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Stepwise reprogramming of B cells into macrophages   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Xie H  Ye M  Feng R  Graf T 《Cell》2004,117(5):663-676

Sun HY  Wang F  Cao WG 《遗传》2012,34(8):985-992
体细胞核移植和诱导多能干细胞技术表明已分化的体细胞可以转变命运。最近的研究再一次验证了成熟体细胞可以通过外源转录因子的导入,直接重编程为其他类型的体细胞或祖细胞。这种重编程技术称为谱系重编程(Lineage reprogramming)。这项技术不仅在再生医学领域具有广阔的应用前景,而且在动物生物技术中也应用广泛。它不但避免了伦理争议,还提供了便利的重编程方法,同时也为基因表达调控的研究提供了重要的手段。文章从谱系重编程的方式、谱系重编程的特点及应用前景等3个方面进行了综述,旨在对相关领域的研究人员起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

Murre C 《Cell》2004,117(5):556-558
It is generally assumed that once a cell commits to a certain lineage it no longer can change its fate. A new study in this issue of Cell provides compelling evidence that committed mature B lineage cells can be reprogrammed to become macrophages.  相似文献   

W Y Langdon  A W Harris  S Cory  J M Adams 《Cell》1986,47(1):11-18
Transgenic mice bearing a c-myc oncogene subjugated to the lymphoid-specific immunoglobulin heavy chain enhancer (E mu) develop clonal B lymphoid malignancies, but most young E mu-myc mice lack malignant clones. Their prelymphomatous state has allowed us to examine how constitutive c-myc expression influences B cell development. We find that early stages are overrepresented, even before birth. Pre-B cells of polyclonal origin increase greatly, while B cells develop in reduced number. Both the pre-B and the B cells appear to be in an active state, since they are larger than normal and a greater fraction are in the cell cycle. Enforced myc expression has thus favored proliferation over maturation. Hence, a normal function of c-myc may be to regulate differentiation as well as to promote cell cycling.  相似文献   

B cell activation is associated with a marked transient rise in expression of the c-myc proto-onco-gene. A unique opportunity to examine the effects of constitutive c-myc expression upon B cell function is provided by transgenic mice in which the c-myc oncogene is regulated by the enhancer (E mu) from the immunoglobulin locus (E mu-myc mice). We have examined the immunologic competence of B cells from E mu-myc mice both in vitro and in vivo. Upon stimulation, many E mu-myc B cells can proliferate to form clones most of which contain antibody-forming cells. However, the frequency of responsive B cells from E mu-myc donors is only about 30% that of B cells from normal littermates. Thus, enforced myc expression is not sufficient to block the differentiation of all B cells, but a much larger fraction of the immunoglobulin-bearing cells from E mu-myc mice are incompetent. Upon immunization, E mu-myc mice mounted specific antibody responses, although some responses were delayed. Isotype switching can occur, since we observed hemolytic plaques of both IgM and IgG type and detected specific antibody of both classes in the serum. Moreover, the serum from nonimmunized E mu-myc mice contained normal levels of both IgM and IgG. Thus constitutive expression of the c-myc gene appears to retard B cell differentiation, but does not grossly impair immunologic function in the intact animal.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1545-1553
We have produced two lines of transgenic mice in which the expression of temperature-sensitive SV-40 large T antigen is targeted to bone marrow megakaryocytes via the platelet factor 4 (PF4) tissue-specific promoter. The progeny of these transgenic mice were observed for about 3 mo, and no malignancies were detected over this period of time. The offspring of these transgenic mice, 6- to 12-wk of age, served as a source of bone marrow cells, which upon in vitro cultivation at the permissive temperature yielded immortalized cell lines (MegT). At the permissive temperature, MegT cells exhibit the characteristics of early 2N and 4N megakaryocytes which include the presence of specific gene products such as PF4, glycoprotein IIb, acetylcholinesterase, and CD45 as well as the absence of molecular markers of other cell lineages such as the macrophage marker Mac-1, the T helper cell marker CD4, the mast cell marker IgE, the T cell marker CD2 or the erythroid cell marker alpha-globin. The inactivation of the oncogene by a shift of temperature from 34 degrees to 39.5 degrees C produces a reduction in the frequency of the 2N cells, in conjunction with the appearance of 8N and 16N cells, consisting of 27 and 3% of total cells, respectively. Thus, we have generated hematopoietic cell lines that are trapped in the early stages of megakaryocyte commitment, but able to undergo part of the normal program of terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized that B cell precursors that undergo programmed cell death due to nonproductive Ig gene rearrangements are cleared from the bone marrow by macrophages. However, a role for macrophages in this process is supported only by micrographs showing their association with apoptotic-appearing, B lineage cells. Functional data demonstrating phagocytosis of apoptotic, bone marrow lymphocytes by macrophages have not been presented, nor have receptors potentially involved in that process been identified. The data in this report demonstrate that macrophages isolated from murine bone marrow efficiently phagocytose apoptotic murine B lineage cells using multiple receptors that include CD14, integrins, class A scavenger receptor, and CD31 (PECAM-1). In addition, the results further reveal a new role for the hemopoietic microenvironment in B cell development in view of data demonstrating that murine bone marrow stromal cells are also capable of clearing apoptotic cells via an integrin-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

We investigated the ability of macrophages (M phi) to present the tolerogen fluoresceinated sheep gamma-globulin (FL-SGG) to B cells. M phi pulsed with FL-SGG or murine FL-IgG2 were able to tolerize normal spleen B cells specifically as assessed by the plaque-forming cell (PFC) response to the antigens FL-Brucella abortus (FL-BrA) and FL-polymerized flagellin (FL-POL). Tolerance was not induced when M phi were pulsed with a variety of other FL antigens or the synthetic tolerogen FL-D-glutamic acid-D-lysine (FL-D[G,L]). The ability of M phi to tolerize B cells was not T cell-dependent, because populations of both T-depleted B cells and hapten-specific B cells were tolerizable. M phi-induced B cell tolerance did not exhibit genetic restriction with regard to the H-2 haplotype of the presenting M phi or the responding B cells. A variety of different types of peritoneal M phi, including normal resident M phi and those elicited by thioglycollate or concanavalin A (the latter are predominantly la+), could tolerize B cells after being pulsed with FL-SGG. We compared tolerogen-pulsed M phi to soluble tolerogen for the ability to tolerize B cells and found that tolerogen bound to M phi was more than 10 times as potent as an equivalent amount of soluble tolerogen. In contrast to the ability of M phi to present FL-SGG in a tolerogenic fashion to B cells, the P388AD lymphoid dendritic cell-like tumor line presented FL-SGG in an immunogenic mode to B cells. Tolerogen bound to P388AD cells could specifically augment a PFC response to both FL-BrA and FL-POL. We suggest that certain types of M phi may play a role in unresponsiveness by enhancing the tolerogenicity of soluble antigen, whereas other accessory cells may present the same moieties in an immunogenic fashion.  相似文献   

Effects of 5-fluorouracil on B lymphocyte lineage cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The aim of these studies was to determine the sensitivity of B lymphocyte lineage precursor cells in mice to 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). Selective effects could be very helpful in dissecting precursor-product relationships between these and the rare multipotential stem cells from which they derive. Numbers and functions of particular types of cells were determined at intervals after a single treatment (3 mg) and, as expected, myeloid-committed stem cells were very severely affected. Day 8 spleen colony-forming cells (CFU-S) and colony-stimulating factor-responsive macrophage progenitors were reduced by 98% within 24 hr, whereas presumptive early stem cells (day 14 CFU-S) were much more resistant. B cells, which were probably recently formed in bone marrow and which are not thought to be actively dividing, were also 5-FU-sensitive, but perhaps less so than pre-B cells and immunoglobulin-negative lymphocytes bearing a B lineage marker. Approximately 5 wk were required for the normal cellular composition of marrow to return to normal. Transplantation of marrow from 5-FU-treated mice suggested that the slow regeneration of B lymphocytes might partially result from residual drug effects or damage to microenvironmental elements which are required for B lineage differentiation. Acute reductions of lymphocytes in the thymus were also documented, and the larger cells declined most rapidly and regenerated most slowly in that tissue. Of particular interest was the differential susceptibility of B cells in various lymphoid tissues to 5-FU. Whereas lymph node B cells were minimally affected, one-half of the splenic B cells disappeared within 48 hr of drug injection. Intrinsic differences in 5-FU sensitivity were confirmed by treatment of lymphocytes in vitro, and this suggests that particular B cell sets may be metabolically distinct. This drug should find additional experimental application in studies of B lymphocyte formation and functional heterogeneity.  相似文献   

The genetic construction of cancer-prone mice, combined with the capacity to control transgene expression in vivo, provides new opportunities to study the role of oncogenes in the maintenance of fully formed tumors. These inducible cancer models provide a means to dissect how specific oncogenic signals influence host-tumor symbiosis, to validate the importance of a given oncogenic lesion in established advanced tumors, and to predict the biological response and adaptations to therapies targeted to that cancer-causing genetic alteration.  相似文献   

We studied the transformation of sensory input as it progresses from vibrissa primary sensor (S1) to motor (M1) cortex. Single-unit activity was obtained from alert adult rats that did not to whisk upon application of punctate, rhythmic stimulation of individual vibrissae. The spike response of units in S1 cortex largely reproduced the shape of the stimulus. In contrast, the spiking output of units in M1 cortex were modulated solely as a sinusoid at the repetition rate of the stimulus for frequencies between 5 and 15 Hz; this range corresponds to that of natural whisking. Thus, the S1 to M1 transformation extracts the fundamental frequency from a spectrally rich stimulus. We discuss our results in terms of a band-pass filter with a center frequency that adapts to the change in stimulation rate.  相似文献   

Chen L  Tredget EE  Wu PY  Wu Y 《PloS one》2008,3(4):e1886
Bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) have been shown to enhance wound healing; however, the mechanisms involved are barely understood. In this study, we examined paracrine factors released by BM-MSCs and their effects on the cells participating in wound healing compared to those released by dermal fibroblasts. Analyses of BM-MSCs with Real-Time PCR and of BM-MSC-conditioned medium by antibody-based protein array and ELISA indicated that BM-MSCs secreted distinctively different cytokines and chemokines, such as greater amounts of VEGF-alpha, IGF-1, EGF, keratinocyte growth factor, angiopoietin-1, stromal derived factor-1, macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha and beta and erythropoietin, compared to dermal fibroblasts. These molecules are known to be important in normal wound healing. BM-MSC-conditioned medium significantly enhanced migration of macrophages, keratinocytes and endothelial cells and proliferation of keratinocytes and endothelial cells compared to fibroblast-conditioned medium. Moreover, in a mouse model of excisional wound healing, where concentrated BM-MSC-conditioned medium was applied, accelerated wound healing occurred compared to administration of pre-conditioned or fibroblast-conditioned medium. Analysis of cell suspensions derived from the wound by FACS showed that wounds treated with BM-MSC-conditioned medium had increased proportions of CD4/80-positive macrophages and Flk-1-, CD34- or c-kit-positive endothelial (progenitor) cells compared to wounds treated with pre-conditioned medium or fibroblast-conditioned medium. Consistent with the above findings, immunohistochemical analysis of wound sections showed that wounds treated with BM-MSC-conditioned medium had increased abundance of macrophages. Our results suggest that factors released by BM-MSCs recruit macrophages and endothelial lineage cells into the wound thus enhancing wound healing.  相似文献   

Considerable progress has been made in identifying signaling pathways that direct the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) into specialized cell types, including neurons. However, differentiation of hPSCs with extrinsic factors is a slow, step-wise process, mimicking the protracted timing of human development. Using a small-molecule screen, we identified a combination of five small-molecule pathway inhibitors that yield hPSC-derived neurons at >75% efficiency within 10 d of differentiation. The resulting neurons express canonical markers and functional properties of human nociceptors, including tetrodotoxin (TTX)-resistant, SCN10A-dependent sodium currents and response to nociceptive stimuli such as ATP and capsaicin. Neuronal fate acquisition occurs about threefold faster than during in vivo development, suggesting that use of small-molecule pathway inhibitors could become a general strategy for accelerating developmental timing in vitro. The quick and high-efficiency derivation of nociceptors offers unprecedented access to this medically relevant cell type for studies of human pain.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are unique in their ability to initiate a primary immune response by the presentation of soluble Ags to T cells. Recent studies have shown that DC also phagocytose particulate Ags including the intracellular pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis. However, it is not known whether DC contain the growth of intracellular organisms or allow unlimited replication. To address this question, we infected human DC with a virulent strain of M. tuberculosis and monitored the intracellular growth. The bacteria grew two orders of magnitude within 7 days of culture. Among cytokines known to modulate mycobacterial growth particularly in murine macrophages (TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, TGF-beta, IL-4), only IL-10 modulated the growth in human DC. This effect was specific for immature dendritic cells, as IL-10 did not induce growth inhibition in human macrophages. In searching for the mechanism of growth inhibition, we found that IL-10 induces the down-regulation of the DC marker CD1, while the macrophage marker CD14 was up-regulated. Functionally, IL-10-treated cells had a reduced capacity to induce an alloresponse, but phagocytic uptake of M. tuberculosis was more efficient. We also show that DC are inferior to macrophages in containing mycobacterial growth. These findings show that IL-10 converts DC into macrophage-like cells, thereby inducing the growth inhibition of an intracellular pathogen. At the site of a local immune response, such as a tuberculous granuloma, IL-10 might therefore participate in the composition of the cellular microenvironment by affecting the maturity and function of DC.  相似文献   

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