml medium induced 50% of the maximal level of AP induction. CAP-IF is stable to heat (100 degrees C for 3 min) and dithiothreitol (50 mM) treatment, and is only mildly inactivated by 2 h treatment with trypsin. CAP-IF caused no significant effect on cell division as measured by 3H-thymidine uptake. Time-course studies revealed that at least 18-24 h exposure of the chondrocytes to CAP-IF is required to produce major increases in AP activity. Longer exposure time generally further increases the response. Cycloheximide almost completely blocked the increase in AP activity, indicating that de novo protein synthesis is required for induction.  相似文献   

The effect of retinoic acid (RA) on primary cultures of growth plate chondrocytes obtained from weight-bearing joints was examined. Chondrocytes were isolated from the tibial epiphysis of 6- to 8-week-old broiler-strain chickens and cultured in either serum-containing or serum-free media. RA was administered at low levels either transiently or continuously after the cells had become established in culture. Effects of RA on cellular protein levels, alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity, synthesis of proteoglycan (PG), matrix calcification, cellular morphology, synthesis of tissue-specific types of collagen, and level of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) activity were explored. RA treatment generally increased AP activity, and stimulated mineral deposition, especially if present continuously. RA also caused a shift in cell morphology from spherical/polygonal to spindle-like. This occurred in conjunction with a change in the type of collagen synthesized: type X and II collagens were decreased, while synthesis of type I collagen was increased. There was also a marked increase in the activity of MMP. Contrasting effects of continuous RA treatment on cellular protein levels were seen: they were enhanced in serum-containing media, but decreased in serum-free HL-1 media. Levels of RA as low as 10 nM significantly inhibited PG synthesis and caused depletion in the levels of PG in the medium and cell-matrix layer. Thus, in these appendicular chondrocytes, RA suppressed chondrocytic (PG, cartilage-specific collagens) and enhanced osteoblastic phenotype (cell morphology, type I collagen, alkaline phosphatase, and mineralization). J. Cell. Biochem. 65:209–230. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Following exposure to cadmium or zinc, chickens were sacrificed and the liver, kidney, and bone epiphyseal growth plates harvested. When cytosolic extracts of the growth plate cartilage were fractionated by gel filtration chromatography, a protein with high metal-binding capacity and low ultraviolet (UV) absorbance eluted in the same position as liver metallothionein (MT) and a MT standard. Cd or Zn treatment resulted in a 25-fold or 5-fold induction in growth plate MT, respectively. In liver the greatest level of MT induction was seen with short-term Cd exposures. In contrast, MT levels in the growth plate increased as the duration of Cd exposure increased. Induction of MT in growth plate chondrocyte cell cultures was observed for media Cd concentrations of ≥0.1 μM and Zn concentrations of ≥100 μM. Basal and inducible levels of MT declined through the culture period and were lowest in the terminally differentiated mineralized late stages of the culture. Alkaline phosphatase activity was also lowest in the late-stage cultures, while total cellular protein increased throughout the culture period. Treatment of chondrocytes with Zn prior to Cd exposure resulted in a protective induction of MT. Pre-treatment of chondrocytes with dexamethasone resulted in suppressed synthesis of MT upon Cd exposure and greater Cd toxicity. Both Cd and Zn resulted in significantly increased levels of MT mRNA in chondrocyte cell cultures. Dexamethasone treatment resulted in an approximate 2- to 3-fold increase in MT mRNA. This is contrary to the finding that MT protein levels were decreased by dexamethasone. The findings suggest that an increased rate of MT degradation in dexamethasone-treated and late-stage chondrocyte cultures may be associated with the terminally differentiated phenotype. J. Cell. Biochem. 68:110–120, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Matrix vesicles are lipid bilayer-enclosed structures that initiate extracellular mineral formation. Little attention has been given to how newly formed mineral interacts with the lipid constituents and then emerges from the lumen. To explore whether specific lipids bind to the incipient mineral and if breakdown of the membrane is involved, we analyzed changes in lipid composition and extractability during vesicle-induced calcification. Isolated matrix vesicles were incubated in synthetic cartilage lymph to induce mineral formation. At various times, samples of the lipids were taken for analysis, extracted both before and after demineralization to remove deposited mineral. Phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylinositol both rapidly disappeared from extracts made before decalcification, indicating rapid degradation. However, extracts made after demineralization revealed that phosphatidylserine had become complexed with newly forming mineral. Concomitantly, its levels actually increased, apparently by base-exchange with phosphatidylethanolamine. Though partially complexed with the mineral, phosphatidylinositol was nevertheless rapidly broken down. Sphingomyelin and phosphatidylethanolamine also underwent rapid breakdown, but phosphatidylcholine was degraded more slowly, all accompanied by a buildup of free fatty acids. The data indicate that phosphatidylserine forms complexes that accompany mineral formation, while degradation of other membrane phospholipids apparently enables egress of crystalline mineral from the vesicle lumen.  相似文献   

Matrix vesicles (MV) are microstructures localized to the extracellular matrix of developing hard tissues that induce mineral formation. MV proteins are not well characterized, and little is known of how they interact with the surrounding matrix. However, recent electron microscopic studies indicate that MV interact with matrix proteins in growth plate cartilage. In the studies now reported, procedures developed for dissecting various components from isolated MV led to the discovery that two major vesicle proteins (38 and 46 kDa) are readily released from MV by low ionic strength solutions. These low ionic strength-soluble proteins (LISSP) were shown to be major fragments of the link protein (LP) and hyaluronic acid-binding region (HABR) of matrix proteoglycans: they react immunologically with highly specific monoclonal antibodies to LP and HABR, and the NH2-terminal sequence of the 38-kDa LISSP is essentially identical to residues 40-78 of chicken cartilage LP and that the 46-kDa LISSP represents HABR. Release of both LISSP is enhanced by hyaluronidase treatment, indicating anchorage by a hyaluronate-mediated mechanism. Both LP and HABR are firmly attached to MV in either isotonic or hypertonic solutions. In contrast, our other studies show that dissociation of type II collagen from MV occurs only with hypertonic salts which do not release the LISSP. Thus, strong interactions occur under physiological conditions between MV and both the proteoglycans and collagens, but these take place by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Expression of several cellular and matrix proteins which increase significantly during the maturation of growth plate cartilage has been shown to be affected by various endocrine and autocrine factors. In the studies reported here, transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta 1) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) were administered to primary cultures of avian growth plate chondrocytes at pre- or post-confluent stages to study the interplay that occurs between these factors in modulating chondrocytic phenotype. Added continuously to pre-confluent chondrocytes, TGF-beta 1 stimulated the cells to produce abundant extracellular matrix and multilayered cell growth; cell morphology was altered to a more spherical configuration. These effects were generally mimicked by bFGF, but cell shape was not affected. Administered together with TGF-beta 1, bFGF caused additive stimulation of protein synthesis, and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity was markedly, but transiently enhanced. During this pre-confluent stage, TGF-beta 1 also increased fibronectin secretion into the culture medium. Added to post-confluent cells, TGF-beta 1 alone caused a dosage-dependent suppression of AP activity, but bFGF alone did not. Under these conditions, TGF-beta 1 and bFGF had little effect on general protein synthesis, but TGF-beta 1 alone caused large, dosage-dependent increases in synthesis of fibronectin, and to some extent type II and X collagens. Given together with bFGF, TGF-beta 1 synergistically increased secretion of fibronectin. These findings reveal that regulation of phenotypic expression in maturing growth plate chondrocytes involves complex interactions between growth factors that are determined by timing, level, continuity, and length of exposure.  相似文献   

The effect of varying the amino acid concentrations of the culture medium on matrix vesicle formation was studied in primary cultures of chicken epiphyseal growth plate chondrocytes grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DME) supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS). Decreasing the levels of free amino acids in the culture medium to levels of one-half, one quarter, and one eighth of the values normally present in DME caused a progressive decline in matrix vesicle (MV) formation. Increasing the level in the culture medium of those amino acids that are enriched in extracellular fluid (ECF) of growth plate cartilage significantly increased formation of matrix vesicles (MV), as assayed by the alkaline phosphatase (AP) activities present in high-speed sediments from spent culture media. However, adjusting the levels of all amino acids to match those of the ECF produced the greatest stimulation of MV formation. Of the amino acids that are notably enriched in ECF, glutamate (GLU), alanine (ALA), serine (SER), asparagine (ASN), and taurine (TAU) individually enhanced MV production, whereas proline (PRO), glycine (GLY), and aspartate (ASP) had essentially no effect. The simple combination of ECF levels of ALA and GLU resulted in a stimulation of MV formation equal to that observed when the eight aforementioned amino acids were elevated to ECF levels. Other combinations of ASP and GLY, or of TAU, SER, and ASN showed some stimulation, but at a lower level. Increasing the amino acid concentrations, alone or in combination, also increased the levels of cellular AP, and to a lesser extent cellular protein. While increases in cellular AP were generally correlated with increased formation of AP-rich MV, this was not uniformly true. These results indicate that in addition to hormones and growth factors, nutritional factors such as the levels of amino acids are also critical for normal phenotypic expression, growth, and matrix formation by epiphyseal chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Advances in the culture of mineralizing growth plate chondrocytes provided an opportunity to study endochondral calcification under controlled conditions. Here we report that these cultures synthesize large amounts of proteins characteristically associated with mineralization: type II and X collagens, sulfated proteoglycans, alkaline phosphatase, and the bone-related proteins, osteonectin and osteopontin. Certain chondrocytes appeared to accumulate large amounts of Ca2+ and Pi during the mineralization process: laser confocal imaging revealed high levels of intracellular Ca2+ in their periphery and X-ray microanalytical mapping revealed the presence of many Ca2+- and Pi-rich cell surface structures ranging from filamentous processes 0.14 ± 0.02 μm by 0.5–2.0 μm, to spherical globules 0.70 ± 0.27 μm in diameter. Removal of organic matter with alkaline sodium hypochlorite revealed numerous deposits of globular (0.77 ± 0.19 μm) mineral (calcospherites) in the lacunae around these cells. The size and spatial distribution of these mineral deposits closely corresponded to the Ca2+-rich cell surface blebs. The globular mineral progressively transformed into clusters of crystallites. Taken with earlier studies, these findings indicate that cellular uptake of Ca2+ and Pi leads to formation of complexes of amorphous calcium phosphate, membrane lipids, and proteins that are released as cell surface blebs analogous to matrix vesicles. These structures initiate development of crystalline mineral. Thus, the current findings support the concept that the peripheral intracellular accumulation of Ca2+ and Pi is directly involved in endochondral calcification.  相似文献   

K-pyroantimonate is an anion that forms an electron-dense precipitate with cellular cations that is readily visualized at the ultrastructural level. The staining process is made relatively specific for calcium by comparing pyroantimonate treated sections to sections pretreated with ethylene glycol-bis-N,N'-tetraacetic acid, a chelating agent that removes calcium but not other cellular cations. By these means, it is shown that the antimonate-calcium complex is located predominantly in mitochondria and cell membranes throughout most of the growth plate. In the degenerating zone, however, there is a gradual loss of stain complex from the mitochondria and cell membranes and a concomitant accumulation of the stain complex by matrix vesicles. The latter are the initial site of mineralization in the growth plate as detected by these means. Thus, this study suggests that intracellular calcium plays a significant role in matrix calcification.  相似文献   

Studies were made on the disposition of mineral ions in matrix vesicles (MV) and their relationship to alkaline phosphatase by treatment of MV-enriched microsomes (MVEM) with graded levels of Ca2+-chelating agents to complex accessible ions, fractionation of MVEM on hypertonic sucrose gradients at two different pH values (7.5 and 8.0) to evaluate for the presence of calcium phosphate mineral, and passage of MVEM through cation-exchange columns to determine the accessibility of the Ca2+. The effect of removal of Ca2+ and Pi on subsequent ability of MVEM to induce mineral formation from synthetic cartilage lymph was also determined. Passage through cation-exchange columns revealed that MV Ca2+ was not freely exchangeable, but coeluted in the void volume with alkaline phosphatase. However, upon incubation in synthetic cartilage lymph, progressively more Ca2+ was retained by the column. These findings indicate that, initially, the majority of Ca2+ in MVEM is internal and not readily exchangeable, but as Ca2+ accumulates, progressively more becomes external. The mineral in MV is labile and readily susceptible to loss; treatment with graded levels of EGTA removed major portions of the original Ca2+ and Pi. 45Ca uptake by these mineral-depleted MV was markedly reduced, even in the presence of alkaline phosphatase substrates. Sucrose gradient fractionation of MVEM caused extensive loss of Pi, but not Ca2+, from the low-density alkaline phosphatase-rich fractions. This reveals that Ca2+ and Pi are not initially coupled together: Pi is largely soluble, whereas Ca2+ must be tightly bound. In the high-density vesicles, large amounts of both Ca2+ and Pi are present. The slightly enhanced recovery at higher pH suggests the presence of a solid mineral phase. During mineralization by MV, Ca2+ became externalized, and concomitantly alkaline phosphatase activity declined. This suggests that a direct association exists between the enzyme and the developing mineral.  相似文献   

Proteoglycans were extracted from the extracellular matrix of cultures of embryonic chick chondrocytes grown at high density and were purified by CsCl density gradient centrifugation. The chemical, physical and hyaluronate binding properties of the proteoglycans were similar to those observed in proteoglycans from other hyaline cartilages. Proteoglycans in the media were also purified and on analysis showed three populations of proteoglycans to be present. One population had the physical characteristics of a typical proteoglycan subunit and bound hyaluronate, the other two populations were unable to complex with hyaluronate but one had the physical characteristics of the proteoglycan subunit and the other was of smaller molecular weight. The small molecular weight appears to be a product of the enzymatic degradation of the larger molecular weight species.  相似文献   

This report describes Pi transport activity in chondrocytes isolated from the growth plate (GP) of normal adolescent chickens grown in primary cell culture. Our recent work showed that Pi transport in matrix vesicles (MV) isolated from normal GP cartilage was not strictly Na+-dependent, whereas previously characterized Pi transport from rachitic GP cartilage MV was. This Na+-dependent Pi transporter (NaPiT), a member of the Type III Glvr-1 gene family, is expressed only transiently during early differentiation of GP cartilage, is enhanced by Pi-deficiency, and is most active at pH 6.8. Since GP mineralization requires abundant Pi and occurs under slightly alkaline conditions, it seemed unlikely that this type of Pi transporter was solely responsible for Pi uptake during normal GP development. Therefore we asked whether the lack of strict Na+-dependency in Pi transport seen in normal MV was also evident in normal GP chondrocytes. In fact, cellular Pi transport was found not to be strictly Na+-dependent, except for a brief period early in the culture. Choline could equally serve as a Na+ substitute. Activity of choline-supported Pi transport was optimum at pH 7.6-8.0. In addition, prior exposure of the cells to elevated extracellular Pi (2-3 mM) strongly enhanced subsequent Pi uptake, which appeared to depend on prior loading of the cells with mineral ions. Prevention of Pi loading by pretreatment with Pi transport inhibitors not only inhibited subsequent cellular Pi uptake, it also blocked mineral formation. Treatment with elevated extracellular Pi did not induce apoptosis in these GP chondrocytes.  相似文献   

The synthesis of collagen and proteoglycans by cultured chondrocytes, as measured by the incorporation of L-[3H]proline into hydroxyproline and [3H]acetate into glycosaminoglycans, was shown to be depressed by 58% and 39%, respectively, by the addition of exogenous proteoglycan at a concentration of 10 mg/ml growth media. The incorporation of L-[3H]proline into acid-insoluble protein remained unaltered in the presence of the proteoglycan. It was concluded that the effect was depressing the activity on the enzymatic steps, associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, which are responsible for the post-translational modification of collagen and proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that matrix vesicles (MV) interact with cartilage-specific collagens and other matrix proteins. Both type II and X collagens bind to and cosediment with MV. Our companion study shows that MV also are tightly coupled to proteoglycan link proteins (LP) and hyaluronic acid-binding region (HABR) in cartilage matrix. Here we sought to identify proteins responsible for the nexus between MV and matrix collagens using affinity chromatography with types I, II, and X collagen-Sepharose columns. Elution with NaCl step-gradients in the presence of nonionic detergent was used to assess the affinity between the MV proteins and the covalently attached collagens. Several MV proteins were found to bind to native type I, II, and X collagens but none bound to denatured type I collagen. Alkaline phosphatase, proteoglycan LP and HABR, and the 33- and 67-kDa annexins, bound with varying affinities to the native type I, II and X columns. In particular, LP and HABR, the 67-kDa annexin, and alkaline phosphatase bound with high affinity to the cartilage-specific collagens, although LP, HABR, and a 37-kDa protein also bound less tightly to native type I collagen. Thus, several MV proteins bind specifically to native type II and X collagens and should promote interaction between MV and the extracellular matrix. Such interactions may be important in MV formation, or in MV-mediated mineralization.  相似文献   

Osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1), a member of the TGF-β family of proteins, induces endochondral bone formation. Here we studied the effect of OP-1 on the development of primary cultures of avian growth plate (GP) chondrocytes in either serum-free or serum-containing medium, in the absence or presence of retinoic acid (RA). OP-1 was added on day 7 of culture and continued for 7 days, or until the cultures were harvested, typically on day 21. Alone, OP-1 caused ∼2-fold increase in proteoglycan synthesis into both the medium and the cell:matrix layer. Additionally, OP-1 caused a dosage-dependent increase in alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, and an increase in protein, when given from days 7–14 and examined on day 14. This stimulation was greater in cells grown in serum-free than in serum-containing media (3–5-fold vs. 2–3-fold increase in ALP; ∼40% vs. ∼20% increase in protein). Such stimulation of ALP activity and proteoglycan (PG) synthesis in cultured GP cells indicates that OP-1 elicits differentiation of chondrocytes. OP-1 minimally affected cell division (DNA content); however, a slight increase was seen when examined early in the culture. Alone, OP-1 increased mineral (Ca and Pi) content of the cultures by ∼2-fold in both types of media. As early as day 14, clusters of mineral encircled many of the OP-1 treated cells. Thus, as in vivo, OP-1 strongly promoted mineral formation by the cultured GP chondrocytes. When present together, OP-1 and RA generally blocked the action of the other. Separately OP-1 and RA each stimulated protein synthesis, ALP activity, and Ca2+ deposition; together they were inhibitory to each. Also, RA blocked the stimulation of PG synthesis induced by OP-1; whereas OP-1 decreased cell division engendered by RA. Thus, this GP chondrocyte culture system is a good model for studying factors that influence differentiation and mineral deposition during bone growth in vivo. J. Cell. Biochem. 67:498–513, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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