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With slight modifications, conventional assay procedures forK+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl, NO3, H2PO4, fructoseand fructose-yielding saccharides, and glucose were applicableto the extract of Phaseolus pulvini. About 10 ml of a hot-waterextract from about 30 mg fresh weight of the pulvini was sufficientfor separate measurement of the ions and saccharides named above. (Received August 7, 1979; )  相似文献   

The bovine fecal microbiota impacts human food safety as well as animal health. Although the bacteria of cattle feces have been well characterized using culture-based and culture-independent methods, techniques have been lacking to correlate total community composition with community function. We used high throughput sequencing of total DNA extracted from fecal material to characterize general community composition and examine the repertoire of microbial genes present in beef cattle feces, including genes associated with antibiotic resistance and bacterial virulence. Results suggest that traditional 16S sequencing using “universal” primers to generate full-length sequence may under represent Acitinobacteria and Proteobacteria. Over eight percent (8.4%) of the sequences from our beef cattle fecal pool sample could be categorized as virulence genes, including a suite of genes associated with resistance to antibiotic and toxic compounds (RATC). This is a higher proportion of virulence genes found in Sargasso sea, chicken cecum, and cow rumen samples, but comparable to the proportion found in Antarctic marine derived lake, human fecal, and farm soil samples. The quantitative nature of metagenomic data, combined with the large number of RATC classes represented in samples from widely different habitats indicates that metagenomic data can be used to track relative amounts of antibiotic resistance genes in individual animals over time. Consequently, these data can be used to generate sample-specific and temporal antibiotic resistance gene profiles to facilitate an understanding of the ecology of the microbial communities in each habitat as well as the epidemiology of antibiotic resistant gene transport between and among habitats.  相似文献   

We have validated and compared two direct methods for the determination of fatty acids in feces by capillary gas chromatography. Method I consisted of esterification of fatty acids using acetyl chloride. Method II used boron trifluoride-methanol as esterification reagent. The two methods were assayed with and without previous freeze-drying of the fecal sample. We found that the two methods could be carried out without sample freeze-drying. Precision and recovery rates were determined and the results were satisfactory. Both methods gave similar results, but Method II has certain advantages over Method I, such as speed, safety, and better recovery rates.  相似文献   



The microbiota of an animal's intestinal tract plays important roles in the animal's overall health, productivity and well-being. There is still a scarcity of information on the microbial diversity in the gut of livestock species such as cattle. The primary reason for this lack of data relates to the expense of methods needed to generate such data. Here we have utilized a bacterial tag-encoded FLX 16s rDNA amplicon pyrosequencing (bTEFAP) approach that is able to perform diversity analyses of gastrointestinal populations. bTEFAP is relatively inexpensive in terms of both time and labor due to the implementation of a novel tag priming method and an efficient bioinformatics pipeline. We have evaluated the microbiome from the feces of 20 commercial, lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

In vivo total antioxidant capacity: comparison of different analytical methods   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Several methods have been developed to measure the total antioxidant capacity of a biological sample. The use of peroxyl or hydroxyl radicals as pro-oxidants in the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay makes it different and unique from the assays that involve oxidants that are not necessarily pro-oxidants. An improvement in quantitation is achieved in the ORAC assay by taking the reaction between substrate and free radicals to completion and using an area-under-curve technique for quantitation compared to the assays that measure a lag phase. The interpretation of the changes in plasma or serum antioxidant capacity becomes complicated by the different methods used in detecting these changes. The interpretation also depends upon the conditions under which the antioxidant capacity is determined because the measurement reflects outcomes in a dynamic system. An increased antioxidant capacity in plasma or serum may not necessarily be a desirable condition if it reflects a response to increased oxidative stress. Similarly, a decrease in plasma or serum antioxidant capacity may not necessarily be an undesirable condition if the measurement reflects decreased production of reactive species. Because of these complications, no single measurement of antioxidant status is going to be sufficient, but a "battery" of measurements, many of which will be described in Forum articles, will be necessary to adequately assess oxidative stress in biological systems.  相似文献   

The selenium determination in biological materials by the classical fluorometric method (FM) is time-consuming and also hazardous, as it requires the destruction of the organic matrix samples with hot HNO3/HClO4 mixtures prior to analysis. Accordingly, commercial analytical laboratories are increasingly using faster instrumental methods; for sample digestion, avoid using HClO4. Because of these procedural changes, the results obtained by commercial laboratories may be unreliable, especially for samples containing Se in organic forms. One such “difficult” substrate is Se yeast, which contains most of its Se as selenomethionine. To establish which methods for Se analysis and sample digestion are applicable, samples of Se yeast and of selenomethionine standards were sent to laboratories employing either flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), or hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS). The result were compared with those obtained by FM and non-destructive instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). ICP-MS, after microwave digestion of sample with HNO3/H2O2, produced results within 5% of the expected values, as did those obtained by FM and INAA. With FAAS, acceptable results were obtained after digestion with HNO3/HCl. With HGAAS, sample digestion with HNO3/H2O2 produced values that were systematically elevated by about 10% and exhibited standard deviations of ≥10%. Thus, current methods of sample digestion are applicable for Se yeast analysis by ICP-MS and FAAS, but not by HGAAS.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal models are often used to estimate internal muscle forces and the effects of those forces on the development of human movement. The Hill-type muscle model is an important component of many of these models, yet it requires specific knowledge of several muscle and tendon properties. These include the optimal muscle fibre length, the length at which the muscle can generate maximum force, and the tendon slack length, the length at which the tendon starts to generate a resistive force to stretch. Both of these parameters greatly influence the force-generating behaviour of a musculotendon unit and vary with the size of the person. However, these are difficult to measure directly and are often estimated using the results of cadaver studies, which do not account for differences in subject size. This paper examined several different techniques that can be used to scale the optimal muscle fibre length and tendon slack length of a musculotendon unit according to subject size. The techniques were divided into three categories corresponding to linear scaling, scaling by maintaining a constant tendon slack length throughout the range of joint motion, and scaling by maintaining muscle operating range throughout the range of joint motion. We suggest that a good rationale for scaling muscle properties should be to maintain the same force-generating characteristics of a musculotendon unit for all subjects, which is best achieved by scaling that preserves the muscle operating range when the muscle is maximally activated.  相似文献   

Oysters (Crassostrea virginica) were collected monthly from May 1998 to April 1999 from Mobile Bay, Ala., and analyzed to determine Vibrio parahaemolyticus densities at zero time and after 5, 10, and 24 h of postharvest storage at 26 degrees C. After 24 h of storage at 26 degrees C, oysters were transferred to a refrigerator at 3 degrees C and then analyzed 14 to 17 days later. The V. parahaemolyticus numbers were determined by the most-probable-number procedure using alkaline phosphatase-labeled DNA probe VPAP, which targets the species-specific thermolabile hemolysin gene (tlh), to identify suspect isolates (MPN-VPAP procedure). Two direct plating methods, one using a VPAP probe (Direct-VPAP) and one using a digoxigenin-labeled probe (Direct-VPDig) to identify suspect colonies, were compared to the MPN-VPAP procedure. The results of the Direct-VPAP and Direct-VPDig techniques were highly correlated (r = 0.91), as were the results of the Direct-VPAP and MPN-VPAP procedures (r = 0.91). The correlation between the Direct-VPDig and MPN-VPAP results was 0.85. The two direct plating methods in which nonradioactive DNA probes were used were equivalent to the MPN-VPAP procedure for identification of total V. parahaemolyticus, and they were more rapid and less labor-intensive.  相似文献   

Comparisons of enrichment methods (with or without antibiotics and with or without a preenrichment step) using gram-negative (GN) broth or tryptic soy broth (TSB) were conducted with feeds inoculated with Escherichia coli O157:H7. TSB was more sensitive than GN broth, and TSB with a preenrichment step followed by TSB with antibiotics was more sensitive than plain TSB enrichment, in detecting E. coli O157 in inoculated feeds. Feed samples were collected from feed bunks from 54 feedlots to determine the prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle feeds. TSB preenrichment followed by TSB with antibiotics and the standard GN broth enrichment were used for each feed sample. All samples underwent immunomagnetic separation and were plated onto sorbitol MacConkey agar with cefixime and potassium tellurite. Identification of E. coli O157 was based on indole production, positive latex agglutination for O157 antigen, API 20E test strip results, PCR for the eaeA gene, and the presence of at least one Shiga toxin. E. coli O157 was detected in 52 of 504 feed samples (10.3%) by using GN broth enrichment and in 46 of 504 feed samples (9.1%) by using TSB followed by TSB supplemented with cefixime and vancomycin. E. coli O157 was detected in 75 of 504 feed bunk samples (14.9%) by one or both methods. There was no correlation between E. coli O157 prevalence and generic coliform counts in feeds. The prevalence of E. coli O157 in cattle feed warrants further studies to increase our knowledge of the on-farm ecology of E. coli O157 in order to develop strategies to prevent food-borne disease in humans.  相似文献   

The concentration and prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle feces at the time of slaughter was studied over a 9-week period from May to July 2002. Fecal samples (n = 589) were collected from the rectums of slaughtered cattle, and the animal-level prevalence rate was estimated to be 7.5% (95% confidence interval [CI], 5.4 to 9.6%) while the group prevalence was 40.4% (95% CI, 27.7 to 53.2%). Of the 44 infected animals detected, 9% were high shedders that contained E. coli O157 at concentrations of >10(4) CFU g(-1). These 9% represented >96% of the total E. coli O157 produced by all animals tested. All isolates possessed the vt(2) gene, 39 had the eaeA gene, and a further five had the vt(1) gene also. The presence of high-shedding animals at the abattoir increases the potential risk of meat contamination during the slaughtering process and stresses the need for correctly implemented hazard analysis and critical control point procedures.  相似文献   

When aspiration was used, 80 oocytes were recovered from 185 ovarian follicles, whereas 155 oocytes were recovered by rupturing 154 isolated follicles (P < 0.01).Two oocytes were found in each of three isolated follicles, three oocytes in one follicle and no oocytes in four follicles.Of the oocytes recovered by aspiration, 45% were morphologically normal, whereas 63.2% morphologically normal oocytes were recovered from isolated follicles (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the feasibility of dilution of the cryoprotectant by a sucrose solution in the straw followed by direct transfer without any selection of the embryos. A comparison was made between the method described by Renard et al. (7) and a method slightly modified from that published by Leibo (8). The feasibility is proved by a mean pregnancy rate of 41.4%. Although the difference was not statistically significant, the method described by Renard et al. (7) led to a higher pregnancy rate (44.7%) than that of Leibo (8) (38.5%).  相似文献   

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